Star Fox Adventures Zero when?

Star Fox Adventures Zero when?

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I'll tell you if you give more cute Krystals

give krystal a fitting jacket instead of the Namco BDSM gimp suit and no fucks would be given about her joining star wolf as kursed

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Don't give a shit about this gay ass thread, but I see Krystal I post krystal

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Is the original design welcome?

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You'll be lucky to see anything SF after Zero.

>There will never be anything from Star Fox that isn't a retread of the first two games because they are scared of trying anything else after Stair Fax Temperatures

How did miyamoto rape a cat so hard it became a fox?

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how many Krystalfags do you think have even played SFA

Never. Nintendo isn't stupid enough to waste money on a sequel to a game from 17 years ago that barely anyone played, and even less people liked.
Eat shit Krystalcucks.

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Legend of Krystal forums are pretty much empty at this point.

I like the open toe boots, she’s used to wearing sandals after all

higher res of this where? Does sif even draw anymore?

Which is stupid since the really only need to make another Assault, except better.

I would love a Switch remaster of Star Fox Adventures with a new Krystal campaign. It could sync up with the original game's opening so that it ends right before Fox's campaign begins. They could also fix some of the problems with the original, like how repetitive the combat is and how it takes forever for Fox to climb ladders.

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There are zero negative critical reviews for Starfox Adventure

Literally the only reoccurring complaint about the game is how spread out content is and the empty world. Which is down to the game being a butchered port of a zelda clone.

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If they remade SFA they should make Krystal an actual prominent character and not just frozen the entire game.


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>not even the hardest test
hope you had a turbo button for the tug of war in the village.

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>Panther in a sweater

I don't know if I would have taken this over Zero's more overtly puppet style. The realism only goes so far when it is attached to something that very clearly isn't.

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i legit used an electric toothbrush held up against the buttons for that BULLSHIT

Getto as fuck mate, i used the clicky spring out of a pen to push it super fast

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I did it with my bare hands because the MGS torture scene is good practice

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I am not a furry but I would fuck krystal up the ass

if I could do it as a 10 year old without cheating, you think you can do it, user?

I am not a furry but I would fight with wolf over who gets to be top

I remember pausing when she was sliding down ladders in the beginning and her skirt would disappear. Anyone else do this?

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Im meeting Zelda's BOTW VA this week and Im gong to get her to say this line with her bong voice

Heh heh heh

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That synth wave cartoon with her was actually rather charming

at Mega? is it the same VA as Krystal?

I'd just take a remake of the original Dinosaur Planet at this point.

this sounds really nice, so it'll never happen.

looks better than with hair
i always thought hair looked dumb on furry characters

>synth wave cartoon

and no, last Krystal VA is living in cali
Im just having her say the line because I think she'd be a decent Krystal replacement

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post yfw peepee gets hard for krystal

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Why? The first one was awful and part of the reason the GC sold so poorly

Referring to this, I think

which is an addition to this

Well now.

"Fox in headlights"

Sounds like a thread prompt to me.

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i'm no furry BUT i want a pawjob from krystal

I really liked how Assault expanded the storytelling aspects of Star Fox. I wish the series had continued in that direction but Miyamoto kept wanting to move backwards.

>not a furry

That's how the downfall always begins.

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Its more likely Namco upset Miyamoto by making a good game without his input.

The big ones for upsetting shittymoto would be killing Peppy, Slippy taking another job to be a family man and blowing up the great fox

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>tfw daydreaming of krystal all day caused my grades to plummet when I was in highschool
felt worth it at the time

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I think the problem is that a lot of the post Star Fox 64 games were neither very critically or commercially succesful. The series had largely waned in popularity by the time Command came out. Miyamoto himself noted this and expressed his disappointment with Star Fox after 64 on more than one ocassion.

>In the past we’ve worked with some outside development houses on titles like F-Zero and Starfox — and let me just say that we were disappointed with the results. Consumers got very excited about the idea of those games, but the games themselves did not deliver.

>"I tend to forget those games [laughs]. I'm a big fan of the Star Fox games. Every time we make a Star Fox game I'm hoping people will enjoy it as much as I do. Of course the goal every time is to try and make it more and more fun but, at least in Japan, the people that purchase the Star Fox games has decreased over the years. But we still try to make them more fun and hopefully people will see the appeal in those games."

