This proposal will pass

this proposal will pass

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Other urls found in this thread:

My brain is so small I literally cant tell if what theyre doing is a good thing or a bad thing

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and that's a good thing!


The big money for mobage will always be China.

Very much a bad thing.

How did G*rmany get so cucked?

Why is this bad?
Fuck phone games, I hope everyone who works on them loses their jobs.

It's funny they used a picture of kings raid since (unless they changed it) that game doesnt have gatcha gambling.

I am unaffected.
Do not care.

>aimed at kids
>horny gacha collector
what did they mean by this.

ironic considering how hard Germany lobbied to make gambling legal all over Europe without any restrictions to begin with.

The government is controlling what kind of entertainment you're allowed to have.

What is "agressive mobile microtransaction aimed at kids" ? The DBZ gatcha shit ?

We beat their asses so hard in two World Wars & they took too much of Russia’s BKGBC during the Cold War that all of Germany turned into pathetic betas who let themselves become the joke of the Earth.
It also doesn’t help that Merkel is pure evil.

I never bother with any of them.They can burn in hell for all I care.

kill yourself commie

I thought pokemon was fucked too because of Germany

That would matter if there was any worthwhile entertainment.
The only entertainment modern media can provide is when the workers lose their jobs after their laughable work flops.

Videogame development is not a real job.

Why does it have a image from King's Raid when the game showers you with free shit from day one?

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Germany rules europe. If they get a law against microtransactions, the whole EU will, meaning devs have to change their strategies or they lose an entire continent for their games

Good riddance.

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>wtf, free stuff at the start? guess i won't need to buy more stuff xD
Are you one of the children the article talks about?

>micro transactions
Ban them all for all I care.

I do think it's acceptable that children shouldn't have the option to buy microtransactions.
That's why Most phones nowadays have a parent setting.

So? Evil people should not be allowed to make money by being evil. The government also doesn't let you buy or sell drugs, because making money by exploiting people is evil.

Why do americans hate consumer rights so much?

Government should ban gambling :)

>making money by exploiting people is evil

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>More EA games banned in europe
Oh no no no no no no

> evil companies good gov
Are you 6?

>aimed at kids
So what aggressive mobile microtransactions target kids? Fortnite mobile?

>American senator wants something similar
>Germany does it
>lmao cucks, fucking soichugging retards
What the fuck is wrong with the anglos on this board?

Games with microtransactions popping up during gameplay
It literally says it in the article

Don't worry Yea Forums, your gacha is safe since they're only for MANchildren

Stop being evil and the government won't have to step in. It's that simple.

>exploiting people vs. beneficial industry
Americans can't tell the difference because they only worship money.

If 89 then all porn will become normal because of Incel transsexuals

Good. Fuck mobage kusoge.

Based Deutschland

>trash cashgrab games that nobody in their right mind would ever play in the first place

Wow its almost as if this wont change anything at all

>turks can't pay for fifa microtransactions anymore
Germoney really does want the country to burn

>meaning devs have to change their strategies or they lose an entire continent for their games
Fucking delusional Kraut, the EU market for mobile micro is peanuts if compare to Japan+China.

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By removing cancerous p2w? k

I see the corporate boot lickers are out early today.

But do they target kids? Got any examples that targets kids?

>That would matter if there was any worthwhile entertainment.
>The only entertainment modern media can provide is when the workers lose their jobs after their laughable work flops.
I don't care what you think what is or isn't worthwhile. You're allowing the government to control your entertainment.
Bad parenting should not result in the government stepping in and taking things away from responsible people.

>absolute retards ITT defending trade practices by the dime a dozen phone games that have pushed pay to win for years while these same people did nothing to stop dlc/microtransactions in games or likely encouraged it
the point isn't to convince every single person, it's to convince the right people. the average consumer has let the problem get so bad that the only solution left is to use the "big gov" button because even if they make things worse, we're going to make sure it's a giant "fuck you" to the companies just as much who made things so bad that people felt the need to kick them in the balls

go back to r/cth

None of those games are aimed at children and are German parents so retarded that they can't keep their debit cards from their kids?

Because Americans in the last hundred or so years have been incentivized to reject and go against anything that would better their class positions because of a vague threat of "communism".
Just look at how Americans literally can't get some positions if they support boycotting Israel, which is the tamest kind of protest there is.

Were you unable to make this thread without posting a screenshot of, and advertising your blog?

>You're allowing the government to control your entertainment.
The companies that make entertainment control the governments already.

>mobile industry raking in more money than the actual game industry
sure pal, whatever makes you sleep at night

funny how you never post this in the libtard drive threads

OAG knows what's up and is calling gachafags children

>trusting germany to do anything right

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>Is in the play store
>Rated by Pegi to be for kids
They target kids.

Funny how you always come with this reply.
Funny how I actually do exactly this in kotaku threads and other trash too. Funny how you always ignore that. Also funny how you shill your shit like 3 times as much as those fucks do. Very funny.

US Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced a bill last week to do the same thing.

The problem is that the parents haven't grown up or caught up with rapidly advancing technology of mobile games and app purchases, the credit card is attached to their store profile and the games are deliberately created with incentives to click buttons that let you skip death and continue playing.


Fuck yeah, the more countries that do it the better. Fuck EA, Activision, Bethesda, Ubisoft etc.

very accurate webm

It's not a matter of what is worthwhile or not worthwhile, you're being a useful idiot right now. If they can restrict one thing, they can restrict all things.

That's not an example.

>the government is controlling what kind of substances you're allowed to eat

If they can restrict microtransactions, they could already do it right now.

No way german politicians are voting for this in any future
they have a lot of different things in the works, like banning hate and killing all nazis.

>Comparing food to entertainment.
I know you retards have sub 50 IQ, but don't do that.

Last time i checked, it was the eternal anglo who stopped the good guys though

it unironically should.
gambling is for chinks and niggers.

It is and that's a bad thing. Drugs should be legalized and sold by the government approved medical agencies. People wanting to use them should be properly educated in the consequences of their use and dangers involved. It'd lessen the amount of fatalities involved as people will consume quality drugs instead of buying synthetic shit in addition to ending organized crime related to drug trade, generating income for the government to boot. Anyone that thinks this will lead to some sort of a crazed drug "floodgates opened" anarchy scenario is delusional because those that want drugs can already get them with incredible ease. It's a debate similar to legalization of euthanasia for critically ill people, the retards immediately kneejerk and think will people start killing themselves en masse for no good reason, when those that want to die already have plenty of means to do it.

>Aimed at kids
where the fuck are these kids getting the money?

This should be the parents responsibility not the governments. There is no reason for micro transactions to be controlled. They are either worth the money or they are not. Its the buyers choice.

good thing, killing the mobile games market will result in better vidya in general

what's wrong with killing nazis?

they are both products, so both must be regulated to stop companies from exploiting you

>we NEED to restrict your personal freedom because some other people abuse it!
Well said, comrade

>like banning hate and killing all nazis.
Literally nothing wrong with this, and would be better than giving billionaires tax breaks.

You're like a far left retard.
>anyone that thinks different to me or likes things I don't like should be BANNED

You're trying really hard, and you look really dumb doing it, lad.

you do not need to buy videogames so there is nothing wrong with restricting them

>and would be better than giving billionaires tax breaks.
You know the people pushing to "kill nazis" and who label everything as 'hatespeech' are the billionaires you apparently oh-so hate.

You do not need to eat meat either, should we restrict it for muh global warming scam shite?

explain how i'm wrong

t. tyrone hao

You don't need a computer either, time to give it up.

there's more to gambling than taste. It's like obesity, it's a mental illness.

Free markets don't fix long-term problems, i.e. effects that only arise long after the transaction has taken place. Free capitalism also doesn't take into account the environment, long-term gains (usually), subjectivity, doesn't automatically form perfect competition, and so on.
There's no brakes on the free market train, except for laws and governments. Free capitalism knows no humility.

