We're going home boys. Beta announces in two days. Can't wait. WoW classic here we come.
Wow Classic Home
Reminder that when classic launches not to waste your autism farming junkboxes like this nerd did:
Reminder that when classic launches not to waste your autism farming for streamers:
Give me a quick rundown on this weirdo
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
junkboxes exist for easy lock picking leveling
>He is based.
Plays horde, ganks alliance, posts about the game, posts interesting 1-40 tests he does, hates girl gamers, hates trans/homo/etc, straight redpilled, helps people with their diet, helps them get strong, helps lads get laid.
Doesn't give a crap about the status quo. Doesn't make youtube for jewwing money like tips or kargoz.
source on your bullshit?
Oh I know your ass
At least get rid of that horrendous overlay.
Generic run-of-the-mill nasal voiced "redpilled" attention seeking tripfag that realized everyone filtered him so now he advertises his youtube channel as an user instead
I've considred moving pandas to regular C, as well as moving wotlk to B-. But I kinda like wotlk+tbc fags keeping each other company because it makes tbcucks seethe. They also must repent for starting the downfall and taking us the nu-wow route.
How do you actually get the ZG class sets? Do you need some reputation with a faction or?
t. Only did ZG like once in my life
report and hide the samefagging youtuber
He does it for legal reasons cause his content is going to be stream sniping girl gamers.
Here's his autistic shrine of doing 1-40 as combat swords. I'll admit it's not so bad.
tell me, if i want to play alliance do I go dorf or human in terms of their racials. I plan to do pvp. Probably pali,warr, or rogue.
A reminder that Druchads are based
And warrniggers are sissies
Here's his 1-40 dagger results. Pretty bad IMO.
Imagine anticipating the most bland baby mmo ever made....returning.
>still remember the good old days where you could google any question and actually get intelligent answers
>do it out of habit
>cancerous long YouTube videos that I’m never going to watch because I’m not retarded
>but this one has a doc
>skim it, seems decent
Long story short, leveling a priest 1-40 and a shaman 1-30, it’s the absolute wrong advice, and completely obvious to anyone with half a brain playing half an hour. Fuck I hate YouTube, and the entire “it’s not how good your info is, it’s how much time you can waste of viewers before they click something else”
i dont know , but zg is beyond comfy
I've decided, I'm gonna roll a paladin.
Blacksmithing is comfy, I get free mounts and can take on any roll in dungeons. If my pals start on horde then I'll cheese with hunter or shaman instead.
Is everyone here officially a 30+ yo boomer? How can you willingly subject yourself to the same gaming experience you had 10 years ago when you could still justify wasting your time?
>warrior shows up to dungeon without a shield
Just fuck off honestly, you already hoover up so much fucking gear. WE aren't going to ALSO take twenty years to finish the dungeon too
very based, enjoy having the best buffs in the game and being almost unkillable.
29 here.
don't vendor the green quest reward necklace
if only alliance weren't so utterly gay
29 years old. I like the grind and quests.
22. I played vanilla, tbc, wotlk. Didn’t step into a raid until wotlk. Raided seriously in mop, got rank 1s.
I just wanna go back, bro.
is zg the most fun raid? gonna have a few alts mostly to run zg
I take what I can get
Does beta anounces in two days or it´s just something made up?
Another thread with the SAME wojacks, The SAME image spam, the SAME post, and the SAME op general style starters.
You are a /vg/ thread allowed to be here only because blizzard gets free publicity from you idiots.
Good job on being shills for FREE.
I'm 25, never got around to completing vanilla or tbc.
Currently playing ESO, and its decent but its more of a Sims mmo. Retail wow isn't my cup of tea, everything else is just below my standards.
Vanilla is the best mmo experience for me. Don't care what others think or that its old, you have modern releases that don't even meet that standard of world building and graphics.
Can I stay home and reside there for half an eternity?
Go away. /vg/ is shit, and this is literally the only multiplayer game worth playing now, or next year.
Gonna be gud auto killing everything with a big fukken hammer after all the key spamming you have in other games as well.
29 almost 30.
I like the game and I've been wanting to play it since I quit wotlk ages ago.
MoP and Legion Switch places
CAT moved with Pandaria to D+. Was probably the first time PvP got somewhat balanced, reworked the whole world and release dungeons were fine till they nerfed ´em cause of nu-blizzard. Downsides were Dragon Soul and first meme-lore expansion, which followed till this days
The fuck does it need a beta for?
Also it's been like two years, what the fuck.
modern games sucks
>12 hours of "farming" to make 23g
You dont know about the quest for the upgraded mount, right?
Vanilla servers is the best thing to happen to vidya since global fiber connectivity became a thing.
Enjoy your lootboxes zoomer.
>mfw got all sorts of hot lesbian pornography ready on the side while leveling a paladin
The time will come and so will I.
30 milenial. Played classic back in the day and it wont be worthy now. Mindset changes.
It´s like people asking for Quake games. Then they´re released and no one plays´em. People's mindset changed.
If I remember correctly, three are from tokens you get from bosses, the neck is from the main quest of ZG that gets better with every reputation level and the trinket is crafted from a green item that requires bunch of items from the Edge of Madness encounter that everyone skipped because how trash the trinkets were.
>Beta announces in two days
Also i dont care about a beta i want a release date
Scholo a shit
Yes but its always the lvl 40 mount that is the big issue. Mid leveling you have no cash, you avoid buying spells and upgrades and sell everything you loot on AH just to be able to afford that first mount.
Cost and incomes scale when you level up of course, but you most definitively earn more farming when you reach 60.
how about bc stays where it is to repent, and wotlk goes down to b-. Hard to give legion any more, it went too autistic single player
Free 40 mount is huge, and it's way easier to buy the 60 mount piecemeal than try to save up a full 800 gold at once
Thanks, good to know. It seems not really worth the effort, especially since the Edge of Madness bosses are on a rotation and you need to farm them for 6 weeks just to get your trinket... Bit harsh, but the Rogue trinket interests me (gives you 60 energy straight away)
You need the drops (tokens) from the instance (unusuable set pieces basically), a couple collectibles (bijous/coins) and reputation for the set pieces
For example the bracers requires friendly, shoulders requires honored etc.
It goes faster to get the tokens than to get the reputation but on the other hand you will need the reputation anyway if you want to be able to have the +50stam potion that lasts through death for raids as well as the shoulder enchant that exists. Hope that's a good explanation tell me otherwise
Both are good choices but I'd say dwarf on all of them, esp rogue
>rush to cons talent, then threat talent
>decimate every leveling dungeon with your golden braps
just ignore
the ZG sets are pretty shit for most classes because they (mostly) only have primary stats, and the set bonuses are godawful.
You do need various levels of rep to turn in the pieces, but you get rep from ZG super easily; neutral to exalted only takes like 7 or 8 clears, and that's if you don't turn in any tokens or any other rep items
stop shilling you fucking faggot nobody wants to watch your gay ass shit
im flagging all your videos
>take a look at the release schedule to figure out how much I want to rank
>1.12 pvp sets and the honor system release in phase 2, but no BGs until phase 3
this is, by far, the biggest fuck up blizzard is making. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT play on a pvp server if you cant make 60 in however long phase 1 is. Once phase × hits every 48-55 area will be camped 24/7 by ranking autists until blizzard changes the system.
