Did your dad play vidya with you?

Did your dad play vidya with you?

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nope mine is a real baby boomer who works 24/7 till he's dead.

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My dad played with us when we were kids. Played Rampage, Pacman, Mario, etc with him. Then as I got older, my dad hated them and would harshly criticize my brother and I for playing them, after getting us hooked when we were 4 / 6 years old.

Yeah, my parents had me when they were still teenagers and I have lots of fond memories of playing video games with both of my parents.

My dad and I used to be able to clear both Streets of Rage 1 and 2 on hard with no continues.

My dad would play resident evil, silent hill 2 and parasite eve so me and my brother could watch because we weren't old enough to be able to play them properly

He was the one that got me into gaming.

He played the Wii more often than I did. He got really hooked on Wii bowling.

Now he's dead.

tetris on nes. thanks dad, rip

yes. time crisis, crash, fifa, anything and everything, thank you dad

No all he did was work. He didn't really take time to get to know me till i left for college.

My dad used to play games with me
But stopped when I started to be able to beat him at them

But now all he plays is CoD, and I don't have any real interest in it. I could easily play that with him if I wanted though.

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Yeah my dad played socom with me.

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my parents hated video games and had no interest. I do remember my mom playing SNES Turtles in Time with me one time though.

We still play a game together sometimes but not as often as we used to.

Only Duck Hunt every now and then, gave two fucks about anything else.

No. Never.
I would play with my kids tho. But I am an incel.

When will Messi retire?

My what now?

yeah we played smash bros

yeah, ut99 & 2004, he sucked bad though, I let him win a few times to keep his spirits up

My dad played Zuma for several years but now he’s on the Candy Crush train. He’s almost pushing 80.

why is that kid so pissed off?

He will be a manlet.

>be kid
>dad would some times play vidya with brother and I
>family steadily became more dysfunctional as my dad's drug habits and abuse escalated
>family stayed together, but we're about as functional as a square tire
>dad hates vidya now
>haven't been able to bond with my dad since I was a child
>I'm now 28, some times can't stand even being around my dad

It's inspired me to be a greater dad than mine ever was some day.

My dad hated video games and made me ashamed of playing them

his dad made him pick Ronaldo

I remember him playing Ace Combat 2 and actually go through the first ten or so levels

>Having a Dad that plays vidya

The real mark of a Zoomer. My Dad fucking hates video games and think they're for children and a waste of time, yet he'll smoke weed every day like it's going out of style like the boomer hippie he is.

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I got my dad into diablo 2 and WoW. he played them all the time with me and my older brothers it was a way we could connect with him while he was stationed overseas with the airforce.

This happened to me too. He even had a place where people would rent games before it was a fad pre my birth. I think is self hate for letting things that made tou happy go.

If he's anything like his dad then being a manlet will mean shit.


It's funny because Ronaldo's son is a big fan of Messi.

My dad is 50 and he plays vidya all day
Just go back in time and get parents that aren't afraid of change/technophobes

My dad played games a lot before I was born, as I grew up he got me into it, I remember playing some old shooter game on PC with him, playing a few Zeldas together, eventually we all got into weekly family Mario Kart races with my mum and sister.

Sadly he had less and less free time as i got older and eventually would come home every night and go straight to bed. After he died from a heart attack we found and old Sega Mega Drive in his closet along with the original Sonic and some football/soccer game. Unfortunately I was too young to really consider what he wanted until he was gone, if he were still around I would have loved to discuss the stuff he used to play.

Guy next to him taunted "I slept with your mom last night lol"

Will Messi ever be able to hold this?
Ronaldo never ever

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Yes, he would hand me the second controller and let me think I was playing while he played C&C on the PS1. When I got old enough to play it he would input the cheat codes for me.

No, he's only just able to work a TV remote.

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My dad is responsible for introducing me to the original halo. I think he might have played it with me way back when.

It’s a shame he and that franchise are both shells of their former selves

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I always envy people who tell stories of playing vidya with their parents.
Both of my parents never cared and still don't care about videogames, my dad actually gets pretty angry about the fact that i still play them, i always thought it would be really cool and comfy to have parents who liked games as a kid

He's definitely mellowed out this past year since he got into weed growing after cannabis became legal here in Michigan. I just find it a bit hypocritical that we smack talks vidya when smoking gelato every day until you go numb can also be seen as unproductive and childish, just two different activities performing the same dopamine rush. I think he just doesn't like losing and he's not experienced in vidya so he doesn't bother trying to play. He also doesn't want to associate his image with "gamers", not that I blame him for this one, people who only play vidya as their only interest are some dreadful people to associate yourself with.

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No, he's now a typical 70 yo boomer who barely knows how to use a computer.
Like many boomers, my dad was not much into parenting so video games were some sort of nanny for me, kept me quiet and made me a social autist

A few times. Then he died.
I miss my dad, Yea Forums.

