Piracy is a service issue

Piracy is a service issue.

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It's literally a different icon you have to click. Fuck you for justifying stealing.


IDK why the contrarian reactionary goobergator incels obsessed with outrage culture on v wont get over it.

that guy look like the reddit monkey mascot

Nice bait.

>monopoly good
>competition bad

And it’s literally a different icon you have to click to get the game for free. Why pay when you can get it for no cost

>conveniently avoid taking into account half of the image

I have 4 game platforms currently installed in my computer, it's not a free market thing it's an annoyance thing. Imagine having to go to 4 different
stores to buy your groceries because one refuses to sell you eggs, the other milk, and so on.

Was the original about Netflix and all the shitty streaming services we have now? It's the same fucking deal.

now this is retarded arstyle

>ignoring the anti-consumer practices on the image just lie about steam having a monopoly

>Please monitor me, restrict me, and abuse me daddy Epic!
based big brain european

>Epic store
>none of them make exclusive games for PC
Fuck them, seriously fuck them.


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>one icon spies on you to tell some americans how to sell you more games
>another icon spies on you to tell the chinese god only knows what

Pirates never stopped pirating. Free > paying


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Or worse, someone buys the rights to selling eggs for the city.
>food analogy

I did when Steam became so convenient.
Now I pirate again.

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I'll never understand why the biggest moralfags defend anti-consumer practices so fucking much, the absolute irony. Big companies like EA/Ubisoft/Bethesta can get away with so much bullshit no non-vidya company ever could.

if you don't understand why it's stealing you can take your piratre hat and choke yourself with it, before your father chokes you with his cock.

the world of software is bullshit now.

games are a luxury not a commodity. a better analogue would be
>I have to go buy rolex from one store and champagne from another, this sucks.

Epic spies on you.
Bethesta is 500-800MB RAM just to have it idling in the background.
uPlay is cancer.
And so on.

Piracy is just searching for a game and downloading using a magnet.

I dont want all of china to know when im playing a game.

still better than literally stealing. There is a diference between unethical work policies and using a product that costs money to make that you didn't pay for.

i follow convenience. steam is a convenient platform. now that we have multiple launchers piracy is more convenient.

It's another piece of shit bloatware sitting on my computer eating up resources and sending my information to who knows where. At some point there has to be a limit.

>no DLC
>No Season Pass

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>Piracy is a service issue.
For some.
There are proponents of piracy that would continue to do so even if there were a universal games library with reasonable prices.
There are a lot of reasons people pirate. Some more justifiable than others. There are a lot of reasons people fight piracy, some more justifiable than others.

If the quality in which some games release would be translated to any other physical product or service people would at large consider it a scam. Yet here we are getting bugged as fuck releases, with 1/5 the promised content but hey it's just vidya right goys no standards to live up to here, it's not like we're making but billions of dollars a years pulling off this shit.

This. I’m a fat fuck who can’t bother to get games that are too big of a file size and if it’s easier to buy something I will.
If the alternative is easier, then I’ll pirate

>can’t bother to get games that are too big of a file size
You should change your justification. Your current one is shit. It's not like you have to carry the data home from a shop and piracy certainly doesn't reduce the filesize by any meaningful amount.

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exactly what I was going to post
>he stopped pirating just because of steam
I'm a cheap bastard and only buy games I love, and even then only when at least 50% off
only broken that rule like 3 times in the last decade

Oh, you bet your ass I would complain if I had to have 4 different wardrobes in my house to save my suits because some faggot ass company doesn't want another faggot ass company to make more money than them.


>he doesn't know that's the lyrics of an old meme
>tries to act like he's an oldfag anyway
haha holy shit
the absolute state of you

How about not trying to steal my data first eh, Zong?

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piracy is 100% morally ethical

rule 14

horrendous art style

Remember when people said that they will pirate every game on Origin until the the service fails?
I remember.

