Fix it

Fix it.

Attached: Dark Souls III.jpg (466x329, 35K)

Make it Bloodborne 2

It doesn't need to be fixed. It accomplished its goals.

have ds1 never exist

>Turns on poise
Whoops. Glady I didn't pretend that I intentionally left the poise switched off and double downed like a retard

Randomize enemy spawns on map load. NG+ adds new moves/attacks to enemies.

I like the medieval setting

>Bring back poise
>Bring back AGL and give it a proper description
>Halve stamina Regen speed
>Get rid of half the bonfires
>Double estus drink speed or make it a slow Regen
>Turn off 2 hit combos for all weapons
>Make it so you the game doesn't prioritize world's with phantoms while invading
>Make it not a linear mess
>Bring back armor upgrades
>Make magic stronger
>Make heavy weapons deal more damage
>Make backstabs usable in PvP
>Make weapon arts not shit
>Bring back power stance

Take everything from dark souls 1 and 2. Include 15 extra spells of every school. Remove mana and put back in the spell charges. Slow down straight swords and reduce their scaling. Bring back the resistance stat.

yeah make straightswords even more OP

most of these are awful desu

Make greats swords great again

>>Bring back poise
>>Bring back the absolutely bumblefuck retarded DaS1 poise system that destroys pve and pvp alike and promotes poise minmaxing which is made worse by how badly the armour pieces are balanced in poise aspect
Fuck no. It's the one thing I fucking detested going from DeS to DaS1.

Greatwood connect to Catacombs instead of nothing.
Poison does more damage, but you can walk and roll normally on the poison swamp
Abyss watchers connect to the back of Irythill, Catacombs is the same.
Add in Flails that work somewhat like the Beast Cutter.
Add back the Chariot Lance.
Make the Deacons a harder fight.

>Change the name From Dark Souls 3 to "Ash Souls 1"
>Change all the proper nouns that reference Lordran into slightly different names
>Yea Forums now loves it

Attached: Untitled.png (466x329, 352K)

Ashen Souls might sound better

Make the world more interconnected
Less bonfires
Better PvP, buff reds.

>make estus drinking animation as long as in DS1
>make every waepon slower by one third
>4 rolls completely depletes your base stamina level

Sure, perfect. Now Yea Forums gives it a 9.9/10

Make Firelink integrated into the actual world instead of just a Headquarters you warp in and out of.
Remove all rehashed NPCs from DS1 and replace them with new ones, the way they just put Andre there without rhyme or purpose as a not so subtle nod to DS1 was pathetic, at least with patches and siegward they tried something different but it wouldve been better if they were completely different characters from different homelands.
Remove the coal system and instead Make more Smiths scattered throughout the world who all have their own backgrounds and little questlines and they each specialize in different infusions so you have reason to go back and forth between them instead of just FL everytime.
Only make bonfire warping available once you reach Lothric Castle and to make up for it make more shortcuts linking rach area.
Make poise viable for PvE.
Make Undead settlement the starting area instead of Lothric because it has the most branching paths.

> Bring back ds1 poise but fix it a bit. Maybe high poise items have rly high equip load.
> Delete the option to respect you status.
> Either buff greatswords and ultra in pve and other weapons or nerf even more short swords maybe late dmg.
> buff weapon arts
> other problem is the linear map but i dont know how to fix that.


>add poise
>make rolls cost more stamina and perhaps slow them down a tiny bit
>slow down estus drink speed and/or recovery speed
>remove the boss bonfires or some of the other ones so there's more of a gap between them
Other than those elements the game is fine and probably the best one in the series. A lot of people seem to like the interconnected world of DaS1 so maybe add in a little more of that as well.

They replaced poise with hyper armor. They wanted the game to be faster and more like Bloodborne.

I bet you prefer the post-BB games too.

it has the same problem every one of these games has had since 2

you have to go back to the fucking hub every time you want to level up or upgrade or do anything. in DS1 you had merchants scattered around the world and could upgrade your own shit and level your own shit if you bought the materials to do so. firelink shrine was just a geographically fortunate place that you would end up naturally and see what's changed. it wasn't a forced teleport EVERY SINGLE TIME to go upgrade

Not at all, actually. I only care about DaS3 for the PvP.

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This game is the easiest one in the series on your second playthrough, because there are SO MANY bonfires and you get so many estus that you can play extremely stupidly and still do fine because there's always a bonfire around the corner. The other games had much better bonfire/lantern spacing.

Pull the camera back 2x, and increase lock on range 2x
Remove all the anime fights

>Make Curserotted Greatwood's area connect to some other underground area that leads to the Demon Ruins/Catacombs so players have more options for traversing the game world
that's it

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Yeah i nearly cringed when i saw Andre just chilling there
>"remember me fellow gamers?"

do you also have an issue with Shrine Handmaid being ripped from DS2?

Attached: handmaid.png (1020x794, 1.22M)

Make it PS4 exclusive and let pc and xbonefags seethe


DaS2 Estus
Bring back powerstancing
Rolling cost more stamina
Less R1 spam/stun locking
Don't prioritze worlds with phantoms for invasions
Less linearity

>DaS2 Estus

Slightly increases stamina cost for roll, not to ds1/ds2 level but somewhere between ds3 and ds1
Decrease encumberment threshold for fast roll to 50%
Fix some world interconnectivity and make bonfire warp not available right at beginning of the game
Higher level of poise also extend superarmor frame for attack with super armor move
Higher level of poise increase duration of perseverance
Damage resistance stats scale greatly during superarmor/perseverance so that you take signficantly less damage if you tank attack during the poise part while wearing heavy armor
Slightly increase estus drink time
Limit estus to 12 or 10 but still make estus/ashen total cap at 15-18 so you can still bring more ashen while limiting your max estus number
Maybe adjust game’s difficulty to match those change

Btw anyone in the thread saying to bring back ds1’s poise are absolute brainlets.

