'Gears 5' Cover Leak

"It's not about YOU, it's about ME!!"

It appears that the cover art for Microsoft's new Gears of W-- I mean Gears 5, has leaked. As you can see, Laura Bailey Character #75 will assume the role of protagonist in a non-spinoff title. Additionally, it seems Microsoft really are dropping the "of War" moniker off the franchise's name.

What are your thoughts, Yea Forums? Is Xbox saved?

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Other urls found in this thread:


seething incel


Who gives a shit about this or Xbox?

Garbage. This series was never good beyond the horde mode anyway.

Nobody cares. This thread will die without reaching 20 posts.

What am I angry about?

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oof, back to your discord tranny

haha unions are so good, I love how I have to hear the same mediocre voice actors in every game and how they never have to compete for jobs with more talented people!

tps is a dead genre. you cant sell it like last gen unless it has a good story and characters like re2.

>Gears 5
>because the game only has 5 fucking colours

Step up from GoW4, I guess.

I'm excited. Gears is comfy as fuck and 4 was good, especially the multiplayer. Look forward to playing on Gridlock again :)

haha dude the only way anyone can ever make any money ever is if they have a union dickhead taking money from their check every week lmao

>having a voice is talent

who would build the roads

>console exclusive

Why go with a generic movie cover for a Gears of War game? Have the cover be a giant battle or something. Put in a little action.

I love my wife Kait!

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They did, in 1 thru 3. Stuff like the cinematic last of us and uncharted infected their ranks now, so they're trying to appeal to the normie audience instead of Mexico and blacks.

Yeah like other countries' voice acting is so much better... not

this post hasn't aged well

I want to go back.

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a generic movie cover is appropriate for a generic movie "game."

Lol another female lead

Buy it up, GOYIM. Feminism is good for society!

>she's even having her period on the fucking cover

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naaah thats too shitty obvious shoop

overrated trash

>make hyper masculine game series
>change it to a whiny gurrrrrlpower mc

Not even mad at playing as a women but she is already so goddamn annoying in the reveal trailer alone.

I couldn't even make it through the first three hours of Gears 4 so honestly i couldn't care less. Its a dead franchise.

May I ask why did they change the name of the series to just Gears instead Gears of War?

That looks absolutely awful.

Word war is too masculine and in general just a bad word, we dont want that

>he never played online with his buddies
Sad, just sad

Lost interest in the series partway through 3, but it looks like this got the Uncharted treatment. Too bad, the first two were pretty fun.


How do you go from this

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have sex

GOW - Gears of War
GOW - God of War

There was a Gears of War 4?

She's gotta be better than J.D he had all the personality of a wet sponge.

can they at least make the swarm interesting

Mexico, France, Brazil has infinitely better voice acting systems where many talents have a spot, not just the same 10 people all the time.

Does she have an unlockable swimsuit skin? Now I will buy your game

I liked the single player but didn’t care for the multiplayer. Though I respect it for having an advanced movement system.

Vaguely hipfiring shotguns at the enemy and securing kills was silly though.

cringe and trannypilled

That looks awful and not because "muh strong female in the center".

loving all the triggered incels in this thread tbqh!

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>its a "I never played X before, but not that theres a woman, I hate it" episode
Anyone that thinks Gears has only been about "MASCULINITY" is retarded. Gears has always been about Family.
>A huge part of the 1-3 were about Marcus trying to find his father.
>Gears 2 has Dom looking for his wife with Gears 3 having suffering from depression and eventually sacrificing himself to save Marcus with his last words talking how hes going see his family again
>Gears 4 is about Kat trying to find her mother with help JD and Marcus while they get over their family issues. Game also ends with Kat being related to the final boss of Gears 3.
>Gears 5 seems to be about Kat learning more about her family, and most likely learn more about Marcus's father and his work with the queen.
Gears is about Family.

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Because everyone has always called it Gears for short.

Lol this looks lame as fuck. Gears has been dead, them dragging it on 5 games was bad enough bit this is downright pathetic.

I can't believe the Funko Pop Gears game may actually end up with a better looking cover

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Jesus christ just let this shit franchise die already, it hasn't been good since 3.

its funny you should say that, because union cock sucking faggots that were fixing the highway tried to go on strike before the governor stepped in and threatened to give their jobs away to non-union workers

have sex

I agree with you but Kait is boring as fuck, they should've stuck with JD. Scratch that, let us play us play as Marcus since they won't let him retire anyway.

More like you haven't played the franchise since 3 and don't know what you're talking about.

lol at """""""""western""""""""" """""""""""games""""""""""

western aaa devs really only care about trends to make money. they dont have any motivation other than it.

Fortnite is a tps.


They made her ugly
She was a qtp2t in 4

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>Xbox One Console Exclusive

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>being in a competitive industry for 20yrs making 2019 devs face skan you onto the cover

I'm ok with Kat because it took me 3 games to finally start liking Marcus, and I love the older protagonist is now a mentor trope and it works even better seeing that hes the father of one of the new characters.