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Come now, user, does this look like a place of reasonable opinions. Post bait or be damned!

you mean to say origin is a success?

yeah gog is huge too (not)

It's not stealing it's copying
Original product is still there and is equivalent to one not paying anyway as opposed to sales lost
People with no option to pirate most likely more often than not woudnt even purchase the product therefore its not a loss of sale and there are sources to prove it Google them
Also day to day who pirate people do not cause a detriment to the producers since they use it for themselves instead of reselling

>you mean to say origin is a success?
yes, yes it is, that is why it is still here and still expanding
origin costs money to run, if it didn't make money it would be shut down

>no one will download spyware to play battlefield!

they're definitely hurting now

I have the same justification and i wont change just because a publisher told me they dont earn enought, i dare you to download a current size game whit only 3mb of speed and see how long it takes, its not secret that game companies make games heavier just so users get to buy more hard drives and i wont mind if the internet speed for all countries where at the very least 100mb.

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If you had at least said that it's just as bad or something you would have a point we could discuss, but saying that all the incopetent bullshit that happened with Fallout 76, in a situation where Bethesta actually commited crimes is "still better" than some poorfag torrenting the game.

>unethical work policies
If a vidya company don't give a shit about "ethics", neither should anyone else when it comes to their products.

multiple launchers are the least important thing in that picture.

$150+ is absolutely reasonable to experience an entire game, you're right. Nothing wrong with the games industry right now.

>i wont change just because a publisher told me they dont earn enought
This has nothing to do with file size though. No one thinks your issue with filesize should be changed because of how much money a publisher does/does not get.
>i dare you to download a current size game whit only 3mb of speed and see how long it takes
What does download speed have to do with piracy? Buying or pirating - a megabyte is a megabyte. Your shit internet speed is not a valid justification for piracy.
>its not secret that game companies make games heavier just so users get to buy more hard drives
>i wont mind if the internet speed for all countries where at the very least 100mb
Again, you should choose better reasons to pirate software or at least just be honest and say you're lazy and/or don't want to pay for entertainment.

>It's literally a different icon you have to click.
It's another friends list to maintain
It's another service harvesting your details
It's another achievement list
It's another platform with different cloud saves
It's another workshop
It's another place to try and locate where you purchased a game

Does the game industry shit on people who wait for complete editions? WB slices games up into so many pieces I just wait the year and then for a sale.

Actually, a better analogy that actually relates to something that was a real thing decades ago would be cinemas and how they used to buy exclusive rights to specific movies before legislation was made to make that action illegal because of how out of control it was.

>I have to go to one cinema to watch Dracula and a different cinema to watch Frankenstein? This sucks.
And it did, so much so that it was made illegal. The only reason that streaming services and game launchers can get away with it is the legislation that in spirit prevents it was written before computers existed and thus doesn't cover digital services/goods.

and it's also not the point of the picture.

Haven't payed for an EA game since Dead Space 2.

People that do shit like pre-ordering games and buying microtransations are the biggest cancer, companies just do it because these retards enable them to.


making everybody who can't afford $200 at launch wait at least a year is shitting on them.

Pirates don't buy games. A game that is not cracked is a game that doesn't exist.

Not that guy and not arguing against your point since I am uninformed on the matter, but what legislation prevented cinema-exclusive movie releases?

Pirate bay is fine really. Just not very active anymore.

torrenting is faster than downloading from a central server by orders of magnitude

Went from never buying a game to buying lots of games on Steam. Before Steam, even my consoles were hacked All my consoles are still hacked.

If a game is not on Steam, where all my friends and profile are, and I can shove in my friends faces what I am playing, then no, I won't pay for it.

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SJW isn't a feature in a video game. Whoever made this probably has a rantsona on youtube and makes cringe where he pwns the libs by cherrypicking stupid shit off tumblr.