Make the world interconnected.
Add sub-goals beyond "go kill some dudes".
Let the player level up at bonfires.
Delete the Firekeeper from the game or just have her increase estus.
Add more color and visual variety to the environments.
Add a ring that lets you use health instead of mana for weapon arts.
Reduce the health of some of the larger enemies or have them not respawn.
Actually finish Oceiros and significantly flesh out Consumed King's Garden.
Make getting to Archdragon Peak less obtuse.
Buff the final boss so he's less of a push-over.
Add an optional fight against the serpents.
Otherwise it's fine.

DaS2 estus is literally perfect, highest skill to use effectively. it's infinitely better than 3's estus.

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>Make getting to Archdragon Peak less obtuse.
it's like the least obtuse secret in the series

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I have an issue her not because she's ripped from DaS 2 but because i find her voice annoying and hearing her say the same 2 lines hundreds of times was atrocious. wouldve been neat if she had a questline or something but i never considered dealing with her more than a nuisance.

>bitch about the game being an r1 spam fest
>make it even more of an r1 spamfest with classic poise
Dumb ass.

I'm glad buying equipment and upgrading weapons is done at one central point. Going from one merchant back to the smith and then to your covenant leader is tedious. Leveling would be nice if it could be done at bonfires though.

Make Poise a thing again
Remove stunlocking
Better paced bonfires(some places have a crapton, others are few between)
Less roll spamming, and make the rolls shorter

>>Bring back poise
>>Bring back AGL and give it a proper description
>>Double estus drink speed
>>Bring back armor upgrades
>>Make magic stronger
>>Make heavy weapons deal more damage
>>Make backstabs usable in PvP
>>Bring back power stance
These are all this. Magic is already strong and so are the heavy weapons. You just want to turn this garbage in to what Dark Souls was at launch - AKA shit.

If you have to look it up it's too obtuse.
>no bro I totally knew exactly what this pose did and where to use it on my first playthrough, I'm so hardcore man
Fucking liars.

Das2’s estus only work because Das2’s bosses moveset are significantly slower and more limited compared to das3’s boss. Same with roll stamina cost. Also, you also had generous life gem in ds2

all shit*

generous is a weird way to say unlimited

If you had to look up how to reach Archdragon Peak, you're just a fucking moron.
>no one knew this!!!!!
Then how did people find it?

Technically Dark Souls 3 has probably the most options of all the games considering you can kill Dancer as your 2nd boss to get to the castle early IIRC or beeline into the DLCs after like 3 bosses. 1 has two different routes at the start and then the great souls in any order while 2 has multiple routes at the start but is otherwise linear.

>he cares about an interconnected world in a game where bonfire warping is available from the start

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One thing to address rollspam might is either a little less iframes or a increased period of time between rolls.

How the fuck do I find Midir?

First suggestion is dumb, second suggestion is gnarly.
You're plus minus zero right now brah

Level up at the main hub does make sense to greatly help the game as a design choice because it leads player back to the hub to check out the side quest. Without going back to the hub, player can get too carried away with keep going through the game and just leveling up at bonfire that they would miss out a lot of side quests progressions.

But the levels aren't all nonsensically connected for no reason other than just being connected!

To add to this guy

Bring back ascetics to farm/respawn bosses

Rolling don't have to cost more stamina, but it needs to have more weight/recovery time to not be able to be spammed like a clown

You can now backstab people entering fog walls

You now can have sin for invading people and having tiers sin makes you eligible to be invaded ANYWHERE not matter the condition of your boss or if you are embered or not. High enough sin turns every enemy have red eyes

Bring back the tap to break shield stance instead of a shitty kick that don't do anything.

I think most of those people don't actually want there to be bonfire warping from the start. Personally I can think back to Dark Souls 1 and see the appeal but then I remember having to backtrack through the Great Hollow and I instantly start to appreciate the teleporting.

Nerf stamina recovery rate
Increase stamina consumed with roll
Nerf scaling on top tier weapons
Make estus work like in ds2
Alt f4 will punish you more

Have you already met him at the bridge?

>AP can be seen looming in the distance since High Wall and you get a full reminder of it after Pontiff
>one of the shortcuts in Irithyll Dungeon has a detour outside with a bunch of cross-legged knights and dragon humanoids facing the direction of the Peak
>later on, after facing a dragon humanoid, you get a gesture called "Path of the Dragon" which involves sitting cross-legged
if you can't rub two brain cells together to make the connection then you shouldn't even be playing these games

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First they gotta fix sidequests
>following greirats line, with a guide, still gets fucked up because not even the guide knows how the triggers work.

the most fun i had with this game when i actively tried to not warp much, i ended finding much more hidden items and shortcuts and appreciated the world more. DS1 handled it perfectly, Its a mechanic that should only be available past the half way point, maybe in DS3 it could be introduced at the profaned capital as a reward fir exploring the tower with the gross fat hand dudes.

>bring back Ds2's phantoms/invaders can't heal
Everyone takes a sippy and drags on the fight far longer than it should be

Also bring back ds1 pyro where all you need is souls to level it up instead of int/faith investment

Yeah I knocked him off the bridge but I don't know where to go now to reach the boss. I did everything else in the DLC (halfight, touching Filianore) other than fighting Gael. I ran across the entire Ringed City map trying to look for ways to reach the chasm floor but I can't find anything.

