Are you going to play Hrothgar, Viera or stay your current race?
Final Fantasy XIV
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I will be staying female Miqo'te.
Viera look nice but I will never use a fantasia.
Staying as a hyur. I'd consider hrothgarr if the wolfhead thing was true and they weren't hunched over like a fucking wow race.
Going to remain the best race
Male Elezen Duskwight.
Get back in your hole, Drizzt
Staying roegadyn, I was hoping they'd be leonine humanoids in the vein of the other races having superficial animal features rather than full-on Ronso. I do get why they're Ronso, though.
>current lower level gear has 2 more damage statuses
>other higher level gear has 2 less damage status but 40 more defenses
How important is defense
I'll remain unsubscribed until the next addon. Or knowing square enix probably until they shut down the servers.
Content's designed to be clearable at its entry-level item level, if a piece of gear has more desirable stats then go for it. The aim of XIV is to not get hit anyways.
What level are you?
How long do you think I can get away with rescuing people into Larboard/Starboard before a GM grabs me? Been blaming misclicks and so far people buy it.
is it confirmed you can have blue fur as a Hrothgar like Kimahri?
If you're gonna be cheeky keep it to once in a while, you'll build up a rep for "misclicking" over time even if you're pugging with different people every time
Yup, they rebuilt Kimahri as a promotional bit
>wait over 30min for a queue to pop
>it pops
>get kicked mid dungeon without an explanation or a single word
Is this the life of a dps? What the fuck. all three are from zodiark so maybe they were together but jesus christ. Not even a reason.
What in the hell is that thing on the left
I will stay Au Ra
WoW is apparently introducing amputee cybergnomes
The EPIC new allied race in Blizzard's LEGENDARY MMORPG, World of Warcraft! I don't know about you, but I DEFINITELY asked for this! :)
Gnome onahole
I just got around to leveling Dragoon and I'm having fun, but seriously, why is the class quest for their armor set such a blue baller?
>Dude, you ready for your iconic set of Dragoon armor after mucking around for ages in shitty starter gear
>Did I mention this shit is amazing and you need to prove you're worthy of it? No, forget everything we just did and lets jerk off over how amazing the armor is
>Alright, go here and complete this guys challenge, again, for a piece of the armor
>Now do the same thing for the next piece
>And so on
>Get every piece except the chest
>Hey lets talk about dragons for an hour
>Okay, now I need to know you're ready for this armor, so go kill this definitely super hard enemy to prove yourself
>Okay, but I ABSOLUTELY need to be sure you're ready, so go kill this other definitely super hard enemy too
>Just kidding, no chest piece for you. Fuck off and come back at level 50
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
cool thanks, id racechange but idk how good they will look as a samurai.
wow, the beginning of shadowbringers is going to look awful with these running around
Better than 1.0 where you had to get a full fucking crew together for a couple hours to assist you with a fight/item-drop-grind for any individual piece of your set.
All the ARR jobs do that, unfortunately. With DRG it's a bit more hackneyed since Ishgard is just about totally irrelevant to anything else going on up until Heavensward, so they need to info-dump on you why dragoons are important and the war against dragons and all that.
Just had this with the PLD questline last night, it was doubly stupid because of how fucking dumb the quest giver NPC was and what he tried to do to me. Give me my fucking chest piece you cunt.
No worse than Heavensward looked with au ra suddenly running around
Kicked without a word mid-dungeon with a 15% xp buff up. 22 minutes left now. Estimated waiting time for a new dungeon: 22 minutes. How do you dps mains handle this suffering?
They probably were and you did something they didn't like, or there was a potential drop they wanted to get that you might have rolled on.
Happens to most 1.0 classes, better get used to it.
you only had to get a full group for the body pieces if you werent a scrub
PLD's questline is absolutely horrible, it doesn't get any better until 60-70 because it's like a lot of other Stormblood jobs and it's a GLD storyline, not a PLD storyline. They focused on the Sultansworn aspect of being a PLD instead of the tilt-at-windmills free knight part of being a PLD.
So like every AF1 quest?
POTD and that other one
Nah, that was fun
much worse because now youll have au ra mixed in with it
Maybe. I greedrolled on a pair of boots that I won and all three were from zodiark and on female characters. Healer boots so, chances are the healer got mad despite being able to needroll? Healers tend to be the type to do this.
Dragoons are the elite knights of a highly religious society. Becoming a Knight Dragoon is literally the highest honor any soldier can achieve. He wants to be sure you deserve it. And the chest piece you do end up getting belonged to Haldrath, the first Dragoon and son of old King Thordan.
Wearing your level 44 slut chest piece is a rite of passage.
i was on the fence about how the new XIV races looked but after seeing that fucking abomination that wow is getting they look like a gift from the heavens
So Alliance gets mechagnomes, who does Horde get? Don't tell me it'll be fucking furry vulperas
Ah yes, a piece of armor from Thordan. What an honor.
It's Haldrath's armor, not Thordan's.
I'm sure the ERP/RP servers are going to have a blast with them
Something like this happened to me once.
I was running dungeons on my max level healer and needrolling stuff to turn in to my GC and this dude who was leveling summoner or something INSISTED he should have the drop because he "needed" it more and literally sat at the last chest and waited out the timer just out of spite. Some people's entitlement is unreal.
Only ever been kicked while playing tank because I dared to run around to avoid autos while the healer didnt heal and a drg got pissy at me for making him miss.
>tank is shit
>cant kick him because you have to wait for a new tank
this earth is gay
>FFXIV will let you create the new races right away
>WoW demands you to grind for shitty looking reskins
The most retarded race that blizzard thought they could get away with introducing
Haldrath had nothing to do with the initial fucking over of the dragons, they give you an Echo cutscene showing he really didn't want things to go the way they ended up and everything
>run around to avoid autos
You absolutely deserve to be kicked for that.
It's better than those midget fox fucking shits at least
Hrothgay all the way, baby
I tend to do dungeons I don't like because I know dps queues are suffering and I don't want to make things harder on you guys but. a single run-in with an angry irl-woman or tranny or group like mine (which may be either) and you'll have lost so much time just trying to play the game and get kicked for nothing without any choice in the matter. I mean at least there's POTD and squadrons but good lord your existance is suffering.
I never believed that they were actually adding ronso. I might go with that.