Pirates pirate
Buyfags buy

Pirates only buy if it's a multiplayer, indie or very specific game
Buyfags only pirate if pirate if platform, performance or region issues prevent them from playing legitimately, even then very few pirate

Why are burgers so scared of competitive markets? Do they get indoctrinated as children of something? It makes no sense.

I mean directly from a mouth piece, say calling us entitled for wanting a complete product or how people waiting for sales are killing games.

speed reader spotted

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it's just a differnt number to click


The right term is libtard, my friend.

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No. No it isn't.

Except it is, among other points.

Yes. Yes it is, my libtard friend.

>steam doesn't do this!

Funny how you only tried justifying the client, and not the billion other things in the image.

lmao get dabbed on.

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hello r.eddit

>Bloat good
>Anti consumer tactics good

Fuck off

>TV remote

1:I'm not a liberal
2:No it isn't.
3:Stop responding to me, I wasn't even talking to you.

Can't steal something that doesn't exist.

The icons aren't the point of the picture but that's all you can focus on apparently

I took the box and tore it open. There was a bottle of lube, some kind of tiny plastic toy, and a small glass vase that was filled with something. I looked inside and saw a toy girl's pussy, and a tiny plastic cup was inside. I took the cup and went to the little box on top, opened it up and held it up in front of me. There was a bottle of cream that seemed to be filling the cup. It didn't seem to come out in my hands, so I reached inside and took the big bottle from the box. I grabbed up the little plastic cup and pulled it out of the container; I then opened the cream and found a bottle with the same name on it as the other bottle. I was about to give up when I heard a loud bang sound, as though something hit my head. Thinking I could see a bullet through my skull, I looked down to see someone in front of me. I looked over my shoulder at the guy in front of me to see who it was, and he nodded, seemingly to acknowledge my guess. It seemed that he had a gun in his hand and was looking down at me. I couldn't make out who he was looking at at the time, but I noticed that they had a pair of sunglasses on. I didn't hear anything about a robbery when he first saw me, so perhaps there was no one with him. I stepped forward slowly, and I thought about whether or not to turn his attention back to me.

>retrieves your info
Nothing personel 白痴

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Yes it is. And you can't make me stop replying to you, my libtard friend.

You could tough hide your own post and in consequence hide all the replies to your post, including mine. But I'm sure you won't do it, deep down you enjoy my presence.

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this is the only acceptable post by pirates.
i can respect people who go lol who gives a fuck, yeah i pirate games fuck off
""""""people"""""" who try to justify it are fucking subhuman and probably underaged

If you reply to me one more time I'm filing a report on you for harassment. Leave me alone.

there are still degrees of shit
i wouldnt pirate if it wasnt way faster and more convenient
>find platform that has game
>register to half a dozen shit with irl information including credit card
>download launcher, wait for it to update
>go through ardous payment process
>download game, perhaps even with its own launcher
>login to half a dozen shit with needlessly complicated passwords
>wait for it to update, wait for dlcs to download, wait for dependencies, wait for drm to let you play, all the while intrusive shit pops up all over the place
>maybe play your game if all this havent bricked your pc
>download codex repack from igg, play something else while it torrents
>run setup, play something else or listen to the music while you browse the chans, either way it doesnt take more than a few minutes
>game works instantly and perfectly

Why do you fuckers have the audacity to be mad over piracy.

I'm not fucking paying 50 bucks for cutscene laden unambitious high def mocapped baby casual tripple A filth. You need to get that into your head. I hardly play that stuff anymore. If I can't pirate, I won't play it at all. If it means these games die, then that's not a bad consequence in my book. Nothing on this planet will make me shell out for that shit. I sometimes pirate really just to be in the know about the current AAA landscape, really just out of a faint interest to see what my fellow man are playing, if I can't pirate I don't give a fuck, if Ubisoft and EA drop dead tomorrow I don't give a fuck. I play some fightan here, some experimental indie shit there, some free rythm games on the side. Fuck do I care if Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty or Tomb Raider stop existing. Like I have a fucking OBLIGATION to care. They live or die with or without me, and the fact that I click on that torrent link to see in what way they casualized and cash-shopped it up this time around doesn't affect that.

