How do you save the horror genre?

How do you save the horror genre?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Implement scat

Get rid of gay hide and seek simulators. Focus on ambient dread and tension not jump scares.

Give it sexy women.

first i'd teach any horror devs that there is a difference between horror and terror.

terror is fear, horror is disgust. horror is a twisting and subversion of expectations. It doesn't even need to be extreme body horror, just small, tiny details that you aren't even sure are off, but the mere suspicion of the strangeness makes the mind wander to strange places. the Japanese are really good at this. a good horror game will keep the player disoriented and confused. thus, you don't need to add large amounts of fear as the player will do it to themselves.

jump scares need to be very few and far between. they are purely in the realm of 'terror' and while it fits the horror atmosphere, its a shoddy design choice to have them all over the place. jump scares to scare people at a horror movie are the same as tickling someone to get them to laugh at a comedy movie. the result is the same, but its cheap and ignores the spirit of it.

think uncanny valley, not jack-in-the-box. and not the restaurant

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>Focus on ambient dread and tension not jump scares.
>Lets just keep building tension forever with no release


Attached: box.webm (720x720, 914K)

you're right, despite you being sarcastic. having release of any kind would give you some stability, even if its a game over as you know what to expect

Deep sea games

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tank controls

what game is this with huge titty ghosts?

It's not a horror game if you can fight back.

Stop having the main character scream expletives at every minor turn of events. Let the player immerse themselves for once. PT did a fantastic job of it, where it really put you in control and the best situations were ones that put you in that surreal hell or those terrifying few seconds of seeing the thing you won't be able to go around.

did cage boi died??

Obviously there has to be a payoff but having jump scares every 20ft really diminishes the whole thing.

poorly lit hallways

you just described the prison section in silent hill 2.

Ghost blowjobs.
You have a limited amount of semen and must escape the mansion before you get sucked dry.

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Is he ok?

This is one the very few things REmake 2 fucked up hard.
Why are the protagonists now suddenly running around shouting DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKER every time they see a zombie when they never used profanity in the past? Literally my main gripe with that game.

Yeah he good, you can see he got out of the cage at the end, he even had a snack too


I liked it when zombies started to overwhelm you and corner you, adds to the desperation of the siutation. It made no sense when you were aiming at a lone zombie from 10 meters away and Leon starts shouting "SON OF A BITCH"

15th century game about an explorer travelling to America
On the way there his ship goes under and he awakes on an endlessly large black beach with some footsteps leading further into the land.
There's a huge ominous gate.

The game is about maneuvering a dark, abyssal world you know nothing about only armed with your sword, torch and musket with 24 bullets for the entire game. No refill of ammo, it's all you get.

There are some very dark themes, like a dying underground forest habited by an intelligent owl who has read every book in the world and now only has brains left to read. The owl traps down any creature it can find so it can devour brains. The owl would have conversations amd serve as a very intriguing character that you don't know if you can trust.

There will be player choices that dictates how things goes, featuring interesting story arcs for different characters that represent themes like grief, loneliness, anger, ambition etc.

There is one item merchant in the entire game who you have to search an endlessly long maze of tunnels to find. He's blind, has a trolly of merchandise that plays a tune and is very comfy to be around.

Combat would be reminiscent of Dead Space

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I disagree with this. I think you should be able to take on monsters and such, but make it feel like a really bad idea, make it more difficult than its worth, a last resort or a things like sneak attacks that, if failed, result in a game over. Make being aggressive a bad idea, as it reveals your position, get splatted with poison, etc.

It is a video game after all, and there has to be some interaction with the environment, else you may as well be watching a movie. I also feel that stealth shouldn't be possible at all times, especially if you're dealing with supernatural stuff.

By not trying to make a horror game that will scare everybody. Each person has their own tastes and fears. Devs should focus on making one type of horror instead of trying to cram a bunch of generic tropes into their game to please everyone.

more wtf horror

Attached: swaggity swooty.webm (1180x620, 2.7M)

Oh crap. Source, please.

How are gondolas horror?

Attached: Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see Sends shive (846x258, 251K)


More cute girl protagonists with dogs that have to go barefoot through scary places.

wtf are those things?

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vegas pro effects

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Guy actually survived. Shark was just trying to get out, thrashing around a shit ton

using sexy stuff also works in horror. the Bubble Head nurse here from Silent Hill seen from a distance would just be an attractive woman in silhouette, but up close you'd feel a sense of disgust with the misshapen face, the veins, the gutteral noises, the inhuman mannerisms and posture. juxtaposition is another aspect of horror, having something beautiful next to something ugly and forcing the viewer to stand in between them so they can feel the affects of both and force them to mix the two desires, effectively making your viewer make themselves disgusted without having to make it happen themselves.

and i'm well aware the degenerates on here would probably fuck this nurse, but that makes you a sick fuck. I've fapped to these before

if you want some more obtuse elements in your horror game to hit the more entry level audience, this is what you'd use, as not everyone can pick up on the unsettling subtleties of uncanny valley

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he's fine. shark wasn't attacking, just accidentally crashed into the cage after eating the food on the rope

albino gondola

This sound like shit and not fun to play at all

>destroys your premise

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its not really horror either if you can just respawn or load back to a checkpoint/save

Wrong pic, op

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Mixing sex and death in the imagery is one of SH's best methods of making you uncomfortable.

There's nothing creepy about Gondola's having themselves a night crawl.

M.J. never looked better.


It wouldn't be a walking simulator. More about instilling desperation into the player in a world about incomprehensible settings. There'd be abyssal weapons to unlock and cool things to replace your musket. The journey would be about how experiencing and surviving a new dark world where you had to conform to the rules of the dark world for survival changes your character.

It would be very atmospheric which alot of people have a problem with.

The real issue is no large devs want to work on them as they can't be monetized as easily so indie devs are left to pick up the scraps.

only if i get multiple endings depending on how much of the abyss i embraced. including a joke ending where I get a demon wife

>It's not a horror game if you can fight back.
you could not be more wrong; the opposite is true: there is no horror without the possibility of an engagement you can be expected to fight back in

This. I think the Fatal Frame series is an excellent example of this done correctly.

>make a game about a huge ass tower
>30 floors or so
>you start at the top floor and have to make your way down to the exit
>each floor has one enemy, completely random, from a roaster of 50-55
>you don't know which creature you'll encounter in each floor because it's completely random
>each creature has unique form, behaviour and strenghts/weaknesses
>you have to find information scattered throughout the environment in order to understand how said creature behaves as well as observing it without being seen
>each floor's layout is also randomized to a certain extent, and key items also switch position
>add a little bit of cryptic lore for more spooks

There should be a delicate balance between jump scares and dread / tension building. The most effective jump scares come when the player is not even tense and is not expecting it at all. This is how PT so effectively scared players: by lulling them into a sense of security (and real frustration) as they keep trying random shit with the puzzles, then on try #7 the ghost shows up in their face and scares the hell out of them.
Besides jumpscares and general tension, here are also those moments of fast tension-buildup that lead to long, shits-hit-the-fan panic moments, but I very rarely see that pulled off in games. Usually only top-tier horror movies can manage that.
You can get a sense of dread while still having combat if the enemies are hard enough. Combat-centric games like Bloodborne can provide an oppressive atmosphere to new players exploring the areas, just by having the enemies be so dangerous and unknown. This could be applied to a horror game

bretty good writeup
I'd add shock/surprise too which applies both to terror and horror

Less jump scares, more stressful situations. Getting jump scared with an enemy you just shoot to death wears off after the number of times it happens, but having the feeling of desperation to hurry the fuck up has a longer lasting impact

>still manage to be scary
>and have attractive girls in the modern day
How do they do it?

