E3 2019 Conference Schedule

Which presentation are you most looking forward to, Yea Forums?

Taken from twitter.com/Cheesemeister3k/status/1126873074379321344

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>no sony
pass unironically, will feel shallow without it

>no Sony
Based, finally an E3 that will feel substantive.

>No Sony and EA
This is going to be a based E3.

>Kabul time
for what purpose?

>no Sony
games coverage +50%

>Kinda Funny
literally who?

>less than a month until E3
I made it another year bros

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Congrats user.
I can't wait for the comfy stream

Where's sony?

It hurts.

Microsoft, they had the best one last year

they're doing their own coverage thing/preparing for PS5 reveal next year

Devolver is the only one there worth a fuck.

What the fuck? Kinda funny? Do you mean that this basedboy looking cuck is going to be doing something? Why.

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I'm hyped for sync god again

Only the PC gaming show matters

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>When you realize Kinda funny is becoming the new IGN
Jesus christ I don't want to see that faggot greg everywhere.

Anybody got the scorecard template?

Being a Jew living in LA California were E3 is being held has its benefits.

Remember back in 2013 when Nintendo stopped doing press conferences and everyone was like "wooow Nintendo skipping E3? Nintendo is dead lmao"

Now Sony is skipping E3

where's Sorny that's the only one i watch

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PC Gaming Show is going to be a massive shill fest for Epic Games Store. I can just sense it.

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can anyone confirm if red shirts are banned?
asking for a few friends. plz respond and thanks.

90% of the games on sony consoles get shown off at the Microsoft press conference.

Feels so soulless without Sony.

Sony doesn't have an E3 direct to replace their conference

Why the fuck would red shirts be banned?

Euro time makes it's impossible to watch bethesda or devolver, I'm kinda sad, because even though I don't give a shit about their games, they provide a decent "show".

>that loose shirt
She most likely is the type that has sex 2 hours a day

Microsoft will announce their next console

to avoid any uncomfertable situations

what if it's also kinda cute?

>All those shitstain cities in third world
Who the fuck cares?

Weekly reminder red shirts are banned from the event, unless they have a nintendo logo/reference on them.

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I'll watch Microsoft, Square and Nintendo.

What if you killed yourself? To answer that, nobody would fucking care.

Are we expecting a klingon surprise attack or something?

Nintendo. I want to see Animal Crossing badly.

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Can't wait for the EGS dominating the show and the buttblastting steamdrones

only curious about CP77 and bethesda fucking us over with some bullshit announcement of something nobody ants

So what? Sony is still winning no matter what

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You know you can just watch VOD right?

>kinda funny

You can't shitpost on Yea Forums with a recorded stream. That's E3's only appeal.

So many games from last year are still not release, I fear this year will be a massive rerun for basically everybody except Microsoft and Ubisoft

Microsoft is going to be the standard shit: Halo/Gears/Forza, multiplats, and their console unveiling. Not expecting anything good first party wise but there might be a decent multiplat reveal (like DMC5). Console unveiling are fun too.
Bethesda should be a wetfart, they don't have anything in the near future outside of Doom Eternal. Maybe a Wolfenstein 3 announcement but whatever.
Devolver is a fucking reddit-tier meme. Who cares.
PC Gaming Show has always been shit. Overly long segments on literal-who indie games.
Ubisoft is going to be the standard shit. Generic open world shit, generic service game shit, etc.
Square Enix is always a wild card. Some years they have literally nothing (2018) and some they actually have decent reveals (2015). Might be the latter this year.
Nintendo should be good. Trailers for all their 2019 shit and hopefully a few good new announcements.

>no EA
but muh Fallen Order details and gameplay
is Microsoft getting it instead?

Do you think MS will announce the new console?

>No Sony
They get all the good games so why would I want to watch this E3

Between Microsoft and Square all Sony releases should be covered.

Oh yeah, it's a shame, PC show was lowkey one of the best shows

It's a cinematic experience

>is Microsoft getting it instead?
Yes, there's probably some deal like they had with Anthem


Sony already had their conference 4 days ago. Literally more games announced than in the last 3 years put together.

