Post what you like to eat while gaming

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Other urls found in this thread:

do americans really do this?

fucking Americans are so disgusting

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i am disgusted yet intrigued

Nothing. I sit down for a meal at a proper time like a normal person.

They were selling them on a carnival here in New Jersey.

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Noctis’s Fish and Chips

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yes every breakfast i have some

carnivals always come up with crazy disgusting shit like this to sell on stands, people try them because they are crazy and disgusting. Like fried ice cream for isntance

Why are Americans so obsessed with oreaos, that shit is vile and flavourless.

American here. Can confirm. They sell fried Oreos with powdered sugar on them at Huddle House

Why are nonamericans so confusedand frightened by american culinary innovation? Youve never even tried bacon fried oreos, they taste amazing

Oreos are great, shut the fuck up nigger.

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imma gamer B)

I once deep fried an oreo. It was fucking disgusting. I'm not even american, i just try to do shit and see if I can come up with the next big thing. Sweet things should not be fried, ever

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Why is the rest of the world so obsessed over what America does?

Fried ice cream is actually a restaurant desert too because of how good it is.


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English speakers are a mistake

Attached: Breaded-Deep-Fried-Chocolate-Covered-Butter-Stick-with-Sweet-Lard-Drizzle-1_0_0.jpg (2400x1254, 266K)

And I thought deep fried mars bars were bad

Funnel Cakes are good.

Attached: sipps mercury.webm (480x270, 499K)

Too much sugar

Thanks user, now I'm upset.

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can't go wrong with classics

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Yes here in America we have actually food, unlike in yurop where all "food" is just communist S O Y packets and refugee semen.

why are chinks so fucking retarded

based and normalbodyfatpilled

America is the only country that matters.

what could go wrong

of course

Why would he do that?

Fuck you dude Oreo's are awesome. I wish they sold banana cream Oreo's in my country.

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>american cuisine

Attached: Pearl_Valley_American_Slices_large.jpg (480x320, 23K)

that's great, I'm happy for you

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Well, someone needs to be the laughing stock of the world.


drinking mercury is the secret to eternal life, he's probably thousands of years old

There were so many cool biscuit around here, and when oreo arrived, everyone copied that one and left with that shit. I hold a personal grudge against it

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Halfway through a gaming session i cook and season chicken and potatoes, and on the side i have a healthy amount of broccoli and tomatoes

Yes and no. Yes, mostly at carnival and the like, or in a few random restaurants you'll find stupid shit that sounds absolutely disgusting.
No, because I'm an American and even I find shit like in OP fucking disgusting.

Rest In Piss.

of course they are pathetic

By the time he's cutting all that, all the meat will be already cold.

I doubt this is actually mercury.
Who the fuck has a tub of mercury in their home?
I'm calling BS, it's probably water with some silvery additive in it

That's not actually mercury, right?

based and epicpilled


bacon fried oreos are not food, fatty


>smacking the cutting board with the blade

>But while mercury is generally considered highly poisonous, doctors in the late 19th century gave patients significant amounts of the element to treat intestinal obstructions.

"Drinking mercury has a laxative effect," explains the toxicologist Gebel. "Its density cleans the intestine wonderfully."

The effect is completely different when mercury is inhaled. As a vapor, the mercury is inhaled as individual atoms and quickly absorbed by the lungs where its poisonous effects begin to develop.

If, however, you drink mercury, hardly any of it stays in the system - most of it exits the body once it has performed its function.

"Taken orally, without inhaling, there's almost no risk," says Gebel.

But you really shouldn't try drinking mercury - most of the patients in the 19th century didn't survive. It's all too easy to inhale mercury unintentionally along the way.

Yeah thats what they thought in china. Made mercury rivers for the first emperor which made the air poisonous in its tomb, making it not raidable. The one with the clay army, its one of the reason why it got preserved

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god I fucking love meat. friendly reminder that there are "people" out there to choose NOT to eat this delicious godly product


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what about donuts?

why do you want to ruin everything....

Based meatbro

Well, that's an interesting tibdit. Still, that's not something you should even attempt to drink without actual medical approval.

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Those doctors were sued out of existence when their patients died too.

>hey doc, is it ok if I drink some mercury

Keep posting shitty food webms mates

Attached: saltbro.webm (708x710, 2.29M)


American here. Yes.

