Why do people like this game so much?

Playing through the Metal Gear games for the first time. I really liked MGS 1 and MGS 2, fucking masterpieces, but MGS 3 just feels like a slog in comparison.

-awesome theme song
-naked snake & the boss are cool characters
-i like the change in setting & time period

-the villains are all inferior compared to the ones in the games before, especially MGS 1
-too much wandering around not doing anything of value, like in the shitty cave levels
-the cure system sucks, it breaks game flow when you have to keep pausing the game and go through some dumb surgical procedure
-the stealth system sucks, the radar system was alot more fun. now I can get spotted all the way from across the map and it's super annoying
-the camo system sucks. nothing like breaking the flow of the game by having to constantly pause and change the camo. it tells you which one is best as well, so there's literally no point to the system
-the game plot isn't as brisk or involved as the previous metal gear games, im not exactly on the edge of my seat in the story

ive just made it through the mountains section of the game and I'm at the boss fight under the mountain, and I'm losing my willpower to play. why do people like this game? why shouldnt i just skip to MGS4 & 5?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Most people that praise MGS3 started with MGS3. Coming into it from the previous 2 makes it alot worse than it would be as a standalone experience

The gameplay is much better. You are rewarded for being patient, which is how it should be in a stealth game.

Not to mention introducing so many story elements that made the later entries in the series worse, first and foremost Kojima endlessly wanking Big Boss and the questionable introduction of the Boss as the cause of basically everything.
I still think it's a great game in itself

the game is actually good. fun gameplay and story. but mgs 1 has a better dark atmosphere imo

>why shouldnt i just skip to MGS4 & 5?
Cause they're even worse. Well 5 is fun as a more actiony game I guess. It controls very smoothly and it's fun to go play on hard mode without reflex and just go guns blazing if you get spotted. 4 is trash all around though.

This, honestly 1 was a disappointment for me compared to 3

I went from splinter cell to mgs3 and holy shit what a change of pace. And gott agree the camo system really breaks the flow of the game. You start really playing the game on your second playthrough tho, because its "stealth" is really one of a kind and it helps to know the layout of all maps so you can start exploring the technology.

Agree. And gameplay sucks.

MGS 2 required alot of patience, maybe even more. If you drop enemies and stick around too long, then it's almost 5 full minutes of extra security that you have to work through.

Biggu bossu moves like a tank in MGSV, and the open world part eats up hours upon hours, while not being as tight and fun as the first 4 games.

There are so many things right with MGS (on paper) that isn't translated well into gameplay.
Especially not the way the game plays like a portable game like Monster hunter with short missions instead of story driven gameplay for the sofa.

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so far the only "stealth" in the game has been crawling around every fuckin where I go because that's the only way to get up to 90% camo, anything less is dog shit

>ripoff of Solid Snake is somehow "cool"
Fuck Kojima for making Big Boss a "Snake". He should have been his own character right from the start instead of being absorbed in a meta trap because

i didnt mind it. they have their own differences, like that Naked Snake's arc is about learning what it means to be a soldier. and unlike Solid, he's not a ladies man, but instead struggles with sexuality generally

and the one aspect of the game I'm interested in is seeing how he changes to become Big Boss

It's still good but it's easily the lowest point in the trilogy in just about every aspect.

>weaker characters
>weaker acting
>ost is on par
>half assed gameplay mechanics that at best introduce nothing to the game and at worst actively harm it
>piss easy
>dumbed down AI
>worst bosses
>worse pacing

To answer your question is because they are 3 babies that started with that game. MGS1 is the best game in the series over all and MGS2 has the best gameplay (with some self imposed limitations)

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plus it makes sense considering Snake is a genetic clone of himb


There is no such thing. The game picks up after the mountain segment but all your points are valid

Yes but why would they even logically call him "Snake" in an operation like this? I get it that MGS is all about the player being sneaky and stealthy, therefore "Snake" but COME THE FUCK ON. Kojima slapped the "Snake" namesake on everything he could touch.

