Oddworld: Soulstorm

Oddworld: Soulstorm new gameplay and screenshots, get the fuck in here Oddbros


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com / politicalspitefulastarte

in-game footage, for some reason it thinks this post is spam

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looks like you can use snipers, scopes and such to get a feel of the environment and put enemies/muds to sleep

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Why didn't I know about this?

it's been quiet for a long time, but we're finally getting trailers and such
2 months ago we got a short cinematic: youtu.be/9nHf_ejvqA0

thankfully it seems like they listened and removed all of the bloom and lens effect shit, looks so much more cleaner compared to NnT

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where my Oddbros at

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I see it will still have the same problems as NnT. Well, they cant take away from me the original Exoddus. I only wish for an Exoddus HD port at some point but I doubt it will happen.

I was beginning to wonder if they're ever gonna make an Exodus remake.

>still have the same problems as NnT

what don't you like about it? there's no more lens dirt or atrocious bloom, looks fine to me
if you're mad that it's not purely 2D with screen transitions I'd say that was an unrealistic expectation

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even more in-game footage:

com/ clumsyornateicelandicsheepdog (remove the spaces)

looks neat

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I wonder if the movement is going to be refined at all or if they're going to keep the laggy "classic" movement to appease fans of the old game.

sligs still got the 2 eyes design instead of the one slit

everything looks a lot cleaner and more fluid, I think Lorne said it's not so much of a twitch platformer now where you're jumping over mines with perfect precise inputs
can't say I mind

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wait what

Don't know how I feel about scavenging but I'll admit I'm a nostalgiafag so I'll wait and see before passing judgement.

they've had two eyes since the original games and concept art

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shit I'm drunk, what's happening, new oddworld? could be good but remember that remake they did of odyssey, it was shitty and gay and they removed some of the pre-rendered backgrounds and other good stuff and turned it into nu-vidya, so I'm a bit skeptical. but I don't think the suit glukkans can keep this franchise down for long, so I still have faith in this new game that I just heard about 5 secondsdsds ago

Looks nice, I'm happy for you Yea Forumsros. I wish the shit I liked got some love too :/

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>remember that remake they did of odyssey

New 'n' Tasty was developed by Just Add Water, not Oddworld Inhabitants
it's in safe hands lad

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So they're going to remake Munch's Oddysee after Soulstorm, then do the rest of the cancelled games? (Munch's Exxodus and Squeek's Oddysee)

I just want an HD port of Stranger's Wrath

I bet godus will get a patch soon user

Concept art =/= actual design

Theyre both in game. Apparently there are more designs in game too.

>crafting and looting

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I love that Lorne Lanning is finally getting to do new stuff and bigger projects but part of me really just wanted a straight remake of Exoddus. Just a graphical overhaul (without losing the the original soul like NnT did).

It pains me that Lorne looks down on the original Exoddus. Yes; it had to be done in 9 months and didn't have everything he wanted but it's still an absolutely fantastic game. The quick turnaround just makes it even more impressive.

Kek, what?
Was that some sort of burn that flew over my head?
Because that game's trash but also not my type.

If it's any consolation, as a longtime Oddworld fan this doesn't look good to me at all.

>implying it doesn't hold up to this day

I just got it on steam a couple months ago for the first time, it's still good. The only thing that kek's me is that awkward early 2000s period where literally everybody with a country accent is portrayed as a completely lost-in-the-hay barnyard chucklefuck who couldn't find his ass in a corn field (hyuk hyuk), so all the bird townspeople talk like what gamer nerds thought rednecks sounded like in 2004, it's jarring. all the NPCs are this retarded archaic caricature that aged poorly but it's still kino in the end

there already is one though?

why the fuck is there a 3MB filesize limit for .webms and no audio? also this is from no, the new Quintology is Abe's Oddysee/NnT followed by Soulstorm, Munch is out
Soulstorm is a 'reimagining' of Exoddus since back in the day they only had 9 months to make it, which isn't what Lorne wanted, meaning he didn't get to make the game he wanted

after Soulstorm we've got 3 entirely new games ahead

already a thing

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still looks far too colorful.

I'd say that it is the amount of intensive bright colours and details that hurt my eyes

shit music


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Wtf? That somersault jump... memories from Munch's Oddysee

i hope they iterate the UI and animations, thats about it though