Kick shield break is already strong as fuck in ds3. Anything better then the risk/reward would favor shield break too much

Remove blue sentinels and make darkmoon not shit

>Rolling don't have to cost more stamina, but it needs to have more weight/recovery time to not be able to be spammed like a clown
This is a bad choice because it doesn't take the enemy attack speed into consideration. Now you have a slower dodge but the enemies are just going to still be Bloodborne tier fast. Then you'll have to make all the enemies slower and remove their moves because of how they are all intrinsically designed to be fought quickly.

you know the elevator that connects the 2nd Ringed City bonfire to the church? there's an opening in that, one of the statues in the room is an illusion

no one said it has to be exactly like dark souls 1, they can make it not broken, dark souls 2 poise was fine by atleast it was there.

>Make estus work like in ds2
Fuck off.

You only ever have two choices in direction though, 3 at most and those are just choices in which dead end you want to end up in. the first half of DS1 had half a dozen choices in direction the minute you hit firelink (assuming you took the masterkey gift), and tons of those resulted in skipping bosses, opening shortcuts to latergame areas, etc etc.

DS2 and 3 were just a series of self contained areas of varying quality instead of a connected world to be explored and understood.

But BloodBorne sucked.

Whose bright idea was it to have the player go back into the belltower to further trigger Patches' questline, anyway?
You have no reason to go up there ever again after getting the items and the 10000 souls for the key are something you can easily gather way before reaching the cathedral.

Active hyper armor poise > passive poise

>you know the elevator that connects the 2nd Ringed City bonfire to the church
>there's an opening in that, one of the statues in the room is an illusion
Seriously? God damn it.

slowly regenerating health

there. done.

Get mad, chugger

>Ds3 is just a shitty r1 spam simulator!
>I want classic poise back, so I can r1 spam more!

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Remove it from existence

Dark Souls didn't need sequels

Dark soul 3’s poise is better than both ds1 and ds2. It’s better to improve the system based on dark soul 3’s poise rather than going back to that shit

Says (You)
it's one of FROM's best work to date, other than DaS1

chugging in DS3 is a shit tactic because the AI input reads too much and, despite healing being fast and not anything like in 2, it doesn't instantly heal as soon as the button is pressed and the character is forced to slowly walk while drinking the Estus. Which works against you if you are, obviously fighting something aggressive and fast.

>Dark Souls 1's 2nd half sucks, the sequels are better!
>What do you mean the sequels are based on the 2nd half??

True. Didn't demon souls also have something similar? I was surprised how similar ds3 and demon souls are.

I got bored after 2 hours. Waste of $15.

remove PvP.
it was never good and the time they spend money and effort they spend balancing a broken mode could be spent making a good singleplayer experience.


You have to realize that 90% of people complaining about estus drinking is doing it for PvP reason, not PvE reason

>I got bored after 2 hours
Then your post is worthless.


>remove that one thing which is keeping the game alive even now
Sure thing pal

Bonfire Warping is the cause for why we don't have interconnected worlds
If they weren't so cheap they'd remove fast travel and so they HAVE to make it interconnected

It was never good the moment people begun treating dspvp like a fighting game. Invading is fun as it boils down to being the one that tips the odds in the mobs favor. 1v1 are really boring as the options players have are really limited and the core of the combat is being reactive.

>Kick shield break is already strong as fuck in ds3.

What did you mean by that? The kick doesn't do anything versus the heavy shields, a good shield can tank 3~4 kicks and still have half stamina left

Remember sekiro? I don't, because people stopped talking about it.

If only there were a middle ground, a Dark Souls sequel that had actual poise but required hyper armor to make full use of it


Why do so many people think an interconnected world is mandatory? Easier to twink when you know all the shortcuts to the good shit while preying on actual new characters at Undead Burg?

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Did they patch this game much on PC?

I pirated it after release, and my game had a pretty big amount of stutter.

But PvP is dead in DaS1, 2, and BB. Only DaS3 is active now. I don't see a lot of people talking positively about DaS3 often either

Can't it's already perfect

No, FROM just made a bad game.

The only bad games are DaS2 and 3.

make an enemy/item randomizer mod

Idk what you are talking about.
Kick break any enemy’s medium or lighter shield instantly. Even early game great shield enemy get broken in one kick but they require 2 or more kick in later game.

it's not mandatory but it helps make the world feel cohesive and alive and the transition from area to area feels alot more natural.
sure there are several other ways to achieve that but FROM nailed it so perfectly in DaS that people are surprised they didn't attempt it again.

These already exist.

No warping just forces you to backtrack a lot, which is not enjoyable. What percentage of people do you think refrained from using the Lordvessel when they obtained it because walking around the world was so much fun? It's cool to discover the connections on your first playthrough but on subsequent playthroughs it's just irritating to have to walk everywhere.

dark souls 2 shows 2500 people playing in the last day, how is that not active for such an old ass game? To make things in comparison, sekiro got 5000 and its a brand new game

>I don't see a lot of people talking positively about DaS3 often either
Only on Yea Forums which is full of contrarians. In general the game and the series as a whole is very well liked. It wouldn't be the most actively played Souls game if people didn't like it.

I'm talking about pvp you dunk, and about heavy shields, not small or medium.

I like ds3 invasions. The activity has calmed down a little so you don't encounter 3 man groups as often, so that's a plus. They also fit nicely into any playthrough I'm doing as the red orb is obtained early and serves as a great way to regain embered status. With summoning it's up to the host if he wants my help for a boss but with invasions I can force myself into his world.

>it makes the world feel alive
Making every single path loop back into another one isn't going to change the world feeling "alive". That doesn't make sense. Cohesiveness all depends now how nonsensical the connection are, too, by the way. Randomly connecting Lothric Castle to the Faron Woods would be retarded, for instance.

Demon's Souls isn't like this but arguably has the best level and world design because each individual world is properly designed and connected with itself, despite not being randomly connected to every other zone in the entire game.

im pretty sure ds1 has pretty much the only good one

The Lordvessel didn't let you warp between every bonfire like 2 and 3 do, you still spend a lot time walking between areas and absorbing the environment compared to the other games having bonfires at every convenient location you'd need them

DS2 probably had the most replayability out of the series in terms of PvP builds. I don't really understand why DS3 removed hexes and power stances from DS2.

Power Stancing just got turned into paired weapons and works better because they still have their full functionality unlike power stancing in 2 (running attacks, for instance).

Power stances really changed fuck all, there were two or three good power stanced movesets but not enough to warrant keeping it around. Hexes shouldn't have been a separate school of magic to begin with.

Make it longer so i have more to play

>Include more lore for the Angels, it could be something as simple as giving the angel cult a name much like the Cathedral of the Deep, maybe even a boss.
>Make the map less linear with more short cuts. They had a concept of kingdoms all sort of being sucked into the kiln of the first flame, it could have been used more effectively.
>Profaned Capital should have been a finished zone and not a short boss zone for Irythil Dungeon, Irythil Dungeon instead should have gotten its own boss.
>Poniff Sulyvhan should have returned later on in the game given he is the Antagonist.
>Obviously fix rolling so it can not be spammed infinity, It should obviously have enough power to let you avoid damage from bosses like Dancer but not enough to let you effectively stall pvp as long as you want
>Fuck poor little red phantom hand holding gank squads for subhuman retards, the effects of summoning white phantoms should have added an auto dried knuckles effect and allowed more red bois in.
>Serpents should have actually shown up, though I'd prefer it to have not been the gay "We were the villains" shit Yea Forums wants and still want it to be ambiguous, just a little less than the first game.
>Twinblades should have returned, Powerstancing as well, though if they had a TW for every single weapon type I'd be less mad at its removal.]
>Luck should have no been nerfed to shit, just balanced a bit more; Hollow weapons should have been useful.
>Hexes shouldn't have been gimped into being a pseudo category, if Miyazaki wanted to prevent a redundancy he should have made dark spells scale differently, like maybe with Luck + a magic stat given its humanity theme.

That's basically all that it really needs to be "Fixed".

Dark Souls 3 needed tail cuts and dragon weapons.

start out in a high wall of lothric as usual

but this time in the middle of a battle between undead , normal humans and dragons.

go through the main path like normal (wake up the lords of cinder)
but each time you beat a lord of cinder the undead push further into lothric and open up new areas to explore

Ill add more if people like this

Attached: bigfukinsword.webm (640x480, 409K)

>>Poniff Sulyvhan should have returned later on in the game given he is the Antagonist.
he's one antagonist, but he shouldn't be the 'main' one, especially when the focus of the game is on the Lords of Cinder

>Remove the coal system and instead Make more Smiths scattered throughout the world who all have their own backgrounds and little questlines and they each specialize in different infusions so you have reason to go back and forth between them instead of just FL everytime.
>make the hub area pointless by putting in shit that the player has to run back and forth through the entire world to use
yeah, no.

>Lord's of Cinders
He's responsible for most of them abandoning their thrones.

>War between Humans, Undead and Dragons
Uh, why?

making everything too convient and accessible is one of the reasons DS3 will never be as good as 1.

game needed more puzzles and riddles.
Dark souls as a whole would benefit from more RPG and Adventure elements instead of having the whole challenge stem solely from combat.
a couple more stuff like accessing Archdragon peak would do it wonders, areas like catacombs of carthus could've used more actually threatening traps and clever ways to dispatch enemies like Sen's fortress.

>most of them
Aldrich didn't want to link the flame to start with and Pontiff only helped with securing Gwyndolin so he could eat him
we don't know who convinced Lothric and Sulyvahn is only a theory
the other two Lords don't have any connection to him

i guess more of a battle for survival . The undead are overwhelming the soldiers. Also because dark souls games always take place after the disaster (which was pretty cool because it felt like i was really exploring a bleak world) but i think having it during the undead crisis would give a different feel

Have warping be a thing in NG+ then

The new Firelink is easily the weakest aspect of Dark Souls 3.
it felt disconected from everywhere else and you never thought of it as more than a gas stop.


Yhorme is imprisoned beneath Irythil. One of the dungeon keys that grants access to the Profaned Capital refers to a Giant that was the dungeons first prisoner. There are two giants in the dungeon and both are accessible without that key, this implies the key is talking about Yhorme.
Yhorme is effectively imprisoned there.
>Suly being the first scholar is a theory
Yeah but that's like 90% of what souls lore is anyway, what is known is that the Pontiff was a sorcerer and had some influence in Lothric before becoming Pontiff, Given his other goals, it seems to be the best fit.

It's really only abyss watchers that have no real connection, in fact what they were doing is really a mystery.


>"Being Dark Souls" is intentionally inconveniencing the player as much as possible for a thing as mundane as upgrading a weapon to create a hollow sense of difficulty

>One of the dungeon keys that grants access to the Profaned Capital refers to a Giant that was the dungeons first prisoner. There are two giants in the dungeon and both are accessible without that key, this implies the key is talking about Yhorme.
that key only grants access to a cell that Siegward is in, and while it is referring to Yhorm it's referring to events that occurred prior to him becoming the lord of the Profaned Capital, none of which has a connection to Pontiff beyond a location in Irithyll

sssnnniiieeeeeg :DDDDDD

A hidden area that opens up when you do certain things in order.