I'm not Eurotime. I'm Japan time. Fucking hell, I had no idea E3 hours would be this bad over here. No wonder no one knows this about it.

On the plus side, I can at least go to TGS this year.

fuck the jannies for deleting E3 threads

reminder that EA will have a show too, just not a conference

Why doesnt it just show 1 timezone "utc" since people know what their timezone is relative to utc?

Because I'm too lazy to look that shit up, and would rather just look at my zone on the chart, and see the time I get to tune in.

weirdos who showcase indie and cheapskate devs/publishers. Idk if this is directly related to E3 though? usuually they have their own stream some time during E3. don't really know that much about it, just got conned into watching that shitshow the past few years. last year they showed western release of Judgement iirc.

But if you've heard of time zone you've heard of your local time relative to utc?


Devolver and that's it.

Everything else will be shit.

No, cause I just moved here, so I don’t have it memorized.

fair and just point

>no snoyboys


But kinda funny will be there.

Why do people think sony isn't going to at least have a direct on E3 time? They most certainly will.

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Pathetic. They've shown the same shit for 3+ years, and you know they have nothing.

Nintendo. Always and forever.

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>kinda funny
Haha, that's cute

Why would anyone care after the last two absolute state of plays? Both were fucking horrible.

Seething and coping.

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>watch microsoft
>skip bethesda to square enix
>watch nintendo

Yeah, Sonyboys certainly are.

Sony isn't going at all. People who said Nintendo "skipped" E3 are retarded because Nintendo still hosts events there and has show floor space. Sony has nothing, they just aren't going.

Which means there will be absolutely zero playable gameplay, because they're not actually at E3. Are they going to show movies?

Got a card template?

The main issue is that Nintendo stopped their usual E3 conference, but they went with the Treehouse, Directs and still went to promote their new software/hardware at E3.

Now, Sony isn't even doing any of that shit.
It is THAT bad.

Nintendo of course.
But I plan on watching any I can, I love doing that while sitting on Yea Forums. It's so much fun.

Not really gonna miss Sony too much as it was gonna be a pathetic offering anyway as is proven by their State of Play "directs".

Really keen on seeing what all those 827849 new studios Microsoft has opened or bought out will offer too.

Are you ready for the best show again?

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Basically every major multiplat is going to show up there, so even if they have jack shit for exclusives there's going to be a lot of games shown.
Fuck no. At best I'll laugh at anything stupid that comes out of it.
I have a toaster so I probably won't care unless they announce a cool new game.
>Limited Run
Mildly interested if they announce physical releases for games I like.
See Bethesda, but maybe something neat will show up.
>Kinda Funny
Give Babylon's Fall details or fuck off.
Astral Chain, MUA3, Smash DLC, maybe something new, MAYBE Bayo 3. Could be great, could be mediocre.

I'm debating if I should take off time at work on Tuesday. MS isn't that important on Sunday, I'll be home for Devolver, Monday I'll likely be there in the morning so I'll see SE and maybe LR live, but Nintendo's thing lines up with the last hour of my usual Tuesday.

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Just fuck my sleep schedule up. Hopefully I'll get to watch everything at least.

>tfw took a week off

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Why is that?

Maybe I'll just take all three days. I'm going to be working maximum hours over the Summer so three days off in early June won't be an issue.

I like how the webm is in standard console resolution.

>Cute and Funny Showcase
Is that what I think it is?

Reminds me of a BMI chart.
I should lose weight.

Go back.

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>take a week off to watch ads

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>*walks on stage*

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More like
>took a week off to relax and play vidya while also watching for new announcements on the side

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no EA actually bums me out
they brought in the necessary amount of cringe

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I'm ready to see anyone from epic get booed off the stage

This pretty much. Plus I'm still sitting on 18 unused vacation days from last year, so I gotta use some of em up anyway

They're doing a separate thing but it's not a conference. Won't be as fun.


