Why do Sonic fans hate Colors now?

Why do Sonic fans hate Colors now?

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Because it's everything wrong with Sonic.

>Hey what if we put Wisps in EVERY FUCKING GAME

I hate everything of color, including this game

It started everything wrong with modern Sonic.

I thought unleashed did that,

So why take it out on this game instead of the others? Just because it brought wisps and such, doesn't mean it was implemented poorly here.

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Nah Unleashed did boostshit the best and atleast had the soul of old Sonic somewhere in it even if the werehog was kinda bland. Colors was the first game to completely rape all the characters and the level design.

It was back when everyone thought Boost Sonic was the future.

The problem is 10 years later it's just a mediocre Sonic game and because fans pointed to it as what Sonic needed to be, it's what Sonic became.

For whatever reason SEGA listens to the fans too much because they are too incompetent to actually make a quality game themselves.

I didn't know they did. All I know is that despite being a Sonic fan who trudged through Sonic Heroes as a kid and somehow thought it was an ok game, I only tried Colors once and then permanently shelved it. Might just be me getting older.

Because Colors is a nerfed, less fun version of Unleasheds daytime stages

Because the game itself not counting that is extremely mediocre at its absolute best, half the levels in the game are 30 second trash and the other half blocky mario platforming stages with wisp gimmick as a crutch which doesn't even work because the wisp themselves get extremely boring and repetitive halfway into the game.

>90% of the game is 2d
>95% of the remaining 10% is either: lane shifting/rail grinding sections, drifting sections, or literal corridors you just boost to win through

It's not a 3d sonic game

By that logic people should be mad at Adventure because a lot of the issues from that game are yet to be fixed to this day.

Soundtrack and interplay in the cutscenes are great, but that's about it. The level design is heavily weighted toward Wisps, which was no goddamned fun (especially with the awful Wisp tracks interrupting the actual good music), and the boss fights were abysmal.
I'd welcome a hack that restructured the levels, took out the Wisp themes and added better boss fights, but as it is, I'll just stick to the soundtrack.

I disliked this game before it was cool. Most notably that the
were less fun than the werehog.

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Because Colors brought back the 2D pandering shit.

Sonic 4 predates Colors by a year. Unleashed also had 2D sections, which was 2008.

Colors was using the same gameplay style introduced in Unleashed, though.

I think this is a nice explanation, because I remember years back how people were praising this game about how it's one of the good sonic games, and that brought Sonic out of the dark ages. Fast forward to now and all I see is hate for this game. It just perplexes me, that's all.

1. Sonic is shit
2. Sonic fans cling to Sonic 2, the Last Good Sonic Game
3. New Sonic game announced
4. Sonic fans go ballistic
5. New Sonic game is released
7. New Sonic game is actually shit
8. Non-fans recognize new Sonic game is actually shit
9. Sonic fans slowly quiet down in acknowledgement.
10. Go back to step 1.

shh don't use adventurefags' logic against them unless you want that one autist who throws violent insults around to start shitting up the thread


I still love it despite the flaws. It still has charm, which is something most Sonic games post Generations lack, with the exception of Mania and Transformed, and maybe Fire and Ice if I'm being generous
>Sonic 2, the last good Sonic game
At least say 3&K

It was the beginning of the end. Before Colors, Sonic was a series that took itself seriously and had real, serious stories and writing. Colors ruined all of that.

Atleast Adventure had some redeeming aspects to it. Colors doesn't

How to fix Sonic:
Make it 2D.
Slow it down.

There's the great soundtrack and the nice visuals (for a Wii game)

>There's the great soundtrack
Every sonic game has that.
>the nice visuals (for a Wii game)
True I guess but its not very impressive considering we got Unleashed right before that.

Well, you said Colors had no redeeming factors. I just gave two of them. And yes, Unleashed looks better, but only the HD version, the Wii/PS2 version, not by much

>Sonic 2, the Last Good Sonic Game
Mania says hello.

I don't want Sonic games to take itself too seriously, but I don't them to treat themselves as a joke at the time. Can there be a middle ground?

>replying to the world's most obvious bait

>Can there be a middle ground?

Sonic Heroes

Hey, the Sonic cycle has been avoided a couple of times by Generations and Mania. It's not the best track record, but getting better.
Although, you must be either retarded or have never played it to regard Sonic 3 & Knuckles as less than a good game.

Because it's boring and it's "humor" it's not funny

The 3d sections are decent but the 2d are boring and also everything is forgettable

The DS version is better

We always did. Only game journos pretended to like it because of LE SHITTY SANIC FRENS XD meme.

