I hope all you anons bought your graphics cards (for videogames) before they start becoming expensive again, seeing the events that are now unfolding.
What kind of graphics card were you planning on buying?
I hope all you anons bought your graphics cards (for videogames) before they start becoming expensive again, seeing the events that are now unfolding.
What kind of graphics card were you planning on buying?
>Before they get expensive again
Nigger, all I've seen is $300 and upwards, that isn't exactly fucking cheap.
>brainlette on Yea Forums talking shit about things he has no comprehension of.
Better get in now before the price rises even more.
I'm talking about graphics cards of course.
He says that because crypto is mooning Hard so hard it maybe Exceeds the all time high in a couple of days /weeks so mineros Will go and buy cards like crazy
my RX580 is working out fine for me. wasnt planning on buying anything else unless i see a 1070 for cheap somewhere.
>seeing the events that are now unfolding.
Am out of the loop, what's happening?
Its seems to me 2nd hand cards are the hot stuff now I have never seen so many people buying used cards
Crypto mooning in hours what it has not done in months
[Spoiler]BTC is back heading towards 8k
>Crypto mooning
And then itll crash again and we get a swarm of pink angry wojaks
its fake volume. 50% of tx are from one bch address. i shit you not. stay away for now. do not buy any of that shit at ath.
You have yo be a real retard to buy a used graphics card, especially ones used for mining
Im just saying it hasnt done this in more than year Who knows if it Will Crash but now its more posible than in the Last 2 bear years that it reaches a new time high
lmfao ill just give up vidya gapes and go back to anime
AMD brother......have you forsaken the Navi?
Not really, it depends Do you think mineros push graphics to the limit? NO LOL they Would break in a matter of weeks, they actually underclock them, Gamers are the one Who push them to the ultimate level
I want to build a decent gaming PC because this decade old one is finally going tits up but its just so fucking goddamned expensive and I have no desire to spend that kind of money anymore.
PC gaming is fucking bullshit.
Most likely crypto schizos are making a comeback. Surprised it's so soon after the crash.
Aorus GTX1080ti
the btc chain cant handle the load so the tx volume is being offloaded to bch. depending on what happens with craigs bsv court case could cause bch or btc tor both to flip. or not. but either way the fact remains. btc cannot handle the volume. so bch is likely to flip btc soon.
The watercooled one?
no i like it. its just the 1070 is a bit better for not much more money.
Well tech sites are running articles that supposedly the Navi line will be on par with a 2070 for $330.
What's a good processor?
What are you trying to play?
>gpu mining
its not 2016 you dingus
chink asics own this market
Nah, the one with the triple-fan cooling.
The money difference for the watercooled one could go to a better case and overall cooling tee bee aych.
Thinking aout getting a RTX 2060, yay or nay?
Ah I see, Im getting a gtx 1080ti too, an Asus one tho
Depends on what you want to do with your PC.
Game+hobby work
Game+professional work
Professional work+casual games
But if we're being honest Intel prices have become beyond unreasonable, so just get a ryzen and lock some cores for
the games that suck ass at multithreading. They all spy on you anyways, might as well use the money saved on a nifty
water-cooler, no?
I dunno... How about... Cossacks 3
What can we say, do you need a card now? Go ahead
Can you wait? Then wait because this gen has the worse deals since ever
Game+hobby work
Upgrading my card would require a whole new system from the ground up and I don't care about vidya enough to spend that kind of money again.
Makes sure you don't bottleneck it with the CPU and that you have enough airflow and watts.
These things eat up power proportional to their size heh.
Stop being a poorfag
Let crypto bubble up and pop again.
I'll be sitting pretty on my 2080 for a long time.
is rx590 a meme gpu? could get one new 200 bucks. I read its an energy hog and mediocre performance but I just need a new gpu for 1080p gaming.
Stop sucking cock
I have one but I can't really tell how good it is
every game I've been playing is a shit port with bad optimization and every game that isn't would run easily on a lower end card
feels bad running AC Origins on mid-low at 50 FPS but I keep hearing that it runs like shit on everything
I really would not worry about crypto this time because this is the ETF bubble that has been coming since it got approved amidst all the chaos of the last high. In layman's terms it means that bitcoin is going to surge this last time and the bubble is going to pop so hard and cause so much financial destruction that it's going to finally be banned in western nations. It was a ponzi scheme from the start and it's amazing it's lived this long. Cards might go up for a short time but the market will collapse so badly that those cards will be getting sold barely used.