>steam ever being better than piracy
cringe and delusionalpilled

It's "shitlib" "libshit" "fucklib" or "libfuck" you boomer

And what will you fill in the name part of the report? "Anonymous"?

Just spread your buttcheeks and learn to love me, my libtard friend.

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And thanks to sites like virustotal, and scanners like malwarebytes, the possibility of getting bitcoin miners or viruses is practically none.

>If you reply to me one more time I'm filing a report on you for harassment. Leave me alone. You are a vile woman who is incapable of understanding people. I am disgusted you have not left yet."

Sandra's response is clear:

"Why would I leave you if you don't like me?"

That's how that goes without me mentioning any of the things Ms. Bongiorno has said, but what she really doesn't do – and what can't be said in court for fear of retribution – is give any insight into the real reasons. There's no "lack of interest" – it's a lack of understanding and an ongoing problem that persists because Ms. Bongiorno's words never were about Ms. Bongiorno.

I asked the court in an attempt to find out more about Ms. Bongiorno's motivations for leaving; the response I got was a bit confusing.

"She was quite surprised when she received the call at that time," explained attorney Susan Leavitt. "She did not know why she was picked. The court asked me to explain why I got into the case and she wasn't given one."

But while the attorneys and the prosecution may have made a few attempts to explain the nature of the offense charged in both the charges against the victim and the conviction, a court clerk at the jail could not, until her death, find the word "rape" on the page of the jail's rape reporting system.

"There is no record to prove whether or not a report was filed. It was not documented whether this type of thing was reported to my jail," explained the clerk, who asked not to be named.

The victim, who was only identified in local media reports and the media as Dina "Dana" Czajkowski, said she believes she was raped in June 2015 and that police officers who were on break at the time failed to do anything to help her.

Czajkowski said she was not sure how long she remained in jail because she did not want the men who raped her to know.

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>he doesnt use a tv as his monitor

Never used origin. I even have a BF5 Key I still need to trade off because I will never use it.

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I'm gonna buy an apple from the store and then plant the seeds from it, get an apple tree going and never buy apples from that store. Go ahead. Sue me for stealing, you pathetic bootlicker.

Piratefag who admits he just doesn't want to pay for games here.

>implying 2012 didn't have a absolute cancerous practices like DLC, Day-1 DLC, Season Passes, pre-order bonuses, always-online, microtransactions
Fuck off retard.

I actually do, but that isn't the point.

and to piracy being past the phase when moralcucks made fake torrents

So not buying a game is stealing? I have a game on Steam, you now owe me 0.99 bucks, the price of the game, since you didn't buy it.

What game user?

milk is a luxury drink, there's water.

It's literally ruining a game we bought for no good reason, only boogeyman bullshit. Fuck you for justifiying property damage.

Randy you're a fucking loser and anyone who likes your game is a victim

>paypig "buys" game
>he actually signed an EULA without his consent that says he's only renting it until the company shuts down support, even if it's a singleplayer game
>can't mod it, copy it, or play it offline
>"I am free" says the slave praising his chains

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>1:I'm not a liberal
Socialists and anarchists are just dumber liberals (just like conservatives)

I actually buy DRM free whenever possible, and steamworks is so easy to crack it is ridiculous. Between the two that is most games. I keep all my games backed up to my NAS, and have cracks for most of the builds I keep backed up. What if I told you, you could actually buy your things and still do whatever you want with them?

