So do we all agree that this guy is usually on top of things and speaks for consumers but ruins his own credibility...

So do we all agree that this guy is usually on top of things and speaks for consumers but ruins his own credibility? Does anyone else find themselves agreeing with him but then cringing and muting the videos when he starts doing his stupid voices and skits? He's smart but he makes himself look like a fucking idiot and a loser who shouldn't be taken seriously. Who is this niche audience who appreciates both his critiques which appeal only to your average Yea Forums browser AND his childishly formatted jokes that would only appeal to r/funny browsers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he is like totalbiscuit + political bias. god i wish tb was still alive

kys faggot

>Who is this niche audience who appreciates both his critiques which appeal only to your average Yea Forums browser AND his childishly formatted jokes that would only appeal to r/funny browsers?

804k subscribers apparently.
For me the "comedy" is just something to sit through or skip past. I would prefer that he did away with it but it's whatever.

>Get Cancer and Die

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I cant wait for this fat retard to die of a heart attack

Why does Yea Forums get hung up on that statement? If anything it shows TB was our guy. Shitposting all the way

>It's ok to censor dead or alive cause I'm a feminist

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>agreeing with him but then cringing
His video on the phone TES game was exactly like that for me, he sucks even at taking the piss of a shitty game.

Even if you hate him you should appreciate that he is one of a very few high profile game journalists who is pro consumer. When he does die of a heart attack there will be one less voice to fight for us gamers who hate the modern industry. Guys like him don't even get given a chance anymore the industry tries to destroy or bury them before they get traction now, he has worked for over 10 years to get to his 800k subs.

he's a retard who needs to succumb to his eating disorder through cardiac arrest, fuck any faggot want games to be quality checked, that would prevent so many good indie games to exist. He has to look 3x as hard for those shovel ware steam games. Most are 1$ and I've gotten 90% off coupons making them 10 cents. They are usually 10 cents worth of fun. I'd much rather asset flip games sit on page 49 with negative reviews then lose good games.

probably just triggered people who are seething because they know people who died from cancer

Jim sterling built himself up complaining about fuckin steam and microtransactions. All his content is him complaining about shit that everyone already dislikes. He just constantly preaches to the choir and nitpicks over the dumbest shit. "Hey guys, steam greenlight is really terrible, look at this trash game that made it on to steam, that no one is going to buy and is irrelevant outside of me making a video on it." Also he works with that retarded tranny laura kate dale, famous for fake nintendo leaks and claiming that a persona 5 song says "retarded"


Yeah, he's on the level when its all about games and consumer culture.
His personal life is a dumpster fire (never google this nigga's girlfriend- EVER) and its obvious that he still needs some self development. (I mean really, Jim no one needs to be 400 lbs to be down with the current political climate. Use that money to hire a fucking personal trainer)

And most of his video's can be shaved by 8-10 minutes after his main thesis has been exhausted. The rest is just redundant.

Like Yahtzee, he's kinda phoning it in, these days.

I have no idea who the fuck is still paying Movie Bob (aka Movie Dobson) to say anything about media, though That guy is legitimate garbage.

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what consumer rights was he fighting for when he and a bunch of his tranny friends strong-armed a dev into changing the name of his game because it was "transphobic"?

He's retarded sodomite with narcissistic personality disorder and has nothing of value to say.

Tell me more about this. I know his gfs a fucking nut, but I had no idea this dude had actual friends.

Jim Sterling says some great things and some pants-on-head retarded things. It's completely on and off depending on communism.
I do find it funny how many people got pissed off over him pointing out genuine issues with Steam, then called him an Epic shill despite him being pretty outspoken against the Epic store.

Go watch your fat fuck of a wife get gangbanged while you jerk off in a corner, Jim

Is this the only games reviewer who treats the video game medium with the exact amount of jest and seriousness it needs. His reviews are basically just light hearted memes but they still inform you and are entertaining.

