Was everything more kino in the 90s?

Was everything more kino in the 90s?

Attached: 90s.jpg (1201x900, 466K)

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america/europe was still white

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Madara Uchiha

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i hope 90s lingerie makes a come back. i miss those high waisted thongs.

Anime and games were at its peak.

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Where did it go so wrong for Katie, bros? She's such an uggo now

social justice indoctrination

this picture has soul

Attached: soulless.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Fuck off

Dude, have you not been outside? High-cut and high-waist are already back in fashion again.

look at all that gay shit and pokeymon
I bet you losers are all consolefags too
get the fuck out of my face

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stay mad faggot the north american education system is shit turning out nothing but indoctrinated freaks

That'a early 2000s my man

>downloading a 2mb anime hentai lewd pic took 2 hours
pure kino


>multiple shows from 2000 on the right
am I being tricked?

Partly because the economy was still decent in the 90s and people had disposable income

Attached: productivity wages.png (538x305, 77K)

Maximum kino

Wasn't Carmack a fan of early gen consoles?

the best thing about the 90s was the fact that people didnt communicate exclusively in fuckshit shithead memes or words fuckwit shithead meme words like 'kino.'

Attached: doomboard.png (1904x853, 41K)

i miss it, guys

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i remember i had netzero or some shit and it would dc whenever someone would call. my go to strat was to click a bunch of images at once and then let them buffer and hope i get enough wank material by the time it disconnected. good times

you joke about it but its a reality

>fuckshit shithead memes or words fuckwit shithead meme words like 'kino.'
this old cunt going senile.

I don't understand this graph. Why should wages increase proportionally with productivity?

Katie already said that pic was from 2001, but admittedly there was still a 90s vibe then.

Because an increase in productivity (how much workers produce per hour) means that the economic tide is continually rising, but most of the gains are going to the top and to the capital-holders, as opposed to wage-earners and labour.

In effect, since the late 1940s to late 1970s, everyone's boat was rising at the same time, but that diverged.

Early 00s is still 90s.

Attached: 1552724112892.jpg (1350x1350, 152K)

think we can all agree the 90s ended on 9/10/2001

>watching something while playing games and wearing girl's underwear
This chick is doing it right.

More work is getting done, but payment for the work is still as if less work was done. Work more, earn less

Is that Rocket Power on the TV?

She gave us this masterpiece so idc

Attached: eat your hamburgers.png (650x902, 674K)

Carmack was a big fan of console gaming and helped PC become more proficient at gaming. PCs couldn't even do sidescrolling graphics properly before him.

the people at the top are getting significantly more value out of your work than you are making for it

I want to go back.

Attached: mark-hamill-actually-cried-while-filming-the-last-jedi.jpg (650x325, 20K)

Yes it is user, with Reggie right at the center.

I don't know if it was more kino, but I know I definitely didn't care about industry shit back then. I just enjoyed games.

Absolute Mommycore God damn what are some kinos with this aesthetic?

Early 2000's > 90's

9/11 made everything shit so i disagree

who's this gal?

>rocket power
more like early 00s
i know rocket power and pokemon and g3 imacs are all from the 90s, but they weren't as common, bionicle is definitely 00s though
>no lisa frank shit
what the fuck

>multiple shows from 2000 on the right
>am I being tricked?

No. All the images on the right side are from 1998 - 1999.

This one is from the 90s too.

Attached: __yamamoto_youko_soreyuke_uchuu_senkan_yamamoto_youko_drawn_by_watanabe_akio__2f6a2d6d32704dede5c492 (1600x1200, 870K)

Sure if you give a shit about CMT.

probably because games were good back then due to the fact that shareholders weren't as meddling because the game industry wasn't bigger than the movie industry yet?

Imagine getting so triggered by the image on the left that you had to make a counterchart.
Nothing from the 80s resembles anything on the left. That left artstyle can be found all through out early, mid and late 90s.
Everything on the right is indicative of the late 90s and early 00s.

Attached: ackchyually.png (398x398, 70K)

but why doesn't it feel the same

Cute and funny. Urge to bring space jam and Capri sun to her rising.

i've always said that 1968 was the beginning of the end of the west

We are not living in as innocent a time any more.

