Post those real life stories that made you lose faith in vidya

Post those real life stories that made you lose faith in vidya

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Like gamestop stories

I once saw someone buy Fallout 76 for their son.


Metal gear solid v


I once buy to game at fun.


Stopped doing of to the englishes toad


Not really vidya related but this made me lose faith in humanity in general
>be me
>be 18
>need a job
>dad knows a place
>it’s a porno store in the seedy warehouse district
>there’s a backroom with a tv for watching pornos, a shitty torn up couch and a trash can and a roll of toilet paper
>working one night
>nerdy pencil neck guy covered in pimples comes in
>pays with a WoW credit card
>few minutes later
>an old man comes in, looks maybe in his 80s
>also pays to go to the back
>after about 10 minutes hear some muffled sounds and stuff moving
>remember that the boss told me if people are caught fucking the feds can shut them down
>go to back room
>find old man balls deep in the nerd
>they run out even leaving their clothes with some semen dripping out of the nerd’s ass
I quit that night

this is actually fucked up

What the fuck

Ill try to restore your faith with a story of my own:
>be me
>be an absolute club hopper
>go out way to much
>also have a tendency to lose things
>have brand new fucking phone
>cost 900 out of pocket
>lose in club
>assume it's gone forever
>go up to bar asking if anyone turned it in
>zero hope
>to my fucking amazement, yea, someone did
feel better

This happened to me twice in a row on the same day at an arcade.

Bless ye other people.

y'know what, i'm beginning to think old people are just terrifying and horrible in every way possible

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>Gaming club in my college
>LoL faggots and Soul Calibur fags all over it
>Autist caring about pokemon and Amiibo were common
>Smash appeared once it released
>Not a single person Wanted to play Any games I sudgested in the club
>People beg for money all the time in the club
>People trash the building even though you are not allowed with food inside
>Every semester, it is the same shit
>One time, A guy complaied to staff for not allowing them to play vydia in the building even though it was clear as day that it has been reserved for a college event

Don't go to gaming clubs, they are cancer

>900 for a phone
Unless if it can Emulate 3ds well, you are freaking retarted for buying something so expensive. You are a complete faggot if you bought an Iphone. You should Ideally waste at most 200 for a phone since they get outdated quickly no matter the specs.

Also How TF are you so careless of forgetting something so expensive that can fit into pockets

It was still wholesome that the jackass did not steal it and actually gave it to the almost useless "lost and found". You arr lucky you did not have to buy a new one

Why are old people so disgusting?

>looks maybe in his 80s
You know those stories about old people walking around locker rooms naked because they're old and written off by society so they don't give a fuck anymore? It's probably the sexual equivalent of that. You think he gives a fuck about getting caught saggy-balls-deep in some pasty nerd?

Probably not, he probably will fuck whatever is willing

Sakurai adds Incineroar/Dark Pit/Corrin/Daisy to smash

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>Not a single person Wanted to play Any games I sudgested in the club
What kind of games did you suggest?

Srpgs (Advance Wars and Wargroove), Mario Kart, Pikmin 2 Miltiplayer

Some that Dis get though were Mario Party, NSMB wii and other platformers, but they were not brought out by me, but my friend which had a higher status in the Culb

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>be me, as opposed to some other faggot
>bowling outing with a club from college
>some girl says she's a HUGE fantasy RPG fan
>Dragon's Dogma, the Witcher, you name it
>Ask her if she's ever played one of the Elder Scrolls games
>Says she has no idea what those are
>In the next sentence says "Oh, and I LOVE Skyrim!"

