ITT: obscure waifus

ITT: obscure waifus

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Tobal 2 was awesome, what a gem of a game

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not much lewd art of him so i guess he's obscure enough

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I remember wanting to see the rest of that snake tattoo.

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Brigitte from OW?

I really liked this game, i don't understand where all the hate came from


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Milky Way is best robo.

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Yeah I'm with you. I mean it wasn't a masterpiece or anything but it was a fun game with colourful characters.

AvP was a great beat em up

Based user

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test and pic related.

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>almost no porn of her

the fuck, japan

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I get why Gum is the poster girl of Jet Set Radio, but I still like Cube better.

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Sorry but please, have more Persona

She was pretty high tier, though I remember liking the whip girl better, and also the I think there was a female tomboy monk. Sadly, the elves and fairies were shit, only humans had waifus.

I love Reisen!

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