>taking 4 hours to clear BRD
even if you were doing an absolute full clear of all trash mobs in the entire instance, 4 hours is a huge stretch
Thats part of the charm
That trinket is hot trash. Do you want a trinket that gives you two free sinister strikes every three minutes or a trinket that gives you a constant boon to your damage output, such as more hit, crit, attack power, or a chance for extra attack.
The only decent trinkets are the warrior one since you can use it pre-pull to get some extra rage and the warlock one if you haven't got any good ones from the earlier raids. But they're still pretty mediocre so I don't think many guilds will be bothering with that encounter. Wasted potential if you ask me.
I actually like TBC a lot better as a whole since it had much better class balance while still having classes remain unique and have niches, but I like vanilla's content better.
"content" creators / streamers have hinted for the passed couple days that beta will be going live within the next 48 hours.
renataki's is not for PvE you fucking zoomer, it's for PvP
that 60 energy is super useful when opening on someone
i want to do human because i am part of the mutt master race irl, but dorf seems superior. Can you sell me humans for pvp?
>Vanilla Mage
Maximum comfy, food makin, portal sellin, frostbolt spammin.
We're going back lads.
Take it back to plebbit, boomer posting faggot
>Do you want a trinket that gives you two free sinister strikes every three minutes or a trinket that gives you a constant boon to your damage output
Well i'd choose the first option, for killing people quick.
This guy knows whats up
The trinket is trash for pve, but it's godlike for pvp
Because it will be back in a time where the game isnt literally shitting legendaries on you and there will be actual rpg mechanics like using reagents and having weaponskills to level
It really depends on what class you play man
But if you want to pick human then pick human, perception is legit good and some people would argue that human is better
Like really you can't go wrong with any of them
For example, for rogues stoneform (dwarf racial) is super useful because if you have a bleed on you from another rogue or whatever to prevent you from restealthing then you can just stoneform vanish and reset the fight, but on the other hand perception (human racial) allows you to see the other rogue first in some situations (and getting opener is super important in RvR), so both are really good. Humans are superior in pve too in case you care
But as I said pick which one you want to play, they both have pros and cons and it's really not black and white which one is the best
Seething zoomer detected.
>having every single flight point/dungeon enterence/grind spot camped by 2-3 ranking 60s is part of the charm
you really dont understand just what your getting into
Vanilla mage really is the best choice for most people.
>not gear dependent
>easier leveling
>aoe farming DM at 60
>Everyone would suck a dick for a portal because traveling takes forever
>free food and you're able to sell it for less than the vendors
>spec evolves from arcane/frost or deep frost to fire with the progression of the content.
I hope we get a release date today
Who /horde/ here?
>Alliance cucks are stuck with 2 (TWO) manlet races
as someone over 30, your posts stick out badly every thread and make classic look lame
So what's a halfway decent server to test some shit out on? I tried Lightbringer since it was the lower pop but the connection is ass. I just wanna level a bit to solidify my class choice but the realistic 2004 lag is a little much
over 30 months old?
Fixed it
northdale is pretty much the best server in terms of scripting and population, still tons of people in leveling zones
>Crit and AP
Is this a warrior dps trink or what
Don't you dare shit on based Dwarves. Gnomes can fuck right off though
Zoomers can't even read, I guess
I meant neck
But to be fair a necklace is a trinket in practical terms
Warrior and rogue endgame neck
Fixed it even further, Undead players are all cancer and can fuck right off and should've never been on the Horde
>a necklace is a trinket in practical terms
what even
/spectacles in WoW when?
how about for warrior or pali? Does it matter as much for those plate fucks to have stoneform? Thanks for help. I do think i'll choose based on lore in the end, but picking is half the fun.
why would you be confused about that statline? it's good for any physical dps
What the fuck is this? Is this really what Final Fantasy looks like? WoW looks so much better
Right now I'm playing granblue fantasy and fate grand order as a replacement for WoW classic. I need the grind, give it to me.
I could give 300 hypothetical scenarios but basically stoneform is good if you are already attacked, whereas perception is good before the fight, I think stoneform has more uses as perception is only good if you know the rogue (or druid) is already there whereas stoneform is useful vs rogue, druid, hunter in the actual fight
But perception really is a good skill too so yeah
zg/aq20 gear is ridiculously good for how easy it is to get, so even casual guilds can get some powerful stuff, it's epics done right
I think you responded to the wrong person?
The neck drops from KT aka last boss in naxx, not zg/aq20
what phase does zg20 and aq get introduced?
A necklace is by definition a trinket
a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.
There's more polygons in those spectacles than there are in Thunderfury
undead is the best horde race though?
undead warlock is kino
this is WoW, not real life
neck and trinket are two different equip slots
fuck off faggot
grats on your technical and pedantic internet victory
And yet i would rather have a Thunderfury. Imagine fucking up that hard
Not that guy but stop being autistic, you understand what he means
You guys are taking that way too seriously. Have sex.
New guildname:
thanks user. has any autist made a best class for each phase yet?
they look like shit. only the females are good and only playing melee classes
you fuckers better drive my ATVI shares back up
>he doesn’t like undead male
What a sad, strange little man
Im getting 60 the first week, so it won't matter to me
>tfw 29 and half of my life is over and i have achieved nothing
Nobody fucking buys food
Mage has a lot of conveniences while levelling, but can grow frustrating at 60 if you're new.
They're squishy without frost shield and you'll be facing a lot of competition for raid spots and gear.
>Been thinking of druid for weeks.
>Try out rogue on pserver
>It's way more fun and I don't even know why.
because druid is gay and rogues are cool
lol based. that sudden silence. im gonna go flag them also
vanilla WoW but with TBC class balancing. my perfect game.
classes still feel unique but now there are a lot more specs that are actual viable, link prot paladin.
>cataclysm that low
4.2 onwards might have sucked shit, but the initial raids and dungeons were good
>nobody buys food
>tfw I paid for my first mount and had ten gold left over just from selling food as I leveled
>can grow frustrating at 60 if you're new
>tfw I learn about aoe grinding and become a god
>facing a lot of competition for raid spots and gear
>tfw I easily got a spot because finding forty people who were competent was more difficult than the raid. And I got gear at the same rate as everyone else
Mage isn't hunter or warlock easy, but they're the most solid option out of the roster. A solid first 60 too since your BiS pre-raid isn't hard to get and you have unreal conveniences because of your spell set.
i'm thinking stoneform still takes it for plate users, purely pvp wise. Dorfs are comfy tho.
Streamer insider info
Is WC3 actually free now since it shows in my download games thing?
no but we're waiting for him. pvp and pve por favor.
*crack* siiiiiiiiiiiiiip "aaaaaaaaaaaaah" cant wait to mow my lawn and play some good old 1.12
beta starts on 5/21
Gonna be rolling Night Elf or Troll rogue
>But the racials are bad!!!