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I’ve noticed normalfags don’t research the things they like much

girls literally always do this
>oh yeah? what do you like?
>mention a few other games
>her mind and face goes blank
at this point I just go along with it: oh wow pokemon and zelda huh yeah you're a big time nerd

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Playing BF1 while someone in my squad is saying over the mic, "The Nazis are advancing." I say, "you do know this is a WW1 game right?" His reply, "So what?"

that's fucking hilarious holy shit

>you are freaking retarted
this entire post reeks underaged holy shit


>female friend that i always play vidya with invites me to stay at her place for 2 weeks while she goes through a breakup
>very explicitly states it isnt a sexual thing and she needs someone to vent to
>we don't play vidya barely at all while there
>she doesn't even use me to vent, fucks off with another friend multiple times to vent to him instead

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Once upon a time I started browsing Yea Forums. The End

>call friend to see if he wants to come over for pizza and play vidya
>he says okay
>when he comes over, we play some games on my SNES
>mom calls for a pizza
>play vidya for an hour or so
>pizza finally comes
>mom brings the pizza to the dining room table
>friend looks confused when she brings two plates to the table
>asks me why he doesn't get a plate
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
>he looks even more confused
>says he has to go to the bathroom
>mom tells him where it is and he goes
>close to finishing our pizza
>wonder where my friend is
>think he's having stomach problems
>finish pizza and go to my SNES to wait for him
>see that my SNES is gone along with a couple games
>the faggot stole them
>never talk to him ever again

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>Newfags not realizing that this is years old

>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
bait or not that's a fucked up thing to do

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>promise him pizza
>”haha just kidding your not getting any food”
>surprised when he takes your snes games

You deserved it retard.

I’ve never seen that pasta in my life

Fuck you Ethan, I just wanted some pizza.

Imagine being so much of a megabeta that you spend 2 weeks at a girl's house so she can "vent" to you and then get vent cucked to another fucking beta.

The moral of the story is, don't be girls' emotional period pad because they won't respect you for it and you will never, ever get pussy. Non-sexual motional support is what OTHER GIRLS are for. If you're not fucking her, there's no benefit in emotionally supporting her because she won't do the same for you.

The only vent you should be interested in is the one between her legs that you stick your dick into. Fuck sake.

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>Thinks 500 dollars matter
do you not have half a mill saved bro?

>be me, last Thursday
>see a smash tourney comin up 2 days prior
>decide to train a bit and enter
>think to myself
>"i may not win first, but im definitely able to hold on for a few rounds"
>my turn comes up
>first 2 out of 3 victories advances
>absolutely get assraped by snake as bowser
Thats the last time i enter a tourney.

I don’t mine memecoin

you need to train harder. I won one match 2-1 in pools and lost 2-0 every other match in my first tournament. just go if you find it fun, the entry fees are never too high

I hear showering lowers your power level, might wanna skip doing that a few days before the tourny

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Rather not go down that path.
Next you're gonna tell me to use fire emblem characters and forward air spam.

>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
so you were making a joke and he took it literal instead and stole your stuff because he was mad?

>Spend $2000 on micro transactions.
>Didn't win
Lost faith in the very concept of P2W. Theres nothing left for me

at least you didn't spend that money on cosmetics

>be me in high school
>at a friend's house playing rockband
>he's on guitar, his brother on drums, me on vocals
>we're having a blast, getting really into it
>autistically decide to take off my shirt and swing it around while singing
>accidentally hit bro in the face with my shirt
>he's known to have severe anger issues
>stops drumming in the middle of the song and tackles me to the ground
>pummels me with his fists out of anger while I beg for mercy
>after he stops say that I'm gonna leave
>he screams at me that I can't leave until I finish the song
>meekly continue my performance then leave after

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>loved Fable
>Fable 2 comes out, get the bloated collectors edition and everything
>spend the game beefing up for the final fight, even if I felt mostly disappointed with it
>found the dog fucking annoying
>multiplayer in it was a lie
>kept pushing through though, expecting an amazing end

>get to the end, ready for anything
>the final boss plays a music box and dies
>credits roll

That was the day Yea Forums, that was the day AAA died for me. That was the day I started waiting for any game I wanted to play drop into the $20 bargain bin first.

