How does it feel, knowing that these are the defining games of this generation?
How does it feel, knowing that these are the defining games of this generation?
These aren't Fortnite, Minecraft, PUBG & BOTW again
it'll keep the slug people faggots on console, away from PC
At least BOTW is an actual game without being overly movieshit.
why do nier fans always put their shitty game on these lists?
> MineCraft
Last Generation, also not even the defining game of that Generation
> Fortnite & PUBG
FoTM garbage, MUH Sales doesn't dictate what people actually remember as their favorite games
If history forgets Nier Automata, then fuck history!
>Witcher 3
>defining games of this generation
Haven't played BotW yet, but I'm guessing it's another meme game.
Because it's one of the circlejerked games ever, Critics & Normalfags love it
> Best Game Lists Placed in the Top 2
> 1. Ocarina of Time (75x)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (19x)
> 3. Super Mario Bros (17x)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (16x)
> 5. A Link To The Past (15x)
> 6. Breath of the Wild (13x)
> 7. Super Mario Bros 3 (13x)
> 8. Chrono Trigger (12x)
> 9. Tetris (12x)
> 10. Super Mario World (11x)
> 11. Dark Souls (11x)
> 12. Super Mario Galaxy (11x)
> 13. NieR: Automata (8x)
> 14. SoulCalibur (8x)
> 15. The Legend of Zelda (8x)
> 16. Half-Life 2 (7x)
> 17. The Last of Us (7x)
Holy fuck, why is there such a huge gap between Ocarina & everything else?
T. Soulsfag, TLOU2 will get a 97 on Metacritic & win every game of the year award, there's nothing you can do about it. It will make Bloodborne completely forgotten
>TLOU2 will get a 97
93 MAYBE 94
Half Life 2 is so fucking bad
Tetris is overrated as fuck, normalfags love to say "OH YEAH THATS MY FAVORITE GAME BECAUSE ITS OLD AS FUCK LOL IM SO DEEP FOR LIKING A CLASSIC" and then it turns out they played it one time for five minutes and never played it again
Keep telling yourself that, TLOU got a 95. Hype alone from journalists will propel it to a 97
>meme game
>using meme as an adjective
nostalgia is a hard drug.
Pff, play more gamesbinstead of reading shitty magazines, ignorant asshole.
You faggots said the same thing about Red Dead Redemption 2, TLOU is infinitely more acclaimed then any game Rockstar has ever made & has the Sony marketing machine behind it.
>there are people on this board who openly express their love for TLOU
This place has fallen.
That nostalgia wouldn't exist if it wasn't as perfect as it was for kids growing up & compared to everything else from the 90s. For it's Era it literally is the untouchable GOAT
BOTW is horrible dude
I don't like it, i'm being objective & realistic. Normalfags will remember these 4 games as the defining games of this generation, no amount of contrarianism from Yea Forums will change that. Normies parrot what Critics tell them
Stay assmad DMC-Cuck
>doesn't like the game
>defends anyway
What the fuck? Go outside, you smelly NEET.
BOTW is a tech demo that only exists to give us a superior sequel that will shit on it in every single regard
I think that Bloodborne should replace TLoU 2.
> Literally lost every award to Fallout 4, Witcher 3, MGS5 & Undertale
> Generation defining
Bloodborne fags are mentally ill, at least Dark Souls ended up turning the tables on Skyrim & is now more acclaimed in the long run. Bloodborne is forgotten & mediocre garbage.
No, just the Old Hunter's DLC alone is worth 1000 of that sleep inducing movie
Today I will remind them.
Bloodborne is considered by many (including more than a few "reviewers") to be FromSoft's Magnum Opus. There's no reason for PC gamers to be salty now that it's available on that Playstation subscription service.
BOTW should have been more story driven, the actual storytelling was offensively bad & the story was non existent in the game
Ratio of movie to gameplay is significantly higher with TLOU than BotW
Weak bait user, but that does beg an interesting question: What ARE the defining games of this generation? Probably gotta go with pic related, if we're sticking to the 2x2. Like it or not, these games defined their respective demographics, from online multiplayer casual stuff, to open world exploration, to tight mechanical gameplay. I can't think of any better examples then these 4.
anyone who has ever played overwatch deserves to suffer
Sorta besides the point. It still clocks over 35 million active monthly users. You simply cannot deny that it's the game that defined this generation for a HUGE number of people. Again, maybe you're not in that demographic, which is fine, but we're discussing the whole gen here. Obviously not every game is for everyone.
user, I hate to be that guy, but Fortnite's "reported" income numbers decimate the entire gaming industry.
None of those are considered masterpieces except BOTW
I've been debating replaying a Zelda game. I'm currently torn between OoT and LttP. I own BotW, but I could literally break or lose the disk, and wouldn't care.
That said, I think that the sequel built on the BotW engine has the potential to be the best Zelda game ever.
I disagree.
Honestly I think Zeldafags don't want a story-driven game because at the end of the day it's the same shit always. Imagine if Dark Souls had like a dozen of sequels with the same cycle bullshit? It's unbearable.
feels good user
Sales means nothing, it’s irrelevant. Critical acclaim is the only thing that matters. GTA V sold 100 million & TLOU is still the most acclaimed game of the decade behind BOTW
most acclaimed is witcher 3, but you were close
You are entitled to your opinion, but BotW is wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. RE4 has been overdone to hell and back, and SotC is one of the few games I got too bored to finish.
I could go on, but I will just leave it as that I find NieR: Automata is worse than the original NieR in most ways, and I own the Black Box edition.