Dont give a fuck, I want to be Illidan or Zul'jin
Take it from me, who played Dwarf Paladin in Vanilla/TBC - Dorf is a much, much better choice for Warrior and Rogue due to Stoneform. You get out of blind, remove dots from yourself and clear some movement impairing effects, all of which are incredible boons to have as these two. Sadly, the racial is almost completely wasted on Paladins so I'd go Human there for Perception and even then it's not as strong as Stoneform.
Even while levelling you'll appreciate being able to remove bleed, poison and disease effects.
How am I gonna raid as a prot warrior if I work shifts?
Ya that poorly animated flip is so epic
you're kinda right, lets add professions in there too. It's been a while but i believe tbc profs were done right, possibly best iteration. Let me know if you remember better than I.
>Nobody fucking buys food
You'd be surprised. I've seen quite a few people standing around IF bridge asking for max rank food.
I played mage all through classic and into tbc.
Don't recall ever selling food.
Portals, sure. Never food though.
Can’t find confirmation on that anywhere so cite your source
It's not unthinkable.
Half of my mates are married by now.
Granted, I'm the only one still shitposting on 4ch
>been hyping myself to play a Tauren Warrior for months
>watch a classic hour long video of Night Elf Huntress in Ashenvale
>music hits me right in the feels
Convince me not to play the fag race, it’s so comfy
Ya never advertised then.
I used to sell stacks of the shit all the time. People were ready to snatch it up if you offered it below vendor prices.
Rolling a Dwarf, should I go Bald with the chinstrap beard?
link, better be some porn shots
no mustache = not a dwarf
Why does classic need a beta? It was already beta tested... for fucking years.
I'm retarded if I roll a moonkin (51/0/0)? I will pvp a lot until R10, I'm not gonna raid, just some occasional pug...
Why the illustrious and based swolebenji of course.
ty, based post
I kinda lost contact with most of my old friends i used to play with, no idea what they are doing now. Finding their new contact info and calling them might be kinda awkward.
Also dwarf priests are probably the most valued raid character that exists in the game
>fag race
Who cares what people think, play what you like. The bigger fags are people playing races they don’t like only because of racials
>How can you willingly subject yourself to the same gaming experience you had 10 years ago
I was 12 when WoW first came out, this time I get to play while actually knowing what the fuck I'm doing
what is the best rogue race anyway?
Good gameplay in a non classic bvll mmo when?
Oh wait! Never.
Day of the rope soon transfreak.
Because it won't be the same experience. The great thing about Classic is that it was a social game before everything else... the game encouraged you to form relationships and bonds in the game by making things very tedious for lone players.
I would much rather play a game where I can meet new people and have fun killing the same stuff together than play a single player "mmo" which is what modern wow essentially is.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Classic won't ever be the same, if Blizzard doesn't implement looking for dungeon then the community will make an addon that replicates it on day one and everyone will use it instead of talking because it's convenient.
This pasta is not funny anymore
Those raids were overscripted and full of shit voice acting. The ruined Nefarian.
I will be rolling the superior elven race with no shame because of comfy music and aesthetic
Im fine with it if its anything like TBC LFG tool.
People that play games have changes dramatically since WoW's release. No one is going to stay with Classic.
Not if they disable it... the whole point of classic is to simulate an experience and if an addon ruins that experience I don't see why it would be allowed.
The bigger thing I worry about for classic is how much big streamers and their "streamer guilds" will ruin the game. I would much rather have organically formed guilds like they were back in the day and I think this may hurt that type of natural formation.
It will be like modern WoW. It will be like World Quest Group Finder but for dungeons.
t. no shoes nigger
why do zoomers fear and hate classic so much? Is it mental illness?
self-viraling "redpilled" faggotry
my god you're incredibly gay, even if you're not him
I will be fucking the superiour elven women then.
I am super excited for classic because I hate modern WoW but I never wanted classic and still don't really. I would much rather Blizz make new content with the same thought process that went into how they used to make WoW. But since I realize old blizzard doesn't exist anymore and that will never happen then Classic WoW is the best I will ever get.
part of me want to play a healer because im a faggot and they always get invited to groups
but i dont want to be a loser who has to respec or have a 2nd character only to farm gold and profession mats
imagine people that have played wow retail for millions of years and suddenly people are talking about quitting and going to play classic. how do you think sensitive frail egos are going to take that?
I'm rolling on Northdale, horde, hunter.
And all I'm gonna do is shoot and kill every alliance I see.
Give me a super offensive name for my character and my pet(s). I need something offensive to everyone.
If you can play a healer and get into raids somewhat quickly for fast gear you will be able to farm as a healer pretty easily.
Jfc you do sound like a retard
Just ERP for your gold faggot
Played vanilla as a kid finna do it properly
why not dip into resto?
I don't get it.
Horde cucks out
Sorry, did we knock off your smash roster general?
what said
how to spot a wrathbabby
>I'm retarded if I roll a moonkin
Only slightly
Yeah you are retarded
Best balance spec for pvp is 30/0/21, nature's swiftness>boomkin
>ruining Classic for yourself
just hold it in bro
How am I ruining it?
Shit dude, you only got 1 int
I seriously can't think of anything more cucked and pathetic than swarming around an internet "personality" and doing anything and everything for them. What goes on in the mind of a streamer orbiter and why would they do all the things they do for someone that barely even acknowledges or cares one bit about their wretched existence? At that point you might as well not even be a human being, but a mindless thrall.
Gets me every time.
PvE, Human for sword spec. PvP, the races are surprisingly not that far from each other. I'd probably rank them in this order:
>top tier
UD, Orc and Dwarf. UD really gets an edge vs Warlocks and Priests as well as a channelled heal, stuns are the bane of Rogues so Hardiness is great to have all around plus you get an AP boost and Stoneform was already explained earlier.
>great tier
Gnome for Escape Artist, the cast time diminishes the usefulness of this talent but it's still great. Human for Perception due to the ability to open on the other Rogue/Druid. NE for extra stealth level and highest base AGI.
>good tier
I guess that's where Trolls gotta end up due to Zerking. I honestly can't tell how good it is but given that you can find yourself in low HP quickly, it might be useful for that extra damage if you're forced to have a stand-up fight but that's where you start to eat shit big time, so it's a last resort.
Did I miss anyone?
>he doesn't know beta starts tomorrow
It's actually happening.
They are zoomers or fatluses
>playing a soulless game
The biggest difference would be no cross-realm bullshit which was the major offender. Although it might also lessen the number of people spamming chat, which has its charm. On the other hand, it could cull the tendency to reserve shit, which annoyed me to no end on private servers.
Just watch the beta key be behind twitch prime.
ruining your wow experience for when classic coems out
Spoiling and burning yourself out
They did cross-realm BGs in late vanilla, iirc.
>dead channel even with shilling
I already played vanilla and I've been playing on Northdale. I have nothing else to play.