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Come on user, be a little nicer to girls.
Of course none of them are actually interested and know anything about games, all they want is to larp to forget about their daddy issues.

what is it about vidya that women don't like? It just blows my mind that there's this huge dichotomy between genders

Good pasta

>he screams at me that I can't leave until I finish the song
Holy shit thats fucking gold

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>be me
>end of story

thats what you get faggot

I haven't lost faith in pre-2010 games, they're still good and hold up to this day
Anything after that is pretty much lost cause

I started playing a mobile game recently that I find fun to play but it has so much bullshit predatory microtransaction crap that it makes me vomit, it matches you up with players that have used money onto the game so your F2P account feels inferior, if you run out of any resources the game instantly gives you a prompt to buy more of those resources, it keeps giving you these 10-30 dollar deals to lessen the grind and the gacha percentages to get good characters are so rigged, I still don't mind, I will overcome the challenge even as a F2P player

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persevering as a F2P in mobile games is one of the manliest things you can do. You have my support

i bought into the hype for Destiny 1 and The Division 1.

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>lose a game
>lose faith in vidya
I expected more along the lines of talks about on disc DLC and stuff, but okay.

>get really into vidya in the past few years
>have a couple of friends, we play csgo together
>eventually want to branch out to other online games
>every few days i go through steam's recommendations to find new games for us to play, every time i find something they give a bullshit excuse as to why they won't play it
>"no i don't want to play broforce because it's 2d", "no i don't want to play deep rock galactic because it looks boring", etc.
>this goes on for about 2 years
>mainstream games pushing more and more the whole online multiplayer thing, everywhere i look there's a game with at least a coop mode
>eventually stop playing csgo with them and they just play lol instead
we meet every once in a while to play board games but that ends up going badly as well because the friend who brings all these board games never reads about them at home and we have to learn how to play when we already meet, last time we learned how to play nations for 3-4 hours and i played with them for 20 minutes but i got tired and had a headache so i went home
in short i lost faith in online games and having friends, i only play tf2 and singleplayer games now


I feel this in my bones

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This one always gets me

>best friend loved Star Wars
>fucking died before EA's Battlefront and Force Awakens
He was the lucky one.

how'd he die?

Died in his sleep at the age of 21. Cherish what you have, anons. Life comes at you fast.

honestly that's more terrifying than depressing. I'm sorry for your loss

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Do you not know where he lives? Go to his house and beat his ass or something like what the fuck are you doing? I will never get these kinds of stories where a "friend" will come over to play vidya and then steals the console or a couple of games and dips out and then the person telling the story doesn't do jackshit about it.

I have a story that restored my faith:
>friend asked if I wanted to go to his house to play some rpg
>It was my friend, a guy I hated and a random couple
>Things get chaotic quickly, the couple starts making loudly on the counch, my friend is so tired that he just slept on the floor, it's just me and the guy I hated
>Somehow I had my old snes and a copy of street fighter 2 turbo in my backpack
>Asked the the guy I hated if he wanted to play
>We had lots of fun playing until 4 a.m.
Games are good guys

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I appreciate the kind words, bud. All these years later and I'm still not even close to coping.

>Somehow I had my old snes and a copy of street fighter 2 turbo in my backpack

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That one retarded play tester from Valve which kept getting lost in the same spot in HL2 Episode 1.

>new guy at work
>asks me if I play video games
>"Do you play Skyrim?"
>"Nah, I couldn't really get into Skyrim."
>"Not a big fan of RPGs, huh?"

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That's nothing, baby. I bought into the hype for Destiny 2.