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you do, in fact, need to eat food


>Uses King's Raid as the example

Literally the least aggressive and least offensive mobile game there is that they could have chosen.

Give me the exact names of people who are actually advocating to "kill nazis and label everything as hate speech" in the german parliament or fuck off.

Good in the sense that business cancer exploitation and shitty vidya is reduced, bad in the sense that government cancer regulation on vidya is introduced when government is frequently tech illiterate.

But overall a good thing so long as it stays at its current level of scope.

Don't. Fucking. Buy. It. Then.

And no, being upset about people who do buy it is not proper justification

Why not just enact a plan to kill anyone who shows any sign of addiction to anything then?

correct, technology is not a human right

Yes, but meat contains nothing you can't get from vegetables. Should we thus ban it because livestock takes up too much land and shit co2 all over the place? Huh??

The average German parent now has grown up in the internet age so that's a bullshit excuse

The german constitution states that property is always comes with some form of responsibility. This is the main principle on which social market economics work and it's very competent at handling things in the long run

>They are either worth the money or they are not.
And there's the problem, allowing that shit means that all they need to do is make games shittier in a way that makes the micro-transactions more worthwhile, see games like the latest asscreed. I'd rather ban that shit, sacrificing mobile games to stop that bullshit from affecting non-mobile games.

Good luck never getting a job, forcing you to be evicted, starving and ill for the rest of your short life.

>don't like casinos? don't go to them, it's your fault if your kid gets addicted
the real world does not work this way, which is why gambling is heavily restricted

Personally I'm not against closing most meat factories if an alternative (i.e. lab-grown meat) is available. The people working those farms can then get other jobs. Not really sure what your point is.

you do not need a computer to get a job, nice try though

>the act of paying money is entertainment
What a fucked up way to gain satisfaction you have, user.

He said meat, not food and while we're at it, let's ban knives so no one can stab each other. Why don't we ban cars too since that way no one can get into an accident since those tend to be the biggest killers out there. Why don't we ban peanut butter too since there are people with peanut allergies

The market was unable to regulate itself, therefore, big daddy government has to step in.
It would be preferable for capitalism to actually be able to regulate itself, but sadly, we human corrupt this system.

>People's lives must change because i'm a moralist cuck consuming too much soi
>So what if they must root up their ancestral homes, lol who cares
Ah, the classic urban leftist arrogance.
Maybe not in your third world shithole.

>dont fucking buy it then
these games can exist for a long time because of whales, refusing to buy a game stopped being an option a long time ago.

If your kid is gambling at a casino then you're a shitty parent, that's not the casino's fault. Stop passing the buck because you're a lazy piece of shit

This exact thing happened to my parents when they let my 4 year-old brother spend like 100€ on the appstore(which I had to contact the bank to get back).
Like game developers are fully aware on how to leech money from unaware parents and children who are too young to be aware about this shit, it's why they hire psychiatrists to design the games.
Mobile game developers are fucking parasites who deserve to be shot.

Yes please. Destroy gacha forever.

He said meat, not food, faggot.
Are you on your phone right now? Maybe you should be forced to give that up as well. Did you know studies show people are more addicted to their phones than ever?
Can't have that, now can we?

Are you fucking joking? You even have to apply for a job at McDonald's online these days. Computer literacy is a necessary skill in today's world

kek people itt defend gacha shit lamo

Don't get me wrong, phone games are cancer, but we shouldn't jump at the law having to jump in to tell people what they can and can't do because it isn't going to stop at this.
Ideally, people would realise that this is a shitty practice and not support it. But now because of their stupidity, big brother has to get involved. And when big brother gets involved, nobody wins.

This on its own isn't bad, but who's to say it's going to stop here. You can spin anything as predatory and evil. I don't want developer studios to feel limited by what they can and can't do.

unfortunately your insane ancap fantasies don't apply to real life, underage gambling will stay illegal and these laws will spread to videogames
it's incredibly obvious you invented your political views to continue defending videogame corporations

sure, but you could change your business model and only lose out on millions instead of billions

Don't worry, dev studios will get let off the hook pretty fast cuz they'll have to deal with those predatory and evil political discussions

>things must stay the same because muh small farmer
Guess what, most animal-keepers I've spoken to despise their jobs.
No matter though, I'm pretty sure lab-grown meat is going to overtake real meat before 2050 anyway because of cheaper costs and good PR.
And the best part is you will probably say "oh sorry farmers, the invisible hand(TM) rules everything in your lives. Guess you'll have to move out and find other jobs :^)"

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Won't they just make the apps 18+ and call it a day?

>Give me the exact names of people who are actually advocating to "kill nazis and label everything as hate speech" in the german parliament or fuck off.
The whole green party for instance

>So what if they must root up their ancestral homes, lol who cares
You mean the same way that all the native forests, lakes and animals have been wiped to make shitty fields for cows and pigs?
This reads like something a stupid 15 year-old says after consuming too many /pol/ memes


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I expect no less from a frogposter

none of these will ever hit, phones are not a human right

Western games are pure shit to begin with.
In game transactions are good thing for the support of games. Western games were shit to begin with is it any surprise that the way they handle micro transactions is shit as well.

I just dont want a game that I like to get caught up in all this bull shit.

Based, honestly fuck gacha

Not him but I unironically would give up my phone if it wasn't absolutely necessary in this day and age

The issue after that comes the distribution, because hardly anyone distributes A/o (or equivalent) rated games

The future is now. Subverse is absolute proof of how AO doesn't change anything.

If the market says it works, then yes, it works, It has every right to stay the course.

Is that why you have creeping debt and brown hoards sucking down welfare?

Then I suggest you get over yourself being upset at how people spend their own money

No we will keep outlawing it while you keep seething :)

Then come to terms with the fact that you are no longer a target audience and get over it.

Sounds like your parents are just irresponsible and stupid plus that's just an anecdote

Is KR still with the gear stat RNG shitfest and shitty reforge system?

>gambling stops being bad when you're an adult
Anyone who gambles shouldn't be considered an adult anyways


Nah I think we'll completely fuck over your exploitative business and force you to go broke. You can cry about it tho

My political views are against giving the state more power under any circumstance and you're just making bullshit excuses up because you're upset about how people spend their own money

You've switched to drugs and switched to another point. That user's food analogy was about how governments regulate what products are healthy to eat and how if they didn't you'd have assholes trying to sell rice made out of plastic or whatever. The same with microtrans, governments want to regulate them because no regulations means predatory markets run by assholes which is is what these mobile games are. Terrible products that prey on sick people and retards and children which are all, by default, retards until they grow a brain.

What have you outlawed? Nothing while you bitch and moan at people spending their money the way they want. Statist faggots need a bullet

I've always despised ripping off, false advertisment, snake oil and all kinds of preying on stupidity or naivety and if I ever gained power in a country I'd probably deport all the fuckers doing it (literally hitler). On the other hand, if people are stupid enough for it, maybe they should, I just don't know.

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Leave Erze alone!!

You don't get to dictate what people are allowed to do

Imagine being a fucking poorfag. Holy shit this is unbearable. Welfare was a mistake, and so is the west.

Lootboxes outlawed in belgium and the netherlands in 2018. Even MORE laws will fuck over your shitty video game monetixation this year. Schedule your meltdowns :)

literally read the OP of this thread, retard

But nothing has happened yet?
The only one seething here is you.
user, the video game market is absurdly huge. You understand there still exist games without any p2w or exploitative microtransactions, right?
You need to stop being upset at how markets and audiences change. When something makes money, you keep making that money.

>If the market says it works, then yes, it works, It has every right to stay the course.
This mentality is why we're getting shitty games that are more concerned with making money by ruining the gameplay.

So you're saying gambling IS for children then.
Why don't you just shut the fuck up before you make more of a fool of yourself.

Most of the FDAs bans are entirely politically motivated

Couldn't they tweak ratings then? Like have an 18+ rating but have it separate from the AO rating that allows sex and nudity.