Command definitely feels like the game that broke the camel's back. Adventures and Assault sort of at least had the excuse of being on a relatively unpopular console, the latter came especially came out really late in its lifespan. Command, on the other hand, came out on Nintendo's most popular and successful platform ever, and was released at the height of its popularity in 2006. It tanked.

Ultimately I feel like jettisoning Krystal and basically everything else related to Adventures, Assault and Command, all while doubling down on Star Fox 64 nostalgia beginning with SF643D, was basically Nintendo/Miyamoto's last ditch effort at saving the franchise's reputation in the public eye. But that didn't exactly work out either, so who knows what to do with it now

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I want to smell her feet lads desu

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Assault was a good step forward. I liked the on foot segments. More rail segments should be added though, if they ever decide to follow one that’s footsteps. That’s a pretty big if.

>thread still up
Based furbros jannies. Pedoweebs are fucked lol

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They are actually doubling down on Star Link starfox with some extra content

But then this is a happy meal toy game that actually has features people have been requesting since 64...
>galaxy to explore
>custom ships
>multi player
Nintendo is trapped in the past. It was only with Splatoon and BotW that it began taking baby steps into the current era of gaming.

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It's pretty clear that the move to handhelds killed the franchise and it will probably never recover. The decline between Adventures and Assault was not very steep, but the series flatlined with Command and went a decade without a proper console game.

And then what does Miyamoto do for the series' grand return to home consoles? Why, with a mediocre re-imagining of Star Fox 64 with experimental controls. Even though Star Fox 64 3D had released only a few years prior, Miyamoto had it in his head that 64 is the be-all-end-all of Star Fox and people can't get enough of it, to the point that new title needs to be some kind of re-imagining of the first game in the series.

If we ever get a new Star Fox game the one and only thing I take comfort in is the knowledge that Miyamoto is going to have nothing to do with it this time.

>aparoid base on foot
fuck that shit bro 20 mins of walking trying to find turrets was bad.

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This is some sonic movie-tier rendering.

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Didn’t she canonically cuck Fox? Why doesn’t he shoot her with his airplane guns?

Fox is gay with Falco so im at a loss as to how he is cuckd by a platonic friend. You kids should really read up the definitions of the words you use.

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such is life for 3D krystal
a shame

I’m pretty sure nothing from Command is canon. She ends up married and having a kid with Fox in one ending

>Krystal dumps Fox for his arch rival
>Peach dumps Mario for a dog that turns into a prince
Why does Nintendo go so heavy with the NTR?

I would prefer to have Krystal have a new backstory. Psychic from a destroyed world where we only know the name of said planet through the instruction manual is eye rolling in my opinion. My idea is a mercenary from Lylat's colonies, who's ship is beyond repair and lives off Sauria like Brian Robeson in the book "The Hatchet". She joins Fox in saving Sauria, at first because "Hey, he has a ship that works, he can get me out of here" to "Hey, he's an alright guy, I should back a few cold ones with him after this is over."


>last-ditch effort at saving the franchise
Too bad that even after every single fuckup post-64, they STILL haven't figured out, or stubbornly refuse to accept what it is about SF/64 that people loved. The problem is that they hit on a rock-solid winning formula the first time that people want more of(and nothing but). Instead Nintendo has this ridiculous death-grip on the notion that StarFox MUST be their tech-demo series and MUST shove shit in like Miyamoto trying to translate the time he saw a retarded child bang pots together when he was 18 and the cicadas were chirping just so, into an interpretive method of flying a wheelie-bopper with balloon launchers.

I want to 3D print a Krystal but I can't really find a good quality STL file that isn't just a low-poly rip.

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Why are foxes so attractive? It's like, design any fox lady and she's destined to get fanart for 20 years.

foxes are the blue eyes blonde hair of the furry fandom

Why does she love Dinocock so much?

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Characters must be 1 dimensional for Nintendo and never change. Change is bad. Change will not sell. Nostalgia requires there to be no changes.

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It's like a lever that's been flipped long enough in one position that it's rusted and stuck
It's hard to come back from it
and by it I mean dino-time

I dono, maybe they just need to use her powers better.

Everyone on the team has a role
>Fox is the leader
>Peppy is the veteran, elder advisor
>Slippy is the tech expert
>Falco is the maverick/friendly rival

Admittedly Falco doesn’t have an official role other than he’s a damn good pilot but does the team need another ‘mercenary who is just a really good pilot’? I agree Krystal’s ‘powers’ are a little odd in this setting but if she’s just another mercenary, what role does she bring to the team other than ‘a less trash-talking Falco that Fox bangs here and there’? He powers at least bring something to the team even if they don’t have many pilot/combat applications

The only reason to go there for years has been that Princess Peach porn game. I haven't played it for over a year now at least.