That's stupid. A better thing would be witnessing the battle between the blue and red knights in Lothric. Supposedly this was meant to represent a pro abyss and pro fire faction having a civil war but was later changed to imply a civil war regarding angel worship and the Cathedral of the Deep.

You don't need a key to get to the Profaned Capital

add rat covenant

yeah that could work. Its been a while since ive played the game so i forgot about the blue knights

Still i wish there was more of lothric to explore

>angel worship and the Cathedral of the Deep.
I thought it was angels/pro-dark vs linking the flame

Attached: 1557735730440.png (2400x1350, 1.88M)

I highly doubt the profaned capital was under ground when Yhorme became lord of Cinder.

The only DaS2 covenant worth bringing back is Pilgrims of the Dark

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Don't know why angels would resist the linking of the flame, but maybe like the Deep they are just as apocolyptic despite being a representation of light.

Rat Covenant was a great idea, despite the area sucking ass.

>tfw no The Deep DLC

>rat covenant

i would make a sewer level with skaven under lothric

>sucking ass.
The area before the ratdog boss was amazing, a labyrinth of customization traps and elephant man monsters. A true test of pvp might for the invader.

The idea was alright, but the execution was retarded. I've only ever been summoned to a rat world once and that's when I was trying to get Rhoy to spawn.

I still haven't played Dark Souls 3. How sad/melancholic is this game? I want games that make me feel like shit right now.

well the angels are associated with the Pilgrims of Londor, and they want to get rid of/replace the first flame as seen by the Lord of Hollows questline, so it'd make sense that Lothric kingdom would oppose worshiping them and conflict would arise from it

It was never intentionally switched off, that's a Yea Forumstard rumor. Prior to 1.08 that reworked poise it acted like hyper armor. It was set to 0 if you just checked the file because people weren't doing the things that activated poise, such as during attacks with certain weapons. So if you flipped it "on" you basically just cheated your way through the game with always on hyper armor, congrats you're a tremendous pleb even below shieldfags.

There's nothing definitive stating it was or wasn't

no, "being darksouls" is simply not prioritizing the players convience over other aspects of world building. In Dark Souls 1, it made sense for There to be a Giant smith in Anor Londo because it would take immense strengh to fashion weapons for the Guardians there. and It made sense that the wizard who locked himself in the tower of New Londo would not vanish in front of your eyes in reappear in Fire Link shrine just because it would be convinient to have him there. and it made sense that NPCs whom you are suppose to meet up with in fire link shrine require you make progress after talking to them to give them time to travel back instead of just magically teleporting in front of your eyes.
DaS 3 threw all that out the window and put everyone in the same area and Andre a simple human can upgrade all sorts of weapons that a simple human should be unable to just because your lazy ass can't be arsed to take a single elevator and walk two feet for an upgrade.

>the wizard who locked himself in the tower of New Londo would not vanish in front of your eyes in reappear in Fire Link shrine
but he does reappear in firelink shrine

>I've only been summoned once
That's because DaS II pvp population is dead beyond arena and general invasions. The few players who keep playing won't do rat Cov because its rewards aren't great.
They will do bell bros only because it gives upgrade material.

I played shortly after release, and I've only been summoned once. Really there's no reason to go through the rat areas except for the dumb halberd and bosses.

I was talking about this dude,i said wizard cuz i forgot his name.
does he? this is the news to me if that's the case.

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I've never bothered playing NG+ in a Souls games. I like trying out different builds with some kind of restrictions so I just play through the game once with each character and then make a new one. There's a nice sense of progression there since you go from rags to riches and it's fun to try to beeline towards a specific weapon that fits your build really well. All of that is lost in NG+ because you have all the relevant stats and gear right from the start. The best option might just be to make warping optional but to incentivize walking by adding some kind of rewards like farmable crystal lizards or something.

Except we know that the current arrangement of the map is caused by the flame fading, the entire concept was made because From cut some shit like an actual zone for Carthus and had to explain why a desert civilizations catacombs was under a poison swamp.

The Profaned capital is literally under Irythil, and only because the whole world is shifting over itself. There is no damn way it was underground. Hell the "fire" that killed its population came from the sky.

Post 1.08 poise still act the same way but you get automatic poise regen to at least 80% now every attack instead of having to wait for an invisible poise health bar to reset.
Also, many enemies in the game do have traditional hard poise as well, typically big and heavy enemies.

Pshhh, i played after ds2 release and sotfs release and got summoned hundreds of times in both.

oh I thought you meant the dude in red that gives you the key

put in soul memory
fixed your shitty pile of shit

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I could see that, especially since the angel cults founder Gertrude was imprisoned in the Archives. I just assumed she was imprisoned because her beliefs conflicted with the Cathedral, but I guess my sense of time is off and she could have been imprisoned by the pro-first flame authorities which later lost the war. So perhaps there was never a conflict between the Deep Worshipers and Angel Worshipers.


>turn on poise
>make armor upgradable
>parry overrides dodgeroll instead of dodgeroll overriding parry (don't mess with dodgeroll overriding backstab)

>Hell the "fire" that killed its population came from the sky
there's also a giant gaping hole in the mountainside that leads to outside with a view of the sky
and while you could argue that it's due to the transitory lands converging we don't know what the extent of that is or what the original connections between areas were
if Irithyll Dungeon was built with Yhorm as its first prisoner, then it can be assumed that both the dungeon and Irithyll were connected to the Capital and thus wouldn't have any reason to shift heavily

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>Soul Memery

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Give the dev team 4 more months to make the shit they wanted to add to the base game and put enemies where they were supposed to be.

