What are some fun Capeshit Vidya
What are some fun Capeshit Vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
Saints Row IV
Lego DC supervillains is pretty fun, crashing around metropolis as Grundy is fun as hell.... too bad it's a Lego game
Marvel Ultimate Alliance and X-Men Legends are pretty fun
Infamous 1 and 2
Based Cass.
PS4 Spider-Man
PS2 Spiderman 2 if you can stand PS2 era jank
Good Cassandra comics?
Marvel Heroes was shit and I'm glad it's dead
Freedom force
Infamous has three full length games, a stand alone expansion/prequel to the third one, and some DLC. It's also PS3 and PS4 onry if that is a dealbreaker.
Wally West is the objectively best hero in the DC universe.
That is all
muh phoenix singlehandedly justified the fucking abortion that was AvX
thank you based nuzlocke
You all remember when a little past the turn of the century western media finally decided to start acknowledging the existence of anime/Japanese media more? But it was always the laziest, superficial parody? Like if these weren't adults working in animation studios they'd be teenagers doing the "Mario powerups are drugs and Bowser is raping Peach" jokes on the internet.
>DBZ-kinda characters that just scream a lot and name their attacks with long gibberish
>magical girls that flash their panties
>Pokemon parody where it's just some Chinese bootleg creatures saying their names
>maybe a giant robot
>parody about older shows with poor animation like Speed Racer
>if it was a raunchier show they might throw in a gag about futanari or rape tentacles, like every manga/anime that wasn't airing on kids TV had the pervert tentacle monsters
It's gotten a little better now that people writing stuff are a little more familiar with anime but still.
Adults don't know about what kids like.
HOWEVER, shitty parodies are peak kino.
I want a blue beetle game.
Great game, but I think there's a meaningful difference between silver age comics and modern capeshit.
Nothing wrong with that.
Why should you acknowledge the existence of a competitor, or treat it respectfully instead of mocking and badmouthing it?
I remember that one - that was fun. Maybe I should play it again.
Based. One of the best character development.
>Team-based games are dogshit, I am the greatest and no one else contributed to our win besides me I am the fucking lynch-pin of success
Fuck you Lynchpin poster, go back to class since you're browsing this website at lunch
The fuck are you talking about?
>No stylish action Black Panther game
>No Thor or Captain America sequel games
>No Dr. Strange game with autistic levels of magic customization options
>Same with Iron Man but with customizing suits
>No Antman game that makes use of changing size and controlling ants
>No Marvel Warriors game
>No cute Squirrel Girl and Gwenpool games
>No dumpster fire America Chavez "game"
>No Deadpool game sequel
Her run as Batgirl. At least until her rematch with Shiva. A beautiful examination of a seemingly untouchable character dealing with being continously screwed by circumstances. Some Superman writers should seriously take notes.
Damn, you know I'm fucked when I read that from right to left.
>Captain America
Just pay Diablo 3. They made the Captain America build the top one for current season for the moviefags.
I remember good parodies whereas they were less like parodies and more like homages. Ofc they didn't last very long but still good stuff was out there.
chicks dig giant robots
>Power levels are off the charts!
>Need... better charts!
That entire Episode was great.
My friend had this and we played it to death, shit was so fun. And that soundtrack, damn.
She hulk is the objectively best Marvel hero
That is all.
>all of batman arkham's trilogy
Yeah you heard me right TRILOGY origins a shit
>Spiderman PS4
>Marvel vs capcom 2 and 3
>Infamous kinda...
>Gravity rush also kinda
Any more suggestions?
Right. People that were active towards the tail end of the 90s animation renaissance were people that actually watched anime or were part of the first big wave of manga/anime fans in the US.
So you have people like Jody Schaeffer, George Krstic, Genndy Tartakovsky that were actually familiar with the stuff they might parodying or paying homage to(e.g. the Lone Wolf and Cub cameo in Samurai Jack among the series' inspirations in general).
>Written off as a tax dodge
>Reviving it means paying back taxes
What a horrible fate for such a great show. Wish they could do a Blu-ray or DVD release.
For one, I'll give a lot of credit to Failry Odd Parents with Channel Chasers: you have to be on a huge Dragon Ball pill in order to be American and know Goku first squared off against Picolo as a child, given USA didn't got the original Dragon Ball until after Z began airing.
>Pokemon parody
>Every fake mon name ends in -mon or -chu
Never fails to make my autism go supernova.
>Yeah you heard me right TRILOGY origins a shit
This is such a dumb shit opinion. All four games are more or less the same things. Origins is the DaS2 of the Arkham games. It's a perfectly decent game but retards don't know the difference between "not quite as good as..." and "shit".
Nice pig nose.
>origins a shit
Origins is objectively the best game in the entire series, best boss fights, best score, best storyline, best environment and best mechanics.
The only shit thing about it is the change in voice actors, it's jarring as fuck and a retarded decision on WBs part.
That being said, this is the same circumstance with the Splinter Cell fans, they hate Conviction and Blacklist despite Conviction being a story in itself with its mechanics purposed to the story, and Blacklist being a return to more old-school stealth with a strong emphasis on ghosting entire missions (and small shitty changes were made as well)
>a kike, lawyer whore
>best anything
Spiderman Shattered Dimensions was pretty good
>Wonder Woman
>Character whose vulnerability is getting tied up
>Not knowing about tentacles
Come on, DC.