Oh then you're the same as me.
I recommend a Ryzen 7 1800X with a nice water cooler. Overclock it at 4Ghz and leave it be for the rest of its lifetime.
A GPU with plenty vram is perfect pair for painting, sculpting, rendering, editting, with just as great performance as your vidya.
Reminder to buy fast RAM Hz regardless of capacity, and don't fall for the SSD meme. Just get an HDD with high RPM.
Don't care. High end gpus are overpriced right now. That shit wouldn't happen if Nvidia had some actual competition
>those cards will be getting sold barely used.
Buttcoin miners are inherently greedy people, they're going to want the exact amount they paid back for their used cards.
What a terrible advice. This reads like one of the biggest buyers remorse posts, "buy the same stuff as I did, so I don't have to feel like a retard anymore".
It's an overclocked 380
for $200 you can literally get deals on vega56 or just pickup a 580/1060
>banned in western nations
Doubtful; crypto is a perfect tool for criminal organizations to launder and transfer their money securely and without trace.
The only possible outcome is that crypto schizos become so few there'll be nobody outside of cabals to bump its value so
it'll fall out of use.
Fat chance, though.
I'm thinking of buying a lower end GPU just to play shit like New Vegas and STALKER. Anything to replace my dogshit GT 705. Any suggestions for something affordable but reliable?
Why does /biz/ like to larp about "making it"? The only people who've actually made it are people who got in on bitcoin during it's very early days.
It's near impossible to "make it" now if you're a newcomer.
I bought a GTX 2070 when it was on sale.
1050 ti
don't bother with 580/590, Vega 56 is one the best value cards right now in terms of price/performance, yes its power hungry but at the $/£249 price its really good, for 1080p it should last you a good 3 years.
Still using my shitbox from early 2015 or so, which still has an hdd, 8gb of ram and an R9 280.
The hdd and ram are straightforward enough to upgrade, but I'm not in the loop with gpu's. I only paid like 150 euro for the R9 280 back in the day because I'm a huge cheapass, and it's served me well up until now, but it's starting to show its age a bit. What's the current go-to cheap option? I'm only looking for 1080p gaming, really. Euro/Western Europe.
wish my HDD drive didn't die on me to respond with good movie screen caps or else. (yes, I see the irony in contrast to your post. SSD don't die! FUCK YOU.)
Look dude I know crypto sounds really cool and the possibilities sound amazing but it's all fluff. Bitcoin is not anonymous and hasn't been for a long time. Does not matter if you use mixers. And that's just public level ability to get around blockchain technology. Monero shills will try to convince you otherwise. The other part is uncle sam has all your shit. Every bit and byte goes through various levels of government surveillance and is stored. Now you're small time you buy some drugs and some panties on the dark web they don't care you aren't worth the effort and will fuck up somewhere else. But every big mover and player can and will get shut down. So why is it still alive? Because it was likely created as a ponzi scheme to fund black budget projects and fleece money from idiots. If the government was complicit in funneling drugs into the country via Iran Contra they wouldn't have a problem with creating something as silly as crypto and letting it live a short unremarkable life.
You're alright, cunt.
I'm interested in N64/PS2 emulation. Would my i5 2500K be good enough to handle it? If not, what CPUs are the best for that type of stuff?
I have a 1060 6GB but all the upgrade paths are too expensive.
I'm waiting for Navi, sub $300 and 1080 performance.
I spent $1,400CAD on a 1080ti back in March 2018
I think you kinda missed my point because I agree with all your points kek.
Got a brand new 2070. Got the exact same performance as my 970 with 1440p instead of 1080. Since 1440 is a meme, i feel a bit screwed.
No, I'm talking something even cheaper than that. Just something to hold me over till I can afford to build my own PC. I'll probably buy a 1060 or something when that day comes.
