Japan has the best vidya, the best music, the best animation (or as i like to call it, anime), best music, best cuisine and the best women (no discuss) in the entire world. Meanwhile, Westerners have not made a single good thing in over two DECADES, they are infested by Jewish influence, minorities, SJWs and greedy publishers.

While a Japanese studio creates another masterpiece of anime, the West shits out the new gay tranny tumblr cartoon with the same look as every other one made in recent years. While a Japanese developer makes another masterpiece like Sekiro, the West shits out another leftist propaganda game where you kill white men because you disagree with their political beliefs (like in Nu-Wolfenstein)

I wish i was born Japanese.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't argue with any of that.

>wish i was born Japanese.
if you're a white then just work out until you're a white chad and move to japan
you'll get jap pussy easily
T: a finn who went to Japan :DDDDDDD

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>says best music twice
>when they have the worst, most unlistenable shitmusic on the face of the planet

>tfw you lurked /fgg/ too much and you know who the guy in the OP is
I saw things you human beings never saw.

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potato nigger here. I don't want to be Japanese but you're right about everything.

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what is WRONG with you?

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God, I wish Japanese cartoons had lip sync levels of MLP...

I live in Tokyo, OP. Suck my dick!

this, especially if you're blond

>Japan has the most unlistenable shitmusic on the face of the planet

Here's something more to your liking then.

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See that Snake?
That's a weeaboo, the actual kind.
Most people on this board nowadays would call anyone who happens to candidly enjoy japanese games or products a Weeb, but that's merely a bastardization of the original term that has lost all of its original meaning.
Weeaboos are extremists who believe Japan to be some sort of utopia, they're delusional to the point of wanting to become Japanese at a genetic level, and despise their country of origin or ethnicity, a sad state of affairs indeed.

You're half-japanese yourself, aren't you Snake? It just so happens that you can create the perfect bait for weeaboos by flaunting your genetical heritage and remind them they'll never be japanese, it's also a good idea to attach those Dekinai-chan reaction images I sent you earlier to your posts, why don't you try it out?
Post some bait to create a diversion and attract the mods to this thread.

Attached: miller.gif (136x245, 101K)

god I wish
some Japanese don't even realize that they Japanese

Ken-sama (RIP) was better. You're but a cheap copy.

Bless you Miller poster

This but unironically unironic


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I don't give a fuck about politics.
I just want an arcade scene that isn't dead.
The death of arcades kneecapped the entire fighting game genre.

>best animation


The nips are still using 80+ year old techniques the ripped off from Disney

Which wolf is gayer? The one you feed the most dick to

Meanwhile traditional animation on the West is dead and the most you get is the flash garbage like Steven's Universe while anime is flourishing

Still better than "modern" soulless 3d animation garbage in the west.

Shiggy diggy

I wish they did. Ever seen modern anime? It looks like complete soulless dogshit compared to the old stuff.

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This but unironically.

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not even "western" anymore, it's all koreans

it's funny how afraid of japan the jews are
they do everything they can to make anyone who likes japanese stuff look bad
>look at this fat ugly virgin, this is you if you play japanese games!!!


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>Japan has the best vidya
USA has the best vidya

Really? I thought that was a meme.

And it is still better than kusogaijin animation.

yuros love it too for some reason

Japanese games suck.

Attached: west vs japan.png (1634x587, 562K)

Wrapped in obvious hyperbole but ultimately true.

Japanimation is it's own thing. Just because something took influence from previous work, like literally all great arts in the history of mankind doesnt mean its a ripoff. Blacks technically invented rock n roll but whites perfected it.

these threads were great

So the same as in Japan? No wonder modern anime is so shit.

fuck off to resetera. whine about japan and sperg out how superior america is there.


I love anime!

>not hating America cause drumpf


Why do Asian men hate their own women so much? I was just on a thread on Yea Forums about Tifa from Final Fantasy was Asian or white and anytime an Asian women is mentioned 100 R/asianmasculinity posters come out of the woodwork to spam weebcel and cuck porn memes and claiming that all anime is white. what is their major malfunction? Is it an all an attempt to dissuade white men from dating Asian women by making them look shit in comparison?

it is


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Mentally deranged hapas raised in the west, aren't a good representaion of asian people.

I don't think asian men in general hate asian women, it's just that /r/asianmasculinity hapas are especially damaged and obnoxious.


