post those mercs
>he doesn't play a cocky asshole rogue
Other urls found in this thread:
no but i play with your mom haha
from the thumbnail i thought it was that enchantment faggot from dragon age
I give up I can't do it
I'll just stay a 5 kills 25 deaths scrub in frontline and 0 kills 20 deaths in duels
I just can't do it
>every weapon attacks faster than the one I'm using
>every weapon has better range than the one I'm using
>buy game because of mordhau threads
>have absolutely no fun playing it and end up wasting all my gold trying to make a support archer build
>end up just throwing rocks at people in peasant clothes and pissing my team off with the lute
Why do I keep buying these fucking games when I know I'm bad at them?
>cocky asshole rogue
but I do and mine is better
>smoke bomb
I don't sit back and snipe I'm with the bois in the front either securing someone a kill on that backpeddaling dickhead, or shooting helmetless retards in the face.
If there's other Archers they take precedence, usually get a headshot on them and if not I do 92 and they panic.
If anyone starts getting close the cleaver comes out and I start to cut mother fuckers, the cleaver is great. I find myself running inbetween two people a lot, with their larger weapons probably worried about hitting each other, and I'm just slashing their guts open.
where the fuck is blue ammo chest on taiga
Been playing crossbow recently, prioritizing hunting down enemy archers. Getting easy headshots from across the map on other crossbowmen who don't know how to hide themselves properly while reloading is a riot.
just be less fagacious.
don't let fear stop you from running into a pile of ten sweaty men and slinging your pole around.
Seriously, though. Just rush into a melee and don't care about dying. You'll have more fun, calm down, and learn shit. I have a feeling you're getting overwhelmed.
Don't forget your surgical tools, fellow medics.
Adding women would objectively ruin this game and I cannot believe how many idiots don't see that.
I would love to see them added just so I can hear their death gurgles and screams. If they're added i will probably exclusively target women.
If you haven't unlocked the plumed helmet yet you are a massive embarrassment and failure at this game. Consider uninstalling it and moving on to something else.
>playing the game enough to get 60k gold to afford it
have sex
>how is a game built around immersing the player in brutal medieval warfare compromised by having female combattants
Do I really need to?
I can understand the depression about your duel stats but if you care about your K/D during frontline you're playing it wrong. Frontline is not about 1v1ing and killing as many individuals as possible, it's about you and your teammates pushing into objectives and building momentum and trying to break the charges of enemies or outflank them using the various routes of the map.
game isn't very realistic in the first place so it really doesn't make much of a difference as far as I'm concerned
if you're mad about that you should be mad you're allowed to wear gothic armor with crusader shit with a viking helm or very easily being able to play as grug the caveman
Too bad I have no money for anything else now
Ah, yes. The "all inaccuracies are equal" gaslighting technique.
they kind of are
No. They are not. You know they are not. I'm not going to list two innacuracies of differing significance to demonstrate it. You know it. Stop lying.
I honestly don't think it's gonna happen, or if it does it won't be for at least a couple of years after they finish putting out actual content. It feels incredibly obvious from a huge chunk of the voice lines that the devs intended it to be nothing but men and any response to being asked just comes across as lip service to shut up complainers imo.
>No gloves
You may have a plume, but you're a gigantic faggot for overlooking this one simple thing.
Take the Maul pill
Why am I suddenly playing like shit?
big headed ass nigga
ol irish potato head lookin ass nigga
ol irish stew pot for head ass nigga
saying something is true doesn't make it so.
you want this to be a truthful representation of medieval combat? when it makes so many compromises in that regard for the sake of variety? adding in girls is hardly the worst inaccuracy the game could conceivably have, that's all I'm saying. If people want it let them have it, hardly ruins your or my fun.
Roleplaying as a Roman legionary makes me feel bad for using Spear + Shield and dumping on the newbsters, but at least I'm doing it in style.
Also why is there no proper Roman helm and Scutum? The lamellar matches the segmentata enough, but it's just not right without the helm and shield
maybe because its not historically set in roman times?
>hardly ruins your
don't speak for me. it absolutely ruins my fun when shit like is going on and I'm seeing some 100lb chick clashing battle axes with a 300lb dude. Don't pretend that's equivalent to an anachronistic insignia or pauldron design. It isn't, and you know it isn't.
If they add a toggle, fine. Let the retards be retards. But don't pretend they aren't retards. They are. And "toggle" is not at all what they're about.
Stop replying to bait. All you're gonna get is another disingenuous response that leads to nowhere.
>use spear
>constantly scroll up as hard as you can and never stop
>aim for the head
>top of the scoreboard
Spear is for the simple folks, but you get good results with it.
>take River as red
>charge across with my boys
>bolt goes flying past
>turn around
>it’s the blue crossbowman that’s been taking potshots at the river from behind the tower for the last 10 minutes
>he bends over to reload
>chuck an axe into his bare skull and keep going
It truly is a great feeling catching them unawares
>can turn females off if they add them
>Realism fags still acting like it will hamper the experience
I really don't get it. Honestly, is it that big of a problem if you literally never have to see it in your own game? Sure if they don't add the toggle, it would be a bit fucked, but they said they are, so what's the problem? Please explain, vent to me if you really have to. I don't understand your stance.
>Let the retards be retards.
glad we can agree
does their vision go down as well? are they actually blind as I run up on them and drop steel?
>how do so many people not know to switch out of ranged immediately
Then why do we have Viking equipment when the Viking age was 800 - 1000~ and full-plate armor was only created around 1400~?
It does indeed. Caught another one doing the same ridiculous thing on mountain and just walked up and kicked his ass off the damn bridge
Yup, gonna need some Leeches and do some Bloodletting mate.
just because full plate was invented, it doesnt mean everyone on the battlefield was using it. Poorer men from scandinavia were most likely still using equipment that was pretty much identical as the one used in viking ages
How the fuck am I meant to play with an erection caused by the breathy gasps of female knights getting slapped around?
>Just turn them off
My dick wouldn't let me
It's the reasoning that the advocates use. It's all "some woman fought in a battle once" or "there was a skeleton once" or "you're a bigot" or "lol they already have this armor piece that wasn't accurate." It shows that none of them are being honest. They know our side has a point, refuse to acknowledge it, and then bully the opposition into submission like the totalitarians they are. These are the SAME people who will push for unnecesary balancing/changes and conduct codes that will turn the game into a bland sea of grey, because "muh inclusion."
This is fairly true. Scandinavia was the dirt poor backwater of Europe until relatively recently.
They still are. They're the world's welfare queens.
Haven't unlocked all the stuff i want for him yet, but i think that's doing fine.
i know it's not historically accurat. I built this based on the Berserker Legends.
I think this is as close to a perfect medic as I can get. Droppin' medkits and btfo horse niggers.
Insulting a knight after killing him as a peasant must be the most satisfying thing ever. Stabbed him right off his fucking horse. Knights that arent wearing a helmet for fashion reasons are my favorite, I love them. Theyre the first to get a rock to the head
I will find you. And I will kick you.
