Westfall roads, take me home

Westfall roads, take me home.

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to the place, i belong => moonbrook with the defias pillagers

based and humanpilled

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Ganna ride my horse down the old town roads

Need some tips, guys. I want to start an ERP harem of night elf girls, how do I accomplish this?

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Classic momma.

just ask around at a smash brothers tournament youll find the kind of people you need for that i promise you. (you may need to bribe them with meth)

>Female nelf druid
>Male nelf priest
I swear to fuck, if I see any of you niggers around

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Which server should I pick? I really want to play immediately and start grinding up, but what if I pick a shitty server?

What do I do?

>muh lore

i'm gonna heal all my zombie friends as an undead disc priest and you can't stop me.

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A server with as few streamers as possible.

I've been debating on if I want to roll the same server as major streamers or not. Let me share my thought process:

Major streamers will roll on PVE servers because they will otherwise be continually ganked by stream snipers. A streamers community will also bring most likely a more dedicated population for raiding, thus making raid content more accessible by the entire server as a whole. However, all this will be to prop up a few named individuals so they can still keep getting good-goy-bucks from their community.

Has anyone else been thinking about this?

there will be like +40 servers, just guess right or pay for server transfer later

Probably this. Shits gonna suck.

Are we getting a release date today lads? I can feel the energy levels rising, something is coming soon. I don't know when, but soon.

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Sauce me up phammer.




>still playing a mmo that needs monthly subscription and looks like it's from 2005

>female nelf druid
>first character I ever made

It was the sexiest outfit and the easiest choice.

It IS from 2005, when games were good
Thats the point

never got the nostalgia/love for it honestly
Grizzly Hills is the all time most comfy zone, prove me wrong

Unless you find a literally dead server there won't be any lack of raiding guilds. Dealing with a crowd of dicksuckers orbiting their streamers is going to be a major fucking drag. Leave them in their own personal hells and play the game with normal people who aren't trying to earn a living off your back.

orcs are made for brutalizing alliance trannies

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>looks like it is from 2005
how retarded can one person be?

I'm level 36, what quests should I be doing? leveling is slow.

>play a shaman
>running from town to a quest area
>see a guy running back to town
>drop a totem by him
>he /thanks me
>dumbass doesn't even realize that by 30 yards after he goes to his quest after turning his stuff in and selling vendor trash, the buff will be gone

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Fuck of lich baby

do totems even affect anyone outside your group?

name a more kino location

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how come everyone who spams these threads are alliance?

No, I just pasted post from some previous thread
>play a paladin
>running from town to a quest area
>see a guy running back to town
>throw a blessing on him
>he /thanks me
>dumbass doesn't even realize that by the time he gets to his quest after turning his stuff in and selling vendor trash, the buff will be gone

With shaman it's even funnier

actually started in TBC
still the comfiest zone of all time

For me it's Nagrand

What do you think personally? Role a PVP or PVE server? At first I was thinking PVP but now I am remembering just how long it took to recover from a death and being camped is a real downer when I'm an adult now with time constraining responsibilities as opposed to when I was in high school.

imagine being so much of a nostalgiacuck that you still pay shekels every month for a gaem that look and work the same as it did nearly 2 decades ago. lmao

Neither do I but the only time I played alliance babs was with dwarf so I didn't bother with human zones.
Westfall seems shit tho, just fields and abandoned town.

Hinterlands is peak comfy for vanilla, love how that zone is hidden away, without world map most people wouldn't even find it

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>minmaxers dedicating themselves to annihilating everyone's fun
>most of them are going to be Yea Forumstard private server posers

Don't forget that the streamers will be the ones banging the gong

Here's a step by step process

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Better than paying $100+dlc+microtransaction for nugames

My spot was on top of the waterfall.

>started playing when I was about 10 years old
>first character was a fury warrior named SuperDudeMan
>somehow my retarded 10 year old self ended up leading a raid of dozens of people for onyxia
>I die halfway through and spam "rez plz" "plz rez me" for the rest of the fight and 5 minutes after
>time for loot distribution
>I'm the master looter and my pea brain has no fucking idea how to efficiently and fairly hand out these items
>I announce my cluelessness to the entire raid in full caps
>they call me a noob and a fucking idiot, tell me to kill myself
>I get upset and immediately log off to go cry in my bed
>hours later I come back to a few of the nicest, most patient players ever
>"Hey bud, we're sorry they were so mean to you. Anybody would be upset from all that. If it's ok with you, we'd like it if you came back and finished handing out the loot. We're not mad, and we won't be mean to you. Thanks so much buddy! :)"
>give them several items each and leave with a warm fuzzy feeling inside for the rest of the day
Take me back bros.

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what is this "paying" you speak of?

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First step is liking dicks. Because every night elf female is played by a man.

For me it's on top of the Altar of Zul

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>t.autismo that paid more than 10 times that amount in monthly subscription, dlc, microtransaction, etc. for the game in question

I wouldnt even play anything post 2007 for free

>rogue twinking pking in the ashenvale crossroads

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you can do this now, roll a toon on moon guard and go to the goldshire inn

females for real not guaranteed, male manchildren most likely

And got my moneys worth
Stay seething zoomer

horde are busy playing other games or pservers until classic comes out

absolute cope

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





i am wondering if they are remaking the original servers?

or just numbering them in numerical order hmm

There won’t be any, not at launch anyway

If you're looking for a short term, non smooth but hype launch then go for a streamer server. Madseason made a good video about the cons of playing on a streamer server that are undeniable though and for me they very heavily outweigh playing Vanilla(considering the game is 15 years old)

Paying for a good game doesn’t make you a cuck, that term best fits people who play bfa

when did you first realize macros and addons were killing the game

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Why do people care so much about a purple bug mount, but yes fuck streamers and their lonely beta orbiters

They also get a title. I guess to them it's a status symbol or something equally pathetic. Who cares, just ignore them.

But I'm a tranny and I play oRC? ?? My favourite is letting allience humans dominate me in pvp

lol at this runecuck, go play your plasticine poorfag browser trash

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Which faction is good for pvp

the title wasn’t added til tbc bonehead

Ally because they have Holy pallies

best mount in the game, but i will settle for a raptor which is 2nd best.

Tomorrow 8am PST the NDA Streamers signed will drop and we'll get news

So see ya'll in 22 hours

I think it’s trash, doesn’t go any faster and doesn’t look cool at all. Would rather have the tiger mount. It’s put on a pedestal only because its not something everyone will get which honestly who cares


do you pay for pservers or something?

how can i equip a trinket to my second trinket slot without macros

Can't say, NDA remember?

Seriously though screencap this cause I'm right