OK this is pretty much the best thing in the entire world

OK this is pretty much the best thing in the entire world.

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Other urls found in this thread:


God I wish I was there to see it.
This guy is 200% FGC.

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the best thing in the world would be if i won that match

Are fighting game players better at handjobs/fingering?
I bet the reflexes do help with that


based dad

what a legend

What a guy.

When I first read about this, I honestly thought it was Buppa, the Ky(GG) and Jin(BB) player.

Then I saw he was using Jam and the final score was 10-6. No way the actual Buppa would lose to a scrub like that.

what a what

This isn't about something as petty as sex. This is about preserving the bloodline and breeding a race of superhuman gamers.


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>Letting her daughter go with a dirty noob
Based dad did the right thing. If the daughter's boyfriend really loves her he'll train as hard as he can so he can beat the father in a rematch.

Fighting game players treat everything like battle. Sex is no different. We like to be aggressively dominant and use sweet ass combos to defeat our opponents. If there's a struggle for dominance, well that just means it's going to be a great night.

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>Roman cancel !

The dad has transcended the boundaries of mortal taste.

>score was 10-6
I'm going to assume that the kid at least knew how to play. That would look really bad if he took 6 games even as a casual.

>Guy playing a game series for 20 years beats kid
This is a pretty dumb story

Unspeakably based.

You're outta here, kiddo.

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t. criminally unworthy

your life is a pretty dumb story with a mongrel as the protagonist

>Girlfriend's Dad beats the crap out of him in a fighting game
>Says he's not fit to be her boyfriend
>Guy is still determined, so he tries to git gud
>Has to fight him in a major tournament to win back the girl
Could make a decent anime

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I would def do the same

>if you can't EWGF, you can't fist my daughter



I don't play fighting games

Jesus Christ that chick is gonna get made fun of in school so much now.

>I don't play fighting games
So... LGBT then? Well, good for you. I guess.

Didn't he not have a plate out for him come dinner time? I recall him saying his family got upset so he left to go get food for himself or something. Either way fucking lol


the funny thing is I cant find a single video where buppa wins in GGXX where an example

Based dad, Kid wasn't half bad too getting 6 wins.




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Thread theme

Why would he expect any kid to beat him when he's playing for 20 years?

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>So... LGBT then? Well, good for you. I guess.
user you're so desperate it's kinda sad, quit being retarded on purpose

Upsets happen. New blood sometimes wins. Kid didn't do too bad honestly.

He didn't. This is just a test to see if this potential son in law could handle the loss and come back stronger for it.

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OGs get beaten by new blood all the time. It comes down to intelligence and psychology more than execution and the younger guy usually have quicker wits and adaptability. Just look at that faggot sonicfox.

His daughter probably hates him to death but hey still pretty based

>First to 10

Look, it's another 70 IQ chimp posting about the sunken time fallacy.

That was't his point at all though user

nigga you've been playing that game before the kid was even born and lose 6 games?? what a fucking loser

The kid was probably bragging that he was good at Guilty Gear and based boomer dad pushed his shit in.

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I'll take things that never happened for 300, Yamaguchi.

>OK this is pretty much the best thing in the entire world.
This is the kind of thing i'd expect some millennial from reddit to type, the kind that makes articles about "look at this dumb shit, we totally need it xDD"

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I'd watch that shit

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Oh be quiet. Both of them could probably pick you apart and leave you crying naked on the floor.

>After years of enjoying a position as her archetype of dependable masculinity and gentlemanly gallantry, he has to come to terms with the fact that she's found someone else to fill those roles.
lolwat? First boyfriend is entirely for pOnOs in vagOOO.


There are tons of LGBT in the FGC. Look at that SonicFox faggot. Tension Pulse, the monthly GG tourney that has top US and JP players is run by 3 trannies. Pretty sad state of affairs desu.

>dude's been playing since '98
>some zoomer takes 6 games off of him

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Not as much as le epic randumb article about some father being a stupid manchild, right?