It was either that or just straight up die.
The fuck do you clowns want?
Yeah thats 100% on you, melee classes have positionals. As a tank, keep the mobs as still as possible, dont move or rotate them unless you need to dodge an aoe.
Make sure to play DRG with them and stick with the racial armor for maximum Kimahri. Or play Blue Mage and you're about as useful as Kimahri was in FFX I guess.
They aren’t gonna add male viera, it’s been confirmed. Kinda weird you aren’t dead yet.
Haldrath actually was one of his knights present at the time, and the one who plucked out Nidhogg's eyes when he first came after them. He knew his father was a monster, but still became a dragon hunter and helped hide the truth of the situation because he believed ensuring the protection and survival of his people was more important.
Or its just shitposting for yous
Honestly as a healer or tank you can get rid of those types but if the healer or tank is the entitled one you can be removed without a word. Even if they don't know each other a dps is easily killed off and removed. It's insane.
All they did was slap an animal head and tail on a Roegadyn. The regular fingernails and recycled animations are the most telling sign of it.
There are pissbabies that kick people from dungeons? Why? I could understand if it was like two wipes before even reaching the first boss but when I see people mention this it's like it happened at random.
You can't outrange autoattacks retard. Enemy attack range is like 10x the size of yours.
Apparently, some people are really, really upset when they see lalafell tanks.
>newbie dps
>read guides to avoid being too much of a burden
>still kinda fuck up occasionally, obviously also undergeared compared to older players
>still get a commendation or two every dungeon
>this actually stresses me out because I'm fairly sure they're just being nice because I'm a sprout
social anxiety is a hell of a drug
Oh, that's different. You should go out of your way to make life hard for those jews.
Probably, though it makes me happy knowing male viera will never be added.
where my lost niggas at?
Please Yea Forums give me your energy.
>The regular fingernails
Claws are a customization option
>recycled animations
Why would you die if the game allows you into the content you're tanking for? If you were undergeared/underleveled the game wouldn't even let you in, dumbass. Use your tank abilities.
It's annoying for a dps and the tank itself but if the healer doesn't heal you've little choice in the matter unless you've defensives and selfhealing left.
Yep. And if the tank or healer gets pissed off at you then back to the queue. I mean I main tank and i think I am fair enough but, I can't help but feel sorry for you.
You absolutely can, I stress that the 3 seconds I gained of not being hit was the only thing that avoided a party wipe because an extra group was pulled and the healer was garbage. The drg can deal with two missed attacks.
You will lose, I tried to qualify to platinum 3 times already.
Oh hell dude I have insane social anxiety and even I don't stress in instances.
Actually talking to people to get a group together for endgame shit? Yes. DOING the endgame fight? Nah.
Chill faggot its just a game. Dont let your warped self expectation ruin your life. If shit happens your learn and improve.
What is that?
Wtf is this?
Please don't
>he/she/xe/xhe/it have more than one (1) character
Back down you go, shitter.
>healer noticed she was getting hate and popped Lucid Dream immediately
>blm only realized when he was almost dead after being red for minutes
how is anyone this bad
PvP, Feast
Everytime it happens during the last qualifying match.
Aw yeah
Just noticed I somehow managed to reply to myself instead of you. Not sure how since I click you and the other guy but still.
Most people are nice to sprouts. Wowrefugees, female au ra trannies and irl women can be mean sometimes but that's about it. xiv is generally decent in this regard but the occasional retard does pop up. Good on you for trying though.
Shit healer here, I'm in your queue for the Garo mount. Sorry buddy.
>got bored and made a highlander to go through MSQ with again because I didn't remember large swathes of Heavensward and post-ARR
>now tempted to use the freebie fantasia from HW's collector-edition to race-change to highlander on the lv. 70 account
Please just use practice feast, faggot. You don't need to participate in ranked for the mount.
I get "performance anxiety" because it's an unwinnable situation if something goes wrong. Either you're not at fault, in which case it's extremely likely that the person shitting on you lacks the humility/self-awareness to admit their mistakes, or it really is just your fault and you have to take it. And I know it's just a game(an inconsequential instance of a game even), but I just hate being in unwinnable situations, no matter how trivial. I dunno if that's really social anxiety or just plain autism, but it is what it is.
I actually wanted to tank main originally but it started getting too stressful so I switched to my second job choice
But I want to rank so I can get the other, cooler Feast gear while I'm at it. Sorry bro.
Can these new cats fuck our current cats? And if so what do their offspring look like?
where my lost niggas at?
Can you still trade in dungeon loot for GC seals of you've worn them?
the only real anxiety is tank anxiety
because it is always your fault even if you're not the reason things went wrong
people still expect tank mains to be leadership models and the face of the party so it is easier to choose who is to blame after a wipe
The only time you should feel eh about commends is if you get a bunch/all the commends since it just means the other guys were all in a party together and couldn't commend each other.
Yes you can.
>because it is always your fault even if you're not the reason things went wrong
this is bullshit
it's VERY obvious when someone goes wrong who is at fault
>posting the old busted render
You are no nigga of mine
>Clown healer and melee DPS on my team
>Rank 3 healer and rank 2 RDPS on other team
Okay epic. Glad I lost the game. Fucking hell dude.
Hrothgar are gay.
The only way to climb is to play healer yourself.
and does the degrade percentage matter?
>the virgin helicuck
>the chad lostbro
the ear placement looks really wrong or something
Not at all. Don't waste gil repairing if you're donating to GC.
This is my wife, say something nice!!!
Well I know which kind of Hrothgar to choose now
>he doesn't kidnap NPC's after their use in the MSQ is over
what mooooods
>tfw no shortstack tataru gf
What classes get irrational hate if played by a lalafell?
Asking for a friend.
alright, im gonna toss all my shit in
Tanks and melee
Tanks I guess, but I have no idea why anyone would care.
All of them.
Tanks, melee DPS (primarily Samurai and Dragoon)
Is FFXIV really so bad that the only way to make a thread about it is try to make WoW look as bad as it?
>tfw play Lalafell tank and have never heard a peep from anyone about it
Something tells me this is just Yea Forums autism
My guess is that they're lost
Tanks. As a tank main who will sometimes go lalafell. I cant stand tank lalas. Its so stupid.