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the good shit
dat cute shit

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It’s only because artists thinks that good old fashioned sex between heterosexual lovers is boring. If Krystal were actually Fox’s sister or something, it’d be non-stop incest art of them fucking each other

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what I said was entirely not to be taken seriously

I’m more just whining about the lack of Fox X Krystal than having a serious conversation anyway

Wtf why is she so perfect

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Star Fox 64's doing so well really feels like lightning a bottle that inflated Star Fox's value as a reoccurring IP. For all of what we know to be Miyamoto's own fault with Adventure and Zero, I am trying to ponder how Nintendo could have kept that going. Assault gone pitch perfectly would have helped, but I dunno. The last three games do paint a bleak picture if you don't consider any other factors- Command did not sell when the DS was on the fire, while only Nintendo superfans or returning super fans bought the $250 3DS or the Wii U to begin with, and if those games still didn't light up that means even the hardest of the core were not sufficiently interested in Star Fox. Even if they somehow ignore that two of those three games simply were not very good, I could sympathize with Nintendo feeling like they have done everything they could with the series and nothing stuck.

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Gonna have to try a fan model as Krystal hasn't had a proper new 'high'poly model made since the GameCube. Even the Smash models have been recycled from Adventures / Assault.

The Smash model doesn't even have the tattoo above her ass

Did krystal really kill starfox? Or was it just because the games were getting shittier?

That's a texture detail, not anything to do with the geometry. Would be the least bit surprised if all the textures for everything get revamped every game to match the new art styles.

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>start adventures back in the day
>bunch of wooden shit and tribal grill
>oh neet so this is the starfox world but in the past?
>LOL no get fucked kid its a zelda reskin.

What a nasty bait and switch from a nasty company.

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You misunderstand
everyone knows krystal didn't kill star fox, she's just the face of it's downfall - a new age.

I think it's just something some people say, I think what really killed Star Fox was remaking 64 one too many times.

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I'm the only one who forces her at to appear in smash just to grab her?
I love to pop out her spine with a torture rack while she uses her slut outfit

There is nothing lewd or salacious here, user!

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Its a meme from the command era that was re-used by smash fags

People liked Assault its a good game, they hated command and krystal gets 3 terrible endings in it.

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It’s difficult to see where Starfox goes from here. Rail shooters aren’t really that popular anymore so it doesn’t really work to keep rehashing 64

You know, you can post porn on /trash/. Just saying.


Incredibly based and extremely redpilled

Tribal outfit or space latex?

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I'm a fan if both but between those specific two I like tribal
I'm also a fan of casual attire

Which LoK was your favorite? I liked the dumbed-down Princess Maker one.

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>stop posting video game characters on Yea Forums
Look at this dude
House of the Dead just got a new game so it would be very simple to make a new arcade on rails star fox if they cared.

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Krystal didn't kill Starfox. 64 puritans killed it until Nintendo only pandered to them and doomed the franchise instead of letting it try new things. The series was doomed to be shackled to 64's contextual success even long past the point such a formula would continue working in the mainstream. It'd be easy to give this franchise a BOTW type injection of life, an adventure game that also has flying and ship combat. But they wont.

hey, I remember this game!

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She killed millions.

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I like that design of krystal
the fucking children are lul worthy for them being scaled down adults

The one by Dirtyc101.
>tfw still waiting for him to update
I'll be dead before he ever finishes it I swear.

>Princess Peach porn game

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I managed to do it as a kid. But Mario Party 5's Will Flower Minigame made me a man, along with Canary Mary Part 2

It's absolute shit, don't get your hopes up.


peach untold tale or something like that

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How good were assault's on foot sections? Not as good as arwing?

very funny

>he never learned how to twitch-tap

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There is a recent Krystal model that looks alright, albeit it's more of a fan interpretation of Krystal than the official version. Problem is I don't really know jack shit about how to optimize it for 3D printing. All I really know is that it would need to be posed, baked, and have anything that would cause print issues deleted. I have little to no experience with using Blender.

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There was a segment where you had to sniff Krystal's feet after she was running around in leather boots for a few hours, which was a bit weird but other than that they were alright at the time I guess.

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She has been co-opted by the vore community

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Krystal would be so hot if she wasn’t an animal

real brainlet hours

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Sorry I’m not a furry

Man that Dr Comet stuff is old.

