Street fighter

What do you think the future of SF?

Will it go back to sprites or stay 3D?

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Are cosplayer women mentally unhinged? Redpill me on banging a cosplayer. Bad idea? Red flag?

dude imagine her taking a messy shit and smearing it all over her thighs haha

good idea

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too much ass

>tons of kids there...


And that's a good thing!

Big fucking yikes.

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Nice toilet on this bitch

It's Brazil. They probably see that kind of thing all the time anyway.

Most of them have serious issues, like clinically diagnosed personality disorders.

>OMG a woman in a swimsuit hide the kids!

here: I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with it.

>exposing your kids to ass and tits is a good thing

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Only Americans give so much shit about this sort of thing.

Maybe if you had seen some tits and ass begore you wouldn't grow up to be an soiboy.

That ass has seen some shit. Sloppy as fuck.

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No wonder you guys have such a massive homosexual demographic.

Name? pretty obvious she does porn, just look at her.

I'd eat her ass

i dont eat soi, faggot.
expose your kids to degeneracy and see how well it goes.

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It is. In fact, there should be a tradition where every teenager has an experienced adult give them hands-on instruction in sex. It should be something people celebrate, like birthdays or getting your driver's license or something.

>go back to sprites.
Not happening unless they make a street fighter 3: 4th collision.
>stay 3D.
I could see them using the re engine without using face scans. The particle effects would be crazy. I’d want it to take place after 3 so we can finally have our magic hobo be as powerful as Oro, and have PURE HADO.
It’d have to launch as a full game with story mode (or at least arcade mode) though. Has capcom grown up and learned their lesson?

>tfw she didn't look that good when she was doing av

Maybe if you would let your boys see a women once in a while you wouldn't have a problem with incels.

>expose your kids to degeneracy and see how well it goes.
Sex and the human body ≠ degeneracy.

Tits and ass aren't degeneracy. Tits and ass are the foundation of human society. Tits and ass are the apex of natural biology. Trannies and furries are degeneracy. Yet somehow the American public wants to expose children to trannies and furries rather than the very natural tits and ass. So, let's see how well exposing your kids to degeneracy goes.

incels can see all the pussy and ass online they want, they just cant get it irl.
alright bro, i hope someone whips their dick out infront of your family and you dont do shit cause "muh body muh choice"

You guys have too high standards, anyone would fuck the SHIT out of her, unless she's got other problems not pictured.

That said, anyone got a name

Whats the name of this thot

Im not even particularly good at sf or fighting games but with all the updates I got annoyed and just quit the game, now I play DoA 6.

Incels are afraid of intimacy, just like manhating feminazis, they are caused by your retarded sexually repressed culture.

no, I just have standards. they're not too high, they just exist

>i hope someone whips their dick out infront of your family and you dont do shit cause "muh body muh choice"
>what are things that never actually happen irl outside of my internet bullshit

>standing with your dad drooling over some degenerate cos player porn star wannabe

>USA has a sexually repressed culture
hahahahahah come on man all these whores are being praised for being so great by showing off their arbys ham pussy and getting fucked in every hole in their body, no one is congratulated or praised for being modest anymore.

>things that never happen

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what do we think of kolin?

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Yes, random picture, from Info Wars, no less.
What is the context?


>things that never happen.

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>more random pictures, no context, not even a where
You believe this is an argument?

I guess it stays 3d
the newest rehash/port/remake/remaster/whatever of 2 will have sprite toughs

might have something to do with child drag queens (just google it)

>respect women

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thats at a pride parade.

Nice. Now poop on it.

if people are allowed to be degenerates and are allowed to show their genitals off to children they will do it, the pics related are showing you this can indeed happen.

They're scared about a demographic that's less than .01% of the population, convinced they're everywhere and the downfall of society. These are terrified, stupid people.

As if anyone thought otherwise.