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No the way it would work is that the kid loses and gets mad at the dad so he spends months training to prove him wrong and get his pride back, with the training arc culminating at a major tournament. He fights well but completely unknown to him the dad entered as well and he ends up fighting him in grand finals. The match goes to the very last round where the dad just needs to do one more combo to win but he drops the very last input, causing him to lose. In the end it's revealed to the audience that the dad dropped the combo on purpose, because the kid ended up proving himself to him anyway by taking the challenge to improve and train.

I'd watch it

If I ever have a girlfriend and I find out her father plays videogames i'd instantly break up with her.
No worthwhile person can grow up with the parenting of someone who plays videogames in his 30s or 40s.

Isn't it time for you to dilate? Leave the men alone and go back to being obnoxious and angry about your assigned gender.

Imagine winning and getting to plow his daughter in his own home as he's forced to listen as you take your winnings.

>the dad dropped the combo on purpose
Fuck no way to ruin the saga


Less epic but still epic

holy basedola dadola

>not just throwing out campy fullscreen hitboxes while she tries to get in
the real mindgame is making her want it so bad she has to be the one doing the aggression while you dominantly watch and deny her, up until she thinks she's about to get in and you switch it up and go full aggro on her at the last second.

Based! Don't let causals breed, especially with your daughter!

Haruka's bf got btfo. Based Kiryu.

>In the end it's revealed to the audience that the dad dropped the combo on purpose, because the kid ended up proving himself to him anyway by taking the challenge to improve and train.
Based Dad recognizing that his lineage is in good hands.

Imagine if you dressed his daughter up as Jam and fucked her while she made Jam's yelps

>not getting the moral of the story
user the point wasn't to beat him, the point was to have the determination and perseverance to stand up to a challenge instead of shrink away from it. The win or loss is completely inconsequential.


>Leave the men
What men?
The article is about a millennial and a guy who unironically plays videogames while having a daughter.

>implying anyone can defeat him
>implying every boss has to be beatable

Imagine that the Dad's main is Jam and gets cucked across dimensions

To determine if he's the chosen one

And I'm sure you just got lost and innocently wound up on Yea Forums, right, Sally? Or whatever the hell name you've chosen to go by these days.

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>dad tries to drop combo to let kid win
>his fighting spirit kicks in
>bodies kid with combo
>still accepts kid as worthy

holy based

>implying his daughter isn't also an expert in guilty gear
>implying this isn't a family tradition of weeding out suitors

>If I ever have a girlfriend
Not something you'll have to worry about then user.

Didn't he use Jam?
Where the fuck is my collage of all of Jam's different panties?

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So, if you don't find a reddit-tier article about manchildren le funny you are a tranny?
Which is ironic, considering the amount of trannies that plague the fighting game community, or what remains of it.
Hell, isn't a literal gay furfag nigger the biggest representative of that entire community?

The purpose was to see if the guy would fight for his daughter. If the kid just gave up after the first match could you really say he cared for the daughter at all. it just essentially proves the dad is right not to give the kid his blessing.

Go to church.

And he does that shit through a videogame?
I would have punched the father and then ghost the girl for life.

I don't get why people hate the phrase "boys will be boys." Kids beat each other up all the time, pick on each other, ragging on each other, it's what kids do. Builds character. What's so bad about that?

The joke in that image is girls aren't held accountable for their actions, right?

>The kid make a "Daigo parry" in the final round

Abso fucking lutly based.

This sounds pretty funny until you remember that Japan's birth rate is in the toilet and they are basically breeding themselves out of existence.

wow what a badass

This is why you'll never get married.

Maybe it's for the best.

This is what happens when numales have kids.