Said Euros who eat maggot fill cheese, raw eggs with raw meat, rotten fish, and snails.
>But it's natural!
Shit is also natural.

>reverse search the article
>learn those old energy-saving bulbs had mercury in them
I'm glad we moved on from those as quick as we did


maybe if you're a peasant you salivate at the thought of meat, it's ok but rather pedestrian desu
cheeses and dairy products in general are the patrician's choice

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>sweet lard drizzle
Lard-based frosting? Is that a real thing?

it's also completely bullshit, you can get mercury poisoning just from it touching your skin, and there's a reason people control the levels of it in canned seafood, ingesting it will poison you too

what's the most disgusting gordan ramsay episode on jewtube? this shit doesn't air in my country, so I feel like I miss out on a lot of epic grub

Look at this absolute masculine specimen.

>$40 for a steak and fries
What the fuck

>lists a bunch of food 1% of french people eat

And it's still healthier than bacon oreos you disgusting fat fuck

god.. she's so seductive

This looks poisonous.

Attached: american kitchen vs european cuisine.jpg (1064x526, 215K)


No wonder you are all turning into faggots...

39 dollar for potato and beef. JESUS GOD. 3 euro here, 5 if its a fancy place. Guess those idaho guys know how to sell pototo

If a restaurant gets that much business in New York of course their prices will be high.

>Fried Oreos
>Bacon Fried Oreos

salt bae is top chad

>maggot fill cheese, raw eggs with raw meat, rotten fish, and snails
The optimum human diet, but by all means eat more corn.

>all that meme food


thats a painting over a middle class family over the couch not actual europian cuisine. I know we have actual food here, but cmon you look like you are just baiting

>39 bucks just for steak and fries

That must be some hella well cooked meat and potatoes because with that money I can feed like ten people the same thing.

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you''re retarded lol

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I really liked the fried apple sticks from the Chinese restaurants back home. Chocolate shouldn't be fried period.

Banquet meals
Wendy's chili if I feel like it
a thick burger if it's a special occasion

I don't.

>if you want to go out with a bang, the restaurant

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>$40 burger buck for steak and fries
better be some good ass steak

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This guy is such a fucking clown
>lol I pour salt on steak give 500 dollars now pls

that dude was dead the moment he opened that box.


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you don't even have real products to prepare meals with, it's all processed hormones, emulsifiers, colorings with random periodic table elements sprinkled all over

Can confirm. A fried Oreo just flew over my house.

Average house price in New York is 2 mil.
Also that's a reserve only 5 star french restaurant so they probably make more money in a week then any place in Europe makes in a year.

>deep fried buñuelos

But they're prepared by deep frying them. Do they deep fry them again? Do they use the same oil for every single "meal" they serve? There has to be some sort of disclaimer about this whole place being hazardous to the health or something in order I don't even fucking know.

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doughnuts are by definition are pastry. THey can be cooked because it was meant to do that with it

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You do have to sign a waiver before eating at the Heart Attack Cafe.

Not even memeing, I dont give a shit about my health but Nutella is like the fastest way to accumulate fat, shit's like mostly palm oil

why did you remind me of this

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>5 star
5 what stars. Michelin only goes up to 3, and I doubt you can get there serving steak and potatoes.

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>moooooom there's icky bloood in my steak it hurts my tummmyyy and give me mortal kombat ptsdbrappps

what the fuck

>5 star restaurant
>american "french restaurant" makes more money than actual french restaurants

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Rent free


UO holy fuck

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that's a wife material

how the fuck can anybody stand that much fucking butter

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Bruv I eat them here in the UK

I bet that kind of café is just an advertisement stunt of some sort.

what the fuck are they doing, when you have that much potatos to deal with, buying an automatic peeler will save you thousands.

god the midwest is disgusting. the majority of our fattys are in the mid west and south

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Are you implying that more than 1% of americans eat that nasty shit too? How retarded are you?

too bad the marshmallows aren't the same consistency as the Lucky Charms ones.

this is what hell is like

>feel disgusted at the beginning
>intrigued when it melts inside the burger
>disgusted again when cut in half because that thing looks McDonalds tier

These novelty foods are a disgrace.

