What's the Eurovision of Video Games?
What's the Eurovision of Video Games?
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I fucking hate this kind of threads.
Why the fuck do you all want to discuss not vidya related stuff on Yea Forums when you have a board for that?
Anything made by dick chopping trannies.
Games Done Quick
how did she win, like honestly
But the discussion is about video games. I'd most likely E3 which is compared to Eurovision.
>those nails implantation
My first full Eurovision was 2006, and Silvia Night has yet to be topped.
she cute
Eurovision is obsessed with drag queens, so I guess Final fantasy?
actually this
Overwatch League
>What's the _____ of Video Games?
So will Hamas bomb the everliving shit out of the Eurovision Contest or no? Why is Isreal even in this shit? Or Australia? ????????????
The Yea Forums awards.
I can't fucking wait.
>morbidly obese jew dons full traditional japanese clothing and sings a song about drinking the blood of palestinian children
>wins eurovision
how did it happen lads
That's not even a trap. It's just a fucking travesty
>he wasn't around for Guildo Horn
Europeans hate arabs as much as jews
>Or Australia?
They were invited as a joke one year but it turned out they were actually based so they are part of Europe now.
It's because of some tv channel that gets it allowing them, last year was first time it was televised in America. I would love an American version of Eurovision with all the states.
The goyim need to be reminded who their masters are once in a while.
you can take Eurovision if you like, we don't want it. Reminder that many countries, if not most, sabotage their entry by sending an awful retard on purpose to lose, so they don't have to host the next event, because it does terrible ratings.