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>and the nice visuals (for a Wii game)
It would look great if they gave it a remaster.

I think Colors is alright. I've always viewed it as the "Sonic 1" of the boost trilogy since it has a larger focus on traditional platforming and exploration than pure fluid speed. I think a lot of people forget that it was an attempt at trying to fit Unleashed's daytime stage gameplay onto a much weaker console, which is why it has generally slower gameplay and small, repeated stages that use assests from already existing stages. Hell, all of the "main" acts are just a single long level chopped up into smaller bits. I think the platforming design should have used something more interesting than placing block assets everywhere, though. Aside from this, I think it's impressive from a technical standpoint.

I also see it as a bit of a fluke considering Kishimoto's later games were all considerably weaker. Not sure why they keep getting him to direct Sonic games.

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>Sonic was a series that took itself seriously and had real, serious stories and writing.
And people are STILL shitting on the franchise to this day because of those dark, dark times.
Mind you, I don't think shifting to the complete opposite direction that was "Saturday morning cartoon Baldy McNosehair lol" was a good idea, either.

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We thought it was great compared to what we were getting prior. In reality, it was an ok to good game.

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>Colors doesn't
Colors has some of the most creative environments out of any 3D Sonic game. Also the boost being more resource-focused was a great change (so you can't just mindlessly blast through stages that are filled with rings), something that Generations and Forces didn't apply for whatever reason. Eggman's PA announcements are also the best implementation of the whole "in-stage dialogue" thing in the whole series.

It really would, and makes me wish we could someday get an HD remaster that makes the control scheme in line with Unleashed and Generations

Dunno, I actually quite liked it. Just playing it is too simple and easy but 100% it is pretty fun

The main thing this post is complaining about is the writing quality in modern Sonic games, which is laughable considering 3D Sonic has never had decent writing. The only legitimate complaint on there is the abundance of 2D sections (which isn't really a negative on its own) which was only done because the game was developed for the Wii.

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>which was only done because the game was developed for the Wii.
Explain Generations , Lost World, and Forces then.

People liked it in Colors, so they gave people more of what they wanted

It didn't help that it was around the same generation where people started outright bashing the Adventure games and their story driven epic. Colors was a mistake....

Wow now you understand why Colors gets hate.
It's not the game itself, its a pretty average platforming all things considered, its the damage it did to the franchise and continues to do to this day.

Generations was an anniversary title combining Classic styled 2D and Unleashed styled Day stages which already had 2D/3D mixed together, having a bunch of it was a given unless they wanted to go all out and make the Boost stages fully 3D, which would have been nice but whatever
Lost World and Forces are because Morio Kishimoto worked on Colors and then those two games, and uses 2D or automation as a crutch, see the Storybook games which he was also involved in

Generations and Forces had a lot of 2D because they both had classic Sonic as a gimmick. I don't remember Lost World having an abundance of 2D over 3D sections, but I imagine it was because of Kishimoto's obsession with copying other platformers like Mario Galaxy or Donkey Kong Country.

Really there's a lot of 2D in most boost games because the devs have openly stated that developing fully 3D levels for that gameplay style is very time consuming because of how fast Sonic travels, with 2D sections essentially being used as slower, "filler" sections. This applies to Colors as well, except on a much larger scale because the Wii was significantly weaker compared to the 360/PS3, so the levels couldn't be anywhere near as long. Thus, most of the game is 2D to compensate for this.


But isn't Colors a product of Unleashed's day stages? Why doesn't that get the same amount of hate?

30fps. It's the only 3D Sonic game with no PC port, so you have to put up with the input lag.

Blue and a bit of tan.

The Unleashed boost stages don't have much 2D atleast compared to Generations and Colors. And they do boostshit gets the most hate of anything in these threads.

It was always mediocre. Sonic fans standards were (still are?) so low that they took not having something overwhelmingly retarded like half the game being a C-list beat em up or having basic movement tied to barely functional motion controls as a win.
Not that colors is free of retardation, it just hides it a little.

Unleashed was a longer game and for many people they found it to be a satisfying Sonic experience, while Colors is a shorter game that was very simple by comparison. A lot of it seems to also be nostalgia though
Unleashed doesn't either, meaning you have to put up with worse lag in that game since Jungle Joyride actually drops frames on PS3 I think

Holy shit these cucks hate the literally only good game in the franchises history?
S*nic cucks are so pathetic, at least they're properly humiliated and mocked

>its the damage it did to the franchise and continues to do to this day.
Colors isn't the cause of this, Kishimoto is. Generations' level design was a step up from Colors', but as soon as Kishimoto was brought back to direct Lost World and Forces, the general quality of level design went back down again. Also the Wisps weren't present in Generations outside of the appropriate Colors stage.

