According to this data 46 percent of the people spread across eight gamer types are female. I wonder what that number would be if mobile gaming was eliminated. Which archetype do you fall into?
More than one billion women are active gamers
have sex
>i enjoy playing high-quality games
>preferably free-to-play
I just like to write cheats and bots. it's good money too, thank you lazy people with no morals!
Fuck women. Play mordhau. The last manly game on earth. Also no niggers.
they said enthusiast not gamer
>Ultimate Gamer
I doubt it is really that high. I consider myself a hardcore gamer fag, and "Pure dedication" is extremely rare, even if faggots in this category often feel like they're the be all, end all of vidya consumers, complaining the loudest when any game is aimed at a demographic different from them (WoW allowing Gamer Dads who only play on the weekends to see the raids by introducing a new, extremely low difficulty with the worst gear rewards possible caused a riot by these elitist fags, and some claim to this day that it killed the game But then again, according to wow players, every single change since release is "what's killing the game"
Based and redpilled
The "Ultimate Gamer" should really be called the "Ultimate Walking Wallet", what you mean is what is referred to on the chart as "Traditional Gamer".
>eight gamer types
What the high fuck is this?
A chart detailing what type of consumers you should optimize your product for to maximise profit.
sure they are kike
>ultimate gamer
Fuck off shill
This image is very problematic.
Time filler, cloud and popcorn gamer are all female and ULTIMATE GAMER is male.
>I only game when I have time to spare
Im guessing you haven't played wow recently?
Imagine being this out of touch
Oh lord. It genuinely bothers me to think about how many of these there probably are for every product known to man....
Pretty sure this is more accurate
I did attend a marketing course a few years ago and there's literal manuals out there that detail people's behavioral patterns and which weak points of each you're supposed to exploit to maximize your profit. It's absolutely fucking nasty
>he isn’t an ultimate gamer
Casual bitch.
>literal manuals out there that detail people's behavioral patterns and which weak points of each you're supposed to exploit to maximize your profit.
That is the single most unsettling sentence I have ever read. We really do live in an Orwellian horror don't we?
Actually quit a few weeks after that raid with Jaina came out, was a hardcore mythic raider before then.
What type of gamer is the person who used to be obsessed with video games, and still buys many new games but burns out of those games after a few hours of play?
I don't believe there are one billion active gamers period. Just playing bejeweled on your phone or smash bros at a party doesn't make you an active gamer any more than watching some marvel movie with your girlfriend at the theater every other month or whatever's on TNT that night makes you a movie buff.
>playing bejeweled on your phone doesn't make you an active gamer
This is so sexist.
It's already too late, brother
No, orwell's totalitarianism involved the destruction of language to make it impossible to conceptualise things, we've only expanded language to make greater degrees of conceptualisation possible.
However there is a disgusting amount of psychological research that's been done on how to get people to spend money.
the Yea Forums gamer
Gaming died in 2006.
Combo elitist and fatlus and you get 80% of nu/v/
To be quite honest anyone that is not an Ultimate Gamer shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums
Prove me wrong
>watching other people play games
i will never understand this
>Grill gamer only gaming for attention
Imma be honest, I'm pretty sure if every time guys went online and girls would swarm them with "omg lemme suck your dick lol, Wanna fuck me daddy? I'll be your cum dumpster, please violate me", Guys would be doing the same shit.
I mean you see it when a girl uses voice and there are 3 main reactions: 1: none, 2: attention whoring, but for the girls attention, 3: insulting the grill for daring to exist.
Guys are just as faggy, they're just not demanded so nobody notices.
>The last manly game on earth
Duke Nukem would like to have a word with you zoomer scum
Muh wife enjoys watching me play games she's too shit to play herself, like Vermintide, Mordhau or RoR. I don't get the modern streamer culture, tho
>Hurrr durrr why do people watch tv durrr
Okay gramps.
"game" is a verb now? 3rd worlder here
I'm a cloud gamer.
I only play highly rated games like King's raid, F/GO and Dragalia Lost.
I merely spend 300$/ month on my gaming habit.
Needless to say it's much cheaper than a PC or consoles.
So maybe he didn't have the details right, but it's still eerily similar.
I know you're joking, but it somehow saddens me that there are people who spend 300 bucks, or more, on fucking gacha trash.
>I enjoy playing high-quality games, preferably free-to-play
>"game enthusiasts"
>I only game when I have time or at social events
How is that a fucking ENTHUSIAST
And it's fucking 27%
The Doomer aka the man/lolwhoamikidding who buys games but can't find the energy or motivation to play new games or be excited about them
Can't find me in that one.
I'm an idort only missing an Xbone. I "game" since 1990, yet most of my favorite games ever are less than 10 year old.
I spend a shit load on vidya, but still have a wife/job.
