why isn't Yea Forums playing RAGE 2™ by Bethesda Softworks™, Avalanche Studios™ and id Software™?
Why isn't Yea Forums playing RAGE 2™ by Bethesda Softworks™, Avalanche Studios™ and id Software™?
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No crack
>Denuvo announced the day of launch
>Wasn't disclosed anytime beforehand
Nope. refunded.
because it's not cracked yet
Not interested.
nobody asked for this game
I don't buy Denuvo games.
>day 1 DLC
>bethesda account is mandatory
>80 dollars for full game
>lol so randum ex deee
>tune into some random stream of the game
>hear all the usual bland ass generic mouthbreathing american voice actors you hear in every single western video game
>ctrl+w immediately
based and piratepilled
>A second one
>Made by Avalanche
Japanese dub or bust
i'm playing while my wife plays with tyrone and the boys.
this is a retarded argument
if you only made games people asked for, we would have a significantly less experimental games
sometimes you have to convince people they will like something
not saying rage is that kind of game, but the underlying logic youre using it retarded
It looks like they are trying to copy Borderlands and copied all the shit I hated about it
I'm waiting for a crack
Why would I play trash?
Steam says it doesn't unlock for another 4 hours
At least they don't have bullet orbs.
Whats experimental about rage 2 user? Are they trying to figure out why retards like you defend companies? I hope so.
Borderlands 3 is doing the same
>Make megatexture the tech demo part 2
>Go for the Rick and post mortem fanbase
>"why does nobody play"
One of mankinds greatest secrets.
Knack 2 exists because of your defense
Not him but i think implication was that nobody looked/played rage and said yeah this needs a sequel there are more games worthy of one.
I'm going to try it once it's cracked, it seemed kinda like Bulletstorm in a fun way.
I played rage, it was pretty mediocre
You didn't buy it in the first place
that's a big nose
>Borderlands 3 is doing the same
I figured Borderlands would try to copy itself
but when someone else copies the shitty aspects of a game, knowing that's a bad idea is stupid
>look up gameplay on youtube
>hit markers
>damage sponge enemies
>HUD that looks like that one meme
>close tab
I'll probably get it once it's on sale. Which won't take long desu.
Nope i did, thought bethesda was one of the few companies that wouldn't use denuvo since Evil Within 2 and Prey didn't use it and they removed it in Doom and Dishonored 2, Well i just wanted to support that. What a kick in the nuts that was to find out it does have denuvo. Didn't even warn users if there was during preorders those fucks,
I don't think I have bought a single player game in the last ten years.
(checked) post that one meme
Dyke-cuts are ugly.
How long is it? One review said 24 hours, another said the story alone is 15, another said the story alone is 6-8 hours.
because no one in his right mind will touch a beth game.
>going on One Seething Incel
should have never sold out to zenimax lol.
>john romero is giggling on his way back to the top.
That's a big nose.
i'm not seething, i'm just telling it like it is.
Ya seethe.
all they touch turns to shit. it's a wonder we got new vegas seemingly intact.
i don't play their crap. they are scumbags and a bunch of assholes.
>post-apocalyptic tranny simulator
I'm good
so, bye. dick.
I still haven't played RAGE 1. Why would I play the sequel when I couldn't even be arsed to try the first game?
They even admit in the rage 2 trailer that rage 1 sucked. I am serious.
>id working on Rage
>#woke, randumb reddit humor, soulless garbage universe with the depth of a kiddie pool
>is working on Doom
>mortally challenged
Did id just do the gunplay of this or something, and everything else was handled by whoever the fuck Avalanche Studios is?
they are all dead now
>One Angry Gamer has more comments and activity on the news from the readers than Kotaku, Gamespot and IGN comment sections combined
Are we finally rising up lads?
I didn't like the first one and I don't feel like playing anything shootery right now. The first one felt boring to me and I don't think adding pink to the game will fix it
Looks like its all the gameplay I want in a still boring setting because open world tripe wont go away
Wheres a new turok?
Kotaku, gamespot and IGN have comment sections? I thought they turned them off years back.
Because i heard it's pretty meh aside from the gunplay. So this will be a pirate.
I preordered through Steam. Should I refund? It looks fun but shallow.
Because OAG is outrage pornography baiting for one liners and quips from cynical nolifers.
And I say that as someone who should be the target demographic for this shit, if I had 10 less IQ.
I unironically think Rage 1 looks better.
removed all the sexy outfits from rage 1
another case of sjw censorship
It probably runs better as well because it doesnt have denuvo on it.