No he died before I was born

F :(

AoE2 and Diablo 2 were his favourite games. Played them both on lan together.
He also liked warcraft 2. He didn't get into wc3 though.
Died a couple of years ago, and his birthday is in a few days so I'll kill Duriel for him.,

when I was around 6 he bought a n64 and we would play banjo kazooie and sm64 together.

He tried over PES 4. Even after 2 years of playing every other weekend he still had to look at the controller sometimes to figure out which button he wanted to press.

my dad and I played quake, HL mods and this fps called delta force 2 together

Yes but his last game was ocarina of time. He's still alive it's just that the water temple broke his casual mind and he never recovered

Yeah, he started gaming in 1984, after he bought an Atari 800XL. We used to play together a lot on the NES, SNES and N64, until our taste in games started to differ. Later, one of us would just watch the other play while commenting on what the player should do. He still plays vidya to this day, and I often visit my parents just to see him blow shit up in whatever game it is he's currently enjoying.

He didn't enjoy Days Gone.

Yeah but only those lame madden NFL games from the 90s. The only reason I know anything about football or teams is because of those fucking video games.

Yeah. We played halo mechassault on the og xbox. We'd also browse newgrounds together.


Wait, does he play modern games as well? Which ones? Most boomers who started with retro games quit during 5th gen I feel.

No, he always hated them and hoped I'd grow out of them, he despised paying money for them and never let me forget it.

He tried to, but preferred watching me. He remembered characters across games (i.e. recognizing Samus in Metroid Prime cutscenes because he'd seen her in Smash Bros)

He was legitimately just happy seeing me happy playing vidya. I miss him every day, bros.

Yes we would play doom together sharing the keyboard, same with some top-down shmup with a harrier jet.

Later on progressed to micromachines on the genesis. Best track is head to head knockout on that helicopter garden one god damn

My dad was born in 1946. He prefers model trains.

No, he actually hated vidya. He never let me play during weekdays even though my grades were pretty much perfect and during weekends when I was "allowed" he always used excuses to make me do something that wasn't vidya.
I'm glad I haven't seen the retard in over 10 years now.

I noticed you didn't say YOUR age user. My gf's sister's brother is age 14 with a 50 year old father

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Yes actually, I have a good relationship with my dad even now. We're playing through original sin 2 at the moment.

My dad played video games, but not with me. Instead he would hog the computer playing online RTS while I needed the computer to do homework. I would often have to unplug the computer to get him to leave, which always resulted and in angry tantrum from him. Cool guy, huh?

He had an assload of Atari games growing up that he'd play with me when I was younger. Most of them complete dog shit. It's easy to see why the industry collapsed.

He was blown away when Mario 64 came out and we played Mario Kart 64 all the time. Now he's dead!

I feel like there is a mixed response in this thread, so answer here please.

Why would he want to have a kid at 36? 4 years shy of 40? old ass man, fuck off

Yes, but nowadays he just plays on the PS4 and Xbone, since he hasn't had a PC in years. He has trouble aiming in console FPS games, so he sticks to any and all open-world third-person shooters he can get his hands on, plus racing games like Forza Horizon. Rockstar games are his favorites. Casual, maybe, but that's his thing.

We played a shit ton of Crash Bandicoot and CTR. He'd plow through Crash 1 in a single sitting. Doesnt vidya anymore, but he recently tried the remaster and loved it, played straight through the first two islands. The new animations really cracked him up. But according to him "it just isn't the same".

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No, but my mom did. She originally bought an NES for her own sake. Dad never really got that stuff.

Not that user, but my youngest brother is 14, and my father would be 54 is he were still alive.

Wow that is cool. Does he know a lot about video game history and such? Can you discuss video games with him? Do you share a big collection?

He knows what truly has soul

He was talking about how the game felt, not how it looked you memespouting faggot

I can't remember seeing my father in the house at any hour before 8 p.m. ever.
But when I was a lil' kid he'd watch me play and try to compliment me on what I was doing. He worked 12 hour shifts at the hospital but still at least found the time to check on me and make me know he was proud of me no matter what. He'd sit down and play with Legos with me when the occasion presented. I love my dad so much


My dad was a tech luddite for years, never touched computers or smartphones until the last two years or so, let alone playing video games.
except for when the wii game out, he fucking loved wii sports and mariokart, he actually unlocked most of the characters and courses for me.

I'm 19 and my dad is 33. (He had me with my mom when they were both 14 they were from a redneck area) they're also second cousins but since they're not that related to one another it's not really inbreeding legally

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Nah, not really. He knows quite a lot about modern vidya, but mostly just the AAA stuff. He likes to share stories about what he did in the games, and I usually find his tales funnier than when I play the games themselves. As for his physical games, he usually just gives them to me when he's done with them. I have a few hundred.