That, and the move to handhelds. When I first heard about Command I thought "oh, that's neat, they're finally doing a handheld version of Star Fox," but Nintendo was apparently really viewing i as the next true chapter of the franchise. It was a mediocre game and sold about as well as you'd expect a mediocre handheld spinoff to sell, and for Nintendo that was a good enough reason to shelve Star Fox for a decade.

And then Zero happened, and now all hope is lost again. At my local Wal-Mart they still have limited edition copies in the Switch section and it's the only Wii-U game they still have. The sales were absolutely pitiful and it barely outsold the failed handheld spinoff. Too many rehashes of Star Fox 64 and an ill-advised move to handheld gaming killed it.

I would be first in line to buy a new Star Fox game on Switch, provided it actually was a new game and not another re-imagining of 64. If they are going to do another rehash just be straightforward with it and give me an HD remaster of 643D and the Gamecube games. If they're going to go through with the effort of making a new game, go all the way and make a new game that is not Star Fox 64's story and script all over again.

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He did a new Krystal pic last year, like the first time in 10 years.

Can anyone podipill me on their foot fetish? Like it doesn't repulse me at all in the way that say vore or scat do since it's totally innocuous, but at the same time I can't see what the draw is, it's like getting turned on by elbows or hands or something.

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Yet here you are.

you don't have to be a furry to enjoy a patrician fetish

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It's OK to admit you love her, user. You are among friends.

Have you ever heard an animal speak english with a brit accent? Yeah didn't think so, idiot.

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That render is old as dirt though

How do you explain any fetish without being a trained psychologist?

>if she wasn’t an animal
So like what? A plant?

Yeah. I've seen Nintendo working with Sega or Namco in making arcade games like that Mario & Sonic At The Olympics, or Mario Kart Arcade. I would be ecstatic if Namco and Nintendo made a Star Fox game similar to those Battle Pod arcade games.

I'm not into the ''foot'' part but the dominating part of being *lightly* stepped on by a furry creature's paw sounds arousing

Humans are animals, you retard.

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warfaremachine/petruz's models are so boring and samey but so is krystal so this one actually kind of works

IIRC tojyo did a 3d model of krystal and it looked way better

I would rather rub one out to the fucking vore model than that fucking monster

Fapped so much to this comic.

Sauce? :)

Got any pics of it? I did a google search and just saw a bunch of Ayano Harumaki's cosplay pics.

>tfw reverse image search didnt help

Found it in a few seconds by typing krystal+ahegao you gamer noobs
Trials by Pornomagnum

krystal Is so fuckin cute

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>Krystal would be so hot if she wasn’t an animal

She would look like Aqua from Kingdom Hearts as a human. And porn wise Aqua doesn't get much of anything. Krystal? Despite not really having screen time she gets thousands and still ongoing.

....Too human. The best designs are more animalistic.

Thank you

No shit Sherlock. She's a fox. Foxes are cute little things. And culturally cunning little tricksters. Every culture sees them as tricksters. So it's honestly a bit disappointing Krystal doesn't have that kind of personality. She's like a Maid Marian.

Hmm do you ever get the impression Nintendo doesn't make new Star Fox games for another separate reason? The reason being rendering fur is a real headache and Nintendo is honestly very cheap. I don't see them going all out for not even their major games like look at Mario Odyssey. Mario has detailed hair on his mustache and for the first time has proper full facial details. However Bowser and Peach? Their facials are disappointing. And Peach's hair is not as detailed looking as Mario's mustache. Speaking of which, Mario's actual hair isn't really great looking either.

Now Star Fox characters need even more detail applied to their bodies in general and I don't think Nintendo wants to bother with that. Especially since this is a series that doesn't sell well.

Just once I'd like to see Krystal officially in the series wearing the Star Fox Uniform. She's never worn the thing. Even Pigma a traitor wore it.

What tattoo?

Thanks, was gonna send myself but got GR 3’d

Hmm seems the mods are deleting all the pics. Oh well, sad. Though it is frustrating how they don't delete the Sonic Girl threads. Still, this place is better than gay old Yea Forums.

Over on Yea Forums? You cannot post anthro anything. It simply not allowed. Yet they'll permit never ending spams of shit like Star Vs or DC Super Hero Girls or as I like to call that show Human My Little Pony.

Pretty much this. I too would buy a Star Fox game for switch if it was a 100% new game. but with the away things are going we will have to wait along time for that to happens.