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His friend would be Laura Kate Dale, a nutty tranny who was in the news recently for her fun little kotaku piece on a persona 5 song

left for two months and you faggots are still posting these jim sterling threads with the same fucking lard gargling image

Total "The wife ain't woke so her neck gets broke" Biscuit
Total "Complains about 60fps, life capped at 33" Biscuit
Total "Cynical Brit isn't worried about blood in his shit" Biscuit"

I find it fucking hilarious this cunt ended up dying with his last thoughts being about renewing fortnite. Dumb motherfucker should have gone to the doc earlier.

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Those who remain truly unbiased are seen as biased from both sides.

Not the guy you’re replying to, but I can’t wait for this fat retard to die of a heart attack.

Nigga I just came back after 5 years and this place is a nightmare, you should just be glad this place is somewhat recognisable for you

Sometimes he says shit i can get behind
Sometimes he says shit thats completely retarded

>So do we all agree that this guy is usually on top of things and speaks for consumers but ruins his own credibility?

I've agreed with Jim Sterling on many "issues" in gaming for years. I still think the mans a humongous fucking faggot. He's as smart as the average consumer should be, able to watch trends, gauge their excitement on new products, trying to guess at what angle a company is going to try and milk more money out of us etc. None of this is bad and what I suggest a lot of people do however, it is indeed time consuming for people with no interest in consumer electronics beyond simply consuming.


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The only complaints he ever had about steam were that any shitty asset flip could get put on it. Nevermind the fact that no one bought or engaged with these games and they just got buried in steams massive catalogue

Nah, he's a fucking idiot that intentionally spouts controversial opinions for views and clicks and flip flops almost daily. Actually, he's even worse, because he's a subhuman commie leftist on top of it all.

>Laura Kate Dale

Just Googled this monstrosity.
How does anyone take this thing seriously?

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>Berated his wife over voting Trump
>Shits blood for weeks and doesn't go to doc
>had an autistic spergout whenever a game had sub 60fps
>half the runtime of a review of a game was in the fucking options menu

Fuck off, Jim. Nobody here is autistic enough to like you.

the only people here are underage Venezuelan twitch kiddies with no hobbies
it's over

>My life as a gay autistic trans woman
This CANNOT be real, I just roared with laughter

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>Complains about 60fps, life capped at 33

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what game

>a fucking idiot that intentionally spouts controversial opinions for views and clicks and flip flops almost daily.
Jim's a faggot but if anything he's consistent. Not everyone can make the same video complaining about the same thing for 3 years straight.

I dunno YongYea is trying his best

ok but that doesnt discredit his opinions about video games
also options menu and proper fps is important on pc

space wizard pl0x


YongYea is actually watchable, been primarily watching his gaming news content since he done such great work covering MGSVs development that when he met Kojima he told him he recognised him and liked him and his videos

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Doesnt Jim also revere the dynasty warriors games as the best games ever made?

Its really real. Also check this:

>A note To Laura Kate Dale
>>>Dec 21, 2015
>Dear L.K. Dale: You don’t know me, I don’t know you, but we need to talk. Mainly, we need to talk about your inability to be a decent human being. Now, I’ll introduce myself first. I’m Traci, a computer technician who likes anime. Now, I’ll introduce you. Since I don’t know you, I’ll ask google to tell me who you are. Interestingly, one of Google’s auto-suggestions is “Laura Kate Dale lied”.
>Laura Kate Dale, in less than professional attire
Google Tells me that Laura had a breakdown when a presenter was unable to determine her preferred gender pronouns without being told, and instead using the gender neutral reference of “this person” to introduce Laura. To Laura, this was dehumanizing because the presenter was not able to tell under the fabric animal ears, rainbow wig, aviation goggles and strong masculine jawline that there was a professional female journalist. Maybe his psychic senses were not able to silently determine what pronouns Luura wished to use. His inability to tell what gender Laura is based on their appearance under a bad My Little Pony cosplay is obviously due to a pre-determined personal attack and has nothing to do with Laura looking like a dude in a wig and animal ears. Joking aside, you will notice one thing about all of this: nobody gave a shit that Laura was trans, nobody raised a stink about someone being unable to tell their preferred gender from their physical appearance, until Laura did it herself, fabricating events to blow the situation out of proportion.