>But nothing has happened yet?
Head sand bury. Pure cope. You lost and will keep losing.

we're not surprised user

Oh noes, not Belgium

Market will correct itself, that's how it always works.
Or did you not notice the absolute multiple number of blunders and bad press big companies have gotten in 2018/19?

It does, though. It changes quite a bit. It only demonstrated there is demand for high quality lewd games, but it does NOT prove in ANY way, shape, or form whatsoever that AO doesn't change anything. It was more impactful in the past where brick and mortar retailers were solely relied on for any meaningful sales. AO was and still is different in that your avenues of sale are severely limited. There is a difference today, however, where we are much less inhibited by the will and whim of the retail store. There is also the factor of getting a publisher to pay for it. Which is still a limiting factor for dev studios too.
You're not going to see Subverse at Wal-Mart, or the Humble store, or Epic, or Origin, or U-play. The only place it doesn't change right now is Steam.

If anything, Subverse actually serves to prove that AO sure as fuck does change a whole fucking lot. Other than re-affirming the limitations of publisher and retailer, it only serves to prove people are horny. Which we all already knew.

they haven't done fucking anything in decades. their only claim to fame is asking for weed to be legal every few years and that doesn't lead anywhere each time.

Germany is next. America is next. Governments are targeting videogame monetization. How will you cope with constantly losing?

>says 'lol nothings happening ur just seething'
>gets point out that the 'seething' actually has impact
>h-hahah that doesn't count! don't mind me while I move this goalpost!

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That's factually incorrect, Rockstar has been receiving negative attention leading up to RDR2 for their use of mtx in GTA V, and the worker rights controversies and they still made billions of dollars.
This market fetishizing is some ancap bullshit that's peddled by rich fucks like the koch brothers, it has no fucking basis in reality.

>America is next

You're funny, its already been proposed and died on the floor because it was a retarded piece of legislation

user talked as if it was a spreading phenomenon the ln brought up two small countries that no one gives a fuck about. The German legislation is the largest piece right now and it hasn't even passed yet

All commies deserve a bullet

Might be pivotal enough to cause a global shift in policy.

>, its already been proposed and died on the floor because it was a retarded piece of legislation
Literally no proof that it "died". You are hallucinating because you can't handle coping and losing 24/7

Kochcuck detected

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Good, fuck gatchashit and the niggers who defend it

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>h-hahah n-no one gives a fuck about those two countries, they don't have any influence! (even though they are two of the richest countries in Europe)
>user talked as if it was a spreading phenomenon the ln brought up two small countries that no one gives a fuck about
>Even MORE laws will fuck over your shitty video game monetixation this year
Wow, based illiterate

In no way good. It sounds good, but is a slippery slope of having more fucking goverment intervention. People need help with their gambling addiction.

>stop being upset at how people spend their money
i would if it didnt affect the next game i want to play, thus making new games shit over and over again because creativity and fun was replaced by credit card games.
>you are no longer the target audience
thats the problem, i play games, i dont pay games

Even if you prevent your kid from going to the casino you cannot prevent the social harm casinos have on the local area like increases in theft and homelessness.

>the stupid deserved it!
Your making a nice case indeed

Senate has already met and voted on bills tardo so if the legislators passed it would have been announced. Stay mad statist cuck

> that no one gives a fuck about.
Except EA who refused to remove lootboxes from their belgian games, fully intending to fight the law and only backing down under threat of criminal investigation, which ended up spurring other EU countries to look into banning lootboxes because of their greedy behavior

>millenials are now the average parent
they really aren't lad

>you cannot prevent the social harm casinos have on the local area like increases in theft and homelessness
I hope you're not making a pro nanny state argument.


Sorry that I don't like totalitarian rule

The tax revenue they generate is in the billions, its the fault of retards who don't know how to stop and seek help why they're in the situation they're in

>A government I hate are fucking with companies I hate

Gas gacha niggers

most people are stupid and need to be protected for society to work. this thread and the people desperately defending microtransactions especially ones aimed at children is the best proof of that.

I'm sure they're reeling over the loss of Belgium, truly a big marketplace

>Sorry that I don't like totalitarian rule
Oh the humanity, we will get rid of parasitic suits who add nothing of value to society.

Children aren't your shield, fucko.
Any kind of predatory actions that fall upon children should be blamed on parents.

>ban on monetizing kids' gambling addiction
>bad thing

I'm not giving up my rights because you yourself are a fucking idiot. Fucking eat a sack of AIDS infected dicks if you think I will ever be on board with give the state more power because your fucking feelings are hurt

and blaming parents doesn't lead to anything except for making the issue even larger because the next generation will be even more fucked up. children need to be protected often enough even from their own parents.

>where the fuck are these kids getting the money?

A)Parents leave their credit card info on the device
B)Gifts, god knows how many little shits asked for Fortnite money last Christmas.


God the screeching of these gambling-addicted weebs is delicious.

No reason? Guess making games solely to milk money out of you is a-ok in your book? Why are you even here?

yeah no shit try to buy heroin so unfair

go to your grave mad that little kids can't gamble and libertaruian governments will never exist

thanks for proving my point

How about parents do their fucking job and parent? And this shit isn't even accessible to children unless they have their parent's debit/credit card.

Why did they break the law if they don't care?
Why did 2K beg belgian fans to write to lawmakers and tell them to unban lootboxes?

Only this place would defend microtransactions

Retards do buy it and that fucks up vidya for the rest of us. Ubisoft outright said during an investor meeting that they only plan to make grindy live service games from now and so the only game they've made all gen worth a damn is Rayman Legends.

>God the screeching of these gambling-addicted weebs is delicious.
You'd make a terrific brownshirt. Keep it up, proud of you user.

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>ancestral home
>meanwhile 90% of people raised on farms go to cities because they don't want to be shitty ass farmers

EA fucked themselves and no amount of tantrum throwing will change that.

How is this giving the state more power? Do you think that inhibiting the profits of parasitic corporations is a violation on your individual liberties? Americans are always so fucking dramatic when they have to defend multi-billionaires and corporations.

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So its just another regular day for Germany.


>because the kid has trash parents he deserve to get hooked on gacha mobile gambling

Well why not take back child labor laws, anti-cartel laws, anti-fraud laws, environmental protection, public funding for scientific research, education laws, food safety laws, anti-discriminatory laws, among many other things that iNfrIngE oN tHE FrEeDOm Of CorPoRaTioNs

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Make public computers available for schumcks to get jobs, problem solved. Now ban p2w

>How about parents do their fucking job and parent?
Or how about parents not having to deal with shitty companies trying to scam their kids in the first place? Why are retards always convinced that everything is the consumers fault?

The government is changing them and you can't do anything to stop it :)

>all voted on things from january
You tried. At least I'll be here when you seethe in September

>parents can control their kids ez np
I love it when people who have nothing to do with a thing wish to chime in. You DO realize kids and young adults are shaped by society just as mucha s by their parents, right? Course not, you don't know how this shit works

Fortnite on suicide watch

I would in a heartbeat and it would make the internet just that little bit less aids

My point is that its already illegal for children to gamble fuck but but you're using them on your moral crusade anyway to give the government more power

>market will correct itself
If your arguing about this shit wouldn't it have helped to actually do some research first?

Nobody's giving the state more power, they are exercising the power they already have, if you can't restrict companies from preying on kids and inevitably bankrupting whales you have no power.

The one good thing about the EU

If the parent spends their money, that's their right fuck nut. Your argument uses the possibility that child has access to their financials and that's not the fault of the company, that's the fault of the parent

are you daft?
the whole fucking point of loot-boxes is that they are factually gambling, except the laws haven't caught up yet and thus haven't restricted them.
If you don't mind restricting gambling for minors, you shouldn't mind restricting lootboxes either.

Nice moving the goal posts fag when your fantasy crashed and burned. The legislation

Parents didn't have to deal with this shit 20 years ago, why are they obliged to now?
I'm all for relieving parents from even more shit they have to deal with ESPECIALLY if it means banning gacha bullshit that's also crippling my vidya.