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>While a Japanese developer makes another masterpiece like Sekiro
stopped reading there

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So baaically they're the asian version of r/incels or /r9k/?

they all go apeshit when it comes to japan. /r/gamerghazi where a bunch of resetera fags post is a prime example of that. japan is the most hated country there and treated a much worse way than america.

Konichiwa my Japanese senpai, i plan on visiting Japan.
Im reserching the greatest culture by training with samurai sword everyday, watching as many animes as i can, and playing games by my favorite developers capcom.
My favorite animes are Angel beats, K-on and Sailor moon.
I plan on going to Tokyo high school and have a huge harem.
My favorite video game is Xenoblade 2 i replayed game 3 times with english subtitles.
Hope to visit Japan soon. Arigato gozaimasu.

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>watch anime
>credit rolls are all Korean names
Why do they do this?

too early

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The world's best selling animated movies are from the west, whereas weebshit is lucky if it hits the low millions. Stay mad

Whites invented the genres blacks used to make rock and roll as well as the instruments they used

Nu pixar trash rapes anime in sales even in japan, you deluded weeabo.

Because unlike your anime, Japanese women are essentially western women with the same demands as your average american harpy and rides the cock carousel until she settles with a beta salaryman who's life she will then make miserable. There's a very valid reason why many Japanese men are just dropping out of society

You said it. I find that I play Japanese games almost exclusively, though not because they're Japanese. Western shit is just generally awful. I don't watch Western TV, movies, or anything like that. I barely listen to Western music, either.

>T: a finn who went to Japan
So you just returned to the mainland.

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>Best music

It is these fags love to larp about it though.

You got best cuisine and best women correct, but jap games are fucking unplayable and their music makes my ears bleed. Anime from the 80’s/90’s was okay.

Why Breivik is in the pic ?

>argumentum ad populum

>best cuisine
Bland meme tier food.
>best women
Maybe. Sure doesn't get much worse than western women.
Nah, they sometimes make great games but 9 out of 10 times it's some shitty JRPG and that drags the average really down
True, Jpop is fucking trash.
>80s/90s anime
You got that right.

Overall 7/10 taste

>all these burgers getting mad over japan's superiority

You do know that it takes millions of mindless slaves to produce all this media, right? The pressure is extremely high in Asian countries, they're not very chill people.


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>The pressure is extremely high in Asian countries, they're not very chill people.
Meanwhile not a week passes where we don't hear about a shooting in America.
So much for millions of mindless slaves.

Asians are so fucking ugly, goddamn

>those underage zoomers who thinks japanese music = jpop
Japanese music is kino

kek that looks like one of these meme pictures with copies faces. People here have a skewed view about hot jap chicks because ugly girls are not allowed in media over there.

It kind of is, but I just came back from Japan and I fucked 1 girl and been talking to one other for 3 weeks, and I'm considered average at best in my own country and never get any girls.

Let's not pretend the typical Yea Forums poster doesn't mean anime music when he says he likes Japanese music.

> posting normal-looking children to prove some kind of point

Mods ban this filth before he starts posting Cheese pizza again


Share with us the horrors you speak of

We have millions of guns in our country but less than 1% are used in crimes and not all shootings are criminal, most are self defense or suicide. Don't be mad your country has cucked gun rights

>japanese music
Metal is Western you idiot

gozaio hoimasu

Rock is african american. Metal has its roots in blues and rock n roll.

There's japanese metal bands that predate black sabbath dingus

Attached: big01_b_08d_Flower_Travellin_Band.jpg (800x779, 142K)

Im happy I can taste Japanese culture without living in their shithole government and introverted society. But I agree OP is based.

Anime is a medium for teenagers, if you are in your 20s and still into that shit you need to reconsider your life choice.

Video gaming is a medium for teenagers, if you are in your 20s and still into that shit you need to reconsider your life choice.

There are old men watching anime, user
It's a great medium and you are an idiot if you think it's tied to an age

Attached: bc_courthouse_rock_450x450_SQUARE.jpg (450x450, 44K)

Rock and roll has it's origins in bluegrass and country, created by whites, which is why they picked they picked it up with ease and surpassed blacks.

>There's japanese metal bands that predate black sabbath dingus
are you implying there weren't any western metal bands before black sabbath? even the band you posted states they were heavily influenced by western bands and wanted to bring a similar sound to japan.