Kait is based user, wtf are you on about?



I’ve seriously had enough of female characters. Women can’t carry massive machine guns. Women don’t care about fucking Gears of War. Fuck this stupid shit.

Used to be

Xbox games are trash anyway

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4 was so fucking bad... Hell, the other day I was cleaning my shelves and found my copy of Gears 4 and thought "Oh yeah, I played that"

The characters and enemies were so boring compared to the 3 first games...

>good story and characters like re2
But RE2 has neither

So much cover art for games is shit nowadays. Just has the protagonist on the cover holding a weapon. Give me something more interesting like the EU cover of Ico.

Microsoft has a tradition of turning my once liked series to shit.

First Halo, now Gears. Not like this

Xbox fans are retarded so they have to simplify it

It doesn't look promising to be honest, I hope the new studios Microsoft has picked up with huge microsoft budgets can actually make something impressive, but Microsoft has done nothing to win me over this gen in terms of their own IP's like Halo and Gears of War.

I'm more angry how the enemies are Locust 2.0 than anything else. What a fucking boring shitshow.

>Imagine having a Xbox
Microjews are exactly like Basedny, don't be fooled

Just look at JD now, he's not a cute fuckboy anymore, he looks rugged and based as fuck, covered in scars and facial hair (what even happened to his arm?). The man clearly has been through hell and seen some real shit, we could have his side of the story fighting the war but ohhh no, gotta focus the story around Kait...AGAIN (because make no mistake, we played as JD in 4 but it was a Kait story).

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When are the fucking trannies at these major game studios going to realize that 99% of women don’t care about video games and pandering to women only shrinks your potential audience?

you can get this game on PC

The box art look like a fucking Star Wars poster. I wonder if the design philosophy will carry on to Halo?

>based as fuck

is that an attractive female character in a western game?
i dont believe it

If it bombs, they'll blame it on toxic masculinity.

wtf is wrong with Myrra's face and why is kait so ugly in this

3 = 2 > 1 > POWERGAP > 4

Having unions in an industry drives up wages of non-union people too, zoomer.

Honestly doesn't look that bad. Kait doesn't really bother me since she was an actual character last game, and the reveal at the end kinda warranted her being the focus of this one.

It won't bomb, mexicans will make sure of that.

Isn't Gears toxic masulinity incarnate, and isn't that why people like Gears to begin with?

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>Look up funko gears game
>its real

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So much this.

I don't know if this is ranking campaign or multiplayer but it's wrong either way.

general audiences are stupid, it's too long for them

We already had one trilogy focused on the Phoenix bloodline, we dont need another. Besides its looks like Marcus and JD are gonna be doing their own side stuff while Kait and the black guy other stuff, likes in Gears 3.

2 is peak Gears. I never played after three because lol Xbox.

Will they add Oakland Raider multiplayer skins?

I don't mind because she isn't ugly as shit.

She was only 18 there, she hit the wall in 5.

The last game had a dumb cliffhanger ending where they implied she might be related to the Locusts. Her being front and center in the cover makes sense because it seems part of the game will ABOUT her discovering her connections to the Locusts. Anyone bitching about this shit either didn't play Gears 4 or is a massive cuck who wants to complain that there's a woman on the cover. Next you'll complain about women being playable despite that being a thing in both Gears 3 and Judgment.

Something very uncanny about her huge eyes and wide mouth.


this desu

Have sex discord tranny incel

I remember in the books they explained that women weren't supposed to be fighting because human's are endangered and they needed all the breeders they could get. But then they brought in women anyway. Whatever.

But to be honest, I watched the gameplay trailer of this, and watching the skinny bitch swing around that massive melee weapon to kill bunches of monsters made me laugh, so stupid.

This is what you get when transgender diversity hires who think they’re women create a game thinking they’re appealing to women. This will sell like shit

Ewww, gross. No, thank you, I don't want woke shit polluting the platform. Gib RDR2 instead.

Nobody cares about Kait, and her being the focus of Gears 5 just seems forced.

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This weird discord transwoman bogeyman has to stop, and it has to stop right fucking now.

Go back to crying about your autistic JIDF shill conspiracy bullshit, but leave the trans community out of it.

Allow me to FTFY:
2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > J

4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > J

exactly does someone know wtf happened between gears 4 and 5's trailer?

The lore has changed.

So forced they teased it 3 years ago in the lasted game.

Gonna need to see some game play first.

gears guys made me lift and get big
>that was 13 years ago

Gears 2 online was a fucking laggy broken mess


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Most non-incels don't really care. Have sex.

>I remember in the books they explained that women weren't supposed to be fighting because human's are endangered and they needed all the breeders they could get. But then they brought in women anyway. Whatever.
And that's always remained as canon but in Gears 3 you have to wonder what's more important with your back against the wall: a woman for breeding purposes or the same woman with a rifle?
In Gears 4 there's no war crisis anymore so it's easier for a woman to be a soldier i guess.

>I remember in the books they explained that women weren't supposed to be fighting because human's are endangered and they needed all the breeders they could get.