They're called snowniggers for a reason
To be fair to you I haven't been around the Mordhau threads pre release cuz I thought it would never come out, but if it's just the reason that bothers you then why isn't the toggle enough for you to be satisfied with calling them a faggot for wanting to play as a girl and move on? Why shit up the threads with this bickering if you know that already? I'd rather people post knights and peasants and discuss/rate builds but instead for the past 3 threads I've seen round here it's been half full of this gender shit. Who cares, man? Let em be fags, either way you won't run into it in your game, right?
Now this I can get behind. Snuff/Ryouna on femknights is the best shit
>using spear+shield
>not throwing it immediately and drawing your gladius/arming sword to style on gauls/"people" who think you won't chamber because you have a shield
Because it indicates that they're a threat to the overall integrity of the game. The best option is no women, because that's objectively preferable for even a quasi-realistic game of this genre, and it's the dev's original vision. A toggle is an obvious compromise. Live and let live and all that. But these people don't think like that. They don't want a toggle. In fact, you're a despicable reprobate for even suggesting it, because there are no good arguments against wamen in mordhau. These people are vocal and ideological. They can utterly destroy something great if the devs don't stand up for themselves.
At that point it becomes a question of why are the devs wasting resources on cosmetic bullshit that not even everyone will be able to see instead of working on maps, new weapons or standard cosmetics.
>last man standing on Skirmish Pit
>blue team decides to honor duel me
>struggle with first guy
>kill the other 4 under 40 seconds one after another
>praise all around
>almost get a heart attack
>not wearing a hazmat suit
see you when the plague hits
>I'm seeing some 100lb chick clashing battle axes with a 300lb dude
Clearly the solution is to make them superfit musclegirls.
the number of times i've felt like i'm having a heart attack in this game is legit scary. it feels like I ran a hill after any intense fight.
>absolutely ruins my fun
Then go back to chiv you limp wristed pansy ass, nobody gives a fuck. That's your problem that something so stupid drives you into a tearful fit. You set your own (asinine) standards, nobody else. Boo hoo.
>no helmet
not going to be cocky for long
Go dilate in between Steinem readings, faggot.
I’ve topped it top 3’d duel servers with 10 different load outs, all of them with different weapons, and after the first day have never been below top five on a frontline server
You legitimately suck and it makes me feel a lot better that I’m so much better than people like you
Thank you, user, you’ve made my 1200 hours of mount and blade feel worth it even more
Mordhau doesn’t take place on earth
It says right in the description
Historical got nothin to do with it
finally someone with some sense
Watching a horse get stuck on something and swarmed by the peasantry is one of my favorite things in the game.
it may not be earth, but they are still humans
which makes women weaker than 14 years old boys
The armor helps when I'm hooking horse niggers. Added bonus I can just take the horse I hooked and do drive by medkits.
>move some peasants out of the way with the horse while approaching my client
>have now three new patients
>throw them a medkit
>free +150
Until you come across someone that knows he can fuck you like a back alley whore if he runs up close to you and nullifies your range advantage. Although that only goes if you're in a situation where you're 1v1ing a guy. If you have backup then you're more of a bitch to deal with
I both hate and love you all at once.
But they are working on all that shit. Making a female model and face mesh or two won't take more than like a day's work away from the other shit and likely can be done by one person. At such a small scale, it becomes a bit petty.
>They don't want a toggle
Who? Me? I want the toggle though. The only thing I've seen so far from these threads is people saying "there will be women w a toggle, which is neat", someone going "there shouldn't be women in the game at all", and then they just argue back and forth until it devolves into the patented Yea Forums one word responses like "cope" and "dilate".
I've never seen an argument that people would prefer there NOT be a toggle. I feel like some of you guys are thinking that this is like an SJW Boogeyman thing when it's more than likely just a bunch of dudes that want to play as girls to get their rocks off, in which case, I ask you again: why does this make you so angry? Assuming it actually *isn't* a bunch of trannies clamoring for inclusivity I guess, since I sincerely doubt it is judging on the context of the posts I've seen.
>follow an archer too far into their territory
>manage to kill him but get swarmed by 4 guys
>kill all of them while backpedaling to my point
They mustve felt really stupid, not being able to kill a single person
if it makes your decision any easier, i don't have friendly
>Making a female model and face mesh or two won't take more than like a day's work away from the other shit and likely can be done by one person.
You're fucking clueless
It's ironic because you're acting like a woman. Only a weak sister like you could be so offended over something so tiny. I'll let you blow your nose before you give me my (You).
It's fine, you win some you lose some. The other day the enemy had a really good rapier user who killed me a few times. It helps if theyre not wearing a helmet, then you only need to get one good hit in
>really good rapier user
No such thing. All rapierfags are the same
I'm just exited to play as a shirtless female lol
>challenge a Zweifag
>trade hits, he's covered in blood
>my mates come helping
>he ripostes one of their hits and beheads three guys with one strike
>I've never seen an argument that people would prefer there NOT be a toggle.
Females in this game any capacity other than communal cum dumpsters is retarded. I don't care if someone wants to play as one. Play another game. Not every game allows you to do everything you want. The game is objectively better with only men and only 3 shades of white. It has identity (not even in the alt right sense of the term), it does a particular thing that no one else does. By being only white men it manages to transcend the rest of the gaming landscape by being more concerned with selling its fantasy than pandering/cowering to political bullies or retarded pleb gamers who shouldn't even be in charge of their own finances, let alone other people's games.
I prefer to amputate by ripping limbs off with my bear hands.
Then why don't you fill me in, since you're so well versed?
Damn i wish we could create a custom control schemes for every merc.
>Sir Ancap
>U NOT GIRL, R U user?
Nice try, dickshitter.
>I've never seen an argument that people would prefer there NOT be a toggle.
it will make Yea Forums threads even worse
thats some arguement
stop bitching about fake women and post loadouts
How the fuck do I git gud at the game
>inb4 do the tutorial xD
I fucking did the tutorial you bloody wankers and I'm still getting my shit pushed in so hard
not him but:
>walking anim
>getting the facial features right
>add hairstyles
>breast slider
shit takes forever.
Jesus fucking Christ dude
Shit now I want to see a full 32 man team organised into a proper formation. Some youtuber needs to organise this
Practice in Duel Servers.
>getting my shit pushed in so hard
do this for a few hours until it clicks
Changing body types would mean fucking around with every current cosmetic item to make sure they fit.
just keep playing, it'll come to you
try joining a duel server for beginners or ask if any of them are willing to help out a noob learn
i prefer the term trauma team
This. One of the surprisingly better features of Overwatch, of all games. Could even adjust sensitivity and all sorts of stuff based on character
What specifically is fucking you over?
Also this:
That's all you can say, because I am right.
Knights is a bunch of white dudes. That's true, whether you like it or not. A Knight game that only has white dudes is showing that it cares more about being the Knight game than being the Knight game released in 2019.
