Horribly one sided game

>horribly one sided game
>winning team says 'gg'

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gg was close

>Really close game
>winning team says 'ez'

They’re being nice to you HAVE SEX

It means "git gud" in this case.

>lose game
>gg no re took you long enough
>winning team starts having a chimp out

>winning team's bottomscoring player: "gg ez"


literally me

>game ends
>me and my bros get best squad

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>not ggwp
How unsportsmanlike.

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>on the winning team
>game still in progress
>drop a preemptive "gg" knowing that it is impossible for them to respond without sounding mad

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>gamers have no concept of sportsmanship
Not suprised at all, considering what passes for "teamwork" in most games

>Round ends
>pubstompers leave before the teams get scrambled

>pubstompers stay
>You're still fighting them next round

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>lose, eh whatever
>they say gg ez
>start recording
>instigate them to say something """""offensive"""""
>report them in game
>send a support ticket with my recording and acting like their words devastated me
>notification that an action has been taken a few days later
I'm 8/10 in the last month. Feels fucking great.

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>team loses horribly
>nobody says anything but you know you're the reason

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That's the only way of making league of legends fun.

>map design blatantly favors one side
>"dude it's totally balanced, just play in this one very spesific way that requires the effort of the entire team to have a fucking arduous uphill battle to have any chance of winning at all"

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I do this in Dota all the time. When I catch a rage baby who starts shit talking, I will provoke them into saying something offensive, then report them. It cracks me up the whole time, especially when I get the "an action has been taken against someone you reported" message

This shit pisses me off way more than it should

they're just being nice by not telling you that you wasted their time by not presenting a challenge and they know you wouldn't say gg first because you're butthurt

>stomp top lane
>get into mid-game with 6/0/2
>wander off to other lanes to help them snowball
>every teamfight afterwards is a complete stomp
>hang around their base, stalling and instakilling the enemy team the moment they get out of spawn
>finishes game
>enemy top writes "ez top"

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>Fucking curbstomp enemy team after they've been taunting you half of the game
>They quit as fast as possible

Extremely based, I did this in league once or twice. Any tips on how to do this effectively. Because keep in mind you cant say offensive stuff

>Winning the round
>Teammate starts taunting early
>End up losing

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Every map in mordhau

not to defend shit talking retards, but you fags are taking it to a whole new level of autism.

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Your average zoomer is so fucking easy to bait into saying something that'll get them banned. Zero self-control and absolutely no skill at banter.

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>a player on the losing team has spends 30 minutes whining in all chat
>types gg at the end

>the guy who was playing sniper all round says "ez carry"
>he's not joking

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I'm not going to say gg because it wasn't even a close match. I don't see how anyone had fun there.

It usually doesn't take much. They are immature, raging babies, so they are very easy to provoke. It rarely takes more than just saying "ez" or "you're bad. git gud" to set them off. Just tell them how bad they are and that will usually be enough. Keep in mind that these types of people are usually terribly insecure

report button should uninstall the snitches game

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In league it's easier to aim it at your own team, which I did plenty of.

Picking off-meta already makes half of your team mad.

>tfw you played so well you say gg to yourself in chat

Good, that's why I do it.

me too, and when im losing

Just hit them worth a "lol" and nothing else
Works wonders but you seriously can't say anything else or it doesn't work