>The Cobras
>Operation SNAKE Eater
>Mt. SNAKEmore
Hack much?

MGS5 is Peace Walker dumb bimbo
Or at least it was
But yeah, MGSV is the sixth and the V is supposed to mean Venom, Victory, Vengeance, etc.

>Calling Kojima a hack
For fuck snakes, give it a rest already.

Naked Snake, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake etc

they all have the same codename because they're all from the same genetic line

>MGS5 is Peace Walker

Like i said there is NO SUCH THING

>MGSV is the sixth


Non/semi-canon: MGGB->MGSPO->MGSPO+->MGSPW

The jury is still out on weather he was a hack back then or not but he's been a confirmed hack since MGS4

3 was a return to form and felt a lot more like 1; 2 felt dumbed down and stupid.

The only bad things in 3 are the controls which work heavily against the player, and the constant camo switching.

yeah, mgs is actually all about being fast. It's not really stealth how you would expect it, but really arcady. My problem with 3 is that they added tons of stuff on top of what worked in 1 and 2 that only hinders players to succeed when they play the game like a mgs title. I know i will get hate for this, but the actual sneaking the weakest part of mgs3.

You don't have a single fucking clue of what you are even talking about.

The ending is kinda cool, other than that it's the worst MGS, people only remember the last 5 minutes of the game and be all crybaby "muh feels" about it. Also most of the people here played it when they were like 10 years old.

>You accepted the fiction we've provided, obeyed our orders and did everything you were told to. The exercise is a resounding success. Your persona, experiences, triumphs and defeats are nothing but byproducts. The real objective was ensuring that we could generate and manipulate them. It's taken a lot of time and money, but it was well worth it considering the results.

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>3 feeling a lot more like 1
>when compared to 2
you be careful with all that crack you're smoking, user

I think a lot of people played it when they were 13-14, so it kind of had that coming-of-age vibe with it. Just imagine a young boy who's going through puberty, has this tough gritty MC to relate to, who goes through a lot in the story. Throughout the game, you embark on this journey that just about any boy would daydream about. For me, that's what was so good about it. But if I played it for the first time now, I probably wouldn't see what was so special about it.

look at from an artistic perspective, from both the gameplay both giving control to the player, and taking it away -

-the "open world" a corridor with cul-de-sacs and multiple routes that lead to the same end, same with any open world but the game plays with the illusion and deconstructs it, open areas rigidly defined by the stealth gameplay and having to change camo based on terrain indicated by a meter you have to constantly watch

-the wildlife and eating mechanic pointless "sustenance" that adds nothing

-just starting out on the "virtuous mission," rearing to go, only to walk forward a few feet and be defeated by your "mother" the boss once again, the gameplay expressing this frustration to you by having you ready to play and going to a cutscene without any actual game in between

once again, the whole game is a tease, game as illusion, you interact exactly how the game wants you to, the idea of playing a game is toyed with.

basically it's kojima fucking with everyone again like in 2, except they don't know it this time as it does so by turning so much of the 2nd game on its head and going back to the "roots" of the first game by making you almost a parody of the action hero, who can heal himself, hence the action figure like idol menu that gives you the illusion of interaction and choice, but is just a list of things that are defined by the way the game is made.

mgs1 and 2 are kino. 3 is not.

>You are rewarded for being patient
In other words it's slow and uneventful game where you sit in the bush and wait for the guard to finally slowly move so you can sneak forward. The very thing almost every stealth game suffers from and is the reason the genre is such a corpse.

wow that says fucking a lot.

How have you not overdosed on your own farts yet? What an absolutely ridiculous post.

In the meta, everything in Metal Gear revolves around "Snake" as an idea. From the name of the player controlling Big Boss or Solid Snake, to the events, places, etc. that the two are involved with, and etc. Of course none of this would make sense in reality, as you said, but you're supposed to follow along.