How can you do that? Do you really not mind eating greasy food and then just wiping your hand carelessly one time before touching keyboard/controller again? Fucking disgusting.

Every day

Hello /int/

what the fuck

Fresh fruit, mostly pineapple.

over 40% of american adults are obese
so yeah they probably do

fuck im hungry

where can i go to get this godly food

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the real question is how is one bite of these won't get you blind? i mean... christ.

>60% of americans are obese


No it's a turbobased nutritonist who hates fat people so much he found a way to legally kill them

Attached: the big one.jpg (88x84, 16K)

This is what happens when the rich really don't understand the value of things, because they handle such obscenely large portions of money.

Corn isn't bad until you start dehydrating and frying it.

imagine the smell
and the taste

And you're talking about Carnival food are Europeans actually this retarded? Why am i asking of course they are

>All these Euro's triggered by Bacon

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i went to this place. The food was not worth the novelty

technically not worse than mayo at the same volume.
You probably gets the most putrid diarrhea ever after this though, you will literally shit out 4/5 of that fat.

All Americans live off hot dogs and funnel cake.

show us something fucked, user

probably killed by spicy sauce

Midwest always whines about being considered "flyover" country by "coastal elitists" but somehow they never consider the fact that they are savages who eat and live like savages.

it's probably fine until you get the patented mcdonalds fake flavor kicking in.


Why would it be bad. Fast food is delicious.

Yum, blood disease sure is tasty!

Not him but 50s American recipes are a fucking treasure

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>deep fried bacon with chocolate and vanilla cookies
are you retarded

You are aware there's no blood in raw meat, right?

im fairly certain that webm is of Franklins in Austin. Good luck getting any, there's a 6 hour wait like every day


aspics are nightmare fuel

at least it's healthy. gelatin is water and protein. with fruits and sea food inside you will get sick before you get fat.

Is that a salad jellyfied?
it actually look nice...won't eat it tho

>50 cents for the meat
>20 cents for the bowl
Sounds like a bargain.

scotland invented the deep fried mars bar
scotland invented all the deep fried shit
blame the haggis eaters, not the burger eaters

the problem there is that the ratio of food/gelatic is wrong. You can get amazing aspic if you just use it to keep the food in shape... and actually use real gelatin with meat broth, and not the artificial fruit flavored ones they advertises in those recipes.

>salt bae will never bless your food with salt and feed you a strip for steak for $500 a slice
>ywn have anyone like salt bae in your life
Why even live?

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you think that's nightmare fuel, just look at this poor miserable creature

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>ITT spoiled white boys who had daddy buy them the fanciest meals overreact to actual street cuisine

Wait a second, is that the egg fort guy at the grocery shop?

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Italy invented pizza yet USA is where the semi sentient cheese monstrosity come from and are devoured

Attached: IT'S DIGESTIBLE.jpg (981x1246, 277K)

What do you think of an American buying microwave meals that are healthy

I just got a nice chicken tiki masala, 300 calories, microwaved and came out delicious. Ingredient list is solid as well

Your bacon doesnt even contain a 50% of pig i can bet.

looks pretty good to me.

all aspics look disgusting

>it's digestible

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With Fassbrause

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>its digestible

i dont know how people can eat crabs and shit but get butthurt about eating land insects like centipedes
it's the exact same shit

Attached: centipedes vs chinese woman.webm (404x720, 1013K)

Unrelated to this thread but who's that fucker with the giant "N" on his head

what is crisco, aside of "digestible"? condensed milk?

also at the end of the day that guy is using trash as a resource sooo yeah fuck you niggerworlder

go back to eating your gutter oil


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>all that fluoride
No thanks!

The Hungry man looks better

A couple of these bad boys and I'm good to go

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Pretty sure there are deep fried icecream there too

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>he doesn't like tempura ice cream
What a shame, each to his own I guess

What the fuck did I just watch?

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Mein Neger.

What a way to go, that first centipede really knew hot to splish splash

>t. hobo

Is this cyberpunk?

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Bro. BRO! I'm all out for milk, in fact my doctor tells me i drink to much. But your moms spaghetti out of aunts vase? Your fucking fork will never reach the bottom, wtf?

