What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

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lots of screen time with awkward people who don't even like video games talking about video games

I have PC and Switch. So I look most forward to Microsoft and Nintendo since the PC gaming show is always trash.


Shadow the hedgehog 2

Maybe a cold.


A mechagamezilla review of it

I-I said maybe a cold.

Right very good

Someone bombing the convention center

I hope we get one


new videogames to play and discuss with Yea Forums

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We're talking about E3, user. Join us! What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

Last year's was kino, even if the exposure did drive Sean mad.

what are you talking about? it was a painting, on old paper

when's the last time you actually posted about videogames here you sad little wannabe moderator?
we're talking about e3

CyberPunk2077 release date praise the sun

Getting a release date for Cyberpunk 2077.

at least this is certain

For me, it's the Demon Core review.

Cyberpunk 2077
Metal Wolf Chaos

Well, that's it.

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we're talking about what we're looking forward to at E3, user. why don't you tell us what you want to see at E3? you DO come to Yea Forums to talk about videogames, don't you?

The irony of posters like that are they spend their lives fighting to keep Yea Forums strictly videogames related but never actually talk about videogames, only about threats to videogame discussion. They don't realise that simply making threads about and posting about videogames is far more effective than spamming every thread they don't like. But they are obsessed lunatics.

For the record, I am looking forward to Cyberpunk and a new Smash DLC trailer.

I wonder if oneyfans have gotten over this yet, since he was completely right
Good taste

when is the podcast with matthewmatosis coming out?

but how else am I going to know what to think and repeat online with the rest of the cattle?!?

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I'm sure you're just full of opinions that go completely against the Yea Forums consensus

Really looking forward to anything from Gaylo.

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What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

he's not here to talk about videogames, he's here to flex his superior "unique" intellect and insights even though not a single person in the thread is circlejerking an eceleb's opinions


>PC gaming show is always trash
It's a shame. First one was bad but showed promise. I wish the PC show was good but there just isn't enough big corporate money behind it for anyone to bother

I think the only thing it did was make dingdong not a stuck up faggot and just have fun with the lps

the what?

Fable 4 nuff said

true. dingdong thought it was funny. the only people mad about it are the people pathetic enough to think their friends were under attack. and the irony is the show improved thanks to mecha's video.

killing a bunch of fat white guys with beards would have almost no effect on society aside from making gaming forums quieter for a week

Sekiro DLC

Great video sir, but I personally prefer the The beast from the east review

A bomb going off.

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The Infinite Review is extremely good all round


It's just Microsoft who gives a fuck? E3 is dead

Agreed, it's just a shame it takes so long for a new one to come out, but it's understandable

what have you got planned for the evening since you won't be watching it?

I'll play some games instead.

wolfenstein 3 (hopefully at the very least new blood learned from wolf 2's problems)
doom eternal, which i don't even think has a release date
and i hold out hope every year ubisoft announces a new rayman game but, y'know.
oh and devolver winning e3 like they always do.
the "it was called tickling the dragon" joke always gets me

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God I love Mechagamezilla.

I'm starving for a new skateboarding game. Project Session needs to come out already. Also, I'm not looking forward to seeing more games with a "coming soon," implying it will be at next year's E3.

being a year closer to death

Fuck that, I want him to review a Tesco or 1940s DIY book

I'll see you here, telling everyone that E3 is bad, while you watch it.

do they have tesco in ireland?

Cyberpunk 2077
Animal Crossing
More Yakuza PC ports
Mechagamezilla releasing his E3 video and it being a peak comfy 10/10 video

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Splinter Cell, even if it's shit

my inside source says it's happening. screencap this post.

A video a month isn't too bad, considering the quality is high

How did I miss this? Consider me hyped

A release date for Halo PC
Fable 2 PC release
FOTN and judge eyes PC confirmation

Realistically, how likely is Fable news?

I don't want to think about it.
I just want it.

Nintendo, mostly.
Though, with the FF7 remake a potential reveal of their Avengers Project, Square has my eyes too.

>Avengers Project
Their what?

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Square is making an Avengers game. Oh, you haven't heard of it? Not surprising, given it was announced in 2017 and they have yet to even fucking acknowledge it's existence again.

Ubisoft for Splinter Cell and other Tom Clancy news
Nintendo for knowing if I should just hack the Switch now.

E3 feels pretty fucking ded
Heard Playground Games is working on a new Fable which might be interesting to see can't imagine it being good though.

excellent taste all round

>Nintendo for knowing if I should just hack the Switch now.
What could they show you that would convince you not to?

it's either not happening or has been pushed so far down the priorities list it will end up being a mobile game

Nothing. E3 is shit now.

See you there, loser

Good Smash news
More reasons to give a shit about multiplayer/online on the Switch past Splatoon/Smash/Tetris
Animal Crossing looking like it has a budget behind it.
Metroid news?