>tfw no more big sex hairstyles

But the late 90s is still part of the 90s and the artstyle have more similarity to those of the mid 90s than to the mid 00s.

But the artstyle on the right originated in the late 90s but was more abundant in the early 00s.
The left is the go-to artstyle to make fun of the 90s for because it's an artstyle entirely contained to the 90s and belonged to really popular stuff.

Eww yuck I can feel the cooties in that room from here.

everything digital was new back then. the evolution has become very slow or unrecognizable now. and it makes you feel stagnated.


Because you just have to walk outside to see a whore's underwear.

'01 was the cultural cutoff really. The early 90's were rather more of a continuation of the 80's.


In that case you could say that the early 00 is more connected with the (late) 90s than the whole 00s in the artstyle wise.

Only one man can take us back. Back to the past.

Attached: AVGN.jpg (800x450, 41K)

He has hair?!

>tfw you get nostalgic for early-to-mid AVGN now
Even back then was a better time.

Is-Is she gonna finish that ravoli

I hope you know what she's like now

looks like a young Akko from LWA

first time noticing the togepi figure. Looking it up it wasn't shown to us audiences until 1999 so that picture was probably taken in the 2000s


There's Angeru Cop and City Hunter though.

Looks good but its shit to touch, should just stay in the past

It's not kino, it's just you being nostalgic for a time when you weren't a sad fat fuck.


What was your go-to CD in your Discman? We know you had it.

Attached: offspring-smash-640x640.jpg (640x640, 90K)

Fuck, I was expecting pic related.

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Is that a real question?

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How did america get blacker since the 90s?

Bionicle is 2001. Fake 90's pic.

That's 00s, zoomie.

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>not the superior Offspring
baka and i had a cheap mp3 player with 64mb!

Attached: TheOffspringAmericanaalbumcover.jpg (316x316, 27K)

dad is LEGO, got prototype early

they pop boomed like the hispanics
less white euro immigrants were coming in too


White stockings are so much > black stockings, it's not even funny

thats the face i make too when i play ecco the dolphin, she knows whats up.

Baby boomers started dying, Hispanics started coming in in droves, and Jewish influence caused less white Europeans coming in and lower fertility rates amongst whites.


Attached: 97_apr_doom64ad.jpg (1631x2113, 658K)

He was a fan of big money

Answers it better than Sorry user

The whole The Offspring anthology.
To this day i dont understand why my friends made fun of me for listening them. They were into Blink 182, Sum 41, and then the rest, but never into Offspring.

so were the Stamper brothers, thank god for that

>baby boomers started dying when there were still ww2 vets hanging around is a valid reason

it was considered kinda "trashy lame redneck punk rock" which desu was just infantile feuds among the fans.

who is this cunt?

>he doesnt know
Go back to your jew history user

Yeah, everything went down the toilet after that. Web 2.0/social media/smartphones are SuperHell 3.0

why 2 onua figures? one on shelf one in the white box at the end of the bed...

you're right I don't follow retarded conspiracies

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More productivity doesn't mean more gains.

More work is getting done because of better machinery and production methods. Why should people get paid more because of that?


GET THAT chef boyardi OFF the vcr

>hurr durr I don't want more money
actually retarded


>I don't follow conspiracies
Stay bluepilled faggot they're the truth

I don't even know what the fuck you're referencing that's how many retarded conspiracies there are and how stupid you sound trying to be all enigmatic

>making sweeping generalizations when it all depends on the right contrast

Stop pretending or get out

educate yourself

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Stay mad tard

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Dios mio...



read it in his voice.

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muh nigga. used to sing to fly for a white guy all the time.

it didn't get blacker, the afro-american birthrate is actually declining now, it just got way more non-white immigrants

>say there were ww2 vets still alive in the 90s
>you infer I'm talking about jews and death camps and shit
goddamn you are fucking retarded

Depends if you like the tomboy meter turned up a bit too high so there's very little femininity left

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i sure hope you're not trying to equate unsourced pol infographics with education there champ

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the raviolis really make the picture

>ywn live in a white country and are doomed to be mutted

Attached: bruh moment.png (411x411, 332K)

its beefaroni

To play the shitty games that suck ass?