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finally some good fucking food

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>The older it gets, the more flavor it adapts and the chewier it becomes.
Every time

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I could go for a slice. with bread and pickles.

my ex made this for her dad once

>burger in a can

Attached: 1545297086859.jpg (522x451, 26K)

>buys a shit ton of fruits
It's gaming time

Attached: lg_1-exotic-fruit-medley.jpg (800x533, 371K)

banana is cheating, banana is like solid puke in dick form.

this actually doesn't sound half bad.

a dude here liveposted him following a similar recipe years ago. it looked absolutely disgusting but his face was worth it

Attached: 1368783339548.png (895x644, 801K)

I'd say
>implying you use a fork
but there's one right there so I don't fucking know.

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uma delicia


>physalis, lime, dragon fruit, passion fruits
none of that shit is meant to be eaten by itself.

Attached: are you supposed to eat this with cornchips or what.jpg (719x1024, 340K)

>fucks your fruity ass
It’s game time

>banana is like solid puke in dick form.


Based and mercury pilled

but are you sure it's bad? He looks like an onion licker, probably has his mom microwave his water and shit

Attached: suprise bitch its more jello.jpg (648x821, 896K)

bitch over here in bulgaria we eat cow stomach soup and drink ranch shut the fuck up


wait you guys don't eat limes like a peeled orange?

What do you know about bacon Mehmet?

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american tier. no thanks

Attached: file.png (650x366, 228K)

I mean I sometimes just drink the juice straight out it ain't that bad


I hate that I now have this embedded in my memory.
I hate you so fucking much right now.
You cumguzzling yurocucks can be obsessed with us all you want, but at least we aren't a literal 3rd world country like this shit.

Attached: i hate you so much.png (370x370, 200K)

>implying you use a fork
How the fuck you eat spaghetti? Are you a turbo weeb and use bamboo sticks?

Attached: some shit.png (2182x2201, 1.31M)

disgusting based muritards

Attached: crown_roast_of_frankfurters.jpg (792x991, 1018K)

ramsay is such a bitch, that shit looks delicious

>source: my ass

North, south, or the beach?

to be honest, "tomato aspic" is not that different from those "reconstructed strawberries" recipes

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why would you remove the part with the most nutrients? do americans really peel their fruits like monkeys?

i mean, is right. i dont want cold meat.
add in the time it would take for my gf's portion too and it's 15 minutes, cold cold meat.

>we eat cow stomach soup
sounds good
>and drink ranch

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at that point I'd rather eat fried insects

Am I the only one that finds the black part of an orea doesn't really taste that good?

I love America so much man

Attached: american pineapple 2.jpg (800x800, 72K)

the skin is only for lemonades you fucking nigger

exactly. looks good

Attached: a challenger approaches.jpg (548x640, 114K)

the ingredient list is mandatory in europe you know.
Also nutella is a spread, it was never meant to be eaten by the spoon. That shit came out of nowhere in the 00's thanks to internet and "look I can be an ameripig too" inferiority complex of immigrants in Europe.

>this is the food of the guy criticizing

Attached: lol.png (1920x720, 2.02M)

>implying this doesnt happen in usa
dumpster diving is very real there

>Bacon Fried Oreos

Too much time, effort and cleanup, plus I don't think that would taste good. I can kill myself with pure ecstasy in a matter of seconds while only using a few dollars and having zero cleanup after.

Attached: yum.jpg (1187x777, 497K)

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thats not street cuisine faggot, you dont know shit about street cuisine

pork and pinaple is graet dude.

i need that thread user
i need those (you)'s

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Attached: americans.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Why would you ever put that much mayo either. Jesus fuck.

You piss on the wrong tree man im italian when i want something from a pig i go to the butcher and eat fresh not that frozen shit full of preservers, hormones etc...


this looks like som shit that will get you banned from gordon ramseys twitter.

unironically looks good
also pineapples help to make the meat more tender

Attached: enter the tuna ring of bisquick.jpg (1636x2169, 2.38M)

OMG the pizza is greasy let me wipe off all the cheese

>finally some good fucking webm

I prefer using cream cheese frosting and putting it on graham crackers. call em trailer trash oreos. they're good

>looking at this thread
God should not have given us the pleasure of tasting

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Mexican Ramen

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there's some place in Asia where they do this with the burgers and milkshake at mac donalds.

