If you're a straight white male who hates sjws then you must buy this game at full price to trigger them!
If you're a straight white male who hates sjws then you must buy this game at full price to trigger them!
But is it good?
>if you are not a marxist you must buy a playstation console
Cringe and bluepilled.
I just don't like zombies.
Imagine being such a closeted bbc addict that a parade upsets you
It’s an open world zombie game
You are either burnt out on them or you’re not
>Have to buy and play a generic brown and grey zombie game to own the libs.
I miss when games were just about being fun and politics had no involvement
So many faggots. I wonder how long before a suicide bomber does something at one of these pride parades. Before gays finaly get back in the closset where they belong.
And here they are
>Buying a switch
Fuck off shill. I own a playstation but there's a lot of other games I'd rather buy before this.
Sure thing SJW faggot
have therapy
Now I'm an sjw because I don't want to play one game?
Is this how companies are going to shill now?
>no media create threads in sight
>Degenerates waving their genitals at children
Yes, what normal person would take issue with that?
Obsessed Nintranny.
What's with the shilling campaign saying that this game is anti-sjw? You have been starting all your threads that way.
Does this feature furious, feathered, ferocities that I could claim for approximately half a fortnight
>Eternally triggered by straight white male core game about manly bikers
Cope tranny
>Taking your child to a gay pride parade
You're trying too hard bro.
Sure showed me, I'll buy your game now Sony Entertainment of America representative.
rent free
Naaaaaaah. Il just wait untill i see this on the news. That the people these faggots were defending and WANTING to come to their country end up killing them. Wonder how long it will take them before they sudenly turn on the muslims.
When did Yea Forums become so pathetic?
The other way around, you're the one making buying decisions soley to spite people who probably only play mobile games.
I genuinely assumed you were talking about a white suicide bomber in the last post. the homophobic muslim meme is very overblown. real life gays don't fall for fearmongering over facts, to your chagrin.
I always thought he looked kinda mexican to me.
It's a bad sign for a game when every time it has a thread it's never anyone talking about the game or any webm posts and discussion.
Every thread this game gets is usually about how much of a buggy mess it is or "LOLOLOL I BOUGHT 3 COPIES JUST TO DAB ON LEFTIES BRO"
Gonna buy Days Gone and Rage 2 to own the SJWs.
Since discord trannies shill for free.
I'll buy one copy of this and one copy of MK11 just to keep the balance. Can't have one side of the political spectrum becoming too powerful.
>Yea Forums constantly makes fun of Days Gone for being a generic open world zombie game in 2019
>Yea Forums bends over backwards to defend the game because MUH EVIL JOURNALISTS ARE ATTACKING IT
You fuckers are pathetic. You would literally eat feces if it would somehow spite journalists.
This is actually highly exploitable too.