People are wasting their time hating on Colors when they really should be focusing their attention on getting Kishimoto out of the director's seat.

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>It's the only 3D Sonic game with no PC port
Colors plays perfectly in an emulator, though. And you can play it at 60 fps.

This, right here.

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Shadow(if that counts), 06 and Unleashed don't have PC ports, either

>Colors isn't the cause of this, Kishimoto is.
You basically agree with him then.

>which is laughable
That doesn't excuse the awful, dumb and lazy general writing as of lately since Colors. More and more Sonic fans, myself included, is demanding constantly better writers with knowledge of Sonic for the Sonic franchise like Shiro and Akinori. As long Sonic Team still insist to make Sonic games contain story-driven elements, then they HAVE to be good.

>considering 3D Sonic has never had decent writing.
Understood, but could you explain why you never liked the 3D Sonic writing initially, then?

>The only legitimate complaint
Only? What about the bland voice cast? And the sad immense degradation of characters like Knuckles? And the absence of more characters that can become playable and play similar to Sonic? And how can you prefer the Wii version over the DS one?

>(which isn't really a negative on its own)
If I wanted 2D Sonic, I would have gone to play 2D Sonic games instead. 'nuff said.

>which was only done because the game was developed for the Wii.
I'm sorry for being rude, but I'm quite suspicious that you're now just speaking nonsense stuff with absolute zilch of relation between one thing to other.

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Nah, SA2 is where the plots started getting stupid. SA1's plot was also stupid at times (Eggman deciding to just blow up Station Square with a missile after Chaos 6 is defeated, for instance), but it generally felt more like an extension of the tone and story elements introduced in S3K.

and boom kino

do we really need a port of those shitty games?

>That doesn't excuse the awful, dumb and lazy general writing as of lately since Colors.
This, the writing isn't just bad, its also plain lazy with Forces being an example. Like that game was missing bits and pieces of story elements as well half-assing plot devices like Infinite and the Phantom Ruby, did they think its acceptable to leave it at that?

What were they thinking!!????

yes. unleashed at least had the day stages, it deserves getting ported the most along with colors.

I'd argue SA2, while definetely leaning on the serious side of the spectrum, is still self aware enough and doesn't go too far with it.

In terms of writing the games should just adapt the tone of the OVA.


They weren't

>SA1's plot was also stupid at times (Eggman deciding to just blow up Station Square with a missile after Chaos 6 is defeated, for instance),
Thats no worse than him burning down the forests in angel island or completely sucking the life out of Mushroom Hill.

>Thats no worse than him burning down the forests in angel island
I always thought about this. Why would Eggman burn down the forest that belonged to someone who was HELPING him?

>As long Sonic Team still insist to make Sonic games contain story-driven elements, then they HAVE to be good.
I don't disagree, but Sonic Team has only shown over the past couple decades that they can't. Over and over again. We'd be better off if 3D Sonic was just kept narratively light so they stop embarrassing themselves. You can tell interesting stories that are also light in content.
>could you explain why you never liked the 3D Sonic writing initially, then?
Because most of it is just dumb? Eggman wants to use Chaos to wipe Station Square off the map, but then just chooses to rely on a basic missile to do the job when Chaos is beaten. Eggman blows up a chunk of the moon and nothing about this is ever touched on again. Shadow has its needless alien shit inserted into his origin, and 06 had Mephiles. Most of this isn't well-written, user. I shouldn't have to explain this.
>What about the bland voice cast?
They were better than the Sonic X cast. Also all the complaints about RCS sounding "too old" never made sense to me when none of the characters act their canon age anyway.
>And the sad immense degradation of characters like Knuckles?
That already happened before Colors.
>And the absence of more characters that can become playable
That's not Colors' fault.
>And how can you prefer the Wii version over the DS one?
I said nothing about preferring one version over another.
>If I wanted 2D Sonic, I would have gone to play 2D Sonic games instead. 'nuff said.
That sounds more like a personal issue, not a general fault of the game itself.
>I'm quite suspicious that you're now just speaking nonsense stuff with absolute zilch of relation between one thing to other.

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Reminder that kids who grew up with this game are 20 or close to it

Pretty much all of Unleasheds flaws would be fixed with a PC port. The only thing that'd take some time is Eggman land but even that one depends on how they'll port it because Wii Unleashed Eggmanland was fantastic.