So what? It's low effort but it's not like it's difficult to do the same for western media.
That hasn't been her weakness in decades
This and Wonderful 101 if they count
Based cap
>>Written off as a tax dodge
>>Reviving it means paying back taxes
Serioulsy? That's the fucking reason we haven't gotten more MegasXLR?
Arkham series of batman games
Here's a challenge, WB ames. Make an Arkham game where Bat-Mite is an important part of the plot. I swear I'll start liking the Arkham games again if you do this
Even worse sendoff. It was getting low ratings but the nail in the coffin was that this show was airing during the CEO shift
Captain America could easily be one of the best FPSs of all time if they add in good shield mechanics and squad tactics to the basic COD formula. Controls could be carried over to playing as Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Black Widow easily. Single player campaign set between Avengers and The Winter Soldier that plays like SW: Republic Commando, multiplayer similar to CS or Breach
If fucking skyrim modders can make it sort of work disney should have the money to make it actually work
Don't why I didn't finish this post. When CEO switched to Christina Miller she wanted more shows aimed at a unisex or girls audience so Megas was just simply axed.
>The whole game is just Bat-Mite putting Batman in wacky scenarios with DC villains
Fuck off carol dyke.
Until I saw Spiderverse I would've said it was impossible but if Spider-ham can look like he belongs in a more serious story, I'd say it's possible for this to happen as well.
Haven’t they been incredibly bad for years now?
My only concern is that that style of game would rely heavily on bullet time mechanics to handle shield tossing and would become tiresome after a while.
So Athena from Borderlands Pre-Sequel with squad tactics?
They're at the worst numbers in decades.
Do you mean comic books in general or just Captain Marvel?
Comics in general.
she has never been revelant, all the good marvel women were in the x-men
My favorite Marvel Hero is Wasp, every incarnation in general, but mainly the 'Avengers Earth's mightiest heroes' one. She a super cute
They seem to be doing well. Better than I thought actually.
Just admit it to yourself
>Doesn't account for anything past 2015
A-user, no! They'll ban your ass!
that's several years old
>Yes, I can!
Absolute chad
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead
This is the best I can find. It's down but it's still not some big jump to assume anything. If anything, I'm more surprised by the fact that people still buy comic books.
Due to NPCs and Women/SJWs joining the drones buying them.
We will never get good Deadpool or Moon Knight comics ever again because of this SJW bullshit
Someone post the women and people joining your hobby and ruining it chart. It's exactly why Marvel is having a big decline in actual quality that DC is picking up on.
Justice League movie was total shit though
Sometimes it was amusing. But it's never as cringeworthy as when TV shows suddenly have characters playing video games either as a background element or as a legitimate aspect of their characterization, and the story tries to bring relevance to it like they actually know what a Far Cry or a Sonic are and then completely fuck it up.
Nothing quite like seeing someone play some shooter and the audio is just generic stock sounds instead of actual game audio like either copyrights or a flat disconcern for whatever was being played occurred.
We'll miss you, user. You're my hero
Batman: The Brave & The Bold: Arkham Adventures!
>Bat-Mite from BatB is bored of all the campy silver age shit from his series and the game it got
>Decides to jump ship to a grittier universe, ending up in Rocksteady's Arkhamverse
>Arkham Bats (Conroy) and BatB Bats (Diedrich) team up on a multiverse-hopping adventure to stop all the shit Bat-Mite is doing that could cause quantum collapse
>Gameplay is a more arcadey version of Arkham, with super moves, team-up attacks, and wackier gadgets
>It's also a musical
Post more if you are going to die.
Thank you!
Here you go.
>because of this SJW bullshit
Didn't the CEO of Marvel, some years ago, actually blame SJW's saying that people didn't actually want diversity, after seeing below expected sales?
City of Heroes/Villains
Galactic brain choice right there
what if it was bullet time for setting up the shot but then everything played out in real time?
The penultimate and final episode featuring the Sazabi Megas was pretty good. God, the show oozed love for /m/ media.
>too bad it's a Lego game
the fuck is that meant to mean
Best boss fight. Deathstroke on NG+ barely ekes our Mr Freeze NG+.
>either copyrights
Because of this and because it's likely just meant to be a parody. I remember one Simpsons episode where Bart plays a game, with the game cover being the same as the GTA covers but when he actually plays it it's more like a fighting game and then says "Everyone is dead. Level one complete"
More often than not, the accurate portrayal of the game isn't as important for the story as just the overall idea behind it.
It's also why you sometimes see a character in a tv show/movie play a video game, get up because of something but the video game keeps playing itself in the background.
EMH was GOAT, one of the few Marvel cartoons that reached the heights of the DCAU, and then Jeph Loeb just had to fuck with it, shit on the continuity in the latter half of S2, make the only bad episode of the entire series (so bad it got cut from DVD releases), and get it canned after 2 seasons when the initial pitch ASKED FOR FOUR SEASONS THAT THEY PLANNED OUT IN ADVANCE.
