Game incorporates save points into the story

>game incorporates save points into the story

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Love these vague fucking posts where the op thinks the majority knows what he's talking about, what's the fucking game retard?

Looks like Xenogears to me, although I've never played it.

Love these fucking posts where the user thinks we can't spot that he's underage

Fuck off zoomer

>he doesn't recognise Final Fantasy VII
Fuck off, underage.

>game has save point mimics that attack you when you try to activate them
>game has a character that steals from you if you use a save point in their presence

Chrono Trigger and FFVII respectively.

Does this game take forever to get off the ground or what? I've tried it twice but I always get bored by the time you're exploring that underground cave in two mecha.

Breath of Fire

>doesnt recognize famous Squaresoft RPGs

If you don't enjoy it within the first hour it's not for you.


Dark Soul

>game gives a semi-plausable explanation for a method of genuinely incorporating "save points" into the real world by way of advanced physics

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Sounds like it's more than a bit overrated then.

elder scrolls

>he doesn't recognize Blue Dragon
What happened to Yea Forums?

>die to boss
>come back after reloading a save
>he comments on my return

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Every save point is a unique npc with different dialogue
You eventually visit where all these npcs come from and learn about them

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Absolutely disgusting.

Shut up you whiny pussy

>game mocks you for saving so much

first post worst post
kys zoomer turd

lol i like this idea. does any game actually do this?

Postal II

(You're filled with determination.)

Legend of Mana telling stories to the cute cactus plant and then it would write in its diary was neat

You walk up to a savepoint but it turns out it's a mimic

>Every time you load a save you’re actually transfering you consciousness to another you from a slightly alternate timeline while the consciousness that was in that other timeline is basically going to take the original body’s place and die suddenly not knowing what the fuck is going on.

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One thing that caused me to stop playing this game and post this was the EXTREMELY ANNOYING propaganda that gets spit out at me for 4-6 text screens every time I want to save. Although I agree with much of what you say, there is really no need to put this in a game. It makes it seem very unprofessional and just plain annoying and in my case ruined the whole appeal of the game. Now, let me explain why I call it propaganda, yet say why I agree with most of it.

First off, you state your opinion in a very racist and one sided way, in fact, it's states in such a way it makes YOU sound very unintelligent and in fact, ignorant. For instance, you mention how games like Madden and Quake are ruining gaming and how the people who play those games are stupid [this is what I, and many people I have spoken to, have taken from it]. First off, I don't particularly disagree with you, I don't like either of those games or either of those genres.

However, as a professional game developer myself, the first thing I had to come to terms with, (and which you very much need to) is the fact that not everyone likes the same games as you. In fact this can be broadened to the fact that people have different OPINIONS, which can not be validated as right or wrong since they are OPINIONS. Some people are who big sports fans will like playing sports games. Who are you to judge their intelligence? I won't even get into your racist statements since I myself do not want to get into it since it would add too many paragraphs to this post.

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based and zoomerpilled

>game slows down and loses frames the more you save

Let me say this: it convinced me you are FAR FAR more ignorant than those you insult. But from a professional point of view, this is absurd, this propaganda has no place in a game, especially in one where all the other aspects are excellent.

So in summary, keep your opinions/politics out of your game or you will lose fans. You just lost my support, respect, and that of many other people I know by having such ignorant propaganda in your game. Now I will leave you with a few words from the father of philosophy: Socrates. "All I know is that I do not know anything." Please think this over and try to raise yourself about your ignorance.

Thank you and have a good day.

>Your deaths are canon
What games?
>Dark Souls
>Destroy All Humans

Though you can fix it by reseting your computer in game.

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no you just dont enjoy it. its not for you but that doesnt make it over rated

Prenumbra, though in Overture after the in-game realization that your soul is being split and constantly reloaded I just stopped caring about the narrative reason. My character can be paranoid about whatever, I don't care. I can kill dogs and spiders with a pickaxe so whatever fear the game presented died along with my anxiety. Suddenly it was no longer scary, suddenly it became about learning enemy patterns to kill them instead of avoid them.

...I sincerely hope this is a joke

You realize that Xenogears was originally a draft of FF7, right?

>save point is the most based character in the game

I thought that’s what happened in Portal at first, like each time you spawned you were a different test subject being run through the gauntlet.

Was disappointed when I realized you’re always Chell.

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By that logic nothing is overrated. If it maintains the same level of quality throughout, i.e. tons of slow exposition with gameplay not engaging enough to make up for it, then I can say it certainly is overrated, because other highly praised classic JRPGs like the FF games are captivating and do earn the acclaim.

Undertale, technically.

Fuck off, zoomer.

Mortal Kombat

new smash character?

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These kinds of posts are not talking about a single game you dumb retard

>he doesn't recognize Parasite Eve
What happened to Yea Forums?

not really your character's death but Radiant Historia with all the bad endings to fill in the story board

What was the save point twist in CC again? It was mind controlling people or something?

Severance: Blade of Darkness did. It assigned a rating of sorts to your saves based on how often you saved per level. 1-2 saves and you kept your "Awesome!" rating, which could fall down to "Heroic" and all the way to something like "Pathetic".

>game has save points
heckin zoomers

Pretty much all roguelites

I know, right? Hexadecimal passwords were way better.

Xenogears is basically like playing an anime Every key point in the game might as well be it's own "episode" since many events in the game seem self contained to a degree.

new vegas on ps3, sorta

FF1, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15

depends on what your definition of death is

As for 8, I don't mean Squall is dead theory, I mean that ending cutscene. I think that Squall only still exists at that point because Rinoa wills it

>game menu is part of the game world and not just a series of windows

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>by the time you're exploring that underground cave in two mecha.
I got bored there my first time too.
It's a pretty boring dungeon, but the game is pretty enjoyable after that imo.
The pacing has ups and downs though.

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I think you can bypass it by only using quicksaves and autosaves

Ugly art.

Pretty much.