I find it crazy looking at Bloodborne and then looking at dark souls 3. Like holy sbit there is such a massive drop in everything from textures, to areas. I understand they didn't give a shot and knew people would be buying ds3 no matter what but BB was so much sharper.

>Build dungeon for prisoner
>Prisoner physically too big for any of the cells
There is a Giant there that looks like he's imprisoned though.

There's nothing to fix. DS3 has some of the best bosses and the best soundtrack of the series. Yea Forums wants a game that doesn't exist and wasn't meant to be. It required an alternative path in the rotten greatwood area, but it didn't happen and it's fine.

It's honestly a better game than BB. Fuck the hivemind.

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Flesh out the subquestlines a bit better.
I was really intrigued by Horace and Anri only for it to end up with either two hostile encounters that make no sense unless you start making up dumb fanfiction.

that giant is even larger though
the key also emphasizes the giant is lonely (Yhorm is referred to the lonely giant in either his soul description or one of his weapons) plus the fact that Siegward is there before the fight might be so he can reminisce before having to face his friend

it was good


That all depends on how much time has passed since the Lords of Cinder returned. It couldn't be instantaneous as Pontiff Sulyvahn ratified the Deep as the new religion of Lothric after Aldrich devoured Gwyndolin, happened after he became lord of Cinder (died). So some long period of time happened between the rising of the Lords of Cinder and the emergence of the unkindled. Maybe it's not nearly long enough for the land convergence to push the Profaned capital below Irythil, either way Yhorm upon arising again went straight to the capital one way or another and was somehow the first prisoner of Irythil.
Or, maybe, the key is referring to the Giant prisoner and they added another forgetting that the key refers to one.

What the Giant in Irithyll Dungeon is way smaller than Yhorm

regardless neither are small enough to fit the cell

>Add poise
>Make the world interconnected and looping to improve replayablity and exploration
>Punish roll spamming and make shields a better option
>Add Bloodborne's visceral attack system
>Give like an extra year of development time so all original concepts for the game could be there. This would improve the entire game exponentially
>Flesh out PVP

Those are the major things that are integral to the game. Things I would have liked:

>Add a boss for Irithyll Dungeon
>Pontiff Sulyvahn is way too important to come halfway through the game, make him a late game boss, maybe swap him and Dancer
>More optional areas like Bloodborne
>Deacons of the Deep is good but too easy, make it harder
>If the world is interconnected then you shouldn't be able to warp wherever you want from the start
>Finish Consumed King's Garden, most rushed area in the game
>Give a bigger role to serpents

>untended graves randomly linked to the fucking Smouldering Lake
>consumed kings garden connected to the catacombs of Carthus and not how it originally was in the alpha, where the greatwood arena linked to it
>anor londo fucking connected to the profaned capital
>grand archives connected to cathedral of the deep
You idiots find the dumbest ways to try and link everything together. None of this makes any fucking sense even for Dark Souls 3.

but the Giant is imprisoned there, stuck in a space too small for it to do anything but stand with rats constantly biting it's feet

Holy shit, From needs to stop designing giant enemies because their games are never properly tuned for it. It just becomes a fight against the camera.

DaS1 and BB are the pinnacle
I acknowledge the sequels, these were fun, but I don't they ever capture the magic of these two

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midir is the most overrated boss in the series in terms of difficulty. either that or nameless king. midir is a total fucking pushover

Dark Souls 3 already has poise

>Irithyll Dungeon
The giant is the dungeon is far larger than Yhorm. Are you retarded?

those giants are also slaves and are regularly found serving in shit conditions in places ruled over by the Pontiff/deacons, like Cathedral of the Deep, the crossbow area in Smouldering and Irithyll itself

Yeah I never understood this crap. I heard about people bitching about Nameless King being super hard, but he, nor the storm drake, was that difficult. The biggest issue was having the camera constantly shift around at breakneck speeds or just randomly breaking lock on and then the boss attacks from off screen. Midir is the same way.

I always thought the easiest and most ideal way to fulfill the interconected meme Yea Forums loves so bad is to simply make the undead settlement the first destination after FL instead of lothric wall.
It has the most branching options, having multiple optional areas, linking to road of sacrifices which itself leads to Farron, Carthus And Irithyl, and it would make sense to have lifting the banner teleport you to lothric instead of the other way around. Going from a breathtaking Castle to a fucking farmer village instead of the other way around felt jarring.

Poise was ludicrously overpowered in DaS1.
It was literelly easy mode. Hyperarmor is a better mechanic, although still faulty.

*fix it
Half of these connections don't make any sense, the game could have just benefited by being more vertical in design like DS1 or not blatantly removing shortcuts that already existed (Settlement to Catacombs, Farron Keep to Settlement, Settlement to High Wall etc)

>get rid of the excessive and stupidly placed bonfires
>less Dark Souls 1 references
>actual poise
>world more connected
>no Dark Souls 2 references outside of spells

Reminder that he canonically raped her.

Its not broken, its active when you have hyper armor.

Disable invasions option

And I canonically raped him with a zweih

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wells then it's not a good trade off for all the equip load and roll speed you're sacrificing.
it's not like the actual absorption stats do fuck all against the Bosses past NG+.

No he didn't because I canonically kicked him off a cliff as soon as he showed up in Firelink.

He still got laid.
your incel hollow died a virgin.

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yeah but who needs defense for bosses, the best way to fight them is to not get hit

Add some bosses that are actually interesting

he did not, he just wanted her humanity

Fuck no, this is so fucking overrated even in the series.