I will not be burned out because I am going to enjoy hunting girl gamers.
I'd put BC at B+ and Wrath and B-, but otherwise solid
His channel hasn't even really started rolling yet, lel. Give it time my dude.
I like ff14 more than bfa but it’s not as good as vanilla wow
No one plays Quake Champions because no one asked for Quake Champions.
29. Freshly divorced and paying 50% of my income in child support. Had to move back home because the judge gave her the house.
Gonna spend a few years climbing out of debt and nobody wants to date a broke guy with kids so WoW makes for excellent entertainment value when you look at $/hr.
50% in child support, how the fuck is that possible?
Human PvE Dwarf PvP for Alliance Orc for both on Horde
I hope you learned your lesson.
Disregard bitches, acquire currency, forfeit currency to the state, play Vidya and be happy.
I don't know your particular situation but remember that dating young girls is easier the younger you are
Correct but you could argue gnome is bis for pvp on ally
Iheartknot (pet is canine)
Tiananmencube (Tiananmensq if that doesn't fit)
Bokuno (pets name is Pico De Gallo)
Christchurchtwo (i is a special character to avoid name filters.)
ah sorry
28 boomer reporting for duty
well, my degenerate zoomer I dont work for big corporations only order stuff from China and get the shekels to buy my games so I'm not a wagie cuck and yes I love my old games.
Find a server on a time zone that makes sense for your work schedule. I play Cali servers cuz I live easy coast and get off work at 9pm(6pm) out west
If i had to live in a same apartment with other person i would probably kill myself.
Offtank, make a pvp Twink alt for off nights
No one talks about Dire Maul. Do people really rate it that high? I really like a lot of it, but BRD is my favorite.
retard, its like a drug addict that cant help himself. Once classic comes out it will be just like another pserver launch for him. But do rationalize and carry on
>Muh soul! Said the soulless transfreak as he knows soon the rope will tighten and he’ll hang, either by his own hand or the classic bvll’s
Reminder. To go home is to right every wrong, gas every hebe and fix the world. We WILL have our home. And all subhuman degenerate Jewish Marxist slaves who attempt to stop or sabotage us WILL HANG.
>furfags hate WoW
all the reason I need to play it
Even zyzz knew how kino vanilla wow was. He's smilling from the heavens for us all
Fucking criminal.
Here in socialist scandinavia you pay roughly "400 to 800 dollarinos" a month if your wife conned you.
reminder that if a streamer moves to your server you need to camp them until they fuck off
stoneform is good versus rogues only, which warriors already have an extremely good time against. The best race for warriors PvP wise is actually gnome on alliance side and orc on horde, with gnome being the overall better because of the racial.
Easiest way to avoid them is to play on EU server.
pvp realm is going to be the go for me *sips
>dire maul
>talk about wow classic
>post a picture of dalaran
Wow has more furfag races though
imagine being such a pepega you hate streamers
>if you have a sick day, take it tommorow and watch my stream
Jesus fucking christ, imagine being so fucking pathetic that you take one of your sick days to watch some smelly nerd play video games. FUCK streaming "culture."
>implying tauren are anywhere near as furfag as fucking bunnygirls
There are plenty of eu streamers
With a PUG, where some people get lost, and others go the wrong way, and then someone has to go so you have to replace them, and run out and summon the new guy, and then people aggro everything in the tavern, and then there are some other wipes, no four hours is incredibly reasonable.
imagine letting your server get destroyed by streamer dicksuckers and white knights
>humans with bunny ears are more furfag than werewolves, literal cow people, druids, and soon to be vulpera foxes
yeah, that's going to have to be a 'have sex' for me there, bub
>worgen and vulpera
name few
It's not to watch the streamer but the Classic beta, retard.
Aside from the stealing loot memes, will it be hard to find groups as a hunter? Is it a bad idea to make a healer as my first character if I will start without friends or a guild?
Was talking about wow in general but don’t pretend Tauren and druids don’t have plenty of furry porn
Just make a class you want to play user
t. Transfreak
You’ll be killed soon, subhuman.
They don’t deserve to be recognized in any form so no
The thing is I can't decide and it's driving me insane so I'm looking for something to push me towards a choice.
If you get into beta will you play what you intend to play on live in June, or something different?
An LFG tool that just worked like the custom group finder in retail would be fine as long as it wasn't cross server. You could list your group and look for people, or browse groups. Don't even do the role thing, just a text box describing what the group is. It would simply what people are already going to do, look for groups within their server, or try to fill a group to do something.
Here's an engineering cheat sheet. Am I missing anything besides a brain and a girlfriend?
Only streamers and their friends get in, bucko.
cope, tranny
t. smelly 80lbs skinnyfat impotent manlet nerd
who the fuck wants to play alliance
literal disneyland faggots eating White Castle in their designated faggot white castle huts in the middle of every zone (complete with some vendors, less quests then horde and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a boat or free transport thrown in) while running away from anything that moves alone only despite rolling for pve racials but actually always 1vNPCing to use them
then porting into their literal disneyland faggot White Castle city called "stormwind" more like fartwind lol blizzard literally took some german shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic faggot to the faction le non monster races br0 check out these SHOES so mundane better name myself something lame like johnny to fit in btw get owned kid totally bubble hearthed out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:
- literal tree shithole with aids and bear feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded mine thing where you fall off into lava and die
- literal faggot White Castle german city
it's better but still garbage, even wotlk's non-xrealm lfd ruined dungeons almost instantly
if there's level boosting in beta, which is likely considering we only have like a month to do beta, I'd want to meme around with starshards disc priest.
I can see tbc dlc staying at B and wrath going to B-
>9 agi 9 stam 9 spirit cloth helmet
What the fuck were they thinking
Can you even imagine having feet so soft and weak that you need shoes?
>5 hours
Stop shilling your shitty video.
>no argument
stay triggered kid
Oh shit it's gonna be announced? I can't wait for announcements!!
I'm guessing you meant it's going to be RELEASED, dumbass
>people actually think TBC is better than vanilla
only horde niggers say this because they could play belf shits
unironic cringe at this self advertising
what is better orc rogue or dwarf rogue, nice writeup
It's situational, if Orc gets lucky with the stun resist (which at max lvl is like a 45% chance) then Orc hands down. If its a standard opener then Dwarf is supreme
here's why you should hate streamers
I still don't know if i'm going to play it
It's just fun to believe i'll be able to capture a little bit of nostalgia, as well as play a decent game for once, and disappear for a little while
My job is 60+ hour weeks and i have a lot of irl things to do - i almost wish i was 12 again playing this
why do you have to hurt me today
I've always been interested in going frost mage, and in vanilla it's good for PvP and leveling.
Toss in tailoring for making year and bags... Yeah think that's what I'm gonna do.
i hope i get into the classic beta (if it launches)
then i'll decide what class i'm gonna play for sure.
i'm set on one already but have 3 or so extra classes in mind just in case
hope you die painfully you utter faggot
needs more diversity
26 yo boomer here. My two best friends and me just want something comfy to play online in the evenings while talking on discord
what's with the hotbar to the left?
this is what I literally did instead of le combat spec and it was much more fun.