>americans are not only prude, they are also completely out of touch with reality
it's all so tiresome

>child drag queens
So like nearly all child models, something the parents force them to do so they can be paid?
So, in America, famous throughout the world for it's prudishness, a child raised in that prudishness freaks out over seeing someone naked.
What does this actually prove?

was meant for

Not all sex and sexuality is good and healthy. If a child's first encounter with sex is plastic-assed self-objectification, that is not healthy

>never hapen

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fat pig

Her name is "thefinetrouble", if anyone was curious

Nah, it's staying 3D. Those cheap fucks aren't switching to 2D anytime soon. As for it's future, I wouldn't be surprised if it fell for the live service meme, it's almost there anyways.

The context is a little boy dressed in fetish garb taking a picture with a semi-nude adult male.

>not being a degenerate infront of children is being prude
this has to be b8 or you are just that fucking disgusting

still no source

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>So like nearly all child models, something the parents force them to do so they can be paid?
well yeah, kinda...
I guess...


Actually, according to a quick internet search, that was a festival in Glastonbury.

>Hammy, codename Killer Whale
It'll stay 3D. Not sure what the future holds since outside of the arcade release for V it has been radio silence. After improving their communication last season this is weird as fuck and leads me to believe they've got another big drop like AE coming, or perhaps a huge rehaul

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Except that's not an issue for a fair bit of the rest of the 1st World where the human body is not something that is either shameful or something to fear/hide. Your issue is America's warped culture and your defense of it.
Another symptom of a warped culture, not the cause of it.
Gonna post some "studies" proving gays are all pedophiles?

Some of them ranges on the inside. Just fuck and bail, some are like some other user said BPD so be careful. Some of them are uppidity since they can extract money from beta males. You're going to have to play some mental games with them but you can eventually dominate them, also, make sure you at least do some sort of lifting, they are extremely vain.

Sucker for blondes and ice powers. Her VT2 is actually great as well.

Big fucking gay

I know one and her cosplays tend to win awards. That said, she's bipolar, her ex husband has asperger's, and her son has actual autism. One big family of mental illness.

>no source
>news site's name is in the image
nigger you are stupid

So it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and is merely a random photo taken being posted to prove a "point"?
Figured as much.

well it goes without saying

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Where did these ass hurt female anons come from

sup Jared

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>I have no intelligent argument or rebuttal, so I'll just meme at him, that'll show him!!
Enjoy your life, user, you only get one of those.

The source is in the picture, Ahmed.

>female anons

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>female anons

Post the one with the people giving a kid money for pussy piping in the street with the other one looking in discuss.

Who else is bitching about ass and tits

>Chun-Li will never leg-lock you
Why even live

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The new breed on Yea Forums, as a whole?
You really think it's women who bitch about rl cosplayers or harp on about "degenerates"?


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agree, I like big butts but I wanna be able to grab a cheek without having to use both hands

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Nigger listen.
There's no point in having an argument with you because you're obviously going to feign ignorance like Stevie Wonder saying he's white. The source and context of those pictures don't matter when you look at the fact they, aside from the one from trib, or clearly trying to normalize degeneracy in feminizing little boys 24/7. The one of the unicorn man and drag queen kid is from a festival, it was normalized at the festival and posted online. The one of the kid looking scared because some 60 year old fuck is standing right in front of him with his shriveled cock and balls flapping in the wind is from a gay pride parade. You know that if the old fuck had Alzheimer and did the same thing they'd be rushing him inside trying to get clothes on him, but because it celebrates "muh sexuality" no one gives a fuck and let's the pedophile go.
I'm gonna make an educated guess and say that you live in Canada, because there's no way that you aren't one of those Muslim-LGBT abortions that's being shit out of the new generation up there. Fucking degenerate.

I think i'm gonna throw up

>pussy piping
Can you describe this act in detail for us?

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You shouldn't have bothered to waste your time typing out such a coherent paragraph to try and have a real conversation with an inhuman piece of shit. Kudos for trying.

i dont have the pic saved but i know the one your talking about ill try and find it

let me guess, murica?

Why hasn't anyone found or supplied this bitches name yet, i really don't wanna have to keep checking this god awful thread

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Someone help this man he needs testosterone stat!

what the FUCK

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if she didn't have the tattoos she'd be fine

>ugly ass fuck having standards
Lmaoin @ u

for u

OMG who will think of the children?!