Well it is a MMO. The only things worse is mobileshit.
The claws are tied to the racial gloves, no way will they be a customization Option.
>instanly accepting Raise seemingly without checking out the ongoing/upcoming mechanics first
>follows up with starting casts before getting healed
It's just Expert but damn. Why do people do this?
whats the best way to get exp? I'm gonna use the 7 days to beat uhh dirty dumb ala mhigger scum area.
Probably some trite about realism or immersion. Ignoring that theyre Aetherial charged super midgets.
Always gonna be a lala BLM cosplaying Vivi.
To be COMPLETELY fair, if a tank is losing aggro he should pop aggro combos and get tank stance back up. He was losing aggro to the other black mage too.
They're both in the wrong really.
Most of the time people randomly /pet me and that's it.
>people hate on lalafell tanks
>it's actually one of the most legit and appropriate tank races in the lore
Haha, I cant wait to play a female lalafell tank, and see the rage.
As a lalafell healer I get nothing but multi commidations.
Sorry, user. People just want smug magic shorties.
t. Unironic Lala player
This is the ideal tank. Deal with it.
The daily roulettes. POTD farm is good until.. I don't quite remember the cutoff point. 50? where it gives "okayish" xp at best but at that point you have a ton more daily roulettes. if you have it unlocked and some semi-high level npcs adventurer squadron is unironically pretty good too for a dps. If you're a healer or tank supposedly farming the highest level dungeon you can do is really good too.
This is fine but god forbid I have a fucking plate gauntlet or something on my caster.
Fuck this game. Thank god I have 1.0 gear.
Hrothgar? More like Hrothgay.
>playing casual baby shit
I do like fighter-types in poofy dresses.
>playing macro fantasy XI
I won't rage. I pet femlalas.
I wish the princess dress didn't look bad on my character.
Dunno, roes are pretty gay too.
If someone's a shit head making things take longer then yeah kick them asap
If someone is just a memeing fuck ill just ignore them and play unless their memeing makes things take longer
>Unga me press macro
>Bunga me go afk
I just did my first raid, the Ghost Ship in HW. I don't get them. What is the point of these alliances? It didn't even seem like we were competing. It wasn't fun either. It feels like you're not really doing anything.I would much rather do dungeons.
You seem autistic.
it's just a glorified dungeon what are you on about
God DAMN this is fucking hot.
more where?
>would love to get pounded by big mclarge's quarter pounder
>play a female character and they're all gay
wtf I'm gay now
And that's a good thing.
Any melee one with the most obnoxious voice. Ones so bad it gets you kicked from groups apparently.
What a useless post.
Okay. What's the point of the alliances then?
Try to top the dps charts while using only the mouse.
>He doesnt play lala
World and race?
We don't deserve these devs, it's a pity other games don't have people like Yoshi-P
Hating lalas is never irrational
meant for
Staying my male Xalea Au'ra, since my name is related to lore, and I like the animations.
Wrong, faggot. Don't quote me like that.
>Okay. What's the point of the alliances then?
to have 3 seperate parties.
>decide to spam O11 for the eScape orchestrion roll
>running WHM cause it's easier for me
>get into latest run
>other healer constantly dying
>same NIN eats Wave Cannon over and over
>pick them both up off the ground repeatedly while throwing mitigation on the tank for Mustard Bomb
>NIN dies again
>starts crying about how useless they are and disconnects
>SCH dies again, already used their MP regain and didn't bother healing themselves before Atomic Ray
>mfw having to pop ethers to keep everyone alive
>mfw we cleared anyway
>no orchestrion drop
>nearly every run is like this
It is best race though
There are no skilled male Au Ra.
Change my mind.
Raids are just a way to make casuals feel EPIC. Same reason why they added an easy mode to 8-man content in HW.
So they are just giant dungeons? Lame as fuck.
fuck off to /vg/ faggots
I know fuckers with those bunny ears
Congrats, now you know why only a decimal of the playerbase keeps playing them.
4-player dungeons are more fun, just way too easy, which is why everyone and their mom just wants harder dungeons.
I don't want to pay for rename on top of using my one free fantasia so I'm sticking with my mooncat.
so I just got into ff14 last week and noticed they have the stupid car from ff15 and i need it
is it possible to still get it?
I still believe they just lied and said they didn't do thing but they did do thing but reveal it later to make them appear as if they put in the extra effort after "hearing complaints"
Yes. Alliance is just a bigger, easier raid to pass out welfare gear.
you couldve gotten a free namechange if you abused the free server transfers
Maybe now he'll be a useful Blue Mage
PUP fucking when I want to make the strongest mammet
i just decided to start playing DRK and i also coincidentally just started parsing, where should i be on the dps rankings asuming i'm doing everything right?
They were going to have 3 groups working in tandem. You can see early groundwork for this in Labyrinth.
But even the rudimentary shit in that raid was too big brain for the retarded playerbase, so now its just a glorified 24 man dungeon that spawns 3 mobs sometimes.
Yes but hurry the fuck up it lasts until 27th of May. You need to do the quest and farm 200k MGP at the Gold Saucer to buy it. Good luck.
Yes, kind of. it comes from the gold saucer (a minigame place you can unlock at level 20) for 200,000 MGP. whether or not you'll get that much in time before they poof it, is another question entirely
Okay lets roll
I didn't bother looking into if I could transfer away and back to my original server cause I like it here too much.
I think I'd like Hellsguard more if not for their stupid painted poopnoses. Most fanart hides it or outright removes it.
All this success is going to go to their heads.
I actually just finished the 2.0 MSQ.
How hard is it to get the currency?
Not very hard. There are guides on how to farm MGP quickly.
You can get over 100k a week by doing your challenge log entries and the fashion report. Also do cactpots and hang around in the gold saucer doing GATEs as they pop up.
Literally just because they look silly. Tarutaru looked similarly silly with melee jobs in XI
use this, it's pretty good. challenge logs and daily cactpots should be your main method.
Well that doesn't sound too bad.