Yeah, from the first game is revealed that Anya tried to get into the breeding program but since she was found to be infertile she decided to join the COGs. I'd guess that in the end pretty much everyone gets trained to be prepared for any possible new invasion anyway.

>But then they brought in women anyway. Whatever.
It had justification, given that by the point it happened (Gears 3), humanity was basically on their last throes; having able-bodied soldiers was more productive than hoping the women could have children and raise them in such a short period of time when the Locust were on the verge of winning. Then Judgement retroactively said "fuck that", and Gears 4 pushed a new young female protagonist into the main party as she's now becoming the focal point character.

Gears 5: The Last Jedi

They are gonna release a book soon but i don't think it goes that far ahead beyond 4.

>from the first game is revealed that Anya tried to get into the breeding program but since she was found to be infertile she decided to join the COGs
I don't think that's how it went, her mother was a high ranked officer and faked her results so she would appear to be infertile and not sent to the rape camps.

Gears has always been garbage and it shouldn't take tranny bait for you underage xniggers to finally figure it out.

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Again, nobody cared about it 3 years ago, and nobody cares about it now.
The Gears characters have always been one dimensional, but at least the old crew were just plain entertaining. The new crew is totally forgettable, exemplified by Fenix being the only liked character of Gears. The ending of Gears 4 was pretty bad, and for them to double down on that for Gears 5 and continue with the forced drama surrounding Kait is just killing any interest for Gears 5. That was obvious from the response after MS revealed it, and that remains obvious to this day.
Sorry, but Kait is just shit, but that doesn't mean games with good female characters don't exist. Bayonetta 3 will be amazing, so will Metroid Prime 4 probably, and I'm sure there will be others.

>Makes 4 violent games about musclebound grunting masculine testosterone machines
>The over-the-top masculinity is part of the appeal
>The percentage of women who play this game is maybe 1% of it's total demographic because women don't generally enjoy chainsawing monsters and blowing shit up
>Most women don't give a shit about violent games at all and will never be interested in them
>Devs decide to make the protagonist of 5 a woman for woke points

Nope, no possible reason this could go wrong, no way, all the dudebros who play games like this will just FLOCK to buy it, only incels don't buy games with stronk wamen protagonists, sure sure

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>Sorry, but Kait is just shit, but that doesn't mean games with good female characters don't exist. Bayonetta 3 will be amazing, so will Metroid Prime 4 probably, and I'm sure there will be others.
This, and so was RE2.

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Any man who prefers playing as a female in games, is secretly transsexual. Change my mind

I’m sure all 6 biological women interested in gears of war are extremely excited for a female main

But literally only weirdo goobers on Yea Forums give a shit that's it's a woman. No one on /r/GearsOfWar is crying like you triggered reactionaries are.

Hi snoys, what time is your E3 conference again?

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I think I need to see some gameplay before I complain

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>4 MP better than 3
Lmao at these scrubs

Gears has always been gay garbage.

>wtf is wrong with Myrrah's face
I think she looks pretty good for someone who has been dead since Gears 3.

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This is the senior brand manager of gears now. Should explain everything

This, I get Xbox for Halo.

Retardedly huge boots, man.

my normalfag friends never played as a chick, doubt zoomers wanna play as them too

Female protags sell well as long as it isn't under a veil of feminism. If it is, expect Gears of War to die a horrible death.

>only goobers care about insulting social justice marketing
Just like only goobers trashed the Gillette ad am I right?

Theyve ruined my gears franchise.

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>who cares
>no one cares
Seems like a bunch of fags care because they keep bitching about it.

i don't see a problem with this. the last game set her up to being related to the locust queen. going back to the hive and keeping the swarm is a good narrative direction that can focus us on the entire genetics shit they keep avoiding in this franchise.

the third game should have the black dude as the main protag though. a fun thing to just pass it between the new main three.

>MS goatse-ing the niggers
Dare I say, based?

My friend played as chicks in Gears 3 because they had a smaller hit box.

I want to have children with this old lady

It's literally a copy/pasted and better balanced 3 running at 60 fps, hell, they even copied a shitload of its maps. It's objectively a direct improvement in terms of gameplay.

Built for desmonds bbc

is Kait a femcel?

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I mean, yeah. No normal person was crying and harassing people on twitter over it other than you incel fucks. Go back to your the quartering video

this looks fake to me. quality wise it looks like a 6th gen game cover

Jesus Christ. HOW are these people getting into these positions of employment?

>can't play as locus

Are you gay?

Go back to your discord
You’ll never be a womn

We don't even need one actually lmao

Imagine being retarded enough to think that reddit represents the average consumer. Reddit is a scum hole of mentally ill feminists and betas.

The dudebros who play games like gears of war don't post on reddit, they don't even know it exists besides maybe the default boards like funny and wtf. They'll see that the game forces them to play as a female and they just won't buy it. They won't say anything online. Sales of the game will drop and it will be just another franchise that jumped the shark.