If you ever look up the opening on youtube the comments are flooded with
>My first sonic game love it
>My first game ever my favorite
>My childhood game
Makes me feel really old desu

He already convinced Knuckles that Sonic was the bad guy, the burning was both an attempt to kill Sonic and framing him for evil actions.

I don't see how those correlate. Eggman spends most of SA1 trying to build Chaos up so he can use it to wipe out SS, then when Chaos is defeated he just decides to destroy SS with the press of a button instead. Why didn't he just use the missile in the first place.

Can confirm these because I was 11/12 when i got the DS version for Christmas and I'm 20 now and have lots of nostalgia for this game. Like it isn't great but it helped me love Sonic as a whole

t. 30 year old boomer

The intro song is painful cringe.

I thought City Escape was cringy too but eventually it grew on me.

They're both cringe.

Because a missle wouldn't help him defeat Sonic. If he just blows up Station Square what will that do? Sonic will still defeat him while he tries to build Eggmanland. Chaos was the thing that would kill Sonic and Station Square taking out two birds with one stone while the missle was just a desperation tactic when he lost everything.

How old are you?

>This, the writing isn't just bad, its also plain lazy with Forces being an example.
You can't really blame Colors for this when Forces was Sonic Team's attempt at writing another Adventure-esque narrative. Modern Sonic Team really just isn't very good at handling narratives in general.

I like the song but if I had to pick or was given the options, I would say I prefer Endless Possibility and even Fist Bump over it. Going only for main games that is, and there's also songs like So Much More which are just cheesy and not that good

>using the word cringe when you're an adult

>Sonic will still defeat him while he tries to build Eggmanland.
But he already built a super huge base out in the Mystic Ruins jungle with no interruption from Sonic. You'd think he would just build Eggmanland there and then try to control Chaos later if he felt like using it was the only way to defeat Sonic.


Him secretly building a base in the forest is not the same as him nuking a massive city user.

But Eggman only wanted to nuke SS (why SS specifically I don't think is ever explained) so he could build Eggmanland on top of it. If nuking SS attracts Sonic, which will keep Eggman from successfully building Eggmanland, then why not just build Eggmanland in an area where you've already managed to built a huge base without attracting Sonic's attention?

I don't, I actually liked back then.

I thought it was pretty boring overall but the soundtrack and last boss are really fucking good.

Because thats not the point of Eggmanland. Eggmanland is meant to show his power and dominance if he secretly built it in the forest it wouldn't represent that and if anything it would basically be admitting defeat to Sonic. See Unleashed for an example of what Eggmanland represents.

>See Unleashed for an example of what Eggmanland represents.
But Eggman still built Eggmanland in a remote location in Unleashed, he didn't wipe out a city and build on top of its ruins in an attempt to show off. Eggman could have built Eggmanland in the jungle, unnoticed, and then used it as a jumping off point to conquer the rest of the world, similar to what I imagine he had planned in Unleashed.

>But Eggman still built Eggmanland in a remote location in Unleashed, he didn't wipe out a city and build on top of its ruins in an attempt to show off.
No he didn't he blew up the fucking earth and built Eggmanland on top of the ancient ruin required to put it back together.


Adventure style storytelling does not work with boost shit. Period.

Especially on a project with shoestring budget.

>No he didn't he blew up the fucking earth
As a means to unleash Dark Gaia so he could use it as a power source, not really with the intention of scaring or hurting people. Eggman never comments on how people reacted to him separating the planet like when he blew out a chunk of the moon as a threat in SA2.
>built Eggmanland on top of the ancient ruin required to put it back together
Yeah, to keep Sonic from succeeding. It's not like the Gaia gates were heavily populated areas.

Colors and Lost World doesn't have self-depreciating humor, though. It just has boring, predicatble cartoon humor instead.

>Yeah, to keep Sonic from succeeding.
Exactly he wasn't afraid of Sonic and he wasn't hiding it from him it was an welcome invitation and a show of his power. He already beat Sonic in the beginning of the game and was relishing in that. Completely different from hiding in the forest and building something without Sonic knowing.

>Adventure style storytelling does not work with boost shit. Period.
Why? Most narratives in 3D Sonic games are presented through cutscenes shoved before and after levels anyway. Why would a change in gameplay cause any difference.

*New voice actor
*More 2D than 3D sections
*Wisps are dumb
*Only good areas are the 3D parts of Planet Wisp and the Aquarium.
*Not Shadow the Hedgehog 2

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Then that just goes back to my original point of asking why didn't Eggman just nuke SS from the beginning. Then he would have technically already "won" and could have just released Chaos after the fact to keep Sonic distracted while he built Eggmanland.