You can get around 100k a week for maybe an hour of work. Just do you challenge log, fashion report, and daily mini cactpot.
you say that but i was in satascha hard yesterday
i pulled 2 packs, nearly died because the healer was clearly quite new, and apologized and said i would slow down
samurai in the group immedietly chimed in like "it's only a few adds??" which i ignored since whatever
then we wiped twice to the first boss because the healer wasn't cleaning the DoTs from party members (or themself even) and the samurai blamed me for it for not using Cover, Divine Veil (which I don't have) and Intervention (which I also don't have)
He then proceeded to be silent for the rest of the dungeon, run in front of me as if to passive aggressively say "hurry up" and then left immedietly after the final boss
I got the blame, as the tank, due to the healers mistakes
remember to subscribe to my blog thanks
Reminder that autistic roleplaying aliens are playing FFXIV right now as we speak, and their characters waifu Y'shtola while the aliens themselves hate her.
>numbers continue to increase even during the deadest period of the content cycle
Ruh oh
You can separate yourself from a character and RP them user. I do it in D&D.
They're a little extreme with it though I will admit.
To bad you didn't start yesterday and dragged your feet
The fashion shit was leather ring bands dyed salmon pink and any top dyed salmon pink and that would have been 60k mgp right there
Fucking kick his ass next time, DPS get replaced in seconds.
God I hate that bitch.
It is your fault for being a passive bitch and not calling him out on his shit.
Seems like they're too busy doing development crunch-time to worry about their success.
where can I find more like this
What sort of characters do you play in D&D, user?
So I hear there's a patch 4.58 tomorrow, but I can't find patch notes anywhere.
They don't release patch notes until the servers go down.
It's just making the Seiryuu dog buyable and adding some crafted items
Oh, thanks.
Why the fuck does this guide say pop Acceleration pre-pull at 11s when the buff only lasts for 10s, am I retarded or what
i get what you mean but that would just make things worse since i would then have the healer against me, or risk upsetting them by blaming them (even though it was their fault), and the samurai who didn't even realize it was the healers fault and that you can't fucking cover tail screw
was better to just let him be pissy over nothing
his actual DPS was good, so kicking him would've just made the dungeon take longer since the only way you get people for satascha hard is through specifically queueing or 50/60 roulette, which has a lot of shitters
Holding out hope for Hydatos nerfs, the fate crystal grind is still kind of annoying in there
>Be nice to the giant corporation fucking over their customers.
You start casting before the countdown hits zero. The tank should be running in at around 3 seconds depending on how far away the boss is.
One of my last characters I actually named Fray in honor of FFXIV and I tried to play him as a man who wanted to see good in the world and make people's lives better. Neutral Good is my personal favorite alignment.
You just know.
>Defending Blizzard in the year of our lord and pubah 20 one nine
Holy shit, as bad as deluded classic fags.
implying they wouldn't half ass it and just call it minionmaster and you choose one of the types or minion type to be melee/range/tank like SMN.
Nyepels Lux, or Kaiser Knuckles Zeta?
Apocalypse Zeta, or Mimesis Lux?
I know, that's not what I'm asking. If I pop Acceleration at 11s and pre-cast Veraero/Verthunder at 5s the Acceleration would run out at 1s while the aero/thunder would land at 0s unless I'm missing something here
Kaiser Knuckles Zeta and Mimesis Lux
Emperor's New Fists, Mimesis Lux.
good thing they let her bring all of her makeup stuff into her cell
You know she isn't a prisoner now right?
I still remember the first time I played an evil D&D character. Lord Betrox, I called him. Evil Overlord type that joined the adventuring party to subtly manipulate every town they quested in to owe him vast sums of money, until by the midway point of the campaign he'd created an entire nation-state through manipulation of their debt. The party fought and defeated him with the help of an ancient deity I'd offended and Betrox was morphed into a horrific beetle-shelled humanoid that began to call himself Beetrox. I fucking miss that shit it was like playing a fucking season of Power Rangers with how campy it got.
Doesn't she still have that kill-collar?
This, but with either male Elezen options.
Yes she is. She's helping the Scions but she has a thaumaturge following her around ready to make her collar decapitate her.
>No female hrothgar
Guess I'll be staying femroe
Yes but it's not like she's locked up besides at night, or isn't allowed to get things she wants.
>Wrap up major plot points outside of game
Almost as bad as the Nanamo assassination arc.
But she has a kill-collar.
>am I retarded
You looked up a guide about RDM. The math says yes.
I thought her and Arenvald make up that new primal killing squad during the game's MSQ
Did your father disown you when he found out you're a failure as a man? Is this why you're so attracted to surrogate father figures?
>tome weapon
I doubt it
Stay giraffe, might consider hrothgar in the future.
But you're a frogposter. How can I trust a retard to tell if I'm retarded?
>we're totally the good guys
>yea fit the honorable prisoner of war with a suicide collar
ARR: Ponies
HW: Birbs
StB: Doggos
ShB: ???
takes one to know one
Her Echo power makes her pretty fucking dangerous so it's a smart idea to keep her under some kind of control in case she's still loyal to Garlemald.
Why are his hands so disproportionatly big. They are fucking massive
Mithra best race, dont care if its not the same game
My family loves me though!
All she's loyal to these days is Lyse's crotch.
She killed her own people for 10 years, and was the face of the Skulls.
People would stone her to death without some sort of implied punishment atleast.
Right, and I said "prisoner" incorrectly. She's still allowed to be a normal person. They just keep track of her.
Game is bullshit with Easy Farm and Gear Swap.
Lezdom is hot.
so is futa.
>tfw game wouldn't let you take Fordola under your direct supervision as part of her parole
>tfw you'll never show her the kindness she never received from others and slowly melt away her frigid exterior
>she will never finally confess her love for you one night and ask you to put a baby in her
It's not fair guys, I just want to pound 19 year old virgin pussy
Based grognard.
>for 10 years
>9 year old loli Fordola was killing mhiggers
>implying she didn't get BLACKED by the Wolf himself
>leveling DRG
>that battle litany quest conclusion
Been Male Midlander since I started years ago, but if they're done well, I'll switch to Hrothgar. At least I have a freebie fantasia for it. Curious on that comment of a wolf head option and how well it'll turn out.
>Female mhigger under garlean rule
>gayus was a nigger all along
fucking hell
>new player
>want to do ARE endgame
>literally no one wants to
>queue times at 6 hours and no pop
>finally killed Nael after a month of """prog"""
>"oh come the fuck on you seriously invented a new dragoon technique right then and there?"