None of those things function as intended. Way to prove my point

It's not gambling since you actually get something out of it. Gambling implies the possibility of a Zero Sum

if kid gambling wasn't already illegal you'd be against it

Because you're retarded and presume this is going to stop kids from taking their patents financials to buy shit. This is you wanting more state power because you're ass pained about things people spend their money on

Good, and fuck all the kikes itt shilling against this

Why the fuck are these fags using king's raid?
It's basically dead in the EU.
It isn't even the stereotypical gacha, none characters are obtained via gacha, in fact everything can be obtained outside of gacha.

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congrats brain genius, casinos constantly try to get around gambling laws and all they had to do all this time was give you $0.01 every time you lose

No, the point is that you're bringing up a fallacy to defend your position.

now why would your 4 year old brother be on the phone?
any parent who let their kid touch one deserve all the hell the go through

You literally haven't provided any proof for your claim. None of the votes there had anything to do with the anti-monetization bill. Stop hallucinating and stop losing, because it's coming :)

Please, enlighten me why they don't work
Last I heard, kids under 15 weren't allowed to work, cartels are seen as economic fraud which is illegal, the environment, at least in the short term is fine (remember the hole in the ozone layer? free market sure as shit didn't fix that), I personally can go to university even though I come from a less-than-wealthy household, that same household could afford my lower education, I don't get cancer from eating meat, and I will get paid as much as any other new-hire on a job
Seems like all these things are working as intended

That where you are wrong. Did you think literally no one thought before of handing out free items at gambling bets to dodge being subjected to gambling laws? Its not as easy as you think it is. Microtransactions have come so fast the legislation had zero time to react. Just now they have started considering laws because it affects society as a whole with the popularity of mobile games etc.

>the game industry has finally jewed itself so hard goverments had to get involved
to think this all started with some simple horse armor

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>Your argument uses the possibility that child has access to their financials and that's not the fault of the company, that's the fault of the parent
It's not the fault of the corporations, but do we really fucking want games to be designed using interactive design which that are aimed at children pressing buttons and buying shit without being aware of it? I literally have no idea why people are defending mobile games when they're such a cancer to the video game industry.

Oh boy you're extra retarded. To gamble with actual money under ANY circumstances requires a license. Lootboxes are an exchange, not gambling, a product is involved, not a game of chance

>This is you wanting more state power
The state already has the power to do this. They just aren't bringing down the hammer because the arthritic boomers in charge can't recognize a scam if it happens on computer screens.

I don't think the game in that picture is aimed at kids.

>aimed at kids
>they spend tens of thousands of taxpayer money arguing over this for years
>they implement it

>mobile games add "Are you above 18? Y/N"

what fallacy

>ask for proof

>get proof

>well its not real proof


when has this ever not been the case? you dont see CP on pornchannels or kidschannels broadcasting fucking horror movies

Kids means under 18
Teens undergoing puberty are the most vulnerable audience for what the picture in the OP entails

it's not.
you think it is, but you're just fucking addicted

I just now realised that you might be American, in which case I apologize profusely because all of these things apply to you, solely because retards like you apparently don't want all this stuff :^) sorry not sorry

Quote the section on the page that proves that the bill was not passed, or even that the bill is mentioned on the page at all. Stop being schizophrenic please

Children under 15 can and do work actually, some for off the table, some in family businesses and some quite illegally. Cartels still exist and still operate, environmental laws are a meme while other countries like China and India continue to pollute freely. Bad Food passes through the FDA all the time and it bans things purely on a political basis even if it's harmless and the education act has prompted a spiral student loan debt and increasing education costs and the anti discrimination act has led to under qualified people being hired simply to satisfy quotas

Gambling in germany is actually illegal. Doesnt keep the state from allowing casinos to jump through loop holes.

Stop discussing shit about country on the basis of your own.

If you're stupid enough to spend your life savings on gacha shit, you deserve to be poor and starving. No need to have the government stoop over to bail you out with the money of more responsible people.

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It's not aimed at children at all because children do not typically have access to a bank account and money. I defend because I hate under any circumstance people trying to dictate what others can do with their own money

Yeah, but this will probably result in the closing of several global versions.

Leave it to Yea Forums to find fault with taking down scum that makes EA look like saints.

Erze is famous now!

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You bring up the CIRCUMSTANCIAL POSSIBILITY of child gambling. We call this slippery slope

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>It's not aimed at children at all
Children download games on their parents Ipads, this shit is DESIGNED specifically with children in mind.
And we already dictate what people should do with their money, I even welcome this kind of shit going away forever

And? I dont care what happens in ching chong asia as long as they are forced to fuck off from the west or apply themselves.

>Government using your money to bail out entire industries because it didn't do it's own job well enough - good
>Government using your money to assist those that are responsible for positive cash flow in the economic system - bad
>Government using power to target groups and companies that manipulate pillars of your economy for their own wealth - bad

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Sorry I don't suck government cock faggot

>Children under 15 can and do work actually, some for off the table
because working small jobs like mowing lawns, walking dogs, babysitting, or (at worst) stocking small grocery stores for at most an hour a day is absolutely the same as those same kids having to work 9-5 in bottling factories
>Cartels still exist and still operate
While this is true, at least they don't do it blatantly anymore, and don't inflate the prices tenfold, aside from some examples that thankfully don't occur in my country, >environmental laws are a meme while other countries like China and India continue to pollute freely
Well I guess such beautiful national parks would have definitely still been around had good 'ole Teddy allowed himself to get fucked in the ass by Big Corp, huh. Also note that I said SHORT-TERM. Global Warming fighting still is a WIP due to retards like you voting for other retards that don't want to deal with it, >Bad Food passes through the FDA all the time and it bans things purely on a political basis even if it's harmless,
and the education act has prompted a spiral student loan debt and increasing education costs
Well, that could easily be fixed if you would take away about a hundredth of a percentile from your military budget to negate all the student loans. In my country, I didn't even have student loans until 10 years ago when retards like you voted for retards that wanted to integrate a loaning system.
>and the anti discrimination act has led to under qualified people being hired simply to satisfy quotas
[citation needed], also


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Slippery slope fallacy. Children play mortal Kombat but it wasn't designed with them in mind. The hypocrisy is hilarious, fags here throw a tantrum over any censorship passed for the sake of children then turn around and use the same excuse when it suits them

Allied control commission

>I hate under any circumstances people trying to dictat what others can do with their money

That's literally all of reality my dude, that's what obligations are, people deciding you owe them money and by taking it telling you you can no longer do anything with it.

Hell if you have your money in a bank they are using your money to do what they want, which you have no say in.

Lol guvmint shouldn't regulate food either.

>if you would take away about a hundredth of a percentile from your military budget
not him and i agree with you in general but that's not a catch all, user. military also has an important use and there are also loads of people working there who would be very negatively affected by that.

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based, now post Epis

>that's right goy, you're stuck with people telling how to spend your money so don't bother fighting it

>german goverment is gonna see all the hot anime girls

Lmao, it's over.

They do and they do a terrible job of it, not exactly making a great point here

I get you, I didn't mean to degrade the need for a country's military in general, but was just exploiting the fact that he's a US-native, which has a grossly inflated military budget and manpower consisting of students who literally are just doing their tours to get a scholarship

Epis is old and busted, erze is the new hotness

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based but leave based erze out of this pls

>Slippery slope fallacy because statistics show that children are more likely to download games advertised certain ways and are susceptible to many of the content monetization methods.
>Completely ignoring how many of these games either use pop culture shit kids specifically consume, and are inherently more marketable to younger generations that have had more exposure and access to the technology.

Also how he fuck can you sit there on your fat ass and say that Mortal Kombat obviously wasn't designed for kids and spout that there is no way in hell corporate entities that know small children have access to smart phones intentionally trying to profit off of it? You are fucking retarded.

>comparing cancerous money schemes that specifically mimic casinos for maximum kikery to censorship

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my bf was in the US military and he and his colleagues get very upset at hearing this kind of stuff. the first thing they save with is with their lower staff making their lifes hell. that's not a good argument, it shows a lack of empathy.

