Today’s my birthday. What should I play?

Today’s my birthday. What should I play?

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have sex

Russian roulette

Gun for the Xbox360

Install gentoo

A game that you find fun.


Skydiving without a parachute


Wait a minute, are you the guy i gave the Nui lewds to? he said it was on monday

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Ah, okay, well happy birthday anyhow!

Sega saturn.

Kirby Star Allies

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Go outside, Luke

>Gun for the Xbox360
Holy shit amazing taste

OP, this game is on almost every platform, even gamecube, you should get it,

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Animal Crossing so all your friends in Pooptown can tell you how much you mean to them!


Something with tomboys.

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Happy birthday user

It's my birthday in 3 days too!

maybe your twins