>the best music

there's plenty of video games that explore adult themes

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Japanese girls are into foreign guys I can assure you. I've spent a whole Month like two stations from Asakusa and I've met a lot of people in a east side Tokyo Bar. Two girls were into me and one of them was very straight forward, she invited me to her flat. One of the french Pal I met at the hostel also had a girl interested into him, she invited him for dinner and paid everything (happened to me too). And foreign girls in general were also very flirty. Japan is a great place to meet chick if you are not too shy.

As long as you are not in the touristic spots, Japanese people are very chill and easy going. They were very happy that I was going out in their area, I'm still texting some of them.

I generally agree with what you said but I don't wish I was born japanese.

Their first album has a cover of Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath.

Based HWS poster

Attached: HWS.png (1144x1272, 2.68M)

The West is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to video games, this is pasta but it's true nonetheless

That's an interactive movie.

nice titts.

Look at this

uguu kawaii anime desu ne baka sempai OwO.

tfw even japans pop music has soul youtube.com/watch?v=st4ZoMhFiVY

how do i attain this physique?

The fuck is he even saying? It sounds like a bunch of gibberish with random interjections of "fuck", "money", "ho's" and "nigga".

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I don't buy it.

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Not everyone is in stuck in a case of arrested development and obsessively wonders about the opinions of imaginary people on their personal lives like some kinda teenager.

What's the core of anime? What defines the medium the most? What are its most common tropes and themes?
Answer these questions and you'll see what kind of shitshow for teenagers you are dealing with, but honestly if you manage to watch a tsundere interact and randomly hit the MC for more than 10 times then sorry, you're past the point of no return.

You dont. A mere humans cant achieve perfection.

Yes dude, I'm sure you never criticized anything, especially on Yea Forums.
Hell you can't even defend that trash, you're using the same arguments as those capeshit tards that I'm sure you love to shit on constantly.

>worst most unlistenable shitmusic on the face of the planet
Not even Japan has stooped as low as the lowest points of western music

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Of course I mock and criticize people.
I'm not gonna go out of my way to shit on some guy that wants to play/read/watch "Panty Quest: the Hunt for Cunny" or some guy that watched Black Panther 20 times unless they shove it into my face in an environment that isn't suited to it.
And if I do shit on them, I'm not going to to try to persuade or shame theme into not doing it in the future.

ei vittu

>best cuisine
the only true thing in your post and oh boy is it good food

>What's the core of anime?
Drawn animation.
>What defines the medium the most?
Literally being drawn animation from Japan
>What are its most common tropes and themes?
Media doesn't have tropes or themes, you're thinking of genres. Anime isn't a genre.

You might as well be saying that all books share tropes and themes.

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i want to fucking die

I'm sure if you looked hard enough you'd find something comparable, that shit isn't exclusive to the west.

I miss him.

>hey uuhh.. don't hit your toaster and fridge okay? because if you do you're literally like a jim crow racist mmkay?
lmao dude

>it's okay when Japan does it

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Lol do people actually like this shit?

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fucking based and basedpilled, fuck any westcuck that says otherwise

It's ok when Japan does it because they just don't know any better.

Us gaijins have the difficult job of setting the standard for what's cool and what isn't. The Japs just have to refine our standards to the absolute bleeding edge of imaginable possibility.

>the best animation (or as i like to call it, anime)

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That's African music.

Too bad im not a westcuck
Op is completely wrong fuck any eastcuck that says otherwise

I'm not defending it but that's not even the same subgenre

Man, why did they have to pull this shit on the show.

The movies had such fucking amazing animation.

The movies also sucked major dick

Thanks user Peterson for this valuable life lesson, but I still think that anime is kinda gay and dumb.

Don't worry, just buy the blue-ray bro!

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No they fucking did not. They may have cut some content from the manga, but they are still entirely fucking legit.

lmao no, go eat a CGI dick

You probably didn't even watch them, dumb fag

I rewatched first and second one like three times. The animation and the color pallet are still trash.

>First and third* one
Second one is too boring


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>weebs who don't know Japanese
You're fucking pathetic

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If I learn Japanese will that QT fondle my dongle?

Shut up and go sub my anime and VNs you slave

Is the CD case sword behind Ken-sama his bankai ?

EOPs get what they deserve. Enjoy your shit translations with memes shoved into them.

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