>paynig unironically gives his credit card info and signs a blank check contract with china

Here's the options

>You buy the game and go through the following steps:
>first you need to download and install the appropriate platform, which take up both HDD space and use up other system resources
>you need to create an account and log in
>then you need to find the game
>then you need to enter your credit card info and purchase the game
>then you need to download and install the game
>then you can play it

>you don't buy the game
>you go to piratebay
>you find the game and download it
>you install the game and play it

So the options are either go through a lot of bullshit and pay for it, or go through very little bullshit and get the same game for free. Pretty easy choice in my opinion

If a site has low bandwidth downloads it's much worse than a good torrent tracker that has a much higher bandwidth download. Steam actually allows high download bandwidths on there site which is why it was a great store. Epic and other sites aren't going to be that generous.

this is the dumbest shitpost I've read in a while

>I actually buy DRM free whenever possible, and steamworks is so easy to crack it is ridiculous.
Something that devs want to end, which is why many accept Epic's exclusive deals.

Conservatives are centrists
Thats why things have been moving left with libcucks and conservanigs meeting halfway since the french revolution

No one gives a shit if you pirate, just stop trying to take some sort of moral high ground when you are just stealing.

>And what will you fill in the name part of the report? "Anonymous"?
>Just spread your buttcheeks and learn to love me, my libtard friend.

Here's to hoping that next time that you see me or meet me, I'm having enough fun to convince you to have more fun. You know, like the time I walked around the city at night with my girlfriend and her husband. I don't know where you were but we were drinking and had a good time all around. All because you found it funny to pretend to go down on someone that could be your sister and your best friend.

Oh boy for a good time to be had with this girl.


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And that's why Epic = Pirating, unless you're a chink loving faggot.


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u mad?

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They get circumcised for $10k + 50% tip right off the vag and told it makes them cooler than eurogods

Anti-pirate fags get this moralistic high over feeling like they're superior to the kids, poorfags and third worlders that're the vast majority of pirates.

nah steam got to greedy and sat on their throne too long, that is why EGS exists. I can still crack my EGS games so who cares. They literally evey give me some for free.

I'm a libertarian you idiot. Stop making crass assumptions because someone finds you alt-right losers to be embarrassing.

This really got my nogin joggin

>PC dick suckers now have to argue over PC game launchers
>Consolebros like myself happily play all the games without issue

Enjoy your windows 11 :)

"this is the dumbest shitpost I've read in a while" wrote one commenter.

I won't go through some of the ridiculous posts here but I would like to share a few that stood out.

It took several hours. So hard.

Let me take my own time. I am at an all too real juncture where I can't deal and it sucks. Every day I think of how much work my family and friends have to do to support me. Yet we are having this crazy crap happening. — Mikey Haus (@Mikeyshoops) September 6, 2016

"We are spending $400/each on the water faucet in our bathtub" wrote another viewer on Thursday. "F*** you and your stupid water faucet"

This is the f****** worst. "Water" is the word. — Joe M. (@Eagles) September 5, 2016

I am so sick of your water. Stop it. STOP IT. — Andrew C. (@thechampster) September 5, 2016

One guy even shared that he uses a bottled water bottle when bathing his infant daughter.


I consider the act of buying as charity, and because of that I feel it's only justified towards indie games I really like, where my purchase has an actual effect on the developers and their investment in the product. Otherwise, I can't imagine a valid reason for paying for a game other than multiplayer maybe, and even then, most multiplayer is implemented as a DRM measure these days and the gameplay it affects is an afterthought.

Conservatives as they are currently defined are "classical liberals" or moderate liberals. All progressive denominations, including all froms of socialism, are just histerical, gayer liberals. I'm not using the marxist binary classification, but the original one. Anyone who isn't a complete reactionary is a liberal.
You're also a liberal. Fascists are moderate reactionaries pretending to be progressive.

Won't name it since I'm being cunty and I want a pristine image

Fuck off, chink.

>look, I went out with a girl!
Are you a teenager? Do you have a hairless cute booty? Are you anally virgin?

I'm already an adult, if a date didn't give me sex in the end, then it was a waste of time and money. Going out with friends is not something to be proud about, it is a common place, if you don't do it regularly, then you have a problem. I like to think that while you were there being a third wheel, I was fucking either a trashy girl, or a cute twink craving for dick like your faggy self.