>doesnt recognise best witch

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yes it was. better quality stuff, music was actually interesting, late 90's anime was top tier, shows were cool, climate wasn't fucked, GOP wasn't gutting the country, no social media, no smartphones, video games were a fun niche hobby and not a politicized shitfest, porn was hot and not incest rape-play, the American Dream may have been sleeping but it wasn't dead

of all the 80s OVAs and series out there you picked those 2?

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Blacks are still among those with the highest fertility rates and the only reason their numbers might be decreasing in proportion is because of intermarriage and "Latino" not being as exclusive a definition.

ok nostalgia fags, If you had a machine that would take all Yea Forums back to the 90's but as we are right now, will you use it? it include Zoomers and Boomers

80's anime isn't my forte but those were among those which challenged the art style in the meme which came to mind first. There's also the Akira and LOGT memes but that might be too clichéd.

why would I want to take Yea Forums back to the past to ruin everything?

I would die of boredom a few hours into the 90s

shut the fuck up trigger faggot

Attached: gotta go frickin dilate.png (327x324, 105K)

Wow, is such rudeness really necayeres?

Is she naked?

Until you recognize how awful little shit academia is, yes.

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she is getting anal

i dont even remember the 90s

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You're right, the /pol/ infographics contain more useful information.

he's right though, today people are so steeped in irony and sarcasm that even on anonymous bengalese shakuhachi image boards they have to use these euphemisms like "kino" and "NOPE" to avoid showing sincere feelings since that's "edgy" or "cringe".
Even usenet shitposting was more honest and straightforward.

because that's the price to pay to go back

It's not blacker, blacks are actually a pretty stagnated population that only /pol/ really even cares about. it's the Latinos lol, unchecked immigration and welfare (inb4 illegals can't welfare, their kids can collect it since they are American citizens so the illegals are getting their welfare) which enables them to endlessly breed.

Remember the episode where he goes to the future and sees his old self still playing shitty games? Is he actually heading towards that timeline?

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What's with this white obsession? Not all whites are innocent,carefree,and joyful like you crackas want them to be

There ARE evil white people.
There are white pedos
There are white murders
There are white criminals
There are unemployed whites
There are sinful whites

You white boys need to STFU

I love black people

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The reason why everyone wants to go back in time instead of ahead these days is because the cultural and politcal state of the West has been reduced to a bunch of bumbling retards who blather on about incoherent nonsense while indoctrinated socialist and communist want to effectively regress society back to the dark ages.

Blame the baby boomers. Blame all of this on the baby boomers. They took the society of 1950 and destroyed it entirely. They were the ones who decided that having a society based on success, hard-work and good infrastructure was too "safe" and "mainstreamed" and they were the ones who decided that it'd be fun destroying all of it. And now everything is falling apart. Every pillar of our society that built us up to this point is crumbling and every passing decade the decadence of this cultural world decays so much more. That's why you never hear baby boomers say anything other than how worse everything is these days. Because they can't focus on what's good because compared to when they were children and young adults literally everything is fucking worse other than obvious technological improvements. Many Baby Boomers also have a very deep sense of regret for what they've done which is why you see so many sad and long faces in that generation these days.

Going back to the 90's will do nothing but set things back on track to degrade to this point in time and no one wants to admit it but the only way things are going to get better is if there is a very large, collective, group of people who all decide that they're going to make their own communities great and hard-working and self-helping again. Then and only then will things start to get better.

Until then, everything is just going to get shittier and shittier until eventually the West collapses on it's own contradictory regressive political stances.

Attached: Literally me.gif (148x111, 264K)

Now share your wife if you love black people


This scene of a dozy shopclerk was probably influenced by the Japanese post-asset price bubble collapse atmosphere and idealism during it.

Remember when Capcom made fighting games that weren't Street Fighter or Marvel?

Attached: capcomfighting.png (584x566, 335K)