So if corps are evil, and the gov is evil and isn't doing the best things for the people, who do we trust? Can we believe anybody? Is it every man for themselves? Do we just pirate media?

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I don't give a flying fuck how you spend your neetbux, when MY games become trash because retards are buying into gacha shit then I sure as hell want them to fuck off

Trust no one, not even yourself.

Banks are obligated by law to be able to give you your funds at a moments notice. That is not the same thing

Bawww muh qt aryan Reich won’t let companies screw me over anymore and perpetuate cancer. God damn communists, I wish everything was expensive and shitty.

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don’t forget that our own base nature is evil

Literally name one good game that has been fucked over by microtransactions or gacha.

>Desperately trying to gain the illusion of control in a system where you have none and being angry that nothing will ever give you the reigns of your own life.

It's always funny that you types always allude to Jews when it's your landlord collecting the rent, Uncle Sam taxing your wallet, and the grocery store clerk deciding whether you can eat or not. When money is required for everything, money is the means to freedom, and the fact you must be given said freedom from another instead of having it inherently is what makes you the slave.

>I'll gut you open like a fish.

What did she mean by this?

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And at the end of the day, the parents aren't doing what they're supposed to do.

>everything should be free

It's hypocrisy all the same, the same weapon used for for two feeble arguments

>He thinks free shit being thrown at you from the start is anything but a ploy to ensnare you into buying stuff
Like all gachas, they throw tons of resources, energy and gems at you so you can play a lot and get into the habit of opening boxes and unlocking characters - then they start weening you away from the freebies and locking everything behind time walls, pay walls, exclusivity walls etc.

This is the exact same method hardcore drug pushers use to get idiots hooked. They give a first time buyer tons more than what their cash would normally get them, they'd do this maybe two or three times before beginning to cut that shit down into tiny amounts, with the idiot buyer willing to spend absurd amounts of money for a tenth of what his cash used to get him.

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how convenient for corporations to just shrug and say "lol parent's responsibility" when they target economically vulnerable people (like kids)
why do corporations not have any liability in your opinion? I seriously wanna know

Just from the image alone, I'm getting some best girl vibes from this character

Seria is a useless bitch.

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>game developers are literally the same as cartels selling drugs
Fuckin' based

>people are defending the microtransactions despite the fact it's design philosophy is ruining modern game development by turning it into con-jobs and incomplete/ fractured game experiences

What's the justification for such a stance?

Time walls don't bother me in the slightest if it's a free game

teen > adult > loli

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>Just don't buy them!
You were never the target demographic. Microtransaction and lootbox systems are specifically designed to target that small subset of people with no self control. The people who are easily addicted to flashing lights and spinning numbers, people like children and those prone to gambling addictions. Many of these mobile games are propped up by 10% of the playerbase pissing away their NEET money/wages into a digital space with no tangible value, and many people have ruined their lives because of this.

Is it their fault? Sure. But part of that blame still falls on a system that actively encourages taking advantage of them.

what's the difference to the economy if the neurological effects are the same?

Every game with microshit I've ever bought I've played without spending a single dime on said microshit. The people bitching the most are fucking faggots upset about people with more money than them spending said money on said transactions

>doubling down
Ok, now this is fucking B&R

Ban peanut butter because there are people allergic to peanuts. Ban knives because someone could get stabbed. This is what you sound like

But trannies won’t

If anything they listed the gacha that is moving in the most consumer friendly direction. Besides that tp incident

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No it isn't, lootboxes are inherently shit and reward companies for pushing cancerous exploitative mechanics. The existence of lootboxes makes a game worse no matter what it is. You are braindead if you think regulating shitty economic practices is equivalent to censorship.

Desperate gachatards doing damage control.

Go drink some water from your tap, you won't get sick because of gibment regulations.
See the guys in charge of you aren't interested in you dying and if you become a dumb consumerist slave then they become in charge of dumb slaves, not very glorious for them and they, the ALIEN JEWS, know that.

They can just make it so only 18+ can download gacha games. It's not like most of their income comes from underage kids with no jobs in the first place.

>[current year]
>Yea Forumsermins supporting microtransactions because germany is against it
Every single Yea Forumsermin needs to be thrown off of rooftops.

It's not really about saving kids, user. It's about fucking over practices Yea Forums doesn't like in games Yea Forums doesn't play.

An unhealthy mix of shitposting and corporate deepthroating zombies. Remember that Yea Forums is also the only part of 4channel that gets their panties in a bunch over pirating.

Not even close. How do you benefit personally from microtransactions if nobody besides stupid people are buying them? Mobile games are glorified skinner boxes specifically designed to gouge money from those with no self control. There's no gameplay there for people with actual taste to enjoy, just a lootbox experience where sometimes you get a shiny after opening hundreds of chests.

>global warming is a scam
Preach it Karen! Also the moon landing was fake and vaccines cause autism. Hey, you still selling those essential oils?

can we just ban all f2p games?


>muh gobermint regulation
>muh, poor, poor, devs

Because of sunk cost fallacy. The companies already got them by the balls and the people that defend these practices know it, but they don't want to loose anything of any of the gacha games they're playing.

there's literally no downsides. this only hurts shitty companies

Jane or go home

why the fuck is this bad? Fuck mobage shit.


Admit it faggots, you've spent hundreds, maybe even thousands just wanting to unlock that Legendary anime character, and you're worried the money you've dumped into a game that will stop seeing support in five years will die.

No kid is "hooked" to gacha by using their parent credit cards without their consent. That only works until the next statement comes up and until parents chargeback all transactions... Before microtransaction back in my days (boomer here), kids were calling premium phone numbers to play some dumb games, that only worked for like couple weeks before your parents noticed it on the bill and slapped the shit out of you. It's literally the same for gacha.

Almost ALL the money coming from the most successful gacha games is coming from whales between 25 and 40 having a large amount of disposable income. Not from a 12 years old that got a 20 euros iTunes gift card from grandma for Xmas or kids who stole dad's credit card. Hell, chance are that any large purchase gets blocked by Google or Apple unless parents are also big spenders themselves.

Mostly because of the gacha syndrome of "I don't spend anything and the game is generous with me! I'm having fun for free!" For every 9 people like that, you have 1 whale. The 9 others will shill "their" game to death and claim that nothing is P2W and that you can play just fine without spending :^) luring more potential whale in.

I'm not compelled to buy lootboxes and there are those who choose to do so, good for them, its their money, not mine what cost?

>aimed at kids
What did they mean by this?

If that person has no self control, they need to seek help. That's akin to a person allergic to peanuts eating peanut butter then blaming jiffy for his hospitalization

Man made global warming IS a scam. Retarders have been saying we have only twenty years left for decades now and China and India are going to tell everyone else to fuck off anyway

No such thing as bad publicity

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It's not though, because peanut butter isn't designed by expert psychologists to entrap you and make you eat it despite you being allergic to it.

Every single F2P game has (or follows the methods of) psychologists working alongside the dev team on how best to squeeze the money out of its playerbase. You can thank Valve for this when they hired these people to market hats in TF2.

I don't know about your area but most banks when they notice suspicious transactions, freeze the card and notify the account holder. My bank has frozen my card when I go on spending sprees sometimes. This shit about kids getting away with spending hundreds on lootboxes is weird because a bank would just freeze the card and notify the parents

God I want to fuck this vampire in front of her edgy sister.

It's obviously just the excuse to remove all anime girls gacha trash.

I play a number of gacha games and am not compelled to shell out money if I don't get the unit I want. I play free all day

You may not need to eat meat to stay alive, but you'll be healthier if you do.

Depends on the bank. Some are good at catching that stuff, others are horrendously shit and take weeks just to update your address.