>actually food
Based ESLmutt

Jack is a gift. Shame about his stroke.

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Drink from the bowl?

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>he doesnt like his bananas with a crunch

literally never seen or heard of anyone ever doing this

>some men just want to watch the world burn

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he probably keeps in it on something that keeps the food warm, like a warm pan or some shit

overweight, with a very similar percentage for Europeans, so pot meet kettle

what are you talking about america and immigrants in europe? Its made by italians and nobody talked about eating it with a spoon also pic related is superior

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Yeah, it should've been fatal.

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what the fuck is a bisquik? Why are so many old school American recipe calling for some brand name "product" without even telling you what it is.

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God this shit is so gay

looks nice

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Do you really have to ask?


worst part is I can't tell if this is some sketch or real life


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>This thread
What the fuck? I'm an American and I rarely see this type of shit in real life, sometimes I wonder if people do stuff like this to be funny. Then I realize that's not the case and actual fat fucks do this and eat it. I'm honestly happy my mother did home cooking for nearly all our meals when I was younger, and I wasn't raised up on fast food.

It better make me cum so hard I crumple into a pile of dust in my seat for 40 goddamn dollars.

>let me cook that for you bro
>*looks through the garbage bin*

Attached: 1554432652260.webm (960x540, 2.7M)

I think the clowns are the ones who pay him those 500 dollars.

Bisquick is a pre-mixed baking mix sold by General Mills under its Betty Crocker brand, consisting of flour, shortening, salt, and baking powder.

Attached: oh.jpg (606x1484, 186K)

This looks like a comedy show mocking the stereotypical "rude French" cook.

Attached: jack dries a chicken.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

What the fuck did I just watch?

Well the OP image is from the National Health Board, it's a video about healthy alternatives to unhealthy snacks.
Bacon Fried Oreos are the alternative to the super unhealthy regular Oreos.

Based poster in a thread full of cringe Yuropoors

What are some video game where

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You fucking drink spaghetti out of a fucking vase?! I demand answers

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haha send 2 all indians

I bet they came back and was wondering what the fuck happened to the other egg for awhile.

Imagine turning on Mans oldest ally and the substance that gave us our enhanced brains.

>that will be 4999.99. Plus tips please

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none of the top 10 oldest people on earth are/was vegan.

Attached: american feeding time.webm (1280x720, 635K)

>that cereal one
Hits too close to home

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Based Antonio

dios mio...

Best thing to come out of Germany really

I had deep fried cheesecake at a fair once. Yes we really do and it's delicious.

I just want to point out undercooked chicken and eggs are safer to consume in Japan due to better food regulations. Still looks like some bad food.

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Guro is not allowed outside of Yea Forums, user.

You mean disgusting fat-fuck feeding time.


Attached: Pure flavor.png (800x1065, 908K)

40 ounce of Steel Reserve
What you know about that? Probly nothing.

Nutella has not been good for years now. I would say the moment it got memed by normies( Amerilards), so about 10 years ago. It is mostly filler now and tastes like shit. It was never healthy, but it at least tasted good, since it contained way more nuts and higher quality oil. Knock-Off-Nutella has better quality and taste at this point.( I buy the expensive, organic one though)

She made a music video based on this

she's not very pretty from the front


also cope

Water niggas for life!
I can't taste it. You must be a sensitive little bitch.

Italian "pizza" is an open faced salad sandwich. stay pissed that america takes your """""culture""""" and obliterates it in order to create something better in every way, Giuseppe bin Al-Faisal

Attached: dough-mozarella-eat-pizza-basil-italian-italy-2341377.jpg (1280x853, 215K)

this is probably not bad in real life, without a photo saturated to hell

Is this mother fucker gay? Cause he sure acts like one
>Eats pizza with a fork and knife

Literally triggered me on so many levels. HOWEVER, opening the bag of chips from the bottom is something i do. I always imagine i can eat the "trash" first and have the good big chips at the end.

Attached: 1457812850773.jpg (600x806, 42K)

Nothing wrong with dabbing off some grease. Everything else is just......... why.

What fucking pit do you live in that you think that's fit for human consumption?

is that lard?

