Banjo Kazooie Switch

Hello. I am a Nintendo Insider who got Banjo Kazooie early. I am going to keep my name anonymous because I don't want to get fired. So how I got the game is that they sent me a Banjo Kazooie rare replay collection to take home to test. The reason I got to take it home is that I was one of the top tier Nintendo insiders. I am revealing this because as many of you may know Nintendo is garbage to their employees. I am currently testing the game and it works great. ( Might test out the other Rare Replay games for you guys) Here is some proof of Banjo-Kazooie on Nintendo Switch.

Attached: Banjo Kazooie Rare Replay.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

looks good user! play banjo and kazooie number 2 next?

I just want jet force Gemini portable.

Also here is proof of Banjo Kazooie on the switch via handheld mode

Attached: Banjo Kazooie Nintendo Switch (1)-min.jpg (1200x628, 102K)

So what else is on the collection? Is Viva Pinata on the collection? Conker? Derpect Park?

Alright you've convinced me

Looks real to me. When can I order the collectors edition and what will be in it? Will there be amiibo?

how do we know this isn't just footage of the game on YouTube or just pre-recorded footage in general

Attached: 003.png (1280x720, 308K)

Is Banjo in Smash?

No. But Bottles is going to be announced at E3.

Finally. Time to buy a Switch.


I'm convinced.

Nice now I have a reason to use the old skeete sheet again.

Attached: 20190513_095746.jpg (4032x3024, 3.7M)

Lol take a load of this guy, where's your tinfoil hat? Clearly this is real and genuine

listen man the google leak is already looking like it could be proven fake at any point, I don't need two fake leaks hurting my hopes for Banjo-related media in 2019

Impressive display. In all honesty, Rare Replay would be amazing on Switch.

Just believe user. And get yourself a skeete sheet.

I've been believing for 13 years and by god I will believe harder if need be (plus I just don't want to have to hook up my Xbox every time I want to play some Bumjum, I always have my Switch hooked up though lmao)

also goddamn I just realized I've been waiting for my favorite 3D platformer icon to make a comeback since I was a kid, I'm in college now like what the fuck where'd the time go


This appears to be real and heterosexual


It is.

^listen to this man