>All because you found it funny to pretend to go down on someone that could be your sister and your best friend
I go down on both of then unironically.

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KEK whats with his huge eyeballs?

5/10 I'd play along but I need to work.

I only rent games nowadays so I might as well pirate

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It's my job to go out and get them both, but once my dick hits their asses, they're off to the races. We don't have to go out much at all. It's an enjoyable exercise for me. I'm definitely one of those people that does it often, because it doesn't take long for us to get to that magical place where we can come together and enjoy each other and fuck and shit like that. I don't take it any more too seriously that I don't even dare tell anyone how I'm doing it. And to be fair, a lot of people just see it that way for the fucking first time. I see that we're doing it in a good way. It's funny that a lot of people who are actually pretty bad women will just come up to me and tell me that they're enjoying getting their girlfriends fucked, or whatever. But you know what? This is just fucking fun and I'm sure if they knew about your dick before, they'd be pretty stoked. Now, do I mean to be sarcastic? No. Is it really sarcastic? No, but it sounds nice.

Riddle me this buyfags, and be completly honest:
who is more fit for survival:
>person who doesen't pay for something when he/she can get it for free without any reprecusions whatsoever
>person who pays for shit just to get imaginary good boy points or is too retarded to get it for free easily
Do you think that your retarded ancestors survived by being good bois and not taking the opportunity to get free shit when it presents itself? Fuck no.
Thus, it has been officialy proven that buyfags are unfit for survival and their opinions should not be taken seriously, as they are not right in the head. If nuclear war ever comes, you are the first ones to go.

I shouldn't have to click any icon just to click another icon to launch a game.
Fuck DRM and launchers. GoG does it right.

It's literally another program to install that does the same thing as another program I already have installed, but worse. Who would want or need that? Who wants a single service fractured between different programs they have to manage and switch between? Why support something that is not only inconveniencing me as a customer, but actively trying to make things even worse with its practices like paid exclusives? It deserves to rot and so does every dev and publisher jumping on board with them, I haven't pirated anything in years, but none of these faggots will see a dime from me, not even through Steam.

If more games had proper demos then I would pirate less. None of this timed demo or "beta" horse shit

Nice copypasta


>if you don't understand why it's stealing

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I thought the sims 4 repack reduces size by a decent bit?? plus FUCK origin and FUCK ea

What's more important is the quality of games has gone down so hard that there is so many games out there that are not worth playing EVEN FOR FREE.
Like do you understand how bad that is? Even if I got some of these games for free, I would not play them as they are so poor in quality that I rather do something else.

So it's not just the service that's gotten worse, it's the games as well.

No it isn't.
Also steam is shit.

What's more important is the quality of games has gone down so hard that there is so many games out there that are not worth playing EVEN FOR FREE.
Like do you understand how bad that is? Even if I got some of these games for free, I would not play them as they are so poor in quality that I rather do something else.

So it's not just the service that's gotten worse, it's the games as well. That's not the only problem either.

I would hate to see games not being accessible to kids and the elderly in this day and age.

What's the alternative?

The only thing I can think of is paying more for things and finding good titles. Something about getting the new games and the ones that have nothing on old games is depressing, especially when I've bought games before.

Even the newer games seem to be in terrible shape. Like some of old games were in pretty good shape when they were new, but in good shape now.

My only hope is that they come out with proper games at a better price that would make me feel proud and happy

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It's literally not

Its literally the same icon?

chingchong dingdong

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I just use GOG with a Russian IP and get my games for cents.

it's true, if more devs had any artistic aspirations, they would unironically appreciate someone going through the trouble of playing their games in the first place. if they legitimately sell nothing and cry about piracy anyways, maybe they shouldn't be making games


>All those trannies defending steam
Dilate you mentally ill niggers

they happen once in a while

Epic and Steam Store arent making themselves improve their service, they're just fighting over exclusive games, which unless the game wouldnt exist without the exclusivity deal, only makes the opposite service worse without actually giving the user any upsides

>it's okay when valve does it
Kill yourself /r/pcmasterrace

I would pirate games no matter how easy and convenient it was to obtain and access them.