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How about
>dad is about to use combo last round
>no way he can lose
>suddenly jumps out of seat and drops stick
>kid is confused but takes the win
>the dad blocks a punch thrown straight for the kid's head
>the guy assaulting was third place champ and bitter rival from the dad's glory days
>dad throws a perfect combo mimicking the one he would do in game
>finishes with a palm strike to the heart
>son wins the tourney, gets gf
>he has a kid, turns out to be best fighting game player of all time
And that's just the first part

Gays and extremely feminine dudes get really uncomfortable around normal males. The very idea of any level masculinity scares and confuses them, even if it's just tongue-in-cheek.

I wouldn't get married even if I had a girlfriend, nothing good can come from marriage.
It's just a contract that ensures that if you ever break up with your girlfriend, you'll have to pay her a fortune.

Only those with fighting game skills deserve to breed.

>playing videogames
Is this what millennials unironically think?
A hobby that every single tranny in this world has is manly according to you?

Why would you kick a kid out over a button masher?

The act itself isn't inherently masculine but when it's coupled with competitiveness and smack talk I'd say so. That brings out the machismo in most guys and bantz start flying back and forth and numales can't tolerate it.

>tfw smol hitbox

Actually a want a girl to sit on my face and make me lick her butthole

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Why are you still here? Amazing.

And what? Would it make you happier in chess or something like that? The medium makes no difference. Go flit your little rainbow fairy wings far away, weirdo.

Which is why Yea Forums overall hates competitive games and the FGC in particular, mind you.

Shit ending
Even dad outright winning but then telling that taking the challenge to improve is enough of a proof would be better

Like 99% of Yea Forums can't play fighters well.

t.kid who lost

fighting games are for niggers, true test of white man skills is FPS

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Ask what his prospects of life are, what he's studying, what he wants to work in, what his ideologies are... Pretty much everything except playing a fucking videogame.
If a father ever brought something like that to me I would just laugh at him for being a stupid manchild and inmediatly leave afterwards.

It's perfect user ship it.

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Pretty sure it's betas like you who labeled this exact behavior "toxic masculinity".

No, just fighting games because they are games for niggers and because they are a dead genre that hasn't advanced in every way for the past 20 years.
Fighting games are either the same as before or worse, except with better graphics.

>posting screencap of an article about fighting games when this board can't even have a regular discussion about the genre
Nicely done OP.

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I don't believe that is true at all. Otherwise people wouldn't still be using casual as an insult. While I myself don't play fighting games I played competitive RTS games for over a decade and that shit got intense. C&C Generals, Company of Heroes 1 and 2, Dawn of War 1 and 2, Wargame, stuff like that. Bantz flying back and forth like you wouldn't believe. Any multiplayer game brings out competitiveness, and that means smack talk is sure to follow. I still see it when I play Rising Storm 2, that shit is hilarious when the VC start yelling "GI GO HOME" in local VOIP.

>board filled with raging homos and homos in denial
Checks out really

If anything this is toxic feminity.
This is so pussified it hurts.

yea and? I do too, its pretty great.

I'd applaud you for leaving and sparing my daughter of having to deal with an effeminate male who has no sense of humor.

>kicked him out of the house
As if a woman didn't already need an excuse to whore herself, telling his daughter the dude is verboten will just push her harder into
sticking it up to daddy and his opinions by sneaking out of the house to get fucked in the ass. Because as we all know women are
rational and a father that's autistic with fighting games makes for top tier parental material.

>otherwise people wouldn't still be using casual as an insult
That's the greatest Yea Forums hypocrisy of them all. Yea Forums hates casuals yet they are one themselves as a collective whole. But this place is a smashboard so it's no surprise.

case in point

The kid in the article challenged the dad to the game. Turns out the dad had played the game series a lot and accepted. It would be weird if a girl's dad challenges you to some random ass video game but in this case it's perfect.

Playing into abe's plan

Attached: abe.jpg (1280x720, 326K)

Playing videogames after you turn 25 is the opposite of manly.
>sense of humor.
Oh no, the first thing i'd assume is that the whole thing was a goddamn joke.

trannies also breathe, should I stop doing that now?