That's the issue though.
It's not just the best way to fight them, past NG+ it might as well be the only to fight them.
DS1 offered alot more variety, there were optimal ways to play, but you could roll just about any character and still manage to scrape by.
sure i won't argue that High poise+ shield is babby easy mode, but i still liked having that option.

That wouldn't make everything interconnected, which I personally think is a big fucking meme, but it would make things less linear. I'm wondering why this wasn't done in the first place.

>Map is made significantly less linear and more matched together since the game has plenty of zones that were taken from one location and pasted somewhere else
>Finish making some areas like the Lost Izalith area, that shit is terrible
>Make more bosses that rely on situational awareness instead of just rolling through everything
>Put real poise back in and use that to diversify the enemies, all of these fuckers rely on a tiny handful of gimmicks to deal with needing to get the first hit in and they almost all have just enough health so that you can't take them down in one go with your full stamina bar
>Balance out stamina costs for rolling and fast weapons because there is no reason to not use your full stamina bar when attacking since rolls cost nothing
>Powerstancing from 2 with the mechanics of dual wielding in 3 as well as not fucking up left handed movesets on weapons
>Put actual effort into the models and make the aesthetic less grey, this shit looks awful sometimes. Why are all of the helmets solid lumps of metal that don't even have flat black textures for the eyeholes?

>Lautrec's armor is covered in blood in front
>covered in scratches in the back
>Anastacias skirt is the only part of her set that's soaked in blood. note it's not called dingy skirt but "blood-stained skirt".

My Boy scored with a virgin before he slit her throat and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: Blood_Stained_Skirt_II.png (220x165, 19K)

Can't be fixed, the world is fundamentally set up to be a linear piece of shit
The fact that the game has to forcibly teleport you after killing aldrich and yhorm to get you to where you need to be is telling


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Poor man's Yurt, get fucked kiddo.

My Chosen One was female, so that's fine. Nobody raped or touched her.

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>Worn by the Fire Keeper at Firelink Shrine.
>It is thought to have once been the white skirt of a maiden, but its true origin is lost in patches of blood. Perhaps its former wearer was maimed to prevent escape?
given that her tongue was cut out so she would never speak the name of the gods in vain, it's just as likely to assume her legs had been cut so she wouldn't be able to leave her cell through her own volition
>>Lautrec's armor is covered in blood in front
I'm not seeing it

bop it


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kill yourself

Looks like blood to me.
while you could argue it's rust, it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't spread to his back, plus it's made of Gold which shouldn't rust anyway.
the back is however covered in scratches.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.32M)

but it does appear on the back, and it appears on the armor before he goes to Firelink
same thing with Anastacia's skirt, which has blood on it prior to Lautrec showing up

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Now remove everything that isn't just an individual zone to actually make it a fair comparison. I've been asking you to do this ever since you started spamming it across the board yet you keep ignoring the request.

>make map really complicated so no one will notice the complete lack of interconnectivity
sekiro was a joke

All of this.

Not him, but BB is the one overrated.
It dissolved everything, brought nearly nothing. DaS1 with a roll only character is a better bloodborne than bloodborne itself.

BB was the weird hybrid between Dark Souls and Sekiro. It achieves nothing that isn't better in either one.

My CUs are female while the other protags were all males. Just felt better that way for some reason.

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Poise in PvE
Customizable armor color
Fix that cardboard LOD at high wall of lothric.

it was a fun single player experience. It was never supposed to be like souls

I'm sorry, I didn't realize good world design was soulslike


>and it appears on the armor before he goes to Firelink
i always attributed that to the time is convulted meme.
but i don't how i never noticed that stuff on the back though.
this puts a hole in a narrative I've built for years.

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less DS1 wank, more actual content

Can't fix what is already working as intended.

No seriously, DS3 > DS1

you could've just said you didn't play it retard.


nah i mean it was meant to be more linear.

I did, and besides Logarius, mystery niggas and the DLC, the main game is trash. You're stuck in a weird circle jerk with "AWOOOOOO" and "Kosm" even though Micolash is one of the absolutely worst part of the game.

There's nothing in BB that I want too see elsewhere. Not even the trickweapons because of the lack of proper combo that isn't "press L1 after 2 R1, wowwwww".
Fuck this overrated game, fuck your boner for victorian setting, fuck you Yea Forums for making me buy a PS4 for this.


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hey. there's still no definitive proof he didn't rape her.


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>your Cursed Undead died a kissless virgin

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DaS3 isn't really interconnected at all and I don't think I can recall DaS2 having it either, being able to warp to every "bonfire" from the beginning fucked up the whole reason to have interconnected world design in the first place and it certainly does this better than either DaS2 or DaS3 did.
Having a properly interconnected world is just something that DaS1 had until it suddenly didn't when the world got too big and it was a neat way to do things but Sekiro simply does it differently.
Sekiro lets you gather things from your shopping list from the beginning by sprawling off the linear story path in many directions almost from the start and every time you wanted to do something else there was the realization that you could do something else because there usually was a path you didn't explore.
I don't think that warping everywhere with the checkpoint system was really a good choice and it's become a lazy way out for From Software but it was handled with a degree of competency in Sekiro.

bring back powerstancing to assert dominance
dexfagging weaponlets need to know their place

Admit it. You only played a female chosen undead because you wanted to fuck Solaire.

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[slow tempo sludge metal intensifies]

Your opinion could not be more wrong

Wait what the fuck. I had forgotten about that scene. Although, this was a special blade wasn't it?

My initial response would be to slow it down to ds1 levels, because this game did not take the transition to faster gameplay well, neither on the PvE (which is a flail fest, although the boss fights are still good) nor on the PvP (which is just trash). However that would require a fairly significant redesign.