It's the same for me, also even before it reaches your bank, Apple/Google will not allow suspicious transactions if you go on whaling like 1,000 euros if you never had spent that much before. And even after that, as you said, your bank may still reject the transaction. Anyway in Germany kids don't have access to bank cards that can be used for mobage payment... At best you have those shitty local cards used to withdraw money at ATMs.

Obviously they also need help. Doesn't mean you shouldn't regulate because of that. Gambling is regulated and you still have addicted people, but regulation at least protect minors and set strict rules on what can be done with it comes to advertising etc.


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You are not the 10% they're aiming for, it doesn't change anything. They factor in that most people won't spend money, so they aggressively target those that will.

Good intentions with a bad precedent. Germany already censors everything so it's not like this is reaching new ground but if it were in America it would allow for more intervention from the govt.

>their own money
You mean their parents' money.

You are the 90% enabling the 10% whale to exist, so it's the same problem in the end. Your time is your value for company publishing those games, that's it. Just because you don't directly spend money doesn't mean that you're not part of the system. If nobody was playing free, whales wouldn't be whaling.

>everyone who isn't an ancap like me is a communist


>wahhhh le anime boob
>where oh were will I see half naked cartoon characters now
>I need more jap shit shoved down my sorry cuck throat

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Go Dilate

Is this giga chad preshop?

>huh? women show leg on gaem I wasn't going to play?
>SONY *clap* CENSOR *clap* THIS *clap* GAME

Most of the money these company's get are from adults, not children stealing their dads debit card. So yes, you want to dictate how people spend their own money

Nah I'm not a tranny unlike 90% of weebs. Le BOIPUSSY am I right dude? Post stupid tranny cartoon reaction images like I know you want to

So when are you shopping your dick off tranny.

Yeah because kids don't play games and use their parents credit cards. Just because your entire sexual libido and development has been absolutely rekt by pornography doesn't mean the next generation should have to be pathetic incels like you.

Delusional ancaps thinking that if you don't spend money of something there won't be any people unloading their bank accounts onto it, leading in turn to more of that thing being made and less or none of the thing you want being made, or if made, at a much lower quality than it could. Also they think that even the slightest regulatory measure of the market is hurr durr communism, and don't understand what the role of a government is in the first place.

>shopping your dick off
Is this what happens when you spend too much money on barely naked cartoons? Does your dick literally fall off?

How do we save germany?

>Make a way for kids to verify their age that they will probably lie about

Voluntary transactions are not cause for regulation statist faggot

So, a country that is half Arab and Turkish?

They need to be when they're so exploitative that the general stupid population (you) can't help themselves
It's how smart people keep retards from completely ruining their lives. Be grateful you fucking subhuman

When you consider that this user said this from the position of outside of the government that's so fucking sad lmao. Imagine demanding that your government take away your self determination because they're "smart" and know what they're doing.

>game has to put effort into making money instead of releasing a big titty powercreep JPEG every so often

Wrong, shitty companies expect a % of revenue from their ivnestment, if they can't get it through gacha garbage they'll have to figure another cancer way to steal money from retards and make the f2p experience as horrible as possible so the game is unplayable unless you spend.

Imagine being some random edgelord on the Internet who thinks he knows better than everyone
It's okay loser you can still jack off to cartoons on thousands of porn sites take your fucking pick.
>no! I want to spend money! REEEE
you cannot be helped
Unironically kill yourself

Why don't they make soft drinks and sugary treats illegal then? or at least restricted until you're 18+. They're just as addictive and damaging as fucking booze and gambling and the amounf of sugar in them is basically poison.

>Imagine being some random edgelord on the Internet who thinks he knows better than everyone
>It's how smart people keep retards from completely ruining their lives. Be grateful you fucking subhuman

How does it remember to breathe lads?

Whether or not they like it is also beside the point. Shit evolves. How many jobs have mostly disappeared due to obsolescence over the centuries?

Bongistan is way ahead of you buddy boy.

Ancaps are so thoroughly deluded, holy shit.

Gachashit is garbage and anyone who defends it is a cuck

If you're 18+ what's the problem? Go to your anime tiddy casino all you want, the law has nothing against it.
If you're not 18+ then get the fuck out of this website.

good goy, just let shitty practices fester and spread because you don't personally buy into them.

Good. If dev's cant get away with making half assed cash grabs that shit up the app/play store, maybe we'll actually see some decent mobile games

How DARE they try to stop organizations from exploiting addiction for profit? FIENDS

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>Poster count didn't increase

Haha look how fucking buttblasted this nerd is lmao

Entertainment industry gets zero sympathy from me no matter what legislation they're hit with. I would say "It's about time", but OP pic is a drop in the bucket.

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Are you implying I'm the one who makes the fucking decision? I just agree with it because Im not a brainlet.


the irony

Yep! Same with vaccinations and antibiotics.



There are gatcha games that are easy accessible by europeans through direct download of APK and with server based in NA or Asia
Technically these games legally speaking don't have an EU market to begin with but the in game shop, through google play store, accept euros payments
So unless Germany bans Google gatcha games devs can't give less than a single fuck, everything they have to do is just not "officially support" EU to begin with ;^)

They use the term microtransaction in the legislation very loosely. This could mean "no more post-content purchases" which could seem like a good thing, but it means no subscriptions, no expansion packs, nothing that costs money after a game is out. They probably won't enforce it in that way but the groundwork is there for them to flip the switch whenever they want.

>Germany rules europe.
Not anymore.
Now that the UK is out and france doesn't care anymore, the EU is a dictatorship of the mass enemployment failure states in the south forcing all members to buy their debt.

>If you disagree with it then you think you know better than everyone else
>If you agree with it whatever man you're not making the call who cares haha
>Also people who disagree with it are fucking edgelords
>They are all subhumans who should kill themselves

Reminder that this thing gets as much of a vote as you.

>sexy lady
>aimed at kids
I am thinking over here.

>make less money off of your horde of gooks to save a tiny fraction of the market, which you will also now make less on
Do you also believe in socialism? Would you like to hear about this bridge I'm selling?

>lying on the internet

>now greedy dev can no longer chop the game and sell half of it in post launch dlcs
wtf i love the eu

No it means no game will ever bother even patching because there's 0 chance for post release monetization. This also means most games probably just won't release there like what happened to belgium. Shittons of games got canned when they passed the lootbox law.

A VPN for using Steam or playing multiplayer games in the EU will become mandatory

this only mean i won't bother buying those games

why does gacha make Yea Forumsermin seethe so much?

what are you talking about

Go try getting a job and see how many of them tell you to apply online.

Because most of Yea Forums are either poor or underaged

This will hurt EA and Activision considerably. Are you sure you want that?

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in the current market every sector is looking for people who want to work. My boss just said that he would hire the next 10 people on the spot if they would just come in. So, for right now, the internet capability is unneeded, 2 years ago, yes, they would point you to the website.

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Yeah, now you'll just get broken, unfinished games like we did before. Hooray!

Knowing krauts suck at anything outside overengineering, they'll probably find some way to fuck it up.

see here

Why does government still think games are aimed at kids primarily and the whales are little kids stealing their parents cc? It’s grown adults with problems and if it wasn’t this it’d be spent gambling

gubmint bad
free market good
nevermind that I don't benefit from an unregulated market

>nevermind that I don't benefit from an unregulated market
Morality of a statist everyone
>But what about ME???

user, if your political attitudes do not benefit you you are a literal cuck.

Morality of a statist everyone
>Honour? Miss me with that gay shit
>Morals? You must be avin a giggle m8
>Self interest? Oh bby

This is the person who thinks that having humans ruling over your agency is in your best interests.
A person who also believes that people will only act in their best interests, politically.
And he doesn't even realise how dumb he is.

You have a real ignorance of gaming history if you think any game was ever released finished and bug free

My political attitudes demand less government power so my stance benefits me just fine :)

user, do you have enough money to exert force upon the free market?
If not, why do you believe in your delusional ancap shit? How would this political ideology, if it came about improve your life?

If you are not ancap, what are you?