>You will never go back and watch the Avengers vs Graviton fight in the season 1 premiere ever again with the DBZ-tier spectacle fight scenes
>You will never see Thor shoot a fucking gigantic beam of lightning while yelling FOR MIDGAR, realizing that you're watching something special, for the first time again
Post her taking a wasp shit
The thing is, SJWs don't actually want diversity, they want everyone else superior to them (in looks, skills, job security, emotionally stability) to be shamed and treated worse than them so they can feel better about themselves.
SJWs are actually more racist because thye emphasize more racist proportions. Just look at any SJW work in vidya, the black women looks hideous and any white girl looks autistic.
They do this to feel better about themselves, it's all a victim complex. They don't feel comfortable in their own skin.
Well, cartoons aren't expected to literally superimpose real gameplay footage onto things. That'd clash quite horribly, though some of the parodies for kid's shows are still pretty bad and every adult seems to either go for the easy GTA jokes or think all of gaming is Mario, Zelda and Tetris. The real shit is when you get live action shows that put importance on these things. It's almost always the same, someone walks in and sees minor/major character playing GTA or some shooter, you may see glimpses of it or not, often enough it's just the equivalent of a Youtube video playing in the background, and if the moment's really stupid the characters actually converse about it with no idea what the game actually is - the script writer simply doesn't know themselves.
though nothing stands out like that one show in the late 90's (or was it early 00's) where a guy gets trapped in virtual reality, ends up in Half-Life's Xen and his first words are
>"Half-Life? Oh man, I never made it past level one!"
I don't disagree with that but that's only a problem when they're also in charge of production, not when they're just the buyer. Those nutjobs are a small part of society, just obnoxiously loud about it.
If a company sees they can profit off of what is the most popular in the moment, they'll go for it, in turn, they will hire more with those ideals, which in turn will increase popularity among that group.
It's a cycle, it'll keep happening.
it means he feels like an autist playing a game about children's toys
>make the only bad episode of the entire series (so bad it got cut from DVD releases)
I can't remember much. Which episode was that again?
I guess some of the problems are
>Get real video game
Nothing stops a movie from just getting a quick license with the publisher but then they'll demand some sort of "At least two spoken lines talking about how great the video game is". Which are usually so clearly a sponsor that it's not even funny.
>Script writer isn't an active part in development
If the script has some random notation to a video game, they won't really know if the prop director will just choose something completely different.
But I think the most important part is
This is simply a case for people who don't play video games to understand what's meant to be happening. Stuff like "level up" "extra life" "Level 1" "score" are things everyone can associate with a game. So if a movie/tv show is parodying a game, they might just use random terminology for the people who wouldn't understand anything else about it. So you get a Half-Life parody while the character says they leveled up.
>"And we can have fun doing it"
What did she mean by this?
Sure but Marvel and DC have been doing this for quite a while.
>IP is to be released as a movie
>Launch new issue to profit off of it
Since no one gives a shit about Captain Marvel, so will the issue. I wouldn't be surprised if due to Endgame, whatever issue they have ready will make sales go back up.
best (bat)girl really
I was playing that after watching Endgame and man did it make me want a good Cap/Avengers game.
Surtur & Enchantress curse the Avengers to be without their powers while traversing a caved-in subway tunnel. Thor, Cap, and Tony bitch at Hawkeye the whole episode, despite Tony already knowing that his suit is the only thing that lets him fight, it being completely out of character for Cap to complain, and Thor's FIRST DIALOGUE in his FIRST APPEARANCE in the series being him telling Jane Foster he respects mortals for accomplishing so much without godlike power. Also Loki's spirit is put into the Destroyer Armor, and they manage to defeat it by pinning it to a wall with a minecart before getting their powers back while Loki's ghost just kind of shakes his fist and says "I'll get you next time, Thor!" and then the end of the episode is more foreshadowing to the coming of Surtur, which S2 spent a decent amount of time building up for S3's main conflict, but never got to because lolcancelled for Avengers Assemble which is a garbage show.
Even the episodes that shit on the strong continuity of S1/early S2 or focused way too heavily on Cap/Thor/Tony/Hulk when previous they let the secondary characters shine were still good. Powerless is a dumpster fire episode.
>ywn suck Wasp's beautiful bug titties
all the injustice girls are shit and that sucks
He's a mass murderer though?
Yeah, but DC hasn't drastically changed an entire universe for the sake of appealing to a majority SJW/normie audience.
Reminder that Civil War 2 happened only as a pseudo promo for Captain America 3: Civil War, and they entirely changed the Guardians of the galaxy to resemble the movie version (which the movies I honestly liked, but still).
At least DC has the balls to let good characters have arcs such as the entire Batman Rebirth run about the marriage between Bruce and Selina while Marvel is going on about Civil War 2 and that universe merging thing between Ultimate and 616? The only purpose of that was to bring back some characters in order to profit off of them.
Hell, I like Marvel, but the decline in actual creativity is so prominent. They're clearly milking the MCU cash cow as much as possible.
Seems cool. Kind of surprised they canceled it.
is this real? is this not an edit?
I agree.
>They're clearly milking the MCU cash cow as much as possible.
To be honest, I can't blame them. When was the last time Marvel was actually relevant? So relevant to the point where their name is somewhat changing Hollywood in the way they release and plan movies.
It's an edit.
Found it, yeah it's dead, Jim.
Didn't know it was on Xbox and iTunes though, I might have to look into that.