>being a min/maxer
>in a 15yo game
user I think you are the retard
30 here. i just want something to play here and there with a group. i have no friends.
only issue is a rogue here and there
i'm going hunter and playing with bros.
never played hunter in my wow career. it was either a choice of
i'm not making the same mistake thrice going rogue
bro everybody knows its you, take the energy you spend on shilling and f5ing these threads and make a channel thats worth watching if you're gonna be a faggot all day
'Splain why it's not worth watching.
i dont know why people seem to forget that polymorph is fucking great. that shit will help if you accidently pull another mob you cant handle while leveling. and its always useful in dungeons because CC is important
what is the least played, but most based race/class combo?
not sure what i am doing, on paper these talents all read nicely
Troll Warrior
Gnome warrior
How fucked is the solo shaman levelling experience compared to other classes?
Female Dwarf Warrior. I have never seen one in my entire life.
>not vanilla paladin
disease cleansin
buff dispensin
buddy healin
undead banishin
horde smitin
confused about pvp warriors, dwarf or gnome best?
whats wrong with rogue, did you wear it out?
best horde tank so you are wrong.
still based tho
bad, not warrior tier though
DAM SON, how he rek him like dat
can you elaborate on how it went for you? i wanna do sub cause it looks like fun but if you arent a +5 swordnig theres basically no resources or anecdotes anywhere pre-cataclysm. daggers look harder to get on average, the good ones are clustered into small level brackets and then spaced out, was keeping them upgraded a problem? what about kill speed? with the right build im theorizing that i can start most mobs at like 60% hp from fat ambush crits. im gonna assume frontstab wont work so what do you think about a MH/OH swap macro for dagger ambushes and finishing with swords for SS/hemo?
troll rogue
>whats wrong with rogue, did you wear it out?
they are abundant. gear competition will be a nightmare compared to real vanilla experience when people weren't that smart about minmaxing
vanilla experience? never got a chance to go combat, always had daggers. getting groups was a chore because lol already have rogue. shadowcraft? sure ill take it
private server experience? oh not only are you having to work for your leather drops, everyone knows BiS shit preraid. now you are competing not only shit like dal rends and the like, but also leather because warriors bis also use leather, and even baron cape.
tldr: vanilla wow people were retarded and leather was immediately yours. minmaxers ruined it even more making gearing even more harder. finding groups suck
virgin try hard rogue vs chad 1 shot paladin
How does it compare to the other healing classes?
Pretty good but I would not roll without Omen of Clarity.
Which class/spec has the least responsibilities?
i havent played since wotlk, and i havent worn myself out in pservers. I think I can handle the grind. More important for me is how the class feels in general, gear will come.
4 hours was definitely typical for a run to the boss.
pretty good if you know what you are doing
searing totem, ghostwolf, flametongue for fast 1h+shield / windfury for big ass 2h
Saves mana and gets the job done. Ghostwolf really helps, you make up for the slower but efficient kills with faster movespeed
leveling as enhancement, you can still do dps or heal for most leveling dungeons.
play troll or orc btw, taurens are very meh (played tauren shaman in vanilla)
Huntard on Nightfall duty
Stop its illegal to own niggas like this
>Legit cannot decide on what class to play
This sucks
i watched like 2 minutes of a video where you were killing wind riders in 1kn. your mic was muted and once you fixed it i hated your cringey ass voice and 4chanisms. so did the viewers you indicated bailed once your mic worked again. you're doing an obvious over-confident "i glanced at /r/theredpill once and im totally a fitchad now" act but it's paper thin and nobody's buying it.
be a pretend douche if thats what makes you happy but dont sit here all day being a sadboy cunt because nobody wants to be friends with a cartoon character. dont @ me im not giving you another (you)
I'm le epic like healing, tanking, and pvp. Idk what to pick.
well i'm just burnt out by the class itself. i want a more enjoyable solo experience this time around if bros are not around. also having a nice travel option pre40 is nice which is why there was a mage/shaman/hunter choice.
though you do feel really naked without stealth. STV was a playground with it.
how would a "streamers only beta" even work? Like what, they gonna play the game with like 100 people max?
It's mage.
Nobody plays them tho, I've played 5 years and never been in a max lvl group with one
Except maybe some BG
Is battleground Hunter just marking shitty rogues and spamming Viper Sting as Paladins instantly cleanse them?
In 1v1s vs some of the classes I can hold my own but in real fights I never have the damage or mana to get kills. The damage feels so low that it seems like the only time its worth it is for killshots, or else you will just go uselessly OOM and fail your job of Viper Stinging while all the casters and warriors get to record their epic combo video footage. Is there more to it than this? I'm playing on henhouse.
Why do so many people disregard hunter? Seems like an extremely based class to me.
>more RPG mechanics than any other class such as managing ammo, feeding your pet to keep it happy, taming other animals to learn special skills for your pet, hunting down and taming rare animals with unique attributes like Brokentooth, etc
>very high skill ceiling, the difference between an average hunter and an amazing hunter is leaps and bounds
>nearly rivals mage as far as farming capability goes, can make lots of gold very quickly
>their very own class specific quest to acquire an epic bow and stave that involves traveling the world and hunting down super powerful demons, badass
>excels at wpvp and pvp, dabs on mages
>can grief lowbies all day with eyes of the beast
Some of the most kino class design in the game but everyone ignores it because “NOOB CLASS LMAO!”
What said
Why would you put huntard there? it's better for enh shaman, sure he doesn't have spammable skill but he still has a lot of hits, good buffs for other melee and does better dps than melee hunter
Aimed shot clothies and get free kills.
Druid can do everything, quite literally, but it's not for everyone.
aaa so hunter is this weeks new druid
I just want comfy adventures in Azeroth with my animal buddy
>Some of the most kino class design in the game but everyone ignores it because “NOOB CLASS LMAO!”
That's really the only reason. It's tainted by the retarded ones that roll need on anything.
Some user last thread told me to watch a MadSeasonShow about avoiding servers streamers are on. I've been watching this guys videos but haven't come across specifically severs with streamers, can someone help direct me to which video specifically I should view.
same. i "decided" like two months ago to play fury warrior but i'm still not sure if i'm actually gonna do it..
What does one look for in a 2h? Is the talent point to unlock 2h axe and mace worth it?
Lvl 60 undead rogue, played feenix vanilla horde side top 1 non-shitter GM piggybacking best guild server, played vanilla and TBC wow retail.