Civilization and Transport Tycoon are dad-series he loved, but he hasn't played them in years.

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He played rampage with me a lot.

What? Theres nothing wrong with having kids with your cousin as long as they arent your first cousin

No, my dad is alcoholic :(

Nah, he's always busy doing an impression of the contents of my ash try.

Yeah, when I was young on the NES and SNES. As games got more advanced he didn't like them as much and thought they were confusing/too hard though.

Today is the 10 year anniversary of his death, so this thread is quite a coincidence.

i played more vidya when i drank a lot

mine used to play the games for me to watch, taught kid me how to be good at destroy all humans.
i miss him anons

my dad was a huge amiga nerd and got me to early pc gaming

My dad would only play two games, Duckhunt, and Snes NCAA basketball. I have a rom of ncaa just to boot up and bawl my eyes out over.

My dad helped me defeat Spiky Tiger in Secret of Mana

Maybe once when I was very young but would usually just rag on me for playing games at all. Kinda hypocritical when parents do that and then sit on their ass watching garbage tv instead as if that's any better.

no, my dad has never been interested in vg

>blames you for wasting time playing video games
>drinks his whole life away


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Yeah, we played Bubble Bobble together when I was young and it was a great memory. I mentioned it when he was in the hospital dying and he didn't remember and seemed upset by it...

My father hates video games, say they are for children and that they are at fault for me being a loser.
He works 24/7, be it weekday, weekend or vacations, always had and always will until the day he dies.
Never gave two shits about me other than screaming and grounding me when I got bad grades or did something bad.

Honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

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My step dad bought Pac-Man world for the PS1 and was really into it...I didn’t like the fact he was playing my PlayStation so I took the CD and scratched the shit out of it using the corner of a table.

I was like 10 and I still think about it at night

Three of four times, we played Air Sea Battle for the Atari 2600.


He enjoyed a lot.

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My father hates me because I play video games

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Similar father here but I showed him Fallout 3 and he put like 400 hours into it. As well as RDR2

Yeah, we used to play HoMM II and AoE a lot.

messoy can't even win copa america

My dad only wanted to get to know me through activities I didn't enjoy like hunting/working. he's fuckin 60. My life was shit.

Me and my mom regularly played n64 games together. She beat diddy king racing for me.

A more important question is did your dad kill your mom's Chad boyfriend just to have a chance with her?

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I play 3rd Strike or SF2T with my dad almost daily

Yeah, fond memories playing Mario Tennis on the highest difficulty with him

I used to watch my dad play Dr. Mario and Galaga. He thinks he can't grasp anything more complex.

The only games i remember was Streets of Rage and some F1 game on the mega drive

What kind of slander is this?

He taught me how to play games. I would play StarCraft on his lap with him. He disowned me after I called him out on his libcuck views destroying our people.


>he doesn't know

Yep. When I was a toddler he'd play Descent on DOS with me on his lap. When I got into my teens he got really into Halo and even bought his own 360 so we could play it together without having to use split screen. He took me and my friends to game stop to pick up Halo 3 at its midnight release and we all spent the entire night playing it- the next morning he let me stay home from school so i could keep playing it while he went to work.

Great memories that defined my childhood desu.

>He taught me how to play games. I would play StarCraft on his lap with him
that's pretty nice
>He disowned me after I called him out on his libcuck views destroying our people.
You dumbass. I disagree with shit my dad says but I don't let it get over my head

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My dad's the reason I'm into vidya to begin with. We used to play Toejam and Earl and even played Back in the Groove once it came out, but there was plenty of other stuff we used to play like Gauntlet and Mario Party. Even some single player stuff we'd sorta take turns with and see if we'd find secrets the other missed like in Majora's Mask and Metroid Prime.

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This is the same as me. but I never played wuth toys as a kid just vidya. my dad had no intention of playing anything with me. all he did was work 12 hours everyday at the hospital er. When he's not working he's ragging on me to get a job n shit. Really makes me wonder if I'm gonna do this to my kid someday. life sucks.

Nigger come the fuck on.

You won't because you won't have a job, let alone enough money to sustain a family.

My Dad had a PS1 and PS2 and played Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Medal of Honor, and some golf game
My Mom had a Game Boy with Tetris, Dr. Mario, Kirby's Dreamland 2, and Caesar's Palace

>t-there are adults whose first console was last gen
Please God no, don't do this to me

he beat the games

Imagine being this retarded.

He only played with me until I was 8 which was when I started beating him.

Him and my older sister stopped playing videogames because I started beating both of them.