I can see that. Girls usually are known for being competitive to a fault and challenging each other to all manner of 1v1 sport.

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I play both RTS and Fighting games, I can attest that high level RTS can get as intense as a high level fighter.

Trannies playing videogames is the least of reasons to drop this dying industry.
Then again, games appealing to trannies more and more is a good one.

>using western values on eastern women

Oh shit. It's that kid that yells 'spammer' after walking into projectiles all round lol.

Videogames are not a sport.
A sport would actually be a worthwhile challenge.


Probably shouts block-spamming too

Oh my god, Tomo-chan is real

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Women have no values, they are all whores to some degree.

They can still be just as competitive to people on a psychological level, which is why people get so invested in being good at them.

yeah that's totally epic have an upboat
god i love r/gaming ooooooooooooooof yiiiiiiiikes

Nah. You just don't see the value of good storytelling. Your way doesn't give the protagonist his earned cathartic win, whereas the original way manages to give the protagonist his win AND show the audience that win was not important by showing the dad feign a loss rather than taking it just for the sake of pride, which was the original (incorrect) motivator for the protagonist. It's like pottery, it rhymes.

He got kicked out of the house by his wife for being retarded and autistic.

Reminding me of hiatus-chan
Will it be another 3 months like last time?

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You guys know posting your genuine opinions makes a thread better, right? You can drop all the pretending, it's one of the good things about being anonymous. We're talking about a pretty interesting topic here.

Father should have kicked the kid out the moment he challenged him to play a videogame.

Wasn't the point that the dad didn't like the guy because of who he mained, which is why he wanted him to leave.

If the bf had real balls, he would ask for rematch after training his skill. Great dad though.


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He got kicked out for winning... but she secretly supported him and made him a special dinner if you read the trail of tweets.

The kid was scarred for life for losing to his gf's father and then being mocked and emasculated in front of her at his first time meeting her parents. That's what his wife was pissed off about.

Buppa = godlike, because he still gave no fucks.

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>We're talking about a pretty interesting topic here.
Oh yeah, autistic people being autistic is really interesting.

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This would make a fun movie.

he didn't get kicked out for winning, nobody in that situation but him gave a shit about him winning, it was his aggressive and confrontational behavior towards a goddamn juniors high kid that got him kicked out and that upset people. There are a goddamn million ways to make that situation entertaining for everyone, and yet he chose the path of the screeching retard, making everyone uncomfortable.

who are you talking to

The father said he was the shittiest GG player in the family. So he said, if the boyfriend couldn't even defeat him, why would he be okay with the boy.

And then he'll realize he's unironically training to play a videogame, think of how stupid the whole thing is and break up to find a normal girl with a normal family.


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That's not the same Buppa. If he was do you honestly think the real Buppa would get washed up by some kid?

The father was using Jam.

Agreed. You could laugh, play the kid in the game and then go about dinner. It would make for some fun banter later if the kid is nice. Going full sperg ruins dinner.

Yeah, lets hire someone based on these EPIC news instead of actual experience. Lets go reddit!

Two nukes weren't enough, we should put those poor gooks out of their suffering.

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The shitposters obviously. They know who they are.

Was the dad using Sol to fighting his daughters boyfriend Ky? This is too perfect to be true.

>The father said he was the shittiest GG player in the family.
Is his daughter better than him

>building a random strawman

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>Taking some dumb memes seriously
Perhaps it's time you get out of your cave and get some fresh air, your brain evidently needs it.

>I'm so offended and hurt about everything
>censor it all! I'm uncomfortable!
Wow. You are definitely a product of the modern day.

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>user gets hit by wakeup DP for the third time

>Most famous FGC contender is a gay furry
Maybe you need to rethink this

No, reddit, this is what we totally need, and this is why it's a good thing.


OP, you should have posted the translated tweets of the father. It's a fucking goldmine.

> “My daughter just introduced her boyfriend to us.”

> “This punk kid says he wants to take me on in Guilty Gear, so I’m gonna teach him a lesson. I’m hiding out in the bathroom right now, but I’m totally going to show him what’s what. Oh, and gamers like him who use the character Slayer are shits, so I’m not going to let him get away with that.”

They fought on GGXRD2. Father was using Jam.

>“Let the holy war begin.”

>”10-6!!!!!!!!!! It’s over!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re done here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

> “I’ve been playing Guilty Gear since the first game in the series [released in 1998]. No way I was going to get beat by a junior high school kid.”

> “I’ve defeated him. He’s not fit to be my daughter’s boyfriend.”

> “By the way, no one made anything for me to eat.”

>“I got kicked out of the house, so I’ll go buy some cigarettes and rice balls.”

>“I’m the worst in my family at Guilty Gear Xrd R2, and this wet-behind-the-ears kid can’t even beat me? He shouldn’t be allowed in our house.”

>“They finally let me back in, but, still there’s no dinner for me.”

One of the funniest FGC stories 2 years ago for sure.

80% of this board is obvious b8 prove me wrong.

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And now the girlfriend stays a virgin loser who has no kids, thus japans population declines even further.

Nice job dad, caring this much about videogames over your daughters happiness.

God men are so pathetic.

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even tho a zoomer, he STILL is a JP which means they innately are 1000% better than US zoomers at video games.

fucking zoomers.


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>Letting your daughter waste away with a fucking noob
Nice try Abe.

Absolutely hilarious indeed.

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10-6 against a guy thats been playing for two decades aint bad, hope he gets that runback

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>Let the holy war begin
Fucking kek.

I hate streammonsters who pretend to know anything about a game they exclusively watch too

Imagine having to battle an adult in a 1v1 for your honor.
They are truly living in the future.

>I'm the worst in my family at Guilty Gear Xrd
>yfw when he got kicked out because he lost 6 games not because he fought the boyfriend

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Nigger, if I found out he plays videogames past the age of 20 that would be enough for me to kick him out.

Depends if it's the first time the kid plays the game or not.

>Most famous FGC contender
That's a reach if I ever saw one.

Attached: daigo-justin-wong.jpg (750x400, 83K)

You say this yet you're in a thread about it in a video game board.
You are a FAGGOT.

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The only reason I come here is to laugh at those who still stick to this shitty industry and to see has-been studios have a well deserved death.
I want to be here the day Bioware or CDPR shut down.

Daigo has some good history and experience but denying the fact that Sonic is top of the FGC rn is choosing to be ignorant.
Also if you're interested his smashed Summit and pretty much 3-0d every single fight. Can't fucking wait for EVO

The dad was the gatekeeper. If he couldn't beat him there was no way he could beat his daughter.

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epic larp user. go back to effort posting it's better than what you're doing right now.

>Sonicfox is washing people in Smash now
What the fuck? Did this fucking guy trade his soul away for fighting game ability? How is he so good at so many games?

This MK Summit was the worst Summit they've done. NRS have no personality at all except for the furry. One even got booted from the house because he had an altercation with another player.

So instead of doing anything productive you waste your time here for nothing? Yikes.

in the US, maybe. But that's because he wins most games that japs stay away from. He won DBF at evo and then was btfo'd in the game's circuit later on.

>virgin loser

reminds me of pic related

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Today, I will remind them.

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Girls being virgins doesn't make them losers, that only applies to men.

I fucked up he didn't play smash there he played MK11. bad grammar on my part bro.
Still happened. He mirror matched tweedy and bodied him. He beat dragon 3-0 twice. He is top of his game right now.

Bless the mainland #1

^cringe t b h
this story is based

>No personality
>got booted from the house for fighting
Sounds like plenty of personality to me

That's beautiful, user.