So it looks like every game out there until you start bringing in top RPGs that are memed here?
What is a good game anymore anyways?
but user - i can't play it till tomorrow
and I thought my monitor was wide, look at that boy
Imagine if Cyberpunk 2077 looked like that wallpaper
duel 1440p 144 hertz - got a deal for the both matching at micro-center for $300 a piece - decent panels but nothing anyone on Yea Forums will like probably
this is the guy's artstation profile if you want to see his stuff
please tell me there are cute NPC's in the game and it's not another feminazi "inclusive" game with fatsos and ugly 3/10's like OP pic
>this is not like my animu :(
Because no one asked for it.
honestly I'd rather have Mad Max 2
>western game after 2008
>attractive females
pick one
>expecting cute girls from westacucks
it isn't out unill tomorrow? Also this chick has a BIG nose
Overwatch came out in 2015. Whatever else its many many faults may be, (most of) the girls are definitely attractive.
>BIG nose
That means she also has a BIG smile right?
accurate or nah?
Most of those attractive girls were designed by Chinese artists and modelers.
Yeah it's kinda accurate
I'm not a weeb, by cute I mean normal realistic females not the huge eyes nip bullshit you people fap to. I'm an old man I only play 3-4 shooter games a year and I want babes in my fantasy world not tumblerinas It's making me sad
Sounds like you only eat white bread.
Spice is the spice of life my man.
>I'm not a weeb
Then you deserve to suffer.
I will buy it. Sad that Yea Forums can only suck Mario and Gaben cock and shit on everything else. Second reddit.
Rage 2
What Bioshock would've been if it was made by capeshitters
>another fag haircut on a female
(((Good goyim play our games)))
>Wheres a new turok?
Turok is dead. Keep waiting.
>bethesdrone calling anybody else reddit
wtf is that supposed to mean, I don't talk underage weebish
yeah, it took me a decade to accept that manga hentai weeb people like you exists. or whatever this huge eyes giant boobs shota shit is called. I'm not hateful, don't really get it tho.
rage 1 had god tier world design
this looks like moist vagina
>I don't talk underage weebish
I'm 30 and thats a term from before my time my guy.
Get out of here you alien boomer.
First Rage had a super cute waifu, Rage 2 has a similar character or they went full sjw?
because i don’t know hos to ply video games... too many button ._.
If I shill out for another Bethesda garbage fire, will I get some in-game good boy coins?
how’s that lower back, granddad?
I'm self-taught english, and retarded I guess
I'm rather new to Yea Forums. so is this an exclusively manga board or what? can people not fapping to shota nippon incel porn exist here? asking for a friend
Its better than your small dick.
But I am playing it. It looks fantastic and the gunplay is amazing too. Only thing I dislike is vehicle combat.
Waiting for Codex, also does it have as bad of a pop-up problem as Rage1.
That was more entertaining than the entire game
have you seen any waifus?
I hate this faggot so much.
>call out a company for shitty practices and he blocks me while calling me a Troll
He's the one of the biggest idiots on Twitch
Still shit?
reddit: check
retarded streamer watcher: check
crying about stupid shit: check
basedboy trifecta achieved
>New Turok
I really want one but I have a feeling we would only get monkey pawed if a new one came out
>OAG's audience is literally the right-leaning version of kotaku, ign, gamespot ... etc audience
so cool, I thought the sjws were faggots but turns out it's all of you psychopaths and them too.
We already did.
Fire with fire fenceboy
delete this
looks like postal but without content
No but so far I'm just running around and collecting all the powers and guns before I do any missions.
companies that use Denuvo are the ones that are not confident in their game or their sales projections. So they want to boost Week 1 sales as much as possible. unfortunately, you are few and far between in terms of their average customer who won't even care Denuvo is in.
At the end of the day, they don't want to lose their jobs so they'll do whatever the have to.
Rage 1 had some cute girls though
I didn't even knew the game was out.
ironic shilling is still shilling
More like Rage 2 drone. Anyway. Only gay weeb games are popular here. Even reddit have more balls than this shithole.
because i'm not a retard you shill...
Not really
>so is this an exclusively manga board or what?
No. Exclusively shit on everything board.
Is it engaging enough? I can see it's basically first person mad max and I liked mad max but that was primarily because I liked building up magnum opus. Don't know if I'd enjoy it so much without that hook
Yes really
based boomer. fuck these pedo neets, they're attracted to fictional children. give me a real woman in my vidya
sad. we need a proper Yea Forums where japshit games are banned except for capcom
Looks like a tranny
Because I'm sick of western AAA gaming to be honest. I only play old PC games, emulators, indies and PC ports of jap games like Atelier.