My work requires us to get an app on the phone in order to see my schedule or request time off, in addition to important news related to where I work. Phones aren't optional, they are an absolute requirement.

how does less government power benefit you personally?

sure thing buddy, now it's much better with dlcs on disck. go suck greedy publishers' cocks somewhere else

You're a pathetic waste of space who can affect no meaningful change and never will. The world would be a very different place if people who wanted small government could actually work with what they got, instead of retreating into fantasyland

Lower taxes
Less regulation and licensing
Less bullshit laws

>Seria is a useless

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I believe that not feigning intelligence is a sign of intelligence in on itself.
In my opinion, I don't think this will have much bearing on the quality of the games itself, it's more a children's and compulsive gambler's issue. It's just a sect of the industry that isn't regulated as it should and has spawned predatory practices. Problem is that these predatory practices reward gambling habits, and when it comes to children, precedents are way more influential than the gambling experiences in adults.

>lower taxes
fair, but in most cases doesn't affect you

>less regulation and licensing
>less bullshit laws
these generally do not affect you as an individual

Unless you own a large business you do not benefit from having less government intervention.

So you don't know it seems. Yeah, I remember getting games like Xenogears where the entire second disc was basically scrapped due to lack of time. Or when Final Fantasy VI had bugs that essentially made status effects like blind worthless and stats like MDef didn't even work

In the past sure, that might have sounded nice. Now corporate consolidation is at such a disgusting all-time high that leaving it any more room to breathe can only be a mistake.

Why use seribitch when crow and artemia can do the same and be more useful elsewhere?

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Umm yes laws and licensing do very much affect the average citizen but you seem to be underaged and not know any better. Want a gun? License. Want to hunt or fish? License. Want to use land for a specific purpose like a fire pit? License

>Unless you own a large business you do not benefit from having less government intervention.

They should illegalize phones with internet capabilties from children under 15 years old, instead.

>open thread
>frogposter is retarded

This but unironically.

> Blame the companies who do it
> Not the retards who buy into it
I hate you all faggots.
Yes what they're doing is the worst shit, I hate micro transactions blah blah.
The real retards are the faggots buying.
Instead of banning, give the rope to those who buy.
There is a market if there is a demand and time and time again, despite all of you shitters screaming, micro transactions multiplied and increased in price.
That's further proof we are a mistake as a specie

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>The government is controlling what kind of entertainment you're allowed to have.

They always have, did you think any random retard could go on TV and say whatever? The same applies to newspapers and magazines, why is it a surprise to you braindead retard?

Can anyone explain to me why for the past 60 years governments have been increasingly interventional while wealth inequality between large business owners and individual citizens has been increasing rapidly, yet somehow morons still say government interventioni is the cure and not the disease? How do they rationalise such a silly view?

Not how it works sweetie, you have to use security belts while driving a car or be sued if you get caught regardless the fact that the only person that you are going to hurt is yourself, the state exists to preserve it's own people from their own stupidity.

just fucking play king's raid

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Tell me how I personally benefit from pseudomonopolistic corporations doing whateveer they want, if what I am saying is so ridiculous.

Guns are weapons designed to kill, I think regulating them is at least reasonable. Especially today where a gun is functionally a toy.

>hunt or fish
This is a layered issue.
The first issue is obviously the animals, should anyone be allowed to kill animals for sport?
The second issue is the concept of property, Why should you be allowed to shoot animals on someone else's property? If you own a forest or a lake, you should have no problem getting your license for that purpose. But if you want to go and shoot up some deer or whatever in publicly-owned land, I think you should at least get approval to do it, no? A license should streamline such a process.
It's only reasonable.

>Want to use land for a specific purpose like a fire pit?
A fire pit affects people outside of your own land, requiring you to seek approval for it seems quite reasonable.

The government is clearly not intervening enough, then.

Only if you post Jane

>playing a goblins apologist's game
Fuck goblins and fuck demon people.

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>The government is clearly not intervening enough, then.
Well I kind of wanted an answer from someone who isn't certified retarded but thanks anyways I guess.

FCC regulations only apply to public airwaves retard, aside from that the government can't regulate what entertainment you consume

So instead of educating, you simply remove the possibility which in turn will leave the door open for them to do the same fucking thing when another thing will come out.
And it will come out, they're all planning the after micro transaction for a while now.
So in the end, you achieve nothing.
There is no learning experience for the consumer but more ways to fuck it for the companies that will get more and more creative in their money sucking schemes.

Great fucking job user.

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No, that's because of the USA.

Superb thing, hopefully microtransactions in 60$ games are next on the chopping block

If they let fricking mouse get to public domain, what would that mean?
people being able to make their own dessigns of the character and sell it?

I swear to god if this fucks up my duel links
The game is doing great and its f2p friendly gtfo governments

that mean that they may have to change how to sell stuff.
So they could keep the f2p booster thing, but if you buy stuff they sell you the entire expansion, or packs with specific cards


Oh like "you lost? Buy this 2,99 pack" type shit?
Only the most kusoge tier gachas do that, those can fuck off specially the ones with VIP systems

Yes. The same way anyone can use Dracula's character and story to sell his own product.

The issue is very complicated and I didn't really want to bother typing out an actual reply.
Less regulation benefits those who an operate on a bigger scale, because they inherently have the advantage of scale and diversity. They can easily undercut their competition on certain products because they can afford to take a loss on some of their products.
What this means, is you can't operate small businesses, if the big ones are so inclined they can just muscle you out of the market or buy you out. This creates an inherent power disparity that needs to be balanced from the outside (i.e. by the government), if your goal is to make your citizens have a moderately decent life.

The other side of the regulation coin is that lobbyists are paid to ensure that nothing is severe enough to hurt the big corporation and businesses and only serves to fortify their position. You need regulations that are more severe than what we have, things that actually limit the power of the corporations and this just isn't happening, due to lobbying and perhaps corruption.

Capitalism is inherently fucked and the government SHOULD step in to fix the issues. Because if it doesn't you get shit like Standard Oil (where the government was eventually forced to step in).

Basically anyone can legally make money of Mickey Mouse and his likeness, whether Disney approves or not.

I don't mind this if it kills shit like lootboxes, but it feels like westcucks are trying to attack waifugacha now that FGO is swimming in money and they can't pull off that level of success with their own "games" and DLC.

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There's nothing stopping you from making a Sherlock Holmes story and pocketing all of the profits. If Mickey enters the public domain then you'd be able to do the same thing

>refusing to buy a game stopped being an option a long time ago.
this, so much
the whales can't won't stop, no matter how effects the rest of gamers, hell they probably enjoy it in some sadistic way

the problem isn't so much about how people spend their money, it's effect it's causing on others, games are heavily tailored around whales and not the casual or small time spender

basically the whales purchasing stuff in mass cause the games to be re balanced around those purchasers. this is a point where people spending their money is having negative effects on other people. Microtransactions do not exist in a void

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But at the same time, people can use snow white, but they cant use disney snow white...
so people would have to make their own mickey, that isnt disney mickey, no?

Actually in links every card box has the cards right there, the gambling comes in on the "Will i get it on the first or last pack" part

How is spending hundreds of dollars gambling on a literal jpg considered entertainment

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Well, once Disney's Snow White enters the public domain, they can use that one too.

I hope the empire gases you.

Not quite. Disney Snow White is Disney's new trademark of the original Snow White, basically an offshoot.
Meanwhile, there's literally no Mickey other than Disney Mickey.

one step closer from killing the current mobile game market

then i won games like that. whats the problem?

duel links is pseudo-gacha
because if you whale you KNOW you will get what you want, so even if it's expensive it's still barely a gacha, unlike the cancer 0,5% hero summoning games where you can spend thousands without getting what you wanted

*wont buy

China usually dominates itself not foreigners who have been trying to get a slice of the pie for years now. And trump playing hard ball with the insectoids hasnt been making it any easier.

Sexual content is the one thing the German government isn't cucked on, though. Just two years ago, if you went to the merchandise hall during the Gamescom, you'd be greeted with loli nipples and dakimakura's.