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I would even buy a remaster of Assault if it had online play. A remaster is not a good way to re-launch the franchise though.

>western """"artists""""

Eh, we’ve always got the archive. They’re just giving themselves plausible deniability when someone comes around asking why this thread is still up


I wish Nintendo would actually give a shit about a series that isn't Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, AC, FE, or Splatoon and actually try.

All they have to do is have a fresh game with a few callbacks to previous ones for the longtime fans. We don't need an origin story or an explanation for how all the characters got there-- it's like Star Trek where you have the leader and his crew who go off on adventures, and occasionally they reference previous adventures and their backstories. Making a good Star Fox game is not nearly as hard as Nintendo wants us to think it is. Nintendo has had a history of making it difficult.

Katt wasn’t sexualized like Krystal or Rouge

And Fay and Miyu got the hipster treatment. Plus they’re actually supposed to be a part of the team unlike Katt

Until this man is dead and buried you will never get a non gimmick starfox game.

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can we please get assault styled multiplayer again

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Yeah I had a blast playing multiplayer Assault with my bro back in the day

I also came up with every excuse to play Krystal just so I could have that vixen in a skintight suit in my face

We get it, you don't like drawings made by People in the western.
>Also about your pic, how come Katt never took off?
Probably because she is an optional meet up in SF64 and you can just skip her and not even now she was there same for Bill then wasn't seen again till Command with a new (and much worse) look.

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Yeah, the vulpine is the X factor.

64 was a fluke, I guess. If you want to bring a series back you either make a good game doing what that series does best, or you commit to an experiment you really believe in. Command and Zero were neither.


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>There is a recent Krystal model that looks alright, albeit it's more of a fan interpretation of Krystal than the official version.
>Gonna have to try a fan model
I did say this. That model looks pretty off model and generally terrible though. That Daz model everyone and their grandma's used would be a better option than that.

It's not perfect, sure. In terms of how it deviates from the original I kind of prefer it to the Daz model, though. The Daz model looks really old which is part of why I don't really care for it.

There is a pretty good model that is based off of the original game mesh, but it was never made public. It had a lot of special material work that wouldn't carry over to a 3D print but as far as on-model Krystal goes that's the best version I've seen.

If only I had the patience maybe I would take a try at making my own model but that could potentially be months of work for something that I could be spending on something else.

Krystal was cute. Too bad she's now on limbo.

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The whole series is effectively in limbo

Is lok:rebirth worth playing yet or its just doing 2 chores everyday for barely any content

technically she's covered in hair

she got 2x shields
that was a massive advantage

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Nah, he's already been basically white roomed for a while now. Nintendo was terrified of Miyamoto bungling the Switch's launch so they kept him out.

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>its a mods blatantly ignore a furfag dump thread episode

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the best kind of episode

>it's an user click on obvious furbait thread and gets triggered episode

Pics have been getting deleted, you blind homo.

Yeah, they may be filler episodes but damn if they aren’t great

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>reee stop posting video games on Yea Forums
Hey buddy, the containment board is 2 blocks down.

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sauce on that image

I am not really sure. That still came from a Japanese TV broadcast but I don't know the context.

If they released a finished version of dinosaur planet, I'd buy it. I wanted to see the original darker story game with the character switching mechanic ala resident evil zero

>she has her staff
>fox has it too
Why have I never noticed this?

>bro always picked busted wolf
>picked krystal and immediately went for gattling guns to blast his cheap ass can take a full sniper bullet and walk it off like nothing self
Wolf was absolutely broken but 2x shield was a great counter other than picking falco for the speed.

Suggestive images of your blue dog deviantart fursona aren't video games

Explosives Expert or Sniper? Make her specialty on-foot as support? I don't know, psychic could work if actually done instead of a few lines in Assault.

Being able to sense disturbances and shifts in enemy behavior is honestly a fairly useful skillset to have around in this occupation. Applied right its pretty good as is.

>nintendo canned both DKR2 and Dino planet to give us a starfox spin off that wasn't even done before they shoved it into it
not fair but I can forgive them if they do an assault remake with online and extra missions or co-op play online

Anyone remember brute force on xbox? What if they did a squad based setup for land missions like that in a new game that had tons of missions and co-op play or online vs? Nintendo needs something that isn't splatoon already for online shooting.

How does ‘on-foot’ work when they’re in space sometimes?