E3 sucks. Only Blizzcon and Gamescon matter.

They finally realised that presenting the same shit 4 years in a row wasn't gonna work, especially when half of it got released and they got nothing to replace it

EA realized that the kind of show they want to put on for investors gets ridiculed for being soulless and cartoonishly evil. Their CEO comes out on stage every year and there's a flood of memes about him being a Bond villain.

They have nothing to show and being artsy fartsy can only be tolerated for song long, in fact last year it actually hampered the stream.

God, E3 is a fucking shadow of itself. Only ONE of the console manufacturers actually has a proper show, nintendo just show a fucking youtube video. Then we have trash publishers like bethesda, ubisoft and square, then fucking devolver, the only one i'm gonna watch since it's at least a fucking joke, but pretty sad that a fucking JOKE has top billing, that said, ruiner is probably the last good game i saw shown at E3.
Then what, limited run? The guys that gouge money from collectorfags for physical copies of indie games? The same faggots responsible for Sigil's delay? What, they're gonna spend an hour talking about what old shit they're putting on disc?
I don't even know what the fuck uploadVR and kinda funny are and i don't think i want to know.
What a fucking sorry state of affairs.

Honestly what the fuck is Bethseda even gonna show?
Rage 2? Who the FUCK cares? Fallout 76 dominated their E3 last year and it was a disaster. They definitely have no Starfield shit to show. Their only saving grace is Doom Eternal.

I'm gonna miss the bond villain memes desu
you can tell that shit got to him because he dresses super casual now, wearing polos and shit

Nintendo has literally more presence than anyone else. They have like 3 days of 8 hour long treehouse streams.

>limited run
Oh boy, can't wait to see their announcement for a $5 piece of paper to use as a cover for a 20 year old game with no physical release except for one from them.

>Only ONE of the console manufacturers actually has a proper show
>E3 show
Please list a single """E3 conference""" that happened during E3 and in the E3 conference center.

>kinda funny
Omg, I love kinda funny games with Greggy Miller and "the pure one" Tim Gettys

streams aren't e3 though, a show is e3

Sad but true
I'm not hyped for this shit like I used to be. I preferred it back when the presentations were focused into 2 days and it wasn't all youtube streams with 0 live hype

microsoft 2019, pedantic faggot

Says who? You?
If anything E3 would be about them being on the show floor.

>Cair and Johansomething are in but not Rome as reference


Microsoft does their conferences in the Microsoft Theater

>8 hour cringefests of kid's games

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Pretty much just Square-Enix. Maybe Bethesda just for the shitshow.


>Kinda Funny
Saw a little bit of these cunts not long ago during some stream and good fucking god they were painfully unfunny and annoying.

Yeah, me, bitch, what are you going to fucking do about it? You can enjoy your blurry fucking videos filmed over some faggot's shoulder all you want, but that's not e3, e3 is conferences.
still on the e3 schedule you bitch nigger, there is no such thing as the e3 conference center lol do you think they own a fucking conference center? they can barely afford to put the fucking show on lol goddamn you are fucking stupid as hell

MS, Bethesda, Ubi, SE. Only these worth watching. May be EA

Microsoft's conference is June 9th at 1 PM in the Microsoft Theater.
E3 2019 is held from June 11-13th in the Los Angeles Convention Center.

I've kinda hit a point where I don't even enjoy laughing at E3 anymore

I'll watch Devolver and Nintendo but otherwise I'll just look for the headlines

No one cares about how you personally define e3.
Now go back to school, you type like a 14 year old.

I still remember that first year he came on stage wearing an all black suit and looking like lucifer. it was pretty funny, the guy has no self awareness just like the company

Microsoft again, Nintendo to see what they fill the time with now that Smash is out.

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>be wrong
>start screaming and cursing

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lol why am i making you loser nerds so fucking mad
is it a sony thing? lol who am i kidding its ALWAYS a sony thing

>Reggie does one more appearance just for Mother 3
Would be kino

After playing it, sadly won't happen

Magypsies ruined it

probably animal crossing or metroid prime 4. kinda expect a good bit of detail on mario maker 2 since that comes out like right after E3
also don't act like smash is done, you know damn well they'll announce (maybe even release) the second DLC fighter

>y-you're m-mad!