By the way, the player who controls Big Boss and Solid Snake are not Big Boss and Solid Snake. When they're not in a game where the player has to control him, they're free to do whatever they please, call themselves anything they want, etc.

That's why when Big Boss is being controlled by the player in MGSV, including the cutscenes, the game and his peers call THE PLAYER "Snake". Once again,
ARE NOT REFERRING TO BIG BOSS. MGS is a whole conundrum with this kind of fuckery, but it's intentional. Stupid, but this is how the meta works.

Big Boss, even when he's not "Snake" is okay with the meta calling him that and he even jokes about it. Other characters follow along with the meta too and call him "that, even when he dropped "Snake" and became Big Boss since Snake Eater.

Also, almost everyone also apparently knows the meta considering they call him the future in every single Metal Gear game because Huey, right as he meets up with Big Boss, jokes about Solid Snake meeting Otacon for the first in MGS1, as if it happened in the past even though this is 31 years before.

Raiden is Snake though. Venom Snake, despite not being in the genetic lineage as Solid Snake, is also Snake.

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>Mt. SNAKEmore
I fucking burst out laughing when I saw that. I have a theory that they planned to take it out entirely because it's so dumb but someone accidentally or on purpose left that one shot of it and they just ran with it.

the level of autism here to justify kojima actually being a genius instead of the hack fraud he is

i've seen mirrors.

>3 feels more like 1
>2 is dumbed down

lmao are you okay? 3 is the opposite of mgs1, mgs1 you can blast through at lightening speed the moment you realise the radar shows their exact LOS, MGS3 the guards are far more alert. MGS2 is MGS1 evolved, with better AI to fight the ability to aim FPS easier.

what fucking crack are you smoking senpai?

2 > 3 >(=) 1
all three are great games with solid aspects in their own unique areas, improving in many as the game progresses but are very different stealth style games
i use to think 3 was the best but i now love 2 more but 3 is still a personal favourite to replay, 1 is a fantastic first game that broke ground

>Most people that praise MGS3 started with MGS3
Kys, i've played them in a release order and MGS3 is the best. You and OP just idiots with a shit taste. Fuck you both..

Raiden was initially referred to as Snake because that was part of the simulation of Shadow Moses

>-the villains are all inferior compared to the ones in the games before, especially MGS 1
most of the boss fights are on par with previous games, except for 'the end' which is pure kino

>-too much wandering around not doing anything of value, like in the shitty cave levels
just complain about the ladder already

>-the cure system sucks, it breaks game flow when you have to keep pausing the game and go through some dumb surgical procedure
stop getting hit

>-the stealth system sucks, the radar system was alot more fun. now I can get spotted all the way from across the map and it's super annoying
git gud at camo

>-the camo system sucks. nothing like breaking the flow of the game by having to constantly pause and change the camo. it tells you which one is best as well, so there's literally no point to the system
there are several camo sets that are basically all-in-ones that give you 75% which is really all you need

>-the game plot isn't as brisk or involved as the previous metal gear games, im not exactly on the edge of my seat in the story
you're complaining that it's not short?

argue you me wrong then you fucking dick.

What about Ground Zeroes?
What about Revengence?

you don't sound like a dense mong with nothing of value to say at all. You sure showed them

i like you're aproach but sadly mgs3 is really just that shallow. Kojima is so blatant in his themes that the average joe thinks that there must be something deeper going on, but it's really just that simple. But even if it's accidental, Kojima games give great stuff for debates and own interpretations.

imagine being this retarded

It's doo-doo so ofc Yea Forums hypes it up to be special snowflake.