I will not be coming back to classic for the sheer fact that it can not be the same as the first genuine experience, the only appeal to classic wow is the content which hasn't already been explored and completed, and to me that is not the reason why i enjoyed the game nor is it a reason to keep me playing either. The memes are sadly true, however they misjudge how popular classic really will be. Classic will be a cultural and monetary success for blizzard, but not for any of the players wishing to relive their past vanilla game experience, it will be a success for players who did not have the chance to enjoy the fabled "golden age of gaming experience", players who do not know what it was like to play in vanilla wow are going to enjoy classic wow because they will not have that niggling, yearning nostalgia bug in the back of their head telling them that while the game is enjoyable to play as an MMO, it isn't the game that existed in the beginning.
its tough since you will be spending a lot longer playing your class/faction/race so you really want to be deliberate.
you don't want to be level 40 and getting sick of looking at and playing your character.
wrong content creator
What are some classes that are the best around AQ40 and Naxx for PVP
Can I do mage aoe farms as warlock?
the hunter rotation keeps getting more ridiculous, now when aimed/multi are on cooldown its meta to run 3 yards and spam melee for NF procs in between autoshots
Some friendly reminders:
>you can heal dungeons while leveling in literally any spec (or with zero talent points if you fucking felt like it) as long as you're keeping int gear around.
>similar to the above, do not fall for zoomer cata-onward "spec" identifications, think of yourself as a class - very few abilities are spec dependent, use your entire toolkit when appropriate
>females are not typically the problem (tho it happens), it's more often the reaction to them that causes drama - white knighting, orbiting, thirsty dudes, etc
>that said, avoid any guild with a female in an authority position. It may not be fair but you're saving yourself immense drama and it will happen, 100%, regardless of fault
>memespecs are a meme not because they're dogshit (tho they are for the most part) but because people want to run things as efficiently as possible. After months of the same tier you will too
>however 40man is a lot of people and there will always be dead weight. Memespecs bring potential loot drama and that is often a far bigger deal than their shitty raid contribution - remember: drama = bad, you want things to last for months, not days, and rerolling after a sperg out isn't as easy as in BFA
>druids are capable tanks, especially off-tanking, however 99% of druids who tank are insufferable faggots.
>hybrids do not typically stay in their resto/holy specs outside of raids
>fishing is free money, the trade-off is that its boring
>tipsout did not play retail vanilla, ignore his lies
>alexensual did not raid in retail vanilla, ignore his lies
>If you're worried about e-gurls or trannies, first you spend far too much time in faggoty discords, second you'll solve your issue by avoiding /vg/ after launch
>/sit will not proc reckoning in classic
>nightfall uptime goes: hunter, warrior, power-gap, enhance, ret. If no one is using it, ANYONE swinging it is better than nothing, but smartest use is an offtank. Some "theorycrafters" are misleading you.
I know. But isnt druid "healing" just being a buff bitch? And tanking is lol. Interested in Paladin too but same story. 3 shitty specs.
Definitely hunter
Don't believe anyone who says otherwise, they're trolling you
go to rfk, get this
Binds when picked up
Two-hand Axe
88 - 132 Damage Speed 3.80
(28.9 damage per second)
+15 Strength
+8 Stamina
Durability 100 / 100
Item level 34
Requires Level 29
It's called hybrid tax
It used to exist in wow
36 here. Friends are all married with kids, I'm not but I have a stable career in real estate law.
This is the first time I've seen these normies eager to play something all together outside of failed shit that didn't last.
Most normies I know watch 4-5 hours of Netflix a night. I will play WoW. I do not know why that is hard to grasp.
>charge up spirit bomb aimed shot
>get ccd/los/outranged at last second
>try again
>get ccd/los/outranged at last second
>try again
>clothy takes 1/3rd of their life and within a second they are instantly healed/bubbled
>meanwhile you're burning alive from 6 dots, a rogue raping your ass, and a mindflay while your healers struggle to keep you on life support
do you play WSG on this server
their heals are fine, no different than heal4 or gheal1 or whatever
because playing one game is the exact same waste of time as playing another
>one shotting mages with multishot
good shit
yeah, you want the 2h talent otherwise you can't use them.. what other people said, corpsemaker is a great early level 2h
This im only play lich king dropped in cataclism played nostalrius/elysium and yes vanilla feels masive the sense of exploration and adventure is amazing
So may i ask
Im going to roll warrior So
Horde or alliance
what's the appeal, i'm choosing too
what are you asking here?
I want to do shadow priest, but I am okay with healing. I am guessing I'll need to be holy/disc at 60 and then respec for PVP?
That's the one thing and one thing only I will miss. Dual spec was such a game changer.
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Literally just look at the damage. Equip the weapon with the highest damage number (not dps)
classic is not for you, its for people that did not play on pservers mostly, there's always mega autists that can enjoy it no matter how much they play/wear it out
No Fap On Trap
>No Fap On Trap
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>No Fap On Trap
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>No Fap On Trap
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>No Fap On Trap
No Fap On Trap
>No Fap On Trap
What weird reality are you describing?
We fucking eat clothies in pvp.
Aimed + multi + auto + arcane = dead fucking caster.
High end, low end, or both?
Go female with princess Leia buns
>inb4 locks start telling you how warlock is the best class in the game with walls of text that amount to "we fear"
Try to get an average, so if the damage is 150 - 200 consider the average around 175.
about fury warriors, what's the appeal. I've only heard seething about gearing up so far.
but multishot shares cooldown with arcane shot.....
>it's better for enh shaman,
Nope. Tryhard neet pserver guilds will put it on a healing shaman before an enhance. The shaman will totem twist while melee'ing and throw out 3 heals or so in between.
It's not fun.
Enhance uptime is garbage, if all you want is max uptime of the debuff, you go hunter as he can spam an instant forever. Windfury does not proc the nightfall debuff.
Both dps are going to be less than the tank so its practically irrelevant which of them does more.
Healing shaman can spec into buffed totems as well, you dont need to go deep resto to chainheal effectively. Plus the buff totems are a marginal increase but its still a thing.
nightfall is something your shaman GM uses as an excuse to never respec, he's also going to take hand of rag so be aware of this
it doesn't matter much, windfury is fine even on fast weapons
I will obtain another Rhok'Delar and nothing any of you do will stop me
>Choose Rogue if i literally just want to PvP - even then something like a Mage/Hunter would be better
>Only reason is for class fantasy
>Choose Priest so i'll be in demand endgame, not to mention it's the only role i haven't taken to raids
>New Challenge
>Choose Warlock because it's an amazingly flavourful class, and looks cool af
>Endgame is shadowbolt spam, and i've already 1-60'ed it
its basically 6 months of painful gearing up followed by being able to do the most numbers to nefarian's butt or w/e
how is this possible? Is the rogue fresh 60? What the fuck is he doing to be this based
I always went horde, cant imagine playing alliance its a different game to me.
Warlock is handily the best pvp class but I won't write a huge paragraph because I don't want to compete with more people for gear
>playing when they still keep DHKs in the game
no thanks, I'd rather not see city raids completely die out the moment they are implemented in phase 1
Go priest
Getting real fucking tired of these paid blizzard shill threads.
well the rogue sucked first of all.
im pretty sure thats rogue t3, he just got fuckin p'zoned by reckoning/hoj crits
Dropping infernals on lowbies never gets old
cant it hang in pvp? Is it mechanicaly fun to play? Any user that has experience on fury plz share. I want to know why bother going through hell, is there reward. Apart from troll fury warriors being the most Chad thing you can do in vanilla wow.