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That's exactly my plan. I'll consider the demon wife.

I'd have multiple times where fighting back is useless unless your character abandons his humanity. There'd always be a dynamic making you consider the consequences of the minute-to-minute gameplay for an engaging experience.

Kill yourself my man.

Oh look, a character based on the girl from The Ring.
I wonder why the horror genre is dead.

I hate this approach. Stress is not scare or enjoyable.

Games I've dropped:
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Haunting Grounds
Almost dropped RE7 near the beginning

The common thread between these: getting chased by invincible enemies that can wreck you in only a few hits. I really don't find any enjoyment from that kind of gameplay, it's just frustrating.



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Look. Even in real life. You present me with that at the end of the hall? And it's still trying to chase me down for the sole purpose of killing me? I'm gonna try and tackle and fuck it. Look at those honagahoogs. That's a once in a liftime opportunity. Even if it's the end of a lifetime.

>random shit
Are you trying to make it more replayable? Better to have well designed areas, once you recognise the monsters the spooks will dry up either way so at least give players a good first playthrough

If you give games a spooky atmosphere it works better than just making the game spooky. 7 days to die does this in early game, especially when you're a noob.

Doesn't have to be scary
Gore is horror too

Make more Resident Evil 1 remake or Silent Hill 2 type games.

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Long stretches of nothing in creepy locations while playing with the concept of ghosts, meaning you can be jumped by an enemy at literally any time. The series often teases silence long enough for it to be nigh maddening and when it does release you're still left fighting for your life and having to stand your ground against enemies with weird abilities and erratic patterns. And when the fight is over it's right back to that damnable silence.

>shark rips itself apart getting in there

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What's wrong with jump-scares? Hating on them is a meme. When pulled off correctly, they provide a short exhilarating thrill for everyone - even macho men like myself who cannot get truly scared by games ever since puberty.
You can have jump scares and endless tension buildup simultaneously. They don't even have to be scripted or predictable; scares like in this webm can just happen dynamically during normal gameplay, for example.

Attached: RE2-door.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Another thing I want to mention is things just plain being where they aren't supposed to be. Pokemon does this pretty well, for an entry level example.

Firstly the Lavender Tower in Gen 1. Running into the Marowak ghost and not being able to fight it is a good example, as being powerful land able to fight back for most of the game so far and all of a sudden you can't? Good way to integrate horror into gameplay.

There's also the myriad of ghost type trainers throughout the series. Phoebe of the Elite 4 of Hoenn for example. As you speak to her and the camera changes angles, you can catch snippets and momentary frames of npcs who are visible for just a split second, and are gone the next time the camera changes angles. They are usually obscured by Phoebe's body, and you have to deviate from the usual method of looking at a characters face as they speak to see them. If you aren't actively looking for them you'll see them in the corner of your eye and wonder if they were actually there.

Also want to bring up the Hex Maniac Ghost in XY. If you go to the big hotel in Lumoise City you have a change to meet a Hex Maniac who is floating in mid air, she approaches you without moving her legs, whispers that 'You are not the one' and 'walks' into a wall and disappears.

In Sun/Moon one of the trials is for you to search for and take a picture of a Ghost pokemon inside of an abandoned grocery store. Aside from the cheap special effects like dolls moving around, you enter a small back room with pictures of Pikachu everywhere. As you search the room with your camera, you realize that your target has snuck up on you. Look up the pokedex entry on Mimikyu for more depth.

The npc who sent you there, the pictured Acerola, has the same ghost tricks as Phoebe going on outside of the store in broad daylight, and claims to be descendant of a ancient royal bloodline, and there's something off about her.

Just some examples of how horror can be adapted even for a younger audience

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>that clipping on the door

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but gore does not make me afraid

Jump scares get a bad rep because it's the telltale crutch of people who DON'T know how to convey horror with tact. Yes, it's a fine technique in its own right but it has to be used properly, and shitters who want the cheap way out overuse them because good horror actually takes effort. It's not inherently bad, just ruined by bad directors.

Gore scares me more than ghosts. If I see some rekt thread completely by accident my day is ruined and I can't stop thinking about the person who got hurt. Is too much empathy a sign of autism?

Triggeronied and cheese my lady

Make dying in game actually matter.


No it means you can project yourself into the situation and imagine what the pain or feeling would be like.
Squeamish people tend to be able to do that.

Also you're not scared you're horrified

Koei Tecmo. And honestly, they probably are working on one. 5 was pretty successful for the series' standards, plus with how much support the series got in that era there's no way they're done with it.

This is important.

proper use of jump scare

I actually played a 3DS horror game that did exactly that.
Fucking Starship Damrey. Neat twist though.

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Focus the use of babadookdookdook concept and use the psychological impact of raising a child with autism and making jt so that you want to kill your own child and you lose your own sanity and kill your own child as he starts to cry and beg for mercy and tries to hide from you as more you become more aggressive in your attitude.

this. Just being really freakish and disgusting is enough sometimes. Shit like when there are monstrous corpses and body parts everywhere, some of the corpses are just playing dead and others writhing about or rising again, with you trying to carefully move around them as you fight the ones still coming at you. I got that feeling when killing / stomping necromorphs in dead space and killing / de-limbing zombies in remake 2

How on earth is that proper? It's just an incredibly loud sound that comes out of nowhere with no reason for it other than "lol it's a movie"

Modern horror takes no risks and the imagery is bland and stupid. Make a horror game about cement girl where you play as her and watch the zoomers get PTSD.

That's one of the things I liked the most about RE3. It was the constant "I'm gonna get swarmed by these fuckers aren't I?"

the horror comes from the 45 seconds of relative silence. then the figure in white walks awkwardly out of a door you just saw the nurse close and lock not a moment before, along with the admittedly weird noise. the weird noise works though, as it juxtaposes the relative stability and calmness of silence with the cacophony of having a conductor have a seizure while conducting an orchestra.

sorry you don't like it. do you have a better example?

Why is this picture so fucking unsettling? Not even scared of it, more like a threatening feeling

That would still happen in Remake 2 at certain parts, especially if you sucked

Why she has a thong on her head ?

A myriad of reasons. The arms grabbing her, the face looking slightly too done up for a child, the plain green background, and on top of that the juxtaposition of a normal even like a child having a birthday

Just looks like a little girl with some cake user

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I think its because her skinny arms don't match her giant head, it looks like she's being grabbed, and her face looks TOO modelesque for her frame.

Fair enough

On the topic of horror games, are there any you are looking forward to? A while back I played Dreadout, a game that tried to copy Fatal Frame's (My favorite horror series) playstyle, with an Indonesian folklore flair. It suffers because it barely has a fraction of the budget Fatal Frame had, but it was quite decent for an indie title. They announced the second game last year, so I am looking forward to it.

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ride a bike around and... look at some tiddies

It's not a real person, it's a composite designed to be unsettling by the artist.

Based and ghoulfilled

Because she doesn't wear any down there

Keep Americans as far away from it as possible.

It's not a thong.

It is a corpse-hat. It is a bandanna placed on the dead to hide their faces.

i like unsettling. visage has this segment in the basement area where there are objects shaped like other things from angles.
theres a tarp on the ground thats ruffled to look like a body. stuff like that.

seeing certain shapes and good lighting casting shadows to look like certain things. i love that shit

Sorry man, I prefer this guy's take

Because she's a butthead.