I can dig the idea for on foot but still Starfox’s thing is all about the vehicles. That’s not to say there can’t be on foot sections too but they wouldn’t stray too far from the vehicle base because otherwise ‘sci-fi shooter’ is starting to infringe into Metroid territory

Okay, Psychic Merc it is.

They need to just make Star Fox into Ace Combat in space.

At this point I remember significantly more of those cheap prebuilt flash porn games that had her in various situations. The one I remember most is her having to fuck all the lizardmen, then general whatshisface, then a t-rex at the end.

StarLink is a pretty good idea for what starfox needs. I think they just let out the whole starfox crew in the game even.

This thread already has more actual discussion of the game series in question than most threads on this board.

damn that sounds hot af

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I'd just make Krystal part of the bridge crew with ROB at this point. It'll keep most parties happy by keeping the main pilots a sausage fest and still have the only member with a pussy still part of the team.

StarFox Adventure was so bad that it was good. My friend and I 420 blazed it to the end. I'm so glad that the ending went unspoiled for me, it was so stupid it caught me completely off guard. That was probably one of my most memorable moments in gaming.

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And Fox. And Wolf. And Kat. And Panther.

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>getting hard thinking about piloting any of the vehicles

yiff dot party for guy called sif

>no paws

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>when u drink water

Paws are the best. Although I don't really like the "on model" 3 toe look. 4 toes looks better.

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As someone who likes her, I’d be fine with that but you know that’s just begging for someone to get butthurt that the only female member of the team sits behind and doesn’t fight. Now maybe Nintendo wouldn’t give a fuck but still

haha what if she was always barefoot in the games

High res is blocked

Had to cover the entire TV screen except for the bar to win

vocaroo it

she would be extra cuddly

Careful now, he might get mad and start spamming smash leak threads or patreon porn game number 9999 again after botting reports on you.

Anyone else think they need to remake starfox 2 and leave the base gameplay untouched and just add shit to it? What if every planet actually had like 20 missions or so? They should really make the bounty hunter part of starfox more of a focus rather than fly through paths and kill andross before rolling the credits.

Read the description and comments:

This actually can be terrifying. Theres a part in serious sam 3 where you fight these alien monkeys and they're all jumping around pillars in the dark. Shit was actually fearful for me since I don't play on infinite credits mode like most casuals

2nd playthrough, the onfoot sections are fast as fuck.

I still haven't had anyone beat me in MHW arm wrestling because of this shit

Am I the only one who put cluster bombs on my arwing before dropping it on people and hoping I didn't get killed too?

The potential for more genre-mixing is where Krystal's mechanical purpose really gets blurry, since on-rails flight, 3d flight, and 3d run and gun all ask for different things.

Stiff. They are at their best on flat ground since Fox runs and turns quickly and you get a reticule to know if something is in your sights, which why the multiplayer works since most gunfights will be level. But you have to stop cold to roll or look up or down which makes ramps or moments where you have to shoot things out of the air kind of awkward. Their saving grace is that the Landmaster is absolutely delightful and all of the more difficult land missions give you liberal access to it.

Quite right. Even the semi-final level was a drag-out trial the first time through but goes by much more quickly once you have the basic of idea of it.

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When would attach them?

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in the files section there's a big zip of old ones that can be downloaded that has it
I'd post it but the full size is like 6 mb

There's a control mode that makes it into a standard TPS. It completely changes the ground sections.

>The potential for more genre-mixing is where Krystal's mechanical purpose really gets blurry
To be fair, they all kinda do except maybe Slippy

So is her butthole at the top like an animal or in the center like a human?

What do you mean when? You just jump out and ghost the thing after you plant it.

>he didn't immediately change on ground controls to dual stick
lol the original controls are ass but it gives you a preset (that should have been the default) that is excellent and the standard of what we have today.

I think you should inform yourself more about anatomy. The colon and rectum have the same position relative to the sacrum in every mammalian animal, including humans.

Meant to say fireburst pod. That shit literally nuked half the map killing people at random.

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>tfw sociable and fit, but secretly a furfag
krystal was my first crush, bless this thread

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I've used dual stick, just have not played in a long enough while to remember the difference it made. Probably the memories of playing with single stick earlier on sticking with me. Checking it now, is the blaster shot pressure based? I don't remember having to charge to fire a shot with the Cube controller but I have to on Dolphin.


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>Krystal will never be there to motivate you

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there are two types of blaster shots, rapid and charge. So yes it's pressure based.

If jacking off to it makes me one then sure. I don't do the other gay shit associated with it though.

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