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Of course there'll be a fighter, maybe two but at least its not going to be over half of the presentation with the other half being Fortnite for Switch.
That reminds me, when does Fire Emblem come out? If we could skip that shit that'd be great.

awww mommy he said a cuss wooord
'cursing' lol r u 4 reel


Nobody gives a fuck about E3 anymore. Let it die

thanx 4 the confirmation buckaroo

>I cant get my point across unless I say 'fuck' every other word
What are you, 14?

Currently dabbing on the consolecucks in this thread. Looking forward to the PCGaming Show and Devolver. Question is how much of a Epic shit show this two are going to be.

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Enjoy literally nothing just like last year, faggot.

there's a lot of people itt obsessed with defending the honor of this trash show lol
>trying so hard to be mature on Yea Forums
kill yourself faggot

Prime Muslim Cocks?

You seem really upset that Sony isn't at E3. Would you like to talk about it?

Literally everything.

>Yakuza for PC was nothing
If only you could see how hard I'm rolling my eyes.

Nintendo has it's own event. Sony now has it's own event too. There's nobody else. Who even gives a fuck about E3 at this point?

>limited run
>kinda funny showcase
Literally who?

>Ports of old games was nothing
It sure was.

>not spewing out 'fuck' and 'nigger' every other word is "trying"

should i buy a last minute ticket to go to e3?

Microsoft and nintendo direct.
PC gaming show could be good this year. Square Enix only has two major things so I might just watch trailers from youtube.

>go to e3
Fuck no

>No CensorStaion 4

E3 2019 is going to be pure kino.

>biggest person after microsoft is ubisoft

If e3 is so great why isnt there an e4?

lmao if you think i own a playstation console, i'm not upset by anything, just slightly sad at the rapid decline of e3
you can't fucking deny that having console manufacturers drop out and be replaced by some youtube comedians is fucking shameful
that's what i'm saying, its fucking dead
you're fucking pathetic lol, i bet you're a racist

>watching trailers from youtube
This the best course of action

Why don't microsoft and PC just share a conference?

PC Gay Man Show and Microsoft.
Bethesda and Ubishit are interesting if you're looking for a good laugh, but honestly I don't care about their actual games.

>limited run
>kinda funny showcase
What are these, some eceleb shitshows for kids?

Because theres more than just Microsoft games at the PC gaming show.

Because Microsoft isn't PC and PC isn't Microsoft

I just got the horrible realization that I will be taking three day ferry ride from Denmark to Iceland while E3 is going on. How the fuck can I stream this shit in the middle of the fucking ocean streaming even at 240p might not be an option.

Fuck dude my eyes almost fell out of my head don't do that to me.

Devolver and PC Gaming have literally nothing, its just indie shit, DLC for indie shit and people talking to Day9 about their indie shit.
Also, most of those games wont make it to Xbone so it'd be wasted time.

Wouldn't they have satellite internet shared as wifi on the boat?

Wow, you get to play a game everybody was already done with two years later. Thank you PC Gaming Show that truly was worth two hours of my life for a three second announcement.

I'll just watch the inevitable compilation of trailers later

Ayyyy. My nigga

None. They continue to be shit every year.

>everything worth watching is on Sunday

Reminder that devolvers big reveal last year was Metal Wolf Chaos, which they said was coming out last year. It still hasnt come out, and theres been radio silence

>PC Gaming Show
>Limited Run
>Kinda Funny Basedcase

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>e3 is conferences
It literally isn't. They're just shows that the companies put on timed around E3 at the same location as E3 because that's where all the journalists are to play the games they're announcing.