Ho behold buddy, i'm an engine'r. Yond means i solveth problems, not problems liketh "what is beauty?" because yond wouldst falleth within the purview of thy conundrums of philosophy. I solveth practical problems, f'r instance: how am i going to stand ho some cullionly moth'r hubbard from tearing me a structurally sup'rfluous be-hind? the answ'r, useth a caliver, and if 't be true yond w'rk not. Useth m're caliver. Taketh f'r instance this heavy calib'r tripod mount'd lil' fusty numb'r design'd by me, hath built by me, and thee most wondrous desire. Not did point at thee.
learn how to riposte and morph thats pretty much it.
Or equip war axe and charge in like a madman, works like a charm in pugs (rush helps).
use firepots
10/10 but get a painted sallet and paint it yellow
I joined a server's discord and we managed to get 8 people to dress in rags and form a rock throwing line. It was actually incredibly devastating and we won easily.
You're the one menstrating about SJWs. I'm just calling you a faggot for letting it ruin an entire game for you, which you are and it clearly does and that's hilarious. You can strawman it into anything else you like - which you will since you can't think of something original - but it doesn't change the fact you have literally no backbone and can't deal with things you don't like without devolving into a whiny sissy baby.
Because that's not this kind of game.
No, I didn't sa--
Man, what's up with these faggots?
And the cycle of gaslighting continues. I guess I deserved it. They call us reactionary for a reason, fuckface.
left one is my main
messer is my weaponfu and I like my comfy aesthetic
right I haven't even played yet, I gave him the dodge perk since I wanted to try it out
Man this post is seriously so angrily written that I can't really tell if you're serious or just false flagging. If your real response for people who want to play as a girl is "play something else, white men only" then I don't know what to tell you. You have the "white guy only" option at the tip of your fingers, and rather than let people be have more options, you'd choose to die on your boys club hill, boarded up windows, locked doors and all. Personally, I think most players wont abandon the game if they didn't end up including females. They'd go "oh, okay, whatever", and continue playing for as long as they would have without them. I personally think the game is really fun and to simplify it's identity to only take into account the skin color and gender options for characters you'll never see anyway is a bit insulting.
What sized server were you playing on? Because yeah in bigger servers team work is more important than individual skill. I've seen loads of matches where there were one or two guys on the enemy team that had by far the highest scores on the server, but they still lost because the team was shit. You need to always have a numbers advantage if at all possible or else you're fucked. I can only imagine the kind of devastation you could bring about with proper organisation. A big group of archers surrounded on all sides by melee guys that slowly advances would be unbeatable I imagine
I be real, I was clueless. I completely forgot that they'd have to work all the customization options into the new models, my bad. I think the rest of my points stand though. It's not so bad if they're really just working on it on the side, dedicating a small team of model makers to it and focusing largely on the new content everyone can enjoy.
When wielding a spear as footman, what does pressing R do? It looks like he's changing the way he's holding it or something, but I don't really see a difference in the use of the weapon?
Less range more speed.
Idk what it does but going into third person might help. I didn't know what it meant for the Bardiche but in 3p you can see he starts holding it closer to the bottom, so it ends up having more range I think.
>Strawmanning as I said you would
Wrong again, as is likely usual. I hate women. But I'm also not such a literal amoeba that I'll let any sign of them put a big brown in my diaper like you did. That's called being an adult. But good job saying so much in defense of your spineless illness without actually saying anything at all.
I favor a toggle, because I'm a pussy ass liberal who doesn't mind coexisting with idiots. I merely gave you the argument you never saw. And I did not at all simplify the entire jdentity to skin/gender. I merely asserted (truthfully) that skin/gender does play a role in that identity, especially considering the conscious effort it would take to deliberately buck the cultural hegemony on this issue.
you attack faster, it basically turns into the short spear. good for when devils may run up on a nigga
Whats your spear or halberd setup? 3/3/0?
alright I grant it might come off in that other post that I was boiling it all down to race/gender. Not my intention, sorry.
Absolutelly no fucking body in this thread have said or implied that in any way, shape or form, it was YOU, and only you who started this shit with this Also, do you really believe that in the entire middle ages, in all of Europe, there weren't female fighters? Don't come with the meaningless "this is not this kind of game", or with "muh realism" bullshit, because both are lies. You hate women, fine, this is Yea Forums, nobody gives a crap.
Grow a fucking pair and stop shitposting and whining like a cunt, for god's sake.
none because that shit eats up way too many points to allow you to make a viable loadout. just go full plates 3/3/3 and scavenge some spear of halberd from a nigger you killed on the field
hahaha, shall we post this on reddit brethren¿?
>this discussion began in this thread and isn't occuring on various platforms around the internet
>let me give you the exact fucking disingenuous "arguments" you listed in your earlier posts
oh the iron company
Take my hand user, and I'll show you.
>literally takes his hand and throws it into thr river
get away from me you homosexual
It increases the speed at the cost of range and enables combos.
Can I hold hands even if I don't need advice?
Left is Duel
Right is Frontline
Judge them
Forgot pic
Don't forget to kill Reddit lutes.
I'm good at cropping haha
Sure, I suppose we can just have friendly duels then, in any event post steam and we'll get right on it.
Haven't y'all nigras eva heard of a mousewheel bafoe?
Look at the current model, the Fat - Skinny - Strong scale sliders. With those sliders and with many armor pieces, there is already a ton of clipping, much of which the devs cleverly hide with a kind of layered rendering where higher layer model pieces relative to camera distance will remain above further away / underside model pieces.
This shoulder piece not clipping into the loose Gambeson sleeves, you being able to see the underside of it at this specific angle, the layering making it seem as though it is wrapping around seamlessly as an example.
Another example you can try out yourself, make a character with a massive pointy nose and put the Flat Top Medium helmet on their head. Zoom in on their face and spin them around. Look at how the nose will both not clip through, but also how the underside of the flat top's nose guard conceals the nose from the side as it is of a higher layer.
People have already tweaked the existing body model to feminine shapes and there is no more clipping nor gear piece scaling issues than there already is. So no, altering body shape is not an issue for the armor. The devs had that shit locked down when they added the body mass sliders.
>People have already tweaked the existing body model to feminine shapes
why tho
Reminder that metal tier 2 fedoras are literally better than tier 3 buckets.
Because they could
Well suit yourself, not sure how else we'll find eachother.
The boobs are so weird that they do not fit in the torso sliders, so the whole set up I am using for busting is to apply breasts without clipping them into the torso sliders. Since breasts, since breasts are not supposed to be there in the sliders the set up goes along with the chest not being there. I was talking to my friend who is part of the armor team, he said to me that they were using the sliders to make breasts appear as if they were on top of the body, but after a while it didn't seem fair, it seemed like the breasts are already here and have little to no meaning. When you are doing the hips you can adjust the breasts in any direction because these are just an extension of the hips, I have tried using the waist sliders for the hips only and since I have large hips they were too big for them, this means the breasts are pushed out so far down and inwards.