I'm planning on moving my parts into a mini-itx build as I'll be moving soon. I have an RX 590 right now but it flat out won't fit in the case I'm working with so it's a nogo. Probably gonna get a 1660ti because the partner boards are so small. Building in ITX seems like a lot of fun
You are a mongoloid.
>HDD drive
Hard Disk Drive drive.
almost as much of a mongoloid.
>1k for 12 more fps over an average card
Oh man, who the hell are these idiots to buy overpriced cards like that?
A used 750 ti can be had for fiddy bucks
Decent price for a used 1080ti?
I'm waiting for 7nm GPUs.
Yeah that looks right. Seriously though, a Sapphire Vega 56 card in the US is selling for 300 on Amazon right now.
vega is a 1440p gpu and its "huge power draw" is literally 30 cents a year more than a 1070 if you leave in on 24/7
watch out for the shitty factory overclocks and VRM heat sink though. the card works better UNDERvolted and will arrived overvolted hot as fuck. Asus strix cards also fucked up the VRM thermal pads so just check it actually touches.
It is not doing anything that will result in cards being sold again like they were a year ago. Short of a company like Nvidia stealth buys millions in crypto to fake a boom to sell more cards.
I just feel like the ETF bubble breaking, likely this november/december will be a great excuse to retire it and most importantly symbolically kill opposition to central banking which was a pipe dream to begin with.
500€ - 550€
Remember to always hunt the ones still on warranty
>Asus fucks up another AMD card
Are they secretly on Nvidia's payroll? They've done this shit multiple times.
You use GPUs to mine shit like ETH or other coins that can be traded for BTC.
When BTC goes up, you play russian roulette and try to buy up or mine a high market cap alt coin that becomes the secondary currency for BTC until the next crash.
I made like $6000 doing this a few years ago when I got on ETH before it became over-saturated.
Yeesh, you guys have it rough.
That's their shitty bargain bin line.
>muh SSD
>muh NVMe
A metric gorilion for the current year gimmick that has nothing on a simple 7200rpm 1TB HDD.
Because we're totally sending a rocket to Cronus and we need that computing power with as low latency as humanly possible.
And the money has to reflect that! So pay up as much for an SSD as you would for a 1060ti! That's totally logical! Fucking go
with an SSHD if you're THAT big of a sperg, but get real already, fag.
Just bought a 1070, concidered getting a gtx 1660 ti but its got 2 gigs less vram and is the same price, and the 2080 which would be the next step up is like 80 dollars more
SSDs cost now what 7200rpm HDDs cost ten years ago and are getting cheaper every day.
Stop being poor.
Fun stuff user. I was just barely able to fit my RTX2070 into my SG13B. The build is really a challenge. What case are you planning on using?
Ya I've never actually seen the triple fan version of a Sapphire 56 before, only the 64 one. I didn't even think it existed.
already bought a strix gtx 1070ti and OCed it last year on black friday for 350.
Only need to upgrade my i5 4690k, but hesitant due to windows bullshit, and motherboard, while only getting 5 or so extra frames.
Don't know how the cpu market is faring nowadays
Still rocking my 1070 that I got back in 2016 and still plays everything fine at 1440p.
Nitro+ line is basically the only reason Sapphire exists
Bought this one off of Amazon two months ago. No regrets.
>What kind of graphics card were you planning on buying?
I wasn't. I got a card upgrade 5 years ago and consoles have stagnated graphics progress so much that it's STILL overkill for everything in existence. I wager I'lll be fine all the way through the next 2 console generations.
This was always a thing. You get a new card and sell the old one to cut the expense. They always sold off in a heartbeat.
My Samsung nvme cost like 200 bucks for a 1tb. You can't do shit about being poor, but you certain can stop being a fucking idiot
SG13 too, kek. That thing looks like an absolute beast. Not sure how Silverstone could design a smarter mini-itx case than other companies charging 3x as much
Yeah I think I actually tried to look for it and some other high end Vega cards a while back and found absolutely no trace on retailers and resellers, both for the 56 and 64. I think at some point crypto got bad enough to just erase those triple-fan cards from the US market for a while.
>tfw don't want to go to a Starbucks parking lot to get shot
I just sell them back to some online company I've used a few times. They don't give me the best price obviously, but it's hassle free and they mail me a box with postage paid to send back.
Smart lad
1660 ti is a retard trap.
HDDs are garbage and SSDs are dirt cheap now. You're actually retarded to not go for an SSD and instead buy a "high performance" 7200rpm drive. An SSD is 50+ times faster than even the fastest hard drive and no they don't die. Even consumer drivers have 200+ TB worth of writes and you will never wear em out unless you try to ruin the drive on purpose. I have mine for 8 months now, re-installed several bigass games a couple of times and wanna know how much I've written? 2.4TB. And the lifespan is 200+TB. I wouldn't reach 200TB in even 10 years and by then 500GB are obsolete. Watercooling dumbass brainlet.
Good thing this didn't turn into a crypto shill thread
Ebay is a thing, you know. Everything handled electronically then you just ship the thing when you've got your money.
I've had bad experiences with Ebay. The two times I've tried to sell a card there, the buyer claimed it didn't work twice. Long story, and not my blog, but I just take the 100 dollar cut for the lack of stress. I just sold a 1080 back for 300, so it's fine.
Used 1080 Ti miner card or new 2080? Help me out.
>consoles have stagnated graphics progress so much that it's STILL overkill for everything in existence
Unless you bought a Titan back then you're not playing games remotely close to high detail settings at 1080p. 720p medium/low maybe with your 680.
Why are you typing like a nigger from twitter?
1080 ti
new 2080. It's done wonders for hitting closer to 144 fps in 2k.
The drivers are widening the gap, and you KNOW Jewvidia is going to keep that trend going.
when's amd gonna release a gpu to cuck nvidia prices?
navi is a flop
>minus the ebay tip :)
>minus transaction fees
>mr pajeet eth miner reverse charges you for incorrect goods
>can't prove they have it in their mining rig right now
>they claim the post lost it on return :)
>paypal takes your money and suspends you
Yes Ebay sure is a good place to sell high end graphics cards.
>used miner card
don't do this
m.2 isn't needed since you don't get a benefit in games, hell even SSDs aren't THAT much faster in games but the user experience is far better than shitty hard drives. 7200rpm means shit, you got scammed into hard drives retard.
Why would you spend 30 or 40 bucks on a shitty 7200rpm HDD if you can get a 1TB SATA SSD that's literally 50 times faster in speeds where it matters.
what movie, user
If they don't announce Navi at Computex this month then expect to wait another year at least
I went with the i7-8700K and a MSI Z390I
Yea Forums is full of autistic brainlets I swear to got
>muh VRAM! I need 1000GB VRAM
>don't buy used mining cards!
>lol 7200rpm HDD better than SSD
>my gpu from 1998 can run any modern game
>graphics haven't evolved in 10 years
You're all retarded faggots who have no idea what you're even talking about.
I have a list of ebay sales hundreds of transactions strong and have never once had an experience like this.
how hot do those little cases get? I like big cases, but that's because I'm an oldfag and used to them. The thermals on my current case are really good
Whatever you say, you're the one who has to justify his purchase to "educate" someone else.
And watercooling is bad now too? Ayy lmao never change.
>people still trust AMD GPU department when the last good GPU they've produced was 290 which was 6 years ago
Amazing a 2070 can fit in there while my Sapphire 590 is so massive that it wouldn't fit. But to be fair that looks like 120mm while I'm doing 140mm. Front fan is best as intake on air cooling?
I bought an RTX 2070 last weekend
cryptonigger genocide when?
Ryzen's runaway success has given AMD a shot in the arm after ten years of being shat on by anti-competitive Intel tricks, and we all want to see if they can make ATI great again
watercooling can be better, but you need big boy radiators. Why then not go air for the same performance for less price?
Let's hope not, I have nightmares because of ATi cards, like 2 or 3 failed on me. I trust their CPU department to the point of me getting a ryzen, sure, but not GPU one.
Been using this one for 4 years. Yes it runs a little hot so you need to adjust the cpu and a gpu fan speed from 70% when running heavy games or programs.
It's not about "justifying a purchase" you dumb retard, look at the numbers. I've used a shitty hard drive for the first 3 years of owning a PC and when I finally switched to fully SSD it was a night and day difference. Don't even look at the 4th panel, sequential speed is worthless. The random read/write 4k speeds are important. Even the shittiest SSD 5 years ago was way faster than any HDD and nowadays it's anywhere from 50 to several hundred times.
And yeah retard water cooling is shit. It's literally useless unless noise is of your concern. Dumbass autistic Yea Forums faggot.
>user experience
Yeah so my OS can boot faster and those crappy unoptimized games have minimum loading times, totally worth those 200 euros
One of the old James Bond movies, can't really remember.
got an RTX 2060. I should pirate Metro and see how much it takes to bring it to it's knees. I mostly play Japanese games and it handles those in 120+ fps (when possible) without problems. Haven't tried FFXV though.
Is crypto mining bullshit still a thing? I thought the mining craze came and went. I luckily snagged a 1070ti for $339 on amazon back in February. Are they rising in price again?
I ran Quake Champions full tilt for an hour and a half and never broke 70° although I built it 3 days ago and haven't done any cable management. I'm getting Velcro straps today or tomorrow.
What's wrong with miner cards?
Some aftermarket CPU coolers are better than the stock ones. So if I'm going to change it anyway, why not go the extra step and get a watercooler? I'm not planning an OC fapping session so why does it matter?
I run mine as an intake, there's so many vents in the case, worrying about air pressure seems to be a non issue.
>I have nightmares because of ATi cards, like 2 or 3 failed on me
That's ATI being Not Great, baka.
Might as well say Ryzen sucks because Bulldozer was a failure.
It's starting to rise again, the chinks haven't given up yet.
The chinks' own bootleg gpus not enough for them?
>200+ euros for the cheapest EVO950-1TB SSD available here
Thanks for proving my point. I'll use the money I saved to eat some pizza while I wait those extra miliseconds for the data to load.
Fans will need oil/replacing
VRMs will need new thermal pads if they are not fired to shit
Core will need fresh paste
Bios will be fucked so you'll want a stock one ready to flash
other than that nothing wrong.
Apparently not, they're getting dumped on the gray market for dirt cheap.
I have a 970 currently and was thinking of getting a 1060ti or 1070. What's the best price:performance ratio right now in the $400-500 range?
What's the worse? HDDfags, RAMlets or CRTdrones?
Hey guys I am new to PC gaming. So I wished a gaming PC for my birthday and my father (who knows a lot about PC-s because he works in the IT brance) bought me one.
Specs are:
MSI RTX 2080ti
I7 9700k
16 gig DDR4 3200MHZ
512 gb SSD
550 watt corsair 80+Gold PSU
Yea i think thats all the important parts... oh and a noctua uh12s for cooling my CPU
Theres no high end card worth buying right now. The 2080 series are laughable for the price and AMD's offerings arent any better. I'm currently on a 1080 and can't justify the upgrade.
nicu pc
>~£1000-£1200 expensive
i'm poor and that's really not hard to save up for
What no one tell you about m.2 is that PCIe is not a standard for storage.
This means it will ALWAYS boot much slower than a sata SSD because its not got priority during start up. These drives are for workload not gaming.
used 1080 ti
You can find used 1080 Ti's for almost that price. Which based off recent history will hold up to 1440p at above 60hz for a very long time. Otherwise the 1080 is a good buy right now too.
None. They all have their reasons to let you know the facts they support.
you are wrong. I have a ssd for a month now and damn son games load so fucking fast and your pc reboots in an instant. Fuck I didnt belive it before.
wtf are you talking about? None of that makes sense. People use GPU's for thousands of hours with none of those issues, yet somehow mining changes wear issues? You just repeating what some other retard said to you?
This shit is too expensive for me and I missed it. I hope to get a cheap 1080 from somewhere.
>Buy our overpriced shit now before we make it even more overpriced
Meanwhile you can play every game on the market on 6 year old midrange cards. (back when midrange didn't mean $400)
How can perfectly reasonable preferences be wrong? It wasn't an opinion, it wasn't a statement, it wasn't a claim.
I didn't buy a 700$ pair of nike shoes, I just prefer different hardware. Stop being autistic.
Oh, and sentences start with a capital letter.
>Europoor funbux
Irrelevant, not real money
>running a gpu @ 100% 24/7 while pushing its core for calculations is the same as playing video games for a few hours a day
Your social score just went down Ling Ling
>hehehe, buy nvidia, it's the best card you can get!
>hava nagila hava starts playing the background
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who bought a 1660
I'm using a graphics card for the past six years and gamed a lot, nothing happened.
Previous to that, I overheated my old one regularly and nothing happened. These things aren't as fragile as your brittle bones.
I still load past post in literal milliseconds
Redpill me on used mining cards. I need a budget upgrade for my R9 280x.
>when you still rock a geforce 730 because you can't be bothered to upgrade
I don't mind playing games on the lowest graphics.So sue me.
they are great if you want them to die completely or best case, have to replace fan bearings right after purchase.
Miners don't run GPUs at 100%. They are memory bandwidth limited so they underclock and undervolt the GPU.
still better than a PS4 lmao
My 1060 6gb is all I need for 1080p60. I might get a 3060/2660 in 2022 but I'm fine right now.
based and sneed pilled. Doing the same here.
replacing GPU fans costs maybe $15
Better than buying a card used for gaming EXCEPT THE FANS ,CHECK THE FANS
they are the best you can get. They are also ripoffs, but thems the breaks
good miners dont ever sell their gpus till their pool runs dry
hobby miners sell them on ebay. do you trust some get rich quick retard to not have fucked up the bios/fan bearings/ run it too hot?
>build a gaming PC in 2017
>put off the graphics card and focus on everything else
>mining starts right after
Fuck me, right?
>watch prices until December of 2018
>see this for around $430
>still think that's too pricey, but take the bait
>looking up the price from the same listing today
Why did they skyrocket in price again!? Not that I'm complaining, I actually feel great I managed to get one.
THIS people are brainlets, they are way less burnt than MUH GAYMER EXTREME OC GAMING SESSIONS ,just check the fans
and now you're good for a while yet
1070 ti is based. They're more expensive because Nvidia stopped producing or selling them to shill their new cards
you are objectively wrong though just accept it.
I'm good with my 1080Ti.
Until RTX isn't a meme, I won't be upgrading.
Waiting for Navi or Nvidia's next gen if Navi sucks
>Thinking Jewvidia will get any cheaper
What ISNT a meme from goyvidia?
>PhysX processors
>Flex fluid
>Hair works
>Game works
All it took was a shitty card like the RX 590 for Nvidia to drop rtx and sell something that was less and performs better. They know they're on a tight rope. If navi is even 60% of what it's claimed to be it'll cause Nvidia to make changes and lower prices. Theyve done this for years
I ain't buying msi products anymore cause they sent me a new rx580 that would crash and had to get it replaced. Thought it was the psu at first
They will never lower prices. Nvidia is literally banking on all gullible idiots who buy blindly into fanboy shit. It was always and will always be the brand of higher prices, higher energy consumption, "features" which are blocked on competitors, and a couple of more FPS for double the price.
because unless you go custom and know what you are doing, good air coolers perform better than AIOs 100% of the time.
The 1650, 1660, and 1660ti just prove you wrong. They came out in response to AMD's honestly pitiful competition in the low-midrange. Like I said, they've done this for a long fucking time
Until we get mled monitors then CRTs are still one of the best monitor options you have. An fw900 will completely trash 90% of modern monitors
Err Nvidia gpus use LESS power
Because they have a more efficient compression ratio and use gimped core unless you pay the premium for a deep learning model.
Should I get 1660 Ti now before it gets more expensive? I have a shitty CPU (R5 2400G), which I plan to upgrade later in the year, but I don't think it should bottleneck.
There's literally no reason to get an m.2 SSD for playing games. There's no loading decrease and desktop use isn't changed either. You want 3000MB/s for video editing at most.
Never said anything otherwise, I said SATA SSDs are the way to go considering they're barely triple the price of hard drives now. You'll pay like 30 bucks for a "high performance 7200rpm" HDD while you can get a 1TB SSD for only 100 bucks if you choose to go with less known brands that are still great.
You buy used retard, not new. A 1070 it/1080 is $300 tops.
>shadowplay/tessellation is bad
Based retarded brainlet Yea Forums poster