That doesn't sound to bad considering the dad seems be good at fighting games. Unless the joke is both were shit at fighting games and a 99 year old beat his ass still

t. never played with japanese people
Japs are notoriously shitty at a lot of games, however people only ever get exposure to their top 1% making it seem like they're better than they are.
Try playing monster hunter or any other multiplayer game with them, you will witness the true (lack of) power the average jap possesses.

That was a good day

Attached: adwe.png (321x328, 164K)

>December 2017

Why would you go for the asians who have the best plastic surgery in the world because they had to fix how ugly they are?

I need to open up a Texas BBQ/fighting game pub in japan and become filthy rich dammit, even dads play fighting games over there.

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Warm sake, grilled meats, and fightan sounds fucking great.

>pre MH world, Frenchies were the shitters
>post MH world, Japs are now 50x worse than the french players ever were
what the fuck happened.

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>top of the fgc
That's a good joke.
>can't compete at Street Fighter
>can't compete at Tekken
>can't compete at Guilty Gear
>can't compete at Blazblue
>can't even compete at UNIST
>hasn't been the best at DBFZ for 10 months
He literally only has NRS games and poverty fighters that no one plays. The only people that think Sonicfox is the top of the FGC are people who read Kotaku and don't play fighting games.

Better than the story about getting raw super'd then stabbing the guy for it.

This, and after what happened with infiltration and his wife I'd steer very clear of korean women

If sonicfox can beat redblade or squish than I'll consider him for something in UNIST. He hasn't competed since 2017, a month after unist came out and I can easily say the NA scene has gotten stronger.
But that still speaks nothing of the Japanese that casually bodied NA's two best players.

>dad is the "this but with Slayer" guy unironically

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>Girls held accountable for ANY actions
>Women in general being held accountable for ANY actions

Literal carpet-munching dyke here I'll fucking dunk you on your choice of fighter

shut up a story is the only way we could get it in here.

He dropped UNIST because he got washed hard by everyone and he couldn't find a 50/50 character with easy resets and frame traps. He plays every single game the same way, and in games with real competition he always gets destroyed.

The french were mostly a menace in MH4 where they "Je suis monté!" pardon... to their hearts content. The japs always ranged from pretty good to "how did this guy find the gathering hall" tier.

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The hentai version of this story.

Stupid virgin girl brings boyfriend home, dad demonstrates superior skills, establishes himself as alpha male.
The daughter wets her fucking panties and becomes a slut slave for her dad's cock right there.
Then she fucks her dad in front of the beta boyfriend for hours.

Go back.

See, now you fucked up and are going to be streamed to this thread. Do you have Steam?

>Step dad

He got Top 16 IIRC but this was literally the first big tourney after it came out so I'm skeptical of his performance.

>"how did this guy find the gathering hall" tier.
Fucking perfect way to put it. I've played with Japanese in MH and sometimes it was like watching my mom try to play an FPS game. Funny but frustrating.

That poor girl is going to have to elope if she doesn't want to become a permanent virgin.

>not understanding different cultures

You better deliver you literal faggots

>not a lonely dad drowning his sorrow in fightan
>the kid not putting his virginity (anal) as the collateral in a bet for the daughter
>the father not mindbreaking him and making him his wife (male)
shit taste

He got top 8 in SFV at final round the first year as well, then got demolished by Japan. It's not really unusual and people have often complained that fox gets free rides once you actually look at the brackets where he never fights anyone notable. Meanwhile you have all the Japanese or Korean killers stuck in two brackets. That's why people make fun of J-Wong now too because he always seems to get free brackets full of nobodies.
The first few tournaments after release are always kind of free. That's why you always see fake stuff or absolute shenanigans winning or placing high in the first few.

tits or gtfo

You've got serious issues.


>“I’m the worst in my family at Guilty Gear Xrd R2, and this wet-behind-the-ears kid can’t even beat me? He shouldn’t be allowed in our house.”
so he basically just confirmed that this is a family tradition, based, bet even the daughter was upset at her now ex-boyfriend's performance.

You saying traps are hotter than wincest ?!
Them's fighting words boy !!!!