What if I just give you my throw away and you can send your steam ID to it
sent :)
>They add females
>Only way to play them is to use the peasant perk
Would you be happy?
gael needs leggings
why doesn't he wear pants
Better yet
>they add women
>in order to play as them you need to take the new wench perk
>halves your stamina and damage and eats up 15 points
Gwyn was gay and liked to stare at naked toned man ass on the battlefield.
Add a rolling pin to the Peasant loadout.
I mean you could make a pretty weak looking character wield a battle axe regardless
Is he cool?
>mfw I'm just a dirty opportunist who stabs people in the back and the legs with the long spear while they're occupied and runs away when targeted
Have sex.
the landsknecht armor looks so fucking amazing
Optimal gameplay. I want you in my army, son.
Tree / 10
PS3 Port / 10
Mom dressed me / 10
Not sure why the compression on the image got so messed up. What should i change about the 3rd one? The colors?
Real good game you morons got here.
>install game
>dont have plume
>uninstall game
What's with all the guys with executioner swords running away then insta-180 accelling for 60 kills a game? Who taught them this shit?
say something nice about my wife!
>his steam avatar is some dumb fucking anime character that hardly anyone identify and he's nothing like
>he has 3 friends and 2 of them are his alt accounts with different images of the same anime character
>he keeps changing his name to short nonsense acronyms that nobody can guess the meaning of because they are just some autistic sentence that his anime character said once
>he's frequently called out by teams for being trash and is popular on ignore lists
>he joins a game and picks the most tryhard gay cheese shit and ends up abandoning
>pike and shot but with crossbows instead of arquebuses
Muh dick
back away pleb
can't be gay if shes female!
>feel like some of you guys are thinking that this is like an SJW Boogeyman thing when it's more than likely just a bunch of dudes that want to play as girls to get their rocks off, in which case, I ask you again: why does this make you so angry?
This is the problem I have with it. Waifufags are fucking cancer. I have to deal with enough of that fucking meme bullshit on /tg/ already.
>Visible hands
All I see is two faggots stabbing at each other.
I'm so jealous of that crown.
>leave bowniggers to me
good job you discovered the meta
Does this game support sli? Please say it does.
that FOV is sickening
just hit this dude from behind with an overhead attack from the scythe and it insta killed him, did +100 points of damage, what the fuck
maybe i hit him in the head or something? i couldn't actually tell
Nobody expects the rapier throw
what a trash webm
I'm having so much fun with my dickass build. I basically just run around the map laying bear traps, stabbing people in the back and running away when shit hits the fan with smoke bombs
>cocky asshole rogue
>not dickass thief
There are people in this game who literally run around half naked, punching people in heavy armor with their bare hands until their heads lop off. Adding a girl isn't the most immersion-breaking thing the game could do.
>I'll post it every thread
Get new material dumbass.
absolute shit gameplay. you better be crippled in real life (and I don't mean being a virgin) to justify playing shield and rapier with such a dogshit turtle playstyle.
I'll keep making you mad ingame :)
Because it's right and you have no rebuttal to it
>not playing a conquistador
>not spreading jesus and smallpox in equal amounts
>I cheesed newbie on release date look at me!!
Really? You think it's that airtight? One dude memespeccing =/= females in a medieval war game. This is "planes fly unrealistically in BFV so you have no grounds to complain about the inane chirping going on all around you as you try to stay immersed in your WW2 game." Your side has NOTHING. The only valid point you will ever have is "you can toggle it so our retardation doesn't ruin the game for human beings."
That's one tiny penis dagger
Just in case.
you look like a turnip
This but unironically. Mordhau already feels like a really hard fantasy. I have no issue with females being added. Was there an outrage about this when Mount and Blade came out?
And just to be clear, I do dislike the addition of women in BFV.
fuck off stouty just because you spent your neetbux on a 400 dollar backer reward doesn't mean the crown is cool
It's not immersion-breaking, but it's aesthetics-breaking.
Knight is armor smashing each other and female knights are not the same type of fantasy, nor can it be proven that they fit each other. The aesthetic of the game is absolutely manly, it's brutal and powerful. Adding females to it would basically change it into something akin to Overwatch - a different type of fantasy.
>inb4 "manliness" isn't an aesthetic
It absolutely fucking is. I don't want a sweaty bear dude in a Barbie game or DMC5, these games have their own aesthetics.
no wonder nobody else is posting webms when the only thing you faggots know how to do is criticize and complain anything you set your eyes on lmao
Swadian men fall to no sword
>reddit humor
>Xbow baby
I bet you suck your own toes, diaper bitch
>The aesthetic of the game is absolutely manly, it's brutal and powerful. Adding females to it would basically change it into something akin to Overwatch - a different type of fantasy.
This is a fair point, but what makes the latter fantasy inferior?
This. As a degenerate who tweaks with tons of bodyslide mods, you’d be shocked how easy it actually is. You even see it in place in the base game with the three bodysliders. Just gotta change the parameters and scales to base it off femininity features.
How fair your matches, Yea Forums?
i just got this. messed around in cpu match to get the hang of it.
any tips?
Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but how exactly does comboing work? If your weapon can combo another hit, is it guaranteed to land or what? What exactly is the downside to using a weapon that can't combo?
I couldn't really tell the difference so far.
>that turtle neck
is s&s a good play style btw?
>muh immershun
>when you can see a roman legionary and a boxer duke it out while a gnome plays the lute nearby
t. buttmangled archer baby
if you are fucking scum sure
actual people don't use shields
>we're doing really good and the enemy is almost completely fucked
>try to betray my own team and help the enemy win instead
>trap the spawn zones with wood spikes and wood walls
>stupid fucking enemy cunts just keep killing me on sight even though i signal them that i'm not going to fight
Guess they just enjoy losing.
>>we're doing really good and the enemy is almost completely fucked
>>try to betray my own team and help the enemy win instead
Yeah, might as well add dragons and magic to it.
Explain the cancer to me user. Is there no counter?
There is. user's a baby who can't kick or aim or outmanuver or really anything except click M1.
>bind keys left swing to Q and right swing to E
>still fucking swings whatever direction the mouse is dictating
Is there a way to turn this off? It is the one thing that i fucking me up, I dont like using the camera to control where I swing, I bind keys around that shit every time but here it doesnt seem to matter if its bound since the swing comes from the direction the mouse is pointing no matter what.
found the braindead short spear kite shield moron
matchmaking is nonexistant
Not him, but the turboautist from earlier.
Nothing. That's not the point I've ever made, at least. The point is that people want to change this fantasy into the latter, despite it not being the latter. That's the point. You can say "just toggle bro," and that's fair, but the reality is, there was this manly fantasy thing, and these people wanted to change it, with zero good justification besides "I would prefer to play as a female." Well I would prefer a lot of shit. That doesn't mean every game has to cater to my preferences, nor that people who would prefer their own shit are evil for it.