Why don't we just make a store-agnostic service. Like a launcher with cloud saves, chat and forum.
Then add trackers from pirate websites that keep our games updated via torrent.

That way we could still pirate and have services.

Why the fuck do pirate actually justify what they do? Like holy shit nobody worth your time gives a shit so pirate to your hearts desire. Im a pirate but I don't try giving reason to it. I just do it. No need to act special.

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I'll just click the pirate icons then, the game coming as only 1/4th the size and needing no outside program to run is just a bonus.

Have sex

>implying auto-updating is a positive thing

All those buzzwords that mean nothing

Can activate / deactivate.

>a monopoly means that its is near impossible for new competitors to enter market
>epic easily enters market
>"haha! Look how epic is challenging steams monopoly"

Bugmen are stupid

>not understanding what a monopoly is
>not understanding the point of the image
fuck off back to where ever you came from

Steam is only tolerable at best, and honestly my views are probably stained by the sunk cost I have in it.

I have no idea why you cocksuckers want things that are even worse than Steam in the market. The whole point of competition is for the choices to be COMPETITIVE. Just because there's another "option" doesn't mean there's competition. Unsustainable-Chinese-Spyware-NoSales isn't really a competitive choice. Let me know when there's a store that attracts customers by having worthwhile benefits as opposed to forcing exclusivity.

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>paying for digital media

Making a copy of something is not the same as taking it.

>"Fuck you for justifying stealing"
>proceeds to buy used games

Fuck forced launchers, fuck DRM, and fuck achievements. For me, it's GOG.

Attached: gogchad.jpg (1920x1080, 655K)

>A different icon
>That needs it's own ID/password
>That tries too push you into locking your bank/credit card to their service
>That can be banned/lost/hacked
>That bogs down your PC with unnecessary bloat
>That forces you to install it even if you are only intrested in 1 (one) game
>That locks you out if you are not online/have patched it before going offline

Steam is FAR from perfect, but none of the other publishers are helping by forcing users to install more shitty versions of steam just to play their ''live service'' bullshit that dies out in less than a few months.

>steam came out in 2012
>steam is good

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fucking gooks

Imagine having to go to four different stored because one only sells food, and one only sells housing appliances, and one only sells cars.
It's not like that's literally what happens, and it doesn't cost you any extra to be allowed to go to multiple stores.

lmfao, imagine being such a retard you found out about Steam after their best sales were over, and they slowly were already just becoming DRM #42

None of those issues you have require half a fucking female brain to avoid and figure out. Stop being an ignoramus and suck a cock and chill.

Piracy is way more ethical than supporting blatant anti-consumerism. Have some respect for yourself as a consumer you corporate cuckhold.

That's true

Yeah but food is a necessity and Jesus would want you to be serving the Lord instead of pirating vidja

>none of the other publishers are helping by forcing users to install more shitty versions of steam just to play their ''live service'' bullshit
Steam wasn't helping by doing that shit either. Nobody liked needing to install a fucking client just to play Half-Life 2 or Counter-Strike. Those other publishers are only doing it because people made it clear that Valve could get away with it.

anyone else thought the eyes were antenae and the mouth were the eyes from the thumbnail?

get dabbed on

Imagine thinking the inconvenience of going to a physical location is comparable to clicking on a different program on a pc. You this introverted and out of shape?

Your utopia like Wal-Mart game store (everything in one spot) for pc doesn't work for us non faggots. Most people are ok with a more mall like experience, get the best out of all of the stores fighting for our business. This is basic shit you learn when you get to middle school in a few years.


You forgot steam.