It'd have to be one of their best E3 showings really.

bretty gud

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What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

see not even worth acknowledging these sad sacks

>Good Smash news
any smash news is good smash news, user

That's right bitch, for instance I actually like video games.

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As an oneyplays fan i agree with this. Dingdong was such an asshole. Then Greg made this video, all of a sudden next lp dingdong barely complains.

>MS will be announcing the release of MCC during the conference, and they’ll announce that it’s playable as soon as the announcement is over
One can dream. It’d get E3 off to a fucking great start of they do.

That's not exactly something proveable since this place doesn't have a post history. For all you know the people dropping in to call e-celebs faggots are in another thread right now talking about a game they like. But I know it's easier to believe they aren't doing that, so I'll let you have at it.

Why is turbo button so low? I don't watch him often but his godhand video was good.

who the fuck is greg

someone redpill me
i only know crowbcat

microsoft are just going to announce games that'll wind up on other consoles, snoy are dipping this year because nogames, and nobody else is really worth watching

sounds like you're a brainlet with shit taste then

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yes, i am
that's why i'm asking for redpill
tell me why the others are in better taste, user

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

not him but the top three are matthewmatosis, mechagamezilla and superbunnyhop

Microsoft to see if they can walk the walk as much as they talk the talk.
Nintendo for 2019 releases, potential Smash DLC and Treehouse stream.
And maybe Ubisoft will have some surprises.


best mecha video?

thank you user

I always think the newest thing he makes is my new favorite, and the Japan video was definitely one of the best, but I often return to Demon Core, Crowdfunding and the Xmas Specials

>Japan video will probably be the best thing on youtube in all 2019
>doesn't even break 8000 views

not enough memes for zoomzooms

who's the x?

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What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?



I never thought I'd say this, but Ubisoft

more dancing for you

Good. Music and dancing is fun when you're not fat and ugly and lonely.

nothing, i think for the first time in my life i don't care for e3 or expect anything decent

e3 is for games, not dancing

There will be a Souls game announcement, so I am pretty excited for that.

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there are dancing games

>spend their lives fighting to keep Yea Forums strictly videogames related but never actually talk about videogames

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0 fucking chance

It's been confirmed, user. Look forward to it.

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Strange but true

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What a handsome young man

What is the appeal of matthewmatosis exactly? Idiots here kept pushing Dunkey for a long time, so I'm wary of anything I see here.

That said, I don't watch a lot of Youtube, something new would be nice, and I do like Mecha.

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?


What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

go to his channel and watch any video which is about a game you are interested in. you'll know pretty quickly if you like it or not.

Guy with a degree in game design nitpicks everything right or wrong with a game. That's it.

Real Bioshock 3 and not that fake Bioshock knockoff called Infinite

It's the same shit user
Infinite should have made you realize you were never playing a good game in the first place. Literally no different than a reskin.

Based Shadow poster

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Could see Fable 2 or a Fable trilogy remaster/port happening if the playground rumour is true.

Would be neat for PCbros to finally get a chance to play the most comfy game ever.

the problem with infinite is that its a shit arena shooter. even burial at sea couldn't fix that

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Watch_Dogs 3

Very funny.

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

90% of mecha viewership posting iTT as we speak

>22k subs
>somehow only gets 7k views per vid
>somehow still gets $1k per vid

Everyone is discussing videogames, user. Why not join us?

Unrelated to E3, but still a classic.


I think the patreon does well because the bonus podcast is extremely good, and even if his fanbase is tiny, they have a lot of affection for him and want to support him after he made videos for so many years without making a penny from them and never let the quality slip

Locon's Kaname is a modern literary masterpiece

I want a decent Metal Gear Solid because i'm a MGS bitch.

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It's over, user

Halo infinite gameplay demo. This is the longest period between actual halo games so it would be nice to see what 343i is working on

This and the fact that he seems genuinely likable and not a "personality" hiding behind an act and a cartoon avatar

I can see MS giving them a lot of airtime

only patreon I ever backed and I'm glad I did. the podcast is hilarious and mecha is a treasure

Guaranteed the spotlight will be gears of war 5 and then it will be mcc and halo reach coming to pc in the MS spotlight

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What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

What are you looking forward to most at E3 this year?

have sony announced their plans yet?

see this cycle is just getting vicious

I enjoy that the post count doesn't go up when he posts again, so it really is just the one guy refusing to discuss games like everyone else. Just a baby crying and shitting himself in a corner while sophisticated guests enjoy a nice dinnerparty.

i didn't think they were even doing e3 this year. state of play and that's it, right?

No More Heroes 3.

So we know if and when a state of play is actually happening?

Very possible

we don't even know if a SoP is happening, and I doubt we'll know until the start of june at the earliest

The Infinite Review E3 2019 Special