Tales of series, will they ever touch a console again? Zestira and Bearseria fucked everything up for them...

Tales of series, will they ever touch a console again? Zestira and Bearseria fucked everything up for them. I'd love to see the Kannono's with actually good graphics

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Why don't they just make a giant crossover game that isn't a mobage they'll shut down after 3 months? Too many of the series' best girls are stuck in JP-only games, it's really silly that Vesperia DE has officially translated references to a game with no official translation

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Tales of trash

>People tell me to play Symphonia first because it's the best
>turns out they're blinded by nostalgia
>drop it 6 hours into the game because I can't care for anyone

Even tried Vesperia but I dropped that 30 hours in.

Her, Sara, Kana and the Kannonos are spin off only, meanwhile Mel and Dio never get to show up because they were erased from time and don't have a set fighting style

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Not sure I'd call Tales of Phantasia Cross a spin-off

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I just wanna be sorey and have a mikleo bf, is that too much to ask bros?

Potato soup

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I look for based posts like these in every Tales of thread.

Vesperia = Boring and pointless
Symphonia = Horrendous battle system, boring and pointless to play
Abyss = It was grimdark and boring at release, but now the story is just bad

Beseria's combat is weird. Im not sure if im doing it right cause i either combo them dead with no trouble or I get combo'd dead cause the smallest attack can leave to stunned and open to attacks from everyone.

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It was in the same wy usual escort titles are, Mel and Dio's actions along with Rodderine's are in direct flux with Cless's party's actions during their game man the ending sucked, not only do they die again they die in front of their fairy parent and don't come back as babies like they did originally

Why does Bamco hate their side characters so much?

>the most powerful arte a character can perform is a break soul. This is an arte that will span the entire battlefield and causes massive damage. To perform a break soul, you must have at least 3 souls available. While in combat, hold down LT and watch the carnage take place. Break souls will also allow you to use combos after your SG has been depleted. A break soul will also heal your character significantly, even if you are currently afflicted with a status ailment.

Of course, none of this actually matters because for some reason, break soul either misses the targets, or something ends up going wrong due to enemy placement.


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i stopped doing that in place of party tagging. I have velvet, elenor, and eizen to switch to.

>he played alone

They don't make them tons of money, but in this case with Mel and Dio not having a set style their options are limited.

>fell for the vesperia ruse
>tales mobiles shut down left and right
I've almost given up on the franchise.

Yeah, you probably should give up on the series if you can't even enjoy Vesperia

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It seems like the best tales can do now is just keep shacking up their already existing cast members together since people absolutely fawn over their interactions. Rays is basically them all but cloned after their games right? Through the xillia 1 cast is from their game instead of 2 right? Does Leon get to fuck his foster mom now that she's and he's alive in Rays and it's set after Destiny?

Leon is too busy fucking his maid.
If we get a full another 2.5D entry I might be excited to try another game.
I would get REALLY excited if they developed titles for PS4/PC and Switch seperately, so it doesn't have the same goddamn artstyle it has had since Xillia.
I would pre-order the fucking thing if the game used sprites in a 3D landscape like Destiny DC. But we all know that ain't happening. Oh well. Tales is an overall mediocre series with rare moments of brilliance. It won't be missed.

Marian is his foster mom and maid user The kannono's are lonely tho apparently