>You'll never be able to explain to your retarded prisoner-wife that a woman can't put a baby in her
>She'll never gather the finest minds in Eorzea for the express purpose of trying to give you a cock
>They'll all call her an idiot for wasting their time on an impossible and perverted scheme
>Except Urianger who reveals he figured out how to do it years ago when he was really really bored
Haven't played DRG. How did it go?
Garleans aren't interested in beastiality like some other races.
He already had a yandere daughterfu cock sleeve, or did you forget about Livia
I didn't, that's why I don't doubt he'd have a go at Fordola too
I RP that my character did it through ancient Mhachi magic.
>took you a month to get through Nael
you're in for a rough time amigo
Urianger is a madman and he must be stopped before he slaps a cock on every woman in Eorzea
No shit.
FFVII Remake crossover event when?
Wouldn't ancient Amdapori magic make more sense?
Another Male Duskwight?
I'm not alone!
Oh noooo I have to stop him somehow
I'm just gonna quest in garlemald for a few months to find the best way to do it, nobody else try to stop him he's too dangerous
Highlander Master Race
Female Hyur is the only right way to play.
I don't want more outfits I want more fucking hairstyles
Now you have 2 more months before you get past Neal the majority of pulls.
Tfw kicked a female miqote ninja in the main scenario roulette right before the final boss. In my defense they were literally just running around dancing instead of fighting
And what I'm saying is Livia would have killed her if he had
You don't need any ancient magic. Polymorph spells like Mini, Old, and Toad are already a current thing. Morphing a cock on shouldn't be a stretch.
In like 20 years when it's done.
Miqo'te and mithra are the same thing you delusional nostalgiafag
>you become mentor to another dragoon
>she and alberic note that your fighting style is different from other dragoons', owing to you having fought enemies that aren't dragons while dragoons fight dragons exclusively
>your kouhai wants to learn this style and goes off to train
>she gets beat the fuck up and you save her
>she asks whether you could show her how you fight
>you demonstrate on a giant dragon
>when she asks you what you do differently you tell her you can't actually tell the difference, but you just so happened to invent a new technique as you were fighting
What body armor is that?
What if she was getting the dancer class, user?
t. retard that can't kite
>being this bad
Dragoon student surmises you're the best at adaptability since you've fought plenty of things that aren't dragons, asks for a demonstration, notes there aren't any real differences in fighting-style compared to normal dragoons, but you whip a completely new technique out of your ass because you're used to fighting in a group and the average dragoon isn't
I think that's the 60 ALC set.
>never level crafters
>never seen that armor
that would explain it then
Quick, name a job with no bad quests.
Important shit left out of the game and put in other media instead. Is this also to appeal to the wowrefugees alongside the hrothgarr hunchback? Are you looking forward to having the majority of our lore and expansion info in books. I can't wait.
I just want to shove her face into the floor and remodel her asshole. Is that so much to ask?
probably retconned like nael being a girl
Ninja, drk, mch, bsm, alc
WHM is all very meh, but I wouldn't say any of it is bad
The side stories have literally been a thing since the first anniversary you whiny faggot. And the important information in them ends up in the game later anyway, like Lolorito giving Teledji's assets plus half of his own to Nanamo. When Fordola comes back up in the story they will tell you what she's been up to.
If Hrothgar didn't have the hunch they'd be indistinguishable from Roegadyn.
I really don't get Lolorito's master plan. Besides making more money.
>The worst class to play has the best questline.
I hate this game.
>literally a competition with another smith
>garlemald put off for ANOTHER expansion
>when we finally get there it's going to be about helping the (((populares))) subvert garlean values and import mhiggers
thats arm
I feel sorry for people growing up with ff14 as their mmo. Genre peaked so long ago
MNK and AST are good though. Although I'd argue that the level 60+ AST quests are bad because Leveva ruins her hair in them.
His plan was to save Nanamo and Ul'dah from Teledji's shit. So he pretended to be in on it so he could sabotage the plan and expose Teledji at the Scions' trial. He didn't plan on Raubahn just cutting the little kike in half though.
Skin color is weird in this game.
Lyse is aryan as fuck but her dad's blacker than a Somali. Maybe Hyurs are more sensitive to the sun and tan extremely hard.
The Heavensward chain sucks hard and most of SB is bad too.
t. NIN main
Obviously. That's not what I'm talking about though.
I'm talking about MCH. It has the best average writing quality of any job while being, objectively, the worst job you could play.
What are you talking about then? Why he gave Nanamo the assets? He wanted to give a show of good faith because he does genuinely want to work with Nanamo for the betterment of Ul'dah. They've only been at odds for decades because she was a naive retard and he rightfully didn't trust that she could effectively run a country. He also knows that war was coming whether they liked it or not and wanted her to fortify the country's defenses.
Nah DRK is the best average. Even the 50-60 questline is better than average.
He's a patriot who knows his only way to make the world better is as a cutthroat businessman.
staying my race ofc
He wants Ul'dah to be as strong as it can be and wants to be a part of it. When Nanamo showed she can be a little boss nigga in her own right he warmed up to her.
DRK35 and DRK40 are pure filler while every single step of MCH has value.
WHM HW quests are trash
>Here you have to heal this dragon corpse!
>cast Benediction
>it's healed to full but the instance script still continues for another three minutes
Early 30-50 MCH quests are just following Roesenthal around shooting Goobues.
You think they'll actually use the populares and salvage a bit of garlemand and how cool it is? I get the feeling the plan is to have a "nah just kill em all we have a few good garleans outside garlemand kill the rest" Populares or Garlemand at all surviving is optimistic at best, sadly.
can male Miqo'te have facial hair yet?
am i the only retard who uses mouse click for a lot of skills/buffs
I click really long cooldowns.
Probably switch to Hrothgar. I like my duskwight, but the "stick up the ass" running and sprinting animations get on my nerve too much.
>kick someone for dancing during ultima's five minute invulnerability phase
I use binds for weapon skills and abilities with short CDs or that require fast reaction and click for big CDs
>Hate stick up ass running
>So ill switch to crippled hunchback running instead
they always could
Yes. We will rid them of Ascians and put the WoL's BFF and rightful emperor Zenos on the throne.
>it's actually one of the most legit and appropriate tank races in the lore
You gonna back that claim up from the race that gets vored on a regular basis?
Of the Tank jobs that exist, literally only Paladin has any lore justification whatsoever. Dark Knights are from Ishgard so basically you're getting only Elezen and Hyur, hell Sigurd literally says the only reason why he's a Dark Knight is because he was a refugee trying to come to Ishgard and was a survivor when they got wholesale Slaughtered. Warriors that aren't WoL or members of that one Tribe straight up have no reason to exist, and Gunbreakers are explicitly Hrothgar who are the Queen of the Hellions' Royal Guards.
nothing wrong with playing mch unless you just blow
>We will rid them of Ascians and put the WoL's BFF and rightful emperor Zenos on the throne.
This, I actually feel like that is going to be the conclusion to Garlean story.
I'm old enough and my body is developed enough to date guys of that size/age and them not looking like my father.
Try growing up/not looking like a literal child.
My first law as Emperor is mandatory katana class from the age of 2.
>You gonna back that claim up from the race that gets vored on a regular basis?
Not him, but Pipin and Papashan.
Why do people have so much trouble with O11?
I agree with you that Varis will probably be killed. Normalfags see him as "hitler" now despite him just being like gaius in ARR. I really doubt we'll just "rid garlemand of ascians and now we're good" Zenos becoming emperor seems likely though.
>not Gaius
All of them, but actually bard
Genocide all lalas
Yea Forums once again proving they don't know a single thing about tanking or CC as a dps
When did I ever say I wanted "good" animations, faggot? I just wanted less stiff ones.
Try the game on pad, enable WXHB and expanded crossbars, achieve comfy efficiency
Lalafell are sort of like ants. They're actually stronger than something many times their body weight and have incredibly strong muscle fibers. They're really hard to chew so normally its the stomach acid that defeats them instead.
There are Limsan warriors after the 50-60 questline. Curious George and his brother teach it to qualified Marauders.
You think that's bad, try doing A11 through party finder.
>rightful emperor Zenos on the throne.
This sonunds like a really bad idea. I'd rather have Solus become a good guy than a bloodthirsty manchild sit on the throne of the most powerful state on Hydaelyn.
Nah, each step had a distinct function, like looking for upgrade parts, launching an assault on a FATE boss from ARR, practicing tactics with Joye, etc. DRK starts strong, but then Fray goes "lol just kill some mobs I guess? blood sacrifice or...something..." It's strange, since MCH avoided ARR style padding outright while AST excused it through necessary lore dumps.
Because it involves actual positioning over don't stand in that 5 second circle
Then play literally any other race and not turn yourself into a meme joke race.
Why would you advise him to play the game with a worse control scheme?
>not turn yourself into a meme joke race.
But i'm not switch to Lalafell.
don't knock it 'til you try it
Because it is an arguably better control scheme than kb+m. Objectively better than clicking things, at the very least.
>literally only Paladin has any lore justification whatsoever
Did you even read anything I wrote?
Gladiator is basically just Paladin and you just named off a Gladiator and a Paladin.
It's not arguably better, it's objectively worse, especially on healer where you've actively gimped yourself. And clicking, while retarded, is still better so long as you're not doing it constantly.
He might get back to Garlemald, but I don't see him wanting throne.
>playing healer without macros
Sounds like shit, I'll pass.
Alright well the Nymian marines were exclusively units of Lalafellin marauders led by single scholars each. And they fought off two of the most terrifyingly powerful nations that ever existed at the same time.
Don't forget
>playing healer where you have to fucking scroll through the party menu 1 at a time to spot heal
>binding 4 fucking extra hotbar spaces just to play AST instead of just clicking off your buffs
Healing on controller is actually better than KB
t. sch main
Bros... I did it.
The problem was that it seems no one told him to take it easy or remind him to use aggro management. The passive aggressive silent kick is such a bitch move I find myself on the BLM's side.
>24man hero sch
>healing with kbm
>hover mouse over party list
>hit /ac "Adloqium" macro
>healing with controller
>hit control pad 10 times to scroll through party list
>press L2 and then R2
>then press X
Gratz. What job(s) did you play?
Good job, I gave up on pvp. Will try to play healer next season.
>running around like an idiot
>crowd control
None of the trash in this game requires CC. If you have to run around to avoid autoattacks you fucked up and overpulled and are going to die anyways.
It's largely the point of it that Fray's sending you off to do irrelevant horseshit since he's trying to sway you over to "fuck the po-lice and fuck eorzea".
Mostly DRK with a few games as WAR. What a fucking ride getting to Plat was.
GL. If you're a good healer you can ride that shit hard.
People used to kicked sprouts in Praetorium.
Don't bother arguing with controllerfags, they will argue endlessly about how pressing 15 buttons to do an action that takes 1 press on KBM is superior even though literally zero world first groups have controller players (even JP ones)
why are you around in a website designed for young adults? just out of curiosity
>Play controller on PC.
>Just hit macro key as needed.
Damn, that was hard.
Please don't join my PFs.
I'd say controller is good for comfy hand/land grinding, but using it for serious content is just retarded.
Helion Hrothgar, day one.
Finally, I can use my vet reward fantasia on a non shit race, and stop playing human.
Yes, I'm sure pressing broil over and over while you let your entire party die is much better on controller than KB/M
imagine being so awful at playing healer that you think keyboard or controller makes a difference
>Ten times
You're too stupid to hold the d pad?
I'm a young adult, I'm just better looking than you.
So literally exactly what I said, got it
Controller is amazing for gatherers, especially fisher. It's also fine if you're not doing high end content, and you can get away with it in savage/ultimate if you're playing a job like Samurai or something. It's just retarded to argue for using it on a fucking healer of all things.
Imagine being so poor you can't even afford a USB keyboard and mouse to play a fucking MMO
to be fair, holding a controller in the long run is more comfortable than having my hands over the keyboard and mouse.
>A Realm Reborn
Vanilla was objectively better.
>it was a grindfest
Git gud
>they reused map assets
It's memory efficient
>The UI lagged
It was turn-based
>BFA fucked up so hard it sent people to FFXIV.
I hate to say it but I have seen really good healers on a controller, I don't know how they did it but they did.
>not having both corded and wireless KBM
Step up, nigga.
yea totally man, the healer definitely can never be lazy during a pull or mess up their heals
>about to derank in the feast
I wish getting a semi-decent healer wasn't such a goddamn coin flip. There's only so much a tank can do to make up for poor healer.
>"Just do both"
>"Exactly as I said"
I loved using controller for FFXI because it was slow and menu-based. But I can't imagine playing XIV with one, although I do still use it for gathering and shit like Triple Triad.
How the fuck do you get good at the feast? Hell, ANY PvP is a clusterfuck in this game, and all I want is the rewards. Shit feels so clunky.
No one is good at Feast, that's the joke. You just hope things go your way and your team isn't entirely brain dead.
Some people are used to doing more than 0.5 inputs per second.
It's more confortable for my hands to grasp something than just having them in weird spider position all the time.
I have no issue with any of them, really.
No, I said you waste hotbar space binding macros or empty road or the like, instead of just fucking clicking them off. Then your retarded ass said "NUH UH I JUST USE MY MACROS AND/OR UNDRAW ACTIONS!!!!" like you're a fucking savant or some shit for doing literally exactly what I said. Unless you're saying you use a controller but also reach over and grab your mouse to click off buffs, which is even more retarded.
Guess what night tonight is?
The 2.5s gcd was put in place to make it easier for controller players. There's so much downtime that your input method literally doesn't matter.
90% of the time better healer decides the match
Maintenance night!
i use a kb, youre missing the point
At what level should I start caring about the plot in any way? The first 20 levels are stock rpg fetch quest "big bad of the zone" shit
Who the fuck are you supposed to focus? I figure you try to cc train and rape the healer, but most groups I get into, people spam to attack other shit.
I'm not, your point was just retarded.
>People want good races for their faction.
>give them something half assed
I doubt anybody would've complained if we got these guys instead of amputee fuck nuggets.
>10 times
You're trying too hard user
Would it be good if they removed Mirage Dive as a separate skill and just made it an automatic follow up to jumps while in BoTD?
I'm already Midlander master race. Still have my two fantasia from what, 8 years ago?
Touchpad. It's a simple swipe and tap.
nigga like just press 1 button LMAO
dismissing the argument is not an argument, this simple ass game is barely affected by what you use to play it
You healer live you win, your healer is dead you lose.
Please do it for exclusive rewards you will never be able to get because ranks never lower!
t. chocolate Wildwood Femlezen
Controllers regularly clear prog user, more than kbm by a lot thanks to nippon players.
>Except Urianger who reveals he figured out how to do it years ago when he was really really bored
TOP KEK, got me rollin in a damn KFC
>People complaining about fraction-of-a-second differences in a game as slow as XIV
>Especially as a fucking healer.
>Setting up macros in this game.
I finally understand the raid tranny meme.
>slaves of the elezens in gridania and ishgard
>slaves of the jews in uldah
>slaves of the roes in limsa
>master race
If that were the case, higher level players would use both methods.
>wildwood liking dushblight
Stay my current race as a Keeper of the Moon catboy still. My brother chose to switch from a Highlander Hyur to an Xaela Au'Ra because of me explaining to another friend why I chose to be a catboy instead of a Hyur.
Honestly thought his Highlander looked cool as hell.
Show me a world first clear with a controller player.
>more than kbm by a lot thanks to nippon players.
Most nips use KBM
People have cleaewd ultimates with controllers
But that's the thing, Blizzard has been monkey pawing the AR's this entire expansion.
>People ask for Broken or Eredar
>Get yellow, even more light infused Draenei even though that's already their schtick
>People ask for HE's (Doesn't mean I agree with it)
>Here's Purple Blood Elves we just pulled out of our ass
>People ask for Vrykul
>Get obese sea niggers instead
>People ask for Brown Orcs
>They pull them from alternate timeline Draenor
>People ask for actual Mechagnomes
>Get living fleshlight Junker Gnomes
>Don't get the actual expansion races until 7 months after launch
This whole shit's a joke.
I dunno... I'd resub if they made blue mage a real job because I love blue mages. That or maybe beastmaster if it was actually done in a cool way.
But literally every NPC comments on how degenerate the Garleans are. Even the cat sluts don't like them. They seem to be particularly fond of Highlanders
If you're not playing on a high end PC with a GTX 2080ti with a mechanical keyboard and mmo mouse while popping hormone pills, then you're doing it wrong.
Those are the grunt soldiers which are almost all conscripts from other nations. Pure Garleans tend to be in officer positions.
Good people with KMB>Good people with controller>Bad people with KBM>Bad people with controller
This isn't up for debate. Nobody has claimed you cant do content with a controller. Its just scientifically proven that you can deal with certain situations faster with a mouse, especially as healer.
And the game's piss easy, so who cares.
People have beaten Dark Souls 3 with bananas.
Show me your world first Ultimate clear then.
>popping hormone pills,
Fucking obsessed. The trannies are living rent free in your head RIGHT NOW.
I wouldn't say its piss easy, but as already stated people have cleared all content with controller so its a matter of choice as long as you are comfortable with it.
Usually melee is supposed to call targets.
At the start focusing on melee is a safe bet, but you have to time your stun and silence on healer with the bursts because otherwise healer shouldn't have much problem healing especially if party is not very good at bursts. Shitter healers usually have problem when they have to heal more than 1 person, so you can change your targets regulary and make it hard for a healer and then just wait until he slips up.
That's not how you spell Arenvald. It's basically canon at this point, so don't try and fight it.
While that's true, the officers are typically the ones that order the grunts to be such degenerate savages. The whole joke of Garleans is that they're legitimately lesser, fucked up freaks of a nation but they've got themselves so hopped up on the smell of their own farts they believe they're actually the apex race not unlike Nazis
No, I like for that skill to be in one place.
Not really, since KBM is objectively better.
Good fucking times were had.
And by that I mean fucking nightmares
While I'd normally be inclined to agree, what you're suggesting would require something in Arenvald's life to go right, so until I see definitive proof I'll have to call you a liar and scoundrel.
Now that just sounds disgusting
I'll not be buying the next expansion and play a good game instead.
Just got that with my nin, I was excited as fuck to finally get the chest piece. Time to stop fooling around with other classes and rush to 50.
You can choose to not use the objectively better thing. People do all the time.
>the officers are typically the ones that order the grunts to be such degenerate savages
Source: my ass
Well they wont in my groups. If I find out someone is using controller and gimping themselves theyre getting the big boot.