>she's not very pretty from the front
Top QT

Attached: 1537233921556.webm (960x960, 1.95M)

looks like shit and that from a professional photo that is supposed to make things look delicious

>needing fuel for sitting on your ass

they changed the video's algorithm after people found out you can find this video by googling "How to eat pizza like a faggot"

Stick to your chicken tendies and monster ultra, this is not for you

>here lemme add 2 fucking drops of lime to light the flavor

he killed millions

I'd eat it.


Believe it or not, its the best way to eat chips because most of the seasoning/spices are strong on the bottom so flipping it and opening it this way would season the rest of the chips

Nutella is Italian and has been eaten by Euro's long before Americans you retard

>I always imagine i can eat the "trash" first and have the good big chips at the end.
You might be the smartest man alive.

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Attached: vegan meatloaf.webm (720x480, 2.92M)

bad for your health

That's the guy you don't want to have on your couch the next morning

Attached: 1555960701759.jpg (502x466, 34K)

Pretty much

the toppings aren't supposed to fall off pizza you retard

How can americans even eat all their mayo if they can't eat raw eggs? Do they radiate it or something?

For me, it's Oreo Shake

Attached: gamer fuel.png (691x514, 258K)

Anybody who eats pizza with a knife and fork deserves to be shot
More like faggot

I eat nothing. Also what is that cancer food?

Stop. Don't get upset people on Yea Forums of all places can't understand why someone would like a mixture of performance art and food. It's not worth it.

Attached: 1538157246243.jpg (2700x1800, 1008K)

I actually agree about Oreos in general, but when they get fried they taste a lot different.

Attached: Joey chorizo.webm (640x360, 1.39M)

>flips pizza in a 180 degree

Attached: 1475871948295.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

I forget but I think they do something akin to pasteurization.

here's a recipe from 1800s America

Attached: queens-cake_1.jpg (715x376, 37K)

Enjoy your piss, a single orange slice, garnish, and a piece of the chef's shit

said the vegan ĂĽberfaggot as he chokes on his bf's meatpipe.

in defense of it shakes are bad to begin with and no one but the biggest lardasses drink 32 fucking oz, more lare around 16 which is still fucking bad


that's a lot of calcium

fucking hell.

no is what survival looks like

Attached: when the gas hits just right.jpg (218x232, 15K)

Our guy

Attached: 36.gif (480x270, 1.72M)

My teeth hurt just from looking at that.

For me, it's the EntrecĂ´te

Attached: entrecote.jpg (550x309, 25K)

Attached: 2girls1nut.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Phosphatidylcholine is also found in s.o.ybeans, and is naturally produced in the body.

Attached: 0bf6c4bb4a9d3fba10fe5fc0742b8882--doctor-coat-wii.jpg (236x236, 8K)

Here's one to make for 2020

Attached: election-cake_1.jpg (715x622, 71K)

Just to my fellow europals who like me would have a hard time visualising just how big this thing is: It's nearly a fucking litre.

what the fuck is this shit?

Your toppings should unironically stick on the pizza even if you hold it at a 90 degree angle.

stop Mc Whining

i like insect food, but you wouldn't take a bite from a living cow, would you?

>from fat
meh,you won't digest it.

>tfw you will never have a gf who dunks her fingerfood in your soda

Attached: 1496932022314.gif (647x363, 650K)

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>that way he swings his tongue around when first putting it in his mouth

Attached: 1553357723658.png (500x311, 219K)

toppings aren't going to stay on a vertical slice. hot cheese isn't glue.

Cum and cock are still protein faggot

This guy should be dead. it's amazing how his body just wont give up

>american feeding time
>european television company
What did he mean by this?

Attached: !.png (571x157, 9K)

It's ok it's healthy since they added lettuce

The dessert of a $600 meal

Attached: alinea balloons.webm (300x300, 2.88M)

I love my fat wife. She's beautiful and big! Very BIG!

I want to make her even BIGGER!

Why'd you pay what I can only assume is a boatload for that show if you're just going to sit there filming with your shitty phone.

>americans start clapping in the background

I thought it was a meme, wtf.

Attached: 0117526197312.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

>he doesnt even like regular fried oreos

>Fries/chips with some sorta steak
but why? Why not just a baked potato.

what an arbitrary rule.