>Checking Google, this seems to be a re-occurring trend surrounding Laura, taking the smallest of sleights, intentional or not, and blowing them up to draw attention.
> Journalism tip: write the news, don’t be the news.

Attached: Laura.jpg (300x300, 27K)

kill yourself you fat subhuman sjw loser

imagine unironically looking into a mirror with a face like that and thinking you look cool. How many katanas do you think he owns? heres her little persona 5 piece

i'm ready

You know you would let it suck your cock if nobody found out.

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His opinions are pure garbage because he overstresses tiny insignificant nitpicks and very rarely praised good aspects of games he saw as garbage. And sure, I'll humor you on the options menu. However I entirely disagree with spending nearly 30 minutes on fucking text and slider bars.
The loser was about as useful as WorthABuy. Jaded piece of subhuman garbage.

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>had an autistic spergout whenever a game had sub 60fps
>half the runtime of a review of a game was in the fucking options menu
These are actually good things.

Myonzard get

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Why is everyone in this industry so grotesque looking

He knows his stuff when it comes to the games industry, but he lives in a total bubble and doesn't really understand anything outside of it. Unfortunately, he thinks he's smarter than he actually is and can't stop shoving his uninformed opinions about politics or the economy into discussions, making it hard to take anything he says seriously. And when anyone disagrees with him, he doubles down. It just gets tiring.

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Oh God, it gets worse.
Don't Google Jim's "friends" , lads....

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Used to enjoy him alot, after awhile I got tired of the same similes and metaphors, also most games are shit now.

Hey I found a wooden toy train train. Is it yours? Judging by the oddly shaped bite marks on it, I think it is.

At least six of them.
Each one has flames etched on the blade.

YongYea is just Jim Sterling without the shitty political injections or, in fact, any personality at all. I'd like him better if all his videos were half as long as they are, but he stretches out every topic without adding anything beyond an initial summary until I just get sick of hearing him talk.

Reminds me of this one

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He's a communist.

>I don't want my games to run smoothly
>I am OK with literal "graphics: on/ff" tier settings

dudes been dead for a year. thanks for showing me this is either a pasta or you have no fucking idea what youre talking about

Actually, I just realised JimSterling is just long format YongYea. Jim spends minutes of every video just reading back an article. Yong's whole career is just him reading articles.

Rolling fo

I can not and will not listen to a 500 lb cuckold who literally can not complete a single sentence in any video without gasping for air like a drowning man.


This. He was a pure pc master race shitposter and for some reason people use the fact that he was a cunt to support his fucking death. We’re all cunts holy shit.

He tries to be very much pro consumer but some of his stuff is way too dumb (stuff like dark souls needing an easy mode)

I don't think so. It doesn't look very hygienic.

Wizards are p gay

Attached: Wizards.jpg (933x1352, 359K)

>advocates that it's a moral right to pirate Nintendo games
>is a fat piece of shit outside the times when this broken clock is right twice a day


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Imagine getting this game and being baited into to "dating" this.
Jesus, the delusion.

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This is the same retard who whined about the Activision layoffs and CEO when said CEOs pay was less than what it would have cost to keep said employees. Nor did he acknowledge the said employees were just useless middle management positions

Man TB would be ravaging all these devs mistreating PC and the epic exclusive shit if he was alive. I fucking miss him, he had a lot of power when it came to criticizing PC shit, i mean he even had a mayor role on convincing from to port Dark Souls


thanks for the bump

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he's really boring with most of his criticism and it sounds like with every passing video that he's just about done

the guy is obviously realizing he has zero impact on the industry and now tries to piggyback better youtubers like ross in hopes of staying relevant

He is, was, and always will be a shit-talker. Nobody likes shit-talkers even if they're 100% correct.

