Why do video game foods always look disgusting?

Why do video game foods always look disgusting?

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What the fuck is that?

A luxury middle class meal circa 2099

Bagged half turkey

This makes me sick, they’re putting animals in cans now

Wash it off, pat dry it, heat oven to very high heat, rub some butter on the outside, and stick the chicken in for like 15 minutes to brown it. Might be good. I bet it is super salty though.

fuck off /ck/

If its too salty use potatoes.

How long does that shit keep

We sell this where I wagecuck at. Only about 1 can sells each week so we joke that there's some guy that REALLY fucking loves canned chicken so he eats it every week

It'd be okay for making dog food honestly.

plot twist: you're the nigga that buys it

>making dog food
>he doesn’t buy ol roy

How the fuck can Amerisharts think fast food looks and taste good but then when they see decent home quality food they think it's bad? How backwards can a nation be?


Didn't some fat obese fuck named Big Mastadon on youtube die from eating nothing but canned chicken on Youtube?

A canned whole chicken ya dingus

>no head
>no entrails
>no feathers
what a scam

>decent quality
Nigger that’s full of salt and too many preservatives

Because good meat doesn't come from cans you eurotard.

Fast food comes in a paper or cardboard covered form and is only removed to be shoved straight into the mouth. Most people barely look at it.

Final Fantasy XV has an autistic level of detail put into the food models and they all look really tasty.

Otherwise I dunno, most vidya food looks gross.

>not looking at your fast food
enjoy eating cum nigger

Attached: Foodporn1.jpg (1180x1714, 515K)

I work at night so our only cashier is my boss. If he saw me buying that shit he'd fire my ass for being disrespectful

Chickens are actually born without those things, it's just the media that portrays them having those things.
If you see a chicken with a head, feathers or entrails, whomever owns it put on/in it like horseshoes.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with canned beans and crushed tomatoes.

thanks i will.

Every single Vanillaware game has excellent looking food, you crazy op

Yea Forums can’t be this retarded

Attached: Foodporn2.jpg (1130x1623, 457K)

How the FUCK is this a decent HOME quality meal? It's a CANNED chicken, what kind of a third world shithole would you have to live in to find this to be any kind of quality food?

I dunno, if there's one thing ffxv did right it's the food items. They even made cup noodles look good.

Attached: finalfantasymeal.jpg (770x433, 31K)

Probably some shithole like Romania or Brazil.

Might be good for making stock

>this is allowed
>ProJared threads were not

>European reading comprehension or understanding of what's meat and what isn't
Canned meat 99% of the time is garbage.

Projared isn’t a game, almost all games contain food. Stay seething zoomer faggot.

White people cuisine.