Organize "all-female" speedrunning event

>Organize "all-female" speedrunning event
>40% of the participants are dudes in drag

Why do women have to keep struggling like this? Even when they get something to themselves men have to butt in and ruin it.
Other women criticize you for being into video games and men won't take you seriously. It's ridiculous.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Organize "all-female" speedrunning event
>40% of the participants are dudes in drag

sounds like the plot of a zany teen comedy movie

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women just suck. have kids

What event?

And all the dudes in drag are white

What's between your legs doesn't make you a woman, it's how you feel.

Female sports are also being invaded by men who want easier competition. Blame the fact that women have it easier in general.

>be the only male on an all female island
>actually be female
Why do women keep winning like this?

this is what trannys actually believe xD

>tfw no bhikkhuni anime ever

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>speedrunners use game exploits to save time
>speedrunners use real world exploits to save themselves from competition

I see no problem there.

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I think women should have their own events, competitions and spaces that are gender exclusive.
I also think men should have the same.

And as much as you want to make it part of your identity, I don't believe that people who are biologically male should be allowed to compete in female only activities.

Just make 2 more leagues, for tranny males and tranny females and then let them switch back and forth between either one.

Frame Fatales
The logo features a hyena, the only animal where the females have a pseudopenis

i mean, it really isn't any better even if they were all legit females amirite? remember the bully hunters and team siren bullshit?
they're still trannies but at least they're somewhat competent at video games lmao

>safe spaces

TERFs really need to be raped into submission, I can't believe their bigotry is still allowed to pollute our cause.

Good movie.

Women deserve the consequences of their voting patterns
You are all independent now right?
Go fix it yourself

What would the point be to organize a non-physical all female event if you're going to exclude people?
You're already running thin on numbers, you need representation and that's what the event is for.

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I thinke the more "Femenist" turn into radicals, the more they start looking like Hyenas. Hyenas look mentally insane all the time, they eat shit such as rotten carcasses, bones and in desperate times Feces. If you are woman however, they eat fresh meat all the time. Hyenas are the ultimate cuck. If you are a man, you are a slave to your bitch until she wants to rape you.

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Trannies hate women because they want to be them but they themselves know they will never be and never will be able to experience childbirth. So trannies always go out of their way to ruin everything for women. Then the tranny suicides after finally accepting the truth.

there is a connection between these 3 things:

obsessive compulsive disorder
speed running
gender dysphoria

what is the thing that links all of this together? If we could decipher this, we may be one step closer to true understanding.

I feel like you're a disgusting tranny faggot

I feel that what's between somebody's legs make them what they are.

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Good taste

There are so many animes that are exactly the same as this. You're just chasing an neverending trail to nowhere at this point.

Ok but I still want to see Ranka and Momo animated outside of the intro.

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Anime turned them gay

Only if you're talking in terms of sex. Otherwise every man would be like every other man and every woman would be like every other woman. This is only true to people who have retarded views on half the population.

>same event that banned anime plushies for being transmuhsoggyknee

You have to look at it like this: They had no choice but to let those dudes in, otherwise they'd have lynched each other.
It's probably taking quite a toll on their mental state to be forced to let those drag queens in.

Holy shit, male humans and female humans are different! They have different interests, which also depend on their sex.
Humans are different, and the way they are different may also depend on their sex. No fucking shit.

This though.
They don't even want to be women. They want to be irl anime-girls.

they banned them because someone emailed staff that the guy bringing them was using them as sex toys and they took it at face value.


this desu. why do they waste time and money on fake vagina surgery when there's no surgery to make you 2D or a little girl?

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God bless Terry

Yeah, I like women too and find this disgusting.

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Blizzard severely fucked up not casting Terry as a doom fist voice. May have even revitalized the game a little.

Shut the fuck up TERF

>only conservacucks can hate trannies
I want this meme to stop

Would have been like when Mr T's night elf mohawk
but even more based

>"""women"""" beat them at vidya events and benefit from their diversity funding
>"""women""" beat them in women's sports and claim all the new records
>"""women""" claim their holidays and titles of the year
Any games where you give your opponents the tools to fuck you over?

sauce me up senpai

>plusies as sextoys
>still banned them
I wish for some random extremist to get into the building and fucking explode there with all of them

>People who think a vagina makes you a woman
It's like you don't even know what a macrogamete is. Why are the rural poor always so dumb?

What's so funny?