Various other things that would in my opinion improve the game are removing the home base idea and the fast travel and instead having the world be less linear along with having reasons to backtrack.

I also think the enemy design is kind of trash, with a lot of enemies being flailers. I think it's also stupid that spamming attacks until they die is a valid strategy against the vast majority of enemies.

Bellbros are great too. Nothing compares PVP wise

only bloodborne and BotW generate this amount of salt so consistently over the years
keep seethin'

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yeah when she killed the nk it was a valyrian steel dagger

there's no definitive proof he did either

bring back poise to ds1 levels and the game would be perfect

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remove all balance patches
remove weapon based matchmaking
any autist that thinks the pvp should be balanced is a faggot who never played demon's souls

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Sekiro literally just has DaS2 nonlinearity

t. hack slash brainlet

I love Dark Souls 3 invasions.
Level 50-80 is peak Souls pvp.

No, I wanted to hold hands with Rhea and the Darkmoon Knight.

Attached: Darkmoon Knight tsundere.jpg (734x1089, 128K)

Lmao fuck off shitter, are you seriously so shit that you can't enjoy a match that isn't just about shitting on new players with maxed out gear and infinite heals?
Kill yourself.

Fuck off.

I want to fix FromSoftware: Make a game with interconnected world design with no warping again. I'm sick of their current design trend, even though I prefer warping.

>he thinks that souls pvp has a high skill ceiling
>he thinks making it less fun in attempt to pretend it does is a good decision

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yeah it was a special blade but a trained assassin would aim for spots that had an open in the armor like the neck no?

Remove weapon reinforcement based matchmaking and reduce late-game weapon damage and boss health.

Didn't Bearer of the Curse have a wife and child before the undead curse hit him?

>muh safe space for new players

I never said it does, but i guess it goes to show how fragile your argument is if you have to put completely unrelated words into my mouth.
Shitting on people can be fun for sure, but pretending like it's good game design on any level is just laughable.
You can still dab on people in newer games, you just have to play better than them instead of just being completely invincible.

They didn't, that was The Guy From the Trailer.

I just want a Dark Souls game where I can refight bosses without having to go into NG+, maybe even a boss rush that I can go into with a party of phantoms, a limited amount of items, and one life per person. Is that too much to ask?

Secondary idea: why is there no stealth/spooky area where getting caught results in an invader getting summoned to come fuck you up? Or enemies that run off to summon invaders if you don't kill them fast enough. Seems like they could have been more creative with invasions than just having a few areas that had covenants themed around them

In terms of level & world design...
>Firelink now has another hue of color instead of just grey/black
>Firelink directly connects to Highwall (insert connecting area if needed)
>Undead Settlement now leads to more areas underneath it, one of which goes directly to the Catacombs and to another segment of Farron
>Highwall also leads down into Farron
>the broken bridge at the Settlment that leads back to Highwall/Lothric/Farron can be crossed (repaired or gargoyle'd over or something)
>Profaned Capital can be reached much earlier when entering Irithyl (or from some cave/chasm via Catacombs)
>Lothric Castle can be entered ASAP - the old maid can still die without being murdered by you this way as well - Dancer is still a boss).
All enemies and bosses will have their stats scaled by order of visiting each area or by the first bonfire used in each area (this may need extra bonfire for the start of each location, though - as well as enemies being scaled to the most recent location/bonfire visited). The latter is more friendly to new players. This also goes for the amount & type of enemies encountered.

There, I enhanced replayability and made everyone's new runs different.

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just play monster hunter.

>i didn't say the game has a high skill ceiling, i just think that you have to outplay somebody in a game with a low skill ceiling
what the fuck is the value of outplaying somebody if the mechanics aren't designed for it? it's just going to accentuate the limitations of the mechanics, rather than allow players to have fun with the broken shit you can accomplish. this shit aint fucking street fighter

You literally come across a strange area with corpses sat in a pose you don't have and there's a space between them. It's obvious once you get that pose you're supposed to use it in that particular spot.

>flesh out profaned capital into an actual level, perhaps have some abyss watchers there to help you out kinda like how the darkwraiths were in farron to combat the undead legion
>make transposing boss souls harder or come later, a lot of their weapon arts are kinda anime (hard to put into words) to come so early in the game and should come later so progression is more fluid. A lot of boss soul weapons just invalidate regular weapons (Why use claymore or BS when you can use WKGS, Farron GS, profaned GS, etc. which all have better, more useful weapon arts) and the only real benefit is most standard weapons can be enchanted/infused
>Interconnect some levels. Make it so you can go to profaned capital from catacombs, give us a way to skip farron swamp without glitches, give us some levels with no bosses to give the world some more life and connect others
>Move the Abyss watchers later into the game, or buff them. perhaps this is just bias from me since they're my favorite soulsborne boss but its just a waste to have such a cool boss be held back by having such a low health bar and ease of staggering/parry/backstab abuse
>combine Ariandel and ringed city into 1 DLC pack or just include it into the game assuming they go more towards a definitive edition route
>Make 3rd phase Friede into an actually new challenge instead of just 1st phase but with one of Maria's moves, or just remove the 3rd phase and make the 1st 2 a more interesting fight
>same with soul of cinder 2nd phase, first time I got to it it kinda felt like a cheap shot for nostalgia when the first phase was really cool
>give nameless king a few more attacks, he's actually a bit easy once you learn the trick to fighting him because all his attacks are so slow
>same with Gael
>boss rush/rematch mode/bonfire ascetic
>merge/remove some of the stats, make equip load and stamina back into 1 again with lower scaling on equip load per level, remove luck since that really shouldnt be a stat imo