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so is this the year that people are going to pretend that E3 is good again?


no sony this year dude.

without sony, third parties kinda have to advertise their own games this year, so it might benefits their E3. Microsoft, too, can now shill the AAA multiplats that used to go on Sony's side to show their news. It's might be a more consistent year, and not a "OMG WE WON E3 EVERYBODY ELSE HAS NOTHING LOLOLO" shitstorm.
That said, it will still be a shitstorm, because there's 90 millions starved kids out there that will not tolerate other brands to get "their" multiplats.

Watching this is more like a tradition now. Back when this was less of a scripted sterile show, it was great to watch for laughs.

Nintendo's E3 Presentation seems to be the promising out of all of them.

>not being able to read


Honestly, nothing. There's not really any vidya I'm looking forward to this year, and the only game I purchased was Mega Man 11 off of a Steam sale.

Maybe I'll look at the Nintendo direct, but I'm sure I'll be disappointed.


I like how the only 'game' that doesn't have the camera floating a short distance behind the character while they're fighting (usually shooting at) something is an anime cutscene.


>coming soon
Mario Maker 2
Animal Crossing
Pokemon Sword n Shield
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Daemon x Machina
Luigi's Mansion 3
Link's Awakening
Astral Chain
Cadence of Hyrule

>a little further out but will have gameplay / early teasers shown instead of just a title card
Bayonetta 3
Metroid Prime 4
Shin Megami Tensei V
Rune Factory 5

>first announcement, far out
Persona 5 Platinum Edition
Bravely Default 3
Paper Mario: Pulp Fiction
F-Zero Ultimate
Wave Race: Extreme
Funky Kong and Sherlock Holmes in Rome

Nintendo will crush this E3 with ease

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Look at this 12 year old go
>implying being racist is bad
I hope you get raped and beheaded by a muslim


they already confirmed no State of Play around E3 time
I'd expect one by July though

>microsoft doesn't even have to pull the "exculsive" bullshit to make it seem like it's exclusive
Good job Sony

YIKES!! Jeez buddy, cool off, you need to be more mature, maybe don't blow your top online? Jeez louise, someone's an edgy boy today.
Maybe try to get your point across without wishing rape and murder on someone, eh sweaty?

>limited run
>kinda funny showcase
Seriously now, what the fuck are these?

Rune Factory 5 is still in very early production. We won't be seeing anything of it this year.

Rune Factory 4 maybe though. Hopefully it'll have some new content.

I'm looking forward to Devolver and hoping they announce fucking something already and Nintendo as long as they give Smash a rest, the others will likely be dull or just have nothing to offer other than some cheap laughs, hoping at least one of them proves me wrong by showing an interesting game.

E3 is the show floor with the games, not the conferences. You fucking clod.

it must be awful to be so out of the loop these days

>e3 is the journo circlejerk, not the thing the public can see
kys kotaku faggot

no idea
>limited run
terrible 'publisher' that does shit like sell $5 replacement covers for games, most recently notable for delaying romero's sigil by 2 months due to their incompetence
>kinda funny
idk some cp thing i guess

Yeah I don't watch ecelebs and these sound like some eceleb shit

Will Xbox Two be shown there?

I'm looking forward to Bethesda's for the inevitable shitfest but I doubt I'll be able to catch it live at that late hour


E3 are nothing but normalfags that will eat up anything no matter what

>no snoy fags around
Best E3 ever confirmed

Theres nothing for them to do, so they will just be shitposting nonstop for the entire week.

It's just gonna be Doom Eternal and some other game they publish. Bethesda is just a publisher now

What the fuck are those example cities
Couldn't put Toronto over fucking Lima and Bogota?