Oh, right. That...
God fucking dammit. I fucking loved it growing up. A friend and I even spent a year or two doing the fist bump into devil horns thing.
>When was the last time Marvel was actually relevant?
You make a good point, I'm samefagging from before, but as I said in a thread not too long ago:
>Better comics
>Better collectibles
>Better video games
>Better animations
>Better fanbase (to an extent)
>Sub par cinematic universe movies (TDK trilogy and the new Joker are quite promising)
>Sub par comics
>Downright laughable video games
>Uninteresting collectibles
>Basedboy fanbase
>SJW rhetoric
>Better movies
I think we can all agree that Marvel is going downhill in terms of actual quality. DC at least had the most based beginning to the start of the Rebirth #1 issue of Red Hood and the outlaws.
I don't remember giving you permision to post my wife. Please delete this.
soi niggers btfo
Literally so based her card in the Injustice mobile game is fucking busted
>Better video games
DC has had damn-near zero good vidya since the heyday of sidescrolling Batman titles (of which only half were good), Arkham series was what brought them back. In the time between them the good DC game was very rare, and since then the best we've gotten outside of Arkham is Injustice, and I'll just flat-out say that NRS games play like shit despite the effort put into visuals and single-player content.
Marvel on the other hand has had a handful of legitimately great games in every single console generation since 16-bit, spanning a decent number of genres and properties (meanwhile DC's best games are 80% Batman-focused or greater).
Based and bluepilled
Anyone else remember the Christopher Reeves superman films? Peek supes kino
Didn't know Wasp was a magical girl
Marvel's gotten some better games lately
>>Better video games
Spider-Man games though
I just want a game where I can play as a good boy.
That PG face does things to my dick
At least for the first movie, he WAS Superman. He embodied the humble Clark and heroic Supes amazingly well.
This scene is fucking great.
I think Cavill can be an amazing Superman as well but the scripts are too terrible for him to shine.
Ahem* Sir, that's tech you uncultured swine. Can't you see how "Techy" the particles look? Can't you see the Digimon inspiration?
It's sad that it took me this and it took infinity war and endgame to get me into capeshit
absolute madman
Capeshit like as in comics too
Or just movies and Vidya
>I think Cavill can be an amazing Superman as well but the scripts are too terrible for him to shine.
Could've been. He ditched ahead of his contract ending, and after Justice League it's easy to understand why.
That look always makes me laugh.
Tsukame! egaita yume wo
Mamore! daiji na tomo wo
Takumashii jibun niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nareru sa
Shiranai pawaa ga yadoru haato ni hi ga tsuitara
Donna negai mo uso ja nai
Kitto kanau karaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
...show me your brave heart
It's an edit. Someone edited the entire AvX crossover because it was such an enormous clusterfuck.
We did get Rightclops out of it though, so that was nice.
>character in cartoon/show is implicitly playing a shooter
>random Pac-Man/8-bit arcade noises are coming from game's audio
i dont remember this digimon season
>Superman unleashing his Super-disappointment in you
Can't blame him. The only scene I really liked in Justice League was this one.
That glance at Flash as he's running is great.
>tfw no Batgirl (Cass) game
And now I have to add that to my Batman games I want. The other being a new Batman Beyond game.
Didn't think of those
But come to think of it, yeah, Marvel has more games, but what about the writing in them?
Miles and MJ in Spider-man PS4 were annoying as fuck.
Also, based, as DC put it in that fan-fucking-tastic Batman and Superman double date issue Batman = Detective, Supes = Boy Scout
Reeves embodied this so well. The whole concept of Superman is that he's a big old softie, which made the concept of Injustice that much harder to bear. Man of Steel was just a little too dark, he was too much of a fighter, there was no save the girl > say something cute with a smile to the people > smile as he flies away to the theme. He went from dark and brooding to dark and brooding. What is major about the writers in the Reeves/Return movies, is that it gave Clark a personality . WW and Aquaman dealt with this with heaving them both realize their own personalities.
Take Captain Marvel for example, she literally overcomes nothing. Muh womyn can do nothing wrong agenda is so startlingly clear. There's no personality. And that's where we start to see disconnection between writer - actor - character
That face just screams "Son..."
Comics too
i'm starting with the fantastic 4
>Nose ring
Just let her jump, Supes
Nice I hope you enjoy them user
Why can't I even imagine the MCU Avengers as being decent people who would take the time to save a kid like this?
this is the DC equivalent of
>i don't want to cure cancer, i want to turn people into dinosaurs
Spider-Man and Cap totally would actually.
>decent person
common now
what MAKES spiderman cool is the fact that he is a absolute asshole
>No cute games with guihuru artstyle
Why live?
What the fuck
fucking based
Full comic?
Was, user. You seen what they did to her lately? She went from quirky 4th wall-breaking and actual wall-breaking lawyer to roidrageing Bruce Banner but girl
renewl your vawls
the last good comic marvel did, is like a else where story where peter DIDNT sold his soul to the devil
I really like this approach of Superman being such a good doer that no one wants to disappoint him, not even criminals.
Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man ps4.
literaly our guy
>renew your vows
My favorite Superman comic is the one where hes just walking across the US because hes in a shitty mood.
Someone dumped it in a thread years ago and I never got the name of it
best superman stories are aways about the people superman saves
by one way or another
What is going on in that first panel? Why is Batman eight feet tall? Who's the lady with the giraffe neck?
Man, what a girlfriend.
Even criminals mourned him dying in the Death Of Superman. Everyone in Metropolis has at least one person they care about saved by Superman at some point.
that's kinda hot
>Captain Marvel berates the kid for being weak
>Cap tells him/her there's always another way to find yourself
>Scarlet Witch doesn't use mind control and appeals to the big sister approach
>Tony is a dick but appeals to the dad side, saying there's always some way to find peace inside
>Peter doesn't know what to do and fumbles it, they just end up eating some sandwich and laying in a web together
>Hawkeye starts telling stories about life on a farm and asks if the person likes apples and offers one
>Black Widow flirts or finds a way to calm the person down a la Hulk
>Banner explains theories of science and fumbles his way into saying something about how even the smallest atom matters
>Thor tells some stories about Loki and how he loves he no matter what, he starts crying a little too (My pick as the best bro)
>Ant Man does some skits and jokes with ants, he's a Dad so he understands more than a lot of the other avengers do
>Falcon shows the person lots of birds
>Bucky shows them his metal arm and does some tricks
>Star-Lord appeals with some great music, probably this: youtube.com
>Gamora tells the story of Thanos
>Rocket lets the human pet him
>Groot grows a flower or does the thing from the first movie
>Drax was standing there the whole time and gives some deep quirky thing like from Vol2
>War Machine makes fun of Tony Stank
>Vision says something deep
>Pepper probably offers some coffee and a cupcake, says she hates Strawberries
Who did I miss?
Isn't tentacle porn pretty much just a dated meme these days? I hardly ever see any actual tentacle stuff anymore, but I don't really go out of my way to look for it.
She needs the Diana treatment.
Why would they spend the whole episode bitching at the guy with no superpowers? What's their problem?
>Better than Bart "Punchin' Prime right outta Time" Allen
Nah, bro. Wally's amazing, but not that amazing.
>people died because of me
>but it's okay because I made a nigger happy
She had a loli form in the webcomic JL8, she's just not as popular with artists as Wonder Loli
Bad writing.
Time to fap to that zone flash again.
Where can I read the AvX edited version? I was interested in the original run of the comics but I hear they just shit on their own characters and the plot makes no sense.
The "nigger" is who he failed to save because he was attending another disaster.
Bad writing is their problem. They're well-written the rest of the series (even when the story revolves too much around them, like Tony creating a cure for a bio-weapon instead of Pym or Banner).
People lived because of him, though. They died because horrible things happen for no reason.
user, Hiro's gonna kill you
This image didn't age well
It's still hella fun even if it's kid level, sometimes something that mindless and stupid is all you need
Its in the image title, but it didn't even include the bit where Jimmy was going nuts at Clark because at that point he lost his super powers.
The "versus" crossover events they've pushed have all been pretty uniformly terrible. I still don't understand why they thought there needed to be a second Civil War.
Why, why the fuck am I crying
The palpable look of disappointment on his face reminds me of college.
but he's not a vidya game
The spider was cute and funny. Sauce?
I'd pay cash for that and I LOATHE Conroy and Batwank in general
Well, that hit me like a ton of bricks.
I'm still dead from last time
how come there were barely any infinity war spoilers but endgame spoilers were plenty?
hiromoot doesn't care when they're traps
The Rescue armor in the new movie was sexual perfection.
Just a shame Gwyneth has said it's unlikely she'll be sticking around now that Robert is leaving the franchise.
>Daredevil looking the wrong way
Because everyone knew that Infinity War would end like it did, a cliffhanger, Endgame is the final movie and resolution so it ruins people's experiences a lot more.
Based Luke Cage
If you can move at lightspeed, have super strength and invulnerability, super intelligence, and access to magic bullshit technology, everyone who dies is your fault.
So either way he's making excuses for not using his godly powers more efficiently.
>I could just threaten superman I shoot this guy which has a much more impact but like he said I aim for superman, even when he himself said so.
A+ writing fampai. And you people wonder why no one takes capeshit seriously.
Which can only mean one thing....
The rise of Riri
Let's not.
Gwyneth's face is like 50% CGI at this point because of her age. It's understandable why she doesn't want to stick around when her bones are probably creaking with every step.
patrician taste
this spidey comic was cute, thanks
That’s hilarious when video games are children’s toys
post more before you get bannu’d
die historic on the jannie road
These were great. The artstyle reminds me of something but the name fails me.
>dude religion is so lame if god is all powerful why does bad shit still happen
>but capeshit is different even though guys like Superman and Flash are basically idddqd
what's wrong with her ear
I don't want it either, bub, but Marvel teams need a nigga in power armor.
And now we've got a speshul donutsteel Bendis OC that ticks all the right minority checkmarks with her own on-going right now.
I'm sure all her healing crystals have kept her health in prime condition
Yeah, I don't believe that chart at all. We've seen the awful sales of all those Marvel comics, there is no way they are doing better than DC.
Calvin and Hobbes?
Kinda makes me sad Dark Horse isn't even charted. The Aliens and Predator comics were a huge part of my childhood.
What game lets me be a man-slut?
Reading about her crazy shit never ceases to amaze me. So much money, yet so little brains.
>marriage between Bruce and Selina
>he doesn't know
I miss ultimate tony armor.
> Endgame is the final movie and resolution so it ruins people's experiences a lot more.
does it really? I feel like endgame was easier to predict, good guys beat bad guys using infinity stones, watching infinity war had more surprises to me like thanos unraveling those two guardians guys, sacrificing the green girl, thor getting a new hammer, and the snap in general. Even if it was a cliffhanger, just seeing what the cliffhanger would be was interesting. Honestly they should've had more movies in the five year gap to really show off the effects of thanos on the world. Having these two movies so close together took away tension imo.
Will we see Galactus in MCU? We got to see fucking Dormammu, why not him?
I came here looking for this post. Thank you. Prototype 2 never happened.
Welp, I'm a retard. Completely forgot the name. Thanks.
Even if Superman COULD save everyone all the time (and in most continuities he's not that powerful), dedicating every second of his existence to saving people without ever living his own life would very quickly divorce him from humanity. You would just end up with Injustice Superman.
Riri in the comics is complete ass, but that doesn't mean she can't be done well on the big screen.
Granted I'm saying this after these people hired Brie Larson for Captain Marvel and then shoehorned her into Endgame despite her having zero relevance to any plot threads leading up to the finale. Even fucking Antman and Black Panther were introduced decently despite their late introduction to the franchise.
why wasn't mcu tony an alcoholic?
Just mod Batman: Arkham Asylum to replace Batarangs with the shield
Prototype 2 was awesome, retard.
>Honestly they should've had more movies in the five year gap to really show off the effects of thanos on the world
Would've been much more interesting.
I mean hey, as long as they retcon the retarded "I wasn't oppressed enough to be great, so i'll tell my nice teacher to oppress me until i'm great" scene.
I was assuming that she would be the Batgirl DLC in the last Arkham game. But clearly I was wrong.
Wally is significantly better than Barry at controlling the Speed Force, he can do shit with it Barry considered impossible after his own failed attempts.
Still waiting on my standalone Venom video game.
Jesus Christ don't even remind me about that.
jesus christ shit belongs in a cringe collection
Spiderman 2 and Batman Arkham Asylum. After, Asylum, if youre craving more, Arkham City is decent.
Thats it.
There's a difference between a character and what's meant to be an omniscient god.
It was fine game play wise. They ruined Mercer and Heller sucked.
That comic of Titania beating her up is the best thing ever.
>I enjoy
Nice story though. Thanks for sharing. I liked old man Jameson shaking his fist out the window. "You crazy supers! Get off my building!"
Based as fuck.
They were kind of hinting at it up through I think maybe first Avengers movie, then it just stops a control freak instead.
It's worse now
Reminder that Wally doesn’t exist anymore because Barry went back in time to save his mom and fucked up the timeline
It's based on this
Oh he's existed again for over a year now. But Didio ordered an event be made to turn him into a mass murderer suicidal retard in the same vein as Identity Crisis (because he thinks people liked that event), because he absolutely hates that Wally is still more popular than Barry.
Fuck i miss that show, post some more wasp please.
didnt he survived the flashpoint reboot?
Who was in the wrong here?
Yes but unfortunately see The only upside is that it's landing the guys responsible in hot water for their really really shitty portrayal of mentally ill people.
Actually sound lika a fantastic game
I miss her. I least she still exist in porn
>Barry is Bart
What is this dumb meme? Just because there have been a few writers who have no idea how to write Spidey doesn't mean he isn't a good guy.
Funny how Yea Forums is having a Yea Forums thread better then Yea Forums
rip koji wada
yeah fucking shitty writers man
Jesus fucking christ, the brakes on this one were out from the very first page.
>faggium creatura
oh no no no no no BRO LOOK AT THIS DUDE
how's punisher these days? i'd guess they made him tamer nowadays
Janet is hairy! HAIRYYYY!
And then a mentally ruined vet who is going to shoot up and murder everyone at DC poisoned this moment out of pure bitter hatred at the notion some fictional human was living a better life than him.
Wasp can grow to a giant size too, can't she? Just imagine...with a body like this... just imagine.
>be Wally
>be the main Flash for most time
>was in the justice league cartoon instead of Barry
>everyone loved him and was the most popular flash
>flashpoint happened
>Wally literal never existed because of time shit
>all those years of Wally being the flash gone
>nobody in the universe remembers him, including Barry
>new guy shows up with the name Wally. It’s not even him and doesn’t have the same personality. And is also black
Wally didn’t deserve this
>keep looking for Spiderman games in the digital store
>nothing but adverts for the Amazing Spiderman movies
wont be the first time
how long did that guy that hates spiderman wrote the spiderman comic?
I read this totally wrong and thought he suffocated his cat on the moon.
It's good times.
>>Infamous kinda...
Shut up the games are great.
I've personally begged Greg Weisman at a con to revive YJ Wally just because the comics have done him such a disservice he needs to be happy somewhere. He didn't say he would but he said "You're not wrong"
>that thing underwater scene
still one of the funniest things i've ever read
origins is better than arkham knight
Oh god, the way he talks makes it sound like he served. Was that not even true? Was he lying about that as well?
Origins is better than Knight.
Why does Connor have down syndrome in this?
He was a CIA pencil pusher.
Renew your vows sucks
the fuck is rigthclops? Explain to me
this meme
If only the DC cinematic universe could be like this. 1/3
I remembered the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance being pretty fun
>cuckium tortrannylover
>Magneto's eyes
That's my own favourite but Thing underwater is definitely a close runner-up.
Oh christ, a desk jockey? He fucking talks so much about PTSD and "the things he's done" and he worked a fucking DESK JOB?
But instead all we get is MY MOTHERS NAME WAS MARTHA TOO
you suck
It's ok user, he was an emo cutter in his teens.
He's like DAMAGED and shit,his mom FREAKED
That's just the current theory it isn't 100% if he was or not
At the very least people are just calling him "Wallace" now, and he's only eeever showing up in Teen Titans anymore.
>seriously hope you gals don't do this
Why in the ever fuck would you want it to be like THIS and not something like BATB? Fuck King and his inability to form coherent sentences that aren't complete drivel and attempts at being "sophisticated poetry".
>trolls in Australia
So nothing changed?
>LITERALLY "nothing personnel"
What the fuck are Big 2 comics doing anymore?
the original plan was to have martha kent to be martha wayne after she went under undercover protection
How can one not love Dredd?
That sounds fucking retarded.
Oh God fucking dammit. What the fuck, Marvel. You're supposed to be the happy one.
>Not the absolute perfection that is TAS
>I had a feeling I'd be seeing them again in 20 years
Damn, thats fucked up, but also probably true.
Why are there so many Yea Forums threads today? Go home already.
That sound ever more retarded
Yes, Snyder very infamously knows NOTHING about Superman and Batman and did both characters a humongous disservice, then threw a tantrum and called everyone who told him this manchildren who can't accept how realistic and sensible his movies are
I'm not kidding about that last part.
Because this makes them human and forwards the narrative that this is a Batman comic and they're trying to humanize him after he's been so brutal and brooding and he's about to marry Selina...?
It wouldn't work well on screen, but it works perfectly on paper. TAS knew it better.
Not after what Tom King did to him.
>but also probably true.
No, that's not how the human psyche works mate.
T'Challa and Mantis
>tfw no qt homeless gf
>When Zack said Superman was a God that looked down upon everyone and that the Clark disguise was just convenience for him
>When it's the complete fucking opposite and always has been
Not when plasticman exists
That's not Booster Gold
I still don't understand what was Marvel thinking with this series.
batman and superman have potential to be huge cashcows, its amazing how badly the fucked it up, especially in the height of capeshit popularity.
Why do all the capeshit females always look like a fucking gorilla, and make the same face all the time?
>Earth-3 Deathstroke is Deadpool
I always enjoy Bats and Supes mancrushing on each other.
>he wanted to pull off the evil Superman thing too
God, enough with this shit already.
To keep the weebshit threads at bay
>T'Challa offers some rap music
>Mantis touches the person sensually, and offers her own feelings, crying with the person and allowing them to identify and relate to their own pain as Mantis finds peace for the person
That sounds so fucking stupid, I can believe it because the DC Cinematic Universe is failed abortion of the highest order. A fucking movie about a tree and a racoon beat Justice League. A movie about Z List superheroes beat a movie with Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
They can absolutely make Batman AND Superman talk like actual humans and not autistic spergs who can't belt out a sentences longer than 4 or 5 words.
Prototype. It's basically the non-garbage version of
Those Japanese people and their manga monsters, they should fetch a pail of water instead
I want to go back to the animated Timmverse. Coming back after school to watch episodes of Batman and Superman back to back.
Whores in comics look retarded
It's really baffling that there isn't a good ironman game out there, especially now after the MCU.
>talk like actual humans and not autistic spergs who can't belt out a sentences longer than 4 or 5 words
Brainlet alert, you seriously don't know how to read and take in the info from the comic panel do you? It's meant to be taken as if they are both talking to their respective girlfriends in full sentences, it just switches back and forth.
That Sega Iron Man game for the 360/PS3 did a decent job with the flight mechanics but everything else was just barren. Zero point to get on the ground and combat was shallow.
They look like cows
I actually re-watched both Justice League cartoons. Mad comfy. Shayera and Canary were nice as I remembered too. Was a bit disappointed in the Fatal Five movie since they already did that plot in tv series.
Wait this isn't Yea Forums
>Yea Forumsmblr parasite threads are fully allowed and make it to over 400 posts on Yea Forums these days
hope is extinguished on this site
This has been a far more enjoyable thread than 90% of modern Yea Forums threads dunno what you're complaining about.
Burn in hell you fuck
My nigger i would kill to see some witchblade\darkness\more spawn but with today's agenda? Its a risky monkey paw.
>Timm's Cheetah still hasn't been beaten in sex appeal
The Justice League Action design gets close.
that has been the case since forever
>Threads whining about trannies and politics are allowed to thrive on Yea Forums, where there would only be weebshit games otherwise
Yeah, Yea Forums is shit
He's complaining that it's not a dumping ground for console wars or political garbage.
Cyclops did nothing wrong, and it's a shame he wasn't in MvC3
is it ever coming back? last i heard season 3 was announced but other than that theres been nothing IIRC
lol wut?