Any horror games recommendations for PC?

I'd like a scary car game

You inherit some dope ass car, drive around for a bit with daylight (tutorial levels) . sometimes u need to leave the car to pump gas, or find tools or parts maybe talk to an npc

Then shit hits the fan, nightfalls and you must escape the DOOM MIST or the WILD HUNT or ZOMBIES or whatever.... running from monsters while frantically pumping gas and doriftooo. sometimes the potholes have demons in them

SCP 087-B always scare the shit out of me

Doesn't need saving.
Why not have variety in your games, instead of proclaiming ONE TRUE PATH that so happens to be something you personally like?

>No horror porn game in a silent hill like setting
At least I have some doujin.

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there's several types of lewd horror

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lakeview cabin did it best, all the ways of fighting back only got you killed unless you did it exactly right

Attached: beware.webm (1280x720, 2.01M)

look up BEWARE and Dead End Road

An untapped genre

you're gonna need 3 things
cute girls
violent and explicit death scenes

I would like a horror driving "sim", maybe a late night taxi service.

Can't you do Euro truck night drives?

I don't know, the setting of Silent Hill is perfect for a porn game.


The fact that you're expected to fight back but your weapon greatly reduces your movement and vision

Looks really cool, but unfortunately it reminds me of Outlast which is a shit horror game.

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I want the horror aspects, like seeing silhouettes in the rear mirror, radio turning itself in strange stations, picking up passengers, you take them to strange locations or they disappear before the ride ends, isolated roads have things following your car.

wow this is like my number 1 fear haha. what if i get so much sex that i run out of semen? that would suck lol

FF is so scary that a simple pair of feet appearing in a random spot of a completely normal room is enough to make a player shake in anxiety.

feet you say

what about that webm of that horror game where you're controlling a kid that gets jumpscared by a female flasher


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made more breeding

>needing darkness

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She'll breed you real good.

darkwood already saved it


Firs post based post

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probably a game where you go in not expecting horror and well you get horror elements sprinkled in here and there.
though that gets ruined since internet and word of mouth.

>This is important.
EXTREMELY important

Why is counter-rape against killer entities so hot?

Is this Fatal Frame? What ghost is that supposed to be?

where's Michael when you need him


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>I need a jump scare for a pay off

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Yuyuko is better.

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yeah but gore gets your game banned in certain countries

Holy shit

I'm making a game and it probably won't be that scary but I hope it will

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Buy out silent hill IP from konami and gave it to Kojima

Isn't there a way you can make the thing just spawn there instead of walking in? Then you let it still enough that the player sees its eyes then you make it walk.

>Still no sauce

Attached: good horror game design.webm (720x720, 685K)

Literally Dead End Road.
Check it in steam.

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Man, that entire channel is great

>enemies can forcefully breastfeed you
>enemies can choke you with their farts
>enemies can turn you into their pussi slave

there, perfect.

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Keep the mystery. Everyone agrees that the first 15 minutes of any horror game are the best minutes 90% of the time.

After that, you've seen the monster ten times and you've already figured out its origins halfway through the game and all that. It really weakens the scariness once you know what you're running from. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't have to be some generic unimaginable cthulhu monster or Birdbox shit, it can just be a werewolf or an alien, but the point is to just not explain everything in the first half of the game.

There is no greater fear than the fear of the unknown.

Any puppeteer worth his salt would know how to better puppet these puppets

Fatal Frame's combat system is a stroke of absolute genius because fighting forces you to look at the enemy and dealing the most damage forces you to put yourself in the most danger.

>Combine with Minecraft
>Fog clouds roll over the landscape, capable of blocking out your visibility completely
>Creepers tactically blow up your house, allowing other monsters to enter.
>Multiplayer is allowed: for every player, 20 monsters will spawn in their proximity (if there are points where they can).
>Monsters are capable of taking over your house/ruins, force you to relocate.

The core problem with the horror genre is that, since it is a fictional medium, it carries no actual consequences. That's what we are ultimately scared of when we see something unsettling, what that something is going to do to us.

Unfortunately, without some really dubious forays into pain inducement through VR peripherals, I cannot think of a way to rectify this glaring issue.

Monster girls

Attached: Alma 1.jpg (237x213, 8K)

Ah yes, I finally have a reason to post this image

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This, i rather have a silent main character then hear someone yelling shits and fucks everytime you dont want to kill something

Just a typical weekend at Mr Biden's house.

I got soma for free one day, is that a good horror game?

>and i'm well aware the degenerates on here would probably fuck this nurse, but that makes you a sick fuck.
There's no time like the present, user

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Pic related is a textbook example of how to do horror correctly. Ridiculous suspense with sparsely and intelligently used jumpscares to keep the player on their feet is the way to go. I genuinely felt nauseous every time I had to go into the basement.

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I feel like people don't realize that it's not a matter of jumpscares versus no jumpscares, it's how you do them.
Like in Fatal Frame, you've got the atmosphere to make the player already freaked out, then all you have to do is have a little ghost kid walk by down the hallway and bam, there's your scare.
It's more natural than having something literally jump out and scream out you.

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Implement uncanny valley instead of going for photorealism.

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No. Sexy women aren't scary unless you're a tranny.

Except the horror completely evaporates as you need to spend hours clicking on everything in the entire house to find the next arbitrary progress trigger.

More jump scares, less action game segments

This gave me an 'abortion via body invading alien young' fetish.

I just can't get off anymore unless the woman is having her babies sucked out scrambled, corrupted or eaten inside her body while weeping uncontrollably and squirming.

>tfw no spooky ghost gf

Have sex.

>when you see it

Attached: alone.webm (854x480, 2.46M)


>5 months since last video

t. Planned Parenthood employee

I don't remember ever getting stuck looking for things. Michael's inner monologue usually gave me enough of a hint to realize pretty much instantly where to go and what to do.

I was shaking, but in ecstasy, not anxiety

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I don't see any problem, it says right there it leads to heaven

From some of the threads here, some people are clearly afraid of sexy women the way they scream "DEGENERATE" at a hint of titty.


People are desensitized over violence. Sex is the new taboo.

I feel like omitting information is an effective tool to create paranoia. Like in this video, the fact that one of the instructions is simply "Do not look at the ceiling" makes you instantly question why that is, and since it isn't elaborated on further, it gnaws at you and creates a sense of mounting unease.

Seriously though, DO NOT look at the ceiling

go to /x/ and look for maine cab driver stories, that shit is a fucking goldmine

It would hurt.

i didnt know i wanted this until now

big tiddy ghosts would be a start

Or just make a Silent Hill like the old ones and not with fucking K0rn

Idk, I was trying to get into Prey and Alien Isolation the other day, and myabe I just wasn't feeling it, but I found the general movement of those games to be too sluggish and the big (presumed) emphasis on crafting in prey to be annoying. I'll probably go back to Isolation, but something just wasn't feeling good to play for me.

In comparison, I really enjoyed pic related for example just because of how creative it was with its approach and the overall uneasy feeling it gave you at times, despite being a game you wouldn't see as horror. RE2 remake was my first resident evil and I loved that a lot too as all the elements in the game were pretty well distributed.