>Fordola's flashback literally demonstrates an officer ordering his men not to stop riots and to sit back and watch Garlean "citizens" be murdered.
>>instanly accepting Raise seemingly without checking out the ongoing/upcoming mechanics first
You do know you are invulnerable until you use an action after raise right
Controller is more comfy though and screeching about keyboard in general is just as stupid as platform wars shit
The only real argument to be made is a mouse is better if you have to save another party in a 24 man, any other content its the same or even slower
That's true, but it doesn't mean it's a matter of preference; there's still one correct choice, you can just choose the more comfortable but less ideal option if you don't plan to play the game seriously.
>arguably the most educated and cultured race in eorzea
>no one in ishgard will do the basic work if not them
>lalas would never be in charge of Ul'dah if the midlander Thorne house didn't voluntarily step down
>improved everything roes did in Limsa
>the only ones chosen by the gridanian elementals to be padjalis
more like overlords
So wait, were you expecting them to be Mi'qote but hairier, then?
It's only 8 seconds
We kicked a tank in a run of Keeper of the Lake a few days ago because he had no stance up and started just spamming rage of halone on a single mob after body pulling an entire pack. To be fair, we literally spent five minutes telling him in chat repeatedly to put on shield oath so he could hold aggro after 2 or 3 pulls of the samurai and red mage and astrologian tanking all but 1 of the mobs in each pack.
You say that as if people clearing ultimate and savage arent playing seriously lmao I know you wanna sound cool and cheeky but the facts dont add up.
>Lemme just throw up some waymarks
>fags with 200 dollar autism mice desperately trying to justify their purpose
They're the only ones that bring this shit up
Grats. I'm still trying to get to fucking bronze as I played melee and couldn't carry anything. Wish me luck buddy.
So you're telling me that if a WHM or a BLM joined your PF and they proved they had gold parses, you'd still kick them because they weren't the "objectively superior" jobs for high damage?
Nah, he did the right thing by letting the BLM die, but kicking someone over it is going too far. Let them learn to pop diversion and lucid but don't kick them if they don't, unless they start making a fuss or being a baby in chat over it.
>durr hurr how do aim camera
You know no one use that alternative placement method right
People clearing savage and ultimate on controllers are doing it weeks/months after release using guides made by serious players who don't use controllers.
why is anyone even trying feast with those ugly as sin rewards?
>The room was dark, you could hear the sounds of mechanical parts grindings against each other as the undersides of your thighs were latched onto by a chilling grip. Eerie faded orbs of blue begin to emerge from the darkness, positioned between your calves. A distorted robotic yet ghostly voice began to speak to you in choppy, vibrating waves. The content of its broken speech, sexual. You hear a winding revving squeal and then KADOOSH! You feel your asshole split apart. Your insides pierced. The sound begins again, from a low squeal that quickly ascends into another KADOOSH! From a remote location, a gnome cranks up the dial on the robognome’s cock, past hard fucc, to a point where the dial snaps off the controller. Instantly, the piston powered prick reaches insane levels of speed. Tearing your asshole apart. DUNSHDUNSHDUNSHDUNSH! A pop and a bang! The hip of the mecha gnome blows out and you are released from its grasp. Somehow managing to turn on the light, you see the hydraulic cock continuing to thrust wildly, oil squirting out of its tip. The draining oil causes the cock to lock up and begin to smoke. You had better get out of your room, if you can walk!
Why wouldnt I just lock them from joining in the first place?
i seriously hope people do not buy those mice with the numpad buttons on the side
No and I wouldn't kick someone for using a controller either, you fucking strawmanning retard. THat said if someone asked if BLM or WHM had any disadvantages compared to other jobs I would give them the honest truth and not say "nah it's just preference"
this is your hrothgar shill for tonight please congratulate them on being able to get their aura knotted by "lion daddies"
I have one
but it's not really for gaming
I did because Logitech was a good brand and it was $35
It's a good mouse too, would use it even without the autism buttons on the side. To be honest the third clicking button is a bigger issue than the side buttons
Got kicked for greeding on a healslut's boots and winning them I think. They didn't say anything, ask me anything. They just kicked and moved on (same server, fuck Zodiark) I bully dpslets constantly as a joke but when it comes to random dungeons they're pretty much fucked.
Nobody said it was just preference. I specifically stated that controller was mathematically worse, but to such a small degree that it won't hinder you in any content in the game. If a job did 1% less DPS than another, it would be a preference if they picked the lesser one since the decision doesn't really matter.
>tank the burn
>just say "hello" and that's it
>both dps and healer is french
>dps sucks, no holy or any dps from whm
>"oups xd" x 3
>get to last boss
>wipe three times because healer can't avoid mechanics
>about to tell him in detail how to avoid stuff
>you have been removed from the duty
I legit raged and reported them for abusing the kick function
It still irks me and I kick every french faggot I see now
For the most part the Horde Allied races despite everything have been pretty okay.
>Anybody who wasn't a huge lorelet knew that Draenor Orcs are few in number in outland and just accepted that this was really the only way we'd get orcs of different clans.
>An entire faction of disowned nightelves whos storyline and lore we all got to play last expansion everybody knows who is fucking who.
>Tauren with antlers half assed as fuck but at the same time stories and lore we got to see in Legion comes with bitchin tats and god tier racials.
>Zandalari one of the oldest races of the fucking game finally joining the Horde they have unique models stand upright are tall as fuck have insane racials and give the Horde the ability to troll humies with "troll paladins".
and soon.
>adorable little fox people that like to steal and pillage and can survive the harshness of a desolate land.
I might not play the game anymore but I'am feelin that faction prime pretty good right now so much that I dont even care if the Alliance get Lightforged undead because you're gonna get something better like Eredar or something like that.
There were both japanese and western players who were streaming that used controllers during prog week, some of them in the groups that were making the most progress.
Just accept the fact that there are all star players that use controllers, just as there are who use KBM.
Talking about how many steps you have to go through when you can just press a shortcut on a keyboard.
Should report it next time. GMs will investigate who initiated the kick even if you dont know and ask them why they did it.
Kinda'. Roe-sized lion-men
We also created the Allagan Empire. Lesser races still seething over our creations to this day.