That was fucking deep. It really does put DCEU to shame
>Yea Forumsmblr complaining about transphobia and wrongthink politics
Checks out, you never fail to live up to expectations.
Is this real?
Go I love Moonstone, and Songbird.
Especially Warren's run.
You're way out of touch m8 the first half has been out for months. Animation quality went down but it's a good plot.
depends on the artist
Literally best thread right now.
What did he mean by this?
I'm actually surprised though that inhumans didn't appear in Infinite.
I thought they were pushing to replace the xmen around that period
>Yea Forumsmblr complaining about transphobia and wrongthink politics
>Thinking this is all that can get you 100+ replies in a post
Really? Christ, you faggots are obsessed.
Because you didn't watch Age of Ultron or Ironman 2, not that i blame you.
Also Yea Forums is getting spMmed with NPC threads these days so it's nice to see Yea Forums have a normal thread about this
No matter how many time you repeat this doesn't make it true.
The music in BTAS was 11/10. The Scarecrow theme has stuck with me since childhood and it annoys the shit out of me that it's not on any of the official OST releases.
Hey nigger, post the real ending.
Why did his clothes not burn on reentry?
Yea Forumsmblr's only worth will be the continued derangement and cope for the next few years.
That was the first time I replied to you. Don't you have some Shamsh threads to start your epic wojakposting?
I dont get it this is the picture and when opening it i see the comic?
Based Yea Forums. Literally voted Democrat and chopped off my dick thanks to this based board.
Is superman job prevent every shithead to splorch on the street? I mean there should be something BETTER to do in the world.
I'm a weeb and I'm loving this thread. Fuck off
>Also Yea Forums is getting spMmed with NPC threads these days
Any particular reason for that to be happening?
But Peej never fucked a guy. She's just too self aware of her big tits.
It's the literal NPC board and always has been.
Nice try, maybe next time.
It's a well known bug on Yea Forums. When you post an image at the exact same time as someone else, there's a chance the images get swapped. So the ending to that comic is in some random corner of Yea Forums now.
All we see is some faggot on an forum whining about how localization fixes problematic games, post it again
Why can't we get along? Why politics had to ruin things?
No clue mods seem to delete them or let them happen
Quit fucking around, it's not the ending.
>Literally the same faggots who keeps shitting on Godzilla and Digimon threads.
Is this guy identified? Do we have to do something about him?
wtf i hate white men now thanks Yea Forums!
Cyclops did a lot of harsh but justified things to save mutants. "Cyclops was right" = rightclops
To be honest hobo guy did nothing wrong and Snowfire is 100% responsible for the whole situation. The little dickface was irresponsible. He got himself killed, he got a good man in prison and traumatized him for life. Fuck Snowfire.
>punching someone because they spoke the truth
Only that he's a faggot
>literal far-leftist board that supports all even vaguely right-leaning writers and artists being platformed
Yea Forums once again proves you're a nest of fucking slimy vipers as usual
Yeah, very unfortunate. Probably the only memorable thing in BtB was Anarky's theme and none of the music from that show is probably going to get a release.
He needs a name
Don't know about that. My sister was molested when she was 4, and it turned out her molester was himself a victim of his dad's sick desires.
john byrne's she hulk maybe
sure as shit not dan slott's
Yeah Yea Forums's Godzilla threads full of gay furry RPing and tumblr porn are so kino, clearly nobody but one person could take umbrage with such a thing
only reason it's on there is because of a loophole.
You can't legally air it but they didn't include digital rights
To be fair, Brie Larson is pretty much the only bad casting decision they've made, i'd say they still have a pretty good track record.
not only that but punching some one that already is defeated, is tied and offers no resistence
We're talking about how you shit up Yea Forums's Godzilla threads, retard
So Megas XLR could come back if it was digital only?
it's a cheesy twist but I like it anyway.
These Yea Forums-screeching retards are billions of times more obnoxious than ACfag. Jesus christ
I've seen that it may be just shitpost from someone that has a hateboner for the board in general or just someone that is from within that is just angry at the state of the board. Either way it seems that it's just mindless attack, I'm inclined to believe that it's the first option.
based and wasppilled
Those are the Godzilla threads here when you show up, Yea Forumsmblr. You tried yesterday but this time enough people told you to fuck off and you crawled back to your hole like the diseased worm you are.
You were shitting on a Yea Forums Godzilla thread that didn't have any of that, mostly talking about the few good Godzilla games, the new movie, and an old children's book.
True, could just be the one sputter in a line of good choices.
Please, just fuck off.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was the one posting the furry porn all along
Probably, but i doubt he'll be the next "big bad" like so many people want him to be.
Yeah nah that thread was full of your AIDs-infected gay RPing and tumblr bullshit. The one yesterday that didn't have any of that and told you repeatedly to fuck off when you tried was much better. Of course to Yea Forums it's never your fault, it's those damn /pol/ bully Drumpf voting incels.
What goes wrong in a person's head to make them as autistic as you
Nice. I'd love to see it come back, even if it might be hard to capture the late 90's vibe.
It's called objectivity.
When you tried to ply your usual garbage yesterday you were rebuked by basically everyone and the thread ended up good.
When Yea Forumsmblr has control of any thread it is invariably diseased and fundamentally awful.
You're mentally unwell.