Boxer chads where we at
I will never get tired of 3 hitting an executioner cringelord
Do not fear death.
Legit. It will help you get over the fear in the early hours.
Shields would be fixed if they all worked like the targe, as in, you press it and it gives a window of blocking, not indefinate, have differnet shields provide different amounts of time in that window. Like a buckler is pretty much a better parry for one handed weapons, there is no reason at all to use targe instead of heater shield otherwise, and what is the point of the kite shield.
Wheres the fucking content patch
Give me more meme weapons
The "counter", as many subhumans would call it, is the kick and hitting around the sides of the shield.
It doesn't work against people with triple digit IQ. The kick has shit range and makes you an open target. Never use it unless you're bullying some panicked guy in a corner. The hitbox of the shields also do not match their model, they're much wider and a little bit taller than the models.
Retards also tell you to "just hit the shield until he runs out of stamina" which also will never happen because one way or the other one of you is going to get ganked well before he loses his shield from running out of stamina.
You will not win vs a shield unless the person using the shield is much worse than you. The devs have already gone on record saying that the shields are too strong and will be nerfed.
This is a good example of the shields being fucking retarded. Note that the kick in the end misses even from that distance, the knockback is from the stab.
this is one of those retards
Do we got an official Yea Forums serb?
you can feint kicks. unless you are a 30+ year old man, your reaction time should be quick enough to cancel the kick if you know its not gonna hit
This. I have a thing where I don't want to kill virtual females. I don't want to mutilate and crush virtual women and hear their virtual screams. That's not at all appealing to me. I wanna decapitate virtual men and spam my virtual man laugh.
feint an attack into a kick into an attack while the shieldnigger holds rmb for 10 seconds, fun gameplay
This accomplishes nothing whatsoever, the shield user can do the same, cancel his attack when he sees that it was just a feint and go back to holding block until you run out of patience. Like I said, I'm not talking about fighting the run of the mill retards with 3 hours across chivalry and mordhau that forget how to block
This game gives me /his/boners, I spend more time in the armory trying to recreate real armor sets than playing the actual game.
>against a shield
are you a fucking idiot?
old man with a big knife
Buildan spikes in front of my own spawn
Buildan fortnite walls in the path of horses
Buildan crossbows, never
Buildan boxes around teammates that stopped to type angry shit
Cant stop wont stop
You can easily win against shield users 1v1 if you're using a heavy weapon. The only problem is it takes a long fuckin time.
Not him but the feint is to cancel the kick and not get locked into the animation you fucking idiot.
Nice colors.
What is the peak body aesthetic and why is it max fat, max skinny, zero strong? Nothing feels worse than losing to a dadbod warrior
feint a kick if you see that you are about to miss it, not an attack into a kick.
as to be expected by mordhau players, actually retarded
I see. I like badass female characters but I see how the masculine feel of the game can feel absent for some. The toggle is honestly a fair compromise.
Not him, but wouldn't a slash feint to kick work?
oh fuck yeah i'm no pussy. i want to make a big fuck retard with a giant hammer.
is there any voice chat btw?
>Hook horseman with billhook
>Stab him in the fucking head while he's on the ground
>He gets up and can defend himself
This is such fucking trash
Trans rights are human rights
How do you equip the ptichfork? is it a skin for the spear? I just find them lying around and I love using them.
Be a peasant.
Use the peasant perk
just like in real life :)
Having health bars isn't realistically representative of how humans take anatomical damage therefore it's alright to make the theme and setting arbitrary and inconsistent as well; since the game has gamey elements to it, it doesn't matter what you put in the game. That's essentially your argument.
[Spoiler]how do you even build crossbows? I'm too afraid to ask in-game[/spoiler]
no point in feinting an attack unless you know the shield user is gonna try to chamber it while moving forwards or if they are constantly blocking and are shit at spacing
why are the servers in this game so dogshit? fucking hell
the maximum stamina you will drain is 13 or 14 from a shield, per hit. Yes, it takes a long time and by the time he's down to 40 stamina he will either have backup or you will.
No, because shielders can literally null every single kick you throw out just by holding S. They don't need to let go of their block until they want to swing either, so you can't bait them unless they're retarded.
After playing Mordhau for a while I'm convinced I'm one of the best players on this game. I have less than 100 hours yet I consistently get 30:0 and 40:0 in Duel servers filled with so-called "professionals". Even alpha testers with hundreds of hours stand no chance against me in a 1v1 fight.
And I don't want to see you scrubs posting Horde or Frontline scores like it means anything. Anyone can flail a Zweihander around groups and get kills. But in a duel server? You wouldn't stand a chance, especially not against me. Most of you struggle to even get 2 KDR.
Alas, I am growing tired of this game. There is almost no challenge left and I am only getting better. So consider this your last chance, and listen carefully:
Starting now, I am accepting all NA duel offers. No matter how good you are supposed to be I will accept, No Exceptions. If I remain undefeated in one week on the 19th, I will retire as the best Mordhau player of all time.
Most of you will cower from this challenge. But for those of you who don't, Good Luck. You'll need it.
Big Knife without old man
I suck ass so I won't challenge you, but you should post a video of a duel of yours.
/halberdchads/, where art thou?
based visual abomination
These are the only ones that would make me buy this game. Good stuff.
>Best ever
although boner, wizardish or ren would dumpster you
Find Ammo Box so you can get 6/6 Engineer Ammo
Press R
Press R again
right here m'lord
>getting killed by rapier+shield fag
>anime avatar
every time
>he didn't go for the reikland look
cringe and bretonnia-pilled
Have full ammo for the toolbox and it will be added to what you can build, you only spawn with half ammo and when you go to get more you only get 3 units at a time.
If you use the matchmaking system set it to your nearest reagion, is set to worldwide by default. I recommend the good old server browser tho.
that's what I have been using, I'll join a server that says it's around 60 ping but when I join it's more like 100+ ping. plus some servers just start crapping out and rubberbanding everyone back and forth
>These are the SAME people who will push for unnecesary balancing/changes and conduct codes that will turn the game into a bland sea of grey, because "muh inclusion.
This is actually a point. The time spent on modelling tits and changing armour to model it could be spent on other, more important aspects of the game.
Well, this is what happens when your hobbie goes mainstream.
why can I only make a white dude in this game wtf
I'M HERE! posted last thread but STILL I'M HERE!
because of systemic white privilege, we need to exterminate white people and impose a socialist utopia governed by (((whites))) while us mulatto underclassmen gather amongst ourselves and tweet on our iphones about how much we hate capitalism
No niggers allowed lol
Id 1 shot you with my maul casually you dumb rapier shitter
It's seriously backwards, everyone knows medieval Europe was a diverse, multicultural utopia.
>30K gold for the Warden's mace
>60K for three feathers
Rude, but I understand.
But I do.
Where do you even see that? Im level 32
Forced auto-assign when
Every fucking server I've played on today has been non-stop team stacking.
