ITT: Games LITERALLY only you played
ITT: Games LITERALLY only you played
>uses the same engine as fucking doom
>literally popular among old fps fans
lots of people played hexen what are you on about
>picture unrelated
Nice thread, fag.
Deus Ex spinoff no one knows that exists.
Mediocre game, but awesome effects
RE4 rip-off
Timeshift was popular
I remember being on LAN-parties where we played the shit out of that in the late 90s.
Consolized version of Far Cry, introduced "instinct powers", the prototype of nanosuit powers on Crysis.
Quite a few people know this exists
Problem was it was bad
Like really bad
You know how the actual FPS gamplay in Deus Ex wasn't that great but it was carried along by interesting mechanics, big levels with tons of secrets and choices, and an interesting story?
Project Snowblind focuses entirely on the shooter aspect and strips out the rest.
I thought this was scarier than RE4, the save system was stressful though
The finest version of this game (among all 6 million of them), and the only one worth playing, ever. Also available on N64, PC and GBA.
Pretty sure I win.
You may dismiss these games because lol portable, but they're actually pretty solid, and there's a lot of them. CoD4, WaW, MW2 (pic related), BO and MW3.
Beat this.
Nope, I know this one
For Android
The little skateboard thing it came with was great. I should bust this cocksucker back out.
>he thinks he's the only one who played Hexen
Is this mortal serious?
I used to play hexen all the time
only you played, hexen...
>inb4 Quake 2
Now who here has played hexen 2?
i did
I did, much better than the first
You are like a little baby
watch this
Hexen > Heretic > Portal of Praevus > Heretic 2 > Hexen 2