Came to read, stayed for the roll


>Be a pile of human garbage in life
>Bemoan others opinions
>Be fucking obnoxious online
>"Well he died from cancer so obviously that frees him from disparagement"
I don't support his death, but I'm not gonna respect the cunt post mortem lmao.

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>despite making all my money from patreon in exhange for the goods i make that made me into a rich man
He can be right on some things, but hes a egomaniac commie cuck who cant see irony even if it hits him in the face.
Also a guy who made his name by being a troll and writing fake bait reviews, and attacking random popular people on twitter now acts like some great authority on whats right,
Another case of "do how i say not how i act" faggot.

>Jim Sterling

Wait what? What kinda cuckery is going on here Yea Forumsirgins? I thought you had better taste than to listen to middle aged pretentious fucktwats that hufs their own farts and think their taste of video games are good or even decent. For fuck sake.

>speaks for consumers
>haha Sonic Forces is actually really good, guys
No, fuck off

Sonic Forces you to push square to win and give Jim his Sega shill money

He sometimes has a good point but his cringy online personality makes me want to puke. Also, I feel his videos are always way to long, he makes some good observations and then keeps on sperging for at least 10 more minutes.

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I think you should go back to instagram and practice some more on Yea Forums meme pages before you come back.


What memoirs a fat trans lesbian could have that are worth reading? "i was born then i got fat and when nobody boned me i became a trans whale" + fake accounts of discrimination to pad the book ? riveting tales right there.

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I stopped watching him when he started shilling for Epig Games

Are there any "good" people that make long-form videos on gaming, or are all of them pedophile cucks who cheat on their wives and get illnesses?

>Yea Forums worships fat stupid niggers that don't play video games

this is why you never get laid

I'd read a book about their descent into madness.

I don't watch Jim Sterling videos because I'm not a flaming faggot.

>Also, I feel his videos are always way to long, he makes some good observations and then keeps on sperging for at least 10 more minutes.
All those youtube commentators do it since 10 minutes is required by youtube to get into recommendations.
Thats why i dont watch them anymore, they sude to make 3-5 minute videos, fucking TB made 30min ones when he went on rants about 50 different things, but now those fucks talk for 10-20 minutes about 1 minute of material.

This is the most disgusting shit I’ve ever seen. Why do we pretend this is normal?

>us gamers

Watch KingK, ExoParadigmGamer, and ImplantGames

I legitimately want to know whats in it it.
But I am afraid to expose myself to whatever surely illness lurks in there.

Might make a good ghost story.

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>So do we all agree
that ecelebs are fucking garbage and not Yea Forums?

fucking kys and every else who bumped this trash.

I would be shocked to find him saying something correct.

>"Me smert consumer, me get all me opinions from u-toobers. They must be smerter than me b-cuz other people follow them
Fuck right off with this shit. Think for yourselves you retarded monkeys. Some assholes opinions don't fucking matter Have we really fallen so low as to get all of our opinions from some faggots with microphones?

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Fuck off faggot

figures. pinky pork is right up your alley Yea Forums. you're both faggots.

Thank you. I'll pop on one of their vids that looks interesting. Any suggestions on where I should start?

>and now tries to piggyback better youtubers like ross
What did he do to Ross?

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>the only alternative to modern unchecked capitalism is a full blown communist totalitary state
imagine being this retarded in this day and age

For any of them, I would suggest basically just starting by looking if they have any videos on games you know well yourself
And for Exo in particular, watch some of his Remake or Rebreak videos, he does a good job at comparing remakes much more objectively than most reviewers do

too easy

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Kill yourself commie

I enjoy his ranting on industry money making schemes or talks about people like Randy. I ignore his game reviews.

Only reviewer I listen too but I also know what genres to ignore his opinion on.

>Fat commie anglo tranny

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He's not on the side of consumers. He's against corporations. Significant difference.

So he's a Totalbiscuit who isn't a spineless centrist. What's wrong with that?

all those are gross, but KingK is the worst.

He's a stupid doomer who gets butthurt and goes into pissyfit mode at the slightest drop of criticism.


