What happened? Why did it die? Did people ruin it as they did Chivalry?

What happened? Why did it die? Did people ruin it as they did Chivalry?

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Game peaked at 59K today, the fuck are you talking about? It's been sitting around these numbers since release.

Attached: mordhau stats.png (475x341, 29K)

I refunded it. Spent more time getting intentionally TKed by griefers or killed randomly from behind/archers. Spent more time running to the fight than fighting.

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What do your mercenaries look like?

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I'm not trying to be a dick, but these are impressingly boring.

im not even that guy but your opinion has been discarded

Can someone explain to me why people play Warframe?

That's because you suck and don't have the patience to learn.

wow, i have exactly zero desire to play any of these games...They are all shit.

>Claim to fix all the problems Chivalry had
>End up having even more problems

You know you shitposting every day asking 'why did it die?' like a fucking autistic turd will not kill the game right?

What if I start shitposting that X WILL BLOW YOUR SHITTY GAME RIGHT OUT OF THE WATER instead?

What problems are there?

I have no idea, a friend of mine keeps trying to get me to play it but I get bored after 20 minutes.

Nobody ruined Chiv, otherwise it wouldn't have had a steady player base for like 5+ years, retard.

>wah I keep fighting like a faggot and they keep countering me

>All armor is basically worthless

How do you wear the light hoods with the lvl 3 helms?

Yeah but eventually the game will die of some other reason and then he can claim he was right all along

Good, stick to your single player walking sims user.

that's called autism, it was objectively a shit game

peasants coming through

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I spent more time loading into servers and being told the connection was lost than actually playing
Fuck the unreal engine

>2 homosexuals playing peasant
checks out

I watched britbong play it for 15 minutes and it looked boring as fuck

what was even the hype for this game?

If you keep making threads saying it's dead and samefagging non stop, maybe it will come true?

Reccomend me a build bros. I want to be a badass tank dude

Horses aren't a problem because there are only a few per map and are loud as hell. One fag hopping on a horse and topping the scoreboard is a made up problem, it's not the first multiplayer game to have a "vehicle" that's more powerful than being on foot.

OP here, sorry I meant to post this pic

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>Armor is worthless
t. loser who gets one shotted in the head/legs

I'm not a pro, but the only things from your list that are somewhat dampening the game are shields, which are being addressed soon, bows, which shouldn't have been added to the game in the first place and macros. No idea what they are doing with them. Is that some sort of auto block riposte or something?

Post your squad

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>Football Manager 2019
Europeans really don't know what fun is do they?

The game controls like shit to be honest. Only way to really hit someone is to wait right outside their range when they're fighting someone else and sprinting in for a stab in the back. It's way too crowded for the actual swordfighting mechanics to work in-game

because its pretty revolutionary for a f2p mmo.

name 1 f2p mmo that:
>isnt p2w korean trash
>is a third person action shooter
>parkour system
>hack and slash tier melee (mouse combos)
>insanely good graphics (its not weeb shit f2p #5943859)
>customization with mod system (think diablo tier shit)
>varied enemy types
>tons of characters to play from
>tons of weapons
>experienced devs
>high production quality compared to even big AAA titles
>get to do whatever the fuck they want with the game (nearly unlimited creative freedom)

you literally can't.

Played it for 30 hours. Game just isn't for me.

That's cute, but maybe you should try learning the game mechanics before trying to criticize the game

>goes to a 64 player server
>complains that he doesn't get to 1v1 people
Go to a smaller server you faggot. Or a fucking duel server if you really want to put your 1v1 skills to the test. Don't go to big battle servers and complain that it's too crowded

>Varangian cosplay
mein neger

that's literally runescape

It's a lvl2

figured someone would say this

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>implying the gameplay doesn't just devolve into barreling down the hallways as fast as you can

I definitley have the patience to learn, but it's going to be in a different game because steam just loaded that sweet, sweet $29.99 onto my account. :^)
>mfw I almost fell for a Yea Forums FOTW but got out with 2h11m playtime

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it's fun

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>a Yea Forums FOTW
Damn dude, imagine being this retarded. The game already has way more players than Chivalry and that game lasted for years. Just admit you're bad at video games.

come on, stop killing the existing mordhau threads early

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I wish the gameplay of MH would feel more like characters actually being in melee with each other. For Honor did that much better, but the control scheme probably lost popularity because it wasn't instantly familiar to FPS kiddies.

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>Game hit 60k and has been hovering there for weeks

Based retard

Rent free

Have you never been on a frontline meatgrinder at the very end of the match? they're fucking amazing.

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Yeah. Allies behind you body blocking/keeping you as their meat shield is kind of brutal. Frontline chaos is definitely where the game's strong points are. With more free movement the FPS footsies feel dumb though.


>source sdk multiplayer
what popular source mods still have players
please respond

It can't be ruined like Chivalry because you can't fucking helicopter around like an autistic sperg

Use the friendly perk on every build, it reduces team damage taken as well and it's a godsend.


I didn't know people still played or cared about these games.

FH combat was awful. It didn't feel like a melee it felt like "I need to spam my characters best moves in a way that lets me avoid playing Simon says"

It wasn't good at launch for sure, I'm not debating against that. I'm just saying it felt more like proper close combat than Mordhau does. In comparison Mordhau's combat is more like a buncha dudes practicing hammer throw on ice skates.

I'm done with this game. 100 hours in and I've had plenty of ups and downs. I don't feel like continuing. I feel so burnt out.

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