>best pvp class
>rarely any R14 locks
1v1 fear chaining is the only thing they can do, paragraphs inc
Trying to decide what class to play is hard when the only WoW you've played is the free trial in like 2012. Shaman seems pretty cool but I don't know if I'll actually enjoy playing more of a support role in raids and the like. How long does it typically take to get a feel for a class?
What the fuck are you talking about lmao
Warlocks is sick even without fear mate
Yea i remember using aimed shot and multishot but not arcane shot, must have been because arcane shared cd with multi. It was on a psever though.
Locks don't go for r14 because there's nothing worthwhile for them
i like melee classes and fury warriors have good dps + you can tank without needing prot spec for 5mans
rogues aren't for me, i like bruiser type classes. that or healers but i'm skeptical to the solo capabilities.. gotta get that gold per hour somehow.
as for gear i dont think it's gonna be that bad. you compete with rogues, druids and other warriors for some leather pieces but weapons will be easier for me since i'm planning on orc (axe racial, no edgemaster gloves, no sought after swords)
sure the boe epics (helm + legs(?)) might be hard but so be it, gotta have something to aim for
>he's also going to take hand of rag so be aware of this
meh I'm gonna be playing either resto shaman or holy priest.
Maybe orc warlock alt later on
You know im gona roll female dwarf warrior
Never played warrior And Never played a female character
Which r14 weapons were the actually worthwhile ones? Just the melee 2 handers?
aimed and arcane shares cd, not multishot
why would you say fury warriors have a harder time gearing than other classes? just do 5mans and raids like everyone else
support roles are piss easy. you rarely have to actually follow mechanics and vanilla has some easy damn mechanics
Ah, that makes more sense.
and 1handers, and the 2h staff for druids as it's 41stam
That's why rogues, warriors and fc druids etc go r14 but priest, mage, warlock go r13 (usually)
based, i'm jelly about the axe spec. If i go fury warr i will go troll or dwarf
Which by the time you cycle through all that, arcane shot's about to be back off the 6s CD, but I wouldn't use Arcane Shot in most instances since the static damage is garbage.
You're not getting rank 14 anyway so what does it matter
They can also spam paragraphs about their invulnerability
I was just curious about it.
Arcane and Aimed share the same 6s cooldown, thats why nobody uses arcane
I always fucking lose it at boogerbones.
>change my mind and decide on a new class to main
>spend a week delving into it and researching
>come here to check the 99% uptime classic general to see if new fucking memes have arrived
>all i see is obnoxious faggots masturbating to the new class i want to main and all the stuff i learned about it
>begin doubting my choice and consider new main
being the main character influencing the psy-tides of the matrix isnt all that its hyped up to be
played troll arms warrior late in vanilla,pvp only, don't remeber shit but it was a ton of fun
that's why i am rolling warrior again, this time around im not gonna be young and stupid and play better specs and better hotkey setup etc
there will be a lot of hunters anyway.
I'm trying to help you user
You're getting rank 10/11 maximum , plan accordingly
Not him, but it's crazy how easy rank 11 was compared to 12 and 13
just as long as you dont roll a hunter, it'll work out for you my guy
spill the beans, what is your main.
I'm more concerned with enjoying the playstyle of the class than the difficulty. It would blow to spend forever leveling a class only to not enjoy the endgame mechanics.
please doN’T roll hunter
asmongold's was better
Who here doesn't give a fuck and will roll a moonkin knowing this spec is fucking useless? I just want to be the laughing stock of the server...
You go arms for pvp
Boys I'm tired but want to go to the gym. Hype me up with some manly wow stuff
moonkin damage is gud, and the aura is gr8 for casters. you just go oom so fast is le problem.
moonkins are good as fuck in PvP though
Can you please put on a name swole bj , so I can filter your autism
nobody uses moonkin form in pvp
Not very manly of you. I bet youd be good at sucking dick though. That's pretty manly mmmm yes
sorry to hear that bro
29 here as well
called off an engagement 3 months before the wedding date due to shady shit from my ex-fiances family and shadiness from her end (she exchanged the engagement ring I got her for a bigger rock at the diamond store - when I found out it was the last straw and I called it off)
she was materialist to the core and I backed out before I got in too deep
for all the young boys looking to marry their ((((((sweeties)))))) you will ignore these warnings thinking your sweety isn't like that
your girl will be easy when things are going well, see how she reacts when things aren't going well, she will be like a mercenary
now I have a sweet asian girl with me (done with white roasties after trying for so long, they are irredeemable) and she will be playing classic wow with me, we're already playing on a private server in preparation
>troll druid
i'd play it in a heartbeat. no questions asked
stupid taurens keeping me from wanting to play druids
Anyone else rolling opposite faction they played in Vanilla? I lost track of how many hours I put into Horde, going to roll an Alliance warrior this time around to see how the story differences play out.
just wait until 40 for innervate and all those +spell mageweave tailoring patterns
I got curious and did some math. Apparently it could take as few as 435 Goblin Land Mines to murder Lord Kazzak assuming:
- 474300 health (gleaned from a Nost video, so pinch of salt)
- Curse of the Elements
- 0 total fire resistance (can't find base resist, don't know if it can go negative)
- Nightfall proc
- Improved Scorch
- 5x Flame Buffet from Arcanite Dragonling
- using the most generous order of calculation (Flame Buffet scaling with other debuffs, 100% scaling on Flame Buffet, multiplicative damage bonuses)
This would require:
- 1305 Heavy Stone
- 1305 Iron Ore
- 435 Gold Ore
Until now
I'm thinking about it. Best I did was alliance NE hunter to level 43ish.
If I go Ally I'll be Dwarf priest or paladin (hobbs way of pulling letsgo)
dwarf best alliance race b t w
least you saved the trouble. i keep hearing stories as soon as the rings on their true colors come out. sex stops, they dont act like wife material, etc.
I play undead horde and you are embarrassing me with your fairy uptalking.
Dwarf hunter is peak WoW and I'll be playing one again when classic comes out.
Yea the furthest I made it was to level 35 on a paladin in vanilla. I'm sticking to warrior but I haven't a clue if I'll be a dwarf, human, or NE.
>unironically optimizing your gameplay to be the best in a children's game
I fucking hate min/maxers and elitists retards
why not just play the superior, free, pvp mmo? You can download warhammer reckoning right now
Honestly curious as to why threads like this are so active... are there really that many people chomping at the bit to give blizzard a ton of money for a decade+ old game? Warhammer has significantly better open world RvR PvP and better instanced PvP, plus it's totally free. Why would you want to play old WoW? PvE shitters need not apply, if you honestly enjoy PvE in old, massive hotbar mmos like this then you need to remove the rose tinted goggles
isn't it still in alpha?
Still undecided whether or not I’ll be playing Alliance, but Dwarf will be my first choice if I do.