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shut the fuck up Canada banned Onions, that makes them /ourbros/

I would unironically love TEW3

>Xbox Hopes
Battletoads and Banjo
>Xbox Expectations
Battletoads, Forza and Gears 5
>Behtesda Hopes
Huge focus on Doom Eternal
>Bethesda Expectations
Fallout 76 apology
>PC Hopes
No Epic Games Store
>PC Expectations
Epic Games Store
>Ubisoft Hopes
BGE2 isn't shit
>Ubisoft Expectations
Just Dance and BGE2 is shit
>Squenix Hopes
FF7 Remake isn't shit, FF6 on modern consoles (not the PC port)
>Squenix Expectations
FF7 Remake is shit, Nothing else
>Devolver Digital Hopes
Hotline Miami on Switch, more Metal Wolf Chaos DX
>Devolver Digital Expectaitons
Comedy Show
>Nintendo Hopes
Persona 5 on Switch, More AC news, Pokemon
>Nintendo Expectations
Persona 5 not on Switch, More AC news, Pokemon

Where's the bingo cards?

devolver digital unironically

Private millitary contractors

Nintendo is doing a capeshit game with mua3 so they're gunna show that one off too

MP4 won't show anything
They completely restarted development

And I can't get my hopes up for Fzero not again

Kinda curious of Nintendo format this year. Last year their centerpiece was smash and they made like 30 minute of the presentation about it, but overall there weren't much titles so it filled it well. This year there's pokemon, mario maker 2, fire emblem, daemon ex machina, astral chain, link's awakening remake, possible animal crossing, luigi mansion, and even some bayo3 trailer.
That's really packed, and that doesn't count their usual indie segment, and the end of the show announcing 1-2 new titles for 2020.
If we gets hardware news, and some "words of the devs" here and there they could fill 2hours of presentation without the treehouse.

>MP4 won't show anything
>They completely restarted development
they can show the same thing they did for monolith next project, a few artwork and some music.

He's in, right?

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>No ea
>No sony
Who am i to mock then? They litterally removed all the fun and the laughs from the show.

Ubisoft and Bethesda are still there.

Meh ubishit is fun just for the ridicolous ballet every year, but is more cringe than fun. Beth will do something good, i feel it, like announcing that space whatever.

You get people forgetting their lines, people dropping their spaghetti and people forgetting to kill their mics and go "nailed it" when they leave stage
Todd Howard will come on stage handcuffed and in shackles after which they will pull out some gigantic nigger to flog the shit out of him for Fallout 76.
Apart from that there will be some cringeworthy band playing whose music nobody really likes.

Oh yeah, with Ubishit I forgot to mention the obligatory fag with ZE FRENCH ACCENT HON HON HON whose speech nobody will be able to follow.

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Ubisoft for the cringe, and Nintendo.

She said one year that she was a "maneater", although it may have been a joke.

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I don't think they'll show up this year, not at E3 at least

nintendo direct for comfy TreeHouse with Yea Forums

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>No Sony

Yeah, gonna be skipping this one

square enix and nintendo since the rest always end up being the same garbage

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Then why didn't you skip last year? Sony basically weren't there.

Yeah, because they showcased lots of cool new stuff last year.
No loss.

they showed off the biggest games of 2018 and 2019

I hope Squeenix actually has something to show or its going to be a fucking boring E3 considering the state of every other company. How the fuck did things get so bad that Squeenix are the best big company in the industry?

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>e3 without consolewar shitposting
How boring.

>expecting todd to say sorry

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this was at blizzcon, retard


>micro, monday pc gaming show, nintendo
man timezones suck ass

is e3 even worth it for these companies anymore?
why don't they just all do videos like nintendo and save money?

Some normies watch E3 so it's better marketing

>1 hour long nintendo direct
don't think that's happening

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Add-in Monolith's new game, it's this E3 or never.

They'll do it retardedly like they do almost every years: announce some shit at the Direct, people go "meh", more shit gets announced just like that during Treehouse, and people wonder why they didn't include those during the Direct. Every fucking time.

why is Frankie so sexual?

>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Rune Factory 5
I don't think these will be shown this E3. This is an event to focus on the big sellers.

I'm just waiting for confirmation that Pikmin 4 still exists. I can wait as long as I know it's real.

>you've heard of your local time relative to utc?

burgers don't care about other time zones. it's easier just keeping things relative to the 4 timezones there.

They'll have a big(bigger than the two theyve done anyway) state of play that week.