The problem is that the government regulates small business and corporate business like they're the same thing. So we have a lack of regulations that keep small businesses from being able to compete with the scale and many regations that corporations can easily comply with but small business may not be able to

glad I didn't fall for the horse armor, jesus, how much worse could have things turned out?

I addressed this, any legislation based on scale gets smashed by lobbyists.

Unironically yes?
What the fuck are you, Chinese?

Children aren't rational actors. Their brains are underdeveloped. Why do you think age of consent exists?

Because right now you are a nazi if you don't support lefty/green politicians and say that you should control refugees before letting them in without a passport or that green energy is a scam.

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>siphoning money into a virtual slot machine with no type of reimbursement is """""entertainment""""""
we wouldn't need government meddling if people weren't such fucking retards

Fucking idiot. Just take the loss

Yeah but a little bit of violence makes you fags squeamish cucks

Government regulation of gambling is very well supported in most Western countries. There is a pretty sound legal arguement that microtransaction lootboxes should be regulated as such, requiring verification that the user is 18+. Slap an Adults Only tag on EA and others, require they get reasonable proof that the cardholder is 18+, and watch them shriek and abandon the business practice wholesale.

Lootboxes are the gravest offender, literally gambling for things that are inherently more valuable than others that often have a direct monetary value (CS:GO weapons skins, for example)

Violent video games haven't been getting any censorship for a decade now. The blue blood and robot humans meme is long dead.

>Less regulation benefits those who an operate on a bigger scale, because they inherently have the advantage of scale and diversity. They can easily undercut their competition on certain products because they can afford to take a loss on some of their products.
So what you're saying is big companies can afford to pay a 15 dollar minimum wage due to the scale, while mom and pop's one stop shop cannot afford to with their margins?

And the state is benefitting the little guy?

Big think my man, great chat. The state does nothing but put up barriers to entry into the market.
>They can just muscle you out of the market or buy you out

Yeah if you're talking about a scarce commodity like water or some shit. You're ask9ing for regulation on fucking VIDYA. How in the GODDAMN are they going to "muscle out" the competition?

imagine ea getting an 18+ rating on fifa 2020 due to gambling

>How in the GODDAMN are they going to "muscle out" the competition?
you buy devs studios you stupid fuck

Fuck Japan and fuck gachashit

>So what you're saying is big companies can afford to pay a 15 dollar minimum wage due to the scale, while mom and pop's one stop shop cannot afford to with their margins?
Why should they, when they can pay minimum wage? Paying higher wages, means less profits and that's bad.
Nobody wants to pay higher wages, if they can help it.

>You're ask9ing for regulation on fucking VIDYA.
no, the conversation is about government intervention in the market, it is not about a specific market.

>How in the GODDAMN are they going to "muscle out" the competition?
Did you follow the whole Epic Games thing, that's what they're trying to do right now. By throwing money at the problem, they are trying to compete with steam despite offering an inferior service to the customer.
That does sound similar to what I am describing.

Imagine the absolute brick disney would shit and throw at EA's headquarters for Star Wars Battlefront getting an AO18+ rating. It'd look like a category 5 hurricane. Tbh i think its the reason the new Fallen Order game has 'no microtransactions', im betting Disney gave them a very firm ultimatum to unfuck the situation and deliver a product meeting their expectations before Epi IX comes out

>Literally no barrier to entry, a guy and his PC can be a game dev
>Competition model involves buying out all competitiors, invariably at premium because of the nature of what you're doing

Holy fuck are you 12? How the fuck could anybody think this is a feasible business model.

that didnt stop the little cunts from getting GTA5

ITT: Libertarians proving how retarded and cocksucking to corporations they are.

yeah not like ea busy a fuckton of successfull studios and then the games magically have less content more dlc and lootboxes
see dice

>Why should they, when they can pay minimum wage? Paying higher wages, means less profits and that's bad.
>Why should they pay minimum wage when they could just pay minimum wage
Wow you've sure bamboozled me with that one lad.

>no, the conversation is about government intervention in the market, it is not about a specific market.
What the fuck? The discussion literally started with calls for government intervention in the video game industry. Follow the reply chain, see for yourself.

>Did you follow the whole Epic Games thing, that's what they're trying to do right now. By throwing money at the problem, they are trying to compete with steam despite offering an inferior service to the customer.
First of all, how is the consumer suffering for this?
Second of all, who's to say they're succeeding? You're saying they're doing it, but what results do you have?

Okay explain how this is in any way monopolisation and/or an infringement on consumer rights?

Is the crux of your argument literally that EA buying companies is intellectual tyranny? Do you know what a monopoly is?

Heres the thing. You cant really restrict parents giving M-rated games or R-rated movies to kids in burgerland. Its not inherently illegal in most places elsewhere, either.

Gambling? Even if you "didnt know" they were kids? Thats bigly illegal. The second the legal team can demonstrate you know kids play your game and buy your microtransactions is when you go to jail for a long time.

Do you have trouble understanding what you read.
The reply chain goes up to a question as to why people think the way they do about regulating video games, this is explained via "people do not like government intervention and like the free market"
And from that reply on it is about regulating capitalism in general, not in a specific case or way.

>First of all, how is the consumer suffering for this?
I dunno, being forced to use an online store without a shopping cart seems pretty shitty to me.

>who's to say they're succeeding?
Nobody is.
I am saying that they are trying to do that.

Better update my dictionary

>Monopoly (standard): the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

>Monopoly (Discord tranny): Fucking EA buying some game studies fucking cunts

That about sum it up?

Shut up you russian piece of shit, you fucking subhumans can't wait for europe to split.

>Yea Forums
>"we hate P2W fuck off"

>Yea Forums again
>"muh gacha gaems"

the vast majority of games are from tencent ea and activision. they all use microtransaction. even worse, every publisher does the same, so it doesnt even matter what restaurant you pick, you still find shit in your plate. im tired of eating shit. now i want their sales to suffer.

Ethically it might be wrong, restricting the free market etc. As far as results it's a good thing because mobile games are one of the biggest threats to vidya and even outside of that fuck the greedy faggots.


"educating" does literally nothing, people are only stopped when they are forced to do so.

You completely avoided the main point I made in my post twice now, which is that if multinational companies operate by the economy of scale allowing them to produce individual units for less, how do govermentally enforced barrier to entry such as minimum wage not push the little guy out of the picture seeing as he cannot compete with the competitor due to, as YOU said, the scale. You instead are talking about exclusivity as if it constitutes a monopoly because you have to use a seperate store browser. If taht constitutes a monopoly then why don't you launch a righteous crusade against burger king and their sick monopoly and bring the Whopper™ to the people?

Yes? But in no way does "I don't like this" translate to monopolisation or consumer infringement. It's literally just you bitching that companies are doing things you don't like. Not things destructive to the consumer.

also you might want to look into what oligopoly means you stupid bootlicker fuck

>If taht constitutes a monopoly then why don't you launch a righteous crusade against burger king and their sick monopoly and bring the Whopper™ to the people?
I think that's a great idea, fuck intellectual property

Why not just limit and regulate the large corporations since they operate in absolutely no one's interest except their own.

>It's literally just you bitching that companies are doing things you don't like. Not things destructive to the consumer.
>im not also a consumer
>i cant bitch about infair companies practices
yeah go fuck yourself

> Priestess of all people defending goblins

You might want to research oligopoly in depth so you can explain to me HOW YOU CAN HOLD AN OLIGOPOLY WITHOUT BARRIERS TO ENTRY? I legit hope for your sake you're underage for your sake so you still have a chance to get an eduation.

Yes you can? When did I say that you couldn't? What the fuck are you talking about?

you dont even know what barriers to entry means. btw i studied econ at uni

microtransaction are destructive to me (a consumer) so they are destructive to the consumers.

Then you went to a shit uni but then I have a ez win question for you.

Explain to me the barriers to entry relevant to the discussion (vidya).

>This is what corporate tyranny means to your average college socialist

Holy fuck