Rape Day

Did anyone actually play this game, or did everyone just complain about it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


take a wild guess

>random shovelware gobboshit
even /weg/ is not tasteless enough to waste their time on it

The game never existed. It was just a bunch of pics just to troll.

I don't support censorship but it's too bad there's no law against being an edgy faggot
I'm not offended by the game. I'm offended by the desire to offend

Given how suspect the devs are and how much attention has been brought on this literal who game by literal who people that want to further their own literal who politics I have a feeling there's more going on behind that pile of shit non-game than meets the eye.

Yeah exploiting political minded people is pretty easy and profitable right now.

Yeah the devs sounded like massive edgelords

Doesn’t matter, stupid edgy shit like this should be banned, we should have some fucking standards as supposed first world citizens


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Typical europoors censoring everything they don’t like

>Rape Day
reminds me of this game the boys and girls used to play in my middle school

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I love how everybody forgot about this and THQ Nordic AMA. reactionists just fizzle up and forget whatever they're outraged and move on to the next one

>boys and girls
*the men and the little girls

post webms? also i thought KAT got shut down?

Well Rape Day has completely disappeared so I guess the reactionists won?

>sluts getting one more dick than usual
>tragedy! equal to murder! no, worse than murder!
I bet most of the mad cunts had more than 3 sexual partners already. At this point their vaginas must be calloused like palm of a powerlifter.

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Kickass torrents? This was from Pirate Bay.

from steam. You can still get that game in other places


Which vagina is looser? One vagina that has had sex with 50 different men once each for a total of 50 times or a vagina that has had sex with only one dick but has been fucked by it 1000 times?


>362 mb

probably Bonzi Buddy

I meant more that their website has disappeared.

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Download the dick show podcast on tickle day. The developer himself arrives and explains everything.

U.K. citizens can't even play rape video games? Talk about slaves

Depends on the girth

Probably the one 1000 times because the chicks fucking 50 random guys is probably going to eventually fuck a horse cocked man which will stretch her out. Any guy fucking the same chick 1000 times is only going to stretch her out if he's hung.

>uk politician

is there any bigger jokes

It was honestly mostly innocent. The boys and girls would run up behind someone and thrust into them or hump them once and say they got "raped", and you would try to "rape" someone back to get even.
So weird to think back on this in the current year.

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I mean the one with 50 random partners would be looser.

Why do europoors love censorship so much?

They can only play rape games IRL

There was nothing to play. Just some shitty half-assed shock-and-awe Ren'py visual novel that anyone here could make given enough coffee and PC less than 6 years old. It was a pure no-effort money grab banking on controversy. And it worked because people are retarded drama queens.

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Speaking of /weg/, remember Rapefugee? /weg/ got that fucker banned from Patreon and whatnot. This was like 2 years ago. I strongly suspect the author is the same as Rape Day. The shit writing and shock-gimmick and everything about them is identical.


It's a hole that is meant for me. If it stretches to my size then it is perfect. It won't get any bigger provided you aren't letting her jam a giant dildo in there.

Every day is rape day at Juness.

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>300 mb
seems legit

Why is muder (in all its shapes and colors) accepted by the public but rape isn't? Why is rape worse than killing?

Made with the joy of poking a boundary.


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>rape a little girl senseless for 24 hours
>get only 3 years behind bars
What in the ever living fuck

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The japs have been doing this for longer, with better porn and a more a more earnest intention.

It's a Ren'Py game. It's uncompressed still images and text. That's it. It's not even encrypted. 300mb is about right.

you fuckin retards know it's just a bunch of shitty jpgs with text right ?

I've downloaded actual functioning games from steam for less mb.

Because the victims of rape stick around and bitch about it for years/decades.

Funny enough the creator of the video game did an interview on The Dick Show and basically admitted it was thrown together quickly just to piss people off and to make a quick buck off the outrage

>britbong politicians spend their time whining about vidya INSTEAD OF SHIT LIKE THIS
Explain yourselves.

She was just getting culturally enriched. Why are you so racist?

This your first political correctness experience? yeah probably this is Yea Forums

Religion gets a free pass

PlayHome is better

I can’t. The thing is, they don’t understand that it makes racism far more widespread if they do things like this. I am not going to meme that all Asian men are rapists, but the police aren’t making anything better.

Imagine having a daughter in culturally enriched environment

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Cause this only pisses off gamers, a statistically insignificant portion of the population, whereas attacking actual problems will piss off larger portions of the population.

You want a law to censor content which offends you, therefore you support censorship. Either you're in favor of a blanket legality for all fictional content or you support some form of censorship. You can't have it both ways.



If the sheer ridiculousness of the story didn't tip you off, along with the fact that you've never heard of it in 15 years since it supposedly happened:
it's fake anti-immigrant propaganda

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Thats true, but also a retarded hill to die on because you'll just undermine anti censorship arguments by making most people realise that they do actually support some level of censorship.

It wasn't real, it was a false flag made up by Tencent and Epic to attack Steam.