>dad then challenges the boy's father to GG
>insults him by saying he's a weak man that raised a worthless child
>defeats boy's father
>boy and his father sit in downstairs living room, broken men
>link related plays from an upstairs room as GG champ dad dickloops boy's mother and sister


He used Jam though.

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ft10 me faggot

year one nonsense is always a treat, I wonder how samsho is going to turn out

That's even worse. Honestly this whole thing is pretty cringe

are we gonna have a problem user

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That's because you still see things as a risk for embarrassment. Learn to not give a fuck and care about what you like, it'll go a long way.

>Implying you aren't a Johnny dodger
Gear your trip...

pretty hot user

I really don't, but if this guy literally didn't date because of his gfs retarded father taking GG too seriously then that's an issue


5:05 if it didn't work. I can't wait for the salt and shitposting when faggots get introduced to samsho damage.

If you don't play fighting games, don't have friends who do, nevcer been to a fight night or tourny in your life then you just don't "get it" and you never will.

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The dad was playing Jam while the kid was playing Slayer. Shit's tough.

This is some major projection, I love fighting games. I love my boys over on /ggg/, I play all the time

honestly all you need is desire to become semi competent at what you're playing and the rest will follow. Drive is whats important

Cant fist me in a game? Well you cant fist my daughter.

This is not true
In the minds of incels, it is true, but women judge female virgins just as harshly as male ones.

>44 first place tournament wins
>500k in prize money earnings

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Imagine playing fucking Jam and thinking you're good lmfao

Yeah, but who gives a shit what those bitches and whores think.

I don't think anyone thinks he's bad, just obnoxious

lmao reminds me of early yugioh

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He will end up with his daughter married to a fat smelly neckbeard using this method.

Major Deja Vu feels right now, wtf i've read this thread before.

Jam is one of the lowest ranked characters in the game.

Jam is bottom tier

Deja Vu is decent but there's so many other better songs
>Night and Day
>Forever Young
>Beat of the Rising Sun

Happened in 2017 is why.

I wish people on Yea Forums actually played games

Jam is not bottom tier. She's not high tier, but compared to the likes of Zato, Potemkin and Answer who are actually low tier she's just fine.

The best part is that the kid was a Slayer main.

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Or his daughter will rebel hardcore, or become a lesbian

You're not impressing anyone by being a poser.


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>OK this is pretty much the best thing in the entire world.
You are retarded, good bait, tho.

...okay? She is probably still seeing her boyfriend in secret tho.
I mean cool thing that the dad did for attention but ultimately that aint gonna change anything.
Good for him though he got his 15 minutes of attention I guess?

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I have that feeling all the time.


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Any Eurobeat track is better than the big 3

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Could have bet money that was coming. The pic isn't from eventhubs ranking btw.

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Almost every part of that tier list is wrong and if you played the game or even saw any tier list for Rev 2.1 not put together but some mooks on eventhubs you'd know that.

Holy shit

Don't forget the five minutes he tried to play GG. He instantly picked Sin, who was busted tier at the time then got his ass kicked so bad that he quit because he realized he couldn't get easy prize money like it's an NRS fighter tourney.

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She's in middle school.

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>YFW this shit becomes this generation's version of Densha Otoko

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I'm aware, its still a shit website to link to prove anything involving tiers.

Just stop.




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Real Solbro hours ITT. Where we at?

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This is the only Xrd tier list that matters.

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wait,didn't he play elph?

Dad gets kicked out of house?

I wish beating fathers in vidya games was all I had to do to get a cute gf

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I remember hearing Sin but El was just as broken at the time.

Are you counting your mom in that sentence? Because a woman made you...

I exist though?

Bedman belongs in the "I don't exist" tier more than Answer.


>89 million views

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Kinda embarrassing considering the dad has been playing the same game for decades now. Do reflexes really get that bad with old age? Are we all going to turn shit at vidya too?

They're both Bros in my book, patrician mains.