The sooner this bullshit is done with, the better. Women don't play violent games in any significant number, and most male gamers prefer to play as a male. There is no reason to pander to women by putting female protagonists in male dominated franchises.

And before you call me an incel (because that's the only comeback you idiots have), I'm married and my wife is a gamer. But she only plays games like Tropico and Frostpunk, she has never touched a violent shooter and she never will.

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>can't play as locus

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Unless you're a faggot, you should always be running RAAM

>I agree with you but Kait is boring as fuck, they should've stuck with JD. Scratch that, let us play us play as Marcus since they won't let him retire anyway.

Got me there..

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Yeah right, shill
>What are your thoughts, Yea Forums?
GoW died long ago
>Is Xbox saved?
Good joke nigga

Miss me yet?

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>we want the aloy audience

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forgot pic

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Asking for guys in charge to be fired? Twisting cast interviews to create a false narrative?
Criticising female characters?
Assuming original creator dislikes the product with no proof?

No this isn't about The Last Jedi. This is what #GearsOfWar fans have become

Based post.

They never really explained why is Myyrah was human or how the horde came to know her as Queen.

I mean sure 1 possible explaination is shes a descendent of the scientists team studying the mutated children of human infected lambents but it doesn't explain how she was able to survive or why shes the only thing of what became of the scientist team.

yikes even epic realized their mistake and re added them
no one wanted to play as gay ass humans in 1-3 when you can play mole men instead


Well this explains pretty much everything we need to know.

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Nice. Can't wait for all the seething incels once the gaming media give it 9s and 10s. Can't wait to slam Days Gone fags too. When will they learn? Either bend the knee and submit to far leftism or get silenced.

Of fucking course

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when is this going multiplatform? obviously it isn't selling the console

They’re going to blame sexism when it sells the least copies of the entire franchise. Just like Battlefield V. The retards who have slid their way like disgusting slimy slugs into management positions at these games companies in the past 3-4 years are going to do serious damage to the companies. Lol


>caring about queers of war in current year

I really wish the mentally ill far left had picked some other hobby to use as their propaganda platform

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Gears of War was never a good game. It’s always been a tech demo. Gameplay is an afterthought.

The majority of Gears fans are Hispanic and dont even fucking care about this, the dudebros amthag only play or for the gameplay, and some normiefags that care for the lore.
Its mostly just loud as fuck peoe that never cared about Gears in the first place having a bitch fit.

Yup, I only liked it at first because I was going through muh gore is cool phase, once that wore off I saw the series for what it was, Microsoft has better franchises than Gears.

This, Microsoft should have never brought this franchise.

They don't care about selling consoles anymore, it's coming on both Xbone and PC.

tell that to my gow2 k/d

get woke, go butch
>dyke alert, kek
tears of war?
gears of xir?
gays of blorp?

>non English speaking countries have good voices

The character models look really fucking weird. These roided up goblins worked during the 360 era, but trying to turn GOW into some cinematic-movie shit when everyone looks like a bodybuilder is off-putting.

I wanna know what happened to all her tendrils and shit.

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Gears of War was dead the moment that Microsoft bought the IP. Microsoft has no idea what they are doing. They can't even make good operating systems, let alone games or consoles.

They are not humans like us, their anatomy works differently.

I think the over the shoulders cover system it took from what was it Kill Switch(?) became a main stay in modern game design. Even if it looks ridiculous to be able to aim like that IRL without breaking your arms.

I'm just gritting my teeth these days, trying to tolerate the violation of my personal space which is my gaming hobby.

Noone gives a single fuck about Gears sequels anymore. Get Gears 1 and 2 on Steam for fuck sake, that's real talk.

It's a good thing in the long run. This is hopefully just a phase as gaming finds its feet as a legitimate entertainment medium. One day there won't be strong sassy women popping up every 5 minutes in every single military shooter. The games industry will realize that women play very different games to men, and will adjust itself accordingly.

Games marketed to both men and women will blend gameplay elements that appeal to both genders instead of trying to create these horrible, trashy narrative frankensteins with their unrealistic female soldiers everywhere.

Generally women prefer slower paced games about sequence and organization, while men prefer to explore and destroy. Maybe the military sims of the future will have female gamers in support/handler positions with men as the grunts. I know my wife would love a game like that.

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Is there ANYTHING these leftist fuckstains DON'T ruin?

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Jesus fuck why do these dumb trannies want to ruin vidya? what good does it serve them? Fuck this shit.

At least Bonnie Ross is based, the fuck was Microsoft thinking with this pic, oh I forgot, the company is trying to be woke and failing since most of it's employees, male, female, and their so-called diverse race pics are getting tired of Microsoft pushing weakness because shit isn't getting done, can't wait until Gears 5 kills the Gears series, Microsoft shouldn't ever have brought it back in the first place. Gears was always generic trash, now it's just generic woke trash.

Sam is cute

Hope that means a lot of feminists get fired at the Coalition, I can see how this shit happened, Canada.

technically their not humans but i would bet 95% of the fan-base doesn't even know the planets name and just think its future earth

Due in part people are just their to shotgun molepeople and don''t give a fuck about the campaign

enjoy your jew sandwich


I'm Mexican and I enjoyed all Gears game. Including 4 and judgment. I even have some merchs of gears of war.

