Final Fantasy V (GBA)

I'm going to play this for the first time. What should I expect? I've already finished 4/7/8/9/10/T, being Tactics and 8 my favorites so far. Opinions of 5?

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the story is nothing special but the class system is pretty cool, their used it later on bravely default and it's my favorite jrpg

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5 has a Job System closest to Tactics, where you can put learned subskills onto an unrelated class, like a Monk with White Magic. It also has a good balance of goofy characters combined with a can't-change-the-past wistfulness. I think you'll enjoy it.

It's the most fun of the Classic Series and the most light-hearted but will utterly punch you in the gut harder than IV did at points. Combat-wise you'll either struggle or be utterly broken depending on job choice and there are a pair of bosses that will right fuck you up unless you know about them ahead of time [and even then, one's a crapshoot.]

If you enjoyed Tactics you will like FF5

Galuf's fight with Exdeath was the most kino JRPG moment of the 16 bit era

That and the literal DBZ fight with the sage turtle.

How long it's the game?

>and 8 my favorites so far
based 8-bro

One of the best job systems in the series.

20-30 hours if you take your time and finish the side content.

Souless palette

Which one it's the better version to play it for the first time? GBA?

GBA has more content.

GBA is the best version of V

The girls are cute.

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best villain theme in the entire series


Excalipoor is actually useful.

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A lot of hidden stuff to explore That's why I love V .

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I enjoyed it more then its predecessors and the overhyped VI
I had a ton of fun and a great party until I hit the optional bosses, failed for multiple hours, looked online and found out that they are not that hard to take out and that you only have to git gud.

I ragequit and never touched the game again.

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more like a very specific way to fight . As far as I know there

GBA with the sound restoration patch

Fear the void

Are there any decent hacks/rebalances of V?
And why the fuck does IV get a randomiser when V doesn't?

>those drums

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>8 is my favorite
can't you all see we're posting in a bait thread?

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GBA has Necromancer.

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