Finished 6 maps in 30 minutes on the last server because it's just level 40+ players farming players who skipped the tutorial
Has anyone noticed that horses drop turds when they run past sometimes?
Mordhau is secretly a post apocalyptic future setting long after modern socialist regressives tried and failed to exterminate whitey. Their antics led to white dudes rising up and becoming the only ones left alive. They decided to bury most modern technology (except for being unimpeded in discovering new medical marvels and reaching immortality) and stick to a medieval aesthetic, living in their new society in peace, killing one another and respawning for fun.
Right click to smear on face
If you buy the mace one of the buyable skins is the same mace that the warden in the castle dungon has in Grad, it costs 30K gold
The other is the that feathered helm.
It amuses me when 4channers LARP historians.
>The future is just guys screaming, insulting, and killing each other while people play lutes and throw fire bombs over and over, totally immortal
Sounds like a blast.
Okay if no one else is going to be that faggot I will.
Elite Knight from Dark Souls with Claymore.
>Tfw rapierfags are literally just upscrolling without even paying attention
>Chamber his poke and he'll chamber right back without even meaning to
As a fellow r/AskHistorians member, I have to agree, quite amusing!
There were 5 of these posted on /vg/ yesterday, as you can tell the faggotry and unoriginal thinking is much higher there
Here, have some gold my friend! You earned it! :)
Just sidestep while starting up a cleave aimed at his head
Gotta be honest with yalls, rapier users have never been a problem for me, nor spears
Chamber morph? Kick?
Pretty good, I think I may have recently played a game with you. I like to turn team colors off and have team markers just so I can see what people have made.
>someone wearing lansdsknecht armor
>with team colors it was all colored red
>with it turned off they looked fucking amazing
Do yourself a favour if you havent already, its not that hard to identify people with the markers turned on permanently, team colors ruins the aesthetic of the game.
Shield and backpedle counters everthing with rapier. They need to give the kick forward momentum, simply walking backwards should not be enough to stop a kick.
Why thank you, good sir! Have an upboat! ;^)
If you have 4chanX you can make the website look like reddit
Honestly it is superior
Except there wasn't?
aigh i did my best with what i had, now guess who this son of a bitch is supposed to be.
I never expect people to put effort into the coloring for normal load outs so I haven't done this.I give this a try.
I am fucking sick of getting instakilled by stupid shit in frontlines
Height scroller when?
I didnt want to be a feint spamming fag but I don't have any other choice to be able to compete
It's not big dick bazuso so I don't care
War is hell
As if red v blue is a bad aesthetic.
>Scroll Height with actual gameplay effects
>Benefits of shorter height / smaller target comes with relative shorter weapon reach
>Bunch of fucking midget Oddjobs running around with Spears
I mean that it ovewrites any colors you had applied, so customizing your character means nothing when the colors are replaced with shades or red or blue, and nothing else.
>Bad side: die instantly to overheads
I customize my character with that in mind so I look awesome to everybody.
hows my hammer knight looking?
Pretty good, needs a more menacing looking helmet though
Gentlemen, how do we fix Horde?
Teach enemies to climb ladders. Better yet, have them bomb the towers.
points for maul
lost points for not being 3/3/3
>join any time of server
>get killed from the very first few minutes of play without being the first to actually get a kill
>leave server entirely and go join something else
Well it was fun while it lasted but this shit is already a bad sign.
Making it totally unwinnable is not "fixing" it
You can do that, but each mob should not hit as hard as the player, nor should they have the same health. Its a defense mode. Since when were the zergs on par with the towers. Ive played defense games since the 90s and this just blew my mind.
Just have dedicated horde maps that are linear in design can't be exploited and encourages using the engineer tools to build barricades. That way melee actually has to hold the front while archers fire from behind.
>mfw there are people in this thread who don't play with team colors turned off with team icons on
What's the sense in customizing colors if you don't?
I play with team color off and no markers
I love the chaos
>pick up the battle axe
>press r
Holy FUCK this is too fast, this is fun as fuck
aight i did the tutorial and i made my guy naked with a lute.
are fists good?
Takes a lot of practice
How does this game run on older PCs?
well shit. what weapons should i use to ease into the game then. i have a feeling die a lot trying to punch shit
I liked the axe
2h or 1h?
Daily Reminder that Executioner's Sword is for big brained players only.
whats with the weird fish eye lens on this game?
Proof that shield and archerfags are all braindead morons. How do you even let somebody get that far into your backline?
>tfw you make someone so salty you get vote kicked for "hacking"
fov max i guess. noticed it too. sometimes i feel like when i'm winding up a swing, i dont feel like i'm even close enough when it does chop
when are they going to make footsteps audible in this trash heap of a game
>crutch weapons
Looks like everyone hated you, you dumb fuck.
t. Guy who killed you
shit, i really wanted to try it out
>Try out Lutebot
>Get beaten to death by everyone without a second thought
>Even my own team tks me
Just because you surrender doesnt mean i cant kill you
watch streams. GIRU or whatever his name is is good. But honestly the best way to double your kills and halve your deaths in 10 min is to rebind nearly every action. I went from doing 6k 20d EVERY game to 12k 10d being my worst result yet and i usually end up with 15k+ and 7d-. Literally transformed after 10 min of rebinds.
Probably played poorly converted anime songs
Have you tried turning on your ears?
Maybe video games just aren't for you.
>Clone each of my Loadouts
>Both are identical, but each has a color theme tailored to which side I join
>One tailored to half of the color wheel around Blue (Teal, Violet, Green, usually paired with Black)
>Other obviously tailored to half around Red (Orange, Yellow, Pink, usually paired with White)
have you tried not being a sarcastic retard?
the footsteps in this game are barely audible, people can be right behind you and you literally can't hear them due to all the other bullshit happening like parries and the yell characters make when they swing.
Or maybe it's because we're not faggots who actually record ourselves playing games. If this game had replays, that'd be a different story.
>yellow while on red team
Are you retarded?
Except that is not the case at all, especially after that last update that made it so you can hear footsteps a mile behind you. Turn your ears on faggot.
can you get banned for using lutebot
Are you implying yellow should be on the blue side?
>that party of dueltards that lose all their frontline games
every time, I pray I'm always on the other team
have sex
Google it, plays midis on the Lute.
IIRC someone said that it was sanctioned by Devs but I dunno.
No I'm implying yellow is a shitty gay faggot color and you should be using red or black instead.
not my problem retard, you still lost haha
yeah okay you're braindead
You need to be 18 or older to view this site.
no you ARE massive faggots and there have been people here whining about the lack of webms. you don't even have to record the game itself and you'd know about that if you didn't lack the third digit in your IQ. there's any easy to use integrated program that just let's you save a replay video file of the last few minutes of your gameplay without actually having to having anything on record the whole time. you probably wouldn't even know how to convert it to webm in the first place you fucking R E T A R D hahaha
Am I missing something or is the lance on horseback really this bad to control?