So they turned you into a video game character. Nice.
this one meme?
I wanna lick that tummy
>anime poster
waiting for cpy/codex i would totally buy it if i had any money but student life
Yes uwu
? Whut? Its 50 at walmart.. I dunno if it's more for pc
Is this a danger 5 reference?
>western game
>developed by bethesda
>raging dykes as the cover art
playing this is the equivalent of eating trash in the streets
the image is older than danger 5
Imagine getting BTFO by a 1 hour gameplay demo to the point no one gives a fuck about your shit game
Because it's an uninspired, overproduced and overcommercialized non-game.
Depends on how much you like the gunplay. It's basically just DOOM except you have to drive to missions.
At what point did you lot stop pretending "left" and "right" mean anything other than "i dont like" and "i like"?
sorry, buy fag here, i'm into financial domination and no gf - it's simpler this way
Does it have megatextures?
Yikes. One of the Yea Forums experiences that never gets old is when you call someone dumb, but they are too dumb to understand it.
I am merely reminding you that the economic left and economic right have meanings other than "thing i like" and "thing i dont like".
>it's basically just DOOM
That's a straight-up lie and you know it
No, it's Avalanches engine
i got the wolfenstein new order game a while back on the cheap and never played it
im assuming my time would be better spent on that than this, even though this game doesn't look too bad to me at all. if they were both full-priced games, which one would be the better buy for a fella who loves fps games but doesn't have enough time to try them all
>imagine being a clueless suit at zenimax
DOOM 2016
I know what fucking game you were talking about and it's still a lie. Tell me one thing Rage 2 does that makes it like DOOM aside from "You shoot the guy and he falls over"
Thanks user, I'll probably get it then. I could do with a shooty game and the combat looks pretty fucking good.
Mediocre graphics
Shitty hamfisted plot
Uninspiring weapons
here's a hint: all your shit ass games are the same. a giant pile of crap.
go find some other business you can ruin, games are clearly not for you as you know jack shit about the subject.
This game was essentially produced by people who don't care about video games personally, and it shows.
Steam says 7 hours to go, plus I am still playing yakuza kwiami 2 and bloodgdx right now so it will have to wait. And ONLY reasons I got it was because 1: I liked Mad Max game and Rage (played rage right after doom 3 so I saw the progression) and 2: I like tech demoa apparently since I liked Rage and Killzone Shadowfall (not as much as 2 though)
Probably the fact that the gunplay feels exactly the same because it was made by the same developers? The only thing that's different is how the enemies look and It's a lot faster than DOOM once you unlock 30% faster sprinting and double jumping.
Yeah, fucking sneaky faggots.
You know it's bad when even paid reviewers are shitting on it
Fucking this. Nothing gives away a game being designed by commitee faster than "WACKY QUIRKY REFERENTIAL WE'RE SO AWESOME" humor. A bunch of corporate slugs thinking this is what kids sound like these days.
I play it on youtube
maybe it will be removed at a later date once the demand for the game dies down, some game companies do that now like capcom though it probably depends on the game and isn't just a blanket thing
Full SJW unfortunately. It's actually made by a Swedish studio Avalanche. Sweden is an SJW dystopia full stop.
>heheh that first game really sucked didn't it?
>this sequel is tots better!
>gunplay feels exactly the same
not from what I've seen
>only thing that's different is different enemies and "faster"
you forgot about
>open-world sandbox-esque instead of linear, well-crafted levels
>reloading instead of alternate fire modes
>vehicles everywhere instead of running around all the time like a loony
>mutants and bandits that meme all over you instead of pissed-off demons that want to tear you apart
>drastically different color scheme and overall tone when compared to DOOM
That's all I can think of off the top of my head for now
This game is nothing like DOOM. The only things that are similar is the developer/publisher, the fact that you use guns, and the BFG 9000 (which is pre-order exclusive). Don't try to claim the game is something that it's not.
Because I'm going to wait until it's $5, like I did with the first RAGE.
>hasn't played it
>thinks his opinion matters
>b-b-b-but you drive around open world!!
Literally what I said in the first post you replied to. based retard
have sex
I don't get why this is you people go to insult for that faggot. Seething just means "angry" already so why even bother calling him that?