Fuck this pro-Sarkeesina anglo.

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Is this the feminist version of goblina? I like it.

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Any video creators that are more along your preferences? No lets-players, please, unless the content they make is edited highlights. I don't like watching longform playthroughs, usually.

>actual, factual cuckold married to some -3/10 tranny
>disgustingly obese
>assuredly a social justice freak
Fuck off.

>shit taste in games
>horrible accent (and I am British myself, his accent is awful)
how can you take this guy seriously? I would rather watch boogie

What game did they criticize that you liked

(J)RPG, military shooters

What else?

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lel, nobody listens to fatso

strategy games, fighting games, most Nintendo stuff that isn't Paper Mario

The only thing he's on top of is an endless buffet

ballsack wizard here we come


all the ones I liked either sold out or just stopped uploading frequently. there's barely anyone left, and most long-form/video essay makers on youtube are so cookie cutter now, regurgitating the same info from wikipedia and the same developer interviews for a few minutes and then it's like 3 minutes of them giving their opinion on the game out of the rest of the long form stuff.

Glennplant is like the only one left I like watching for more of a archival style, but his frequency in uploading has slowed to a crawl

Jim has never been wrong about anything.

God fucking no, I haven't listened to a word vomited out of his greasy maw since he gave Modern Warfare 2 a fucking 9.5/10 while praising its story

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I used to listen to him but every video kinda plays out the same and his takes on things gets stale.
There are smarter more articulate people doing the same thing he is.

I used to hate Jim, but he's honestly one of the smartest voices on YouTube when it comes to gaming industry shit

I used to prefer RazorFist, but he lost his fucking mind and turned into Sean Hannity for Zoomers.

never trust anyone that fat

>make a good point
>reiterate the point
>make the point again
>repeat the point
>say the same point again
>oh good the video is 10 minutes long so it's monetizable

Every video

No, he is a loser idiot with a terrible sense of humor. He’s just stating the obvious from a platform, often mixed with his poorly thought out politics and ideals.

All he does is look at random opinions online and decide which position makes him look smart, even though he doesn't believe the shit he spouts.
The definition of a wind socket.

she's cute holy fuck


>Be a pile of human garbage in life
>Bemoan others opinions
>Be fucking obnoxious online
You mean like Yea Forums? JFC you people are grade A hypocrites.


we should euthanize everyone who uses /pol/ tbfh senpai baka lmao

TB was a hardcore leftie, even more after he was diagnosed cancer and had to start treatment

wtf is Sargon of applebees posting on Yea Forums now?
>muh individualism

He's unfunny and physically repulses me, but he's pretty much right about everything.

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I think he's a weirdo and a massive SJW but rarely lets it influence his videos and most of the stuff he says about the industry is spot on.
nothing wrong with that.

It's for the best that he speaks specifically on the absurdity of the games industry. The games industry is, pardon the expression, clown world. It's the only industry where people can buy a product they may not actually receive, can expect a product they bought which still functions just fine to stop working in the future, and can, at best, lease a fair number of it's products with the understanding that it will never, ever be theirs. even if they pay full price for it. What's more is that it's the only industry where the people who were brought on to criticize it will actively defend it to the death based entirely on the perception that it may not be around if these retarded policies aren't allowed to fester.

'Clown world' gets thrown around a lot and mostly by people describing politics, but the games industry is an industry that could have only been created by clowns. No other industry could get away with the shit it does and still be expected to have customers at the end of the day. Doubly so for an entertainment medium which is VOLUNTARY to participate in.

The sad fact of the matter is the vast majority of gamers are crack addicts who will go through much of anything to get a hit and very few industry professionals and journalists give a shit as long as they get their fix, too.

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He's doing something out of his life, getting elected to the European parliament, unlike you, Jim "Too sick to hold a job" Metokur.

He kept it out of his gaming videos though, you'd only see his political views on Twitter and livestreams.

>spineless centrist
The dude nearly assaulted his wife for not being leftist enough.