I enjoy killing my teammates when I'm on the horse. Probably why they always TK me and then proceed to destroy my horse.
Downloaded it Saturday and I'm having fun even though I suck.
My main knigga.
An arbalest.
My bandit is a work in progress I need to get the brigandine.
A medic as inspired by other anons in this thread.
>bare chested
>no armour
>kite shield
i bet you cum over Vikings on telly you nonce
teach me your ways, how do i do beat knaves to the punch
virgin lindebiege vs the chadiversity
>its a rapier episode
>its a executioners sword episode
also known as the fellas who rely on team-mates being nearby for free hits
>everyone that kills me apparently has blood lust
what is this
where can i get it
how do i stop being a newb
at least i go 1:1 every game
>not using the torso too
>Your wife's dinner provided a fitter challenge!
You might just have shit ping.
>How do you even let somebody get that far into your backline?
be on blue team
Not one of the game's better lines
Silence yourself, you know nothing.
why do idiots vote for taiga
because they think they're the only ones who know red team has the advantage on that map
Can you recreate prime Bobby B in this game?
Then why do I wreck shit in 1v1 with my executioners sword?
>Playing with 3 friends
>Server votes for Taiga
>We're forced to go blue because the instant the game starts there are 10 people on red and 0 on blue
>We actually take middle first and me and my friends spend the whole time defending it
>We never leave the point and face A CONSTANT WAVE of enemies, like we barely have time to heal before 3-4 more enemies charge from every direction
>We hold it for the vast majority of the game, enemy only has like 150 points left
>We finally lose the point
>Immediately red is able to push out next point and then the cart and we lose
It is hard to believe this game had beta testers. How did they think this map is acceptable? Red has every single advantage in the book. They have better points, better spawns, easier access to the middle point, and blue has really, really east objectives.
Because I choose red and get on the Ballista. Why the fuck do people choose Mountain Peak?
Taiga is a good map
Won my last game as blue on Taiga
Bad, ugly color scheme, ugly heraldry, you got a nigga wearing full plate armor and a great helm on the left with zero arm protection.
ok, this is epic
Is there a way to preview what you'll look like in Frontline colours? If not, are the devs taking suggestions anywhere? My cool peasant ended up looking like a fluorescent dickhead on the battlefield.
i do not understand the peasant perk
Tbh i have yet to see a good Robert.
harvesting season
You get 8 points and access to meme weapons in exchange for poor armor options. The pickaxe, pitchfork, and tree branch are nothing to fuck with though. Your primary upside is shitloads of perks.
>it's a muscleshirt cuirass episode
the scythe is also good against lightly armored people, but since so many people run armor it's not that useful overall
Why do people shit on the arming sword?
Actually that just looks like the judicial duelling onesie in old German manuscripts
who /toolbox/ here?
None of the arm gear looks good on him. Besides I wanna show off his gainz
someone taught me the bear-trap-in-front-of-a-spike trick. i'll never look back
Not as fast as rapier or spear, not as much damage as the 1h axe
>The pickaxe, pitchfork, and tree branch are nothing to fuck with though.
what do you mean?
bloodlust is one of the perks, in your merc armoy press the book at the top of the tabs where your weapons and armors are located
I was thinking of doing that, but i had the medic bag on my kit, i'll try it with the bear trap next
this game has been playable for nearly two years for backers and nobody ever fucking tested the shields or the models for them, don't be surprised
retarded muh duel chivalryfags
Just imagine every piece using using the Cloth-specific color numbers for:
>Iron Company
#45 (Red) on the left color blocks for cloth.
#10 (Black) on the right color blocks for cloth.
Whatever the darkest number is for Metal.
>Free Guard
#7 (White) on all right blocks.
#38 (Blue) on all left blocks.
One of the lightest tones for metal.
Those cloth colors are also applied to leather pieces, even though you can't apply them to those pieces yourself.
do you use the blacksmith hammer?
i remember despising medic bag along with toolbox and blacksmith, but bear trap adds a bit of zaniness
Oh shit. Thanks user, didn't know metal colour changed with teams too.
yeah ii use the hammer, holy shit i have bonked some dudes with that thing really well
You are doing your job, killing the LARPers, aren't you, user?
what turns into pickaxe for peasant perk?
But that guy's not LARPing because it's not live action, and he's not even cosplaying a character. user I'm worried for your mental state.
It's all about positioning and footwork. Identify exactly what their range is at all times and stay on the edge of it no matter if they move closer or farther from you. I barely have to dodge anymore, maybe once, maybe twice, but most of it's just positioning.
You can hold shift while you're attacking to close distance.
Players that don't do that have like half the effective range of players who don't.
Once I did this I got way better.
that's default gear bro
no excuses, templarfags must burn
>plate armor
>furry ruff
That's literally not even what a Templar looked like
This plus foppish deepvoice and muttonchops
Aight whats the tryhard builds i should be worried about?
Bloodlust and a 7 Point weapon.
Surely you mean 3/3/3 Bloodlust, and your weapon is whatever you can scavenge from the field?
Plumed Helmets look pretty bad desu
Looks like he could use a bigger axe
This is actually pretty cool, good job user
Worst medic in the thread
Based Panman
I like the muted tones of Black/Brown, your mercs look good
Working on my Landsknecht loadout now, I would say yours looks good but
>No feather
I think sallets look like trash without a bevor. The painted sallet looks out of place too, otherwise he looks good
Terrible, Terrible and Terrible
I like the all black armor, get a different waist piece though
only thing worse than a redfag is a red traitor
3/3/1 because speed
Bloodlust, Friendly, Tenacious and a 2 point axe/arming sword.
It's fun to play the lotto on what's on the ground.
I love how it took a group of indie developers working remotely from their homes to put out the best team-based combat game in years. This is the game I've been wanting to play since battlefield 2.
so i've put about 2 hours into frontline and from what i've seen, shields dont seem to have a counter, fire bomb radius is piss poor, and i find dodge really useful against thrusts
shit unless kicks counter shields i take that back. forget that button is there
Petards and Bombards fucking when?
It's not fucking called Swiss cheese in Switzerland
don't bother trying to kick
Firebombs are for structures and objectives, or punishing retards being funneled into one spot
well fucking shit. i knew something was off with them.
fun fucking game though. i'm practically playing as a monk with a staff at the moment and its a bit disheartening seeing some fuckin big ass tank come in and almost feel like i'm getting one shotted
ah ok ill keep that in mind then. might help me free up some spots for some armor.
whats the way to restore structures? if thats possible. the shit with the hammer on top of it. most i've tried was with a peasant perk and wooden mallet but didn't seem to do anything.
>Land an across-the-map headshot with the crossbow
>60 damage
I feel like ranged weapons should deal exponentially increasing damage based on the distance the projectile travels before connecting. Starting after a certain point of course, not from when it leaves the bow/crossbow.