I feel like a big takeaway for me is that if the game isn't really all that creative or inspired in its design, or if it just isn't enjoyable to play, it falls apart. Having a female protagonist is something I feel is also a very important in the horror genre, as we naturally feel they are more in need of protection, thus making the tension higher. When I play as a male, unless the game is pretty great all around, I can't help but feel more badass overall. Definitely not needed, but it does help.

I feel action segments are actually extremely important to break up the pace of the game at times, but they have to be balanced out in order to keep player feeling vulnerable.

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the fuck even happened here?

Build a time machine so we can become kids again and experience it for the first time

There are no mechanics or game design you can create that will make horror games seem good to you again, because you're a jaded adult who's genre savvy and desensitized to all horror tropes.

I approve of your premise

so, here's the thing about what made horror games back then good

back then you could fight back
if you have 0 way of fighting back and your game is just running around like a retard, the game stops being spooky very quickly and starts being very annoying and repetitive

look at resident evil, dino crisis, fatal frame, silent hill, and dead space. all of these(except for dino crisis but who cares it's the best horror game anyway) series have multiple games in their series that are seen as some of the best, if not the best horror games ever. what do they have in common? the ability to fight back.

you don't see amnesia or outlast or any of that shit on BEST SPOOKY HORROR GAMES EVER for long because their effect wears off quickly, whereas games like silent hill 2, REmake, and dead space are seen as basically the best horror games ever and they all require you to shoot the shit out of things a couple times

I tried playing the game twice and both times it frustrated me enough to make me drop it at different points.

Less jumpscares
No more because they're scary monsters make the monsters mean something like the monsters in silent hill 2 for example
disable the player the player in someway for example have in a first person game remove a charachter's glasses emulate what it feels like to have extremely bad vision and you have to find the glasses to proceed
There is also the until dawn approach ask the player what terrifies I hope they do that in Man of Medan
More HP Lovecraft his shit is still scary
Also for monsters look at concept art of HRGiger make them oddly sexual

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Minecraft is actually the best horror game.

So the face capture thing Siren on PS2 did?

>and i'm well aware the degenerates on here would probably fuck this nurse, but that makes you a sick fuck
>Not using your dick in a last-ditch effort to fight the sexy hellspawn
Your loss user.
Pierce them with your purity you filthy virgin

>Establish rules for when you're in danger and when you aren't
>Break them all halfway through

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Why are Westerners so bad at developing horror games?
I hate most any games from Japan except horror games because they seem to be the only ones who can make decent ones.

Siren was great
Reminds me I need to finish the PS2 on PS4 game when I go to visit my parents again

Pretty much this, horror is so much better when you can't just kill the monsters or when you aren't overexposed to them - or both.

literally what the fuck is wrong with you. I can understand why seeing that at a young age would give someone an oviposition or even a creampie fetish, but abortion? Have sex you sick fuck

westerners have trouble with balancing action and horror

what is this

This is probably just a case of cultural differences. Jap horror seems better and more effective, and on some level it actually is but it's not really due to an increase in narrative quality but rather because it is not based on cultural imagery and folklore that you are familiar with.

can't see shit captain

Agreed. A pretty good horror experience is the first flood encounter is Halo CE. While I first played it when I was pretty young, the buildup to the Flood and then the immediate constant tension was great. The Game gives you a very clear way to fight back as well, but makes it feel like it is ultimately impossible to clear the enemies and that escape is still the primary objective. Coupled with the sound design, the mission was extremely well designed.

Which reminds me, when games pull a 180 or don't tell you about the horror elements, that is usually pretty effective. The most scary experiences you can have are probably the ones you aren't expecting.

More makeshift weapons.

I'll give you a release user

>The fucking mask

Nothing has caught me worse than that. Ever. Fuck whoever designed that jumpscare but I also love them for it.

>every 45 pound plate in the gym
>guy that looks like he can't even squat 2 plate
>doesn't even disengage safety
lame but was still waiting for his legs to bend backwards


I think its something more inherent with American devs who use current trashy films as reference material. Even then though there's still some good ones along with Eastern European horror.

What is happening in pic?

Horror is best when it's unexpected. The faggot creepypasta shit wasn't what was good in Doki Doki Literature Club, it was the fact that you went into it not expecting it to be horror (unless you got spoiled).

So the best horror game is going to be one that doesn't advertise itself as a horror game, but as a regular game. It starts off normal, and then slowly becomes stranger and more uncomfortable as time goes on before it's full blown horror towards the end.

Yea Forums

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well, one's asking a different question

Do exactly what's in the OP.

Impossible with the internet, you take a glance at a random post or review and get spoiled instantly. Hell, even thumbnails of youtube videos could spoil it.

The game need to make the player feel vulnerable at all times. That anything can happen, and you can eaily lose progress without being careful or considerate.

smelly ghost feet

What am I looking at?

Yup, unfortunate but true. At least we'll always have spooky levels in non-spooky games.

True, that's the only reason people still bring up the hotel from VtM:B, not because it was so good, just because it was unexpected. At the same time I feel like modern devs don't have enough backbone to break the formula of their games and introduce elements from other genres, it seems like whatever you experience in the first 30 minutes is all the games have to offer.

There is a passage in the novel ‘House of Leaves’ that spooked me hard,
>To get a better idea try this: focus on these words, and whatever you do don't let your eyes wander past the perimeter of this page. Now imagine just beyond your peripheral vision, maybe behind you, maybe to the side of you, maybe even in front of you, but right where you can't see it, something is quietly closing in on you, so quiet in fact you can only hear it as silence. Find those pockets without sound. That's where it is. Right at this moment. But don't look. Keep your eyes here. Now take a deep breath. Go ahead, take an even deeper one. Only this time as you exhale try to imagine how fast it will happen, how hard it's gonna hit you, how many times it will stab your jugular with its teeth or are they nails?, don't worry, that particular detail doesn't matter, because before you have time to process that you should be moving, you should be running, you should at the very least be flinging up your arms-you sure as hell should be getting rid of this book-you won't have time to even scream.
>Don't look.
>I didn't.
>Of course I looked.
>I looked so fucking fast I should of ended up wearing one of those neck braces for whiplash. (p. 27)

>Alien Isolation
I wanted to try that game, but when I learned that the AI cheats by knowing where you are, ALWAYS, pissed me off. I was so disappointed.

Without exaggeration, the best jumpscare I've ever witnessed in a video game.

It's one of the best, actually.

If you have no idea how the game ends, you need to play it right now

Does seriously no one know the source on this? Was surprised to see it asked so many times and never get answered.

Yeah, I want to know the sauce too

More stalkers

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>should of
And here I was considering reading that book.

Make a game that is only about spooky attractive girls/milfs haunting and/or chasing attractive girls/milfs.

I mean, in theory, if this is someone's journal.... You know, like the character is stupid or something... It could be okay to do.

That'd certainly make me disgusted but I wouldn't really be scared unless I got a boner from it.

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Probably the spoopiest book I ever read

i cant even finish corpse party

The character writing that part is of questionable mental stability.

Though the fact that you judged it without context just by its grammar suggests it is probably too difficult for you.

Thicc mommy latina milkers and braphogs, its the only way

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>How do you save the horror genre?
Keep it away from Sony.

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This spooked you? Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to come out like mr. never spooks chad, in fact I spook easily, but there was nothing scary in what you posted.

tfw kill 5 enemies + 2 teammates with catapault

I think I was 15 at the time and had never read a horror novel, besides, the lead up to it is as important as the passage itself. I’m sure you can appreciate that even the most terrifying passage will lose its lustre when read independant of the novel

It would be neat to have fca + tank controls to make a return
Also this

Those hoogalodagoes are made for paizuri.