>Imagine having a daughter
Pipe: puffed
Thought: logical

It says he received 6 years for each count

I don't think you have an argument to make if you condemn others for being offended by something and calling for it to be banned if you have your own hangups on content which you would also call to be banned.

Thats a pretty massive oversimplification though, there is obviously a difference between the state banning swearing/blasphemy in all media and anti-child porn laws. These things need to be argued on a case by case basis on the cost-benefit they pose to society. Although I'm not the original user you were replying to, I think the lulz from banning edgy content would defo be worth it for society.

Hahaha who the fuck uses the steam store?

You can literally buy DLsite hentai games on steam now. Hilariously they are censored and cost more than their original versions and steam will track your data while playing them.

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lmao white "people"

it says he spent 3 years in jail

No sandpeople I know refer themselves as Asians. Are britbongs trying to make me racist against nips and gooks now?

>ban all edgy content
You realize this applies to basically any content that isn't kid friendly shovelware cancer right?

Abuse of Justice is still Justice. Justice is a spook but under the letter of your law it is just.

>shovelware asset flip by dev who never made anything
>no one likes the game, specially people looking to masturbate to rape games
>its controversial before anyone even heard about it
>gets "rejected" by steam
>gets political attention

It's just a false flag.

Britbongs refer to Indians as Asian

At this point, it just makes it all the more surprising when an east-asian/pacific islander actually commits a crime.

I played it, it's unironically one of the shittiest Renpy porn games I've played and it leads me to believe it really was just Epic trying to stir up shit on Steam since even slavs trying to jack off westerners for vodka money usually produce better content.

They do in Britain

It's a bong thing, you dumb non-white


Maybe you should go to a little site called reddit.com if you can't tell when someone isn't being 100% serious with their posts.

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>how can you complain about a game you didnt play?
>'Women Rape Simulator 3: Electric Boogalo In The Pooper' could be about something else!

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Even then its more of a southern england thing, I was mystified when I went down south and people were calling indians "asians".

>lol like why even play this game if you're in the UK? Just go outside and live it.

it's not beneficial to anybody but puritans to have a group of people with different value systems vote on what can and cannot be portrayed in media. You say you want a ban on "edgy" content, but what does that even mean? Just stuff that is intentionally offensive? Wouldn't it be easier for platforms to offer filters and have the community regulate the content and contain it someplace where people who are offended by it won't have access, but people who wish to consume still have the option?

Pacific islanders are the best minority group, too busy eating fried food and playing rugby to do anything shit.

Imagine actually being British.

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>"An Asian man violently raped a 9 year old girl before exploding a suicide vest outside the house of Parliament."
>Oh, gee. I wonder which belief this individual of the continent consisting of 4,578,574,762 people was?

At this point, they may as well just call them Muslims.

How bout you consume my dick?

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>muslim is a race

inb4 the politician turns out to be a rapist

The only problem I have with Pacific Islanders is their proclivity for some ideology to dominate them, whether it's Islam or socialism.

That "game" came and went so fast on Steam among the droves of other random driveby garbage that appear on there that I can't help but think it was uploaded to Steam by journalists or competitor companies.

That said, Valve is fucking dumb for not having quality control on their shit.

>Oh, gee. I wonder which belief
Where did I say "race?"

This shit can't be real, it's reads like a sketch for fuck's sake.

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>it's fake anti-immigrant propaganda

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then he's on Parole

Hilarious that they go after 2D when they give shit like this a slap on the wrist. The UK is fucked.

>anons ignore that a white father raped his daughter over 12 years and also got a slap on the wrist

>Was kidnapped and raped by two men
>Managed to escape but the person she asked for help kidnapped and raped her
>Managed to escape but the person she asked for help kidnapped and gangraped her
This unironically reads like a fucking doujin plot, what the fuck.

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Hey, just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it couldn't happen, which basically means it did happen. Checkmate cuck.

Lifes alright over here, but it is weird how despite being a nation living through a perpetual pedo scare since the 90s we're surprisingly blase/naive about actual pedos.

>b-but a white person did it too
Yes, that's bad as well. You problem?

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>this made-up story reads like a made-up story

How dare you question the journalistic integrity of youhavenotdefeatedme.co.uk?
You're not a soiboi, are you?

Why would I watch some shitty Poser porn disguised as a game?

he only got 60 days in jail that's why it's worse

at least nobody was playing dodgeball or something that could have given someone an ouchie.

>Gets 12 years vs 3 years.
It's literally 4 times the punishment. I'm not saying that it's enough (it's not), but it's hardly in the same league.

>Rape in games bad
>Mass murder is fine thou.

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He got 60 days user

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The second link said he got 12 years.

>Asian Men
I hate how willfully vague English news is. We all know they're talking about brown muslims, but they refer to a large geographical area to avoid controversy.

Fake and gay

This whole thing reads like a dastardly scheme, muslims are becoming high tier evil villains.

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>Middle easterners
That's all they need to say. All they are hoping to do is spread racism against an entire continent instead of Arabs and/or Persians.