GOTY awards mean absolutely nothing just like Sales faggotry
All of them define the generation for their respective demographics. Not calling Fortnite or Overwatch masterpieces is pretty retarded. The proof is in the numbers user. They generate more enjoyment for more players than any other games this gen. To deny that is simply autistic. This is neo-Yea Forums though, so who knows.
Not even out yet. Demo was the same scripted bullshit as the original, there's no way the AI and animations will be like that in the final release.
Will be remembered for everything except its gameplay.
Solid 7/10, sequel will be a huge improvement unless Nintendo majorly fucks up.
>Witcher 3
didn't play lol
> It sells welll so that means people consider it good
Jesus, what happened to Yea Forums?
>Critical acclaim is the only thing that matters
>but Fuck Journos
Neo-Yea Forums contradicts itself way too much for my liking. I wish I could go back to 2008.
The last of us 2 isn't even out yet, you retarded consolewarrior cockbag.
LttP is easier to pick up and play than OoT I think, it gets going a lot faster.
We grew up. At least us old fags did. neo-Yea Forums zoomer tier bullshit of "If I don't like it, that means it's a shit game" has become way too prevalent around here.
Metacritic means nothing too.
then whats the acclaim?
See this, GOTY & Sales are irrelevant to what people actually consider good games
what then? user reviews?
I'm thinking the same thing, but I haven't decided either way. I know I can glitch out past the barrier to Hyrule Field with my N64 cart, but that won't speed up the text boxes much. Besides, both get going a lot faster than WW or TP.
Best game lists are the only metric
Yeah fuck your own personal experience of actually playing the video game, what do the journalists and e-celebs think?
made by whom?
no, just stop calling every game shit because of some dumb arbitrary reason.
I don't think that "if I don't like it, that means it's a shit game," is the case, but sales aren't definitive, either. Otherwise, this entire board would love FIFA and Madden, which they clearly don't.
Automata is overrated.
The story is pseudo-philisophical horseshit, the combat is button-mashing, and you revisit the same few areas in the same small world ad nauseum. Only the most incel-y of waifufags would call it one of the best games ever.
Journalists & normalfags
> How much did this game impact us personally when it came out?
Taken from IGN this is literally the only criteria for what people consider good, notice how Sales & review scores are never mentioned?
TLOU is a 7th gen game, but ok
I fuckin wish they were
>How much did this game impact us personally when it came out?
so basically GOTYs
I prefer Automata's combat, but nothing else in comparison to NieR. Now, I'll grant you that combat is a big part of ARPGs, but I don't think the improvements to NieR's combat actually make it "better." The VA is worse, the music is worse (with a couple exceptions), the story is WAY worse.
That said, I'm glad Taro is finally getting recognized for his writing (even if I think that it's worse than D1, D3, and NieR).
No because they are irrelevant since nobody cares about GOTY awards whem making those lists. GoTY are just awards for what game is the least shit in its respective year
1 hour of movie in a 30 hour long movie game vs 1 hour movie in a 300 hour video game
IGN named Okami one of the 10 best games of the 2000s yet it didn’t make the top 100. Awards are just clickbait garbage
>GoTY are just awards for what game is the least shit in its respective year
Not even that. FFXV was nominated for GOTY (and has a GOTY edition), and it is an abortion by anyone's metrics.
>how can we show that we liked this game the most out of the year?
>GOTY? nah, lets put it on the list as #1
lol, its ok when journalists put it on a list, but not when they choose a goty, alright
Swap Bloodborne with Last of Us 2 and I agree
See, the thing is, sales are objective, critical acclaim is not. Video game journalists sell out like crazy, you can tell by the insane score inflation.
Why do people feel like they need to be validated via critical acclaim for games they "like"?
Yes, GOTY awards are paid off. Best game lists are completely subjective
Sales are only relative to marketing
I'll believe that when I see it.
they both can be paid off and be subjective
>Otherwise, this entire board would love FIFA and Madden, which they clearly don't
Contrary to popular zoomer belief, Yea Forums does not represent most gamers. The 4 games I posted are the hallmarks of this generation -on the whole-
Obviously that's not going to reflect Yea Forums. Yea Forums is now full of underaged autists, of course the majority opinion amongst neo-Yea Forums is going to the shittiest of shit taste.
And even if TLOU get a 100 Dark Souls will be better game, critic scores are shit made by normies
>Bloodborne is considered by many (including more than a few "reviewers") to be FromSoft's Magnum Opus
You mean 20 people on Yea Forums that never shut the fuck up about it. Sekiro has honestly blown Bloodborne the fuck out and managed to be From's best game since the original Dark Souls. Bloodborne came during From's period of mediocre stagnation
I mean, the numbers don't lie.
i dont think that mutt game has a strong fanbase outside muttland
How can a game not even out yet be defining of a generation?
>Sekiro a mere 1 point lower without the Sony Bonus
You're right, they don't.
User reviews suggests otherwise.
DaS2 all over again.
>User reviews
Is this you?
>far out-selling its FromSoft predecessors
didn't Dark Souls 3 sell 3 million?
Not in 10 days, not anywhere close
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Nier Automata. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of philosophy, most of the ideas will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also 9S’ nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal existential crisis draws heavily from Nietzsche, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of Nier’s themes, to realise that it’s not just cool- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Nier Automata truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the density in 9S’ existential outlashing “So what? None of it matters.” which itself is a cryptic reference to Nihilism. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Taro’s genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a YorHa tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid