What's the best vidya for RP?
Preferably open-world games (mmos etc.)
What's the best vidya for RP?
Preferably open-world games (mmos etc.)
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I think the game is shit right now but WoW allows a lot in the realm of imagination.
FFXIV is good too though.
If you mean roleplaying like actually feeling like your character has a defined identity through your actions and build, VtM:B and New Vegas are my favorites, especially the former.
If you mean ERPing like your bait picture implies, I don't know nigga just go in a fucking chatroom and stop shitting up people trying to actually play the MMO with your cringey shit.
eve online
That butt looks ugly
imagine being this gay
WoW and FFXIV are your best bets. Also I want to bury my face in that butt.
ne ne
FFXIV is perfect for RP
It helped me accept that I was gay and feel better
I don't actually want to ERP but lewd pics guarantees replies.
Thought it was tangentially relevant through character-customization and stuff; creating your character is part of roleplaying
Yea Forums is here to satisfy all your roleplaying needs
>I want to bury my face in that butt.
trust me, you don't. she just took a massive dump and forgot to wipe
Depends. If you want to RP as me then fucking ur mum would be a good start.
Just use F-list, user.
How's ESO? WoW has shit character creation and everyone in FFXIV looks like a little boy
That's my fetish that's my fetish that's my fetish that's my fetish but the other photo from that set is cursed
Faggots are cancer, but that's a cute kitty
roblox work at a pizza place
gays are nice people
I'm gay and not a nice person, so boom
shut up, i for one welcome our gay anons
Keep the cute ones as boyslaves, kill the rest
Imagine being such a dick slave you defend horrible, shitty art
shapely ass > fat ass
Post it
Now I want to more.
how so? it's just early CSR.
me too
Imagine being a faggot
I'd also like her to shit on me all over like i'm a pathetic sissy slut
You weren't supposed to roleplay IN the thread
Nice ass. Quite fartable if I do say so myself.
Same. I want to be her and max out all of those sliders.
If you are into Ace Attorney/ DR then this
i just wanna max out butte and thighs and have a cute flat tummu and chest
Good taste
I am serious but i'm shy...
STALKER is peak role playing, if you like being a miserable starving Russian mercenary. Play with Autumn Aurora btw
Enderal is a great open world role playing game, it's like Skyrim but good. Also free if you own Skyrim.
Glad my thread can bring degenerates together
Fuck off lupa
imma need sauce on that
Post more Chiaki goddamnit.
thank you