>the year halo reach came out
>hyped as fuck, played the beta and loved it
>preordered the Xbox and legendary edition
>go to midnight launch to get my stuff
>there’s a 7 year old kid there
>says he’s a big halo fan and that he has only played 3
>start questioning my love for video games and if I’m getting too old for it
>stopped buying games after that

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A friend and I got this too. His copy didn't arrive and he was on the verge of tears. Turns out it got delivered to the office building next door

Haven't seen him in years

Still a virgin at age 20
Still a virgin at age 21

Yeah I'm done with gaming for good.
I just get anxiety playing games

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Met Randy Pitchford, brianna woo, and the guy who made a hat in time years ago at PAX East. after that experience I found myself playing weeb games a lot more

There are newfags on Yea Forums that have formed circlejerks/discords that spam their garbage daily
look at adamantium and speedonvhs here

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>lmao get yeeted on

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Sometimes I don't understand this kind of people, do they were like good boys that spend all time doing good deeds during childhood or he just forget the kind of stupidity that we did in the past in those irc channels and newgrounds?

that should be normal in a non degenerate society desu, you can only just legally drink

I'm EU

We drink young. But I'm a pussy

have sex

Maybe he just thought really hard about dying in his sleep to commit suicide, I do that sometimes

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Why are there so many mentally unstable people on Yea Forums?

>First christmas with both divorced parents together in 16 years
>Comment "witty" on presents
>"I bet that's a bike" on a small flat package, et cetera
>Stepbrother who tried to commit suicide by jumping from 7th floor down on asphalt, miraculously surviving but ending up in a coma, fucked up injuries for life, gets a backpack
>"oh neat, a parachute"
>What the fuck did I say
>Ears ringing out of embarassment
>Fuck wasnt awkward enough


>games after 2015

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left eyelid twitching uncontrollably

>nip games in 2007-2014
>western games after 2015
Thank god for based nips

I joined Yea Forums’s Yea Forums

This board made me lose faith in videogames. Every day again and again.


this was all around 2010ish or so can't remember... between 2011 and whenever Siege was announced, I guess.
>Ubisoft has official forums for the last remaining Rainbow Six faithful still playing Raven Shield
>we all clamor on the forums and set up multiplayer nights, share maps, etc.
>Patriots gets announced right as our numbers started dwindling
>old timers and new age Vegas series fans suddenly gather round and speculate
>Ubisoft takes notice, hires staff to monitor forums
>we all notice this and take the initiative to spoonfeed the developers
>hold weekly tribunals and decide on the penultimate wishlist of what we want
>but more importantly, what we DO NOT want
this shit was organized too, we had an entire index so it was easy for them to follow along
>patiently await for new information, feedback, whatever... nothing
>months go by, multiple E3s go by, no word from Ubisoft for years
>suddenly, pre-orders are canceled and people start jumping ship, still no word from Ubisoft
>ask if the game is canceled
>"we will let you know when more information becomes available"
>ask repeatedly, and that's all we get in response

for context, that was the only response we got for 2-3 years at that point, that "gameplay demo" they released was just an attempt to save face

>E3 rolls around several months later
>Siege is suddenly announced
>along with The Division
Ubisoft fucked the Rainbow Six community so hard that they ditched their own official forums and moved over to reddit. I'm not even kidding.
They told us to move over to reddit so they could pretend that their blatant mishandling of their own fans, the only existing Rainbow Six community, never happened. Notice how r/rainbow6 is for Siege and Siege only. Disgraceful.

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Get this game user, it's really decent there's two versions, the pay once get the whole thing and the free version. To my knowledge I don't think it has ads in either version, just one has more items to work with. It's a space flight sim where you launch shit off earth and build things in space, there's no missions it's just a sandbox, but it comes in handy when you want something to pass the time.

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This game was pretty great but the final "boss" was even worse than 3's

Companies love to have reddit be the main point of discussion now since they can openly stalk their fans and gather a shitload of data.

if he's in a coma why did he get a backpack, let alone received anything at all

It might seem bad, but give it time. Jokes like that either get forgotten or are remembered fondly, even if it seems in poor taste or too dark.

Won't keep you from beating yourself up over it for years to come, but yeah. Nobody else thinks it's as bad as you think it is.