Why does Sonic still only have one playable character?

Why does Sonic still only have one playable character?

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Shadow didn't get enough ballot support.

Sakurai holding this until the last possible second was shit.
He should've just shown returning ATs after the first Smash Direct when we saw all the new ones.

Why does Sonic need more than one character?


Why would Castlevania or Street Fighter?
Shadow would've made a super-easy choice for an echo and please a lot of people.

No one was asking for Shadow (or Knuckles) before Echoes were revealed.

Because Bayonetta and Joker count as Sega reps.

Honestly It's better to only have Sonic, they didn't even fix his gameplay.
Sonic still has 2 Spindash.
There is no point to have Shadow with the same gameplay but only have an Up-B teleport.

>tfw Grinch leak was fake
>tfw Smash 6 is probably going to try to milk off of it

Castlevania and SF are actually good
Unlike Sonic

Sega obviously bailed at the last second considered Shadow has a new model.

Because Super Anime Fighter ft. Mario didn’t have enough anime characters in it.

Because the franchise hasn't had a good game in over a decade.

Generations and Mania were good

Milk off what? Isaac, Mach Rider?
As if those were anywhere near milkable or popular.

To 462012101:
Go home Jared

Banjo and Geno were the heaviest hitters of the Grinch Leak

>To 462012101

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>wishing more sonic characters would be in smash
>wishing to play as sonic characters
>same movesets

user is chili-dogpilled

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Yeah that's like people legitimately trying to push Porky from Mother as one of the DLC characters.
Nintendo's trying to get people to buy the DLC or bring continued attention to Smash post-launch, the hell they're going to accomplish with a fucking F-list villain?

Both from dead franchises
Just like the majority of that leak

because it's a nintendo game. Sega should be greatful that they even allowed Sonic into their best selling game. Sonicfags should be bowing their heads to nintendo for saving Sonic from Sega's shitty greed.

I really feel like it definitely has more to do with SEGA than Sakurai. It was their fussiness that got Sonic put in Brawl so darn last minute so I could definitely see that attitude carrying over to each of Sonic's friends.

Sonic & Tails should be one playable character like Ice Climbers. Sonic moveset is pretty uninspired, just a jump and three spin dash variations.

i don't chuckle

> Sonic has been treated like such shit that Sega sold their rights to his movie to Hollywood to create a abortion Sonic
> nintendo had pity on Sonic and let him into their bestselling smash bro game
> sonicfags aren't grateful and demand more Sonic characters in nintendo's game

To make space for actually relevant third parties.

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It's amazing how everyone thought Shadow was an obvious lock-in choice for an echo like Ken was. He had everything going for him

>Fan-favorite character
>Debut game is the first major Sonic game released on a Nintendo console
>Chrom and Ken prove that echoes don't need to be 1:1 copies of their original fighters so he could have moves that make sense like up-b teleport or the flame kick.
>Wasn't revealed as an AT until the very last minute
Guess all that dev time going towards a fucking Pirahna Plant shock-value joke character was more important than adding in really cool shit a ton of people would like

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Only third party series to be in every Smash game since Brawl.

I wouldn't mind seeing a playable character like Eggman/Robotnik actually. Makes a change from "fast hedgehog in different colour"

Pic unrelated

Blame Sega
Or rather, thank Sega for keeping edgy Sonic out of smash

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I'd rather flex my muscles

why do you guys want an edgelord instead of a cute girl?

Edgefags are slightly less degenerate than waifufags

Shadow's got a personality besides just "Muh Edge"

This. The day a second Sonic rep gets in is the day Sonic gets Boost as his Side B.

Many other assist trophies has newer models, where they going to be playable?

Tails and Knuckles deserve more than Shadow

I want Infinite. Yeah, Forces was bad but he had some cool stuff to bring to the table as a dickass villain character.

Infinite couldn't even get into Sonic's own next spin-off.

I'd be pretty surprised if he didn't show up in the Olympics title.

dead series. only the first game is any good
>Street Fighter
nigger tranny faggot autists dominate the genera. Worse then speedrunners

But what if I want both of them in the video game? Although I'd prefer Vector over Shadow

Need to save him for the next game. Nothing else they can add besides him that would actually get people hyped

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are you having a stroke?

because fuck sonic lmao. sonic is made to get shit on, especially the fanbase.

>these are the type of posters that want shadow
Lmaoing at your life

Not a shadowfag, but I didn't think assist trophies even had a chance. I thought the ballot was strictly for Smash 4's DLC.

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>implying I want Edgefag
Fuck off, I want Eggman.

>complaining about Sonic series only having one character
>Windy Hill was literally just included to promote Lost World starting as a Wii U exclusive, but is yet again a green hill
>Both of Sonic's stages are green and also hills when we have music like Fist Bump and City Escape that would benefit from a modern, urban location
you're angry at the wrong thing faggot

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>Add a shit ton of villains this Smash game
>Don't add motherfuckin Eggman, the second most iconic vidya villain right under Bowser
>Don't even make him a boss
>Knuckles, who's been demoted to "Sonic's friend in cutscenes sometimes" almost every game since Heroes gets an AT over him that just consists of him running and jumping
>Smaller villains like Wily and Dracula get more content than him
Still mad

Also fuck people who want a second copy of Sonic's already shitty Smash moveset

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>not Eggman

Shadow should have stayed dead after Adventure 2.

Skull kid had it worse than Shadow. He wasn't even shown as an AT in the final direct but got quietly deconfirmed as one on the website.

Because the only realizable characters, Eggman and Tails, are too low priority in the grand scheme of Smash. Sonic isn't exactly doing great as a series right now, besides Mania.

Sonic needs to be reworked before he gets another character
he was a last minute addition and it shows but it's not ok that he wasn't fixed in 4 or Ultimate

Knuckles is the most popular Sonic character. Classic fans love him and ever since the Linkin Park era ended Knuckles has really caught on with kids. It's no wonder they added him in some capacity.
Still, I agree with you. Eggman, Sephiroth, Porky, and Samurai Goroh should all be playable.