Everyone complaining and bitching about dead game probably never played it or never wall bounced and got bodied. Probably used sawed off in gears 3

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Pretty sure she was one of the scientists that escaped with the Sires to that mountain and created the Nexus (locust capital) under it. I basically fell off the series after 3 but that’s always been my theory. You’re probably right about her being a descendent because the Nexus would’ve taken a really long time to build.

They didn't just take it from Kill Switch. Epic literally hired the game designer of Kill Switch as head of combat for Gears 1, and he went on to work on many, if not most, third person shooters during the x360 generation.

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every mexican enjoys gears of war, why is this?

>The majority of Gears fans are Hispanic
Is there reason for this? Is it because it features stereotypical macho men or likable hispanic characters like Dom and Tai?

holy shit i love those comments kek

Such wahmen
much independent

Why would they drop the -Of War?

Are they trying to distance the series from God of War?

oh god you just reminded me that people actually did use the retro and sawnoff even tho lancer and gnasher were better 99% of the time

>enjoyed judgement
opinion discarded

I'm still mad

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gears of femnazis
feminist of war


u wot? he's pacific islander

no one says "want to play gears of war?" they just say "gears", is the reason I guess

Is she going to have one of these "I don't need a man" moments?

What a cool guy. That guy should be eligible for some of those game industry awards they give to hacks like Todd Howard. Seems the real heroes work in silence.

She never said or imply this. There's no need to spread lies, Kait's already a boring character and it has nothing to do with her being a woman. Also Marcus did the same thing as Kait.

Because trannies don't want war so kikerosoft and snoy will appease them

Yo'! ComputerMan80's here!
You got a lot of wiggi diggi shit talk going on there ma boiii. A lot of coolAid died for your post big guy.

All meme's are forced by Discord (((Russia))) Bots my friend, nobody will hunt down the money trail because it might expose some high ranked shitlords in politics aka Clinton and le epic satanic bullshit gang. I> I> I>

So what ya have here today my boiii,
>some shitty console wars bread
>some shitty new game bread
>some shitty capeshit gems
>some shitty epic plebbit news
>some shitty lol look at this meme
Tell me, boiiii, how long is your dick?

By fucking their way to the top

It's just a weird change is all. Not really a criticism or anything. I think they only other game in recent memory to try and rebrand like that was Devil May Cry

yeah but men played gears, woman don't? Why should the target audience not get to play their own gender? How fucking retarded is that

Why are trannies ruining every major video game franchise?

It's okay when Microsoft makes cinematic experiences!!

It's space Fast and Furious

Rezpek wamen
holy fuk what a shit sammich lol

enjoy those 0 sales rofl


Why does Yea Forums have such a fucking hate boner for women protagonist when a western game does it but have no problem when the Japs do it?
Since a lot of have been using RE2 as an example, I'm gonna join in, they FUCKING butcher Claire's character so fucking much that it infuriates me, meanwhile every RE thread is filled with fags spamming her.

I unironically used the retro lancer.

Man, you're missing on so many great games just because the protagonist is a woman.

They're not, you've been watching too many youtube reactionaries. Try watching some breadtube and clear your mind from the autistic infrographics you read on /pol/.


>They're not

Attached: le boot.png (641x269, 268K)

Time to dilate

Because the only reason they made a woman protagonist in Gears of War is to pander to a crowd of people who don’t even play these kinds of video games and they will soon learn their lesson

No Fap On Trap
>No Fap On Trap
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>No Fap On Trap
No Fap On Trap
>No Fap On Trap
No Fap On Trap
>No Fap On Trap


Attached: Horizon Zero Dawn™_20180228010212.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Yea Forumseddit is full of nazi overflow from /pol/
if you want actual vidya discussion this ain't it, chief

But it's not

I never thought about this and it makes so much sense now...

You guys ready for the Black Fem Spartan reveal?

Dilate and have sex maybe both at the same time!

>go to youtube.com/watch?v=1ZJvFDQH1ac
>switch comments to newest
>enjoy the shitshow


Holy fucking shit go back

Because this is to push new feminism.

Because they're pandering to people who DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES! The RE2 remake was garbage but that had nothing to do with Clare.

Name me 5 games released in the past 10 years where the lead character is a transoman. You can't.

Time to start harassing developers on twitter because the latest Gears of War has an icky black character and the lead is a brown woman, right?
See above.

You mean for Halo? Because that happened years ago.

If that’s the case then why don’t you go back to R*ddit?

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Woman has been a thing since the first game, with Anya being a important character, and they have been playable since 3. Once again, why is it that people get made when western games do, but not Japan?

that's literally irrelevant

Guys played gears
not woman
So the protag should reflect the main audience
Which is either white, Hispanic, or even black male cause honestly I seen all 3 really like gears

How the fuck does other tranny games force you to play as woman even tho girls dont touch this shit and some are good equal I should just put up with it?

