What are some good games I can play without a mouse? I just wanna play something on my laptop in bed
What are some good games I can play without a mouse? I just wanna play something on my laptop in bed
Doom 1-2
Resident evil 1-3
Silent Hill 1-3
I want a kemololi
Stop being a furfag
Dungeon fighter online is fun
RE4 is perfectly playable with WASD aiming as well, although playing re4 with mouse is pretty awesome as well
Any classic roguelike. Try angband.
Dwarf Fortress.
Gothic 1 and 2 play just fine with keyboard only, even one-handed if you want.
Dwarf Fortress, Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead.
Touhou doesn't use mouse
There's ADOM, that's pretty nice. Brawlhalla's fun, too.
can confirm that - have finished the original pc port of re4 on just a keyboard.
any side-scrolling / top down platformer (unless it has aiming mechanics like Hell Yeah / Asscreed etc.)
Steamworld dig 1 & 2 are both good and addictive.
OG Freeware Spelunky
You wouldn't happen to have the image of the blood fuled blood farm that powers the city and "other nefarious contraptions" would you?
Touhou is a pain on a laptop though
How you like 2D games. Sidescrollers and top down games work fine with a laptop. So do SHMUPs, Tetris-like puzzle games, and the like work fine with a keyboard. You will run in to trouble with 3d games though.
Dustforce is great
Cave Story and Knytt Stories should be required playing for toaster bros.
Ys games are very good.
Roguelikes are good too, but some work better with a number pad, which I don't think many laptops have.
Why do you say so?
as a fellow laptopfag i can't recommend Darkest dungeon enough
Even after modding the ever loving shit out of it it runs as fine even on my shitty laptop