This is why I'm unironically planning on starting a family through surrogacy
American women are easily the worst human beings to ever live, and have zero maternal drive . All I want is a family and a wife , I want commitment and family so bad you'd think women want that too but the truth couldn't be more different
>least you saved the trouble
lol, I had to pay her out $35,000.00 to take her name off the house we had together. Thing was, I bought the house with my parents right when we got engaged. I stupidly put her name on it as well, even though she didn't put a penny down towards any of it and we intended to use it as a rental income.
Once I broke off the engagement I was going to split the costs for the wedding cancellations but had asked her to take her name off the title of the house. She refused and instead lawyered up threatening to take me to court over the issue. So to avoid taking her to court, I agreed to pay her out her share of the house (even though she didn't pay anything towards it). Worst part, her parents were pushing her to do this.
>i keep hearing stories as soon as the rings on their true colors come out. sex stops, they dont Every young man reading this, keep in mind that your lovely (((GF))), due to her inability to love you when you are weak, will be like a shark with blood in the water when the time comes. All those appeals to higher ideals will mean nothing. Women are mercenaries and will scalp you when given the chance and motivation and trust me, in this (((society))), they are constantly urged to dump their husbands in order to garnish their wages and be awarded cash and prizes.
For anyone who is reading this and decides to think that I am exaggerating or embellishing things and that (not all women are like that - LOL) then you will only have yourself to blame in the future when your woman fucks you over.
Women in their natural state are beasts in heat. Without the ability for a husband to discipline his wife, is it any wonder that marriages have fallen apart and both men and women are unhappier than ever? The saddest thing is the children that are spawned from these unholy unions commonly referred to as "modern marriage"
warrior priest was a fucking blast. didn't get very far tho..
played boring ass squig herder for the first free month then resubbed later with a friend and rolled warrior priest to level 18 or so. was a great class.
how compareable to battle priests are paladins?
Just get a pet you dummy.
Nice blog you fucking faggot lmfao
Seethe more
step #1 before you even get started: take her phone and throw it in the fucking trash. get her a flip phone for emergencies. its by far the most addictive substance to the female brain and it supersedes all other priorities, including children
Why would Blizzard be crying when your dumbass is going to be giving them money. You WoW faggots are the dumbest fandom I have ever seen.
pets are for normies
um, sweetie? have sex.
You just gonna leave Kyosuke hangin like that?
only if you get a normie pet
>All I want is a family and a wife , I want commitment and family so bad you'd think women want that too but the truth couldn't be more different
My parents have a beautiful marriage and are lucky to have me and my siblings around. We are all friends with each other now well into adulthood. I want the same that my parents have, with children that I can love and make the world better for. Too bad that women in their prime (young and fertile) are completely programmed by their corporate masters and their ((((peers))))
social media is unironically the worst thing to happen to women since (((birth control)))
>zero maternal drive
>mfw 360 no scope headshot 420 blazeit
well they are grown up children
their hypergamy doesn't care about relationship equity.
they just take take and only thing they can do offer back is their pussy.
which reminds me to avoid guilds with an abundance of females and thirsty boys
just up and leaves a nigga at the crossroads
step 2 would to make sure the bitch stays off social media.
it's a private server, I think it may technically be in alpha, but you can still just jump in and play. just Google warhammer reckoning and it's one of the first results. I never played when it originally released, got my whole WoW/GW1 group to download it over the weekend and we had a fucking blast. Its probably the best mmo out there rn for big realm v realm pvp
Can butthurt incels plesse stay in their containment board.
wont I be forced to eat EA ass if i download this? dont have a vpn because im a friendly citizen, so i dont need it
>here's your l̶o̶l̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶e shitty relationships thread(or, all women are whores), bro
still no release date btw
stoneform is great on paladins against rogues because otherwise rogues can poison fuck you out of BoP. I mean it's not much but it's more than perception.
I'm thinking of doing herbalism and skinning as level up professions and dropping skinning to tailoring and selling runecloth bags for constant flow of gold to get an epic mount/respec money. Going to be a warrior, what do you think user?
Redpilled choice
>zero maternal drive
Shit, I guess there is at least one good thing in America - women who have enough wisdom and willpower to not succumb to their primitive maternal instincts.
What part of america are hates trannies? South?
>putting her name on the deed
You dumb fuck . At least you're young enough to recover
honestly i expect a lot of vanilla fags that are returning to have some in common since we are now 30+ with these retarded stories about their marriage stories
weird thinking back i was in highschool still playing with people in their 20-30s then.
you might be better off dropping herbalism, but it sounds like a solid plan regardless
Yeah, definitely. Encourage her to have actual hobbies. Facebook is a way to say hi to your cousins in Nebraska you cant be fucked to visit, its not a valid past time. Snapchat/Insta/twitter/whatever is just 100% "i need attention and validation from men" and should be avoided at all costs
engineering on a pvp server on tailoring/enchanting for the lodes-e-mone?
Dreamfoil and Gromsblood stacks will sell well for a long time which is why I would want to keep herbalism. Farming the blood elves in Azshara for gold/runecloth along with picking dreamfoil in their camps is what I had in mind ultimately.
Redpilled? More like normiepilled...
>attacking a GM
what an actual tard
>thread full of dudes whose relationship arcs match world of warcraft
Always thought there should've been a third faction with all the reject races like UD and Draenei (non retconned ones). Tirisfal is top comfy though.
goodluck bros hang in there. women suck.
i need to go ride my bike now. just got over my alcohol withdrawals going to get back on track
i'm still rolling hunter though.
Fucken savage lmfao
>t2 v t3
>t2 wins
wow what great balance
I want to doo her so fucking baaad.
Gonna play a caster, so I'm going to start enchanting/tailoring to get wands at launch. Should be able to sell wands and bags proficiently.
Oh shit, I forgot about this. Cant wait to experience modern classic WoW for the very first time.
My big thing about leveling up tailoring for bag selling is that, previously playing a warrior in classic, I know just how fast I can burn through runecloth bandages while leveling up.
This triggers the retailbaby.
good call user
I hit lv50 the day the honor patch went live on retail and it was fun as fuck. I met so many level 60s who I became close friends and still play games with.
a shaman taking hand of rag is fine. what other class will take it?
i look at that screenshot sometimes and think how fucking spergy i was when i was a teen. That's a pic of me having 'a big idea'. I miss ya kyosuke, wherever you are mon.
Move cata to A you incel.
Are guns any good or do they get outclassed by bows like every other game?
>a reply whose relationships matches his Wold of Warcraft playtime; none.
Who else makes a dumb notepad for what they are gonna do when the game launches?
>hordeniggers stuck with 4 (four) hunchback races
Whatever you say, Quasimodo
Yep, 11 months of fucking dragon soul.
They just don't make quality like that anymore.
Best 2 weapons in the game are crossbows and the class quest epic weapon is a bow but other than that, the three are exchangeable through levelling.
How do you misclick this thread from inside a Sm*sh thread?
I genuinely forgot about that. I think I fought most Rogues in TBC and by then it wasn't a poison anymore.
i know you are but what am i
D- effort see me after class
Capitalize your letters before you talk about class you retarded Twitter zoomer
who gives a fuck? It was an excellent pvp addon