Microsoft will have one of the best E3 but like last time I can guarantee you that this will be the game that brings their E3 down, Gears is such a shit franchise and falling feminism will be the end of the series once and for all.

''It's not about you, it's about ME!'', at least they portray the new generation of women right, insufferable cunts that think they deserve to take the spot light no matter the cost.

Guys you're all missing the point.
Kait banged her cousin, what a slut.

low iq

Now that we know you’re a fucking tranny, leave this website and don’t come back

I don't give a fuck about black characters, I just hate the "muh empowered wahmanz" shit. Go be a dumb tranny somewhere else.


western devs are a bunch of soibois.

Sorry, after Halo 5, Halo isn't pushing this shit in mainline games ever again, 343's learned, the Coalition didn't.

>Time to start harassing developers on twitter because the latest Gears of War has an icky black character and the lead is a brown woman, right?
Nahh all that is fine when justified and deserved. In Gears 5's case is forced and no one asked for it.

Because Xbox was always the more popular console so having this hyper violent game filled with masculinity, testosterone and an incredibly good mexican voice acting helped a lot to become popular.


Go dilate your hatchet wound David

Lol the way she talks and looks, everything about her says "fuck you white goy" to evil cis white males 8D

I cant believe Gears 4 had a "Drumpf" achievement. I was hoping it was a one off.

I'll probably drop a couple bucks for a month of game pass and play thr campaign but I'm sure I'm in for some shit.

Commit suicide, tranny.

A lot of insecure men who are seriously furious to seeing woman on leading roles.

It will be fine, they'll start the show with 5's campaign demo and then move on with the rest of the show.

Which one was it? What was it called?

& Marcus Fenix is hanging himself as we speak.
Gargl. The end

Only autistic trannies could think this will work
>I’m a WOMAN and I like gears of war so that means WOMEN must like gears of war. Let’s pander to them
This is literally the thought process of a tranny


I really enjoyed GoW4 and loooint forward to this one. My only problem with Xbone is there are simply too many games to play. Apex Legends doesnt help either as I play every day

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Can't wait for them to move on, Gears 5's first trailer couldn't even hit a million views.

Nothing wrong with Laura Bailey.

>not GEAR5

>I'm Drumpf
>Earned 100000 Credits lifetime

its not even clever or relevant to Donald expect i guess he has a lot of money like you have a lot of credits which is eh?

Epic is fucking retarded unironically

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What's the point in posting an image of your installed games and gamertag. No one cares faggot

>putting a dyke on her period on the cover
what could go wrong

u got shit taste desu

I’ve seen my share of bad box art before.

But Christ, that looks like it would haunt pre owned bins 6 weeks after launch.

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Yeah but nobody says the full title of a game if they can: if they want to play Super Smash Bros, they just say Smash, for example. Gears of War is a cool name overall and just rebranding it to Gears sounds very cheap and has no context at all.


>Hellblade: Sanua’s Walking Simulator
Opinion discarded

I thought your post was trolling, but Jaw dropped, shocking.

like every gears game after 3?

What? Incels will rage on Yea Forums? Oh god..... the horror.

Well Gears 1 was a manly game. Not sure what this is though. Maybe, call it Cucked 5?

I unironically thought this came out and was forgotten about already

This is clearly a game for the gamers that "have sex".

and this 400+ million at least product will bomb hard

What a toothless moronic thing to do.

Anyway, this will probably be the nail in the coffin for this fucking godawful series. Good riddance.

>the Left can't me-

This, shouldn't have never brought it back.

>female protagonist

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What's exactly the problem with this? It's not exactly mocking the god emperor or anything

To prove that I own the Xbone
>u got shit taste
And what do you play? I know you won't answer because it would expose your weeb tastes, but I still always ask when someone tells me I have shit taste
I enjoyed Hellsblade, it was a unique game. Though I agree the gameplay is pretty basic

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Locust are ded. You now fight the patriarchy. ;)

I've never played any Gears of War games but why is there a Dynasty Warriors lookin nigga in a game that's supposed to be a futuristic tps?

How did 4 make enough to warrant a sequel? My friend that was suckered into buying an Xbone and owned 1-3 plus that spinoff didn't even buy it.

absolute state of amerimutts

The male protagonist in 4 might as well have been female. This trash should've ended at #3.

its p fucking yikes for one just like calling donald god emperor for instance. Two its a game about shooting molemen in the face, why is your "clever" political commentary in this to begin with?

No, you actually fight evolved locusts, human/locust hybrids and zombified robots.

While I don't mind Kait being the main character now, I hate this whole thing of "Person you played with in the last game is suddenly a HUGE MEANIE and we're not gonna tell you why" that seems to be a thing nowadays.

shut up


Locke was such a baffling decision to have as a second protag, the guy was so bland and didn't made thematic sense for him to be the one to hunt down after Master Chief. The guy lacked personal motivation to be after him in the first place , not even having something like "the Chief is my hero" motivation.

Its technically both, its always been more about brotherhood than anything but around 3 is when they stopped focusing on that as much, not to say that it was completely absent from the third game, but 4 is where it went more towards a family theme rather than a focus on brotherhood specifically

Holy fuck, this bait. All available on pc. Still plays on consoles.

Ever Xbox shill needs to be raped and their throats slashed.

Jesus fucking kek

Drumpf term is associated with the now confirmed to be fake Russian Collusion investigation that some would call a witch hunt. That investigation paralyzed the oval office for most of his time being president. It hurt the whole country.
So getting that cheevo is like being called a foreign nation influenced SOB who's in it to destroy the country from the inside.

>If you have a female protagonist, its automatically pandering
So you are telling me that there's no possible way of making a female protagonist because it's always considered pandering, and the only female characters that get a pass are because they are sexy OR were created back when people didn't care?


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kek. well, i'm out. enjoy the lgbt cringe

This is usually what I play
That wow is a private server for vanilla btw

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>all available on PC
I don't have a gaming PC though, I think consoles are more fun

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>So getting that cheevo is like being called a foreign nation influenced SOB who's in it to destroy the country from the inside.
That cheevo was released before the elections even took place retard.

Ok. Well your games are alright I guess

So its been going on even longer that I realized. And nothing has changed. Time sure flies huh.

No, but he's got a fair point. This series was well known for being very macho, manly and male focused for the most. Making a female protagonist just like that clearly isn't natural or coincidental.

Does anyone actually give a fuck about gears of war anymore? Also who the thought it would be a good idea to turn a hyper masculine steroids and execution simulator into a girl power game?

I bought it and enjoy(ed) it
I also thought it looked fucking great in 4K

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Both of your games list are actually pretty similar and i'm sure you could be friends, play together and blow each other if you dropped this "holier than thou" act.

That's why he failed plus they should have just given him a spin-off game instead but Brian Reed and the Spartan Ops team were idiots.

>This series was well known for being very macho, manly and male focused for the most
Only for people that only look at Gears on a surface level. The main theme of Gears as been about family relation.

our lists are literally no where near similar you retard

That's called a buzzcut, simpleton.

Why is microsoft so shit at hiring people? The person in charge of 343i is some chick who never even played halo before joining the company

I do. I honestly can't wait to see how it looks/plays on XboneX. It will likely be the most impressive title of this generation in terms of graphics

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You're correct but you only realize that deep down after fully playing it. This change will alienate the existing fanbase.

No, don't make a female character hate men and is only put on the forefront to erase men, feminism is about men and women being equal, these mentally ill fucks have completely warped it into genociding men, in general. Gears 5 can rot, glad I didn't get Gears 4 and I don't plan to.

didn't they hire people on the ground that they hate halo for some reason?

Gears 4 sucked and turned me off from the series, it feels like theyre just milking it at this point. Has nothing to do with kait being the protagonist in this game, the story is just dumb now and i dont have an interest in the new characters especially because they all have the personality of a wooden board

generic 5

>not calling the series dead when judgement was release

Never heard this but it honestly wouldn't surprise me seeing how 4&5 turned out

Since when did Kait hate men?

>Is Xbox saved?

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But she usually has nothing to do with the game's creation just runs the company, she wanted to make a Halo game, Microsoft didn't and forced the team to make what they want and hire people that hated Halo. With Halo 5 it didn't help that the Halo 4 campaign team left and the Spartan Ops team took over, campaign was doomed then. Halo Infinite is back to what Halo was and it's the first time since Bungie era Halo where Microsoft isn't involved.


Why would those Halo haters bring TMCC to PC? Either these anti halo people don't hate Halo or they already got fired.

I think they wanted people who hated it to turn the series into something everyone enjoys including them

so just cod basically

>heh, you care more about gameplay and overall quality of the product than you do “representation”? Have sex, loser

Microsoft made them do it because Halo 4 looked and played too much like Halo, they even had an art style that looked like Halo at first before Microsoft told them to change everything.

Since Gears 5.

But you would think that the main audience of Gears fan should have already played through every game to figure this out already, so really its only people that never played Gears or brainlets that are mad about it .

>Halo Infinite is back to what Halo was and it's the first time since Bungie era Halo where Microsoft isn't involved.

I really hope that's the case, but I need proof before I beleive microsoft is capable of publishing anything that isn't shit these days

Why did they make entire studios just to make 1 up?
What's 343 and the Coalition going to do when these ips are dead?
Same with the Forza Motorsport guys, at least Playground is allowed to work beyond Forza Horizon
But even undead labs seems expected to only make State of Decay games considering the names
what if the Initiative is only allowed to make Perfect Dark games, cool at first but then itd get old

Gears 4 has the best gameplay in the series, and Gears 5 has already shown to be bringing back melee weapons. Unless they go back to Judgement gameplay, there's no possible way for them to fuck it up.

Sounds like something they might actually do. All AAA companies care about is appealing to large groups of people, not old fans.