Not the vase user, but I usually just put my soup in a cup, which allows for nice quick sips in between respawns

If that's art then my trash bin is a gallery full of masterpieces.

Gotta love the dedication to actually grabbing the doritos with pincers instead of just pouring them around.

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Attached: 1530914932568.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)

Imagine the knife wounds.

What is this? Why's he being such a dick?

this one's based

Ham, Cheese and sweet/sour fruits tastes pretty good

actual mongoloids, I bet you think that liquid deep dish shit counts as pizza too

nothing. i'm not a retarded fat amerifuck.

this is retarded but those co2 whip cream cannisters are fantastic

This was staged for german television.

Attached: 1541296694181.webm (594x716, 2.64M)

>eating raw sausage straight from the chub

Now we wait for the edgy user's to come and talk about punching the icecream guy

Never heard that one before. You must be very popular due to your original ideas and good comedic timings.

Do Americans really eat this shit?

Attached: 136789404.gif (500x259, 494K)

hot cheese isn't glue, guido

That is disgusting the sea of grease isn't made for human consumption, it's probably made for some sort of torture.
Brother the cheese was sliding off the pizza fuck the toppings look at the cheese, when does cheese slide off a fucking pizza?

Attached: 1537429268610.png (776x1146, 922K)

>t.Never had a real pizza
I had "Pizza" in the US, I had Pizza in Italy and at several restaurants all over Europe. US Pizza mostly tastes like grease and salt. I had some ok Pizza in the US, but it was always from some Italian restaurant. Your giant, ultra thick dough monsters, covered in Cheese Product™ is not Pizza. Even frozen pizza or low quality delivery stuff blow US-Grease-Cakes away.

Attached: cwc chink chopping skills.webm (440x720, 1.79M)

no but apparently Germans do

why would you want to kill the person you love? How aren't those people arrested for murder when the other dies and the family sees the sorry state of the corpse?

You're right. Where I'm from it's common to eat Melon and parma ham together for a small appetizer before a big meal.

Heart attack and diabeetus the thread

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Don't try this at home, it creates mustad gas and cats will hiss at your penis.

>Pures Leben

what's that patty?

It's just fun and games, user.
Look even the guy in sun glasses is smiling and laughing.


thats fucking terrifying to watch

Attached: speed chopping.webm (240x426, 1.02M)

>is also found
In much lower amounts
Also, not all vegans eat soja while all meatards, by definition, eat meat
>is naturally produced in the body
The decomposition is in intestine, by microbes. Once in blood, it's safe.

holy fuck I bet you flip your plate 90 degrees on regular basis as well and expect nothing to fall off

>tfw this will never ever happen to you
It's like magic

I think he's just smiling because the situation is so weird that he has no other response. People usually aren't used to people going out of their ways to be dicks to them for no real reason. He just wanted ice cream.

fucking brutal
I wonder how he lost his arm

some of his chops he's slapping his hand with the side of the knife

It's unoriginal because it's true and everyone can see it.

Jesus fucking christ why not just get a machine at that point

>why would you want to kill the person you love
Its more likely you'll kill someone you know.

H-how do you eat it?

Stay mad, Guido Omar al-Shah bin Mohammaed.

This one hasn't too much Leben left I think

>needing fuel for breathing

Attached: eggman glasses.png (1185x526, 84K)

Ramsay's cooking is full of fat and melted butter, he only complains when the others do it.

WOAAAAAAAAH that's spooky and cool

This is why we need communism.

he pulls that shit off on me and i'd fuck him up so fucking bad. i'd throw my body in the counter and start punching the faggot

Level 2 yakuza, for level one he has to do this with a human baby.

Attached: walnuts.jpg (2000x2000, 1.44M)

You press your lips against it, inhale the helium, do a hilarious silly voice and it deflates and becomes wrinkly cotton candy.

No mother fucker, have you actually seen one do this that hasn't been on television or the internet on youtube?

Attached: 1528218708189.webm (576x324, 2.77M)

Fatty fatty two by four.

you probably take a bite and then it deflates all over your face like semen

right on cue

Ah yes, balloons. A dietary staple of the noble clown.

>it costs 450 dollars to eat this bullshit

Attached: ice tea.gif (480x271, 1.98M)

thats a chink you fucking braindead cunt

pic related is all I need

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