Anyone remember Jim when he was running the Destrutoid Podcast together with Anthony Burch and they weren't total faggots yet? I used to really like their stuff but Burch became even more of a hack and Jim is fucking unwatchable, pandering to his patreon crowd to make his e-begging money. Really sad to see what he became.

I don't need to know other people's opinions on video games because they don't matter to me.

>I'm not a gamer, that's cringy, I just regularly browse a 15+ year old internet forum owned by chinamen about video games!

>spineless centrist
people who think not supporting the authoritarian left (sjws) or the authoritarian right (stormfags) equals centrist are mentally ill

And nobody who followed him on youtube only would know about his political leanings. Why are you so obsessed?

>Does anyone else find themselves agreeing with him but then cringing and muting the videos when he starts doing his stupid voices and skits? He's smart but he makes himself look like a fucking idiot and a loser who shouldn't be taken seriously
He's always been like this and I find it a pain too.

People still hardcore hate him and I think a little bit of that would fade if he wasn't so obnoxious. People care too much about his political views, who his wife is fucking and which cocks he's sucked in the past to kinda just see that more often than not he has a pretty good point while other journos/ex-journos are still sucking the game industry's dick. Sometimes you need to be able to distance the opinion from the personality and he's very much one of those types of people.

Either that or literally everyone here is still turbomad about the time he was wrong saying that they wouldn't censor DoA . There's not that many DoA fans on earth though.

like clockwork.

>not supporting class war

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Stating the obvious but being a massive faggot about it doesn't help anyone.

He's doing more harm then good because of it.

/vpol/ doesn't like him because he's kind of queer and like with all of /vpol/'s boogiemen.

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I don't agree with him, but I've only seen parts of his game difficulty modes videos. His shtick of dressing up in a goofy outfit and acting like the opposing view is ridiculous annoyed me and I couldn't make it through the video.

Yeah, you're right. Fuck, I wish I could have british fags throw milkshakes at me on the streets and be the laughingstock of the whole UK media.

>Total "Complains about 60fps, life capped at 33" Biscuit

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what does that even mean

unironically redpilled OP
fighting anti-consumerist practices to the teeth + posting pics of self cum on self face on twitter is a weird combination but the only one we have

rolling my rolling pin

He literally gets mad at the idea of removing cancer from videogames because it's "removing content from players"
This retarded way of thinking has led to irreversable cancer to the point where you get OSRS and RS3, and Classic WoW and Retail WoW.
Because "muh cut content" there literally has to be 2 builds of the same game.

because politics can simply be boiled down to the good guys (the democrats) vs the bad guys (republicans). If you somehow are centrist in these times were facism, racism and sexism are abound everywhere trying to deteriorate our laws, openly defying justice and inviting foreign invaders into our country.

When Nazis invaded, the towns that supported or ignored them are grouped up as Nazis while the ones who resisted were heroes. When history looks back at this moment, people like you who stood by and inadvertently supported evil will be remembered as the mentally ill.

This. Disagreeing with two groups of idiots doesn't make you a centrist.

>in our times
Our times is the post-modern times. Post-modern philosophy doesn't use objective morality.
You are colossally stupid.

>right wing bad
hi destiny
any plans on taking care of your kid in the future?

based and reasonpilled

He is anti-gamergate.

Pro-consumer of cum he is.

I was just saying TB did have a political bias you colossal faggot

gamergate was a female harassment campaign by gamers, anyone sane would be anti gamergate.

Fuck off child

What does that have to do with the comment you replied to? Are you unable to consider that people have many different opinions or is this your "DoA" situation that you can't get over?

Kinda seems like you fucked up and replied to the wrong post though.

my fucking sides.

And to 99% of his followers his opinions were his youtube channel. Just because you were obsessed enough to follow him on facebook doesnt mean other people were

>Total "Complains about 60fps, life capped at 33" Biscuit

Attached: sides.jpg (192x191, 7K)

it was not , don't be riddiculus

who is this fag, some eceleb you retards worship?