>piracy is stealing

why only amerifats think this

>get the best out of all of the stores fighting for our business
Exclusivity has negative benefit to the consumer. Instead of picking the service you like the most and the stores competing with new features and infrastructure, games are just arbitrarily locked to specific stores

It's not competition if all of the publishers agrees too keep out of each others territory. These publishers are not selling games anymore, they are selling virtual crack (live services with gambling mechanics) to try to get as much money as possible before too many governments steps in and force them to actually compete with eachother.

>B-but they are competing! T-they are making their own games that they are trying to sell to their customers!
There are multiple people around the world that are making their own crack right now and trying too sell it, the difference is that publishers are not killing eachother over their ''marketshare''. Well, I guess EA is doing it, they are not actually killing people no, but they are eliminating weaker competitors by making sure that their companies crashes and burns.

I pirate because I can, tbqhwyf

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The EU has imposed way more restrictions protecting consumer privacy than the US, numbskull

>Slave labor is better than the fact that their ''masters'' are not getting paid for said slave labor.
You are fucking retarded and I hope that you die in a fire. If the law required you to kill your firstborn, would you do it?

The most effective way to combat piracy is to treat your base so good that they feel bad in doing so.

No. I buy tons of games(700+) on steam, but now i changed my priority and with all this shitty chinese launchers i had enough. Fuck steam, and fuck those glowing cia niggers.

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I worship the Lord through my piracy and the games I play.

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>It's another achievement list
>It's another platform with different cloud saves
>It's another workshop
Epic store doesn't have these basic features

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i love how a bunch of you are worried about china spying on you, as if you were more than a shitstain in this earth that they couldnt care less about. you really think they are interested in some minimum wage, basement dweller retard that still lives with his mom? im one of those btw and thats the reason why i literally dont give a fuck about being spied on. oh no they stole my 100 bucks! darn..

I agree user. Its like the 'pot is healthy' argument.
and no i dont smoke anything

What application is this?

Intellectual property is a spook

>Steam wasn't helping by doing that shit either.
Yeah, but atleast they gave you some actual ''service'' for you trouble. Back in the day, an auto-updating game was almost unheard off and they gave you an easy way to chat with friends and join the same server in one client. It was like Xfire, but you could download your games+updates from the net. Shit like the bethesda launcher and Epic store can't even get that right.

Now I know what you are thinking and no. I would much prefer if GoG was the standard for gaming today (DRM free with the CHOICE of a shitty launcher). But since we are here already it is completely pointless too point fingers and we should instead just try too support whatever company is acting less like a massive dick right now..

If you think piracy is an issue then it would make sense to look for a cause or contributor, no?

>we should instead just try too support whatever company is acting less like a massive dick right now.
Which is why we should support GOG. Epic Launcher being cancer doesn't excuse Valve continuing to make Steam worse and worse over the past 7 years while they also continue to run their own games into the ground.

its regedit its apart of windows

>Piracy is a service issue.
you're not wrong, people are pirating games because they don't feel the product justifies the price
Instead of pirating games I just stopped buying them and played them at a friend's house instead or borrowed them or waited until they cost $5 on steam to find out that developers put max effort into marketing to make the game look and minimum effort into making a good game

>be forced to use trash service
>"just click a different icon lmao"

I'd bet a lot of even only started pirating everything after steam established dominance. Nothing makes say you say fuck the industry like that first boxed steam code you unwittingly bought

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The cause is people want free shit

It's not regedit.

>Piracy is a service issue.
he was right

if you don't provide the games they wont have anything to pirate

Number of pirated copies of HL3: 0

gaben wins

I buy games on steam for 2 reasons
>cheapest price
>i like how it organizes my games

if i have to download ANOTHER service to buy a game, then log into that service every time i want to play it im better off pirating it. i dont even mind games that arent on steam its just the whole other service thing that pisses me off

>Not knowing what Resource Monitor is