Why do you think the art style has returned along with the heavy push for Master Chief, Microsoft suits are no longer involved with the Xbox Game division, Gears 5 is doomed though, fucking Canadians.

no one is fucking this. they get hired by the shnoz tribe.

Long live Gears Of War 1 Multiplayer

Halo will never die but I don't know what the Coalition will do. I'm not worried about their other studios.

>What's 343 and the Coalition going to do when these ips are dead?
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

>roastie cover
The state of xdrones

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Another one bites the dust. Well at least we know they can't possibly fuck up Forza.

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they included her period blood on the cover

>only 4v4
>Host advantage
>active reload sniper being a oneshot down
>that fucking glitch to be able to grab a weapon into cover
I like gears 1 but that game was a fucking mess

late to the party dumb phoneposting tourist


Halo was always better than this shit franchise anyway. With Microsoft's new studios, they can easily replace the Gears series. Gears was never good.

Gross. Now I'll never get that thought outta my head.

This. Gears of War is dead and has been since 3.

Just give us Halo Infinite. Until then we xbros patiently wait


>Well at least we know they can't possibly fuck up Forza
Don't push them.
>yfw tranny cars


Shut your tranny ass up.

>he didnt use the retro loadout to gimp himself and still dominate people online
Was super hilarious to hear people freak out and send me angry messages because i retro lance charged them or gibbed them with the sawn off

You can dress your male driver in women’s clothing in FH4

>Protagonist was literally Marcus's son in 4
>It has now changed because this chick just happens to be the grandaughter of the locust queen
>Marcus's son is now a balding fat faggot that lets his soldiers do whatever they want
Man, I am so happy I didn't get back into the series, especially for the story.
I was hoping we would get some more relationship stuff between her and marcus's son.
Fuck this

i mean was it serous or just a joke? Cause media has been pulling the lol hes in girl clothes joke since forever

mfw people think Nintendo was advocating for trans in botw and not because they thought it was funny and weird that link was forced to wear woman clothing

Sorry to break it to you but that's your husband

u know their going to push the black dude and her

This seems more like a joke to laugh at more than anything.

Because there is no more war like in classic gears. It's going to exploration bullshit now.

Oh no. That poor man.

>u know their going to push the black dude and her



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>fag haircut

(((good goyim play our games)))

Kait is closer to being black than white.
Kill yourself

>Not naming the jew

I don't want to believe you but I believe you.

>Cover leak
>Has Gears 4 Marcus
>Gears 3 render of Myrah
>Random enemies and shit pasted together
>All going for a winter theme even though that's only a certain section of the game

How can anybody fall for this

i was gonna buy one of those until i found out its gonna be redundant in a year

Lost Odyssey isn't...

Attached: 5.png (242x208, 5K)

To this?

Attached: Gears_Pop_lineup_full_logo.0.jpg (1200x800, 197K)

You could realistically buy a used model and resell it in a year at a $50 loss or so

>tfw Mexican
>see this
At least people here still play Gears of War 3 and the retas are as popular as they were on 2011.
Even they all agree Gears of War 4 is awful.

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I couldn't give two shits about the girl being the centerpiece of the art, but at least make the art good, holy shit that looks straight up retarded

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glad i dropped the xbone for a pc

>Even they all agree Gears of War 4 is awful
Falso. Fuck off chicano.

Good for you, it's also on PC so you can't run away from it.

Quisieras, cabrón. La mayoria de la gente no les gustó el "Yirs" 4. Es más, ellos activamente evitan jugarlo y prefieren jugar el 3.

is 2019 finally the year when games can't have any women in them unless they have burkas, because females are not real and just leftist propaganda?

but they are tho

>another Star Wars cover

The only thing I like from this shit cover is Xbox One Console Exclusive.

she literally has a ponytail, you fucktard

Y por que despues de tantos años aun esta en los juegos mas jugados si a nadie le gusta?

The trailer left some bad taste
instead of some war shit it's about some dudes feelings trip like fuck off

>implying it won't end up on game pass in 6 months


All MS exclusives are day one on gamepass

Por que el Xbox One ironicamente no tiene juegos. No es lo mismo al 360. Ahí tienes un chingo de juegos icónicos y el Xbox One, ¿Cuál? ¿Halo 5? No mames, ni en sueño le llegan

how much of a pussy faggot do you have to be to be turned off by a girl lead? like seriously, do you drink horse cum for breakfast?

Not him but your taste is mostly shit except for resident evil, RE is based

Ahora resulta que está mal jugar juegos buenos y viejos cuando no son los que te gustan a tí. Te diría que te regreses a México pero no te queremos aquí.

came here to post this

Onions de México, pendejo. Orgulloso Regiomontano a la verga

Not gonna lie, i didnt even play judgement because i thought baird was a faggot and i didnt wanna play as him so thats why i gave 4 a chance considering how much i loved the series

caveman here
>testosterone the game
>womyn on cover
waht did they fucking meme by this?

How even are the Gears games? If I liked Halo would I like this? Are the new games as poorly handled as 343's first few outings with Halo?

She looks like she fucks Cole guys