Perfect for a boring predictable cartoon game.

Chaos 1 wouldn't keep Sonic distracted he needed to collect the Chaos Emeralds first. Most of which were already in possession of Sonic and his friends.

>Most of which were already in possession of Sonic and his friends.
Sounds like a good excuse to nuke a city in order to get Sonic's attention then. It's not like Sonic and co. held onto them very well in SA1.

the most original sonic game of the decade

No sounds like a good excuse to manipulate them and steal them from them while they are trying to figure out what is going on. Which is what he did. He would have never gotten two of the emeralds from Sonic if he didn't trick Knuckles into fighting Sonic for him.

>mostly in 2d
>made Sonic into a joke/meme character

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there is nothing to hate about this game
however i hate that they keep reusing the fucking wisps in every single sonic game since when there is no reason to and they dont even work well like in colors
also i hate that there is no proper sequel

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>He would have never gotten two of the emeralds from Sonic if he didn't trick Knuckles into fighting Sonic for him.
I find that highly unlikely considering he just grabbed one of the emeralds from them at the beginning of the game, and then just waited outside Casinopolis to gas them so he could take another. Getting Sonic and Knuckles to fight was an easy way to get more, but I'm sure some other opportunity would have arisen considering how clumsy everyone was being with them.

>>made Sonic into a joke/meme character
Are you serious

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>made Sonic into a joke/meme character
Sonic was already a joke/meme character to most people years before Colors released.

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Even if thats true nuking Station Square first would only be a detriment to him considering it would put Sonic and all his friends on high alert making it considerably harder to get the emeralds or even release Chaos.

at least something everybody here can agree is that Kishimoto needs to fuck off

People are starting to turn on the boost system for being admittedly shit and limited in design combined with contrarians pretending that the writing is bad because of one meme line. It's a shame considering that Colors is of the only four or five good 3D Sonic games

>contrarians pretending that the writing is bad because of one meme line.
>one meme line.

>Seething this much because of a one second joke

Just tell people that you think boost is shit user, you don't need to reach this much for things to complain about

>Made Sonic into a meme character
>Not the original cartoon
>Not adventure
>Not adventure 2
>Not Shadow the Hedgehog
>Not Sonic X
>Not any of the comics
>Not Sonic as a conceptual basis

Found the /sthg/ autist

Well yes boost is garbage but everyone knows that. Point is its not one "joke" nearly every cutscene in that game has awful dialogue.
t.someone that just replayed it a couple months ago

I can't be the only one who remembers when everyone hated the shit out of Jason Griffith's acting, right?

Yeah people hated him when he started in Shadow and the hate continued up to around Unleashed were he got kinda decent. I guess Roger being as terrible as he is kinda makes Jason look better in retrospect Ryan is still the best we got by a longshot and fuck the jews at Sega for dropping him.

No, a lot of people did and still do. It's really just fans who were introduced to Sonic around the time X, Shadow, and Rush came out that defend Griffith's acting.

To be fair his Sonic was absolutely atrocious until 2008-2009 so they weren't unfounded.

Colors was nerfed Unleashed, but it was fine for the time because it removed a lot of the fat from Unleashed and was the "best" Boost game it could be considering the hardware. It was the game that also prooved that it was better to have a short good boost game rather than shove another Warehog.

Colors should have a base to build on future games, which they did with Generations, however botched it when they rebooted it again with Lost World and tried to go back, with a game even more nerfed in Forces.

Considering the context, Colors was fine and even today it's an enjoyable game to replay on Dolphin in 1080p/60FPS. The hate it gets it's mostly from the more focus on platforming and how some of it's ideas were botched/brought back in future games.

It's the same retard logic of blaming Rush for Sonic 4 and SA2 for Sonic 06.

>A missile wouldn’t kill Sonic
I’m pretty sure a missile string enough to annihilate an entire city is a bit above Sonic durability

Sonic wouldn't be in the city he only came after Chaos got released. Amy would have probably died though. kek

The fucking show your picture is from is literally memed in more than Colors ever will be.

>Lure Sonic to city with fake plan
>Nuke the shit out of it when he gets there.
Pic Related

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Wouldn't Sonic be fast enough to outrun the explosion though.

At point blank range? Is he that fast?

Maybe? Dunno if we ever saw his top speed.

He wasn't able to outrun a black hole in Colors, but he was in his normal form at the time and that doesn't mean he isn't faster than light

He’s stated himself to be FTL, he could easily outrun a nuke at that speed

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