King me

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wtf are you talking about? have you ever listened to a single one of his podcasts?. He did not hide his political views and opinions from his youtube channel AT ALL.

Link to a podcast and timestamp where he talked about politics

I'll be waiting

Ew. Reroll for 1 last time

The notion of being on the "correct" side of history (i.e. the good guys vs the bad guys) is uniquely postmodernist, because it phrases the world not as a grand metanarrative of "these guys are the good guys and these guys are the bad guys", but rather as "these guys won, so they get to dictate what is good or bad". The thing you don't seem to recognize is not that we live in the times of this being an active process, but as correctly pointed out, it has already been decided who the good guys are and who the bad guys are, because one side has already won.

Your argument that absolute statements like good vs bad go against morally relativist ideals is only correct on the surface level. Once you deconstruct the good/bad binary and consider what it means to be revered as "good" or condemned as "bad" you rejection of the grand modernist metanarrative falls apart. Because there very clearly is a metanarrative, it is just important to recognize that it is artificially constructed.

Postmodernist philosophy is very fascinating, because it actively seeks to challenge base assumptions, even of itself.

>muh collectivism

this one with crendor for example

Ok Ben Shapiro

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Shapiro is a conservative, postmodernism is a bit too complicated for them.

lol , check this guy with a boner for postmodernism.

Let me know how well Kant's objectification fits in with postmodernist philosophy.
Mental gymnastics for everone!


I'll take that as admission that you're talking out of your ass. And you're a newfag on top of that

He somehow manages to be an even bigger faggot than totalbiscuit.

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He either says things that are completely obvious, or things that are wrong. He's not that bad at voicing his opinion, but his opinion is pretty mediocre and he's also very hypocritical.

After completely forgetting about him for several years straight, I've got back into watching him lately and I've enjoyed it. I don't think watching EVERY review ZP puts out is what you're meant to do, unless you're literally buying and are interesting in every game that comes out, in which case you have bigger problems.

Yahtzee's indie games are pretty good. I got close to completing Poacher recently, but the game glitched and lost my save after getting past Rebecca's dad ghost swarm so I cba to finish it.

there's no need to be upset

best post in this dumpster fire of a thread right here

I dunno, I never read Kant.
But apparently this is what the feminists based their idea of objectification on and all I have to say about this is that Kant had a very unhealthy relationship to his carnal desires, he should've gotten laid more.

How they end up like this?

wasn't it modern warfare 3

epik meme friend XD

>Speaks for consumers
No he doesn't, he's constantly defending censorship because he thinks consumers are too stupid to think for themselves.

>I don't believe in free speech. Britain doesn't have it, we never needed it
That's when I started questioning his views on politics. Why would you come to America if you hate their healthcare and freedoms so much? Weren't you warned beforehand?

Did he say this on youtube? No? Then i dont fucking care

>Why would you come to America if you hate their healthcare and freedoms so much?
because he knew his retarded island would eventually be majority muslim. liberals are mostly retarded, but even they know the danger of muzzies.

>but even they know the danger of muzzies
Are you sure about that user?

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Read Nietzche before you post about post-modernism again fucking retard

No, though it wouldn't surprise me if his garbage taste shilled that as well
destructoid. com/review-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2-154804.phtml

Tell me more about Nietzsche relates to derridarian critique, I'm genuinely interested.

of course, why do you think they advocate for them, but make sure to live absolutely nowhere near them?

I rarely find myself agreeing with him

>angry that steam allows pretty much anything because they told him to pound sand and that he's some kind of cultural gatekeeper
>thinks censorship of tits is a good thing, except when it happens to a hipster indie friend he has
>states the obvious about lootboxes but has to justify that patreon somehow
>is a literal cuck

Attached: OwO Whats this2.png (247x400, 206K)

I've got a couple tranny friends who are politically kind of socialist but they are terrified of the muzzie invaders
mostly because they've actually been assaulted by them though. One was walking home from work and she narrowly dodged getting cracked in the head with a rock a gang of arab "youths" threw