>more than half the human population is Asian
I guess we're all minorities here.

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Nah, they're not middle eastern, they're pakis.

They'd rather piss off Asian minority than the growing super minority of muslims.

Pakistan is bordering the middle-east. May as well expand the "middle east" one country to the west.

God forbid they value truth over offense.

So a game made for the female demographic?

like the real shit that happend is more outlandish than that

>it's another "we're going to sell our game off shock value" episode
it's like the 90's all over again

Mozzies make up about 4-5% of the population.
Its just they're super concentrated in a couple cities.

>This whole thing reads like a dastardly scheme, muslims are becoming high tier evil villains.
Muslims aren't changing, people from poor countries always do whatever they can get away with. They'd all be raping each other's daughters if the consequence wasn't certain death at the hands of an angry father and a mob of relatives lynching you for disrespecting another man's property. It's sad that the girl got raped, but she was an easy mark.

adult games with shitty generic 3d models can go fuck themself. Devs putting zero work into their shit... fucking making games like diarrhea

>story about muslism gang rape

It's fucking predictable at this point.

The controvery around is literally was the game. Because they knew lots of super offended people would give them attention

They do that to limit how overwhelming the population percentage of ethnic crime statistics look, by combining them with a larger group that has lower statistics, it gives a safer illusion

Lmao catholic church


>religious people are all filth that use their faith to cover up their heinous behavior
oh gee what a surprise

>rape day
Put some imagination in the title,holy shit.

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the difference is that very few christians do shit like that
but most muslims do it

[citation needed]
[citation needed]


the UK everyone

That is because of the Enlightenment. Civilised people stopped taking the Bible literally and stopped getting triggered if someone had other ideas.

If you're sick you don't go to a church you go to a hospital.

I honestly wish I was the creator of rape day. I would be dying laughing right now.

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>allow and encourage actual rape providing the rapist is Muslim
>try everything in your power to fight rape that doesn't even exist
What the hell?

>*drops your tranny ass off the side of a building*

Huh, reminds me of the time I tried to escape from a rape loophole in Degrees of Lewdity.

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Americans have a fucked up view of sex. I've heard people unironically say rape is worse than murder. The most popular show in the US (The Walking Dead) shows people being ruthlessly massacred on almost a weekly basis, but it still isn't allowed to show a singular (1) titty.

the killing of a man can be justified (war, self defence, for example) there's nothing justifying rape, morally, ethically nor legally.

>there's nothing justifying rape
Existence of one's children is worth more than anything that rape could destroy.

Should have called it يوم الاغتصاب

What if you're the last people on a space station on a critical years long mission to save earth that includes making children to continue it after you die and she refuses?

I'm sure this has nothing to do with Carl Benjamin

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The whole game was a fucking falseflag


god i fucking hate this country so fucking much. twisting the definition of "Asian" so they don't have to explicit say "Middle Eastern" for fear of racism/islamophobia. what a fucking joke

Usually, people here would've loved this story if it was some loli manga.

It's fucking disgusting he only had a 3 year sentence. Unless you consider parole. Still sad.

Games like these are the reason peaceful people, like Muslims, rape women.

Probably a handful did yeah. Personally it's my next game to play after I finish RDR2.

Should've named it Day of the Rape

gender damn it! whats their gender!

I'm not a /pol/tard who sees trannies at every corner, but I wouldn't be surprised in this case. This sounds very transitioney

Male to female, look him (it) up on leddit




>(((Asian men)))

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In Europe asian=middle East. There are hardly any orientals in europe.

Also paki=/=Arab. Arabs are gas station attendants. Pakis are off brand niggers.

UK politicians
>Pedo rape gangs operating for decades (eg Rotherham)
I sleep
>Pedos in the highest echelons of society raping children for decades (eg Saville)
I sleep
>Pixels in a video game depicting rape

is it even possible for the uk to any more cucked than this?

I don't think law exists in this case

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Arabs fall under "asian".

They'd be more cucked if it was true

So is UK just Pakistan 2 electric boogaloo now?

webms of what? It's just a shitty DAZ VN that someone cobbled together.

So Rotherham never happened?

>UK politician
so literally nobody that matters, alright

fuck off faggot, literally HuffPo tier dogshit

>unironically playing gobo renpy VNs
Imagine being such a tasteless faggot.

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The pic on the right couldn't be the mug shot photo, he has more paint on his forehead. My buddy had to take out color contacts for his mug shot, so I find it hard to believe they wouldn't tell this cunt to wash his face in the bathroom.

I have no interest in playing a stupid fucking game like that. Not even an SJW the idea of a game where the whole objective is raping girls is just mad and retarded.


Spoiler alert: it was a publicity stunt to viral market for the new joker movie

The same way hostile people dressed as clowns was used to viral market for the new IT movie

>Usually, people here would've loved this story if it was some loli manga.
Because it would be fucking FICTION. What eve is your point of bringing this up?

never found a torrent/dl

might as well be vaporware