ITT: dead multiplayer games that you loved
ITT: dead multiplayer games that you loved
im fucking crying rn
>this is the first result
It's already over, bros
That gaem was so fun flying around like woooo
ahead of its time, badly advertised, and covered up with a sequel which got too little attention too late to take off. the first was vastly superior, such a shame
Titanfall 1 was better than 2.
>magicka wizard wars. unironically best MOBA.
Maps we're god tier
Especially the ones that looked like scenes straight out of Avatar
this shit was legit.
titanfall 2 did everything titanfall 1 did but better, its only flaw was the release window
i prefer the executions in titanfall 1 over 2's because they were in first person. made me feel way more immersed
I played the everloving hell out of this game. It's a shame it's super dead.
rip dice
Why are all anime fighters so dead on PC?
Nah, I love both. Map quality dropped and titans not having regen fucked up the balance between cat and mouse. A pilot with four brain cells can burn down a titan with ease. It also lead to titan pick rates being thrown off big time.
Vindictus, the gameplay was actually pretty fun.
>playing as a large black man and using exclusively grapple moves
Didn't this just get an update?
A new character yeah, but the game is so dead that it’s a miracle that it’s still up.
>be hi rez
>snag a good ip
>put out a bitchin' beta that everyone loves
>fuck it up with pay2win plasma gun/remote mine launcher
>get called out
>wait 2 months to nerf it after sales drop off
>everyone who bought OP shit quits
>remove half the maps because people are going too fast
>players still going fast
>nerf acceleration
>still going fast
>add obscene levels of slowdown with a hard cap on speed and remove boosting
>drop support for 1 year to work on another cash cow
>email every player begging them to come back with free gold points
I have a friend who played esea for 7 seasons. they are about to finish the last season and competitive tf2 will be gone forever. til tf3 lads
For honor. the game is fun but the p2p connection is absolutely dreadful. The horror stories are true, lag is 100% the reason you will die most of the time. The game is so good too it's just sad.
Loved how this game looked and played. Never touched a moba before and after this.
Wish it had more players but it's not completely dead. It only hits 60 players in the weekends
wish Yea Forums would play at the Interim Apex servers, it has modded a lot of fun shit.
>tfw spending a whole match just driving a tiberium truck and picking tiberium
I never really got balls deep in T:A but I thought it was pretty silly to remove FAST from a game that was all about FAST and that everyone loved going FAST in.
To this day, I still don't understand how people enjoyed this game with that dreadful vertical FoV.
Couldn't play more than 15 minutes at a time before turning into an epileptic sperg from all the nausea.
Please do not post this, it reminds me of the one time in my life I was happy
>my favorite FPS I was ever around to experience an active community for
>game was alive the only time in my life when I had a girlfriend
It still hurts
Maybe we'll see a worthwhile company make another tribes reboot this lifetime. Still pissed about the way "midair" shit the bed
That was a side effect of nerfing the sniper, a weapon everyone hated because "hurr point and click"
Annoying but it was the thing that kept flag carriers from lapping the map the entire game. Rebuffing it would have caused more asshurt so they went with the other option.
Tribes, section 8: prejudice, gravity rush, secret world, doom 2016
every single multiplayer will "die"
Singleplayer is the final redpill, and it doesn't apply to just video games
Why was this cheevo so rare?
one of many victims claimed by GFWL
Blacklight was legit so much fucking fun.
BC2 Multiplayer.
Also some don't like the series, but I liked Killzone's multiplayer. It was fun playing mindlessly to it. Anyone got the headshot sound from that series?
3 might not have been a great entry for the series, but damn was the multiplayer fun. Did so many things right that Revelations/Brotherhood MP couldn't. So many fond memories/friends for me. Not to mention, I hadn't played anything like it before so AC multiplayers really was one of a kind and fresh.
Had Tribes Assault On Ps2
Couldn’t play online but damn had a lot of fun with the campaign
I want to go back
>Game literally has wallhax as a mechanic
>End up getting the jump on one guy like three times in a row
>Get accused of hacking
>Everyone else says "Dude, you just suck. Don't be that guy."
>Decide to tunnel that dude, once he dies I wallhax to see where he spawns
>Actually announce that's exactly what I'm going to do
>tfw most of his team just stops shooting at me all together when I go scrambling for the next spawn
I've been accused of hacking a couple times but that one Blacklight instance was just so good.
Isn't still alive?
is that... America's Army?