>That satisfying crunch when you crush someones kneecap and their leg bends out of shape
>Camp map
>if you're blue and don't cap the river first, there's a 90% chance you're absolutely fucked
I kill lute players including those on my team and I usually let the enemy kill my archers (and possibly gently help them out with kicks). It's really the bare minimum to improve the game.
Wooden mallets and blacksmith hammers. Mallets do shit all, like 3% per hit. Blacksmith hammer is much better, especially with the Smith perk.
I killed 5 blue people that were capping river with a catapult. There is literally no way blue can win
Lutenists are fucking insufferable
There's always one or two of the useless cunts standing just outside spawn as well, wasting your tickets by doing nothing but making themselves an easy target
>AI catapults constantly firing at random
>Better give one of the teams a catapult too
Yeah. Same retards who walked around TF2 servers doing the spycrab or having those stupid sandwich parties.
how the fuck do i 1v1 with a zwei
i went into this game wanting to play with the lute and got a script to work to play e1m1 and realized how fucking stupid it is and just played it regularly.
Good on you m8. The lute is for playing on a guy's body to taunt him.
i'm just slowly getting into it. went peasant perk for a bit to fuck around with a quarterstaff/pitchfork and slowly just building up from that. i'm hoarding coin.
everyone seems to be in all armor so i might have to think of another weapon to fuck with.
running shit armor+quarterstaff+dodge+bloodlust+friendlyfire+firebomb and i think i also have the one that reduces jump stamina. which i am not sure if that helps it or not
Lute players can be a vital strategic distraction. They almost always get a few allies protecting them and a few enemies zero in on them. A proper lutenist (rare) will put himself at a good position with high traffic so many enemies will come his way. They will fight alongside you in the middle of the battlefield, preferably near an ammo crate, and play the lute to draw attention. Just as the "Engineer" default has a lute, a Lutenist camping an ammo box should be doubling as a builder or a medic. Use that lute as bait and a rally point.
Shitty Lute players put on some faggy clothes and only bring a lute. They'll go into a far corner of the map where enemies will barely travel to and attract that "I'm a Friendly!" shit. Announce his location in All Chat, invite the enemy team to come and kill him. Then use him as bait.
this game didn't last two weeks what the fuck happened?
Spear and rapier shitters ruin melee combat for everyone else
Horse riding is fucked
Division of map resources is completely imbalanced
use you range advantage, the stab is also pretty good.
>having trouble with a zwei
Your weapon range is legitimately broken. You hit things BEYOND your model. Fucking swing and stab.
The hard combat has deterred the normies and there arent many maps and all of the current ones are okay at best and incredibly unbalanced
i never thought of it like that. i was mainly going in using it as more of a bard thing to get our troops pumped up with my shitty plunks and plinks
hook'n n trap'n
>blue on that fuck huge open map where you have to guide a cart with an explosive barrel on it
>make it to the shit you have to chip at with wood or some shit
>all the enemies spawn right in front if it
>"Its a guy with a maul feints 6 times in a row 10 ms into the windup, and my brain completely shuts off" episode
My Cleric oath says I can't draw blood so I prefer blunt instruments.
Shouldn't he have like 0 stamina by that stage? Just start swinging in the direction he looks like he's going to swing. If he follows through with his swing, you'll chamber him. If he doesn't, you'll damage him. Chambering is the lowkey counter to feints.
at least go the bar mace or quarterstaff
He was doing some retarded left/right shit and I just froze up.
I really do hate playstyles like that, but its more the error of me.
>"Guy with a Maul/Eveningstar tries that hyperfeint shit but I have a much faster/longer weapon and don't have to play his bullshit game" Episode
On the contrary, it is the opposite. Because he is feinting in rapid succession, he stops feinting after he sees your windup and swings one last time, chambering YOU.
Brigands are brainlets
You're the cancer.
Archers need to stop shooting archers, we are allan oppresed minority. Archers RISE UP!
Why exactly dont the horses slow down as damage is taken?
Luxury comes after labor. Secure the midfield, secure the ammo box, drop medpacks and buildings, then rock out.
because then they'd be fucking useless
reading your post
>place trap in bush
>billhook people into it
they are r*dditors, or worse... brown eyed
Man at arms reporting in
How many of you have I shit on
you can already gimp them really easily with terrain, billhooks, and engineer buildings
>people are already visibly hacking and scripting
it was fun bros
mouse x-axis flips attack side, it's in the menu
Where the FUCK are the lances on Camp and Grad? I'm trying to counter-cavalry but I can only find the stupid fucking things on mountain peak
>presses R
welcome to longsword town motherfucker
Fuck all these two handed weapons.
I want to become a dueling god of one handedness.
What weapon should I master? Arming sword? Axe? Mace? Dagger? Falchion?
Bastard sword
doesn't count most of these are new players
oh plz do tell about the female fighters fyi Joan of arc wasn't a fighter
go on I'm waiting.
warhammer, it two shots t3 armor
It actually works quite a bit. Unless the shield person is really good, I go for a jumping overhead and feint, they think they have an opening and I stab the right side.
Granted I play more like a man-at-arms and focus on mobility, but with my bastard sword I can regularly give shields trouble unless they're really good and really patient.
4 maps
I heard the warhammer was total garbage.
I've been seeing this in duel servers a lot lately. I've been wondering what the fuck the deal is suddenly.
>Also, do you really believe that in the entire middle ages, in all of Europe, there weren't female fighters?
In the ENTIRE middle ages, in all of Europe, there was never a single instance of an armoured woman charging a castle and participating in melee combat. That's correct.
by 2 shotting he means the spiky side headshots it is infact hot garbage
because the chaos in this game is immersive. adding more goofy elements will ruin that.
Bows are lowkey gimped as fuck against anyone paying attention but I still use them cause I spent hundreds of hours in chivalry playing archer in duel servers. I play skirmish and pay attention to whoever is a really good fighter and try to assassinate them every round before they can do a lot of damage. Archery is so fun.
what are you talking about
Mace for powerful head-splitting swings in a small package.
Bastard Sword for less powerful swings, but good stabs and faster speed.
Falchion as the inbetween, Bastard-speed, almost-Mace-damage and will cleave through multiple live enemies (unlike the Mace which will stop on the first hit unless it is a killing blow).
crossbow is more reliable and it helps if you get closer since i think there's falloff
There are also literal giants that can take trillions of arrows before dying in horde mode
Fighting fire with fire.
>Some blue horse nigger is doing deep backline runs on grad
>Billhook some other horse nigger and take his horse to back line to wait for the boi
>I ride up along side him and billhook him off on horseback.
>Kill his horse and leave him there, calling me a coward as I ride off.
>Wait for him to take one of our horses just to ride in and hook him again.
>Kill the horse and he's openly swearing at me now before I finally decapitate him.
>Starts all chatting how he's got another horse and he's gonna fuck me up
>Billhook him again
>last thing he sees as we win the match is my billhook piercing through his skull
In damage? Or do you just mean arrow drop? I mostly use long bow, haven't noticed a damage drop off with range, head shotted an afk across the map and got the kill.