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This game is now 20 years old
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rhcp were incredibly lame
First record I bought with my on money. Absolutely love those guys. Though they have not made any good music since that album.
>slides off rail
>shitty game detects an object under the board, so he's allowed to slide back on and not lose combo
Fuck this game. I'd rather take a diarrhea dump on an elephants mound of dung than play this broken piece of shit. What were they thinking?
>not going on a shirtless dragonfly ride with your bro (no homo)
Damn did it look good.
Fuck outta here with that gay ass shit.
>he doesn't like 50 year old boomers rocking out
>t. k-pop faggot
they are lame in retrospect but they were pretty cool for a while, being on the Beavis and Butthead do America soundtrack is cool enough for me.
Easily the best RHCP song
>this is considered music in 2019
I'm coming for you, zoomer.
>old music bad
That's 2015 brainlet, learn to read.
This is the new hotness.
It was hard to separate this video from Sega Dreamcast in my mind
make way for the greatest band that has ever lived
Dadrock can be ok but RHCP is like from the last millenium. it's well past that and practically Granddadrock
dear npc-posting zoomer, it's a comment on rhcp specifically, who are and were incredibly lame
no, you're just a faggot
brave words for someone upholding late 90s california pop-rock
Blood Sugar Sex Magik was insanely good. Easily their best album.
post the best track on the album and i promise to listen to it
I didnt expect I would love the band as much as I would do after first seeing them
God damn underrated band, pussywhipped is better though.
Mellowship Slinky in B Major was always my favourite. but the whole album is worth a listen if you somehow haven't heard it already.
its a shame they have to be a parody band because they're all genuinely talented. their covers are all excellent
i don't think i enjoy bass guitars enough to like this track
and yet, people say 80s rock is for "boomers" when it should be grandpa rock.
what can we call REAL old people?
goomers? or some shit, you stupid fucking kids think it up, i gotta work and make money, faggots.
It's one of those records that is best enjoyed by listening it entirely, but if I had to choose "Give it away" and "Power of equality" are good representatives of the whole thing. "Under the bridge" is the most popular.
I think red hot chili peppers were shitty. I absolutely hated them.
I did love that era with all my heart and soul.
Grunge 60th on youtube has 5k unknown 90s songs
Bundle of hiss
Visions of disorder
Green river
So many bands were good as hell
Fuck me I'm so old now that Anthony Kiedis now looks like Iggy Pop. And I'm guessing Iggy must look like a Necromancer.
60s and 70s music is old ppl music now.
80s 90s is gen x
90s is gen y
Gen y likes to listen to all things from the 60s to now.
Gen y likes shitty pop music
Gen z likes shitty pop music
Meme music and a few niche bands scattered around
>"Under the bridge" is the most popular.
oh hey i've heard this track a million times
The 90s were the last music generation because the whole generation gravitated to music as a group and didn't have to compete with youtube videos video games as much and other things.
It was engrained with the culture at the time
>This garbage is the top song in America
I'm ok being a Boomer.
I listen to this son when snowboarding lmao feels fitting
Only the 70s can compete with 90s in terms of music quality.
high quality post