>yfw Respawn abandoned their Titanfall plans to focus on apex legends
I will forever be angry
a shame really, gameplay was tight as fuck
Killzone 2's multiplayer was absolutely kino, patrician taste
For me tho I really miss red orchestra 1 and 2. Rising storm 2 is fun but it just isn't the same
>more idiots complaining about "speed cap" in tribes ascend, thinking it meant no one could go above a certain limit
I hope you know you're referring to flag deceleration, which the game desperately needed once people solved maps by finding the perfect cap routes.
When chasing cappers becomes useless, the only thing you can do to stop a capper is to snipe them. This was the meta for a while and it fucking sucked. It wasn't fun. Either your team's snipers killed the guy before he got out of view, or he went back to base unchallenged.
This was the most necessary change to the game, bringing back chasing and escorts instead of boring solo capping. So many clueless people just love to regurgitate shit regarding a "speed cap" and thinking it killed the game because the good cappers needed to work with their team again.
it used to get 11k easy last year. Now it's big chilling at 7k-5k. :(
great game, sick ost
Yeah I'm specifically talking about KZ2. For some reason KZ3 went overboard in some aspects I fail to remember now.
I usually don't like multishit but I put so much time into this and it was worth it. So much fun be it wrecking bosses with people as good as you or helping people get the good stuff. Still depresses me that its dead and I'd fucking love either a sequel with more everything or a proper port to PC so I can play it indefinitely.
was only ever alive for about 2 weeks, but what a fun 2 weeks it was
Yep Titanfall 1 was a good game. I didn't like second one as much. It was floaty as fuck, maps were dogshit on release, weapon progression was awful, it introduced cancerous meme hopping, random 3rd person segments for no reason and a bunch of other shit like reworked rodeo and titan shield systems that just didn't work for me.
5-7k is far from dead, zoomy.
>only way to play this with populated lobbies are on fucking Xbox One due to backwards compatibility
>it's still low amounts and everyone's at end-game
They haven't made anything like it.
why is it always this same image? did anyone play it and save videos or pics at the time it was out?
I love it when the whole server comes together for the sake of fucking around. You never see that shit anymore.
>Battlefield 2
>Going in with squad
>Chopper gets hit
>Everyone else dies
>Deep in enemy territory
>Scrambling between buildings and picking off enemies
>Like 3 of them decide to take care of the pain in the ass that is me
>Run out of ammo
>Still in the zone and still killing people with my defibrillator paddles
>Chat pops up
>"We know you're in there and out of ammo user. Come on out."
>Peek out window
>Like half the enemy team standing there
>"1v1 me knife fight fgts"
>People on my team see knife-fight showdown and show up
>Eventually one guy sprints over and stabs another guy that wasn't fighting
>Fuckhuge knife melee and everyone is invited!
>Objectives abandoned
>One asshole tries to ruin the fun and bombs the kerfuffle
>AA shows up shortly after and shoots down any and all planes that get into range
>Tank blasts and AA and cruises into the knife fight
>Enough grenades and C4 gets thrown at it that the server damn near lags to a halt
God I miss Battlefield 2. People would actually work together and stupid shenanigans like this would end up happening all the damn time.
played this so damn much
Bad Company 2 is easily my favorite MP game. The newer Battlefields just don't hit as close to home as this one.
It's an official promo image you absolute moron.
Anyone remember this?
Planetside for zoomers
>Massively awesome game
I remember all the buzz around it but never heard a single thing from it after release. What even happened to it? Was it flat out garbage or what?
BF2 was a really good battlefield. The expansions were shit tho.
>used awful buzzword
>Thinking anything below 10k is alive
Lmaoing at your life Ive been on this site longer than your retard ass can imagine
The gimmick of the massive fights was kinda pointless since it spaced it out in a way that there were never more than 8v8 sized fights
sooooo why not use something more interesting.
such a high skill ceiling and the class based shit was way ahead of it's time
he posted NS2 though
Quake Wars?
Anything above 500 is alive I've been here since Barack was cooking, neck yourself
>wojack poster has shit taste
like poetry
>implying anything above 500 isnt perfectly playable
>not having reaction images to back up oldfaggotry claims
You dont know what I would sacrifice for Richochet or Planetside to have those numbers
Global Agenda was and still is my favorite multiplayer game. It was my crack and I played it constantly. Then Hi-Rez slowly killed it right in front of my eyes to the point I had to force myself to stop playing. I tried playing it again a few years later and it hurt to see how empty it was.
Its the reason I never played Tribes. I knew Hi-Rez would make another game I would love and then kill it in front of me. I even tried to warn anons that Tribes would get fucked over hard but everyone told me to fuck off that Hi-Rez learned their lesson and they were going to make Tribes great. Guess what? They killed it. They killed it just like I said they would and I feel terrible for being right.
They forced you to grind your way up to the 256 man fights, and they were there were only 3 different maps built for it.
It was never alive
>tfw becoming a perfect shuttle pilot
>tfw flying squads right into the thick of battle dropping them off in clutch locations
>tfw dominating the battlefield with your rapid responses
The only game that made me love playing a pilot.
Its not dead I play it for over 4 hours every day.
did no one ever save screenshots or gameplay?
The only times I ever get responses about this game are people confusing it with Wreck It Ralph's Sugar Rush or people googling it and instantly going
This is Klei's most underrated game and it died while it was still in beta. I really liked it and where it was going.
I fucking loved the Ghost in the Shell FPS that was hanging around. To bad development stagnated and then it died.
>tfw you get so good with the pod you could actually get inside the vent system
I just miss being the supplies guy.
>Medic in Battlefield 2
>Go sprinting in and revive a bunch of teammates that just ate some artillery shells
>Support in Battlefield 2142
>Bellyflop in the middle of a squad running low on ammo, dispense ammo and lay down suppressing fire
>Engineer in Planetside 1/2
>Zip around in my ammo trucks keeping vehicle convoys ammo'd up and hopping out and zigzagging between tanks during sieges to keep everyone repaired and healthy
I just love playing support jobs but these days it just seems rare there's a proper support job that's actually helpful.
I've got so many of these
I kinda enjoyed that one, pretty fucking good at it too, one of the few games where I ever reached Gregor status
What did gfwl have to do with this?
maps were garbage and favored one side heavily. VALOR was full of braindead retards so it was really only SVER and Raven most of the time.
>You know that thing that Medics are for?
Fuck yeah
No, Arma 2 wasn't it.
Arma 3 ESPECIALLY wasn't it.
Played at least 10000 hours of the first one, second one is still fun but nowhere near the original
Same. There were actually times when I would join a game and people would recognize me.
It made me feel good about myself.
I feel you, but sadly groups would use supply guys as pocket medics for vehicles, giving them way more survivality than intended than having a single support guy spread between 3 vehicles, hence turning to nerf our supplying skills.
Also faggots complaining about the other team suing basic teamwork.
lol, truth
BC2 has the best rush mode in any BF game.
Anyone remember a game from the early 2000s that had a top down zelda type view and skills sort of like runescape you could level up? Can't remember what it was called. Wasn't tibia, had link to the past type aesthetic.
>Any game
>That guy that kept your tank repaired and full of ammo
Just want to say I love you. I may have missed your name or been too busy shelling an area to say thank you but you are loved.
>using my hundreds of hours in CS surf servers to keep my footing ontop of speeding cars without the powerup
Was it one of those garbage BYOND games?
>working as an ant driver in Planetside
>working together with a Gal pilot to get airdropped into bases under fire
max comfy
CTF would be cool if the game was at least pretending to be within 100km of the balanced spot
>build a dungeon to keep your loot safe
>raid other players to get experience and gear
Good concept, terrible execution.
In an unexpected and coincidental turn of events, Softnyx just today announced that a new Gunbound is in the works and on its way to Asia. Presumably world versions will come later.
Ever since this got shut down by EA i've never bothered with multiplayer games again.
>why my kusoge no play?
just discord for players dude
we have too much fighters, so the playerbase is thinly layered between them, while having more people then ever as a whole
Will they prevent access from brazil and russia?
ESL is making a TF2 league and getting it ready for right after the final ESEA season.
though it's not like ESEA helps, everyone that made it to Invite through thousands of hours of hard work and practice made it to Invite just to get rolled by b4nny and his retard team every season for 5 years straight.
We can only hope.
medic/ammo are the best roles in battlefield games
>keeping everyone alive and supplied and then joining in on the fight that leads to you winning the objective
based as fuck
I have great shame how many hours I dumped this piece of pay to win garbage, but by god it was so fun, my favorite pastime was driving around in my A-Team van with my boys looking for criminals robbing stores, witnessing him, then running him over and stealing his shit. You get barely anything from it but you do get some dude go apeshit in the chat.
>TFL when you could play the game via fan servers but EA shuts it down
Before the p2w
You posted it
First MOBA to shake things up in an interesting way. Failed because it was too different and DOTAfags shunned it.
I still miss it
rip Quake Wars :( fucking loved this game, was super into BF2 back in the day and playing this was just like a BF2 clone but it had its own charm, i miss it
They killed the game before it was even alive. The massive overhauls and consistently empty game world reeked of shitty development.
didnt that just come out?
Best PVP MMO of all time. HoH and GvG were perfection, coupled with the excellent skill system and emphasis on disruption and mobility.
I'm missing this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.
it was amazing,best FPS shooter I've played since Halo I
all those credits lost to the void ;_;
>be Robocraft
>be a genuinely good indie online game with a ton of depth and customizations
>be free to play, gain 25K peak players despite not a lot of people ever hearing about it
>has microtransactions, but they're mostly cosmetic with the ability to buy your way to higher tiers, which is a bad idea becaues you'll just get owned
>tier and unlock progression system inspires experimentation, as you move up the tiers you learn what works and what doesn't, how to add higher tier unlocks to your vehicle, and how to combat new types of vehicles that become possible at higher tiers
>framerates are surprisingly good and the graphics aren't bad at all
>near-instant queue times at every single tier
>very fair and generous progression that CAN be sped up with money, but really doesn't need to be
>diversity in every single match, no true meta
>eventually adds a gamemode where 1 high tier robot can fight a ton of low tier robots in a "boss battle" mode which was fun as fuck
>then the devs had an idea
>"people are complaining that it's too difficult, the progression is too hard for some casual players, and we aren't making enough money."
>Devs remove tier system
>Devs remove progression system
>Devs remove some currency systems
>Devs add in a ton more microtransactions that are actually essential
>Devs slowly take away everything that made the game fun, fulfilling, and charming and replace it with microtransactions, worsening server quality, and "cosmetic" items
>Game player count plummets and just keeps going down more and more despite how much the devs try to shill that they're making it better
>Game eventually fades into obscurity.
Hi Rez kills every game they make, because theyr'e always chasing money with new "founder packs" and shit. They are legit cancer and after playing 2 of their games and witnessing the same cycle, I will forever avoid their crap.
Those were the days.
Flame tank rushes were such BS
Going on patrol was the most fun part.
I mean the game had a ton of potential. The developers just didn't anticpate the amount of griefing and hacking properly. Destroyed the community.
But yeah that immersive stuff (the whole stealing/witnessing mini game) was something I think should've been expanded on. Instead of the weird/pointless mission system.
Yup. This is what happens when your company is run by a dumbfuck that also has total creative control over everything.
Pic very related to this post and thread.
Joint Ops and Black Hawk Down were my go to military shooters for a long time.
The game in general was an amazing work of art. In the time of WoW it managed to be unique, rewarding, casual and hardcore friendly.
Such a shame so little of what they learned carried over into Gw2. Gw2 is a good game in its own right, but Gw1 and Gw2 are in completely different genres, audiences, and playstyles. I personally prefer 1, but sadly not many people play it now a days. Nothing will beat the experience of it during the golden age.
Giving 1 person total creative control is a recipe for disaster 99% of the time. Rarely, RARELY does it work. Fuck, it even almost killed Apple back in the day.
It wasnt that good but it was still better than Overshill or Stillborne
If anyone want a good fps with retro vibes and some fresh mechanics try planetside 2 it's very active if you play on the EST server
GW1 was great until the pre-GW2 philosophy crept in with Eye of the North. Factions was its peak imo. The conquest-style PVP with the moving boundary and the ability for guilds to capture outposts and go into special dungeons was badass.
GW2 is pretty amazing, but it peaked right at launch, when WvW was fun and active, and casual map exploration redefined MMO PVE. GW2's PVE was sublime: no fucking quest hubs. Fuck quest hubs, fucking WoW-style questing. Forever.
I was so hyped to play that when I got new pc finally, but it was too late
>never got into this
Dodged a bullet there.
Titan combat in 2 was awful.
Two nights ago I woke up from a dream about Tribes Ascend. It hurts.
Mon negro. Didn't they add tier back in recently? Seeing a friend playing crossout reminded me of robocraft so I quickly checked but I'm not sure now.
Why hasn't someone made a game with this perfect feel again?
>mfw badass walkers to pilot
>mufuggin hovertank strafin'
>capture points on the ground or go ham defending your Titan
>muh airburst grenades
God damnit video games.
>still "alive" but the only local populated servers are 32 tick, hosted in shanghai and run by power hungry faggots that ban indiscriminately.
that's a spessmen zero grav shooter?
played it on friends pc, gave me headache, but seemed very unique
we need more daring fps mechanics desu
Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex First Assault Online.
Nexon couldn't even be bothered to give dedicated server tools, and for that, they can fuck off to infinity.
>make game open source
>it gets flooded by cheaters and then dies
I loved Dirty Bomb back when it wasn't dead.
>people are posting blatantly Free2Play Pay2Win shit like Blacklight and Ghost In The Shell
All that money you sank into these games and they've just faded away and shut down with a whisper.
>expecting anything from nexon.
that game had potential, but it was as jewish as it could get and had fucking awful performance
I played it a bit but let's be honest the "balance" was all over the place.
Fun stuff anyway though. It's the first competitive FPS that I didn't completely suck at for some reason.
Counterstrike 1.5
I feel like this game can comeback
Especially with games the way they are today, constantly evolving and updating over time.
So many good times
I feel like I'm the only one who liked this. Shit was mad fun
unbalanced fps games are always the most fun though, balance is what results in long ttk shit like black ops 4
Oh its war owl. The title was click bait. Mosymt of the video proves why it's not dead. Tf2fags are the worst, they dont know how good they have it, titanfall and quake (almost if not for the life support of championd) are what dead games are, not a game with tens of thousands of players at any given time
ps2 used to be so fucking fun but the lack of new content clearly resulted in people just getting bored of the grind to p2w weapons and nothing else
not with the same devs. They were basically a tiny EA on steroids
No idea, even if they did it's far too far gone to be worth going back to, especially with only 600 average players.
How fo you grind for something thats p2w?
I feel you man. I remember playing the crossbow guy alot
Angels Fall First comes pretty close
This game was my motherfuckin jam. Jonathan was a beast once you got his weapons leveled.
>Uppercut down whip uppercut down whip
Shits out so much damage
>unbalanced fps games are always the most fun
If you pay for the game and thats it? Sure
If its like Dirty Bomb and the unbalanced characters are locked behind paywalls? Thats fucking retarded and the reason it lost players and died.
>create shitty currency that hundreds of hours to earn to afford anything decent
>create shitty currency that you can only buy with real money
>place the best weapons behind those paywalls
just like that, user
it was very, very fucking good. the single hybrid gun was excellent, and had a great little playerbase. i swear even the graphics were better with tracers flying off into space.
then they decided to fuck it up with that damn firepower pack and people immediately just fucked off because they added tonnes and tonnes of bloat. feels very bad man.
There's still players? Oh god please say yes
>200 ping
>still play it regularly
I loved it so much because how fun arena style brawlers are. One of a kind game truly.
>join 60/64 player server
>load in
>server is actually empty
>try 5 other servers
>also botted to shit
>finally find a server with legit players
>it slays you for having frags or shotgun in your inventory
>leave and find another server
>repeat above steps for another 10 servers
>finally find one legit, alive server
>get banned by power hungry admin because K/D is higher than 1.5
I just want to play my favourite game for once.
well, now GDI have Orca bomber rushes, two of them can kill a building in 2 seconds if they reach it. Well you can patrol the base with a stealth NOD helicopter, but usually GDI isn't gay enough to pull that unless they feel cornered.
i played a few weeks ago and i was finding games just fine
I remember playing with friends one time:
>we all talk about playing different characters
>meet up in town
>we all went Karok.
>spend time racing to see who can grapple the boss first
>non-stop grappling
It died fucking instantly. I'm big fan of the first one and my friends and I were really excited about Blaze. Came out, loved it and then just stopped playing like a week later. Only play it occasionally now.
>russians that hate explosives/certain weapons
>empty servers pretending to be nearly full
>only servers with some players in are the same 2 maps
i fucking loved bf4 and played it religiously, but it's so fucking dead and tedious to attempt to play now
Thank you user, you just made my week. Hope the euro servers are alive as well
Yeah I looked past them adding characters with abilities, characters having different hp / armor cap, and the lootboxes, I really did.
But the final nail in the coffin was when they added instagib (my personal favorite custom gamemode in any game) and didn't disable the characters abilities which literally made it so that any ability that did literally ANY point of damage were guaranteed instakills.
I would come back to it every now and again to find that server list shrinking every year. Shit's depressing.
Remember when all a game had to be was fun?
The Crown
it's re-balanced rn, abilities do normal damage in instagib
I'd say they are cut back significantly ability power across the board and they just add flavor instead of dominating now
But the default guns were the best
>Remember when all a game had to be was fun?
i realised recently that i hardly ever play games that are new because i simply do not find them fun at all, whereas a lot of older ones draw me in instantly, for the longest time i thought it was me becoming a boomer and growing out of vidya, but it's really just the fact that games these days try way too hard to be entertaining that the most basic methods of making a game fun are ignored
>gameplay is great despite the ability shit
>netcode is absolutely fucked for two years
>forced to use the garbage bethesda launcher
>they finally make it free
>dont upgrade the players since beta
>you still have to pay $20 to play/make private matches
what faction?
Unpopular opinion:
This had been the best multiplayer since 3. And Australian players moved on within a year so you would wait to get a match after 20 minutes
TR and NC
And I know every VS shitter used the orion
Forgot pic
>pick Predator
Remember when call of duty was good?
>pistols were good
>shotguns were good
>snipers were balanced
>lmg’s were useful
>every assault rifle was useful
Absolutely based, I loved GA. Too bad nobody ever recreated the feel of that game properly once it died.
I mained a poison medic, I remember how buttblasted kids would get if you didn't play heal only as a medic. It was a fucking blast man.
I'll admit it's probably just nostalgia.
Who /niggerhand/ stealing tanks here?
This. When I think back to the time when i was getting off work and going fast all night it hurts. The community was fucking great, the game in its prime was fucking amazing. I seriously thought the ride would never end. Then Hi fucking rez decided to shit the bed.
It still hurts to think about how amazing it was for that short time. I would pay lots of real dollars for a legit tribes reboot that captured that feel and had such a fun community of people to play with.
>within a year
I played until the content drops stopped which was just after a year.
I never really had an issue since i was pretty much always playing with europeans or americans, i solo queued sometimes in Arena but i spent the majority of my time in Warzone which was find a Spartan Company or get locked in your base and farmed by the braindead shitters in Osiris.
Its fucking weird that by the end of the games content drops solo queuing constantly got me in matches with Mexicunts, holy fuck was it a pain dealing with their garbage connections.
>ttk wasn't three hours
>perks actually meant something
>killstreaks were earned, not given
Everything went wrong after they got aquired by Sega.
I still miss Spiral Knights
Surprisingly, the game isn't dead, but it might as well be.
Daybreak isn't fit to handle it.
>someone posting my OC 5 years later
Wow, feels good
Yeah, the game sadly didn't multithread at all. Literally uses a single CPU core.
Maybe if they fixed the game, they could keep going.
Such a fucking fun game online.
Far Cry 2 multiplayer was the funnest shit, used to play it a ton
also Bioshock 2 multiplayer was really cool too
>got matched against pingy
>team mates just let the,selves get spawn trapped
Stuck with arena after being new to the game ended up being a liability
>maps were more than just 3 lanes
It was so good minus shipment
i only have 200h in it, but only because i discovered it like 2 months before the servers died, fucking amazing game
The memories man, fuck... I wonder what happened to the small community of people who played this.
Yeah there is thanks to people buying it who came from apex legends. Attrition is the quickest way to get a match but you can get other matches you just gotta wait a minute or so.
released in days of military brown games and necked by shitty monetization
Getting matched against Pingy got me rock hard, the cunt is completely free. I just hate the fact that him and his band of faggots ruined the game for so many people. It wasnt even just for Achilles, they did it before and they did it after and they werent even the first spartan company to get it. The one i was with was at most like 3 days behind them and we never pulled that spawn trapping shit, at the most we used the glitch with the scout hog to clip into the walls of bases which was admittedly shitty but at least people that wanted to run around and shoot shit had the chance to actually fucking play the game they paid for.
it's a shame it wasn't really given a chance to redeem itself; it wasn't amazing, but i really miss those more simple fps games where the guns have a more unique design, there's no kill streaks and there's not 32~ players a match
So, how long till Squad or whatever PR devs are working on now replaces this?
esports and activision really fucking ruined call of duty games
I was half-way to finishing the Cuotl campaign when my PC bricked on itself :/
And that was after searching for the game online for years. And now it's all lost again, and I'm not able to afford a new PC either.
how original
i'm still mad
you get me
I thought the campaign was shit actually, but the actual gameplay was great (though very imbalanced).
God, fuck freejam. The game was on the road for perfection of they didn't shift focus towards loot boxes and bullshit. I spent so many fucking hours pre "epic loot" and having an absolutely blast. The movement was fun, the gunfights were fantastic (OG night map at low tiers had kino standoffs at the bridge.)
FUCK why did freejam become RETARDED?!
It's not dead. It has lots of full servers.
last time i checked there were about 5 servers and each one was modded with extra xp