Games where the bad guys win?
Games where the bad guys win?
Other urls found in this thread:
Borderlands 2
Any Bethesda/EA/blizzard game
They keep making shit that’s horrible for the industry yet they continue to make tons of profit
Almost any WWII game
last madness part was such a godsend in this day and age
Hope you're up to speed with Deimos's mishappenings
Games for THIS feel?
What's that small sphere next to the meteor? Is it the black materia?
Probably. Either that or it's the moon but that seems kind of silly. It probably is the materia.
real life
Does it still count if both are the bad guys?
Sanford and hank will be back. Did you not watch the last deimos adventure?
Escape from the Underworld
Any game with a white male protagonist according to the Church of Progressivism
WW1 games desu
detroit becoming human
Fuck project nexus 2 looks very unfun
based and redpilled
>Any game with a white male protagonist according to the Church of Progressivism
Oh boo boo poor opressed white boy, why is the world so unfair with you?
This one.
most jrpgs
Krinkels is the only furry I like.
Why are you so buttmad about a simple observation? Is it the dilation causing this unwarranted outburst of emotional sarcasm?
No idea what this image is but it looks like gay zoomer shit
didnt this guy do his first game like 10 years ago or something, why hasnt he improved his art at all?
Cringe and bluepilled
Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2
And I guess War for the Overworld as well...
Any ww2 game xDDDD
Zoomer detected.
Diablo 1
Real Life.
>Sorry but you have to leave, shitskins aren't allowed to post here
Make sure to go to the back of the bus on the ride home, if you have one that is
Racism isn't allowed outside .
ok so what is this shit:
Shut up nigger
it's the complete opposite of zoomer shit
you just outed yourself, zoomer
>One is a psycho
>One is a idiot
The good guy won
Have a nice vacation
>muh food
Why is that the only thing shitskins cling to at all times?
They don't even make good food, for fuck's sake.
You cant be racist towards whites
There are quite a few Final Fantasy titles where the bad guys win.
>implying I’ll be B&
You must be new here, lel stupid shitskin
awesome game desu
>rock beard deimos
>They don't even make good food, for fuck's sake.
Funny coming from you
Games set in a post-apocalyptic world
You never win, only survive
........wew lad
Which gaem?
Play Tyranny now
It's the only positive they have.
Then explain why a large majority of Michelin starred food is either European, American, or Japanese
I guess niggers don’t have money for gourmet food so I’m not surprised
Are you implying the Auditor has won?
Thanks for ruining a good thread. I hate all of you.
Call of Duty 1-2
Are twitter niggers aware of Europe yet?
Uhhh the best seasoning/food in general comes from southern europe.... Fucking niggers
The sinister truth
Not like it had any direction in the first place
Well now that Regiro, I mean Deimos is after him I guess no.
Southern Europe is Black
>imagine actually thinking this
yes you can, nigger
>imagine not thinking that
educate yourself
Lmao what
Because moors and ancient northern africans? Neither of those are niggers, feck off
>Bad guys winning in any FF but 6
I never got around to CC and skipped MQ and 13, but I honestly don't see any of the other FFs where the bad guys actually "won" in any significant way. Yeah in plenty of them a great deal of damage was caused, but their ultimate plans were averted and the world can still recover.
FF6 is the only arguable exception I can think of. Kefka did corrupt and seize control of the goddesses and thus the fount of all magic itself in an irreversible way, become the ultimate being, and reshaped the entire planet as he wanted, and after that was basically just fucking around zapping people when he felt like it. Sure he would have no doubt would have liked to keep playing with his sandbox a while longer, but he had still beaten all the old major powers and risen to the top, and defeating him is a pyrrhic victory that involves destroying all magic forever too. Every species in the world that depends on it is eradicated, and a major possibility for sentient species is erased forever, which also means there isn't even the possibility of ever undoing what Kefka did. It's the "final fantasy" really, in that afterwards there is no more "fantasy" even if it becomes scifi. It was one of the darker endings Squaresoft ever did wasn't it?
Michelin stars are really only a thing in europe. To start with there are only a few starred restaurants in the entire US, mostly because we don't know or care what it even means.
Warcraft 3 TFT
holy, even though I'm anti-capitalist...based?
Fucking paraphore poster, back to your tranny furfaggot discord server
>there are only a few starred restaurants in the entire u.s
Are you fucking stupid New York and San Fran alone have over 200 stars, between the two of them. the U.S has more stars than all of the United Kingdom. Stop talking about things you know nothing about
based and magitek pilled
Michelin only reviews restaurants in three cities in the entire United States you retard. If you aren't in New York, San Fran, or Chicago you've probably never even heard of michelin stars.
>Michelin only reviews restaurants in three cities in the entire United States you retard. If you aren't in New York, San Fran, or Chicago you've probably never even heard of michelin stars.
I'm 99% sure at least at one point they had some in DC as well, even if it's smaller it'd be weird to bother with a Amerikka at all and not have some in washington since it's a major destination for internationals.
God bless Krinklels for coming back to us. The 3 three threads that happened the day MC 10 dropped were some of the comfiest threads on this board in a while. Now we wait for project Nexus 2.
>only the three largest gourmet cities in the country get recognized
Yeah obviously fuckface have you ever been to a starred restaurant in any of those cities? Do you have any idea how competitive the restaurant scene there is? And you say “hurrrr stars are not popular in the U.S” then tell me why is every single starred restaurant in NY (where I live) booked solid every single night, obviously there’s a large demand for them here. not to mention that the United States is WAYYY bigger than most European countries how could they review every single restaurant. Furthermore, all three of those cities represent a different region of the country all three of which are popular with tourist and wealthy people. And for the record people travel from all over the country to eat at Michelin starred restaurants, when I used to work at a 1 stared restaurant people would take special trips just go to to a restaurant of that caliber. you have literally no concept of how big The U.S culinary scene is, just a few years ago eleven Madison park in ny was named best restaurant in the world, you are completely out of your element here and you have no clue what you’re talking about, most countries in general only have a few starred restaurant in their major cities, just look at china
>missing the entire point
99% of Americans don't know what Michelin stars are or and even if they do we don't care about them. It's a European thing.
>even if we do we don’t care about them
And what makes you think they are more well known in Europe, what are you basing this information on? Surely if what you were saying was true then the Michelin starred restaurants in the u.s would be empty, yet they are always fully booked, most of them have a several month long wait list. It’s almost as though... they are in high demand
And it continues to mean literally nothing outside of NYC, SF, and Chicago.
>Bad guys not winning
>Literally plays Cloud like a fiddle and UTTERLY DESTROYS the planet
I mean, sure, in the very end it ends well but the ending of FFVII is Cloud literally doing exactly what Sephiroth/Jenova wanted. Dice them up and spread them into the lifestream so they could poison the planet.
Again, I don’t see how this is relevant, these are three of the biggest cities with a massive amount of tourism, and people travel from all over to eat at these places. Maybe the people you associate with just aren’t very affluent and therefore aren’t familiar with the Star system
not just the United States but in most countries there are only a few of the biggest cities that get awarded stars, actually most European countries only have one city per that gets stars
>>Literally plays Cloud like a fiddle and UTTERLY DESTROYS the planet
WTF are you on about? At the end you win, Holy is summoned and Meteor is destroyed. Pretty much everyone lives, stuff is reformed and the Planet heals. They even have an epilogue 500 years later or whatever it was showing that even the most damaged polluted corrupted places like Midgar healed and the environment recovered. Did you actually play the game?
Not him. Playing that game now just to spite you.
this ff7 is fundamentally positive and optimistic, cloud accepts his past and moves forward past it, people learn from their mistakes with mako without permanent consequences, the ghosts are expunged. even ac which reset cloud briefly for plot purposes still goes this way in the end.
He did improve. Compare the first videos with the lastest ones.
yeah I know, it was hyperbole.
But theres no major change for doing something for such a long time, maybe im expecting too much of a single guy doing this for fun.
I dont wanna end up like that
>Magic is destroyed
>Every forward series after is sci-fi themed
Was it kino?
Who was in the wrong here?
White guy for wanting spicy food at all.
>>Every forward series after is sci-fi themed
FF9 was pretty classic flavored, though yeah they don't seem to have gone back to the 1-5 aesthetic much.
What's wrong with spicy food?
Brown guy for perpetuating the meme that white people eat bland food.
Why is Vegeta serving burritos to some random chad?
Imagine I made you some delicious chicken. Oh yeah, it's nice and juicy inside with a crispy skin. Baked veggies on the side and all.
Now I take out the mint toothpaste and slather it all over the mcfucking chicken so that the taste of the chicken is purged out of this planet Earth and instead all you can taste is mint toothpaste.
That's how I feel about spices.
oh god why didn't you say so before!! anal pain yes please eating this minth toothpaste will make me SO HARDCORE. anal pain so relatable bros amirite us mintheads huh
The Mexican fantasizes that he's Vegeta, except not a manlet, and with an edgy-cool scar.
Retard analogy
user, I dislike people who go overboard on spices as much as you do but they can do a really good job of accentuating the flavour of things in reasonable amounts.
>Expect comfy Madness thread
>Get /pol/ faggots instead
Fuck all y'all desu
Technically Hotline Miami 2. 50Blessings is responisble for the destruction of both America and Russia in the end. Considering their hideout is a bunker, they might have planned this.
This but unironically
Do it yourself, ya lazy fag
Jesus Christ half the posters in this thread are immature faggots.
Also, practically any game where you are playing or can choose to play an evil character. The player almost always wins at the end of the game even if they're a dick.
Games that have BAD ENDs where the bad guys actually win at the expense of the player and that is the only and canonical ending are exceedingly rare since that kind of thing is a big ol' 'fuck you' to anyone playing the game. It's not like a movie that can have a tragic ending, you're actually inserting as one of the characters, so you will only be frustrated if you are screwed over in the end.
Divinity 2 Ego Draconis.
It turns out the source of your powers and the QuestHelperTM in your head was the wife of the Big Bad and you just got done tricked into resurrecting him and making him immortal forever. Good job idiot. Your reward is being forever stuck in this wack-ass crystal prison! In-game. Not a cutscene. You can wander around the prison for 2 hours trying out every item in your inventory before realizing the game is over and you can't escape.
It's a defnitely a "fuck you", but that doesn't mean it's a bad way to end the game becausd it might fit the theme.
Both hotline miami games are of a nihilistic nature and constantly tease the player into questioning their own morality, so it's actually fitting that the games basically tell you "nothing matters, it's just a game, everyone dies, fuck you" in the end. Heck, in HM1 the developers literally show you their pixelated middle finger
Terraria, you were the bad guy after all.
>spawn in a regular, peaceful world.
>go fuck around killing the fauna and destroying the land
>the God of that world send one of his minions to stop you for being a dick
>kill his minion
>unbalance the world by fucking around with the corruption/crimson
>literal meteorites start falling because you fucked up the balance
>the native goblins try to stop you
>kill them
>go to hell
>perform human sacrifices
>kill the one thing keeping the energy of the world under control
>fuck the world up even harder
>at this point literally everyone but the NPCs want you dead
>build and give life to mechanical monsters and kill them just for your own amusement
>kill a bunch of lizard guys and their idol because fuck them
>go kill some other guys even when they have no problems with you because fuck them too
>the God of the world get tired of your bullshit
>sends literally thousands of powerful soldiers just to take you down
>kill them all
>He comes down personally to kick your ass
>kill him
>after all is done the world will be fucked up by no other but you
Terraria MC is one crazy power hungry motherfucker.
Holy shit, I never thought about it this way, but your def right
Saya no uta
do you guys have the archived threads?
>>kill a bunch of lizard guys and their idol because fuck them
Reminder that the lizards were Jewish, so you're a nazi too.
Dumb 6er. Almost every FF has some stupid post apocalypse crisis that brings the world to the brink. Then things get better.
>Tongue can handle high levels of spice
>Digestive system absolutely gives up on me for anything hotter than mild
This is true suffering.
I still like to believe Hotline two was just a movie. It fits well with the Lynchian themes.
Could be true, especially considering the intro that is played when you start a new game