Feels like "seething" is not just a generic insult with no meaning these days
So you refute my objection that the game isn't like DOOM on account of the fact that it's open-world (among other things) by saying that it's like DOOM but it's open-world.
why do westfags think only anime girls are cute? Witcher had cute girls. Overwatch has cute girls. Real life has cute girls.
Beauty exists in places other than anime user, go outside for a bit.
Dios mio...
>pumping your brain full of trash but for free
No character creation
Overwatch is anime and Witcher is slav, that doesn't count.
They actually remove it once the game is cracked. It has nothing to do with demand. There's no point in continuing paying their Denuvo licence if the game was cracked, so they take it off.
>default preset girl is just a man with tits
It's all so tiresome
Once you're doing a mission aka locked into an area it's literally fucking DOOM but you drive around from mission to mission. Not hard to understand, retard.
he never said it was exactly like doom lmao. you started this argument by cutting a sentence in half
Ok so it's like DOOM in specific situations, then. We're getting somewhere now.
In these specific situations where it's like DOOM, can I do any of the following:
>fire my weapons without needing to reload
>use a chainsaw or similar melee attack to regain resources such as ammo and health
>find power-ups that are sprinkled throughout the area to help me kill the bad guys
>find secrets that provide bonus resources, upgrade points, or even new weapons if I'm lucky
>replay levels in case I want to try my hand at them again
>find challenges that provide me with bonuses upon completing them
>fend off hordes of enemies that consist of varied and interesting enemy types that compliment one another in their design
I'd imagine that the game has at least some of these.
My point is that the fact that it's open-world makes it unlike DOOM. DOOM works on a linear level-based structure where you can replay said levels if you so choose. It also has a challenge mode where you play levels for score rather than just completion.
do you even have to ask
sjws have pretty much ruined western gaming at this point.
i can´t even remember the last time a big western game had sexy female characters
>pumping your brain full of trash but after payment
You sure showed them user
>Bethesda Softworks
There's your answer
>We're getting somewhere now.
It's what I said from the very beginning you dumb autist.
It's DOOM but with an open world built around it.
Accurate for you being the kind of faggot that tries to put politics in everything.
Which is fine. The difference is you can make fag games like Dream Daddy as long as you are up front about chasing the fag loving audience. Don't put fags in a game and pretend you're righteous.
You're doing a very good job at reading the first sentence of my posts. Well done, but please refer to the rest of the post if you want to try and counter my argument.
There is no game closer to Doom than this. You can lie yourself but everyknow know you are liar anyway.
This game honestly looks fun so I have no idea why Yea Forums hates it. Is it because of the metacritic score or what? An open world Doom sounds fun
>muh glory kills
literally babymode
>muh playing levels over and over again
has nothing to do with gunplay
>find power-ups that are sprinkled throughout the area to help me kill the bad guys
thats in rage
>find secrets that provide bonus resources, upgrade points, or even new weapons if I'm lucky
thats in rage
>find challenges that provide me with bonuses upon completing them
thats in rage
>fend off hordes of enemies that consist of varied and interesting enemy types that compliment one another in their design
literally crying about skins
I wouldn't want it even if it were free. They would need to pay a significant amount to make me waste my time on this.
>A bunch of corporate slugs thinking this is what kids sound like these days.
This is what kids like today.
Yea and it hurts nobody that shit games are made as long as there are good ones.
The other poster is right. Not this time witb rage but without experimentation and developers with balls we will run out of good games very soon
Can you post that wallpaper?
Why though what is so bad about this game?
"""She"""" looks like a nigger but wrong color by mistake.
Because Yea Forums is new reddit. But even worse and more gay.
Cool, so there's actually some stuff that makes it kind of like DOOM. Good to know
Some stuff I'll argue about your post, though. The enemy variety bit isn't just about "enemy skins", I'm talking about actual enemy design in terms of combat. Are there various enemy types that all have different tactics that they'll use against you? DOOM has this in spades and it makes shooting enemies great.
Also when it comes to gunplay, what makes it like DOOM aside from the fact that it has guns that go bang? In DOOM there's no reloading (which is great because it allows you to keep the pace up and you don't have to wait around for a reload animation to finish) and the guns are extremely satisfying because of their sound effects and sheer amount of VISUAL DAMAGE they do to enemies (tearing them to pieces, vaporizing them, etc). I haven't seen a lot of enemies getting blasted to pieces in any gameplay footage, but I might have missed it.
60 on steam my dude
Not that user but here's an animated version of it if you have Wallpaper Engine