Yeah but Nintendo just stopped doing conferences, nowadays they do more than ever and more than anyone else during E3 between the direct and Treehouse. Sony's just not there. Maybe they'll do a State of Play but they probably would've announced it by now.

This. Mother 3 couldn't happen today. They'd have to butcher it.

cp at e3? That's bold...

Without Sony this shit is just sad. How am I supposed to be excited for this? I don't play Microsoft and I feel like Nintendo is going to underwhelm.

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PCGS was terrible for 2 years and then finally they got it right last year. It will be awful if it's ruined by Epic

What's Limited Run?

Microsoft gonna be dabbin' on Sony, can't wait.

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Gonna skip lunch to watch Nintendo and I guess I'll watch square since I'm going to be home anyway

Microsoft and Nintendo then Bethesda just for Todd.

Treehouse with Yea Forums is the best, I can't wait.

Anyone have the E3 drinking game cards?

Attached: 1540423696883.png (915x594, 482K)

Square I hope has some good shit, at the very least we will get some more FF7 remake i guess.

unironicly PC gaming show
we might get yakuza 6 and judgement

I'm pretty sure I did one of these but I don't remember what I would've drawn and there are too many in the image for me to figure it out.

Wish she'd show off some peripherals

PC Gaming Show and Nintendo Direct.

Just wait until next year, it's going to be worth your while.

There's probably going to be some State of Play bullshit too, I'd say that'll probably either be on Sunday or Monday

I thought your post was funny user.

A 1 hour+ direct would be the fucking best though.

Attached: Sony E3 2018.gif (929x510, 47K)

Square of course. They already won.

Attached: perfection.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Level with me here though user. Did Sony do anything last year to really make you want them back this year? The whole culture festival motif and complete lack of anything noteworthy being announced, did that really make you think "Wow, I sure hope Sony comes back again to do this next year!"

Dunno, sony kinda flushed their 5 years long list of samegames by now. But it's pretty obvious they are stalling big games for their upcoming new system now. so I dunno.

Dunno about UploadVR and Kinda Funny but Limited Run makes physical releases for digital-only games. Last year they announced the Switch version of Dust An Elysian Tail and Double Switch 25th Anniversary Edition, so there's that.

I agree, even though Sony have been shit the past few E3's. There was always fun to be had in the mess of their conference at worst or something to actually get excited for at best, now there's just nothing.

There BETTER fucking be Bannerlord

There reason why sony isn't doing a E3 and why nintendo stop. Do you guys has any ideas how much they charge for floor space? It in the millions.

user are you fucking retarded

>nintendo stop.
nintendo has never not been there, they just stopped doing the little conference on stage.

For a change, I won't be taking a week off for E3.
I'll take a half-day to catch the Nintendo direct and leave it at that.

maybe if they stop hosting in los angeles it would cost less.


She looks like a 90s sitcom character.

Attached: E3.png (1680x1237, 421K)

Unironically, sony has already won by not participating in the shudder inducing garbage fire that is e3.

People actually WANT to watch that boring shit in between conferences?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA WOOOO BOY NOW that's pathetic. I could understand if you were hanging in person with some buddies but otherwise that shits boring and not even the cringey parts for laughs could save it. Just watch the important shit for the games you care about on youtube later you fat loser.

Attached: 1557009913288.jpg (800x1200, 97K)

state of play sure is amazing and not a total dumpster fire


Don't really care honestly
Considering microsoft was the best last time, despite xbox being shit, maybe I will check on that. Last time nintendo gave smash what it felt like one hour of exposition at a point that I just closed the stream. I have the feeling they will probably do the same if they announce like a new animal crossing or about the new pokemon so I am not watching it. Also, too bad there isn't a sony conference, not that the last one was any good but it felt better than nintendo at least.

I don't really care about anything else. Probably only devolver digital because I love following the indie scene and the new kind of games it offers instead of the same saturated aaa shit over and over

Report card template where?

So many filler conferences

Me too

Devolver Digital > Square Enix > Microsoft > Nintendo > Ubisoft > PC gaming show

All I care about this year is Animal Crossing