Those hoogalodagoes are made for feeding your weird halfbreed children.

Doesn't seem to be working as intended

NOT true. No Country for Old Men is scary but it is NOT horror.


One of the mods I installed is "Angry Clair", she's constantly swearing when I shoot zombers and shit, it's the best.

>shadow dude

>Spook Girl all hyped to scare the shit out of some user
>Pull the ol stand creepily at the end of the flickering hallway then dash at them shtick
>Ready to start sprinting a-
>Wait why is he rushing towards me?

Attached: FUCKING PANIC.png (1264x1000, 749K)

Are you trying to have trannies speed run the game?

Spoon feed me, I watched it but can’t find shit.

Wholesome and maturepilled.

Tank controls were unironically very well-utilized and the genre suffers from the lack of fixed camera perspectives and tank controls. Although you can still do horror without them, survival horror games of the era were entirely designed around them and were all the better for using these elements.

I'd say it's the exact opposite. Being forced to run or hide is boring and forces you to never confront your fears.

Spooky girls are for making loving families with! AHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH


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More spooky horrorfus!

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Best survival horror franchise.


V sold like shit. Series is dead bro, Nintendo killed it.

Having constant tension would be stability. People can only stay tense for so long until it just because the new normal.

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He was ripping the dog to shreds in there.

>looks good
>but it looks like something I don't think is good
>so therefore it must not be good
Make up your mind kid

Oh, I see.

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and the point of this was?

Until they do a switch port we'll never know how well it should have done. Horror games are usually niche sellers, unless they get memed by some streamers. And a niche seller on the WiiU might as well not have bothered.
So far pretty much every WiiU to Switch port has sold several times the WiiU numbers.

What do this thread think about Dead by daylight?

Honestly the only time i got scare was with hag and tier one Myers

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More shitty cumbersome combat
Less shitty hide and seek mechanics with some stupid can't stay in the dark for long bs

>So far pretty much every WiiU to Switch port has sold several times the WiiU numbers.
>tfw still no ports of Fatal Frame V and W101
Platinum mad.

I can't wait until the Switch port since I've always wanted to play it.

Caught me off-guard, made me fucking bark with laughter. Just imagining a team sitting around trying to workshop scat as a gameplay system in a horror game.

A neat concept but what are you supposed to do? I drove by the factory and boris started chasing me but he spun out and I haven't seen him since. Then I drove aimlessly around a slav hellscape for 15 minutes looking at abandoned gas stations and hamlets but I don't know where to go.

Why are there almost no reaction based horror games anymore? And I'm not talking about shitty QTE, instead I'd like a game where a wrong move at the wrong time could kill you.
Add serious penalities for fucking up, but rewards for taking risks. Semi-/tactical movement like in the RE game works great for that imho.
Besides that I think what's really important is good world building, art and especially level design. A great story can help with this but isn't nearly as important as atmosphere.

Make sure you check it out first. I've heard the other console versions have really framerate issues. Switch might end up even worse

Just make fun survival horror games and stop forcing hide n' seek shit where you can't fight back. It's just tedious.

And then they come up with loads of great ideas leading to the sad realisation that they are all degenerate fecalpheliacs and they spend the rest of the project disgusted with each other.

remake The Thing (2002), with less weapons, better AI, and a darker tone.

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>Why are there almost no reaction based horror games anymore? And I'm not talking about shitty QTE, instead I'd like a game where a wrong move at the wrong time could kill you
Elaborate on that a bit.

Not quite sure what you mean by this.

Until Dawn had a gimmick where certain points you had to hold your controller completely still or risk death. Eventually it'd start trying to jumpscare you to make you jolt and fuck up.

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I'm in a spooky mood tonight, recommend me some horror games I can play tonight Yea Forums (preferably free or cheap)

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Darkwood...? It's fairly cheap.

It is visually pleasing, but reminds me of a actually terrible and generic hide and seek horror game. Said game is called Outlast and it looks good still, it just fucking sucks as a game though.

more serial killers and true crime
less paranormal/supernatural

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Already played that. Great game, by the way, absolutely recommend.

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Even if we lived in a timeline where there were no "creepy pastas" or whatever that played up Lavender Town more than the game itself did, the premise itself was that of a graveyard, so everything that happened was a given within it's own concept.
Same applies with everything about Mimikyu, as "wanting to be loved like a Pikachu" was it's whole shtick. It was also a ghost type pokemon, so like many other instances in the series from Lavender Town to that Mansion in D/P, "ooh spooky" was always it's setup.

>the Hex Maniac Ghost in XY. If you go to the big hotel in Lumoise City you have a change to meet a Hex Maniac who is floating in mid air, she approaches you without moving her legs, whispers that 'You are not the one' and 'walks' into a wall and disappears.
This shit was completely out of no where, and never even had some form of "follow-up" (not that Pokemon games ever do that anyway)
It wasn't even related to any Pokemon either, let alone a ghost type. Just a random use of that game's version of a Hex Maniac (which were typically always presented as just "weirdo trainers" rather than something that was supposed to be "spooky")
So that right there, is a good example of something scary in the context of what you were conveying.

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Cry of Fear gets and honorable mention. The voice acting is shit, but the music and story are legendary. If you pay attention, you might actually fucking cry.

I didnt come here for this kind of feel

Not to agree with a braindead wojackfag but you can build up to a monster reveal or something that doesn't jump scare. You don't need a loud noise or sudden pop up to startle someone.
Imagine being in your house and you notice out of the corner of your eye the moonlight shining through the window and partially illuminating something that looks human, and it moves slightly. That isn't a jump scare but it has the same effect.

Alright, it's not amazing but what about The White Chamber? It's a point and click set in space. Here's a link to a free download:

Play Detention.

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this thread is comfy
why are horror bros so chill

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Siren Blood Curse did lots of things right imho.
>semi intelligent enemys that actively search for you
>80s nostalgia creep and good art direction
>disorenting level design and crazy story
I liked how you basically had to chose between: "Should I try to fight this enemy with whatever makeshift weapon I have on me or rather run for safety?"
Another thing that it did great was disorenting the player by confronting him with narrow dark and alien places. Breaking into the homes and risking confrontation with their inhabitants to find loot or achieve a mission objective always had me standing on edge.
Shame the environments reapeated themselves so often, but it was still impressive for a low budget game.

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i-is he not gonna shoot?

the location is probably the biggest selling point for me. If I see another setting in a mental hospital im not even going to give it a chance. I want to see more small towns or even cities, and with that a sizable map that you can explore

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such a nice game senpai, I hope ghostface is coming soon

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>mfw they never did find them

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Yeah its extremely important for the atmosphere. A lot of devs just rely on the old formula that we've seen thousands of times before. It's not exactly spooky when you know exactly that there's fucking Count Dracula sleeping in his coffin before you even come near it. Abandoned places and forests are some of my favorites. Just be creative.

Horror threads easily fly under the shitposting radar

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I've read the book besides her because of this picture. But it only made it more peculiar.

DBD lewds are interesting. Shame there isn't more though.

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fuse it with the porno genre

space horror is the worst type of horror in my opinion. and by worse I mean it's shit.

Do you mean cosmic horror or stuff like Alien where it's just horror in space.
Also, why?

>huge fucking tits
>strong legs
oh my god do you uhh do you have any more user?