Its sad. It would have been nice to have played FPS games with my dad. Its not like I complained when he would beat me

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Pretty much every major game of our lives growing up. Literally every and anything on the Dreamcast, the Silent Hill series, the Metal Gear Series, Tony Hawk's Underground 1&2, etc. My fondest memories are of Silent Hill 4, being a young dumby and having a cool wiser dad (and his friend sometimes) to guide you through the spooky shit was a lot of fun.

it does when our people are at braking point, bad things happen when good men do nothing. I'm satnding up and fighting for survival, I offered him the truth and he rejected it.

Yeah I played FFVII w him for the first time. I remember when Aeris died.

We would also play Diablo on PS1 together. We would play split screen Medal of Honor too.

the only vidya my dad played with me was cave story
which is really weird because cave story didn't exist when i was growing up

No I actually have a job. I went to the navy for a little bit and got a 707 seperation code. came back and I have to live with him or a roomate until I can support myself. He just keeps saying get a job even though I have one. I'm in a weird situation bro. would move out but got noone who can atm.

Dad was awesome at games he introduced me to Prince of Persia
We used to stay up all night and play crash team racing mom would watch and cheer me on
Things used to be so much simpler few years ago we went abroad to give us a better life just ended up giving himself one oh well

he bought me a NES when i was 6
we played battle city together a lot
the man died when i was 7

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playing pic related with my dad are some of my nicest childhood memories with him
>dads sides enter orbit every time one of us sends the taco car flaming off the track
>neither of us know how to play, we're just messing with each other

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>yuros call this soiboi looking twink the GOAT
>or even an athlete at all
what the fuck is wrong with you semen slurpers

my dad only ever played racing games. i get the impression he did so because racing games were the first thing that didn't seem alien to him in terms of game genre as he drives to work every day. i would try to get him into the action games i like to play with not too much success.

My parents were born long before video games were a thing.
By the time Pong came out to arcades my dad was already an adult.

I tried to get him to play some video games but he could never get a knack for it.

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My sister, mom and dad would sit around and play Mario sunshine and try to beat the harder levels. The sand bird gave them ptsd

i dont even know my parents

Me in the back

My dad was 40 when I was born.

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My dad got me hooked on vidya
Earliest memories are watching him 100% crash bandicoot and eat shit in moh
He also prefers reboot TR to the originals, so he might just be a pleb

>last gen
wii was 2 generations ago, last generation was the wii u

He played real dadcore games like NHL and flight sims before he passed away. He was also a real cool dude. He custom chipped my Playstation and pirated a shitload of games for me. Bless that man wherever he is.

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did they die before you were born?

Dad used to play contra with me if I swallowed and promised not to tell Mom.

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My parents legit do nothing besides sit around and smoke or be at work. They don’t have a single hobby. I don’t know how they don’t kill themselves

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my dad taught me a lot of board games like chess checkers mil parchis/ludo but no video games but our uncle used to take me to arcades late at night where he and his friend would play street fighter ii champion's edition

LMFAO look at these 2 autists.

Yeh, my dad loves car games he couldn't get enough of them hes a big Motorsport fan, sometimes i'd come home from a friends house or what and he'd be in my room playing Project Gothem Racing or Forza 1 or Rallysport, and anytime i played a car game in my room he'd come up without fail like he could hear the engine sounds. Good memories

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My dad would only ever touch classic namco arcade games. I remember when he first found out about those plug n play namco controllers he was having the time of his life. Love ya dad.

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dad ded

Some people are like that. They're not going to last long if they ever have to stop working.

Yes, he taught me to read by reading him back tomb raider walkthroughs while he played. We did this for the first three games and expansions.

My dad would watch me play video games for short intervals. Pic was the only game he was willing to play.

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sometimes but my uncle his younger brother is the one that played vidya with me

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24 yo here. my dad owned an arcade and well, i was pretty much doomed to end up as a neet

Both my parents played and still do play video games. With my mom its a thing we talk about a lot since we have a few series that we both like. But she also plays shit like Dragon Age, ES: Online, and Assassin's Creed, so our tastes definitely differ a bit. We're both looking forward to VTMB2, though. My dad used to play RPGs/JRPGs and sports games, now he just plays MMOs mostly. All that, and I can't remember any time when my parents played games with me, we pretty much just played our games separately.
My dad used to be an asshole about games he owned actually, no one was allowed to play them until he finished it first and for awhile I wasn't allowed to play them at all, I guess he thought I'd break them or some shit. I started a file on Oblivion once and he got pissed when he found out and deleted my save, for example. But he's also the one who got me into KOTOR, so that was cool of him.

Dad only plays Pinball machines, hates everything related to vydia.
Though I got him to play some of Pinball FX2 and he liked it, the motherfucker remembered Frankensteins multiball.

>Honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
that's abuse cope user
when he kicks the bucket you're going to feel like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders