May 2019- I am forgotten
The Outer Worlds will be dead on arrival
*urp* fuck drumpf morty!
>objective get cube in bendigo
Will pirate
What did they mean by this?
Eurojank in space
I don't know man. Everyone knows they're releasing on the superior and fair Epic games store and was always planning on doing so. God bless Tim Sweeny, he's singlehandedly saving pc gaming.
Morty look at me morty I turned myself into nigger morty*baaarp* I’M NIGGERRICK
>steam on trailer
>egs irl
day 1 pirate just to kill all the tranny npcs and post it on youtube
What do we know about the game so far? Why is there so much rickposting?
Hello Steam cucks how are your games?
They don't have any.
lmao, you're right.
I'm gonna buy the game and probably enjoy it
this, less games than the ps4 literally 0 games, Epic wins again baby!
When I first saw the gameplay video for this game a month ago or so I couldn't believe it was actually WORSE than this image.
Nonsense, the storefront is chock full of asset flips and shovelware
Still #4 most wishlisted game on Steam.
Steam cucks can't even boycott right
Now listen here you faggot there's nothing wrong with Futurama before the movies, that and after was mostly misses.
The fuck is this game though, I've literally only heard about it because seething chinks keep shilling it and their god awful platform.
theyre incompetent
its all gone to shit
we'll always have the old good things
You're not even getting any replies anymore what is the point outer worlds shitposter? I don't understand, these images are reddit incarnate, what is wrong with you?
>total war three kingdoms
okay this has to be bullshit
>Go to press event
>Shows an epiccczzx lolz scene
>No voice acting
>Reddit crowd giggles with every line of dialogue
>Gunplay looks like something straight out of FO3
never ever
I was never interested in it in the first place. The retro ol' timey future setting doesn't appeal to me. It looks like reddit in space.
The initial hype got completely shot in the foot by the Epic deal and laughably bad gameplay demo
Yeah those games that have always been popular and received a massive spike with the last two full installments?
Nobody wants the new one.
Fucking idiot.
RDR2 will come to PC, so(n)yboy
>gameplay demo
they showed gameplay?
yea but Epic Store exclusive.
Lol just download another game launcher, like lol what is even the prolem?
>game features chinese history
>chinks pre-order in droves
Wow I'm shocked
the new one which can't decide if it wants to be a fantasy game or history game and no one knew how mechanics work until recently because they barely talked about it and actually got delayed really close to the original release date
lol just pay 50% more what is even the problem
jesus it looks like fallout 3 if it run on unreal 3
The hell is Plague Tale and why is it on top wishlists?
yeah but its unreal4
I guess this partially explains why they switched to epic then
Gaymbrio is the biggest downside of this game.
Whats the deal with this game again? Ive been out of the loop for a bit now and hear nothing substantial about this game anyway
here's the rundown
its unreal 4 and still this shit looks like shitesda gamebryo, why obsidian is even alive in 2019
MEGA yikes. hard pass from me dear lord obsidian what are you doing
Wew lad
It's redditor humor I guess. The shitposting that is. Game looks rather meh even though there's some talent in the dev team but the dude spamming these images is one of those terminal autists that plague this board.
those.... those are actual members of obsidian's staff, huh?
im glad i gave up on that studio after fucking tyranny
i skimmed the video and that's what i thought too, jesus fucking christ was avellone literally all the talent?
>unreal 4
>it's real
Kek. It looks like fallout 4 with facelifting.
Hello chink shill, how is your social credit score?
Teams, studios, companies, and corporations shouldn't be allowed to use the same name if literally 0 of the original people are working there.
>if literally 0 of the original people are working there.
Wow good thing that's not the case then huh?
Here is a sample of the Senior Narrative Designers previous work.
silly, goy. corporations are people too :^)
Isn't this a big conflict of interest for you? You do 99% of the Epic shill threads while also making 99% of the Obsidian hate threads.
Which side are you on?
you mean new vegas with facelifting in space and with trannies
So I notice there's no information on the game itself. It's just stuff unrelated to the game's development. Where should I be worried?
>mfw everyone on Yea Forums(nel) watches rick & morty but pretends that they don't
>recognizable brands should be destroyed if their origional owners aren't in control anymore
That will literally never happen, usually a brand name is more important than actual quality.
I'm a shitlord, ma'am. I have no side.
Oh don't fucking say you're a fucking Finn all along.
Lions actually kind of suck ass as solo hunters, like most pack hunting predators, and are really only capable of killing small, lone animals, or the unsupervised children of smaller ones. Lions like other pack hunters tend to starve if they're shunned by their group and can't get into another one. Why do you think you hardly ever see a lone lion in a nature documentary, or why "lone wolf" is typically derogatory?
I'm doing fine, I've got more than enough games to play all through late 2020.
Because of this guy in the trailer, redditors see rick while it's obviously an homage to fallout 1 overseer
There is about an 85% chance that it will be a mess of a game. You simply cannot trust nbig name developers to deliver a polished product anymore. It would be foolish to expect this to be as good as it sounds on paper. I expect lots of dumb repetitive fetch quests and "go to x place, kill x mutant aliens and return to me for a bounty"
They can just name themselves (Company) 2, and then later (Company) 3.
Sure as fuck fooled me
Your perception of the people that frequent this site is flawed. Most likely because you're a resident Yea Forumstard and a newfag to boot.
Visit other boards or preferably other websites from now on.
Seeing rick and morty everywhere and then autistically crying about it has got to be the most pathetic shitposting I've ever seen and I've seen it all.
I'll be honest I watched season 1 and some of 2 but season 3 was unwatchable trash. It turned from surrealist offensive bullshit to judgmental and morally righteous bullshit over time
it was right about this part i gave up on tyranny i was so disappointed
pic somewhat related
except I've been here longer than you and you do watch rick and morty lol
multiplatform sony-style movie game
doesn't look that bad honestly
Looks closer to a fully 3D realistic version of Rick than the FO1 overseer.
Oh but shitting up the thread with rickposting, adding nothing to the conversation, isn't.
>not open world
>no lockpicking or hacking minigames
>no romanceable npcs
>no third person
how are any of these bad
Futurama and the Simpsons are garbage
>Sure as fuck fooled me
In this case you should've responded with something like "disregard I suck cocks" but you didn't so now I'm gonna call you a faggot.
Just admit you were wrong on occasion, it won't hurt I promise.
for you
It's true though, imagine if they released the last few star wars movies outside of the star wars franchise or the last few call of duty games as stand alone games without the cod title. They wouldn't sell worth shit.
The original to whatever you're attempting
Incredibly insensitive to minimize/trivialize dementia. For shame.
Very cool bait, there you go oldfag shitpost god suck on this (you).
What? Did you even reply to the right post?
Was hyped.
Then saw gameplay.
Less hyped.
Then saw twitter agenda pushing bullshit.
Hype dwindling.
Then I saw epic story exclusive.
Hype died like all those students died in Tiananman Square during the 1989 protests.
No, the company is gay now and probably 95% new diversity hires. We're not getting "team that created Fallout" and "team that made NV" we're getting "team that has same name as team that created Fallout and made NV"
>dodges my statement so he doesn't have to defend rickposting
Just suck the cocks faggot. You're anonymous and you said a dumb thing, not the end of the world to admit it.
there's a couple versions, i used that one because the "commit voter fraud for both parties" line
>watching rick and morty
What do you mean "defend rickposting" I literally just called it bottom tier shitposting. Why do you think I'd be interested in defending it retard?
>Obsidishit game
>likely a buggy mess
of course it's forgotten.
No, you suck cocks. Blue headed single women in their 30s didn't make those games, but they're making this one.
Oh no no no
>the literal state of gaymers
don't listen to he's legitimately handicapped from sucking off urqhart too many times and ingesting his retard dna
why can women NEVER make games? what is actually wrong with their brains?
>going to such lengths to defend your mistakes
Are you just going to keep replying until I don't and then pretend you won an argument? I don't like your type at all.
>immediately reverts to insults like a child
I don't knows why I bothered.
>game has no news
>game is not talked about
>game is therefore dead
you exhibit the logical capacity of an infant.
Have you even played Fallout1? That looks nothing like the Overseer
I also have no idea why you bothered or what it was that you were trying to do in the first place myself to be honest.
I haven't been keeping up with this game at all. I thought Obsidian was based. I thought Yea Forums was excited for this game. What the fuck happened? What's with all of the Rick & Morty and social justice talk?
Yeah I am you faggot, if I said "most" instead of "all" you wouldn't have said shit, but you'd rather do the nitpicking equivalent of attacking grammar or spelling mistakes than address my point.
Nice of you to provide emotional support to the guy he's clearly very sensitive.
Women made roughly half of all DOS games, you might be too young to remember but a woman was responsible for most of Sierra's games and they were a big deal at the time
Women also make pretty much all of the lewd pantsu loli quest games in Japan you love so much
The bigger question is why can't American's make games anymore?
People will unironically call the middle redhead girl "white" unless she has an obvious name like Ramirez.
LOL this the power of the PC master race
Then why did you say all? Why are you blaming me for calling you out on your obviously false statements? Because you are extremely emotionally invested in your shitposts.
In fact claiming that most of the staff is gone would also need to be supported by proof so even then you'd be wrong because you can't provide that.
Very simple stuff.
That’s clearly an interpretation of Doc Brown, who also influenced Ricks creation, which leads us to our cycle of shitposting we have today
>she is dumb, but also smart
>she is slow, but also fast
>she is a murdering psychopath, but also a pacifist
>Hey, my name is Kills-in-Shadow
Also that pic of albert fucking einstein but I wouldn't be surprised if the average Yea Forumstard had no idea what I'm talking about.
you're legitimately retarded from swallowing too much of urqharts dna dude. whatever staff remains is like 2% of who worked on fallout: nv and after looking at it even je sawyer isn't working on this shit. maybe if you start downing someone smarters man glue you'll stop being so retarded
pls delete this ok
Cause lesbians can be hot
Damn that's some fine arguments right there, is what I would've said if that were the case as I am not some pussy that simply must get the final reply, lest his sensitive ego be shattered to a million pieces.
What is wrong with you fag? Explain this autism.
>Women made roughly half of all DOS games,
Timing is actually perfect
>game releases on epic
>epic bros beta test and find all bugs/glitches
>patches come out
>DLC come out
>epic bros beta test both of those too
>game comes out on Steam 50% off and actually complete
what do you guys think the first mods will be? what about after a year?
>i skimmed the video and that's what i thought too, jesus fucking christ was avellone literally all the talent?
They also had Gonzalez (who wrote New Vegas) and Ziets (who wrote Mask of the Betrayer) but those are gone too.
you haven't argued anything you fucking retard, user said the game is being billed as 'made by the creators of fallout' but the only person i can find related is feargus himself, and he wasn't involved in the game development itself, just the business. the game's main promotion is based on a lie by omission that you said was factual, provided no evidence for, then starting verbally shitting out 'just admit youre wrong' like a crack head with tourrettes
and dont make fun of me because im autistic i have a 102 iq which overqualifies me for employment at the obsidian internet defense force, which you need to fuck off back to
Only if you preorder the next game and boy all the dlc's for this one like a good goyim :^)
and shut up you fucking retard
obsidian is a shell
Look at this shit
>Obsidishit game
>no mods
Quick rundown on the Twitter shit?
Just google Tim Cain and blow yourself out so that you don't feel compelled to reply to me anymore and save us both the trouble buddy.
Also kill yourself but that's optional and secondary to you relizing just how wrong you are.
look at the photos of the staff. its what you would expect. gender neutral pronouns, 'video games are sexist' panels, etc
Again you're too young to remember this, but there was a time when being a computer geek wasn't limited to just smelly virgin young men.
Follow the reply chain mongoloid. I'm absolutely correct here. No I don't care about how mad you are at obsidian employees' twitter profiles, It's not justifiction to go apeshit on the whole company and you are autistic for doing so.
>tfw watching this
The fuck are they doing?
Why didn't anyone stop them, cut the cable or something.
Tim Cain was lead designer and programmer of Fallout with Leonard Boyarsky, who was art director.
Tim Cain is doing system design in Outer Worlds and directing the game. He is an awful systems designer but a great quest designer (which he is not involved with in Outer Worlds).
Leo Boyarsky's art is core to the Fallout world, and he is merely "supervising" art and writing. He's not the main artist. kys
t. tranny
If you think the early days of computing wasn't a male circlejerk then you clearly weren't alive for it.
The writing is terrible.
Early days was big iron mainframes and of course that was a man's world ya numpty.
We're talking about personal computing in the 80s here.
You think this makes for a compelling argument? Downplaying facts that directly contradict your statements is just pathetic.
I cannot believe that you're still replying. You know what, reply to this with some shitty insult or whatever to win the argument autismo.
I'm not interested in dealing with any more crazy people so I'm out.
I'm not even the guy you were talking to, but whatever. Stay wrong and coping.
you literal goddamn retard can you ask a fucking adult to read what i wrote in to you?
one fucking person (AND HE DIDNT EVEN WORK ON FALLOUT 2 YOU MOTHERFUCKING RETARD) who produced the original fallout is listed as one of the co-directors and you ACT LIKE THAT MEANS ITS MADE BY 'the original creators' HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU BE
and EVEN THEN tim's "creation" was taking wasteland (credit brian fargo and michael stackpole) and saying "lets add lasers!"
provide a source tranny
No one cares how much you're getting paid to shill this shitpile, fuck off and stop astroturfing.
I feel bad for whoever was excited for this game
Pretty sad to see bethesda, bioware, and obsidian turn to complete trash.
isnt this pretty much evry californian company
"In this case you should've responded with something like "disregard I suck cocks" but you didn't so now I'm gonna call you a faggot.
Just admit you were wrong on occasion, it won't hurt I promise."
you now have three (or four) people telling you what a retard you are, literally never fucking post on this board again obsidibot
Holy fuck that looks awful.
Kinda looks like a 2010 tier console game with new sony special eyecanser effects slapped on.
oops meant for sorry but good info
jst bcs i watched didnt mean i liked it you scum
"have sex"
The game is banned in China though.
It's gonna be 10/10 user.
>can't even greentext
This entire board is garbage and we're in a bait thread. There could be one thousand autists desperate to convince others about how bad obsidian is and that would not make it true.
It's half a year away from release. Will probably still buy it unless it's a massive pile of shit. There's too few larger budget RPGs coming out to ignore one over the store its sold on.
Looks like Bioshock 2 with Fallout 4. Not a good look.
>one fucking person (AND HE DIDNT EVEN WORK ON FALLOUT 2 YOU MOTHERFUCKING RETARD) who produced the original fallout is listed as one of the co-directors and you ACT LIKE THAT MEANS ITS MADE BY 'the original creators' HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU BE
You think all caps makes your rambling into an argument or something? How can you call other people retarded this must be a joke.
The same you or another retard said about Sekiro and RE2 remake.
Daily reminder that OP is a faggot and you should wait till the game is released before judging.
Holy shit this is bad.
Damn, shess fucking based. Did you read it?
>outer worlds has nothing to do wtih the original creators of fallout
>what do you mean it's co directed by the guy who made the original fallout he obviously doesn't count
What the fuck is this insanity that I'm witnessing?
>There's too few larger budget RPGs coming out to ignore one over the store its sold on
Are you implying that OW is a AAA game or has a budget of one? Because the main defense thus far for OW to look as bad as it does is that it's a smaller game with smaller budged made by a poor indie company. Are you implying otherwise? Are you saying that with more guality games coming out that ever before we can't afford to pass on one(1) indie title?
wow, one person was responsible for thousands of DOS games? holy cr*p
the one piece of evidence you presented was inaccurate and what was true about it was misrepresented
you can't claim that this game is being made by "the creators of fallout" because it isn't, it has a pair of the original creators involved, one in 'supervising' and the other in a programming
role. you have no argument and you repeating "you have no argument" is not an argument. this game is not "made by the creators of fallout", its a branding deception for a studio which hasn't made a good game since the stick of truth (which doesn't really count), making their last good game fallout: nv. 9 years ago. je sawyer, chris avellone, and john gonzalez have all left since then, and now this game looks like shit and they're trying to cover for it with the reputation of a staff that doesn't work at this company anymore.
that's the argument.
today I will remind them
>every single that happens
ok, how much did they pay them to shill this piece of shit?
You even know how much shit Sierra put out back then? She didn't make all of them obviously but it's just stupid to ignore her role in that company.
>I know it’s not easy to speak up
Why do they say shit like this? All she literally did was make a Reddit post?
yeah im sorry you're retarded but that 'co-director' is involved in system design, not the game art design or world. even then the "original fallout creators" openly acknowledged that all they did was remake wasteland with lasers and power armor. the universe design was created off an idea by michael stackpole with brian fargo, who he pitched the idea to in the 1980s.
wow, this one person proves half of thousands of these DOS games were made by females.
this is your brain on HRT
so...the original point stands, she didn't make shit
these games were made by MEN
Oh so your "argument" is that it should've been every single staff member of the original fallout and that is the reason the man who came up with the idea and pushed for its creation while working on it alone for most of the time should be ignored for the sake of said "argument".
Okay it all makes sense now, I concede completely.
Shut the fuck up about how their other games are bad by the way, it has no bearing on this discussion you're trapped in and I disagree but going into it would be changing the subject and that's not happening.
I have no clue what obsidian did to cause you this immense buttpain and I don't care, not even trying to defend them as a company at this point, I'd simply like for you to realize just how crazy you really are.
show me your power consolfriend
hows many iterations of fifa have you bought this gen?
Thanks for the input but I don't see how this is supposed to invalidate the fact that the man responsible for the original fallout is working on the outer worlds.
Anything at all can be downplayed to nothingness if you're passionate enough about winning Yea Forums arguments. Don't waste everyone's time with this shit.
>it's just stupid to ignore her role in that company.
>proceed to do just that
All I said was that you guys were stupid and then you immediately confirmed it. Good job.
i've never seen someone reach so hard for one individual to have so much influence, you are talking pure shit
Just stating how dead hype for the game is at this point nig
All I said was that she's one half of Sierra, as a co-founder, not sure why you think I'm reaching.
That clearly deserves more credit than you're giving her by pretending she didn't even exist.
I jumped into the discussion here by the way just to be clear.
still waiting for you to prove half of the devs of dos games were females. keep backpedaling you retarded tranny. the absolute funniest thing about this is that you literally named ONE. kill yourself
>Oh so your "argument" is that it should've been every single staff member of the original fallout
this is such a retarded strawman i had to reread the sentence like four times to understand what it meant. there's only two people involved, one of which is a 'supervisor'
>the man who came up with the idea and pushed for its creation while working on it alone for most of the time should be ignored for the sake of said "argument".
he did not "come up with the idea". the idea existed before him, he made the GURPS engine. what distinguished fallout from wasteland wasn't even done by him
>Shut the fuck up about how their other games are bad by the way, it has no bearing on this discussion you're trapped in
you have to be legitimately retarded. the bearing it has on this discussion is that they're a studio trying to blanket up their reputation with games they didn't make, and if they weren't, they would say "from the makers of tyranny and pillars of eternity", but they don't. their catalogue has been massively disappointing since new vegas.
You do know the art director and 2nd co-creator of Fallout is also working on Outer Worlds, right? Leonard Boyarsky
>was hyped when all we knew was rumors
>first trailer, looks like shit, total letdown
>actual gameplay, looks even worse and janky as fuck
>EGS exclusivity on top of that
No thanks, I'll skip this shit. I have more faith in VtMB2 despite the whole SJW thing.
his name's on the project but it's as a "supervisor". he's not working on it, just offering advice to the actual team.
