
Best map in TF2, prove me wrong

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>map is mirrored instead of having point symmetry
>there are more lefties than righties
>due to this RED generally has better corner peeks

That "problem" is so miniscule it does not even matter


>2 hour long stalemates
Regardless, it is still my favorite

it really shows that powerhouse was supposed to be one of the maps to be in the game at launch

Is there any other 3CP map made since this one?

Don't forget the psychological effects of color, MatPat.

Outside of A/D, this and Standin are the only 3CP maps.

>Tfw BLU still wins 70% of the time in every gamemode

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yeah sure along with turbine and 2fort

Attached: onlyrealanswer.jpg (1920x1080, 553K)

Aw man, that sucks. I loved Powerhouse, it's a koth map with a bit more depth which I love.

2Fort, Hightower and turbine are awfully designed for what they're trying to do. Powerhouse takes simplicity to it's advantage and does it beautifully

>they removed sentry building on the crates

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I've meant hightower is the only good one
for free roam style of play at least
has a feeling of a place, open worldness even, diverse combat scenarios
2fort etc are a brainless dm

desu all of these mentioned are pretty lame and have same problems with chokepoints and flow
valve definitely progressed with map design at later years, but not many actually interesting maps are played, ppl like boxes to shoot stuff in or meme routs

Hightower is the definition of brainless dm, nobody ever tries capping for a reason. It's a slog.
Banana Bay is the superior plr map

>my fav map is better then your fav map
powerhouse has lively once in a year CP, choke turtle indoors and meme spy central balcony with no memorable landmarks
it's basically the same as turbine, just a bit better


>it's basically the same as turbine, just a bit better
It's a million times better than Turbine. Have Uncle Dane explain it to you retarded ass


I get the concept, it's good and it's easy to see what the map requires of the player, but I've never felt it actually worked

battles were mostly localized, flow was nonexistent
again, no memorable landmarks or geometry/space
theoreticaly should be good, but in practice very bland and basic, I'd say too balanced even

arena_powerhouse when?

But that's exactly why I love it, it's literal perfection in map form.

and that's exactly why i'm bored with it
no sense of daring doo, absolute balance and simplicity, in visuals and gameplay

it feels like when everyone decided that arena shooters should have sterile practical style of a warehouse, geometrical shapes and perfect readability
good on paper, but makes everyone who is not a competitive tryhard snore

I'm glad Powerhouse filters shitter plebs like you

It's a 3-point CP.
It's full of open spaces and no flanking routes.
It's designed around verticality and appealing to tryhard soldiers.
The central point is always a steamroll, the final point are always engi fests.

I've never ever had a fun Powerhouse match.

>Not maining soldier

I'm happy that no fun allowed basement dwellers like you can find as boring environment to settle in game as they had in their life

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>Not liking balance is no fun allowed
I bet you main demoknight, faggot

post pic of your ladder rank
i bet you have a huge one, soggy tits

5CP Powerhouse when?

I'm level 74, not much desu

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jesus christ

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hydro did nothing wrong

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Is it because it's high or is it because its low? i dont know, i dont follow this bullshit.

>only 74
shitter detected

Are there any community map version of Hydro which fix its flaws?

I don't play much casual and I rarely finish a match

When will someone make a koth version of the sattelite dish part of the map? I love that section, just not anything else


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it is a good one, but 'the best' would have be either some 5CP or 2fort.