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dad himself has said he's the worst at the game compared to the rest of the family, chances are the daughter probably could've 10-0'd the guy.

Yes and without exception. I remember the exact moment it hit my dad and suddenly he couldn't beat me at any video games no matter how hard he tried, despite dumpstering me at everything literally the day before.


my god just stop

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Neutralshitters fell for the honesty meme in a game about going as aggressive as possible. Don't bully brainlets.

My reflexes have never been sharper since highschool senpai. Some peeps keep it, other just corrode.

>the same game
Xrd isn't exactly like the original GG games.

>Other obscure eurobeat videos get axed
>This is still alive

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I don't think anyone outright says that SonicFox is bad. Just that he he plays games without strong competition and that he's reliant on degenerate mixups.
He often get phased out as the game gets older and the competitive playerbase gets more solid.


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This means that the dad can claim his daughter virginity?

getting ready to drop money on shit I don't need

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You guys fucking live in the past.

*hits pipe*

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He got kicked out of his house and his daughter got fucked by a noob. Not very based if you ask me.

*hits you*

Real fathers play SF2

Not all heroes wear capes, user.

*goes 0-2*

>Yea Forums makes an anime
>Its actually good

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More like grandad lmao.

good thing those girls aren't about to marry those sluts who judge them

the real girlfriend was all the friends he made along the way

>implying he didn't get kicked out for losing six games

>not letting the boyfriend train for a week to make it even

>daughter's boyfriend comes into your house and challenges you
>going easy on him
Nah, he reaped what he sowed.

He was talking hot shit

Can't believe Yaguchi and Oono had a kid

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The something similar happens in High Score Girl. Girl is frustrated with MC being caught up with main girl, challenges him to fighting game match to start dating him.

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>In the end it's revealed to the audience that the dad dropped the combo on purpose
I like the idea of the Dad deciding that the Kid deserves to date his daughter regardless of the outcome of the tournament. But fuck throwing the match, let the Kid win the victory he deserves fair and square. At least let Kid and Dad face off one last time after the tournament, or leave it ambiguous whether Dad really threw the match or not. Ambiguous endings are great.

I want to force myself on this girl in a consensual context

How about this.
>dad's stick is old and sometimes the buttons fail
>he's been meaning to fix it but never really gets around to it, gets to grandfinals regardless without problems
>time comes for the final combo
>at the final hit the dad looks confused that his combo failed and he lost
>slow pan to the stick and you see that one button is noticeably stuck
>he decides not to say anything to excuse his loss and congratulates the kid on the well earned victory
>left ambiguous if whether or not the button sticking caused his failure or if it was really him dropping the combo
>the old stick and failing button is symbolic of the dad's age and that it might be time to pass on the torch to the next generation

This, was it the real buppa?

Lmao this is amazing

Nah. Dad beats his ass at grand finals, showing that the kid still has room to improve, but because of his tenacity of getting that far, he allows him to see his daughter, but not take her as his girlfriend yet.

wow i wish i could be as cool as you user

>boy uses all his time to train
>girl is neglected the whole time
>by the end she finds a new boyfriend
>boy loses in the end against the father
>he loses the game and hid gaming honor
The butthurt would be delicious

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Then next season dad gets beat by his old high school rival and it's up to the kid/his new student to avenge him. It's a shonen that writes itself.

this boomer is already based by himself, but who does he play?

Genuinely perfect ending.

Reflexes really don't wane until your 50s at a minimum.
They'll only degrade earlier if you don't keep playing, and even then it's like riding a bicycle. I had stopped playing FPS games for a decade and it took about a month to get back to where I was, and then went even further beyond in my mid 30s.

Just like anything else physical, staying in shape at 60+ is more maintenance rather than building further. Get your gains earlier and keep them there.

This list is old as living fuck, this is back from when Dizzy, Jack-O, Raven, Kum and Jam were first released. Notice the lack of Baiken and Answer.