>why shouldnt i just skip to MGS4 & 5?
user 3 is the last good one, this is literally it, everything after it is complete shit. Try to enjoy it.

except there's no way to be bad at camo..it's looking at a meter and going into the menu to change camo, it's nothing but pointless busiwork,but that's the point, it's the parody of the action hero who can do everything in between cutscenes.

see editing

>the villains are all inferior compared to the ones in the games before, especially MGS 1
Debatable. MGS1 villains only
>too much wandering around not doing anything of value, like in the shitty cave levels
It's a sneaking mission, you can't be blowing up bases all the time. Even MGS1 had this problem with having to backtrack for the sniper or the keycard sections. Once you get past the mountains and into the compound shit starts happening.
>the cure system sucks, it breaks game flow when you have to keep pausing the game and go through some dumb surgical procedure
Don't get spotted and shot at then. The cure system is a nonfactor if you can play.
>the stealth system sucks, the radar system was alot more fun. now I can get spotted all the way from across the map and it's super annoying
Use your fucking eyes, you have a better camera now so the game has to be balanced with that in mind.
>the camo system sucks. nothing like breaking the flow of the game by having to constantly pause and change the camo. it tells you which one is best as well, so there's literally no point to the system
Agreed fully. Glad they fixed this in MGS4.
>the game plot isn't as brisk or involved as the previous metal gear games, im not exactly on the edge of my seat in the story
It's a slow burn, I agree. But once it gets going it really gets going.

>the stealth system sucks, the radar system was alot more fun. now I can get spotted all the way from across the map and it's super annoying
Can't believe people took you seriously after this.

>most of the boss fights are on par with previous games, except for 'the end' which is pure kino
yeah but i emotionally connected to alot of the previous bosses. they actually had stories and arcs and things happening. MGS3 bosses just show up and are completely one-dimensional

>just complain about the ladder already
I liked the ladder. I didnt like wandering through the fucking cave in pitch black. kinda sad that MGS3 had to devolve to maze-wandering

>stop getting hit
lmao just give me the ration system like in the previous games, you can still make the game hard with a good healing system

>git gud at camo
>there are several camo sets that are basically all-in-ones that give you 75% which is really all you need
yeah but it's still fucking annoying, just because they dumb down the mechanic and make it easier doesnt mean pausing & unpausing the game as you switch from location to location doesn't break the flow of the gameplay

>you're complaining that it's not short
I'm complaining that nothing of value fuckin happens ever in the story

You've just got superior taste. Yeah, nothing like breaking the sequence of gameplay with menu fiddling.
Changing weapons on the fly via the weapons box on the bottom of the screen was way more intuitive.

>tfw you realize you're sharing a planet with someone this contrarian and hipster
Yikety yikes!

"superior taste"

this sums up Yea Forums completely.

>the stealth system sucks, the radar system was alot more fun. now I can get spotted all the way from across the map and it's super annoying
So basically you're a bitch is what're saying? Literally
>the camo system sucks. nothing like breaking the flow of the game by having to constantly pause and change the camo. it tells you which one is best as well, so there's literally no point to the systemget good, you fucking casual. MGS3 isn't even hard, it's actually the easiest game in the series.
Unlock Snake camo and never worry about having to pause to switch between camo ever again.

What a casual

yes, think of snake being a sequence. snake through you. snake through your name, snake snake snake, snake through the game,

>debatable. mgs1 villains only
I liked Fortune, Vamp, Solidus, and Fat Man. They all had stuff going on. Backgrounds, independent goals, they were all backstabbing one another. It was fun.
>It's a sneaking mission, you can't be blowing up bases all the time. Even MGS1 had this problem with having to backtrack for the sniper or the keycard sections. Once you get past the mountains and into the compound shit starts happening.
I didn't mind the use of backtracking, I actually liked its use. Made me more familiar with Shadow Moses, and it made good use of the fact that stealth is more fun when you know where you're going. It didn't have fucking mazes
>don't get spotted
stfu I'm playing on hard mode
>Use your fucking eyes, you have a better camera now so the game has to be balanced with that in mind.
I get that, but the enemies can see so much farther than they could before. the only way to get anywhere is to crawl at 1 mph

>the mechanic doesn't suck, just don't use it!
So you agree that it sucks? Cool.