I don't want to bash the game, but I played it for a weekend when it was free and I honestly don't get the hype. Why is there only 1 objective on every map and its always to turn on a fucking generator (with quicktime event of all things) while the killer has to frantically run around chasing his victims that zig zag around the map. I may have been interested if there was some variation to the mission objectives. I had more fun with this F2P game on steam where the killers is a survivor in disguise and has to kill his victims undected.

>horror in space

Preadator-alien is laying eggs inside a pregnant woman to breed more than one alien per host.
No, I'm not joking. I really, REALLY wish I was.

This. After an hour of playing Fatal Frame im ready to shut it off and take a break. The constant droning sounds of the atmosphere chip away at your nerve.

Lost in Vivo is pretty cheap.

theres so many real crime stories that could be adapted into games, its a shame nobody even tries. True crime is immensely popular and its not like video games pander towards some moral high ground

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80s and 90s (I know this one is later, but its in the image of these) horror movies always gave me the strangest boner as a kid.

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isn't this just MGQ with more than one chance at sex?

I understand what you mean user

Sadly all police investigation style games have devolved into some lame CSI bullshit or just a generic action game / "GTA but you're a cop".

Police Quest (before SWAT) needs to make a comeback. There are many really horrible, creepy but real cases to take inspiration from in making a serious horror-thriller tone, no need to go supernatural at all.

Condemned was okay

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LA noire was a decent attempt, just very, very vanilla and left you with nothing to do. Same thing with heavy rain, it becomes a movie game rather then a video game.
I think a decent sized map that lets you search for clues on your own, while also doing side missions that develop the story is the best solution

Fuck, I was wondering what movie this was. I remember watching it when I was young and it randomly appear in a channel. From then on, I couldn't remember the name nor could I find out about it until now. Thanks for making me remember that good movie.

What is this, I dont understand.

Not if each time you get ectoplasm'd changes the state of the mansion and the conditions of your escape.

I swear I've seen this game before

Post moar webms

>Police game
>Secret boss seems supernatural on the surface
>turns out hes was just pulling some magician tricks and threw some hallucinogenic powder into your face at the start of the battle
Would play.

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The Far Cry games do this shit all the time to justify having a boss battle.

I want spooky woods and foggy suburban neighborhoods with streetlights. Somewhere that feels lived in but uneasy. Every location in a horror game is fucking lame because it's dilapidated, and it's been done so much the juxtaposition has worn off.

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>Indonesian folklore flair

Can someone posts the latest fatal frame's tiddy physics?

This is where I liked the Silent Hill games. Your release was getting out of the fucked up areas and back into 'regular' space.

I would love a game where you have to explore your sourroundings, can enter almost every house, basement, etc. and have to scavenge for supplies and nost just story relevant locations.

So, any decent games with actual horror focus and little focus on jump scares?

I would kill for a Thing game made like Alien Isolation

It's retarded when Leon or Claire say "What the fuck...???" after shooting a zombie in the head and the guy keeps going.

How many times have they shot them in the head? Pretty sure they should have already accepted the fact that they don't drop in 1 hit.

shark got through bars and cut itself jerking out. the blood is the sharks'

Why can't we like various horror genre games? I believe most of you hate jumpscares because you came off the Five Nights hate train (justified mostly past the first game and extreme jewery) and being unable to think for yourselves past certain memes, like in /vg/ generals.

At least y'all aren't as bad as the fighting game community and their Street Fighter 3 autism.

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I don't know why with all the classic game resurgence going around these last years that no one has made a police quest type adventure game again. I'd play it, I still play those games from time to time.

>filter: tripcode
>filter: name

Already tried google and iqdb and I just keep finding myself linked back here. Also tried using the_ring and 3d on sadpanda, nothing.

Is that the horror you wished to inflict on me? To edge for about an hour and not even find the source?


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One sauce says fucking appleseed. Don't be a douche OP where did you get that shit?

body horror and lewd

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Breaking rules and established mechanich just when players think that they "figuret it out"
>regular shitter monster that's extra weak to melee suddenly gains deadly grab attack
>enemies can't open doors and pass through the loading zones but halfway throuh the games they become able to without any indication of changes
>some of the merchant characters if there's any may suddenly turn and attack the player
And so on

By making actual survival horror games instead of lazy walking sims for blue haired youtubers.

>You're a seasoned police detective
>You and your partner get assigned to investigate someone disturbing the scene of a murder the day after said murder
>Trail leads to what seems to be wannabe-occult activity and psychadelic drug usage
>Snowballs into more severe ritualistic killings, many people under the influence of some crazy shit
>At some point, you get attacked and hit with a dosage of the cult drug
>While you are kept under control by your partner until you come down from the high, you have occasional hallucinations afterwards

Jesus christ shut the hell up. The best survival horror games had combat and your lazy hide and seek simulators RUINED it. Go back to your markiplier videos you zoomer faggot.

You need a mix of both, I think. Alien isolation did this well because you could fight back to a point, but the tension was in deciding whether or not you wanted to try it. Do you spend your limited resources to try and distract the xeno or scare it off for a small window of a safety? Or do you just go for hiding and hope it doesn't find you?

That's not scary, that's just annoying

Do any of that shit without telegraphing or building up to it and that wikk just piss someone off and get branded as shit or a glitch

Dreadout was too scary for me and I played all major horror titles. Indonesian horror really gets to me for some reason.


this is what im hoping for with the Vampire the masquerades sequel, its supposed to be in Seattle so I comfy mix of suburbs, city and woods. But knowing them theyre going to turn every building into gothic horror

Attached: seattle sky view.jpg (1920x1200, 404K)

Hopefully, this games comes out "soon"

Same dude who did Scratched is working on this. It helps that they do regular updates.

Really hope Asylum will live up to this game when it comes out probably this year.

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>You aren't some chump rookie cop who starts with a pistol and two mags of ammo
>You're a fully decked out special police guy with a fuckton of ammo and weapons, so much that the delusion of security sets in
>However, unlike the typical meds and ammo lying all over the place, all of what you start with is what you get
>There are extremely rare opportunities to scavenge some extra gear; you must ration for the entire game

>Your enemies are numerous generic weak ass zombies you could gun down by the dozens
>Seems easy enough even with the idea of having limited ammo with no resupply
>But then it turns out with each weak enemy you kill, their organic material mutates and merges into single, strong entities that are way more capable and lethal
>Well then, just avoid the zombies in the first place? Oh no, their numbered have swelled to such an insane amount that you couldn't even walk down a wide open street with how many there are

>Have to pick and choose very very carefully with uncertainty as to what comes up next based on your level of avoidance and destruction
>There's no ideal balance, you could be hunted by mutant horrors or swarmed by zombies, or hit a horrible sweet spot and suffer both while you are now basically required to burn through ammo

true detective video game fucking when? you can self medicate with your own narcotics while tracking down a cult, not knowing which NPC is part of it and will acclivity try to stall the investigation or kill you while you search for clues and suspects. A mix of a choose your own adventure game like heavy rain or life is strange, but with a more open map so you can walk around and search for additional crimes to solve

Attached: true-detective.jpg (605x295, 56K)
Not that user, but this is the gold standard for jump scares imo

and some parts are so visually fucked up it's beautiful. And of course there's the floating screaming ladies with the baby that pops out of her stomach and stabs you. It's not cheesy when it happens to you because they're goddamn terrifying.

>How do you save the horror genre?

I guess by following or otherwise keeping a few simple pieces of advice in mind:
- This user is unironically right. I know he's being silly, but filth is scary. Horror games rely on 'gore' way too fucking much and gore is something we've become desensitized too (which is fucked up), but actual filth? Shit? Disgust? Work that in there. Repulsive horror: things involving filth, disease, etc.
-Don't be afraid of sex appeal. Roughly 1/3rd of all monsters from traditional folklore were some sort of creature that would fuck you and then kill you. Don't be afraid of combining sex appeal with body horror, for some reason media is just super fucking pruddish with sex??? But not violence??
-Stop trying to push the most realistic, especially life-like, amazing graphics in the world. Style and interesting visual design is FAR more important then "good graphics". Obscuring or vague detail is also extremely important- there's been way more scary games done WELL with pixel or sprite animation than there has been with the latest in motion capture bullshit.
-Establish your basic horror rules of survival and then slowly, SLOWLY, expand upon them. Think of Spooky's House of Jumpscares where the 'idea' is introduced to you over the span of 100 floors.
-Nothing is more frightening then when the game fucks with the Meta: fuck with the Meta. Screw up the controls, close the program, change the name of the save, shift, move, or delete things in the players inventory, subtley change the appearence of the character SLOWLY over time, etc..
-A horror enemy doesn't have to be "aahh scary!" they can just be unnerving or unsettling.

Some of my own personal unformed baby wants/desires:
>More unconventional levels/areas: fast food restaurant, convenience store, gas station, more driving/road trip horror, forest fire watch tower.

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there's nothing lewd about this. I know what you guys are thinking of but the thought of something layings inside of you is terrifying. or something similar. Like the parasitic fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which inspired TLOU (I'm sure like 99% of you know that but I still felt it should be mentioned). I hate the thought of possibly having something take over my body completely but I'm still conscious and ware of what's happening to me.

Attached: tlou_stages.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

horror gets fetishized real quick user

conscious and aware*

now I will use that typo as an excuse to post some more The Last Of Us artwork,

Attached: fungalmen_ill_hn_01.jpg (1920x1433, 326K)

>those eyes
Fuckin eerie. What is this?

Gimme some good horror examples with fitting art style over realistic graphics.
I think you should have mentioned lighting too. Dark lighting with some grasp of light source is pretty freaky

anddd that's all I have right now because I if I were to try and make a huge collection of TLOU artwork it would take up an entire day easily. I will some day. Oh and this is just a screenshot.

Attached: the-last-of-us-zombies.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

regardless, an alien parasite forcing eggs into your stomach (or womb in her case) is disgusting and horrifying. That will never seem sexual to me.

>Gimme some good horror examples with fitting art style over realistic graphics.

I mean, >opinion, but sure, I've got a list in mind:
-Spooky's House of JumpScares.
-Little Nightmares *Not horror, but visually very interesting, good designs, and could easily 'become' horror.
-Fear & Hunger.
-Lobotomy Corporation. *Not a 'horror', horror game, but still pretty spooky in certain ways.
-Lost in Vivo


Glowing eyes in darkness is very underused

how new

Exploring caves legit spooks the fuck out of me

well that's one way

You disgust me, but I respect the specific nature of this fetish.

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>still no source

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Play a chair in a room if you have VR, almost no jumpscares. It's almost completely reliant on the mood

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Google alain delorme little dolls

am I on a list now?

There's no hype to this game, any more at least. A person really only buy this if they're interesting the horror movie influences and/or they have a group of friends to play with. The gameplay is terrible because both killers and survivors are retards screeching at each other and the devs about how broken the other side is.So the developers are too scared to actually make a meaningful change aside from getting brownie points with their chosen side and they constantly break shit with some dumb idea they add.

Mannequins will never not be spoopy, no matter how many times you encounter them, so just put more mannequins in horror games.

Attached: public toilets.webm (960x540, 892K)

Dont forget the fuse boxes =^)

I want to impregnate Alma and start a new family with her!


>Make a uturn, your destination is behind you 300 feet
>Your destination is 250 feet
>Your destination is 200 feet
I'll admit, that was damn spooky

That had me on the fucking edge gdi. What a fucking idiot, hes lucky to leave that with working knees. I fear for his fucking future.

Fuck, I guess I'll go play this again. My most recent try to stopped in Blue Mountain. All the DLC stuff is free now, right? FUCK, I gotta power through. I wish my friends loved this game as much as I do.

I am really disturbed by giant squids eyes.

In case anyone wondering
It's Jeepers Creepers

me too!

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I don't think anyone can try anything that hasn't been tried yet.

My favorite horror game is probably Dead Space, I think that's peak horror, the feeling of isolation on a stranded spaceship filled with parasytic aliens. It was very well done.

Explain this fucking image

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>when I fucking see it

Attached: 1527104105698.png (600x566, 67K)
>the minute people are playing and see the literal shit

What about octopus eyes?

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>Fear & Hunger
Great fucking taste
Sucks that I can’t make love with the dog though

They're just people wearing costumes. Don't be so easily spooked, user.

bet these cunts wouldn't even shoot the damn fat fish

Octopussies should not be moe

Still a bit disturbed, but they're slightly more animal like. The squids eyes look eerily human. Or maybe we look like squids.

I though they said Anime wasn't real

Why did i watch this at midnight

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I think I have played rpg maker game like that but with succumbses

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Alien is one of the best though. But I agree in that I don’t love the setting.

>no sauce on OP


>Also, why?

It’s not even that hot

Yeah, I know. just thought it could be from some lewd vn

honestly driving at night still freaks me the fuck out

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Ever watch Death Proof? Not a horror but driving home after watching that brought tears to my eyes from fear

That's not the point my man, I've been looking for it for the past 2 hours and now it's a quest to find it.

Porn or not, Im going to cum to it.

just do whatever dead space did


I looked around for a bit too but couldn't find anything.
My only guess is it's some obscure indie horror game, in which case finding on which exact one is near impossible.

I work over in the forests of virgina doing security. ya'll aint seen shit like I have

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Oh please, you pussies ain't been through nothin till you see a yeti jacking it on the side of the road then his way into into your car. I couldn't sit normally for a month.

like what

Like you said, only myers and hag can scare because they have jump scares
maybe spirit with that one add on that makes her spiritwalking ability silent too
its honestly scarier or more anxiety inducing at least, as a killer

>I work over in the forests of virgina doing security. ya'll aint seen shit like I have

Tell us one spooky thing you saw in the vagina forests, user.

T-thank you user... I.... love.... YOU!!!

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>My only guess is it's some obscure indie horror game

I don't even think it's that. I think it's just a standalone render someone did. The image has had a tag cropped out.

>says man who refuses to play PT, Visage, etc. because he's too scared to even watch playthroughs of them at night

You're in a desert with no food or water, your supplies are dwindling and your only hope is a car seemingly out of nowhere parked in a sand dune with it's engine turned on. Ignoring the car will have it appear to follow you, just showing up in random places. Your choices are to use the car or die, however, should the car run out of gas the world will switch to that of another super imposed on to the real world, though however dangerous this world is, it has something you need, supplies. The game would require you to make use of this vehicle to make progress across the desert. The real world would have locations you can rest at and store your equipment as well as save your game. The dark world you could call it would have you traversing the hellscape in search of food, water, and gas to revert back to the real world. Gas would be a huge part of the combat but would be extremly limited and a heavy choice, do I use this gas to light an enemy or do I keep it to travel further on the dunes (you would also have the option to syphon it) the car is tied to your health with each hit degrading the car more and more until it disappears leaving you stranded in the dark world. Thoughts?

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Make another manhunt

The world you enter upon gas running out are sets specifily made for when your car runs out only having the new level unlock until the one you're in is escaped, with the health tied to the car, you wouldn't know if you fucked up the level until you've made it back to where you supposedly last left the car, with it either there, damaged, or gone. The real world section would be a sort of open world area that would have you using the supplies you've collected to make as much progress as you can untilll the gas runs out again you might even be rewarded with some extra gas for taking a risk and going off the beaten path.

Things I've seen over the past 3 years:
coyotes killing bears
gunshots very close (within a few hundred yards)
the squalling of a bobcat (sounds EXACTLY like a woman being stabbed to death)
deer standing on the hood of my truck
hitchhikers/junkies sneaking up on me in total darkness "asking for a job lol"
strange flashes of colored lights deep in the treeline
baby's crying
shitting in a bush

thats just a few things I recall. When you are posted deep in the hills guarding mining equipment from sunset to sunrise in total darkness, alone, with no cell service, it does something to you.

also, I just remembered. I'm 90% sure I heard the dumping of a body into a river. One night I heard several men stop in a diesel truck (you can tell without looking if a truck is a diesel, with the specific smell and thunderous engine of course,) and began shuffling some kind of trash bags around. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but they we're pretty pissed. I heard them get in the truckbed, roll something that was wrapped up off the truck and into the river. whatever it was, it hit so fucking hard I took like 2 seconds for all the water to splash back down.

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A mediocre stealth game with a stupid gory takedown mechanic? How is that going to fix the horror genre?

You see this shit working in any national forest you jackass. Shit is definitely worth telling over the fire and lunch rooms though.

true. however this is Yea Forums, and thats about the only quality post you're gonna get brother man

Have more natural moments. One from The Evil Within 2 sticks out to me.
>game establishes that enemies can be one shot if you sneak up behind them and melee
>come across a new variant of enemy
>Lanky L4D witch lookalike
>sneak up behind her and melee
>she doesn't flinch and turns around to face me with my knife sticking out of her head

Attached: 1552902681578.jpg (1024x862, 96K)

>baby's crying
>forest of virginia

I guarantee you it was a baby stolen by a Goatman to raise and turn into another Goatman.
I swear to fucking god; /x/ has me marginally convinced that the American East Coast is home to an entire population of Goatmen.

the unexpected is the best, and I don't mean jump scares
pic related
>purifying water and filling up containers with it using a quick auto craft thing
>outside a zombie child moans "mooooooom" causing me to stop quick crafting
until that point, hours in, zombies never said anything. It was from a mod I was using iirc, and it turned my blood cold

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What's this from?

you can just tell this faggot thinks outlast and amnesia are good

did you at least bring him his tendies

could've been some animal for all I know. I never go investigate when I hear shit. but if somebody tries some heinous shit, i'm literally cleared to lay 30 rounds on a nigga

also, /x/ is full of crazies but man they make some good points sometimes


the only thing that elicits fear from me in games is when I have to run away helplessly from things. This is why even stealth games scare me when there's no recourse for being caught (or really pathetic combat like styx).

What game googles not giving me anything?

no, I ran outside the door on the other side of the house, circled around to see what it was (worried it was some kind of special mob), then poked it to death with my spear and smashed its corpse so it wouldn't revive

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Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, the mod that gave that was PK's rebalance I believe
Its hell to get set up with all the mods you want, so just start with vanilla if you do play it

>HAHAHA suck my dick human I am in your cage now
>fuck it's really cramped in here
>shit I'm stuck
>oh shit forget the human I can't get out

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wow, some mom you are

cataclysm DDA is so fun, my favorite part is the vehicle customization and how you can eventually get a near-indestructible car fully loaded with everything you'd possibly need (food, purified water, kitchen, welder, etc)

I had tons of fun just driving around from city to city and ramming into huge hordes.

>the only thing that elicits fear from me in games is when I have to run away helplessly from things
you'd like a game called Hellmoo then

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I never get that far sadly, boredom sets in once I start getting too OP
My favorite part is the first few days, usually with shower victim start


still would
I wonder how some spooky ghoulish entity would react to you getting horny because of her

A game based around The Navidson Record would be interesting.

So things like the evil within 1 and illbleed are more horror than terror?

Sounds like a girlfriend.

Shit controls are not a feature. Not being able to fight back at all takes the tension of having to face any enemy away. Leaning too hard on jump scares for shock value means you suck at game design.

there's a double deck comic with almost this same scene and more

How does the tension stay if nothing actually scares you? This logic never plays out and is usually people who just don't like getting scared.

>but up close you'd feel a sense of disgust with the misshapen face, the veins, the guttural noises, the inhuman mannerisms and posture.
My dick disagrees,Fag.
Aside from the personal space violation she seems generally nice and well meaning for a ghost girl

>Not being able to fight back at all takes the tension of having to face any enemy away.
Being able to fight back takes the tension away, because then I'm just going to kick the thing's ass because games weren't designed for my skill level.

No you fucking idiot, not having to confront enemies takes the tension away, because you know it's just run and hide. Trying to decide if you're strong enough to kill an enemy or weighing your chances at successfully slipping by it generates horror.

This. Admittedly this only works if the developers know how to balance the enemy's overall effectiveness based on how strong and durable they are.

She's not a ghost girl. She's the main character's best friend. She's just chilling with the ghosts.

>Trying to decide if you're strong enough to kill an enemy or weighing your chances at successfully slipping by it generates horror.

Agreed. You know what game did this really well? Vampire Rain. And people fucking hate it for it.

pussy unironically. people who supposedly hate jump scares are just wusses who don't actually like to be scared.

What movie is this?

Alien vs Predator 2. It would actually be a decent AvP film if you could see anything and they cut all the boring highschool drama crap.

>sparsely and intelligently used jumpscares

Wasn't there like, 1, at the end?

God fucking dammit. I always knew those gigantic windows in shark cages were a bad idea.

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welcome to ebgames

I actually don't mind jumpscares but it sucks when a horror game is so reliant on it to the point that it's the only thing going for it.

Such as?

>It's not a horror game if you can fight back.
if you can't fight back, the game becomes "suicide runs until victory".

This. Moments in SH4, Dead Space and Ao Oni really give you that shocking feeling of sudden betrayal and forevermore put you at unease even if it's safe there again for the rest of the game.

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>What's wrong with jump-scares?
they're used wrong. you just posted ones i like, where it's simply situational, and might not even happen. jumpscaring yourself is preferable to the "welcome to the jumpscare hallway",

Just a lot of indie horror games in general. I know, indie games mostly suck, but jumpscares are often their go-to for inducing any form of horror.

Like I said, I actually don't mind jumpscares as much as other people out there, so it's not like I dislike them (some of my own memorable horror experiences come from getting jumpscared for instance).

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Man, heavy rain was such a disappointment, especially in that you could see so much potential for a legitimately intriguing game based on that ARI system to do detective work. A combination of that and LA Noire could be amazing.

Same user but these other ones pretty much get what I mean,

western horror games arent even horror games. they cant make anything other than jump scare garbage

Poor shark

Oh look, the weeb who doesn't play anything but spooky third person action adventure games on consoles is here to tell us about how the west doesn't know how to make horror games.

Fucking Krakens

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What's so spooky about sexy ghost girls?

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>Pulls the chair out from under you
kek what a bitch

The underwater area in sekiro with the giant karp was really unsettling