Still feel like I'm a faggot for posting on Yea Forums though
>high-quality games
>free to play
I do this but with fighting games. I usually main 3-5 characters
and only play against the rest of the roster and sometimes wonder
how you would play them
>cloud eater
>I enjoy eating high-quality food, preferably fast food or past expiration date
That's how stupid that sounds
Mandatory food analogy
>tfw Assclown but the second I lose too badly I go full tourneyfag
watching someone else play a videogame is not tv, lil zoom zoom
>women gamers
No sweetie, playing candy-crush while watching CNN on your tv for 9 hours a day straight, doesn't make you a gamer.
Mahjong is pretty cool and free.
anyone who is not conventional needs to leave
watching esports and ecelebs is garbage and being an "ultimate gamrrr" who spends all of his money on junk collectors editions and overpriced microtransactions is a bannable offense
>men gamers
uhhhh... sweetie... Donating to whores playing videogames while rarely playing yourself if ever, while posting on a Taiwanese sewing imageboard and having dropped out of college and having no prospects in life doesn't make you a gamer.
Conventional gamer is the only true answer, it’s what most were before the proliferation of SO NERDY culture. Ultimate gamer is the tryhard guy who thinks because he played Skyrim that he’s an experienced gamer.
>We really do live in an Orwellian horror
Of course. In 1984 Winston is a cuck, Orwell really predicted the future.
Why do people hate tourneyfags? Local tourneys are great and while winning is nice, the opportunity to go against opponents equal/stronger than you is a good learning experience for your favorite game.
Based pirate
Honey, sexism is NOT ok in 2019.
Someone redo this with more accurate names like
>Two of the categories are dedicated to people who just watch video games and not actually play them
>tfw gigantor/normalfag mix
Interesting where do I find out more without paying for the classes
Tourneyfag hate kind of originated and was based around smash brothers. Remember the "No items. Fox Only. Final Destination." image edits on stuff?
Why is this surprising or bad to you?
Your not a fucking commie are you?
>high-quality games
>free-to-play or discount titles
pick one
Fucking Melee.
>AAA trash
>worth the sixty dollar asking price
>even worth the time investment of playing the game
All the best things in life are free, and the second best are usually less than $15 on a Steam sale.
More like the best things in life are console exclusives.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 alone is better than every single Steam title.
You retards should know this type if stuff is marketing aimed at marketing people.
>dude there's totally 8 types of people. Hire us to give data to your marketing department
Notice how the biggest section is called "cloud gamer" , using the latest buzzword (cloud) to wow marketers. I studied marketing anons , i have a degree in it, and it's full of people with their head up their ass, the more your head is up your own ass the more executives think you are a genious. Marketing people genuinely think they are artists helping the world. Here is a little trivia to show this, did you know marketing people no longer call themselves marketing people. They call themselves "creatives", yes to them they aren't making soulless shit they are creative artists.
I'm a time filler.
Reminder that facebook """games""" and iphone shit are not games.
they could combine it into one category called Yea Forums
Those are calles psychographics. Stop being a retard if live in an Orwellian goverment regular marketing wouldn't even exist. What i do thinn is stupid is when marketing people think they are actually making some sort important art work.
>wife identifies as a gamer
>plays mobile shit that literally plays itself
>she just presses a button once every five-minutes
Watching let's plays is objectively the patrician choice.
>can skip boring parts
>I wonder what that number would be if mobile gaming was eliminated.
it would probably be around 3%
Prey release on steam.
And they are my favorite games of 2017.
Go dilate.
These people exist
I recently did this to get Narumeia from GBF still didnt get her, I am ashamed of myself
>Female 1 (jew nose): "Hurr durr, only free to play!"
>Female 2 (asian) : "Hurr durr, backseat gamer!"
>Female 3 (ANOTHER asian): "Hurr durr, mobile!"
The comedy writes itself!
Asians are the only real female gamers. They don't do it to be gurl gamers with purple hair they just like playing.
Jesus christ, marketing people are mentally handicapped liars.
All the women in this scenario are the same group, and all the men are in the other group.
>men: I like video games and spend money on video games
>women: I like phones and sometimes I'm bored
Have you even read 1984? The destruction of the language starts with inventing a lot of newspeech buzzwords that don't mean anything at all (or the opposite of what they're actually saying).
came for this
Assclown for life
Scrubs need to know their place
Who /conventional/ here?
>least faggotry
yeah nah dawg, i know a shitload of progamers and only a small part of them are actually well adjusted individuals.
Have you at least learned from this?
Yeah. It's always been a verb (as in "game the system"), but it also means "play video games" now.
A "gamer" is someone who games. If someone blows a thousand bucks on a GPU, he's most likely building a "gaming" PC.
There are worse words out there, like "gamify", which means something like "turn into a game". Or "gamification", which is the process of gamifying.
the more you know.