>lmao just give me the ration system like in the previous games, you can still make the game hard with a good healing system
The game is fucking easy without the rations, why do you need them?
> I didnt like wandering through the fucking cave in pitch black. kinda sad that MGS3 had to devolve to maze-wandering
Maybe you're just too fucking stupid. You know you can find a torch right near the start and it makes it so much easier?
>I'm complaining that nothing of value fuckin happens ever in the story
You haven't even finished it yet.

sounds like you just suck ass at the game. this is arguably the best game in the series amongst gamers and normies alike.

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MGS's core straight up was built around using the radar. Once you change the system, the stealth became less about weaving around your enemies and fucking with them, and more about crawling across the fuckin floor for 4 hours of gameplay

good stealth games tend to have shit detection AI, like the original Deus Ex. you can increase the difficulty in a bunch of other ways to make it more fun of an experience

>It didn't have fucking mazes
The cave is small as heck and you have a torch, you have to be HL2 tester stupid to get lost in there.
>stfu I'm playing on hard mode
And? Sneak man, sneak, don't fucking run when you want to be sneaky.
>the only way forward is to crawl at 1 mph
If you have an enemy looking at you sure. Again it's a sneaking mission user, you have to sneak. When nobody is looking in your direction that's when you can blast through. Just hit the deck immediately when they start turning around and it's all good.

>most complains relate to the game being too hard
>>stfu I'm playing on hard mode

Those are all valid complaints. I don't think many fans of the series will deny that MGS3 was a disappointment, especially following MGS2, which was arguably the series' high point. It's worth continuing with the game, though. The ending is pure schlock, but it's fun, and it gets serious again just in time for a very memorable final boss fight. If you thought 3 was boring, you're not going to find 4 any better.

>The cure system is a nonfactor if you can play

bull fucking shit. The health system in MG3 absolutely destroyed the game. Not only is the cure system pointless faff that Kojimbo pussied out of being a meaningful system, just like every single other one introduced, but it breaks the gameplay flow during encounters or boss fights and worse yet they tied the fucking hit stun system to it. In MGS2 when you get hit not only do you always take the same amount of damage from the bullets but you also always get stunned and interrupted, which means running around in the middle of a firefight is a literal suicide on the highest difficulties. In MGS3 you only get stunned when you suffer an injury that needs to be treated in the cure system, and the further you are from enemies the less damage you take and the less likely they are to cause an injury, now combine this with the fact that enemies hit you less the higher your cammo is and you can literally run up to enemies parrying bullets with your forehead and slam their face on the ground on the highest difficulty, making getting spotted merely an inconvenience. Your health even fucking replenishes with time.

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>contrarian for saying a popular opinion
You're a retard.

it's not about the game being too hard, i'm making it through

the problem is that the new game mechanics they installed to try and make the game harder aren't FUN

getting caught in MGS2 and having to deal with more and more troops rushing in with riot shields was FUN

dying over and over and getting better every time was fun because the core mechanics were fun

MGS3 isn't fun


Some of the meta, when practical, does leak into the canon, with events like "Operation Snake Eater, Big Boss' former codenames such as "Naked Snake", and Mt. Snakemore being canon detail.

TL;DR The Metal Gear games are abstract as fuck, and this is typical Kojima. Everyone within the Metal Gear universe knows that they're in a game, which allows for the abstract fuckery to even happen. Nothing is literal. When anyone is depicted in a Metal Gear game, they must abide by the rules of the meta and how it treats "Snake" as a universal concept, and no one in the games question the meta. Ever.

It's actually that shallow and simple to summarize it in a few short sentences.
>Metal Gear games always revolve around the concept of "Snake" in meta, one way or another.
>Events in the story may rely on the meta in cases where it's practical to do so.
>The meta and the story context are interrelated, one way or another
>Sometimes, "Snake" is just an abstraction through several layers, hiding who the character's real name is, or his true nature. Big Boss in Peace Walker, despite dropping the name "Snake" since Snake Eater, is Snake.
There. You don't need to be a smart genius to understand.