Obsidian make good games. Tim Cain has made good games. Tim Cain will always be the director of Fallout. Fallout was made by a very small team as it was back then. Your autistic demands for a higher percentage of the original staff to be present in order for the marketing team to cite Fallout as a past creation of the outer worlds team is simply retarded.
You will never ever be correct in this case, no matter how many times you reply because you were wrong at the start. Enough.
>Obsidian make good games.
big LOL right off the bat. stopped reading there, obsidian hasn't made a good game since new vegas. having one guy on the team to supervise doesn't undo a horde of neon haired feminist morons.
>tfw nuObsidian is infested with SJW people and we'll never see another kino game like MOTB
Avellone was right.
>first thing the fag says
>this is the city of the elite, this is byzantium
dropped so fucking hard
someone actually took the time to make this
Lol just download another virus, like lol what is even the prolem?
Should definitely be illegal to advertise for a platform and then switch it AFTER it's been paid for and funded
No they didn't, they made ONE good game and it was a mod of a pre-existing IP
how long as it been now? five years?
What's wrong with that?
The hype wouldn't have died if they hadn't revealed it being an Epic store exclusive.
>Obsidian make good games.
they did. KOTORII, New Vegas, NN, Alpha Protocol (flawed though it was, very original design), then South Park (sort of counts), but since then it's been flat. Tyranny was a massive disappointment, PoE was C-grade at best.
>Tim Cain has made good games.
He has been involved in the creation of good games, undoubtedly.
>Tim Cain will always be the director of Fallout.
His role as 'director' was in designing the game system and quest programming.
>a higher percentage of the original staff to be present in order for the marketing team to cite Fallout as a past creation of the outer worlds team is simply retarded.
Again back to being so retarded I can barely comprehend this. It's not "by the creators". It involves the guy who developed the original game engine (which is no factor in this) as a 'co-producer', who isn't even involved in the quest programming. This is not 'made by the creators of Fallout', it's a marketing deception. You've gone from saying there is no argument, to saying there is an argument, to admitting I'm right but saying they can still technically say the game is "made by the creators of Fallout". You have made no argument besides a never ending goal post slide.
Don't buy this piece of shit game. Obsidian is dead. None of the people who made the reputation they used to have are there anymore and it's despicable that they're trying to mislead everyone with this game.
blessings of allah upon you both for seeing through this ruse
this ain't the kickstarter game user
although this theory has been brought up when the phoenix point thing happened, just that no one actually lives where they're based at so no one has tried to sue them yet
the gameplay still doesn't look particularly good desu, honestly there's more buzz due to this shit
kotor2 or fonv? both are kino
Teet jumalan työtä
Doing well, thanks for buying my copy Tencent.
because from that one line i already know the entire plot is gonna revolve around a power struggle between the elite and the revolutionary types aka the player. and further in to the video the guy says "now lets break the elites shiny toys".
i am so fucking sick of resistance movements in media. they are the biggest cliches and automatically drag down anything they are in. considering how pozzed obsidian is i dont trust them to do anything but a stereotypical small plucky band of rebels vs some evil empire.
shits fucking gay
Your entire argument goes against facts about the original fallout's development so either you (an anonymous butthurt nobody) is lying or the actual people who worked on Fallout are lying when they credit Tim Cain as the driving force behind Fallout's creation.
No goal posts were moved, you've been downplaying facts that aren't even possible to downplay on a public forum that actually knows what they're talking about.
All you say is based on bias while all I'm saying is based on fact.
You have no idea what a strawman is, you have no idea what moving the goalposts means. you can't argue for shit. Stop trying.
Why are you so assblasted I don't get it. I can understand not liking obsidian's games but that's no excuse for this charade. Are you insane?
Could've just said "because I got triggered by twitter profiles".
You expect me to believe that it bothers you this much to see such a common plot element presented in a videogame? Be real.