Raiden is still Snake though, even if he was part of a simulation.

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>getting caught

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stop thinking of games as a product with content. think of them rather as a veil. don't try to immerse yourself in the content and instead think of it as being like a curtain on your face.

>MGS's core straight up was built around using the radar

Horseshit. Playing with the radar off is the true experience in both games. it improves the games tenfold, especially in MGS2 and on Extreme where the guards "Investigate" vision almost covers the whole maps

Oh yes...quite pungent my dear

>getting caught in MGS2 and having to deal with more and more troops rushing in with riot shields was FUN
>dying over and over and getting better every time was fun because the core mechanics were fun
So you are fucking bad, no wonder you rely so much on the radar.

haven't tried extreme mode yet, might have to. i bet it's not that fun the way you've described it

I've never found myself switching between camo in every area I go to, probably because I know how to sneak by. I stuck with Tiger Stripe camo through the entire game and then Snake camo for new game plus.

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come to think of it, the camo system knows its pointless, why do you think there exists the option to paint your face with world flags, even though it wouldn't camouflage you at all. it's basically telling you that you're bound to the game in your "open world," and a mere figure in it, essentially making you the player by playing you.

2 is more fun than 1 with the radar off. You will enjoy it if you like the stealth and survival elements, if you just want to turn your brain off and run form point A to B then you won't enjoy it. It's the only way i was able to have fun with the game, it makes you actually use the mechanics like wall hugging/peaking and hold enemies up for supplies. The tranq gun is still OP as shit and bypasses most of the mechanics of the game so i put limitations on that as well. It makes getting spotted have actual stakes and it makes the boss fights a real challenge, the harrier fight in extreme is actually one of my all time favorite boss fights in video games.

MGS3 Exteme is just whatever.

step off my turf, gayboy.

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MGS3 is where the fuck-around factor really started to come into it's own.

why would you turn the radar off? that's like turning the crosshair off in an fps game to make it less of an fps game, even though it's an fps game.

>playing Killing Floor or Stalker with the crosshair on

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Let's simplify this even further!
>Big Boss dropped the name "Snake" since Snake Eater. It took him a long time to accept "Big Boss", though. By the way, he's also "Snake" in every video game where you play as him too.
and to put it even simpler
>Big Boss, who was formerly "Snake", is also Snake in the games.
Didju rike it?

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You're analogy is retarded but it's more like turning the crosshair off in a game with sight systems.

The radar is a crutch that destroys all the nuances of the level design, stealth mechanics and AI behavior

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>stealth sucks and it is dead!!
meanwhile every SINGLE fucking triple A game has stealth elements fucking faggot

>thinking "action games with half-baked stealth elements" are the same as "stealth games"

no it's not. stealth games are puzzle games in a sense based on observation of patterns you still can't use the radar to navigate the levels, and it has a range that doesn't cover the entire area. it's a good compromise between the mechanics, so you're playing the game but still gives you a sense of being in the world as an agent, without which it wouldn't be fun. or something.

yeah stealth is the most influential genre of them all.

You can literally play the entirety of MGS1 and 2, minus boss fights, by just looking at that tiny screen like it's Commodore 64 game, i've done it. There is fuck all compromise


oh really, then how do you account for stairs? or lockers? or windows? or that bit with the guard who sees you through the binoculars. the game gives you a system to follow and then intervenes with it.

Literally all of those fucking things show up on radar

not that, just saying that the same elements he don't like bout stealth games are in most games now. the stealth genre is unironically the most influential genre besides maybe fps/platforms

that's called storytelling through gameplay by intervening with the gameplay through the sequence of events.

i have always thought snake eater was overhyped, tbqhwy

>Why do people like this game so much?
cool mechanics
cool gameplay
cool old James bond story
lots of people did not have a xbox with chaos theory

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is this the new contrarian opinion?

and god forbid you play the ps2 version of chaos theory.

Splinter Cell is stealth reduced to a corridor

You really don't need the radar in MGS1 or MGS2 to play unless you're a complete retard who can't into memorization. You can play the game just fine without it. If you still wanna be a little bitch then there is a Anti Personnel radar or sonar, whatever the fuck it's called in MGS2 and MGS3 for you use. It's basically a thing that causes your controller to vibrate when you are approaching an enemy guard. The closer you get, the harder it vibrates.

MGS in general just isn't very good.

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not chaos theory, besides stealth is a corridor, between the eyes. no matter how many corridors between the eyes, there's only one corridor between the eyes.

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>muh challenge
>muh hardcore gamer

ubi really fucked anyone without a pc/xbox out of the real king of stealth

What are you talking about? MGS is casual as fuck my dude. Are you trying to say you're having a hard time with a game that isn't all that difficult?

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>that bank level
so you haven't play the game huh?

I'm talking about the linearity in bow you approach each stealth segment not the level design you brainlet

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Fuck off, pleb.

well technically the game has one optimum route, so that makes it a corridor in a sense, even though you can still get the 100 percent rating and ghost the level in a few different ways.

Maybe you just don't like stealth, yeah? Obviously not everyone in the world is going to like it, it's not a big deal. It's just a video game. If you don't like it then that's all there is to it, you don't need to justify yourself to everyone on the internet. It's not going to change your mind, and definitely not theirs. You don't even know any of these people. Spend this time playing something you like.

I don't remember seeing mt snakemore but that's incredible I wish I saw it

but that's splinter cell, it's as much a problem solving game as a stealth game. like the only way to get the 100 percent rating is to climb the modern art sculpture in the kokubo sosho mission, making fun of the idea of art and perspective by giving you this cryptic wtf is is sculpture in the lobby that it turns out is just for climbing to avoid the guards on the stairs and which basically compromises the institution in which it was installed, like art does, the designers "the artist" planting the sculpture in so the player can climb it and progress, art as literal progress in a meta sense.

Give it a fucking rest you autist

>the villains are all inferior compared to the ones in the games before
fucking kek
>Good villains
Get the fuck out of here.

>the stealth system sucks, the radar system was alot more fun.
You mean a lot more easy? Get out casual filth.

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like it's open with multiple routes, but balanced with the core gameplay of splinter cell, which is meticulous trial and error, almost to a ridiculous degree, like in the bit with the filing cabinet and the vent on the maria narcissa. there's no way of knowing that the guy at the computer will detect you if you don't approach from the right side.

that has to be one of my favourite parts of any game ever. the venus de milo in the courtyard of the bank replaced by the ugly mcas sign in the ps2 version shows just how much the ps2 version is inferior, and not chaos theory at all really.

MGS1 9/10, aged like milk, absolutely unique experience when it was released. barely any gameplay.
MGS2 7/10, great ideas executed poorly. clumsy but innovative gameplay.
MGS3 10/10, more streamlined story executed flawlessly. best setting, survival system was a bad idea.
MGS4 3/10, best gameplay. setting, characters and story are all written and executed awfully.

MGS3 selling point is really just the gameplay and setting. The story is so fucking bad that its hard to take seriously, and if not for the ending, no one would really care about it.

so it's like it toys with the idea of art as being progressive, by making it literal progress within the game, and the idea of art as being subjective, by giving it a definite purpose, and the only one single route to the top of the stairs.

i would add 2 points to mgs4 just for that multiplayer, still fun till this day

>admits core game system was a bad idea

CQC alone makes it 10/10

but it's not a core system. it's the system that is the core.

>aged like milk

Attached: 1525706544828.jpg (658x501, 258K)

>I don't remember seeing mt snakemore
It was a blink-and-miss it moment, when I first saw it I thought it was a trick on the eyes.
It's at 00:14


Or they are just assbalsted fuckheads who say MGS2 was shit because of Raiden so they pretend MGS3 is the best.

not him but doesn't milk turn into cheese?